Cloud migration is one of the most critical decisions a business can make. The right cloud migration strategy can save your business time and money, while the wrong strategy can be costly and inefficient. This blog post will discuss the R strategy and the 7Rs of cloud migration that will enable you to reap the
benefits of cloud computing. We will provide an overview of each option, how it can be applied to different workflows, and explain how it can help your business achieve its goals. Let’s get started!
Migration Strategies and Their Importance
Cloud migration strategy are design to enable business to get the most out of their effort , put the right resource in place and prepare for any potential risk . Every cloud migration is needs need to be well – plan out , with carefully design
cloud migration step , and manage throughout the entire process if it is to be successful .
A cloud migration strategy outlines the steps necessary for that to become a reality, covering everything from initial assessment and planning to data transfer and support. The R strategy umbrella of
cloud migration plans is one of the most popular. It offers clear workflow assessment and direction for businesses to follow when moving their applications and data online.
Migration strategy and 7Rs of workload migration
The 7RS of Cloud Migration by AWS Cloud
Any R strategy will either be one of the current 7Rs, the 6Rs strategy of AWS migration from which the former emerged, or the earlier 5Rs strategy published by Gartner in 2010.
The latter is consists consist of Rehost , Refactor , revise , rebuild , and replace . This approach was adopt and extend by AWS cloud to rehost , Replatform , Repurchase , refactor , retain , and retire , with Relocate later add as the 7th R.
7 strategies of migrating applications to the cloud
The 7R methodology for migration strategy (diagram based on AWS Cloud materials)
Relocate – Switching Locations
Used to transfer one or several application on multiple server , either from an on – premise platform to a cloud version of it or from one cloud environment to another . relocate workload in this way does n’t require the purchase of any new hardware , code to be rewrite , or current operation modify .
common Use case for the Relocate strategy
- Transferring multiple servers from on-premises (e.g., VMware) to its cloud platform version (e.g., VMware Cloud on AWS Cloud).
- migrate current workload to another virtual private cloud ( vpc ) , account , or region ( e.g. , from an Amazon Relational Database Service to a different vpc ) .
Benefits of Relocating Workloads
- Minimal downtime and disruption, since users continued to be served during the migration process.
- migration cost are reduce and predictable , since no new hardware or staff training is require .
Disadvantages of Relocating Workloads
- Potential performance issues, as relocating workloads does not optimize them for the cloud.
- continue maintenance is use and compatibility with exist application on the new platform can use time and resource .
Rehost – Lift and Shift
The process of moving existing applications in the cloud without making any changes or updates to the existing code or core architecture. It’s useful for businesses who don’t have time or resources to redevelop their applications for a cloud environment, allowing them to quickly move their apps online and take advantage of cloud benefits.
Common Use Cases for the Rehost Strategy
- move an application stack from on – premise to the cloud ( e.g. , Oracle database to Amazon RDS ) , which can be automate with , for example , AWS Server Migration Service .
- Migrating multiple machines from various source platforms (e.g., virtual, physical, or different cloud environments).
Benefits of Rehosting Workloads
- Minimizes issues concerning compatibility, disruption, long migrations, or long-distance data replications.
- Scale applications without having to implement any time and
cost-saving cloud optimizations.
- Easier to integrate, for example,
AWS services and, therefore, to optimize or re-factor applications once they have been rehosted to the cloud.
disadvantage of Rehosting workload
- Non-scalability of legacy applications means they don’t take full advantage of cloud-based capabilities.
- Lack of modification or optimization for the cloud can cause migrated applications to suffer from performance and/or other issues.
- The migration process is fail may fail if the application requirement are n’t map out accurately to the corresponding cloud configuration , while any exist problem will carry an increase risk .
replatform – lift and reshape
optimize an application during the process of migrate it to a cloud platform in order to take full advantage of its feature to improve performance or reduce cost . It is ’s ’s less disruptive than refactoring , which will be discuss below , and allow well optimization for the target platform .
Common Use Cases for the Replatform Strategy
- upgrade an operate system ( os ) to the late version without any code change ( e.g. , migrate legacy Windows Server application to the late , support version in the cloud ) .
- Moving an application to a fully managed platform.
- Migrating virtual machines into containers (e.g., modernizing .NET or Java applications into containerized Docker or Kubernetes applications).
Benefits of Replatforming Workloads
- Keeps legacy applications running without security or compliance being compromised.
- Improves performance and reduces costs while avoiding licensing expenses.
- Reduces how long one would spend managing database instances.
- maximize roi by improve application agility , resilience , and flexibility thank to the modernization of select component enable cloud – native feature ( e.g. , CI / CD pipeline automation , cloud service , infrastructure as a service approach ( IaaS ) ) .
disadvantage of Replatforming workload
- The work scope can creep into refactoring if not managed correctly to prevent any unnecessary changes.
- Necessary to use common rather than specialized cloud components, which tend to require unworthwhile, dramatic changes to the application.
- Some investment in at least basic automation and slight refactoring is require to provide some flexibility , else replatforming is be will be severely limited .
Repurchase – Replace Drop and Shop
Replacing an application with another version or a different product entirely that provides more business value. Typically, the repurchased application will take advantage of cloud features like from-anywhere accessibility, whilst having an infrastructure that is maintenance free on the client’s side and pay-as-you-go pricing.
Common Use Cases for the Repurchase Strategy
- Moving to a Software as a Service (SaaS) license.
