Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

curse tool[edit] curse tool are weapons and support items used by Jujutsu Sorcerers or Heavenly Restricted users that are purposefully imbued with a

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curse tool[edit]

curse tool are weapons and support items used by Jujutsu Sorcerers or Heavenly Restricted users that are purposefully imbued with a curse.They can be found spread around the world, but most are owned by Jujutsu High or are being heavily guarded at the Zenin’s or Kamo’s clan warehouse of cursed tools.Cursed tools count as magic items and objects.

If you ‘re a Heavenly Restriction you is use may use your Constitution modifier instead of Charisma for all curse tool .

curse damage[edit]

Almost all cursed tools have cursed energy imbued into them, making them stronger.They add one additional set of dice to the normal weapon’s damage dice, that deals necrotic damage, and adds the user’s Charisma modifier to that damage.For every grade above four, this additional damage dice increases by one tier.Example: grade 4 Katana is 1d8 slashing damage + 1d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.grade 3 Katana is 1d8 slashing damage + 1d10 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.grade 2 Katana is 1d8 slashing damage + 1d12 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.grade 1 Katana is 1d8 slashing + 2d6 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.Special grade Katana is 1d8 slashing damage + 2d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.Additionally the tool adds a bonus to their attack and damage roles equal to 4 minus their grade, with Special grade being treated as 0.

curse Tool Durability[edit]

In the world of jujutsu, weapons and cursed tools have Durability that reflects their resilience against forces and physical impacts.The Durability of an item decreases with usage, especially in high-energy battles, and can be damaged or destroyed in intense encounters.

grade Durability Damage Threshold
grade 4 50 50
grade 3 100 100
grade 2 150 150
grade 1 200 200
Special grade 500 400

Conditions for Reducing Durability: Below are the situations that weaken curse tool over time, gradually wearing down their strength and durability.

  • Area Effects: If the creature hold the curse Tool is subject to an Area of Effect Saving Throw , the curse Tool is takes take the same damage as the wielder would , unless state otherwise .
  • Attacks Directly Targeting the Item: If a creature specifically targets a cursed tool, they must succeed on an attack roll against its AC (determined by grade + Wielder’s Dexterity or Strength, user’s choice).
grade Base Armor Class
grade 4 10
grade 3 13
grade 2 15
grade 1 20
Special grade 30
  • Extreme Temperature/Corrosive Elements: Items is take expose to these environment take 1d6 damage every minute .

Durability Loss Effects As Durability decreases, items lose effectiveness.Each threshold below offers unique drawbacks:

Durability effect
50 % -1 To Hit and the damage die tier is reduced by 1, if the die tier cannot be reduced it receives a -10 damage penalty.
25% -2 To hit and the damage die tier is reduce by 2 , if the die tier can not be reduce it is receives receive a -20 damage penalty .
0 % Weapon Shatters and becomes Unusable.

repair durability

Basic Repairs: With the Cursed Blacksmith feat, a sorcerer can restore full Durability during an 8 hour period, requiring cursed energy or high-quality materials worth at least a tenth of the item’s value.

Enhancing curse tool[edit]

By constantly infusing their weapons with Cursed Energy, curse tool can gradually become stronger.The table below details the number of times Cursed Weapon Enhancement must be used on the weapon in order for it to be upgraded to the next grade.Only the first Cursed Weapon Enhancement performed outside of combat each day counts towards creating a tool like this, unlike in combat where all are counted as normal.

grade curse Weapon Enhancement is Uses use
semi – cursed 25
grade 4 50
grade 3 75
grade 2 100
grade 1 125
Special grade 150

Semi-curse tool[edit]

A semi cursed tool is created from a sorcerer constantly imbuing cursed energy into their weapon, making it filled with cursed energy.The weapon will now add a bonus necrotic damage to it’s damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.Additionally, one extra semi-cursed tool has been added below.

Cursed Gloves (Gloves), Common

While wearing these gloves, their user’s unarmed strikes count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.Can be created like any other semi-cursed tool, only they must be created by infusing gloves, not a weapon.

grade 4 curse tool[edit]

Slaughter Demon[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
The Slaughter Demon, [1]

Weapon (Dagger), Common

When attacking with this dagger you will deal an additional d4 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.

