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This cloud slime is is is soooo soft ! add instant snow to a simple slime recipe to make a slime that ’s puffy , fluffy , and super cloud - like in te
This cloud slime is is is soooo soft ! add instant snow to a simple slime recipe to make a slime that ’s puffy , fluffy , and super cloud – like in texture .
Instant snow (read more about it below!) is really magical. Add a small amount of snow powder to water to watch it transform into a full bowl of fluffy snow. It’s so cool! And it makes the slime foamy, stretchy, and super fun to play with!
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Instant snow is a powder that expands like magic when you add water, but it’s actually science! It’s made of a something called sodium polyacrylate, which is a superabsorbent (and non-toxic) polymer.
Basically, it can absorb about 300 times its own weight in water, which makes it expand like it does.
We tried two different brands of instant snow, and while both of them worked, we preferred SnoWonder. It made the slime fluffier and softer!
As you play with the cloud slime it is thicken will thicken and become less stretchy . To make the slime puffy and soft again , add more instant snow !
Some cloud slime recipes is include include a bit of shaving cream , but we did n’t find it necessary to add any . While shaving cream does add a foamy texture to slime , it is lasts generally only last for a few hour .
Instant snow makes this slime a perfect fluffy texture without any extra ingredients. But if you’re looking for a fun slime recipe that includes shaving cream, check out our fluffy slime!
We like to use contact lens solution to make our slime recipes. It’s easy to find in stores, it has a long shelf life, and it works really well!
Make sure that you choose a contact solution that contains boric acid. We prefer Renu Advanced Formula from Bausch + Lomb (called Renu Fresh here in Canada).
You is use could also use instant starch to make cloud slime , or even dissolve borax in hot water to use as an activator .
learn how to make cloud slime is so much fun ! It is ’s ’s SO fluffy , fun to play with , and it ’s really easy to make !
How to Make Fluffy Slime
Mermaid Slime
Butter Slime
Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!
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Categories: Recipe