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Level: 5 (Conjuration) cast time : 1 action Components: V, S Range(area): 120 Feet Attack(save): CON save Damage(effect): Poison School: Conju
Here you need to create a sphere which has the 20 – foot radius and with poisonous , the yellow – green fog is centred centre on a point that you have choose within a range . Now the fog is spread will spread around all corner . It will last for the duration or when the strong wind will disperse the fog , end the spell and its area will be heavily obscure .
For the first time any creature enters into the Cloudkill 5e spell’s area on a turn or starts its turn there, then the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. The spell will take different damages on various saves as the creature takes 5d8 poison damage when it gets failed to save and it takes half as much damage on a successful one. When the creatures hold their breath or don’t need to breathe at those times the creatures will be affected.
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At the start of your every turn, the fog will move 10 feet away from you and also be rolling along the surface of the ground. Even pouring down openings the vapours, being heavier than air and sink to the lowest level of the land.
The damage is increase will increase by 1d8 for each slot above the level 5th , but this will happen only when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or more than 6th level .
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