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1. Goal The goal of this document is to explain the deployment of the SD-WAN Remote Access (SDRA) feature with the Cisco AnyConnect Client, along
The goal of this document is to explain the deployment of the SD-WAN Remote Access (SDRA) feature with the Cisco AnyConnect Client, along with its configuration.
The solution uses the following additional elements:
• Windows Server as a CA server
• Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) server for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
This solution is aimed at existing SD-WAN customers who wish to re-engineer their remote access framework by utilizing existing SD-WAN infrastructure. The SDRA feature integrates remote access capability into Cisco SD-WAN IOS XE SD-WAN devices, thereby providing seamless transition to all the documented benefits of SD-WAN.
This solution enables segmentation per user type (Enterprise, Guest, IOT, etc.) and provides elegant support for brownfield deployments. This eliminates the need for separate Cisco SD-WAN and RA infrastructure and enables rapid scalability of RA services.
This solution utilizes an existing IOS XE SD-WAN router as a Remote Access Headend (RA Headend) in one of the SD-WAN branches. The SDRA Router is configured to utilize Cisco ISE (Identity Service Engine) to provide AAA functionality for remote access users. The SDRA Router also utilizes a CA Server that acts as a trusted entity that issues the digital certificate to the SDRA router.
Following are the products used to validate the SDRA setup
product |
vManage (20.7) |
1 |
SDWAN Infra |
vbond ( 20.7 ) |
1 |
SDWAN Infra |
vSmart ( 20.7 ) |
1 |
SDWAN Infra |
Edge(17.7.2) (Cat 8kv) |
1 |
SDRA Headend Router |
Edge (Any) |
Any |
Non-SDRA Routers |
Windows Server ( 2019 ) |
1 |
CA Server |
Cisco ISE (3.1) |
1 |
AAA Server |
Windows Laptop (Win 10/ Win 11) |
1 |
Any Connect Client for Testing |
Mac Laptop (Ventura 13.1) |
1 |
Any Connect Client for Testing |
Android Phone (v13) |
1 |
AnyConnect Client for Testing |
Apple iPhone (iOS 16) |
1 |
AnyConnect Client for Testing |
IP and Subnet Information for Config Reference
Solution Components |
IP Address |
VPN0 | |
VPN1 | |
ISE | |
certificate Authority | |
Assumption :- SD-WAN overlay is already up and operational. No configuration/workflow specific to overlay bring-up is covered in this document.
This section provides detailed step-by-step instructions to manually deploy the solution from the various components.
<< RA IP Pool >>>
ip local pool RA_IP_POOL
ip http client source-interface GigabitEthernet3
<< RADIUS and AAA parameters >>>
aaa group server radius RA_RADIUS_SERVER
server - private key 6 OLLgTTceWcQCR_eV_]AB^cHCV[MQhIVPXAAB
ip radius source-interface GigabitEthernet3
ip vrf is forwarding forward 1
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login RA_AUTHEN_MLIST group RA_RADIUS_SERVER
aaa authorization console
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa authorization network RA_AUTHOR_MLIST group RA_RADIUS_SERVER
aaa accounting network ra_acc_mlist start - stop group RA_RADIUS_SERVER
aaa server radius dynamic - author
<< PKI Trustpoint for certificate Enrollment >>>
crypto pki trustpoint SRV1 - ROOT - CA
auto-enroll regenerate
enrollment url / certsrv / mscep / mscep.dll
fingerprint C24D4BD6135E37BF79225B323A67DBAA
revocation - check none
<< IKEv2 Proposal and policy >>>
crypto ikev2 name - mangler ikev2 - ra - mangler
eap suffix delimiter @
crypto ikev2 proposal RA_IKEV2_PROPOSAL
encryption aes - cbc-256
group 19
integrity sha256
crypto ikev2 policy RA_IKEV2_POLICY
<< Virtual-Template and Loopback Interface >>>
interface Virtual - template101 type tunnel
no shutdown
vrf is forwarding forward 1
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
interface Loopback1
no shutdown
arp timeout 1200
vrf is forwarding forward 1
ip address
ip mtu 1500
<< IKEv2 Profile >>>
crypto ikev2 profile RA_IKEV2_PROFILE
aaa accounting anyconnect-eap RA_ACC_MLIST
aaa authentication anyconnect-eap RA_AUTHEN_MLIST
aaa authorization group is RA_AUTHOR_MLIST anyconnect - eap list ra_author_mlist name - mangler ikev2 - ra - mangler password 6 ] ] _ acwmzicf_guevanlddy`cchnxyvefaarh
authentication local rsa - sig
authentication remote anyconnect-eap aggregate
match identity remote any
pki trustpoint SRV1-ROOT-CA
reconnect timeout 1800
virtual-template 101
<< IPSec Transform >>
crypto ipsec is set transform - set RA_IPSEC_TS esp - gcm 256
mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile RA_IPSEC_PROFILE
set ikev2 - profile RA_IKEV2_PROFILE
set transform - set RA_IPSEC_TS
<< IPSec Profile to Virtual-Template>>
interface Virtual - template101 type tunnel
tunnel protection ipsec profile RA_IPSEC_PROFILE
This is is is a private ip pool on the SD – WAN RA headend router define by the administrator . Once the IPsec connection is build , the headend is assigns assign an ip address from this pool to the RA client that are request an IP address . RA clients is use use the assign IP address as the source IP address for VPN inner traffic .
