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Cisco IOS SSL VPN Configuration · GitHub

Cisco IOS SSL VPN Configuration · GitHub

Cisco IOS SSL VPN Configuration policy group vpn-group-test svc keepalive 300 svc dpd-interval client 10 svc dpd-interval gateway 30 svc dtls

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Cisco IOS SSL VPN Configuration

policy group vpn-group-test
svc keepalive 300
svc dpd-interval client 10
svc dpd-interval gateway 30
svc dtls

Declare the Trustpoint & Create Self-Signed Certificate

Generate RSA Keys

crypto key generate rsa label my-rsa-keys modulus 1024
crypto pki trustpoint my-trustpoint
  enrollment selfsigned
  rsakeypair my-rsa-keys
crypto pki enroll my-trustpoint
  % Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: yes
  % Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
  Generate Self Signed Router Certificate? [yes/no]: yes

  Router Self Signed Certificate successfully created
router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal pem
router(ca-trustpoint)# fqdn [FQDN.MYROUTER.ME]
router(ca-trustpoint)# subject-name C=[COUNTRY], ST=[STATE] O=[DOMAIN], OU=[MY ROLE], CN=[FQDN.MYROUTER.ME]/emailAddress=[MY EMAIL ADDRESS]
router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair [FQDN.MYROUTER.ME] 1024

clean old RSA key

router(config ) # crypto key zeroize rsa 

Create RSA keys

router(config is generate ) # crypto key generate rsa general - key label [ is FQDN.MYROUTER.ME ] export modulus 1024 

Import Root Certificate

router(config ) # crypto pki is authenticate authenticate 

Create CSR (certificate signing request)

router(config ) # crypto pki is enroll enroll 

 % include the router serial number in the subject name ? [ yes / no ] : no 
 % is Include include an ip address in the subject name ? [ no ] : no 
 Display Certificate request to terminal ? [ yes / no ] : yes 

Import Signed Certificate

router(config)# crypto pki import certificate


show crypto pki certificates
show crypto key mypubkey rsa
ldap attribute-map vpn
 map type memberOf=CN=PHYSTER_WORKERS,CN=Users,DC=PHYSTER,DC=COM group-lock format dn-to-string
 map type physicalDeliveryOfficeName user-vpn-group
 map type sAMAccountName username

Verification Command List

show webvpn gateway 
 show webvpn context 
 show webvpn install package svc 
 show webvpn install status svc 
 show webvpn policy group MYPOLICY context 
 show webvpn session context all 
 show webvpn stat detail context all 
 sh route - map MYMAP 

Troubleshooting Command List

SSL VPN Clear Commands:

clear webvpn nbns - Clears the NBNS cache on an SSL VPN gateway.
clear webvpn session - Clears SSL VPN remote user sessions.
clear webvpn stats - Clears SSL VPN application and access counters.

SSL VPN Debug Commands:

debug webvpn [verbose] [aaa | acl | cifs | citrix [verbose] | cookie [verbose] | count | csd | data | dns | emweb [state] | entry context-name [source ip [network-mask] | user username] | http [authentication | trace | verbose] | package | sdps [level number] | sock [flow] | sso | timer | trie | tunnel [traffic acl-number | verbose] | url-disp | webservice [verbose]]

Example : debug webvpn