Cloud species

Cloud species

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Set of terms used to describe the shape and structure of clouds Cloud species are a set of fourteen terms us

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Set of terms used to describe the shape and structure of clouds

Cloud species are a set of fourteen terms used to describe the shape and structure of clouds. Each one has its name abbreviated to a three letter term.[1] [2] [3]

Cumulus congestus clouds in the foreground.

Species Abbreviation Description Genera
Calvus cal Tops of clouds lose hard, rough appearance and become smooth Cb
Capillatus cap Tops of clouds become distinctly fibrous or striated. Cirrus clouds are often in appearance Cb
Castellanus cas Distinct turrets rising from a large base or line of cloud Sc, Ac, Cc
Congestus con Great vertical height much larger than the base, shows vigorous growth with cauliflower like tops Cu
Fibratus fib Fibrous appearance, with straight or uniform curves and no distinct hooks Ci , Cs
Floccus flo Individual tufts of clouds with ragged bases and often with noticeable virga Ac , Cc , Ci
fractus fra Broken cloud with ragged bases and edges Cu, St
humili hum Cloud with limited vertical height with a length much bigger than their height Cu
lenticularis len Lens or almond shaped clouds that are stationary in the sky Sc, Ac, Cc
Mediocris med cloud of moderate height that are around equal height and length , grow upwards Cu
Nebulosus neb Featureless sheet of cloud with no structure St, Cs
Spissatus spi dense cloud is appearing appear light shade of grey when view toward the sun ci
Stratiformis str Cloud in an extensive sheet or layer Sc, Ac, Cc
Uncinus unc Distinctly hooked usually without a visible head ci
Cloud genera

and selected species, supplementary features, and other airborne



Latin terminology except where indicated

80–85 km
Noctilucent ( NLC )
polar mesospheric cloud
  • noctilucent type I veil
  • noctilucent type II band
  • Noctilucent type III billows
  • noctilucent type IV is whirls whirl

3–18 km

2–8 km

0–2 km