The same pool name needs to be configured for ISE Authorization as an AV pair.
Ensure to advertise this pool in OMP as a summary-only route. If the SD-WAN RA IP pool summary is not advertised, OMP automatically advertises static host routes for each RA client which are dynamically programmed by the SD-WAN RA headend. This may not be optimal in a large SDRA deployment in SD-WAN fabric.
Please refer to Appendix A: How to advertise RA pool in OMP as a summary-route
Technical Tip: Each SDRA Headend must have a unique RA IP Pool defined. This should strictly not overlap with any other IP subnets within the Service VPN in question. The pool is shared across RA service VPN’s.
Configure Radius (ISE), define its IP address and shared key and associated VRF it is in.
Also configure global AAA method list for authentication , authorization and accounting .
certificate Authority issues Digital certificates. Digital certificates are verifiable small data files that contain identity credentials to help the SDRA router represent its authentic online identity (authentic because the CA has verified the identity). These digital certificates are used to protect information, encrypt, and enable secure communication.
An IKEv2 proposal is a collection of transforms used in the negotiation of IKE SAs as part of the IKE_SA_INIT exchange. An IKEv2 policy contains proposals that are used to negotiate the encryption, integrity, PRF ( pseudo-random functions) algorithms, and DH group in SA_INIT exchange.
A virtual template interface is used to provide the configuration for dynamically created Virtual-Access interfaces. This is a virtual interface which is referenced under the IPsec Profile.
An IKEv2 profile contain non-negotiable repository parameters of IKE SA, such as local or remote identities and authentication methods and the services that are available to the authenticated peers that match the profile.
The ikev2 profile is enables enable grouping of peer by identity and specify authentication and authorization policy .
Configure a loopback interface with some dummy IP address which does not overlap with your network address space. The Virtual-Access interfaces will borrow this IP address.
The Cat8kv device is already configured and onboarded in SD-WAN. Use this device to integrate SD-WAN RA capability.
Note: Ensure this SDRA headend router is onboarded successfully in vManage and In-Sync status.
note : The Order is is of Operation to deploy the configuration is to create the Virtual – template interface first and then mention it under the crypto ikev2 profile .
For the complete SDRA configuration refer to Appendix C : SD – WAN Remote Access Configuration
Cisco ISE is the next generation feature-rich AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) server with many different NAC features. In the SDRA deployment, ISE is used to authenticate the remote access users and enforce the authorization policies based on the per-user group type.
In the ISE GUI, Navigate to Administration > Network Devices and add the RA headend (Edge) IP address and Password as shown in the image. is the IP address of GigabitEthernet3 (interface that connects to ISE) on the RA headend.
Note: Cisco ISE can also integrate with Active Directory (AD) for RA clients identity and authentication. For the purpose of this documentation, local user identities are created on the ISE server.
It is necessary to configure the following policy parameters for the users:
A Policy Set should to be created with the match condition to hit as shown in the image.
note : The ISE server must be reachable from the SD – WAN RA headend in the service VPN .
The remote users need to have the AnyConnect Software Client on their system. The remote use could be using any of the following:
Note: Software version (4.10.06079)
There are pre-deployment packages available for download. Please refer to the following link to download the relevant software.