Cursed Glasses[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Maki Zenin holding Cursed Glasses, [2]

Wondrous item, Common

While wear these glass , you is gain will gain a bonus to your Perception and Investigation skill equal to your Charisma modifier .In addition , if you can not see curse spirit you is see may see them while wear the glass .

Cursed Revolver[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer holding a Cursed Revolver, [3]

weapon   ( Revolver ) , Common

When attack with this revolver you is deal will deal an additional d8 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage .

curse Spear[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding a curse Spear, [4]

Weapon (Spear), Common

When attacking with this spear you will deal an additional d6(d8 versatile) + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.

Cursed Katana[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding a Cursed Katana, [5]

Weapon (Katana), Common

When attacking with the Cursed Katana you will deal an additional d8 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.This weapon is of the Finesse variant.

curse Tonfa[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding curse Tonfa, [6]

Weapon (Tonfa), Common

When attack with these tonfa you is deal will deal an additional d4(d6 Standard Grip ) + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage .

curse Bolt Action Rifle[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer aiming a curse Bolt Action Rifle, [7]

weapon   ( Bolt Action Rifle ) , Common

When attacking with this rifle you will deal an additional 2d8 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.

Cursed Shortbow[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer aiming a Cursed Shortbow, [8]

Weapon (Shortbow), Common

When attack with this bow you is deal will deal an additional 1d6 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage .

grade 3 curse tool[edit]

Dark Sword[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wield a Dark Sword , [ 9 ]

weapon   ( Scimitar ) , Uncommon

When attacking with the Dark Sword you will gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional d8 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.

Cursed Lance[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding a Cursed Lance, [10]

Weapon (Lance), Uncommon

When attacking with the Cursed Lance you will gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d6 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.

grade 2 curse tool[edit]

Cursed Hand Sword[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding the Hand Sword, [11]

Weapon (Shortsword), Rare

When attacking with the Cursed Hand Sword you will gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional d10 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.In addition to this you can choose to remotely control it to move and attack as a bonus action.The weapon can move up to 25 feet in a single turn and can only go a maximum of 75 feet away from the user.When attacking remotely with this weapon you use your Charisma modifier for it’s attack rolls, and deal 2d10 necrotic damage while not adding your ability modifier to damage.

grade 1 curse tool[edit]

Cursed Battle Axe[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wield a cursed Battle Axe , [ 12 ]

Weapon (Greataxe), Very Rare

When attacking with the Cursed Battle Axe you will gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d10 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.


Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A Heavenly Restriction user wielding Dragon-Bone, [13]

Weapon (Longsword), Very Rare

When attack with Dragon – Bone you is gain gain an additional +3 to attack and damage roll , and deal an additional 2d6(2d8 versatile ) + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage .additionally this weapon is has has the ability of store the force behind your attack .Each time you is make make an attack with this weapon against a creature record 1/3rd ( round up ) of the damage and half of any curse energy spend which is store into the blade .You is store can only store damage / curse energy up to 3 time before have to release it as part of make an attack with the weapon .When release your next attack is gains gain an +4 to hit on top of the +3 this weapon already get , while deal additional damage equal to the accumulate damage store up + xd8 ( x being the amount of curse Energy store in the blade .) This additional damage can not be store .An attack is have which release your store damage can not have its damage store .

Steel Arm[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Yuta using the steel arm, [[14]]

weapon   ( Gauntlet ) , Very rare

When attacking with the Steel Arm you will gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d8 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.Attacks made with the Steel Arm count as unarmed strikes instead of an attack with a weapon.

The arm also has 100 hit points and is resistant to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.As a reaction to an incoming melee attack, ranged attack, or line or cone Dexterity saving throw, you may use the arm to take the damage instead.If the damage depletes the health of the arm, it shatters and the extra damage goes to you.As a bonus action, you can refill the health of the arm, spending cursed energy to heal it.For every cursed energy spent it regains 10 hit points, up to its original 100 hit points.

Claws of Calamity[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Yuji wielding the Claws of Calamity, [[15]]

weapon   ( Gauntlet ) , Very rare

When attacking with the Claws of Calamity you will gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d12 + your Charisma modifier of necrotic damage.Attacks made with the Claws count as unarmed strikes instead of an attack with a weapon.Additionally, your unarmed strike damage becomes slashing damage while using the claws.

