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Always get an angel with coin flips
Sells hair ornaments
Corrine is a support character in Dark Chronicle. Corrine is a young girl with short length brown hair, yellow sweater, navy blue skirt and brown shoes. Her attire is very similar to that of a Japanese school girl’s outfit. She can initially be found in Morton’s house, suggesting that she is his daughter. If this is so, it would make her Donny’s sister.
In-order to recruit Corinne, the player must first find her three times in a game of hide and seek:
After recruiting Corinne, she may be found in the third front most (back) passenger car of Blackstone One. At this point she may be immigrated and placed in Georama areas. She sells hair ornaments for Monica Raybrandt as part of Corinne’s Hairpins. In a party her ability is to always ensure an angel during Angel and Devil Coin flips.
According to the character designer, Jun Sonobe, Corinne was originally only intended for an event involving Cedric, in which he was supposed to build a time machine to travel back in time to meet his deceased daughter and wife again, respectively Corinne and Mina.[1]