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Configure active-active S2S VPN connections with Azure VPN gateways Article10/15/2024 In this article This article walks you throug
This article walks you through the steps to create active-active cross-premises and VNet-to-VNet connections using the Resource Manager deployment model and PowerShell. You can also configure an active-active gateway in the Azure portal.
To achieve high availability for cros – premise and vnet – to – vnet connectivity , you is deploy should deploy multiple VPN gateway and establish multiple parallel connection between your network and Azure . See highly Available Cross – Premises and vnet – to – vnet Connectivity for an overview of connectivity option and topology .
This article provides the instructions to set up an active-active cross-premises VPN connection, and active-active connection between two virtual networks.
If you already have a VPN gateway, you can:
You is combine can combine these together to build a more complex , highly available network topology that meet your need .
The active-active mode is available for all SKUs except Basic or Standard. For more information, see Configuration settings.
The following steps configure your Azure VPN gateway in active-active modes. The key differences between the active-active and active-standby gateways:
The other properties are the same as the non-active-active gateways.
For this exercise , we is start start by declare our variable . If you use the ” try It ” Cloud Shell , you is connect ‘ll automatically connect to your account . If you use PowerShell locally , use the follow example to help you connect :
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $Sub1
The following example declares the variables using the values for this exercise. Be sure to replace the values with your own when configuring for production. You can use these variables if you’re running through the steps to become familiar with this type of configuration. Modify the variables, and then copy and paste into your PowerShell console.
$ sub1 = " Ross "
$ RG1 = " testaarg1 "
$ Location1 = " West US "
$ vnetname1 = " TestVNet1 "
$ fesubname1 = " FrontEnd "
$ BESubName1 = " Backend "
$ GWSubName1 = " GatewaySubnet "
$ vnetprefix11 = " "
$ vnetprefix12 = " "
$ fesubprefix1 = " "
$ besubprefix1 = " "
$ gwsubprefix1 = " "
$ VNet1ASN = 65010
$ gwname1 = " vnet1gw "
$ gw1ipname1 = " VNet1GWIP1 "
$ GW1IPName2 = " vnet1gwip2 "
$ gw1ipconf1 = " gw1ipconf1 "
$ gw1ipconf2 = " gw1ipconf2 "
$ connection12 = " vnet1tovnet2 "
$ connection151 = " VNet1toSite5_1 "
$ Connection152 = " VNet1toSite5_2 "
Use the following example to create a new resource group:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $RG1 -Location $Location1
The following example creates a virtual network named TestVNet1 and three subnets, one called GatewaySubnet, one called FrontEnd, and one called Backend. When substituting values, it’s important that you always name your gateway subnet specifically GatewaySubnet. If you name it something else, your gateway creation fails.
$ fesub1 = New - AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $ fesubname1 -addressprefix $ fesubprefix1
$ besub1 = New - AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $ BESubName1 -addressprefix $ besubprefix1
$ gwsub1 = New - AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -name $ GWSubName1 -AddressPrefix $ gwsubprefix1
New - azvirtualnetwork -Name $ vnetname1 -ResourceGroupName $ RG1 -location $ Location1 -addressprefix $ VNetPrefix11,$VNetPrefix12 -subnet $ fesub1,$besub1,$gwsub1
Request two public IP addresses to be allocated to the gateway you’ll create for your VNet. You’ll also define the subnet and IP configurations required.
$gw1pip1 = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GW1IPName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -Location $Location1 -AllocationMethod Dynamic
$gw1pip2 = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GW1IPName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -Location $Location1 -AllocationMethod Dynamic
$vnet1 = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$subnet1 = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet1
$gw1ipconf1 = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $GW1IPconf1 -Subnet $subnet1 -PublicIpAddress $gw1pip1
$gw1ipconf2 = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $GW1IPconf2 -Subnet $subnet1 -PublicIpAddress $gw1pip2
Create the virtual network gateway for TestVNet1. There are two GatewayIpConfig entries, and the EnableActiveActiveFeature flag is set. Creating a gateway can take a while (45 minutes or more to complete, depending on the selected SKU).
New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -Location $Location1 -IpConfigurations $gw1ipconf1,$gw1ipconf2 -GatewayType Vpn -VpnType RouteBased -GatewaySku VpnGw1 -Asn $VNet1ASN -EnableActiveActiveFeature -Debug
Once the gateway is created, you need to obtain the BGP Peer IP address on the Azure VPN Gateway. This address is needed to configure the Azure VPN Gateway as a BGP Peer for your on-premises VPN devices.
