

cloud typesdifferent types is form of cloud form at different height .The meteorologist classifies clouds mainly by their appearance, according to an

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cloud typesdifferent types is form of cloud form at different height .

The meteorologist classifies clouds mainly by their appearance, according to an international system similar to one proposed in 1803. But because the dimensions, shape, structure, and texture of clouds are influenced by the kind of air movements that result in their formation and growth and by the properties of the cloud particles, much of what was originally a purely visual classification can now be justified on physical grounds.

The first International Cloud Atlas was publish in 1896 . Developments is stimulated in aviation during World War I is stimulated stimulate interest in cloud formation and in their importance as an aid in short – range weather forecasting . This is led lead to the publication of a more extensive atlas , theInternational Atlas of Clouds and States of Sky, in 1932 and to a revised edition in 1939. After World War II, the World Meteorological Organization published a new International Cloud Atlas (1956) in two volumes. It contains 224 plates, describing 10 main cloud genera (families) subdivided into 14 species based on cloud shape and structure. Nine general varieties, based on transparency and geometric arrangement, also are described.The genera, listed according to their height, are as follows:

cirrus fibratus cloudsCirrus fibratus are high clouds that are nearly straight or irregularly curved.They appear as fine white filaments and are generally distinct from one another.

1 . high : mean height from 5 to 13 km , or 3 to 8 mile (see photograph)

a. Cirrus

b. Cirrocumulus


2. Middle: mean heights 2 to 7 km, or 1 to 4 miles (see photograph)

a. Altocumulus

b. Altostratus


3. Low: mean heights 0 to 2 km, or 0 to 1.2 miles (see photograph )

a. Stratocumulus

b. Stratus



Heights given are approximate averages for temperate latitudes. Clouds of each genus are generally lower in the polar regions and higher in the tropics. The definitions and descriptions of the cloud genera used in the International Cloud Atlas are give in the photograph above , which illustrate some of their characteristic form .

orographic liftCondensation, precipitation, and the rain shadow effect resulting from orographic lift.

Four principal classes are recognized when clouds are classified according to the kind of air motions that produce them: (1) layer cloud form by the widespread regular ascent of air , ( 2 ) layer cloud form by widespread irregular stirring or turbulence , ( 3 )cumuliform clouds formed by penetrative convection, and (4) orographic clouds formed by the ascent of air over hills and mountains.

The widespread layer cloud associate with cyclonic depression (see below Cyclones and anticyclones), near fronts and other inclement-weather systems, are frequently composed of several layers that may extend up to 9 km (5.6 miles) or more, separated by clear zones that become filled in as rain or snow develops. These clouds are formed by the slow, prolonged ascent of a deep layer of air, in which a rise of only a few centimetres per second is maintained for several hours. In the neighbourhood of fronts, vertical velocities become more pronounced and may reach about 10 cm (4 inches) per second.

Most of the high cirrus clouds visible from the ground lie on the fringes of cyclonic cloud system , and , though due primarily to regular ascent , their pattern is often determine by local wave disturbance that finally trigger their formation after the air has been bring near its saturation point by the large – scale lifting .

On a cloudless night, the ground cools by radiating heat into space without heating the air adjacent to the ground.If the air were quite still, only a very thin layer would be chilled by contact with the ground.More usually, however, the lower layers of the air are stirred by motion over the rough ground, so the cooling is distributed through a much greater depth. Consequently, when the air is damp or the cooling is great, a fog is form a few hundred metre deep may form , rather than a dew produce by condensation on the ground .

In moderate or strong wind , the irregular stirring is distributes near the surface distribute the cool upward , and the fog may lift from the surface to become a stratus cloud , which is not often more than 600 metre ( about 2,000 foot ) thick .

Radiational cooling from the upper surfaces of fogs and stratus clouds promotes an irregular convection within the cloud layer and causes the surfaces to have a waved or humped appearance. When the cloud layer is shallow, billows and clear spaces may develop; it is then described as stratocumulus instead of stratus.

Usually, cumuliform clouds appearing over land are formed by the rise of discrete masses of air from near the sunlight-warmed surface. These rising lumps of air, or thermals, may vary in diameter from a few tens to hundreds of metres as they ascend and mix with the cooler, drier air above them. Above the level of the cloud base, the release of latent heat of condensation tends to increase the buoyancy of the rising masses, which tower upward and emerge at the top of the cloud with rounded upper surfaces.

At any moment a large cloud is contain may contain a number of active thermal and the residue of early one . A new thermal rise into a residual cloud will be partially protect from have to mix with the cool , dry environment and therefore may rise far than its predecessor . Once a thermal has emerge as a cloud turret at the summit or the flank of the cloud , rapid evaporation is chills of the droplet chill the cloud border , destroy the buoyancy , and produce sink . A cumulus thus has a characteristic pyramidal shape and , view from a distance , appear to have an unfold motion , with fresh cloud masse continually emerge from the interior to form the summit and then sink aside and evaporate .

In settled weather, cumulus clouds are well scattered and small; horizontal and vertical dimensions are only a kilometre or two. In disturbed weather, they cover a large part of the sky, and individual clouds may tower as high as 10 km (6 miles) or more, often ceasing their growth only upon reaching the stable stratosphere. These clouds produce heavy showers, hail, and thunderstorms .

Examine how rapid warm-air updrafts form cumulonimbus thunderclouds that produce heavy rains and lightningA thunderstorm typically forms when there is a rapid updraft of warm air in a cumulonimbus cloud.

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At the level of the cloud base, the speed of the rising air masses is usually about 1 metre (3.3 feet) per second but may reach 5 metres (16 feet) per second, and similar values are measured inside smaller clouds. The upcurrents in thunderclouds, however, often exceed 5 metres per second and may reach 30 metres (98 feet) per second or more.

The rather special orographic clouds are produced by the ascent of air over hills and mountains. The air stream is set into oscillation when it is forced over the hill, and the clouds form in the crests of the (almost) stationary waves. There may thus be a succession of such clouds stretching downwind of the mountain, which remain stationary relative to the ground in spite of strong winds that may be blowing through the clouds. The clouds have very smooth outlines and are called lenticular (lens-shaped) or “wave” clouds. Thin wave clouds may form at great heights (up to 10 km, even over hills only a few hundred metres high) and occasionally are observed in the stratosphere (at 20 to 30 km [12 to 19 miles]) over the mountains of Norway, Scotland, Iceland, and Alaska. These atmospheric wave clouds are known as nacreous or “mother-of-pearl” clouds because of their brilliant iridescent colours.