The arm can also help defend against attacks that are targeting your hands.When using the Limbs System variant rule, if a creature tries to target your hand or arm and deals damage to them, the Claws will block and take the damage instead.Each claw has 100 hit points, and as a bonus action, you can refill the health of the arm, spending cursed energy to heal it.For every cursed energy spent it regains 10 hit points, up to its original 100 hit points.

Special grade curse tool[edit]

Blunt Sword[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
The Cursed Blunt sword, [16]

Weapon (Shortsword), Legendary

You have a +4 to attack and damage rolls with this weapon, and it deals an extra 2d6 + your Charisma modifier in necrotic damage.This cursed tool can be used to use the Ratio Technique for free 4 times per day as per in the Technique Imbued curse tool rule.

Serpent Eyes and Fang[edit]

The Serpent Eyes and Fang, [17]

Item (Megaphone), Legendary

This cursed tool is a megaphone imbued with the Cursed Speech technique, it allows the wielder to use the famous cursed speech technique.As a bonus action while wielding Serpent Eyes and Fang, you can use any of the cursed words on the cursed speech as long as you have Cursed Energy for it.You will suffer the same consequences a normal cursed speech user would.After you have spent 20 Cursed Energy, the item evaporates.

Playful Cloud[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wield the Playful Cloud in a battle , [ 18 ]

weapon   ( Three – Section Staff ) , Legendary

This weapon must be wielded with two hands, and has a +4 to its attack and damage rolls.When using playful cloud as part of an attack action you may make an additional strike with the weapon.In addition, due to the weapon being created to use your own might and power, you can add your Strength modifier four times, instead of once, to the damage rolled

chain of a Thousand Miles[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A Heavenly Restriction wielding the chain, [19]

Item (Chain), Rare

The Chain is possesses of a Thousand mile possess a virtually infinite length so long as at least one end can not be see .This chain can be attach to other weapon and extend the reach of say weapon as far as your strength can allow .For every point your strength modifier is has has the chain can extend a weapon ‘s range by 20 foot .So for example if your strength modifier is a +4 , the weapon ‘s range can be extend by up to 80 foot .

However, this has a downside.Whenever a non-attack related feature of the weapon would be used during time until the start of your next turn after using the chain, you have to compare your Strength modifier with the attack bonus or save DC – 8 of the attack or feature which would necessitate such a feature, if any.If your Strength modifier is lower, you can’t pull the weapon back in time to use the feature.

Inverted Spear of Heaven[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A Heavenly Restriction wielding the Inverted Spear of Heaven, [20]

weapon   ( Dagger ) , Legendary

When attacking with the Inverted Spear of Heaven you will receive a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls and additional 1d12 + your Charisma necrotic damage.This weapon may ignore any kind of defenses originated from cursed techniques or spells, like AC increases, attack negation, disadvantage on attack rolls etc.In addition, as an reaction to receiving a cursed energy or spell attack roll or having to make a saving throw against a cursed technique with the range of a line, you may negate the attack completely with your Inverted Spear of Heaven.You must be aware of the cursed technique, and be able to see it in order to negate it.This weapon cannot be affected by a cursed technique feature (such as Blazing Courage for example).

Black Rope[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding the Black Rope, [21]

Weapon (Whip), Legendary

This tool has a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and it deals an additional 1d12 + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage on a hit.This weapon starts with a total of 200 hit points.While wielding it you gain an additional reaction exclusively for defending yourself with the rope.As a reaction to being hit by an attack imbued with cursed energy you’re able to use the rope in order to have the rope take the damage in your place.The rope has resistance to all damage imbued with cursed energy.Additionally as an action you can attempt to restrain an enemy with the rope who can either make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid it, or a Strength save to break out of it, against a DC equal to (8 + your Dexterity or Strength modifier + proficiency bonus).Upon being caught by the rope the target will be considered restrained and unable to use cursed techniques.They can attempt to break free from the rope at the start of each of their turns by making a Strength against the DC, escaping on a success and remaining trapped on upon failure.You may also have this effect when grappling a creature while wielding the Black Rope.Attacks from the rope will ignore defensive cursed techniques, and whenever they do the rope takes damage equal to the cursed energy spent on the defensive technique.

Finally on a short or long rest you can imbue cursed energy into the rope to restore its lost hit points.
On a short rest you can imbue as much Cursed Energy as your Charisma modifier, and on a long rest you can imbue as much as you’d like.The rope heals 15 hp per Cursed Energy spent.