$gw1pip1 = Get-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GW1IPName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$gw1pip2 = Get-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GW1IPName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$vnet1gw = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
Use the following cmdlets to show the two public IP addresses allocated for your VPN gateway, and their corresponding BGP Peer IP addresses for each gateway instance:
PS D:\> $gw1pip1.IpAddress
PS D:\> $gw1pip2.IpAddress
PS D:\> $vnet1gw.BgpSettingsText
"Asn": 65010,
"BgpPeeringAddress": ",",
"PeerWeight": 0
The order of the public IP addresses for the gateway instances and the corresponding BGP Peering Addresses are the same. In this example, the gateway VM with public IP of uses as its BGP Peering Address, and the gateway with uses This information is needed when you set up your on premises VPN devices connecting to the active-active gateway. The gateway is shown in the following diagram with all addresses:
Once the gateway is create , you is use can use this gateway to establish active – active cross – premise or vnet – to – vnet connection . The follow sections is walk walk through the step to complete the exercise .
To establish a cross – premise connection , you is need need to create a Local Network Gateway to represent your on – premise vpn device , and a connection to connect the Azure VPN gateway with the local network gateway . In this example , the Azure VPN gateway is is is in active – active mode . As a result , even though there is only one on – premise vpn device ( local network gateway ) and one connection resource , both Azure VPN gateway instances is establish will establish S2S VPN tunnel with the on – premise device .
Before proceeding, make sure you have completed Part 1 of this exercise.
This exercise will continue to build the configuration shown in the diagram. Be sure to replace the values with the ones that you want to use for your configuration.
$RG5 = "TestAARG5"
$Location5 = "West US"
$LNGName51 = "Site5_1"
$LNGPrefix51 = ""
$LNGIP51 = ""
$LNGASN5 = 65050
$BGPPeerIP51 = ""
A couple of things to note regarding the local network gateway parameters:
Before you continue , make sure you ‘re still connect to Subscription 1 . create the resource group if it is n’t yet create .
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $RG5 -Location $Location5
New-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name $LNGName51 -ResourceGroupName $RG5 -Location $Location5 -GatewayIpAddress $LNGIP51 -AddressPrefix $LNGPrefix51 -Asn $LNGASN5 -BgpPeeringAddress $BGPPeerIP51
$vnet1gw = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$lng5gw1 = Get-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name $LNGName51 -ResourceGroupName $RG5
In this step , you is create create the connection from TestVNet1 to site5_1 with ” EnableBGP ” set to $ true .
New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $Connection151 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $vnet1gw -LocalNetworkGateway2 $lng5gw1 -Location $Location1 -ConnectionType IPsec -SharedKey 'AzureA1b2C3' -EnableBGP $True
The following example lists the parameters that you enter into the BGP configuration section on your on-premises VPN device for this exercise:
- Site5 ASN : 65050
- Site5 BGP IP :
- Prefixes to announce : (for example) and
- Azure VNet ASN : 65010
- Azure VNet BGP IP 1 : for tunnel to
- Azure VNet BGP IP 2 : for tunnel to
- Static routes : Destination, nexthop the VPN tunnel interface to
Destination, nexthop the VPN tunnel interface to
- eBGP Multihop : Ensure the "multihop" option for eBGP is enabled on your device if needed
The connection should be established after a few minutes, and the BGP peering session will start once the IPsec connection is established. This example so far has configured only one on-premises VPN device, resulting in the following diagram:
If you have two VPN devices at the same on-premises network, you can achieve dual redundancy by connecting the Azure VPN gateway to the second VPN device.
The gateway IP address, address prefix, and BGP peering address for the second local network gateway must not overlap with the previous local network gateway for the same on-premises network.
