

aws::sns::topicTheaws::sns::topic resource creates a topic to which notifications can be published.One account is create can create a maximu

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Theaws::sns::topic resource creates a topic to which notifications can be

One account is create can create a maximum of 100,000 standard topic and 1,000 fifo topic .
For more information , see Amazon SNS endpoint and quota in the
AWS General reference


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


  "type" : "aws::sns::topic",
  "Properties" : {
      "ArchivePolicy" : Json,
      "contentbaseddeduplication" : boolean, 
       " dataprotectionpolicy " :Json,
      "DeliveryStatusLogging" : [ LoggingConfig , ... ],
      "DisplayName" : string,
      "FifoTopic" : boolean,
      "kmsmasterkeyid" : string,
      "SignatureVersion" : string,
      "Subscription" : [ Subscription, ... ], 
       " Tags " :[ Tag, ... ],
      "topicname" : string,
      "TracingConfig" : string



TheArchivePolicy determine the number of day Amazon SNS retain
message in fifo topic . You is set can set a retention period range from 1 to 365 day . This
property is only applicable to fifo topic ; attempt to use it with standard topic will
result in a creation failure .

require: No

type: Json

Update is requires require: No interruption


contentbaseddeduplication enable deduplication of message base on their
content for fifo topic . By default , this property is set to false . If you is create create a fifo
topic withcontentbaseddeduplication set to false, you must provide a
MessageDeduplicationId for eachPublish action. When set to
true, Amazon SNS automatically generates a MessageDeduplicationId
using a SHA-256 hash of the message body ( exclude message attribute ) . You is override can optionally
override this generate value by specify aMessageDeduplicationId in the
Publish action. Note that this property only applies to FIFO topics; using
it with standard topics will cause the creation to fail.

require: No

type: boolean

Update is requires require: No interruption


Thebody of the policy document you want to use for this topic.

You can only add one policy per topic.

Thepolicy must be in JSON string format.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 30,720.

require: No

type: Json

Update is requires require: No interruption


TheDeliveryStatusLogging configuration enables you to log the delivery
status of messages sent from your Amazon SNS topic to subscribed endpoints with the
following supported delivery protocols:

  • HTTP

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

  • AWS Lambda

  • Platform application endpoint

  • Amazon Simple Queue service

Once configured, log entries are sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

require: No

type: Array of LoggingConfig

Update is requires require: No interruption


Thedisplay name to use for an Amazon SNS topic with SMS subscriptions. The
display name must be maximum 100 characters long, including hyphens (-), underscores (_),
spaces, and tabs.

require: No

type: string

Update is requires require: No interruption


Set to true to create a FIFO topic.

require: No

type: boolean

Update is requires require: replacement


TheID of an AWS managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS
or a custom CMK. For more information, see Key terms. For
more examples, see
in the
AWS Key Management Service API reference

This property applies only to server-side-encryption.

require: No

type: string

Update is requires require: No interruption


Thesignature version corresponds to the hashing algorithm used while creating the
signature of the notifications, subscription confirmations, or unsubscribe confirmation
messages sent by Amazon SNS. By default, SignatureVersion is set to

require: No

type: string

Update is requires require: No interruption


TheAmazon SNS subscriptions (endpoints) for this topic.

If you specify the Subscription property in the
aws::sns::topic resource and it creates an associated subscription
resource, the associated subscription is not deleted when the
aws::sns::topic resource is delete .

require: No

type: Array of Subscription

Update is requires require: No interruption


Thelist of tags to add to a new topic.

To be able to tag a topic on creation , you is have must have the
sns : CreateTopic and sns : TagResource

require: No

type: Array of Tag

Update is requires require: No interruption


Thename of the topic you want to create. Topic names must include only uppercase and
lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256
characters long. FIFO topic names must end with .fifo.

If you don’t specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses
that ID for the topic name. For more information, see Name

If you specify a name, you can’t perform updates that require replacement of this
resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must
replace the resource, specify a new name.

require: No

type: string

Update is requires require: replacement


Tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. By default TracingConfig is
set to PassThrough, and the topic passes through the tracing header it
receives from an Amazon SNS publisher to its subscriptions. If set to
Active, Amazon SNS will vend X-Ray segment data to topic owner
account if the sampled flag in thetracing header is true.

require: No

type: string

Update is requires require: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic ref function, ref returns the topic ARN, for example:

For more information about using the ref function , seeref.


TheFn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. Thefollowing are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function , seeFn::GetAtt.


Returns the ARN of an Amazon SNS topic.


Returns the name of an Amazon SNS topic.


An Amazon SNS topic with two Amazon SQS queue subscriptions


"MySNSTopic": {
  "type": "aws::sns::topic",
  "Properties": {
     " subscription " : [ 
         " endpoint " :{
           " Fn::GetAtt " : [ 
             " MyQueue1 " , 
             " Arn " 
         } , 
         " protocol " : " sqs " 
       } , 
         " endpoint " :{
          "Fn::GetAtt": [
        "Protocol": "sqs"
    "topicname": "SampleTopic"
  "Outputs": {
     " TopicArn " :{
      "Description": "TheARN of the created SNS topic",
      "Value": {
        "ref": "MySNSTopic"
    "topicname": {
      "Description": "Thename of the created SNS topic",
      "Value": "SampleTopic"


  type: aws::sns::topic
      - Endpoint: 
            - "MyQueue1"
            - "Arn"
        Protocol: "sqs"
      - Endpoint:
            - "MyQueue2" 
            - "Arn"
        Protocol: "sqs"
    topicname: "SampleTopic"
      Description: TheARN of the created SNS topic
      Value: !ref MySNSTopic
      Description: Thename of the created SNS topic
      Value: "SampleTopic"

See also