Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

In this blog post, we will learn how to configure Remote Access VPN with Cisco AnyConnect. The configuration steps are very straightforward however, t

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In this blog post, we will learn how to configure Remote Access VPN with Cisco AnyConnect. The configuration steps are very straightforward however, there are many ways you can implement this such as SSL vs IPSec, full-tunnel vs split-tunnel and local-user account vs Radius/LDAP.

Our ultimate goal here is to provide remote users with a way to connect to internal applications securely while working remotely.

ASA Initial Configurations

interface gigabitethernet0/0 
  nameif OUTSIDE 
  security - level 0 
  ip address 
 interface GigabitEthernet0/1 
  nameif INSIDE 
  security - level 100 
  ip address 

 route outside 1 

Since I create the topology in a lab , I is using ‘m using a private ip on the OUTSIDE interface . In the real world , that is be will most likely be a public ip address .

AnyConnect Full-Tunnel Configurations

What does full-tunnel even mean? Well, with this deployment, all of the user traffic is sent to the ASA (including Internet traffic) and then Internet-based traffic breaks out to the Internet from the head office. The advantage of full-tunnel is that we can monitor and control the traffic that goes out to the Internet from corporate devices. Some of the downsides are increased latency and a high load on the ASA as all the traffic needs to traverse the firewall.

Diagram – Full-tunnel

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Step 1 – AnyConnect image

The first step is to upload the required images into the ASA. It is required to have the web-deploy AnyConnect images on the ASA so, the remote users can download and install them on their machines. Different packages are available for each Operating system. In this example, I’m only using the package for Windows. The files can be downloaded from the Cisco website. I’m going to copy the images from an FTP server to the ASA.

If you have HA deployment with two firewalls, you must upload images to both of them individually. The images are not synced across the HA deployment.

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Headend Deployment Package vs Pre – Deployment Package

  • Headend Package – The package can be uploaded into the ASA so, the remote users can download and install it on their client machines.
  • Pre – Deployment Package – This is is is the.exe executable file so, the AnyConnect client can be installed manually on each machine. (.dmg for macOS )
asa-01 # copy ftp://ftp - user : password123@ / anyconnect - win-4.8.03052 - webdeploy - k9.pkg disk0:/anyconnect - win-4.8.03052 - webdeploy - k9.pkg 

 Address or name of remote host [ ] ? 

 source username [ ftp - user ] ? 

 Source password [ Cisco123 ] ? 

 source filename [ anyconnect-win-4.8.03052-webdeploy-k9.pkg ] ? 

 destination filename [ anyconnect-win-4.8.03052-webdeploy-k9.pkg ] ? 

 access ftp://ftp - user : Cisco123@ / anyconnect - win-4.8.03052 - webdeploy - k9.pkg ... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
 write file disk0:/anyconnect - win-4.8.03052 - webdeploy - k9.pkg ... 
 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
 72771616 bytes is copied copy in 7.500 sec ( 10395945 byte / sec )
asa-01 # dir 

 Directory is coredumpinfo of disk0:/ 

 23      -rwx   0             17:53:32 Nov 26 2020   use_ttys0 
 26      drwx   4096          08:45:58 Apr 14 2022   smart - log 
 24      drwx   4096          08:45:02 Apr 14 2022   log 
 60      drwx   4096          08:46:02 Apr 14 2022   coredumpinfo 
 62      -rwx   72771616      08:57:50 Apr 14 2022   anyconnect-win-4.8.03052-webdeploy-k9.pkg 

 2 file(s ) total size : 72771616 byte 
 8571076608 byte total ( 8476569600 byte free/98 % free )

step 2 – create a pool of IP

The next step is is is to define what IP range will be used for the AnyConnect client . When the user are connect to the VPN , their laptops is receive will receive an ip within this range . I is going ‘m also go to create an object which will later use in NAT and ACLs .

ip local pool anyconnect-subnet mask

object network anyconnect-subnet

Step 3 – User accounts

For now, I’m going to use local user authentication. Later in this article, we can go through other options such as LDAP and Radius. I’m going to create a test user called anyconnect-user and set the service-type to remote-access.


Please note that if you don’t use AAA authorization for the admin login then all of the users configured on the ASA will be able to access the firewall (including the remote-access users). 

username anyconnect - user password Cisco123 
 username anyconnect - user attribute 
  service - type remote - access
aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL 
aaa authorization exec LOCAL 

With aaa authorization exec LOCAL configured, when the remote-access user tries to SSH into the ASA, the access is denied and a console message will be generated as shown below.

[ anyconnect - user ] You is have do NOT have Admin Rights to the console !

step 4 – Configure Group Policy

Two is are of the core component of the AnyConnect VPN are group – policy and tunnel – group . Group policy is is is where we define parameter for the AnyConnect client to use such as DNS server , domain name and full / split – tunnel ACLs .