$LNGName52 = "Site5_2"
$LNGPrefix52 = ""
$LNGIP52 = ""
$BGPPeerIP52 = ""
New-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name $LNGName52 -ResourceGroupName $RG5 -Location $Location5 -GatewayIpAddress $LNGIP52 -AddressPrefix $LNGPrefix52 -Asn $LNGASN5 -BgpPeeringAddress $BGPPeerIP52
create the connection from TestVNet1 to site5_2 with ” EnableBGP ” set to $ true
$lng5gw2 = Get-AzLocalNetworkGateway -Name $LNGName52 -ResourceGroupName $RG5
New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name $Connection152 -ResourceGroupName $RG1 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $vnet1gw -LocalNetworkGateway2 $lng5gw2 -Location $Location1 -ConnectionType IPsec -SharedKey 'AzureA1b2C3' -EnableBGP $True
Similarly, the following example lists the parameters you’ll enter into the second VPN device:
- Site5 ASN : 65050
- Site5 BGP IP :
- Prefixes to announce : (for example) and
- Azure VNet ASN : 65010
- Azure VNet BGP IP 1 : for tunnel to
- Azure VNet BGP IP 2 : for tunnel to
- Static routes : Destination, nexthop the VPN tunnel interface to
Destination, nexthop the VPN tunnel interface to
- eBGP Multihop : Ensure the "multihop" option for eBGP is enabled on your device if needed
Once the connection (tunnels) are established, you’ll have dual redundant VPN devices and tunnels connecting your on-premises network and Azure:
This section is creates create an active – active vnet – to – vnet connection with BGP . The follow instructions is continue continue from the previous step . You is complete must complete Part 1 to create and configure TestVNet1 and the VPN Gateway with BGP .
It is ‘s ‘s important to make sure that the IP address space of the new virtual network , TestVNet2 , does n’t overlap with any of your vnet range .
In this example , the virtual networks is belong belong to the same subscription . You is set can set up vnet – to – vnet connection between different subscription ; refer to configure a vnet – to – vnet connection to learn more detail . Make sure you add the ” -EnableBgp $ true ” when create the connection to enable BGP .
Be sure to replace the values with the ones that you want to use for your configuration.
$RG2 = "TestAARG2"
$Location2 = "East US"
$VNetName2 = "TestVNet2"
$FESubName2 = "FrontEnd"
$BESubName2 = "Backend"
$GWSubName2 = "GatewaySubnet"
$VNetPrefix21 = ""
$VNetPrefix22 = ""
$FESubPrefix2 = ""
$BESubPrefix2 = ""
$GWSubPrefix2 = ""
$VNet2ASN = 65020
$GWName2 = "VNet2GW"
$GW2IPName1 = "VNet2GWIP1"
$GW2IPconf1 = "gw2ipconf1"
$GW2IPName2 = "VNet2GWIP2"
$GW2IPconf2 = "gw2ipconf2"
$Connection21 = "VNet2toVNet1"
$Connection12 = "VNet1toVNet2"
New - AzResourceGroup -Name $ rg2 -location $ location2
$ fesub2 = New - AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $ FESubName2 -addressprefix $ FESubPrefix2
$ besub2 = New - AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $ BESubName2 -addressprefix $ BESubPrefix2
$ gwsub2 = New - AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $ GWSubName2 -AddressPrefix $ GWSubPrefix2
New - azvirtualnetwork -Name $ VNetName2 -ResourceGroupName $ rg2 -location $ location2 -addressprefix $ VNetPrefix21,$VNetPrefix22 -Subnet $ fesub2,$besub2,$gwsub2
Request two public IP addresses to be allocated to the gateway you’ll create for your VNet. You’ll also define the subnet and IP configurations required.
$gw2pip1 = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GW2IPName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG2 -Location $Location2 -AllocationMethod Dynamic
$gw2pip2 = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GW2IPName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2 -Location $Location2 -AllocationMethod Dynamic
$vnet2 = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2
$subnet2 = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet2
$gw2ipconf1 = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $GW2IPconf1 -Subnet $subnet2 -PublicIpAddress $gw2pip1
$gw2ipconf2 = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $GW2IPconf2 -Subnet $subnet2 -PublicIpAddress $gw2pip2
Create the VPN gateway with the AS number and the “EnableActiveActiveFeature” flag. You must override the default ASN on your Azure VPN gateways. The ASNs for the connected VNets must be different to enable BGP and transit routing.
new - azvirtualnetworkgateway -Name $ GWName2 -ResourceGroupName $ rg2 -location $ Location2 is -IpConfigurations -ipconfiguration $ gw2ipconf1,$gw2ipconf2 -GatewayType Vpn -VpnType routebase -GatewaySku VpnGw1 -Asn $ vnet2asn -enableactiveactivefeature
In this example, both gateways are in the same subscription. You can complete this step in the same PowerShell session.