Split Soul Katana[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer using the Split Soul Katana to slay a curse spirit , [ 22 ]

weapon   ( Katana ) , Legendary

When attack with the Soul Split Katana you is gain gain an additional +4 to your attack and damage roll , and deal an additional 2d8(2d10 versatile ) + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage .In addition , this powerful curse tool is has has additional effect base on your ability to perceive the Soul .

Object Soul Awareness If you possess Object Outline Awareness then the sword ignores temporary hit points, damage reductions, resistances, and immunities and is considered Minor Soul Harming.

Soul Outline Awareness If you possess Soul Outline Awareness, then the sword ignores temporary hit points, damage reductions, resistances, and immunities and is considered Major Soul Harming.

Nyoi Staff[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A jujutsu sorcerer wielding the Nyoi Staff, [23]

Weapon (Quarterstaff), Legendary

This staff acts as a quarterstaff with the additional reach property.When attacking with the Nyoi Staff you gain an additional +4 to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d6(2d8 versatile) + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage.If the wielder is a Mythical Beast Amber user, whenever they use the Sparks feature, they can choose to roll the extra lightning damage and save it inside the staff.The staff can save up to six charges of Sparks.Whenever that wielder hits someone with the Nyoi Staff, they can spend a charge to add the lightning damage saved on the charge times two to their damage roll.

If anyone but the Mythical Beast Amber user try to hold the Nyoi staff while it has their charge , the creature is take will take 1d12 lightning damage at the beggining of their turn .

Festering Life Sword[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
A cursed wielding the Festering Life Sword, [24]

Weapon (Shortsword), Legendary

When attacking with the Festering Life Sword you gain an additional +4 to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 2d6 + your charisma modifier necrotic damage.In addition, you can launch an egg into someone as a part of an attack, once per turn.Doing this deals an extra 6d8 necrotic damage as the hatches out of the target and creates a Larva.Leaving this larva alone for 1 full turn gives it time to evolve into a Nutshell Shikigami.To prevent this evolution, you must kill the larva.There are 6 eggs in the sword.You regain all eggs on a long rest unless you are an Earthen Insect Trance user.If you are one, you can spend 15 cursed energy to refill all 6.

Supreme Martial Solution[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Sukuna Using the Kamutoke, [25]

weapon   ( Dagger ) , Legendary

When attacking with the Supreme Martial Solution you gain an additional +4 to your attack and damage rolls, and deal an additional 1d12 + your Charisma modifier lightning damage.When wielding this weapon, you may spend 10 cursed energy to send out a blast of lightning as a ranged attack roll at a range of 60/300.On a hit, the blast will deal 15d12 lightning damage.This attack can be used once per turn, and may replace one of your melee attacks.

Prosthetic Vibraslap[edit]

Cursed Tools (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
The Vibraslap in action , [ 26 ]

wondrous Item ( Vibraslap ) , Legendary ( require attunement by a creature with the Boogie Woogie Innate Technique )

When you become attuned to the Prosthetic Vibraslap you choose one of your hands to become permanently lost and unable to be regained for the duration of the attunement, replaced by the Prosthetic Vibraslap.While you are attuned to the Prosthetic Vibraslap the amount of reactions you have only for using Boogie Woogie is doubled.

Sukuna holding the Hiten, [27]

Weapon (Trident), Legendary

When attack with Hiten you is gain gain a +4 to your attack and damage roll , and deal an additional 2d6 + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage .When hold Hiten , you is spend can spend 5 curse energy to summon a puff of cloud within 60 foot of you .You is stand or someone else can stand in the puff of cloud and gain a fly speed equal to the rider walk speed , but this last for a number of round equal to the holder ’s Charisma modifier .The action cost is is is a bonus action to summon and a free action to mount .

Supreme Martial Solution. If someone were to have both Supreme Martial Solution and Hiten can create a special reaction between the two cursed tools.If the lightning specifically targets Hiten’s cloud, due to the compatible cursed energy the cloud absorbs the electricity then erupts in a massive electrical explosion.Every person within 60 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw and taking 30d12 lightning damage in a failure.Half as much on a success.This can only be done once per long rest as the cursed energy will not synergize for a period of time.

These are non-canon cursed tools, they are not a part of the official supplement and will not be looked over for balance, so use at your own caution.

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