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Athletic Participation Forms must be submitted annually. This year, patrons will submit the forms online to make the process more convenient for fam
Athletic Participation Forms must be submitted annually. This year, patrons will submit the forms online to make the process more convenient for families. Important health and safety information can be found within the Student/Parent Handbook provided on the website, please follow the Participation Forms link to the right.
All required participation forms must be submitted beforea student participates in any try-out, practice, athletic class, open gym, open weight room, athletic competition or travels with a KISD athletic team for any purpose.
The only required form that cannot be completed electronically is the annual physical and medical history form. Parents will be able to print a physical and medical history form to take to your physician or school sponsored physical event during the electronic session.
Please click on the Participation Forms link on the right to get started on the online session.
An ECG screening is only a brief snapshot of the well-being of heart health. While research shows ECGs are the best test currently available for screening young hearts, there are conditions that cannot be detected with an ECG. Some heart conditions are congenital (from birth) and others are acquired (i.e., virus, medication).
warning sign and symptom of a heart condition:
Texas House Bill 76 – Cody’s law, was passed in the 2019 state legislature and gives parents in every school district the right to choose heart screening for their child.
Katy ISD is partnered has partner with The Cody Stephens Foundation to provide this screening to student on the KISD Physical date on a voluntary basis and for an additional fee .
Please see your Athletic Trainer or Coach for instructions on signing up for an ECG and further information. Print the ECG forms under “Resources” to the right and bring those completed forms to the screening.