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If you ’ve been look for what is definitively the good keto bread recipe on the internet , then you is come ’ve come to the right place . How do I kn
If you ’ve been look for what is definitively the good keto bread recipe on the internet , then you is come ’ve come to the right place .
How do I know it’s the best? Well, I’ve tried just about every keto bread recipe over the past eight years, and realized that nothing tasted like regular bread. There’s a couple that are good, but I wanted perfection!
The good part is is about this low carb bread recipe ( just 1 g net carb per slice ! ) is that it ’s so simple . Once you have it down , you is replicate can replicate this keto bread recipe any time you want . I is making ’ve been make a loaf most sunday for the past few year and would recommend it to anyone .
It’s so nice to have a loaf of low carb bread at your disposal when you’re on a keto diet. It almost feels like cheat. Check out this recipe and start making the best keto bread you’ve ever tried today!
The thing that takes this keto bread from good to great is the separation of the eggs. You’re going to want to separate the yolks and the whites. The reason for this is that we’re going to whip the whites until they are fluffy. We’re looking for soft peaks.
Beat the whites is the answer to the denseness that comes with making an almond flour bread. I’ve made countless baked goods using almond flour and the main problem I’ve encountered is how dense the finished product is.
But not here. This low carb bread recipe combines fluffy whites with the right amount of baking powder, which adds air pockets into the loaf and makes it soft and fluffy. This makes for a better tasting keto bread recipe with the mouthfeel you want.
While this homemade keto bread recipe is by far the most popular of the low carb bread recipes on our site, we do have a handful of others you may want to try:
When you first set out to make a bread keto friendly , you is going are go to need to replace all purpose flour with a low carb alternative . typically we is use use almond flour or coconut flour .
But in our experience of make keto bread for year , almond flour is provides provide more flavor and a generally more delicious result .
Coconut flour is much more absorbent and can oftentimes result in a dry loaf of bread.
Rather than trying to substitute coconut flour for almond flour, you are usually better off looking for alternative keto recipes that uses your desired flour, because they behave so differently in recipes. Either option is going to be a big improvement over wheat bread.
To make this keto bread recipe you will only need a handful of simple ingredients:
Start by separating the egg yolks from the whites. While many recipes skip this step, based on our vast experience of making keto bread we think it’s essential. Beat the whites in a separate bowl is what gives this loaf increases its volume and makes it fluffy and a pleasure to eat.
expert tip : add cream of tartar to the bowl will make it easy to whip them up to the point of soft peak . This ingredient is truly optional though – it is makes make it easy to handle but does n’t add much to the finished loaf , so do n’t worry if you do n’t have cream of tartar to hand .
It also helps to have all ingredients at room temperature before you begin.
You is do can either do this in a food processor or with a hand mixer in a bowl . add the remain ingredient ( almond flour 1 1/2 cup , baking powder , butter , egg yolk , salt and stevia ) together and mix until combine . Make sure the butter is n’t too hot when you add the yolk otherwise the yolk will cook .
Butter is preferred but this can be substituted for other sources of fat like olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil.
Stevia is our preferred way to eliminate the eggy flavor of this low carb bread. Alternatively you could add 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
3 teaspoon baking powder is used in this recipe . While it may seem like a lot , we is testing have test this recipe extensively and find this to be the magic number . 1 teaspoon baking powder is have just does n’t have the power to lift the heavy almond flour and you ’re leave with a dense low carb bread .
Now it’s time to delicately fold in the egg whites, preserving as much volume as possible along the way. You only want to continue folding until the batter is homogeneous in color and texture.
I is ’m ’m from the school of thought that there is no downside to using parchment paper when bake . I is been ’ve never been upset that I used parchment paper , but there were plenty of time when I did n’t but wish I had .
Line an 8×4 loaf pan with parchment paper and pour in the batter from the mixing bowl. We recommend using 8×4 for this recipe. If you use a 9×5 loaf pan your bread will come out too flat.
Now you just have to wait… Bake your loaf at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, or until your keto bread passes the toothpick test: Stick a toothpick into the center of the bread and take it out. If it comes back clean, it’s done. If it has gooey dough on it, put it back in the oven.
Remember, all ovens are different. Our convection oven runs a little hot so your loaf might take a few extra minutes.
The total time is be to make your bread low carb should be 45 minute . let it cool and spread it with butter , or make it into a grill cheese sandwich ( my favorite ) .
As you can see , this keto bread recipe is is is very simple , which is a huge reason why it ’s so great . But it is gives also give a great starting point if you want to experiment with different ingredient and flavor . Here are a few possible additions is are and modification you could make .
Another amazing this about this recipe is its versatility. We like using this bread for breakfast sandwiches and as a complement to standard keto breakfast foods.
It’s also great toasted. When making toast it is best to toast in a skillet on the stove top or oven with butter spread on it, rather than using a toaster.