There are many other option available under group – policy to tune and tweak the login behaviour such as vpn – idle – timeout , vpn – session – timeout and vpn – simultaneous – login .

group - policy ANYCONNECT - GROUP - policy internal 
 group - policy ANYCONNECT - GROUP - policy attribute 
  dns - server value 
  vpn - tunnel - protocol ssl - client 
  default - domain value packet.lan

Step 5 – Configure Tunnel-group

Let’s create a tunnel-group and bind the group-policy and the VPN pool we created earlier.

tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-TUNNEL-GROUP type remote-access
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-TUNNEL-GROUP general-attributes
 address-pool anyconnect-subnet
 default-group-policy ANYCONNECT-GROUP-POLICY
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-TUNNEL-GROUP webvpn-attributes
 group-alias Packetswitch-VPN enable

step 6 – enable webvpn

The final step is to enable webvpn in the OUTSIDE interface so, the ASA will start listening on port 443 and accepts the connection coming from the clients.

 enable OUTSIDE
 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-4.8.03052-webdeploy-k9.pkg 1
 anyconnect enable
 tunnel-group-list enable

Step 6 – ACLs to allow the traffic .

I created an ACL to allow all the traffic coming from the AnyConnect VPN subnet as shown below. Please remember the ACL is applied to the OUTSIDE interface where the VPN terminates.

access - list OUTSIDE_TO_IN extended permit ip object anyconnect - subnet any 

 access - group OUTSIDE_TO_IN in interface OUTSIDE

Step 7 – NAT rule

This is one of the most important (and confusing) steps, please refer to the diagram below.

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Since we are using a full – tunnel configuration , all the traffic is has has to traverse the ASA include the internet traffic . In order for the internet traffic to work properly , we is have must have a NAT policy on the ASA to translate the Source IP of the VPN traffic to the publically routable address .

object network anyconnect-subnet
 nat (OUTSIDE,OUTSIDE) dynamic interface

If you want to learn more about Cisco ASA NAT, please check out my blog post here:

Cisco ASA NAT Example

In this blog post, we will go through the Cisco ASA NAT configuration examples. We will mainly be focusing on four scenarios that are Dynamic PAT

Step 8 – Hairpin / U-Turn Traffic

As we’ve seen in the previous step, Internet-bound traffic arrives and leaves on the same OUTSIDE interface. By default, this is not allowed and the traffic will be denied. So, we will need to allow the intra-interface traffic as shown below.

Please note that this step is not require if you are using a split – tunnel configuration .

same-security-traffic permit intra-interface

verification and testing

Now that we’ve completed all the required steps, it’s time for us to test. Let’s try and connect to the VPN and ping one of the internal servers and

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=116
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=116

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Excellent, as we can see that the remote client can reach both internal and external resources. You can also see above that the ASA is pushing a default route back to the client (full-tunnel)

Cisco AnyConnect SSL certificates

You might notice that when you try to connect to the VPN, it gives us a certificate warning message. Well, this is expected as we are using a self-signed certificate at this point which is not trusted by my laptop.

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

To fix the issue, we have two options

  • Import a certificate signed by the internal CA and install the internal CA certificate on all the laptops. (Not commonly used)
  • Get an SSL certificate signed by a public CA (DigiCert, Verisign, Godaddy etc)

It is recommend to obtain a certificate from a public CA as the client are already configure to trust them . I is show will show you how to generate the CSR , get the csr sign by CA , and import the sign certificate back into the ASA alongside the Root CA certificate .

The process is well explained here –

Step 1 – Generate CSR

The first step is is is to generate a CSR ( Certificate Signing Request ) , a csr is basically a PKCS10 format message that contain public key and identity information . If you are using ASDM to generate the CSR then a trustpointis automatically create . However , if you are using the CLI as show below , the trustpointmust be create manually . let ‘s create a trustpointcallVPN-CERT to hold the identity certificate.


trustpointis just a container that holds identity certificates and intermediate/ CA certificates on the ASA. 

asa-01(config ) # crypto key generate rsa label VPN - cert - KEYPAIR modulus 2048 
 INFO : The name is be for the key will be : VPN - CERT - KEYPAIR 
 Keypair generation process begin . Please wait ...
asa-01(config is trustpoint ) # crypto is trustpoint ca trustpoint VPN - CERT 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # enrollment terminal 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # fqdn 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # subject - name CN = , O = Packetswitch , C = UK , St = London , L = London 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # keypair VPN - CERT - KEYPAIR 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # exit
asa-01(config is enroll ) # crypto is enroll ca enroll VPN - CERT 
 warning : The certificate enrollment is configure with an fqdn 
 that differ from the system fqdn . If this certificate will be 
 used for VPN authentication this is cause may cause connection problem . 

