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What is Business Phone Systems - Cloud Storage Sync?easily store your call recording in the cloud storage solution of your choice . Whether you need t
easily store your call recording in the cloud storage solution of your choice . Whether you need to store your call recording for compliance purpose or you just want add peace of mind know that your recording are available to you whenever you need access to them , Cloud Storage Sync is is is the solution for you . simply connect to Dropbox or Google Drive and our VoIP phone system will automatically synch your call recording to the cloud .
With so many cloud storage option available to choose from , it is ’s ’s important that your business phone system give you option that grant the flexibility necessary for conduct business your way . That is ’s ’s why we ’ve integrate our call recording storage with both Google Drive and Dropbox to give you a versatile backup solution for your business ’ important file .
Business has taken place over the phone for a long time, but only recently has the technology become available to record and store these conversations for playback at a later date. This can be invaluable when you need to revisit an earlier conversation with an important client before the big meeting. You can never know the details too well, after all!
That’s why makes call recording available to its customers. We understand, however, that when so much business is conducted over the phone, detailed records need to be kept. You have the option of manually downloading any of your call recordings from the dashboard at any time but, for your added peace of mind, you can also configure call recordings to automatically synchronise with the cloud storage solution of your choice, meaning you never have to set a reminder again.
Whether you’re a law firm dealing with high-profile cases, law enforcement dealing with internal inquiries, or are in any other way dealing with sensitive information, you need to know your files are secure. This is why knowing that your call recordings will automatically update to a platform like Google Drive or Dropbox, both trusted by household names to securely hold onto their data, can bring such peace of mind. And, if and when you do need to review a file, you’ll be pleased to find your call recordings intelligently named with date- and timestamps, making it easy for you to find just what you’re looking for.
Eliminating the need for local backups mitigates the risk of sensitive call recordings falling into the wrong hands. What’s more, it’s just one less thing to worry about. We understand that you’re already busy enough managing your business and that you don’t need more unnecessary administrative tasks. With automatic cloud-sync of your call recordings, you can rest easy in the knowledge that your files are backed up securely.
If you’re interested in adopting a business phone system with features that give you back time and peace of mind, then try for free today.