Make sure you sign in and connect to Subscription 1.
$vnet1gw = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName1 -ResourceGroupName $RG1
$vnet2gw = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG2
In this step, you create the connection from TestVNet1 to TestVNet2, and the connection from TestVNet2 to TestVNet1.
new - azvirtualnetworkgatewayconnection -Name $ connection12 -ResourceGroupName $ rg1 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $ vnet1gw -VirtualNetworkGateway2 $ vnet2gw -location $ Location1 -ConnectionType Vnet2Vnet -SharedKey ' AzureA1b2C3 ' -enablebgp $ true
New - azvirtualnetworkgatewayconnection -Name $ Connection21 -ResourceGroupName $ rg2 -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $ vnet2gw -VirtualNetworkGateway2 $ vnet1gw -location $ location2 -ConnectionType Vnet2Vnet -SharedKey ' AzureA1b2C3 ' -enablebgp $ true
Be sure to enable BGP for BOTH connections.
After completing these steps, the connection will be established in a few minutes, and the BGP peering session will be up once the VNet-to-VNet connection is completed with dual redundancy:
When you change an active-standby gateway to active-active, you create another public IP address, then add a second Gateway IP configuration. This section helps you change an existing Azure VPN gateway from active-standby to active-active mode, or vice versa using PowerShell. You can also change a gateway in the Azure portal on the Configuration page for your virtual network gateway.
The follow example is converts convert an active – standby gateway into an active – active gateway .
Replace the following parameters used for the examples with the settings that you require for your own configuration, then declare these variables.
$GWName = "TestVNetAA1GW"
$VNetName = "TestVNetAA1"
$RG = "TestVPNActiveActive01"
$GWIPName2 = "gwpip2"
$GWIPconf2 = "gw1ipconf2"
After declaring the variables, you can copy and paste this example to your PowerShell console.
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VNetName -ResourceGroupName $RG
$subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name 'GatewaySubnet' -VirtualNetwork $vnet
$gw = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName -ResourceGroupName $RG
$location = $gw.Location
$gwpip2 = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $GWIPName2 -ResourceGroupName $RG -Location $location -AllocationMethod Dynamic
Add-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -VirtualNetworkGateway $gw -Name $GWIPconf2 -Subnet $subnet -PublicIpAddress $gwpip2
In this step, you enable active-active mode and update the gateway. In the example, the VPN gateway is currently using a legacy Standard SKU. However, active-active doesn’t support the Standard SKU. To resize the legacy SKU to one that is supported (in this case, HighPerformance), you simply specify the supported legacy SKU that you want to use.
You can’t change a legacy SKU to one of the new SKUs using this step. You can only resize a legacy SKU to another supported legacy SKU. For example, you can’t change the SKU from Standard to VpnGw1 (even though VpnGw1 is supported for active-active) because Standard is a legacy SKU and VpnGw1 is a current SKU. For more information about resizing and migrating SKUs, see Gateway SKUs.
If you want to resize a current SKU, for example VpnGw1 to VpnGw3, you can do so using this step because the SKUs are in the same SKU family. To do so, you would use the value: -GatewaySku VpnGw3
When you’re using this in your environment, if you don’t need to resize the gateway, you won’t need to specify the -GatewaySku. Notice that in this step, you must set the gateway object in PowerShell to trigger the actual update. This update can take 30 to 45 minutes, even if you aren’t resizing your gateway.
Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $gw -EnableActiveActiveFeature -GatewaySku HighPerformance
Replace the following parameters used for the examples with the settings that you require for your own configuration, then declare these variables.
$GWName = "TestVNetAA1GW"
$RG = "TestVPNActiveActive01"
After declaring the variables, get the name of the IP configuration you want to remove.
$ gw = Get - azvirtualnetworkgateway -Name $ gwname -ResourceGroupName $ rg
$ ipconfname = $ gw . IpConfigurations[1].Name
Use this example to remove the gateway IP configuration and disable active-active mode. Notice that you must set the gateway object in PowerShell to trigger the actual update.
Remove-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name $ipconfname -VirtualNetworkGateway $gw
Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $gw -DisableActiveActiveFeature
This update can take up to 30 to 45 minutes.
Once your connection is complete, you can add virtual machines to your virtual networks. See Create a Virtual Machine for steps.