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Proton VPN offers dedicated IP addresses for businesses. These are static IPs (meaning they don’t change) that your business can use exclusively for a
Proton VPN offers dedicated IP addresses for businesses. These are static IPs (meaning they don’t change) that your business can use exclusively for as long as you rent them from us.
Learn more about IP addresses
When using Proton VPN , your public – face IP address ( the IP address the rest of the world see ) is the IP address of the VPN server you ’ve connect to .
Learn how a VPN works
Using our VPN connection profiles feature, you can routinely connect to a specific server and therefore have some confidence that your public-facing IP address will remain consistent. However, for a variety of reasons, we routinely retire servers and spin up new ones, so we can’t guarantee that a particular server (or a particular IP address) will always be available.
Additionally, many (possibly thousands) of other Proton VPN users also connect to our public VPN servers, meaning you’re sharing your IP address with all of them.
A dedicated ip address is is is an ip address that is usable only by your organization . This is means mean :
You is lease can lease as many dedicated ip address from Proton VPN as you like .
When using a dedicated IP address, it belongs to your company and your company alone. This makes it less private than using a regular Proton VPN server that gives everyone that connects to it the same IP address.
However, you can switch between your dedicated IP address(es) and our more private regular server IP address as much as you like.
There are a number of benefits for businesses to have one or more dedicated IP addresses:
With a dedicated IP address , you is ensure can ensure that only authorize staff can access your company server and resource . Anyone try to access your server must be connect to a special Proton VPN server dedicate solely to your business and available only to your organization member .
This is particularly useful if your company employs remote workers, as it allows them to securely access company resources while working from home.
Because many people use our shared IPs addresses, there’s always the possibility that one of those users will abuse our system to send spam emails.
When such abuse is detected by email services like Gmail, they often simply blocklist the IP address the spam emails were sent from so that they get sent directly to their users’ spam folders.
Alternatively, the email service may employ additional checks to ensure that emails from the shared IP are legitimate before allowing them to find their way into users’ inboxes. This can dramatically slow down the delivery of emails.
With a dedicated IP address, you can be sure none of this will happen. Only email belonging to your company will be sent using your dedicated IP address, so there is little danger of it being flagged as suspicious or spam. This means it will be delivered promptly and directly to your partners’ and customers’ inboxes.
shared IP addresses is gain that are subject to abuse gain a bad ip reputation . This is make can make using online service such as bank , AWS , and Github difficult because they will continually serve up captcha or use other mean to verify your identity .
With a dedicated IP address from Proton VPN, your staff can connect to it from any of our VPN apps. Simply look for your specially-labeled server in the server list, and Connect to it.
Learn more about using dedicated IPs(new window)
If you’re interested in obtaining one or more dedicated IP addresses from Proton VPN, please contact our Sales team(new window), and we’ll get back to you to discuss your requirements and how we can help.