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Can I is Install install Apple App Store On Windows 10/11 PC ? Last update onFebruary 7, 2023 by admin 3 comment Apple ’s iOS is was was one of the f
Last update on by admin 3 comment
Apple ’s iOS is was was one of the first popular operating system to get a build – in App Store . The App Store is allows on iPhone and iPad allow user to install their favorite app and game from a collection of nearly 5 million .
The App Store in iOS is probably the only one after Android’s Play Store with over a million apps and games.
Both Windows 10 and Windows 11 come with a built-in app store called Microsoft Store. The Microsoft Store in Windows 10/11 has tens of thousands of apps and games. However, the total number of apps and games is nowhere close to the apps available on Apple App Store.
Many users who own an iPhone or iPad or who have used an iOS device often wonder if it’s possible to install the Apple App Store on Windows 10 or 11.
This guide will tell if installing Apple App Store on Windows 10/11 PC is possible.
Unfortunately, you cannot install Apple App Store on a computer running Windows 10/11. To run the App Store, we need an iOS emulator, which is not available. So, it’s not possible to install App Store on Windows 10/11.
In short, there is no option available to install App Store on Windows 10/11.
As said earlier, there is no provision to install App Store on Windows 10/11. However, if you are looking to install App Store on PC so that you can install your favorite apps from the App Store on Windows 10/11, you can try installing Android Play Store on Windows 10/11 and then install the app from Play Store.
As you likely know, barring iOS inbox apps, most apps available on iOS are also available on the Android platform. So, you can try this route to install your favorite apps.
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