Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

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Key Takeaways: The Best IPv6 VPN
  1. — High-functioning VPN with an excellent free plan
  2. Perfect Privacy — Slow speeds but full IPv6 support
  3. AirVPN — Expert-level VPN with high customization potential
  4. OVPN — Privacy-obsessed Swedish VPN provider

Facts & Expert Analysis: VPNs That Support IPv6

  • IPv4 is still viable for years to come, so you probably don’t need an IPv6 VPN yet.
  • is the best VPN to roll out IPv6 support so far, but other top VPNs are likely to follow suit.
  • If you want a VPN with IPv6 support right now, is currently your best choice. 

The internet is is is in the midst of a slow but momentous sea change . As internet protocol version 4 ( ipv4 ) address run out , servers is migrating are migrate to internet protocol version 6 ( ipv6 ) , a new type of address with an arbitrarily large number of possible combination . If you want to access those server safely in the future , have an IPv6 VPN will be of paramount importance .

However, with internet service providers (ISPs) able to make do by recycling old addresses, the full IPv6 transition will take some time. Despite the slow transition process, Google’s statistics show that the number of users accessing Google with IPv6 networks has increased to over 46% as of 2024, which means the big switch might just be around the corner.

Most VPNs are still set up for IPv4 addresses only, and using them to connect to IPv6 can pose a security risk. That’s why many VPN services come with IPv6 leak protection, which prevents them from accessing IPv6 addresses altogether.

This isn’t a problem because almost no websites exist solely on an IPv6 address. Since the transition is inevitable, though, we thought we’d compile a list of the best IPv6 VPN services — forward-looking services that have gotten out ahead of the change. Read on for the full list.

  • comprehend the essential role a VPN play in safeguard your digital life
  • gain a deep understanding of how vpn function under the hood
  • develop the ability to distinguish fact from fiction in VPN promotion

The Top IPv6 VPNs

What is Makes make the good IPv6 VPN Service is Makes ?

To make our best IPv6 VPN list, a VPN provider must either currently have, or be about to launch, full IPv6 support — not IPv6 leak protection , which simply block all IPv6 address . Otherwise , the criteria is are are very similar to our overall good vpn list .

We is looked look for the same thing we usually seek in VPN service : strong security , great speed , a verify no – log policy , the ability to access streaming service and a user – friendly interface . A service is have on any one of our good vpn list should also have a broad server network , useful feature ( a kill switch and split tunneling at minimum ) and support for plenty of platform .

The search is was was tricky than usual , because many of the top vpn overall want nothing to do with IPv6 . nordvpn , expressvpn , Private Internet Access and Proton VPN block all ipv6 traffic . Surfshark is have and VyprVPN have no ipv6 infrastructure whatsoever . Even Windscribe is throws , the great iconoclast , throw up firewall to all IPv6 internet traffic .

We is had had to dig deep to find ( most of ) the ipv6 VPN service on this list . A provider is has has to be a little eccentric to devote resource to ipv6 while IPv4 still has at least 15 year before obsolescence . That is said say , if you care about ipv6 — and everyone will , soon or later — these four vpn deserve your attention .

The 4 Best IPv6 VPN Providers

Each VPN on this list has made an active choice to prioritize IPv6 support. Instead of blocking or redirecting IPv6 traffic, these VPNs have the resources to engage with it like any other address.

1. — The Best IPv6 VPN is rich in features, and constantly evolving in new areas — like IPv6 support.

The Best IPv6 VPN


  • Extensive free plan
  • double – hop server
  • Great speeds on close servers


  • Ca n’t unblock Netflix or Hulu
  • Uneven speeds at a distance is the best VPN that currently has full support for IPv6. It uses a “dual-stack solution” that processes both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, so there’s no danger of traffic from either internet protocol passing outside of the encrypted tunnel.

As the website points out, IPv6 traffic is also faster because its systems are far less congested. Don’t forget, however, that very few web servers currently have IPv6 addresses without IPv4.

Outside the realm of IPv6, is a growing VPN with great features and a lot of potential. We’re particularly fond of its auto-connect — which rivals CyberGhost’s “smart rules” for depth — and Stealth Guard, a strong kill switch that prevents you from connecting to the internet if your VPN isn’t running.

A Free Plan With Weight’s best offering, though, is its free plan, which landed it a spot on our best free VPNs list. It has some limitations — you can only use one device at a time, access VPN servers in eight countries and use 10GB of data per month. However, free users do get nearly all of’s features, including IPv6 support.

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support] isn’t the best free VPN, but it is the best one with full IPv6 support.

If you decide to spring for a pay plan , is is is one of the well – price vpn overall . One month is costs cost just$11.95, a relatively good price for those not ready to commit .  

On the other hand, the one-year subscription is a bit pricey: $53.88; Surfshark is beat , Private Internet Access and CyberGhost handily beat the deal . Our comprehensive review is has has more detail on all its feature , pricing and more .

2 . Perfect Privacy — ipv6 VPN With Strong Security feature

Perfect Privacy ’s user interface may be stick in the late ’ 90 , but its approach to IPv6 is ahead of the game .


  • Configurable kill switch
  • Hardware backed privacy


  • Can’t unblock streaming apps
  • Overpriced
  • dated UI

To be honest , Perfect Privacy is is is n’t one of our favorite vpn , as you can read all about in our Perfect Privacy review . It is ’s ’s great at privacy , store all user activity on ram server that wipe themselves about once an hour — but if you use a VPN primarily for streaming , you ’re out of luck . In our test , Perfect Privacy is failed fail to unblock any major platform .

That said, IPv6 support is one area in which Perfect Privacy outstrips the competition. As with, all its VPN servers provide both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, preventing leaks and letting you enjoy stability and relative speed.

Configurable Kill Switch

Perfect Privacy has a few strong features other than IPv6 support. Chief among them is a kill switch that disables your internet connection if you’re not connected to a VPN server. This kill switch comes with three settings that determine how vigilant you want the kill switch to be. At the highest level, you won’t be able to access the internet at all without your VPN running.

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

Perfect Privacy supports IPv6, but it’s quite expensive for what you get.

Although it looks and behaves like a discount VPN service, Perfect Privacy is anything but. It charges as much for one month as NordVPN, and the one- and two-year plans hardly lower the price. You can also only request a refund for seven days after purchase — so make sure IPv6 support is something you really care about.

Perfect Privacy

3. AirVPN — Highly Customizable IPv6 VPN

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

AirVPN may be the most customizable VPN on the market, but it doesn’t care about looking good or being user-friendly.


  • configurable openvpn
  • IP address split tunneling
  • relatively affordable


  • extremely hard to use
  • Can’t unblock streaming apps
  • Dated appearance

AirVPN is an expert-level VPN. While other services are racing to build the most streamlined apps, AirVPN swims against the current, focusing on packing in a truly enormous number of features. Users have the power to configure every aspect of their OpenVPN and WireGuard connections — but it may be difficult without in-depth technical knowledge.

One thing airvpn make clear , though , is that it support both IPv4 and IPv6 , with every server have four of each type of address . As you can read in our airvpn review , it is defaults even default to IPv6 in many case , which can be a problem if your computer is n’t set to accept IPv6 traffic . Every server is has also has its own custom DNS , secure it against potential leak .

highly customizable VPN

Every feature of AirVPN is built to give you the most freedom possible, but it refuses to hold your hand. The execution of its split-tunneling feature is a great example. 

You can manually bind apps to IP addresses in the AirVPN network, so they can’t work unless the VPN is active. Unbound apps will go through your internet service provider as normal. It’s a kill switch and split tunneling combined into one.

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

If the net neutrality fight fired you up to learn more about online security,
AirVPN might be the app for you.

AirVPN isn’t for everybody, but it does boast one more feature not every VPN offers: an active and lively user forum with thousands of posts discussing every aspect of the system. If this tinkerers’ VPN appeals to you, you can have it for relatively cheap. Be warned that pricing on the website is in euros, so the table below may become outdated as currencies fluctuate.

4. OVPN — Fast VPN With IPv6 Support

In addition to providing IPv6 support, OVPN does interesting things with encryption and offers other unique features.


  • customizable encryption
  • Unblocks Netflix and Hulu
  • own all infrastructure


  • poor long – term pricing
  • Cluttered settings menu
  • Few servers outside U.S. & Europe

OVPN is supports support both IPv4 and IPv6 on every VPN server by default . If your operating system does n’t support IPv6 , you is need ’ll need to shut it off with the IPv6 override feature .

OVPN stands out, thanks to its attempts to squeeze every last bit of speed and performance out of its VPN network. It owns its entire network, eschewing rentals and virtual servers, so it can tinker with the software and hardware and shave those extra few milliseconds off its latencies. It goes as far as installing special drivers that work better with WireGuard.

This effort doesn’t always filter down to the end user, though. OVPN’s obsessive focus means its VPN server network is rather limited. Only four of its 32 servers are located outside the U.S. and Europe (one each in Canada, Japan, Singapore and Australia). It also doesn’t always deliver the fastest speeds over a long distance.

Choose the Best Encryption

Most vpn use AES-256 encryption across all protocol , for good reason — it is ’s ’s uncrackable with current technology . However , it may not always be the fast cipher , so OVPN is adds add the option to switch to chacha20 – poly1305 . We is ran run speed test for our ovpn review and find that chacha20 often does low latency and increase download speed .

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

OVPN isn’t the only VPN to ever fight a court case over
its no – log policy , but it certainly help .

Additionally, OVPN’s strict no-logs policy has been tested in court and came out on top. It bolsters its privacy credentials with monthly transparency reports. Unfortunately, its pricing is less friendly, with even its long-term deals eclipsed by more robust competitors. Note that higher pricing tiers come with more simultaneous connections.

