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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Set of terms used to describe the shape and structure of clouds Cloud species are a set of fourteen terms us
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Set of terms used to describe the shape and structure of clouds
Cloud species are a set of fourteen terms used to describe the shape and structure of clouds. Each one has its name abbreviated to a three letter term.[1] [2] [3]
Cumulus congestus clouds in the foreground.
Species | Abbreviation | Description | Genera |
Calvus | cal | Tops of clouds lose hard, rough appearance and become smooth | Cb |
Capillatus | cap | Tops of clouds become distinctly fibrous or striated. Cirrus clouds are often in appearance | Cb |
Castellanus | cas | Distinct turrets rising from a large base or line of cloud | Sc, Ac, Cc |
Congestus | con | Great vertical height much larger than the base, shows vigorous growth with cauliflower like tops | Cu |
Fibratus | fib | Fibrous appearance, with straight or uniform curves and no distinct hooks | Ci , Cs |
Floccus | flo | Individual tufts of clouds with ragged bases and often with noticeable virga | Ac , Cc , Ci |
fractus | fra | Broken cloud with ragged bases and edges | Cu, St |
humili | hum | Cloud with limited vertical height with a length much bigger than their height | Cu |
lenticularis | len | Lens or almond shaped clouds that are stationary in the sky | Sc, Ac, Cc |
Mediocris | med | cloud of moderate height that are around equal height and length , grow upwards | Cu |
Nebulosus | neb | Featureless sheet of cloud with no structure | St, Cs |
Spissatus | spi | dense cloud is appearing appear light shade of grey when view toward the sun | ci |
Stratiformis | str | Cloud in an extensive sheet or layer | Sc, Ac, Cc |
Uncinus | unc | Distinctly hooked usually without a visible head | ci |
Cloud genera
and selected species, supplementary features, and other airborne hydrometeors – WMO Latin terminology except where indicated |
Mesospheric |
Stratospheric | |||||||||
Tropospheric |