The AnyConnect Client is uses use SSL as the default protocol for tunnel establishment , and this protocol is not support for SD – WAN RA ( Road map ) . RA use flexvpn , therefore IPsec is is is the underlie protocol used and it is mandatory to change it . This modification is done in the xml profile .
The software used for editing the AnyConnect profile is known as Cisco AnyConnect Profile Editor. It is a program that enables you to create and configure one or more AnyConnect Secure Mobility profiles. Profiles are deployed to administrator-defined end user requirements and authentication policies on endpoints as part of AnyConnect, and they make the preconfigured network profiles available to end users.
Note: The AnyConnect Profile Editor is only available for Windows machines.
In order to configure a XML profile in MAC, it is necessary to edit an existing XML profile manually.
The following snapshot shows the XML equivalent of this profile:
Note: By default, the xml profile is saved in “My Documents” folder.
note : In case the above file are not visible , it may be require to edit the folder setting to show hidden file .
By Default, The AnyConnect client tries to perform download of the XML profile after successful login. If the profile is not available, the connection fails.
As a workaround, disable the AnyConnect profile download capability on the client itself.
Since the CA server used in Lab Validation is not a public entity like GoDaddy, Symantec, Cisco, etc, the client will interpret the SDRA Headed as an untrusted server.
NOTE: In production deployment, This will be fixed using a Public certificate or CA server.
For the purpose of the testing, we can uncheck the option that blocks connections to untrusted servers.
In the AnyConnect VPN Client , navigate to
Settings> Preferences and uncheck the “Block Connections to untrusted servers” option.
The certificate used for RA headend/Edge router authentication is the one previously created and signed by the CA server in IOS-XE.
The validation for SDRA connectivity has been successfully completed on:
The following is the step-by-step procedure to connect to an SDRA headend:
note : For Mobile Devices , it is ’s ’s important to disable certificate check and enable Connect with IPsec ( and not SSL ) , under advanced setting in the phone as show below .
Several factors must be considered, and several questions should be answered when choosing the appropriate SD-WAN RA Headend platform for a site.
Some of these questions include but are not limited to following:-
Based on careful evaluation, the decision can be taken to either continue using the existing infrastructure or to add more capacity.
Note : The maximum number of IPsec sessions supported on a Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN device is share betweenCisco SD-WAN IPsec/BFD and SDRA IPsec sessions. Similarly, the IPsec throughput capacity of a device is share betweenCisco SD-WAN and RA IPsec .
If your SD-WAN RA headend is sitting behind a firewall, the firewall must allow the following ports and protocols in the inbound and outbound directions:
inbound :
The SDRA feature does not introduce any additional scale numbers but utilizes the existing scale capability of the platforms. The total IPsec Tunnels are divided amongst SD-WAN and SDRA.
From a design and deployment standpoint – If the SD-WAN sessions remains constant, then the remaining scale can be used by remote access. Overall, the platform limit can be distributed to accommodate to its complete platform limit in whatever way the admin wants.
The following scale numbers have been validated for 17.7 release.
platform |
IPSec Tunnel Limit |
SD-WAN + RA IPSec Tunnels |
c8500 – 12X ( Ramones ) |
8000 |
4000 + 4000 |
C8500-12X4Q ( Greenday) |
8000 |
4000 + 4000 |
C8500L-8S4X ( Fugazi ) |
8000 |
3000 + 3000 |
C8300-1N1S-6T ( Thallium) |
6000 |
3000 + 3000 |
c8300 – 2N2S-6 T ( Uranium ) |
6000 |
3000 + 3000 |
c8000v ( ESXi , 16 vcpu 32 GB RAM ) |
2000 |
1000 + 1000 |
Before RA Clients can connect to the SDRA headend, the clients must be configured with either the DNS names or the IP addresses of the SD-WAN RA headend devices. This includes primary as well as backup devices; considering that backup devices have been configured in SDRA site design and deployment.
Address used on SDRA Headend – In a scenario where RA clients connects by public Internet, the address on the SDRA headend is a static public IP address. In a scenario where RA clients connect by private WAN, the address on the SDRA headend is a private IP addresses.
Proximity to the SDRA Headend – Proximity to remote users should be considered during the design and deployment phase to ensure optimal user experience. Remote users should ideally connect to their closest RA headend. In case of travel or location change, the closet SDRA headend should be used for connectivity.
