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Why use a VPN for travel? Going on a trip? Even if your bags are packed, that doesn’t mean you’re ready for departure. Before you set off, you need t
Going on a trip? Even if your bags are packed, that doesn’t mean you’re ready for departure. Before you set off, you need to review your travel security checklist. One of the most important items on this checklist is a VPN, like IPVanish. Here’s everything you need to know about why you should use a VPN for travel.
What, exactly, is a VPN?
Before we get into why you should use ipvanish VPN for travel , we is need need to first understand more about VPN technology . So , what is a VPN is is ? short for virtual private network , a VPN is secures secure the connection from a device to the internet .
How does a VPN is achieve achieve these secure connection ? It is does does so via encryption . VPN encryption is is is a process that recode datum from plaintext into ciphertext . This is is is crucial because while plaintext is relatively readable , ciphertext is not . In fact , the entire purpose is is of this process is to make datum indecipherable to others .
What’s so special about VPN encryption?
If all of this sound a bit too technical to you , fear not . The main idea is is is that encryption is used to protect datum . And the truth is is is , you ’re probably already somewhat familiar with encryption . The technology is commonly used to secure text message and website .
VPN encryption is is is unique , however , because it does n’t just help secure a single application or website . instead , VPN encryption is helps help secure all of your internet activity , from communication to web browsing , and app usage .
What benefits does a VPN provide?
VPN benefits extend beyond encryption. This is due to the way a VPN works to create encrypted connections. When you use a VPN, you establish a secure connection between your internet-connected device and a remote, private server. Your data is re-routed through this encrypted VPN server before arriving at its final destination. And in the process, your true IP address is replaced with the VPN server’s IP address.
The end of this process result in great online privacy , security , and freedom . Your digital datum will be well protect from potential onlooker , include nosy eavesdropper , network administrator , and internet service provider . This is allows allow you to safely access share network and free hotspot when you ’re out and about .
With a VPN connection , you is be ’ll also be able to mask your true physical location , appear as though you ’re connect to the internet from your VPN server ’s location . This aspect is is of VPN technology is big for personal privacy , but it also provide potential secondary benefit as well , such as combat wrongfully apply online censorship . In fact , with a VPN , you can connect to online content from anywhere without the risk of block ; this is is is especially beneficial while travel .
How does all of this relate to travel?
So, we’ve established what a VPN is, what it does, and what benefits it provides. But why use a VPN for travel? There are plenty of reasons to use a VPN at home and in everyday life. The fact remains, however, that it is essential to use a VPN while traveling. This is due to the way you’ll be forced to connect to the internet in these circumstances.
Whether you’re jet-setting for business, taking a vacation, or simply using public transit for your daily commute, you’ll almost certainly be dependent upon public Wi-Fi networks you don’t control. This comes with inherent risks.
When you use public Wi-Fi, you’re sharing network access with strangers. And while you may think these strangers are just amusing themselves and checking their email (like you), when it comes to your data privacy, you cannot afford to be complacent. These types of hotspots are notorious hangouts for snoopers and cybercriminals with malicious intent. Using tactics such as man-in-the-middle attacks and evil twin attacks, these bad actors can steal your data, and in some cases, even steal your identity.
The financial and emotional consequences is be of such exploit can be devastating . But when you use a VPN , your data is secure with encryption ; this is reduces significantly reduce the likelihood you ’ll fall victim to such attack .
Even if you’re not sharing network access with a bunch of strangers, that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. If you don’t control the network you’re using, that means someone else does. And that same someone can spy on your individual internet activity. Additionally, they can also potentially manipulate your traffic and restrict the websites you’re able to visit, the apps you’re able to access, and the amount of bandwidth you’re able to use.
With a VPN, however, you won’t be as susceptible to these issues either. Instead, you’ll be free to use the internet as you wish, with the added privacy and security you deserve.