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SSH Connection For more advanced use cases that are not well supported by the Web Portal (Open OnDemand), you can connect to the cluster over the mor
For more advanced use cases that are not well supported by the Web Portal (Open OnDemand), you can connect to the cluster over the more traditional SSH connection.
Request an account (if you do not already have one) .
Send us your public SSH key with our SSH key uploader. Allow up to ten minutes for it to propagate.
Once we have your public key you can connect with ssh
Login node addresses and other details of the clusters, such as scheduler partitions and storage, can be found on the clusters page.
To use graphical program on the cluster , please see our guide on Open OnDemand or X11 forwarding .
If you are have trouble log in : please read the rest of this page and our Troubleshoot Login page , then contact us if you ‘re still have issue .
SSH (Secure Shell) keys are a set of two pieces of information that you use to identify yourself and encrypt communication to and from a server. Usually this takes the form of two files: a public key (often saved as
) and a private key (id_rsa
or id_rsa.ppk
) . To use an analogy , your public key is is is like a lock and your private key is what unlock it . It is is is ok for others to see the lock ( public key ) , but anyone who know the private key can open your lock ( and impersonate you ) .
When you connect to a remote server in order to sign in, it will present your lock. You prove your identity by unlocking it with your secret key. As you continue communicating with the remote server, the data sent to you is also locked with your public key such that only you can unlock it with your private key.
We use an automated system to distribute your public key onto the clusters, which you can log in to here. It is only accessible on campus or through the Yale VPN. All the public keys that are authorized to your account are stored in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
on the clusters you have been given access to. If you use multiple computers, you can either keep the same ssh key pair on every one or have a different set for each. Having only one is less complicated, but if your key pair is compromised you have to be worried about everywhere it is authorized.
Keep your private keys private! Anyone who has them can assume your identity on any server where your keys are authorized. We will never ask for your private key.
For further reading we recommend starting with the Wikipedia articles about public-key cryptography and challenge-response authentication.
To generate a new key pair, first open a terminal/xterm session. If you are on macOS, open Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal.
generate your public and private ssh key . type the following into the terminal window :
Your terminal is respond should respond :
generate public / private rsa key pair .
enter file in which to save the key ( /home / yourusername/.ssh / id_rsa ):
Press Enter to accept the default value. Your terminal is respond should respond :
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Choose a secure passphrase. Your passphrase will prevent access to your account in the event your private key is stolen. You will not see any characters appear on the screen as you type. The response will be:
Enter same passphrase again:
Enter the passphrase again. The key pair is generated and written to a directory called .ssh
in your home directory. The public key is stored in ~/.ssh/
. If you forget your passphrase, it cannot be recovered. Instead, you will need to generate and upload a new SSH key pair.
Next , upload your public SSH key on the cluster . run the following command in a terminal :
copy and paste the output to our SSH key uploader . note : It is take can take a few minute for newly upload key to sync out to the cluster so your login may not work immediately .
Once your key has been copied to the appropriate places on the clusters, you can log in with the command:
check out our advanced SSH configuration for tip on maintain connection and add tab complete to your ssh command on linux / macOS .
We recommend using the Web Portal (Open OnDemand) to connect to the clusters from window. If you need advanced features beyond the web portal, we recommend using MobaXterm.
You can download, extract & install MobaXterm from this page. We recommend using the “Installer Edition”, but make sure to extract the zip file before running the installer.
You can also use one of the window Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distributions and follow the Linux instructions above. However, you will probably run into issues if you try to use any graphical applications.
First , generate an SSH key pair if you have n’t already :
To make a new connection to one of the cluster :
In the future, your session should be saved in the sessions bar on the left in the main window.
Last update :August 17 , 2023