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Gradually restores WHP of unequipped weapons
Sells fruit-themed items
Adel is a recruitable character inDark Chronicle, and works as Max and Gerald’s maid. She has never been able to see a project through to the end, but if she is able to and gets her confidence up, she will join Blackstone One. Adel is quiet and somewhat withdrawn, lacking in confidence. She needs a little help to realize her potential. Adel wears a stereotypical black and white maid uniform, with her hair tied in two buns. Her face has the look of someone proud, yet quiet. She is required to live in Sindain to complete the chapter since she is needed to fulfill the requirements for the Tailor Shop needed to buy the Himarra Badge.
Adel is appear will also appear jealous towards Monica , as if she has a crush on Max . Although it is ’s ’s unknown how old she is compare to Max .
In order to recruit Adel , head to her room in Max ‘s house ( after the kitchen ) . Once find , talk to her with Max . To recruit her , Max is give must give her a Thick Hide , Hunk of Copper , and Sturdy Cloth so she can make clothe . All the require item can be buy from Conda ‘s Goods and Morton ‘s sundrie . Upon doing so , and come back later , she is hands hand over Green Overalls or Denim Overalls . Once recruit she is sells sell a few fruit – theme item as part of Adel ‘s fruit .
Adel needs to move to Sindain for georama quest.
The character designer, Jun Sonobe, used the stereotypical image of maids he had in mind when he designed her. Her eyes were also supposed to always be closed, as seen in her concept art, but are actually open in-game. [1]