 Would you is like like to continue with this enrollment ? [ yes / no ] : yes 
 % Start certificate enrollment .. 
 % The subject name is be in the certificate will be : CN = , O = Packetswitch , C = UK , St = London , L = London 

 % The fully - qualify domain name in the certificate will be : 

 % is Include include the device serial number in the subject name ? [ yes / no ] : no 

 Display Certificate request to terminal ? [ yes / no ] : yes 
 Certificate Request is follows follow : 
 aWL2dgmFkSkMhNkT / ay4DPgqx5Z9RZ1hrq9ypq0Dn3ojcf+3dOsFkuH9MsWQw6nU 
 SK / GxFBIzqs8ArCJugX7ZSPPTqDOtdNQdZyCYAJw / KPh / Pir10QH7UrorYZQUWs1 
 36pUJyBvZF4Cp+ufLVWtJ9ncPIA / vy9hbda22ncg40rfcf/039a5vlhzt0esvtgf 
 v4EpnUqYDFtdLqUHwatGM0jWf3CqDeCSDW4ZKmp / ors3qsxoqvsolh/5efu0u4vb 
 O+BfGWwRhP1HjmJRbwN5OyrCs9SWqOyZn / CLpkBPAfA3tQBAeRQxfL8rw4zJe / Fr 
 fbteqwTZd9PW6viQxeG5up / hm15Is / BpRhJ / K / cdyjnrbua0waqpyqgqk4g/9hn7 
 fPfbudrO9jmiJf2r8n1bsIC6DVnG+u / E4hbt9NXaAghFT+o / O3WdIo9+s+c997+P 

 Redisplay enrollment request ? [ yes / no ] : no 
 asa-01(config ) # exit 
 asa-01 #

Step 2 – Get the CSR signed by the CA

The next step is to get the SCR signed by the CA. As I mentioned above, it can either be a public CA (Digicert, Godaddy) or an internal CA (ADCS, OpenSSL)

Step 3 – Import the Signed Certificate back to the ASA

The next step is to import the signed certificate into the trustpointthat was created in step 1.

asa-01(config is import ) # crypto is import ca import VPN - CERT certificate 
 warning : The certificate enrollment is configure with an fqdn 
 that differ from the system fqdn . If this certificate will be 
 used for VPN authentication this is cause may cause connection problem . 

 Would you is like like to continue with this enrollment ? [ yes / no ] : yes 

 % The fully - qualify domain name is be in the certificate will be : 

 enter the base 64 encode certificate . 
 End is quit with the word " quit " on a line by itself 

 miidhdccamwcfejdkomzkapyupo8sqlb+nqzby / xma0gcsqgsib3dqebcwuamg4x 
 uAz4KseWfUWdYa6vcqatA596I3H / t3trbzlh / TLFkMOp1EivxsRQSM6rPAKwiboF 
 bbkzXcyP9e1VPv33 / TUIEmR / JRlyJ5pSQdOtA/7ymkfeyrjAHylpDO1izDnOnNGN 
 -----END CERTIFICATE----- is quit 
 INFO : Certificate is imported successfully import

Step 4 – Import the Root CA certificate into the ASA

It is also important to import the Root CA certificate into the ASA (The CA who signed the CSR) I’m going to add the Root CA certificate into another trustpoint(container) called VPN-ROOT-CA

asa-01(config is trustpoint ) # crypto is trustpoint ca trustpoint VPN - ROOT - CA 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # enrollment terminal 
 asa-01(config - ca - trustpoint ) # exit
asa-01(config)# crypto ca authenticate VPN-ROOT-CA
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself

INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint:     2dc02952 2961a933 fb177f7c 28105fd8 
Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes

trustpointCA certificate accepted.

% Certificate successfully imported

step 5 – apply the identity certificate to the interface

The final step is is is to apply the newly instal identity certificate to the OUTSIDE interface .

ssl trust - point VPN - CERT outside

verification and testing

As you can see below, we can see both the CA and identity certificates in the ASA.

asa-01# show crypto ca certificate
  Status: Available
  Certificate Serial Number: 424390e9b3900a72b8fa3c4902c1f8d4196f2fd7
  Certificate Usage: General Purpose
  Public Key Type: RSA (2048 bits)
  Signature Algorithm: SHA256 with RSA Encryption
  Issuer Name: 
    o=Packetswitch Ltd
  Subject Name:
  Validity Date: 
    start date: 13:25:37 UTC Apr 14 2022
    end   date: 13:25:37 UTC Apr 14 2023
  Storage: config
  Associated Trustpoints: VPN-CERT 