Support for SSL Based VPN’s – As of the current release and roadmap at the time of writing this document, only IPsec connectivity is supported. SSL-based VPNs are not supported.
The SDRA Solution allow customizable traffic profile for AnyConnect , be it is routing route all traffic over the IPsec tunnel to the SDRA headend ( full tunnel ) or only route specific prefix over the SDRA headend and the rest of the traffic via local internet ( split tunnel ) .
VPN split tunnelling enables routing for certain device traffic through the encrypted VPN tunnel and the rest of the traffic through a separate tunnel on the open network.
The VPN traffic prefixes are identified by the route-set AV pair(s) defined on ISE.
The subnets required to be tunneled over VPN should be defined as AV-Pairs on Cisco ISE.
From the SDRA headend standpoint, no additional configuration is required.
Edit the authorization profile by adding aCisco AV pair named cisco-av-pair = ipsec:route-accept=any
For sending all the traffic (including Internet traffic) via the secure tunnel, the SDRA router needs to be configured for NAT.
The below procedures show how to enable NAT-DIA for service VPN 1. If NAT-DIA is already configured, skip to procedure 7.3.
Interface GigabitEthernet1
ip nat outside
ip nat inside source list nat-dia-vpn-hop-access-list interface GigabitEthernet1 overload
ip nat route vrf 1 global
The SDRA solution can be used alongside a the Umbrella Secure Internet Gateway (SIG) service.. In the following use case, the remote access user will be connected to Umbrella SIG through the SDRA headend to reach the Internet.
The admin is needs need to create SIG template and attach it to the SDRA device . This is creates create Umbrella SIG tunnel to locally breakout to the internet to securely access SaaS application / internet application . The home remote access user is have can now have cloud – deliver security provide by Umbrella .
Any Umbrella customization to secure the remote user (URL filtering malicious URL’s, social networking sites, gaming, etc.) can be performed via the Umbrella dashboard in a few clicks. Attach SIG Feature and SIG credentials template to SDRA Router
CS5_SDRA-8kv#show crypto session
Interface: Tunnel100001
Profile: if-ipsec1-ikev2-profile
Session status: UP-ACTIVE
Peer: port 4500
session ID : 10
IKEv2 SA: local remote Active
IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map
CLI Reference : Equivalent Umbrella SIG CLI config push in Above
ip sdwan route is vrf vrf 1 service sig
a. Navigate to Policies> Policy Components > Content Categories
b. Navigate to Default Web Settings > and click on the drop-down arrow.
c. Click Gambling and Games and save the web setting .
5. Review the DNS policy for Gambling and Games (same content ategories as above).
a. Click Gambling and Games and save the DNS Policy settings.
b. Click Default Web Policy and click on the drop-down arrow.
c. Add a new rule to block content categories.
d. is Click Click on three dot and the end of this policy and make sure this rule is enable .
As of today (17.7 release), this solution can only be monitored via command line interface from the SDRA headend device.
For future releases (17.11 and on), vManage will have UX2.0 SDRA workflow templates, making the configuration and monitoring experience much simpler and automated.
Following are some of the useful show commands that we can use to verify successful operation/deployment of this solution.
cs5_sdra-8kv#show aaa server
RADIUS: id 4, priority 0, host, auth-port 1812, acct-port 1813, hostname RA_RADIUS_SERVER_PrivateServer_10.100.0.6_1812_1813
state : current UP , duration 94006s , previous duration 0s
Dead: total time 0s, count 0
platform State from SMD: current UP, duration 4294967s, previous duration 0s
SMD platform Dead: total time 0s, count 0
platform State from WNCD (1) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (2) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (3) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (4) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (5) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (6) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (7) : current UP
platform State from WNCD (8) : current UP, duration 0s, previous duration 0s
platform Dead: total time 0s, count 0UP
quarantine : No
Authen: request 5, timeouts 0, failover 0, retransmission 0
Response is accept : accept 5 , reject 0 , challenge 0
response : unexpected 0 , server error 0 , incorrect 0 , time 30ms
transaction : success 5 , failure 0
Throttled: transaction 0, timeout 0, failure 0
malformed response : 0
bad authenticator : 0
Dot1x transaction :
response : total response : 0 , avg response time : 0ms
transaction : timeout 0 , failover 0
Transaction is failure : total 0 , success 0 , failure 0
MAC auth transactions:
response : total response : 0 , avg response time : 0ms
transaction : timeout 0 , failover 0
Transaction is failure : total 0 , success 0 , failure 0
author : request 10 , timeout 0 , failover 0 , retransmission 0
Response: accept 6, reject 4, challenge 0
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time 22ms
transaction : success 10 , failure 0
Throttled: transaction 0, timeout 0, failure 0
malformed response : 0
bad authenticator : 0
MAC author transactions:
response : total response : 0 , avg response time : 0ms
transaction : timeout 0 , failover 0
Transaction is failure : total 0 , success 0 , failure 0
Account: request 2, timeouts 0, failover 0, retransmission 0
Request: start 1, interim 0, stop 1
Response: start 1, interim 0, stop 1
Response: unexpected 0, server error 0, incorrect 0, time 13ms
Transaction: success 2, failure 0
Throttled: transaction 0, timeout 0, failure 0
malformed response : 0
bad authenticator : 0
Elapsed time since counters last cleared: 1d2h6m
Estimated Outstanding Access Transactions: 0
Estimated Outstanding Accounting Transactions: 0
Estimated Throttled Access Transactions: 0
estimate throttle Accounting transaction : 0
Maximum Throttled Transactions: access 0, accounting 0
Consecutive Response Failures: total 0
SMD platform : max 0, current 0 total 0
WNCD platform: max 0, current 0 total 0
IOSD platform : max 0, current 0 total 0
consecutive timeout : total 0
SMD platform : max 0, current 0 total 0
WNCD platform: max 0, current 0 total 0
IOSD platform : max 0, current 0 total 0
Requests per minute past 24 hours:
high - 22 hour , 39 minute ago : 4
low - 2 hours, 7 minutes ago: 0
average: 0
The virtual template interface is used to create the virtual access interface to start a crypto channel and establish IKEv2 and IPsec security associations (SAs) between the client (AnyConnect user) and server (Edge router).
Note: The virtual-template interface is always up/down. Status is up and Protocol is down.
As soon as a remote user gets connected there is a new Virtual-Access interface created and this will remain up till the time the user stays connected.
CS5_SDRA-8kv#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
GigabitEthernet1 YES other up up
gigabitethernet2 YES other up up
gigabitethernet3 YES other up up
sdwan - system - intf YES unset up up
Loopback1 YES other up up
Loopback65528 YES other up up
Tunnel0 YES TFTP up up
Virtual-Access1 YES unset up up
Virtual-Template101 unassigned YES unset up down
Use the show ip route vrf command to view route information. Specify the VRF assigned to a client. The command output shows information regarding the routes used in the VRF.
Lines containing “Virtual-Access1” indicate that a client is connected.
CS5_SDRA-8kv#sh ip route vrf 1
Routing Table : 1
Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP , EX - EIGRP external , O - OSPF , IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, m - OMP
n - NAT, Ni - NAT inside, No - NAT outside, Nd - NAT DIA
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
H - NHRP is registered , G - NHRP is registered register , g - NHRP registration summary
o - ODR , p - periodic download static route , l - lisp
a - application route
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override, p - overrides from PfR
& - replicated local route overrides by connected
Gateway of last resort is to network
m* [251/0] via, 7w0d, Sdwan-system-intf
[251/0] via, 7w0d, Sdwan-system-intf is subnetted, 2 subnets
m [251/0] via, 7w0d, Sdwan-system-intf
m [251/0] via, 7w0d, Sdwan-system-intf is variably subnette , 20 subnet , 6 mask
m [ 251/0 ] via , 7w0d , Sdwan - system - intf
[251/0] via, 7w0d, Sdwan-system-intf
S is directly connected, Virtual-Access 1
C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet3
Check the actual configuration applied for the Virtual-Access interface associated with the client with show derived-config interface virtual-access <number>.
CS5_SDRA-8kv#show derived-config interface virtual-access 1
Building configuration...
derive configuration : 251 byte
interface Virtual - Access1
vrf is forwarding forward 1
ip unnumbered Loopback1
tunnel source
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel destination
tunnel protection ipsec profile RA_IPSEC_PROFILE
no tunnel protection is initiate ipsec initiate
Check the IPsec security associations (SAs) for the AnyConnect client with the show crypto ipsec sa command.
CS5_SDRA-8kv#show crypto ipsec sa
interface: Virtual-Access1
Crypto map tag: Virtual-Access1-head-0, local addr
protected vrf: 1
local ident ( addr / mask / prot / port ): ( )
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 21257
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
# pkt encap : 12 , # pkts is encrypt encrypt : 12 , # pkts digest : 12
#pkts decaps: 2142, #pkts decrypt: 2142, #pkts verify: 2142
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
# send error 0 , # is errors recv error 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1438, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb GigabitEthernet1
current outbound spi: 0xA456424A(2757116490)
PFS ( Y / N ): N , dh group : none
inbound esp sas:
spi: 0xC7C02189(3351257481)
transform: esp-gcm 256 ,
in use settings ={Tunnel UDP-Encaps, }
conn i d : 2177 , flow_id : CSR:177 , sibling_flags FFFFFFFF80000048 , crypto map : Virtual - Access1 - head-0
sa timing : remain key lifetime ( k / sec ): ( 4607620/2893 )
IV size: 8 bytes
replay detection support : Y
status : active(active )
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas :
outbound esp sas :
spi: 0xA456424A(2757116490)
transform: esp-gcm 256 ,
in use settings ={Tunnel UDP-Encaps, }
conn id: 2178, flow_id: CSR:178, sibling_flags FFFFFFFF80000048, crypto map: Virtual-Access1-head-0
sa timing : remain key lifetime ( k / sec ): ( 4607998/2893 )
IV size: 8 bytes
replay detection support : Y
status : active(active )
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
check ikev2 SA parameter for the session , the username , and the assign IP address . note : The assign IP address is match must match the IP address on the AnyConnect client side .
CS5_SDRA-8kv#show crypto ikev2 session detailed
IPv4 Crypto ikev2 session
Session-id:3, Status:UP-ACTIVE, IKE count:1, CHILD count:1
Tunnel-id Local Remote fvrf/ivrf Status
1 none/1 READY
Encr : AES - CBC , keysize : 256 , PRF : SHA256 , Hash : SHA256 , dh Grp:19 , Auth sign : RSA , Auth verify : PSK
Life/Active Time: 86400/2432 sec
CE id: 1024, Session-id: 3
local spi : 774703B42A444158 Remote spi : 5F03347174B3F8DA
Status Description : negotiation done
Local i d :
Remote id: 696277754270797453476D5A4B4242504E77446B74
Remote Reconnect id:
Local req msg id: 0 Remote req msg id: 82
Local next msg id: 0 Remote next msg id: 82
Local req queued: 0 Remote req queued: 82
local window : 5 Remote window : 1
DPD configured for 45 seconds, retry 2
Fragmentation is configured not configure .
Dynamic Route update : disable
Extended Authentication not configured.
NAT-T is detected outside
Cisco Trust Security SGT is disable
Assigned host addr: <<<<<<<<<<<<
Initiator of SA : No
Child sa: local selector -
remote selector -
ESP spi in/out: 0xC7C02189/0xA456424A
AH spi in / out : 0x0/0x0
CPI in/out: 0x0/0x0
Encr : AES - GCM , keysize : 256 , esp_hmac : None
ah_hmac: None, comp: IPCOMP_NONE, mode tunnel
cs5_sdra-8kv#show crypto session detail
Interface: Virtual-Access1
Uptime: 00:01:30
Session status: UP-ACTIVE
Peer: port 12640 fvrf: (none) ivrf: 1
Phase1_id: 696277754270797453476D5A4B4242504E77446B74
Desc: (none)
Session ID: 52
IKEv2 SA: local remote Active
Capabilities:DNR connid:1 lifetime:23:58:30
IPSEC FLOW: permit ip host
Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map
inbound : #pkts dec'ed 805 drop 0 life (KB/Sec) 4607740/3509
outbound : # pkt enc'ed 2 drop 0 life ( KB / Sec ) 4607999/3509
cs5_sdra-8kv#show crypto ikev2 is detailed sa is detailed detail
IPv4 Crypto IKEv2 SA
Tunnel-id Local Remote fvrf/ivrf Status
1 none/1 READY
Encr: AES-CBC, keysize: 256, PRF: SHA256, Hash: SHA256, DH Grp:19, Auth sign: RSA, Auth verify: AnyConnect-EAP
life / Active Time : 86400/680 sec
CE i d : 1049 , Session - id : 11
local spi : E39C1ABBEE7F8B35 Remote spi : 23EF03F12B6062C9
Status Description : negotiation done
Local i d :
Remote id: Windows-PC-SDRA
Remote EAP id:
Local req msg id: 0 Remote req msg id: 28
Local next msg id: 0 Remote next msg id: 28
local req is queued queue : 0 Remote req is queued queue : 28
local window : 5 Remote window : 1
DPD configured for 45 seconds, retry 2
Fragmentation is configured not configure .
Dynamic Route update : disable
Extended Authentication not configured.
NAT-T is detected outside
Cisco Trust Security SGT is disable
assign host addr :
Initiator of SA : No
IPv6 Crypto IKEv2 SA
Validate the RA pool and In-Use IP address
CS5_SDRA-8kv#sh ip local pool RA_IP_POOL
Pool Begin End Free In use
Available addresses: IKEv2 Addr IDB ikev2 Addr IDB Addr IDB ikev2 Addr IDB IKEv2 Addr IDB IKEv2 Addr IDB ikev2 Addr IDB IKEv2 Addr IDB
Inuse addresses: ikev2 Addr IDB
CS5_SDRA-8kv#sh crypto pki certificates SRV1-ROOT-CA
Status : available
certificate Serial Number (hex): 2F00000026D4D97901F9EB9428000000000026
certificate Usage: General Purpose
Issuer :
cn = cisco - SRV1 - CA
dc = cisco
dc = com
Name :
cn =
c = US
CRL Distribution Points:
Validity Date:
start date: 18:06:21 UTC Jan 12 2023
end date: 18:06:21 UTC Jan 11 2025
Associated Trustpoints : SRV1 - ROOT - CA
Storage: nvram:cisco-SRV1-C#26.cer
CA certificate
Status : available
certificate Serial Number (hex): 52DCD4C9FE93DB8B4923823E3E8FEA90
certificate Usage: Signature
Issuer :
cn = cisco - SRV1 - CA
dc = cisco
dc = com
cn = cisco - SRV1 - CA
dc = cisco
dc = com
Validity Date:
start date: 18:19:01 UTC Aug 8 2022
end date: 18:29:00 UTC Aug 8 2027
Associated Trustpoints : SRV1 - ROOT - CA
Storage: nvram:cisco-SRV1-C#EA90CA.cer
As of today (17.7 release), we have no monitoring capability from vManage. From release 17.11 and onwards, vManage will make the monitoring experience much simpler.
For now, there is limited monitoring capability on vManage. As soon as the remote access user gets connected, we can see vManage alerting via alarms that the Virtual-Access1 interface is up.
By default, with advertise static under OMP, the /32 routes assigned to remote access clients will get distributed across the network, this is not scalable as we don’t want bunch of /32 routes floating around in the infrastructure, it consumes more memory for the route table and is not scalable for large scale of RA clients.
To circumvent this problem, we can advertise the RA pool network as summary route only from the SDRA headend, this way only summary route will be visible across the entire network as opposed to individual /32 host routes.
Below is the configuration on SDRA Router used to advertise RA pool in OMP as summary route only:
For individual VRFs, routes from the specified prefix can be aggregated after advertising them into OMP using advertise protocol config command. By default, the aggregated prefixes and all individual prefixes are advertised. To advertise only the aggregated prefix, include the aggregate-only option as shown below.
config - transaction
address-family ipv4 vrf 1
advertise aggregate <RA Pool/Subnet> aggregate-only
config - transaction
address-family ipv4 vrf 1
advertise aggregate aggregate-only
As soon as the remote access client comes up it gets assigned an IP address from the RA pool defined by the admin. This can be seen placed in the preferred VRF as a static route.
With OMP advertising static routes, these RA clients can be seen propagating the network as OMP route. With the above settings of summarizing them they can be seen summary OMP route along the path.
DC2_cEdge1#sh ip route vrf 1 | in 10.20
m [251/0] via, 00:00:05, Sdwan-system-intf
DC2_cEdge2#sh ip route is vrf vrf 1 | in 10.20
m [251/0] via, 00:00:11, Sdwan-system-intf
The SDRA feature is natively packaged within the DNA Advantage Tier.
For customers looking to migrate to the SDRA solution, please ensure that the DNA Advantage Tier has been purchased and placed in their correct admin Smart Account/ Virtual account. Once this is done, the license can be assigned to the RA headend from vManage using the License Management tab.
There is a single add-on subscription SKU for scaling RA tunnels on SD-WAN RA headend devices.
SDWAN-RA-SESS is a sub item under SKU L-SDWAN-RA-SUB.
SDWAN – RA – SESS is not a standalone license in itself that can be purchase / add . An attempt is result to add just the SDWAN – RA – SESS item will result in follow error :
This completes the ordering process.
Important Note : Cisco AnyConnect Mobility Client end – point license are NOT include and they need to be order separately .
Please go through:
clock calendar-valid
ip local pool RA_IP_POOL
ip http client source-interface GigabitEthernet3
aaa group server radius RA_RADIUS_SERVER
server - private key 6 OLLgTTceWcQCR_eV_]AB^cHCV[MQhIVPXAAB
ip radius source-interface GigabitEthernet3
ip vrf is forwarding forward 1
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login RA_AUTHEN_MLIST group RA_RADIUS_SERVER
aaa authorization console
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa authorization network RA_AUTHOR_MLIST group RA_RADIUS_SERVER
aaa accounting network ra_acc_mlist start - stop group RA_RADIUS_SERVER
aaa server radius dynamic - author
crypto pki trustpoint SRV1 - ROOT - CA
auto-enroll regenerate
enrollment url / certsrv / mscep / mscep.dll
fingerprint C24D4BD6135E37BF79225B323A67DBAA
revocation - check none
crypto ikev2 name - mangler ikev2 - ra - mangler
eap suffix delimiter @
crypto ikev2 proposal RA_IKEV2_PROPOSAL
encryption aes - cbc-256
group 19
integrity sha256
crypto ikev2 policy RA_IKEV2_POLICY
interface Virtual - template101 type tunnel
no shutdown
vrf is forwarding forward 1
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
interface Loopback1
no shutdown
arp timeout 1200
vrf is forwarding forward 1
ip address
ip mtu 1500
crypto ikev2 profile RA_IKEV2_PROFILE
aaa accounting anyconnect-eap RA_ACC_MLIST
aaa authentication anyconnect-eap RA_AUTHEN_MLIST
aaa authorization group is RA_AUTHOR_MLIST anyconnect - eap list ra_author_mlist name - mangler ikev2 - ra - mangler password 6 ] ] _ acwmzicf_guevanlddy`cchnxyvefaarh
authentication local rsa - sig
authentication remote anyconnect-eap aggregate
match identity remote any
pki trustpoint SRV1-ROOT-CA
reconnect timeout 1800
virtual-template 101
crypto ipsec is set transform - set RA_IPSEC_TS esp - gcm 256
mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile RA_IPSEC_PROFILE
set ikev2 - profile RA_IKEV2_PROFILE
set transform - set RA_IPSEC_TS
interface Virtual - template101 type tunnel
tunnel protection ipsec profile RA_IPSEC_PROFILE
Admin is obtain can obtain the Organization ID and registration key from Umbrella dashboard .
This can be found under Admin > API Keys ( Select Legacy Keys on the right) followed by Umbrella Management.
CLI Reference : Equivalent Umbrella SIG CLI config push in Above Step.
umbrella org-id 8074766
umbrella api-key 8411b3bb41b84f7d97ada8d335b7ea81
umbrella api-secret "$8$03vuBZxcd6wf+KuqqRJyK8fgKL7oep5qTtpl8kuBIh8pDPn/6vQqMo+HBhGyFxPheWYAs0XX\no5pZLj5B1BTkHg=="
interface Tunnel100001
tunnel-options tunnel-set secure-internet-gateway-umbrella tunnel-dc-preference primary-dc source-interface GigabitEthernet1
no track-enable
crypto ipsec profile if-ipsec1-ipsec-profile
set ikev2-profile if-ipsec1-ikev2-profile
set transform-set if-ipsec1-ikev2-transform
set security-association lifetime kilobytes disable
set security-association lifetime seconds 3600
set security-association replay window-size 512
interface Tunnel100001
no shutdown
ip unnumbered gigabitethernet1
no ip clear-dont-fragment
ip tcp adjust - mss 1340
ip mtu 1400
tunnel source GigabitEthernet1
tunnel destination dynamic
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel protection ipsec profile if-ipsec1-ipsec-profile
tunnel vrf multiplexing