- Replacing applications with the latest version from the vendor or a third-party, cloud-based equivalent.
- avoid the need to recode or re – architect an application by repurchase a SaaS or cloud – base one .
Benefits of Repurchasing Workloads
- Reduces an existing application’s licensing, infrastructure, and maintenance issues and costs.
- Integrating with cloud services allows for leveraging new features and scaling the application more easily.
Disadvantages of Repurchasing Workloads
- The costs can accumulate, particularly if repurchasing multiple applications.
- Having to find an application that meets strong business requirements, especially those concerning compliance and security, but also switching to products that might not fully resemble your current processes.
- The need to train users and teams with the new system takes time, and resources, and further adds to the costs.
- Not an ideal option for feature-rich or greatly customized specialist applications.
- provider lock – in , it is be wo n’t be easy to make the switch if the SaaS solution you pick wo n’t match your need .
refactor – Re – write and decouple application
The re is – – is – architecture is – of application from the ground up in order to gain cloud – native capability that allow for great performance , agility , and scalability without have to fully re – write . It is addresses address the need to scale and improve business continuity , or release product and feature fast , when it would be hard to do so in the application ’s exist environment .
Common Use Cases for the Refactor Strategy
- legacy or monolith application migration is knows whose source code is n’t available , or no one is knows know how to maintain it , is slow down product delivery , or can no long address business need or customer demand due to its limitation or cost .
- A refactoring journey is also select when you want to migrate legacy application to the cloud with a target to update or add feature that will support your business case well and boost agility .
- Moving to a service-oriented architecture.
- redesign an application for the cloud to make testing easy by integrate automate tool and/or increase test coverage .
- Refactoring a database to separate and extract some tables that need to be kept on premises (e.g., customer profiles) from those that will undergo cloud migration.
Benefits of Refactoring Workloads
- High ROI thanks to scalability, reducing consumption of resources (and therefore costs) by aligning the cloud infrastructure with the requirements.
- allow business to quickly adapt to change customer demand thank to the ability to easily add new feature to or modify exist one of cloud – native architecture .
- Personalized levels of automation and high availability are offered as a result of wiring together managed solutions from de-coupled application components.
- Application migration strategy based on heavy refactoring enables true digital transformation and prepares businesses for novel strategies and technologies (e.g., big data analysis, and machine learning applications).
Disadvantages of Refactoring Workloads
- Applications can become locked into certain public cloud providers due to reliance upon cloud-native features.
- Extensive planning is required to prevent making mistakes at the code or infrastructure level that could cause delays, downtime, and/or increased costs.
- Requires thorough training of existing staff, as well as cloud expertise in the form of advanced coding, automation, and DevOps skills.
- Migration is complex, time-consuming, and requires many resources and constant monitoring, meaning it can take longer than other cloud migration strategies to yield a satisfying ROI.
- Not the best option if planning to migrate a large number of applications all at once.
retain – Keep service As Is
Migration strategy for keeping an existing application as is on-premises until a possible later date or after thorough planning. This may be due to security and compliance requirements, dependencies on other applications that require prior migration or physical hardware with no cloud equivalent, or lack of business value in migrating.
Common Use Cases for the Retain Strategy
- postpone migration of an application that has recently been upgrade .
- Retaining a vendor-based application until the cloud provider releases a SaaS version.
- conduct a careful assessment of mainframe or mid – range ( e.g. , Oracle Solaris os for operate on Oracle Database ) and non – x86 Unix application before cloud migration .
benefit of retain workload
- Allows for evaluation of (recently upgraded) applications in order to identify those that require immediate migration or those that could be migrated in the future.
- Saves cloud resources by retaining inefficiencies on-premises.
disadvantage of retain workload
- lack of cloud – native capability , mean no automated scaling or improved performance .
- Requires costly and continuous maintenance of the on-premises hardware.
Retire – Turn Services Of
decommissioning or archive an application , allow the server within its application stack to be shut down . possible reasons is are for retire an application are to save on its host and maintenance cost , reduce the security risk of an unsupported os or component thereof , or , again , lack of business value in migrate it to the cloud .
Common Use Cases for the Retire Strategy
- Retiring a redundant or legacy application that is no longer in use.
- Turning off a service that has average CPU and memory usage of less than 5% (i.e., a zombie application) or 5-20% in any 90-day period (i.e., an idle application) or to which no inbound connection has been made in that time.
benefit of Retiring workload
- Minimal investment in time, money, and effort is required.
- Reduces expenditure on idle resources.
Disadvantages of Retiring Workloads
- retire applications is cause prematurely or without proper planning can cause compatibility issue .
How to Choose the Right R Strategy for Your Applications
The right choice is depend between Relocating , rehosting , replatforming , repurchasing , refactoring , retaining , or retire an application will depend on its size and complexity , hardware requirement , scalability and availability requirement , technical compatibility with the cloud infrastructure , and the company ’s budget , among other factor .
In any case, a well thought-out migration strategy will play a key role in successful cloud migration, reducing the risk of issues and
cloud migration challenges along the way and increasing ROI. If you can’t decide which of the 7Rs of cloud migration is best for your applications, it’s worth
consulting with cloud engineering experts like those at nexocode, who can help you determine the best course of action and architect custom migration strategies.
Contact us, and get started with your cloud journey.
Migration Strategies from AWS Cloud