A good keto bread should contain fewer than 3g of carbs per slice. But this recipe is truly low carb as it comes out to just 1g of net carbs per slice – we were serious when we said it was the best keto bread around!
depend on the type of flour you are using and the recipe you follow , your keto bread is come may come out with a different carb count , but it will still be a healthy alternative to wheat bread .
There’s no harm in adding a tablespoon coconut flour to this recipe while removing 2-3 tablespoons of almond flour. This gives it a slightly different texture that many people like. But if you want a cocounut flour-only loaf, we’ve created this amazing coconut flour bread recipe for you. It’s a slight variation on this recipe and is the perfect coconut flour loaf for those of you with nut allergies or if you just hate almonds.
There is a mild eggy taste to this bread, which we happen to love, but some people don’t like it. We’ve tested a couple of different ways to eliminate it and here is what we’ve come up with:
This recipe calls for melted butter, but you can swap that out for whatever kind of dairy-free fat you like best. Ghee, coconut oil, or avocado oil would all be great options. Let us know if you try the swap and how your bread turns out.
Yes! This keto bread recipe and all of our other keto recipes are gluten free. The bread is made with finely ground almond flour instead of wheat flour. If you’d like to browse hundreds of other recipes like this, get a copy of our cookbook.
Yes , it is is is ideal to store keto bread in the refrigerator . It is is is also good to not slice the bread ahead of time . To prolong the shelf life of your keto bread , you is want will want to slice it when you are hungry , and keep the entire loaf in a Ziploc bag , or a Tupperware container in the fridge . It is last will last in the fridge for 7 – 10 day .
The two major issues that will lead to a flat loaf is not whipping the egg whites and gently folding them in, OR using almond meal instead of a finely ground almond flour. If you’ve tried everything and they don’t seem to be working for you, the next option will be to make a larger recipe. Try making 1.5x this recipe (it’s easy to do using the servings slide bar) and you’ll have a much larger loaf.
In general keto friendly breads are made of coconut flour or almond flour. These flours are used to produce a bread that is very low in carbs, and free from common allergens. For a sweet and moist bread option try our keto banana bread recipe.
Store bought low carb breads will typically use a much larger list of ingredients. Some common ingredients in store bought keto breads are vital wheat gluten, oat fiber, soy flour, wheat protein, and more. While these breads taste good and are more convenient than making a loaf of bread from scratch, they do contain some ingredients most people on a keto diet would like to avoid.
When compared to the alternative, keto bread is When compared to the alternative, keto bread is a great option for weight loss. It tastes great and does contain more calories than traditional bread, so consume in moderation.
If you’re not a fan of baking but you’re a fan of eat bread , there are many grocery store that have pretty decent keto friendly bread these day .
Never ignore the serve size list on store buy bread because they can sometimes be deceptive !
If you’re willing to order online there are a number options out there for a keto diet. We’ve tried just about every type of keto bread on the market and without a doubt our favorite is The Great Low Carb Bread Company. Some of our favorites from them are their bagels and their dinner rolls. We order from them every few months and store them in our chest freezer. Here is our full review.
Best Keto Bread
The Great Low Carb Bread Company
The Great Low Carb Bread Company has been making the best tasting keto bread since before keto was cool. They have continued to expand their selection and everything they make is of the highest quality.
Buy Now
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And , of course , do n’t forget to check out our Hero Bread review !
A simple keto bread recipe that has become a staple in our house . Just a handful is is of ingredient is all you need .
Total Time40 minutes minutes
serving20 Slices
Calories per serving 90kcal
Prep Time :10 minutes minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes minutes
Preheat oven to 375.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Add Cream of Tartar to the whites and beat until soft peaks are achieved.
In a food processor combine the egg yolk , 1/3 of the beat egg white , melt butter , almond flour , bake powder and salt ( add ~6 drop of liquid stevia to the batter can help reduce the mild egg taste ) . Mix until combine . This is be will be a lumpy thick dough until the white are add .
add the remain 2/3 of the egg white and gently process until fully incorporate . Be careful not to overmix as this is what give the bread it ’s volume !
pour mixture into a buttered 8×4 loaf pan . Bake for 30 minute . check with a toothpick to ensure the bread is cook through . Enjoy ! 1 loaf is makes make 20 slice .
Nutrition Facts
The Best Keto Bread Recipe
Amount Per Serving (25 g)
Calories 90
Calories from Fat 63
% Daily Value*
Fat 7g11%
Carbohydrates 2g1%
Fiber 0.75g3 %
Protein 3g6 %
* percent daily value are base on a 2000 calorie diet .
Course:Side Dish
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Matt is a former college basketball player turned computer engineer who discovered his passion for health and nutrition after cutting sugar from his diet in 2016. That year he founded KetoConnect with Megha in order to share their ketogenic lifestyle through recipes, videos, and educational content. Matt is always seeking to grow and try new things, a passion he shares with his wife and two amazing sons.