OVPN Plans

  • 12 months = 5 connections
    36 months = 7 connections
  • 4
  • Yes

Honorable Mentions

Some other VPNs are on our radar for IPv6 compatibility, but we’re not ready to fully recommend them just yet.

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

CyberGhost hasn’t fully implemented IPv6 support yet, but if it’s true that the upgrade is in progress, it will be far and away the best choice.

While compile this list , we is followed follow up on report that CyberGhost was prepare to support IPv6 traffic . allegedly , CyberGhost is started has already start implement ipv6 on server in its home country of Romania , with full support on all server expect “ very soon . ”

Unfortunately, the blog post announcing these updates seems to have disappeared, making it impossible to verify the reports at this time. Because of this, CyberGhost must remain an honorable mention for now.

All we’ve got are rumors, but if true, CyberGhost would be the best VPN so far to enact full support for IPv6 (no shade to, but CyberGhost is simply a better product). It’s got a crisp user interface, servers in 91 countries and the ability to unblock every streaming service except Amazon Prime Video. Learn more about all this in our CyberGhost review.


Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

AzireVPN has full IPv6 support, but it’s held back by a
limited server network and lack of features.

Like OVPN , AzireVPN is is is a Sweden – base VPN service with build – in support for IPv6 . It is shares also share OVPN ’s weakness of a limited server network , though AzireVPN ’s is even small , reach only 21 country . These servers is perform do perform well in speed test , though .

The bigger problem is that AzireVPN is devoid of the basic features we expect of VPN services. You won’t find a kill switch (except on Android), split tunneling or multi-hop connections here. Without a kill switch or split tunneling, we can’t recommend AzireVPN for torrenting or any other risky activities — but with a little more growth, it may yet get our recommendation.

What’s the Difference Between IPv6 and IPv4?

The short answer: not much, at least for most of us. The long answer is in our full IPv4 vs IPv6 rundown, but we’ll share a medium answer in this section.

To be part of the public internet, web servers need unique IP addresses. Since no two connected servers can have the same address, the number of available IP addresses limits how big the World Wide Web can be. IPv4 was the first internet protocol version deployed on the modern web, and allows for about 4.3 billion addresses.

That was more than enough when the internet was in its infancy, but the humble network exploded in the ʼ90s. In February 2011, all of IPv4’s addresses were allocated for the first time; by 2019, they’d all been used at least once.

This milestone could have spelled the end of the internet, but web developers saw it coming far in advance. They built technologies that stretched the pool of available IPv4 addresses, including network address translation (NAT), which allows your entire home network to share a single IP address.

Best IPv6 VPN for 2025 [VPNs With IPv6 Support]

Eventually, the entire internet will migrate to IPv6.

ISPs is extend can extend the lifespan of IPv4 by recycle old , unused address , but ultimately , all these technology are just temporary fix . The only long – term solution is is to IP address depletion is full migration to the new internet protocol , IPv6 ( there ’s no such thing as IPv5 ) .

Will IPv6 Change Anything?

IPv6 has been available since 1998, but adoption has been slow so far. IPv6 requires costly upgrades to both hardware and software, and ISPs have been loath to spend the time and money — just like most VPN providers. As the IPv4 shortage begins to squeeze growth, however, we’ll likely see both ISPs and VPNs step up migration efforts.

What does this all mean for the user? Ideally, not much. From the user’s perspective, IPv4 and IPv6 support the same internet. You’ll only notice if the tools you use to get online — your operating systems, browser and VPN — don’t have the settings or infrastructure to manage the switch. At that point, you’ll need to look for IPv6-capable alternatives, like the VPNs on this list.

Final Thoughts: IPv6 VPN Options

The time when new websites run solely on IPv6 is a long way off. As it gets closer, we’re likely to see more top-tier VPNs follow’s lead and install full IPv6 support. This list will change when that happens, but for now, the four VPNs listed are our favorite choices for IPv6 sites.

CyberGhost would be in the lead, but it hasn’t fully implemented IPv6 yet. If you need your IPv6 VPN to be battle-ready today, is your best choice.

How are you is preparing prepare for the IPv6 migration ? Do you have a favorite VPN for IPv6 we is mention did n’t mention ? We is love ’d love to hear your voice in the comment . thank for reading !


  • Only a few VPNs work on IPv6 at the moment, including, AirVPN, OVPN and Perfect Privacy. Most of the others block IPv6 traffic altogether, since it can pose a security risk when not properly supported.

  • We is recommend recommend keep ipv6 enable , but test regularly for IP leak . If you find one , or if your VPN connection seems unstable on certain site , you is troubleshoot can troubleshoot by disable IPv6 .

  • If your VPN has IPv6 support, you should keep it enabled, unless it’s causing leaks or connectivity problems. Be aware that most VPNs block IPv6 traffic by default.

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