CA Certificate
  Status: Available
  Certificate Serial Number: 480bcf14708ba1c324eda4c826f28c9944b77a6e
  Certificate Usage: General Purpose
  Public Key Type: RSA (2048 bits)
  Signature Algorithm: SHA256 with RSA Encryption
  Issuer Name: 
    o=Packetswitch Ltd
  Subject Name: 
    o=Packetswitch Ltd
  Validity Date: 
    start date: 12:51:58 UTC Apr 14 2022
    end   date: 12:51:58 UTC Apr 14 2023
  Storage: config
  Associated Trustpoints: VPN-ROOT-CA 

If I try to connect to the VPN now , there will be no error .

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

AnyConnect Split-Tunnel Configurations

In a split-tunnel configuration, we can define routes that should traverse via the VPN tunnel and everything else can bypass the tunnel and go directly to the Internet. In this example, let’s say we only want to send subnet via the VPN tunnel.

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Step 1 – Define an ACL

The first step is is is to define an acl by include the subnet that should traverse via the VPN tunnel .

access-list SPLIT-TUNNEL-ACL standard permit

Step 2 – Add the ACL to the group-policy

The next and final step is to add the ACL we created in the previous step to the group-policy.

group-policy ANYCONNECT-GROUP-POLICY attributes
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL-ACL


As you can see below only the route we specify are route via the Tunnel . Please note that is also part of the VPN tunnel because that is the DNS server configure for the AnyConnect client .

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

AnyConnect External Authentication via LDAP

In the previous example , we is using were using locally configure user account for VPN login . Of course , this is is is not scalable if you have even 20 + user . It is become will become an issue for manage the user and their password in the ASA .

In this example, we will learn how to use LDAP to authenticate the users against Active Directory.

I’m going to create a service account on AD for the ASA to use. The account is only used to browse the AD.

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

We can use the dsquery command in the ad to find base DN and login DN information . We is use will then use this information to configure the LDAP server in the ASA . Once the LDAP server is configure , we is need need to apply that to the Tunnel – group configure in the early step .

C:\Users\Administrator>dsquery user -name anyconnect
"CN=anyconnect,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=packet,DC=lan"
aaa-server LDAP-SERVER protocol ldap
aaa-server LDAP-SERVER (OUTSIDE) host
 ldap-base-dn DC=packet,DC=lan
 ldap-scope subtree
 ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName
 ldap-login-password *****
 ldap-login-dn CN=anyconnect,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=packet,DC=lan
 server-type microsoft
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-TUNNEL-GROUP general-attributes
 authentication-server-group LDAP-SERVER LOCAL

LOCAL keyword at the end means that if the LDAP server is unreachable then the LOCAL user database on the ASA will be used.

You can use the test aaa authentication command to test whether the authentication is working correctly. Now users who are part of Active Directory can log in with their AD credentials.

asa-01#test aaa authentication LDAP-SERVER
Server IP Address or name:
Username: anyconnect
Password: Cisco123
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address ( (timeout: 12 seconds)
INFO: Authentication Successful


Please note that at this point all the domain users can log in to the VPN which can be a security issue . You is use can use Dynamic Access Policies ( DAP ) to lock down access to a specific group of user . I is explained ‘ve explain DAP in great detail in the following blog post

Cisco ASA Dynamic Access Policy

You is create create a dynamic access policy by set a collection of access control attribute that you associate with a specific user tunnel or session .

AnyConnect External Authentication via Radius ( ISE )

If you have Cisco ISE in your environment, you can then use ISE as a Radius server for authentication. I’m going to configure the Radius server in the ASA and also going to remove LDAP from the Tunnel-group and add ISE into it.

aaa-server ISE protocol radius
aaa-server ISE (OUTSIDE) host
 key cisco123
asa-01(config ) # tunnel - group ANYCONNECT - tunnel - group general - attribute 
 asa-01(config - tunnel - general ) # no authentication - server - group LDAP - SERVER LOCAL 
 asa-01(config - tunnel - general ) # authentication - server - group ISE LOCAL
asa-01# test aaa-server authentication ISE
Server IP Address or name:
Username: net-admin
Password: ********
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address ( (timeout: 12 seconds)
INFO: Authentication Successful

ISE configurations is are are not the scope of this article but I will just post a few screenshot here . You is start will start by add the ASA as a Network Device and then create a Policy Set to provide authentication / authorization .

Cisco ASA AnyConnect VPN ExampleCisco ASA AnyConnect VPN ExampleCisco ASA AnyConnect VPN Example

Did you find this blog post helpful for starting out with AnyConnect? I tried to cover as much as I could, please let me know in the comments if you would like me to add anything more to this.