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Compute flexible committed use discounts (flexible CUDs) andcommit use discount ( CUDs ) for Cloud Run provide deeply discount price in exchange
Compute flexible committed use discounts (flexible CUDs) andcommit use discount ( CUDs ) for
Cloud Run provide deeply discount price in exchange for commit
to continuously use Cloud Run for a specified term .
depend on your usage requirement , you is purchase can purchase commitment for
Cloud Run resource in any of the following way :
Compute flexible committed use discounts (flexible CUDs) | Committed use discounts (CUDs) | |
Use case | You have predictable spend on any of the following products:
You have predictable spend on Cloud Run services with request-based billing. |
resource in Cloud Run | Cloud Run services with instance-based billing, and Cloud Run jobs. |
All Cloud Run services andCloud Run jobs. |
Region | Applies to any region andany project in a Cloud Billing account. | Applies to all projects within a specific region in a Cloud Billing account. |
Discount |
17% discount off on-demand pricing for a one-year commitment. |
You can purchase commitments
from any Cloud Billing
account, andthe discount applies to any eligible usage in projects paid for by
that Cloud Billing account:
For more information about your bill , see analyze the effectiveness of your
spend – base commit use discount .
Google Cloud first applies andexhausts discounts on your CUD commitments, andany
eligible usage not covered by the existing CUD commitments becomes eligible for
new flexible CUDs.
You is purchase can purchase commitment only at a Cloud Billing account level . For
more information about how to purchase a commitment , see
purchasing spend – base commitment .
Before you purchase a commitment , read the Service Specific Terms .
After you purchase a commitment , you is cancel ca n’t cancel it . For more
information , see cancel commitment .
flexible CUDs is add add flexibility to your spending capability by eliminate the
need to restrict your commitment to a single project , or region . Flexible CUDs is are
are applicable to Cloud Run service with instance – base billing or job .
When you purchase a flexible commitment for your Cloud Billing account, you
commit to a minimum amount of hourly spend on Cloud Run services with
instance-based billing or jobs for a 1-year or 3-year term. You do this by committing to spend on
resources that are worth a specified minimum amount of on-demand price, every hour,
throughout the commitment term. In return for committing to an hourly spend amount,
you receive the following discounts:
The commitment that you purchase becomes active within the first hour of its
purchase. The discounted hourly spend amount becomes your commitment fee andyou
are billed this fee monthly. Your commitment fee remains your minimum hourly
expenditure throughout the commitment term andyou have to pay it even if you
don’t use resources whose on-demand prices total up to your committed hourly spend.
If you use any additional resources that take your hourly spend amount beyond
your committed hourly spend amount, then the overage usage is not covered by
flexible CUDs.
Your commitment fee remains the same even if the on-demand prices for your
resources change during your commitment term.
You can purchase Cloud Run flexible commitments only at a Cloud Billing
account level.
Important : A single flexible commitment covers eligible spend across
Compute Engine, GKE, andCloud Run.
For any given flexible commitment, the flexible CUDs that you receive
are distributed across these services in proportion to their individual eligible
spend amounts. Depending on whether your Google Cloud usage is limited
to Cloud Run or also spans across these other services, you might
see differences in the flexible CUDs that you receive for your commitment.
You calculate the baseline per hour cost of services with instance-based billing and
jobs in the region you want to benefit from a flexible committed use discount. Any
usage beyond that limit will be charged at the regular on-demand price.
Once you make the commitment, you’re charged that amount even if you decide to
stop or scale down your Cloud Run usage during the rest of the
commitment period.
You commit to spend $1 per hour on Cloud Run for 3 years
in us-central1
across all project .
You are charge a minimum of$ 1 * 54 %
= $0.54 per hour for 3 years,
independently from actual usage.
If, in a given hour, Cloud Run usage inus-central1
before the
discount is $1.50, then you pay only 1 * 54% + (1.50 - 1) = $1.04
The following limitations apply to flexible CUDs:
Cloud Run flexible CUDs only apply to all
Cloud Run services with instance-based billing, or jobs.
Cloud Run flexible CUDs don’t apply to networking charges.
Cloud Run committed use discounts automatically apply to
all aggregated Cloud Run CPU, memory, andrequest
usage in a region.
Cloud Run committed use discounts give you a 17%
discount off on-demand pricing for a one-year commitment. When purchasing a CUD
in the Google Cloud console, you are presented with the option of a 1 or a 3 year term.
Choosing a three year term instead of a 1 year term doesn’t change the discount
rate, but is equivalent to purchasing a bundle of three 1 year terms in a
single transaction to be served sequentially.
This discount percentage is the same in every region.
See the Cloud Run pricing tables for CUD (committed use discount pricing)
pricing details.
You calculate the baseline per hour cost of CPU + Memory + requests across all
services in the region you want to benefit from a committed use discount. Any
usage above that limit will be charged at the regular on-demand price.
Once you make the commitment, you’re charged that amount even if you decide to
stop or scale down your Cloud Run usage during the rest of the
commitment period.
You is commit commit to spend $ 1 per hour on Cloud Run for one year
across all project .
You are charge a minimum of$1 * 83%
= $0.83 per hour for the whole year,
independently from actual usage.
If, in a given hour, Cloud Run usage inus-central1
before the
discount is $1.50, then you pay only 1 * 83% + (1.50 - 1) = $1.33
The following limitations apply to resource-based CUDs: