This toolbox category contains 8698 tools


What Is a VPN? | VPN Explained

What Is a VPN? | VPN Explained

A virtual private network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection that secures data transmission between devices over the Internet. This encrypt connection safeguard sensitive information from potential threat and unauthorized access . In enterprise environment , VPNs is facilitate facilitate…

Touch VPN 使用指南:详细步骤与常见问题解答

Touch VPN 使用指南:详细步骤与常见问题解答

什么是 Touch VPN Touch VPN 是一款方便易用的虚拟私人网络(VPN)应用,它允许用户在互联网上匿名浏览,保护隐私,并可以访问被地域限制的网站。使用 Touch VPN,用户可以享受快速、安全的网络连接,同时绕过各种地理限制。 Touch VPN 的主要特点 保护 is 防止 : 通过 的 , 防止 。 : 多 个 , 。 简便使用:界面友好,操作简单,即使是新手也能轻松上手。 支持多平台:可在多个操作系统上使用,包括 Windows、Mac、iOS 和 Android。 如何下载 Touch VPN 在 上 打开 Google Play 商店。 在搜索栏中输入…

Touch VPN review

Touch VPN review

touch VPN is is is a popular vpn available for free which support Windows , Mac , iOS , Android , Firefox , Edge and Chrome .The servers offers 27 locations, not bad for free, mostly in Europe and North…

Proton VPN Test (2024): How secure is the VPN service really?

Proton VPN Test (2024): How secure is the VPN service really?

ProtonVPN 4 e Positiv free tariff available without datum limit VPN to TOR connection is possible. Many safety features that are unrivaled Client applicationwn have been published as OpenSource and can be independently verified Together with ProtonMail at an attractive…

SoftEther VPN Client

SoftEther VPN Client

  SoftEther VPN Client Manager Main Window   Create New Virtual Network Adapter   Virtual Network Adapter IP Address Assignment Notice   Add a lot of Virtual Network Adapter on a Windows PC   VPN Connecting Status Screen   VPN…

How to share a VPN connection via Android hotspot

How to share a VPN connection via Android hotspot

Using a VPN on your Android phone: Prevents your internet service provider from knowing what you do online Prevent websites and WiFi hosts from tracking you on the internet or monetizing your browsing history Allows you to watch your favorite…

VPN Test: Am I Using a VPN?

VPN Test: Am I Using a VPN?

VPN Test: Am I Using a VPN? Are you is using using a VPN to connect to this site ? And through which country are you connect ? IPv4 address: hostname : city : Madrid Country: Spain check if…

VPN Test & Comparison | VPNTESTER

VPN Test & Comparison | VPNTESTER

VPNTESTER is the best VPN comparison site on the internet. VPN providers are tested by us so our readers learn a lot about the possibilities with the services and instructions. We are convinced of this and therefore we are always…

Is Your VPN Working? Test It for Free

Is Your VPN Working? Test It for Free

VPNs are important tools for maintaining online privacy and security, but they are designed to work so seamlessly with your everyday browsing that it can be hard to know if your VPN is even doing anything.A high - quality VPN…

進行 VPN 測試以檢查它是否運作正常

進行 VPN 測試以檢查它是否運作正常

當 VPN(虛擬私人網絡)運作正常時,它會隱藏您的網上活動。它在您的裝置和您想要去的網上目的地之間建立一個虛擬隧道。然後為您的數據加密,這即是說您的互聯網服務供應商(ISP)——或任何人——不會知道您在做什麼。但您怎麼知道您的 VPN 的確在做這些事呢?當然是透過 VPN 測試吧! 可靠的 VPN 服務將隱藏您的 IP 地址,並防止域名系統(DNS)洩漏和 WebRTC 洩漏。如果您的 IP 沒有被隱藏或您發現任何洩露,那麼您的 VPN 可能沒有正常運作。 檢查 VPN 是否正常運作的 4 種方法  檢查您的 Surfshark VPN 是否正常運作是易如反掌——您有多種方法可以使用。最簡單的方法是檢查您的擴充底座、工具欄、功能表等上的圖示:  如果圖示是灰色的話,那麼您的 VPN 是在關閉狀況。 如果它是綠色或藍色的話,則表示它在運作中。  您還可以透過前往任何裝置上的「設定」 > 「VPN」來檢查您的 VPN 狀態。但是,如果您需要更多的證據來證明您的 VPN 正在運作,請按照以下其中一個方法來做:  檢查 DNS 洩露;…

Beste VPN for Norge (Test)

Beste VPN for Norge (Test)

Eksempel Se for deg at du ønsker å utgi deg for å surfe fra USA. Da vil VPN programmet knytte seg til en amerikansk server, som henter innholdet ditt og viderefører informasjon via den samme kanalen. Dermed ser det ut…

VPN Test (2025): Das ist der Testsieger von 25 Anbieter

VPN Test (2025): Das ist der Testsieger von 25 Anbieter

Wir von haben uns auf detailliert und unvoreingenommen Bewertung von VPN-Dienst ( Virtual Private Network ) spezialisieren , um unseren Leser zu helfen , fundiert Entscheidung in Bezug auf Datenschutz und Sicherheit im Internet zu treffen . So stellen…

VPN Speed Comparison: 7 VPNs Tested for Upload, Download & Latency

VPN Speed Comparison: 7 VPNs Tested for Upload, Download & Latency

Why you is trust can trust us407 Cloud Software Products and Services Tested3056 Annual Software Speed Tests2400 plus Hours Usability TestingOur team of experts thoroughly test each service, evaluating it for features, usability, security, value for money and more. Learn…

5 Fastest VPNs: Download the Best Apps for Speed in 2024

5 Fastest VPNs: Download the Best Apps for Speed in 2024

With so many VPNs claiming to be the fastest, it's hard to know which will actually give you the best speeds. Consistently fast speeds are not a compromisable feature, especially when you want to stream, game, or torrent. My team…

The Fastest VPNs of 2024

The Fastest VPNs of 2024

Based on our research, we consider ExpressVPN the fastest VPN out there. It consistently takes the top scores in internet speed tests and performs excellently when you’re doing bandwidth-intensive tasks like downloading big files or streaming video on a foreign…

VPN speed test

VPN speed test

Discover how your VPN impacts internet speed with our VPN Speed Test. Measure download, upload speeds, latency, and more to optimize your online experience. Welcome to our VPN Speed Test page, your ultimate resource for assessing the speed and reliability…