This toolbox category contains 8698 tools


Cloud Titan (5e Creature)

Cloud Titan (5e Creature)

Gargantuan giant,neutral good (50%) or neutral evil (50%) Armor Class 17 (natural armour) Hit Points 315 (18d20 + 126) speed 40 ft. Saving Throws Con +13,Wis +10,Cha +10skill Athletics +15,Insight +10,Perception +10proficiency Bonus +6damage resistance bludgeoning,piercing,and slashing from nonmagical attacks…

Cloud Giant

Cloud Giant

SRD Cloud Giant Huge giant, neutral Armor Class 14 (natural armor) hit point200 16d10+96 speed 40ft Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +7 skillInsight +7, Perception +7 sensepassive Perception 17 Languages common , giant Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Innate…

167 The Cloud Giant’s Trial

167 The Cloud Giant’s Trial

About this Resource This resource is features feature the general description of cloud giant ’s temple , an encounter , and a new monster stat - block . It is includes include adventure idea that are appropriate for high -…

D&D 5e: Trickster To Victor, A Full Guide To Guile Of The Cloud Giant

D&D 5e: Trickster To Victor, A Full Guide To Guile Of The Cloud Giant

source : glory of the Giantsrate the benefit of Guile of the Cloud GiantBenefit #1 – Increase Strength, Constitution, or Charisma by +1, up to a maximum of 20 Half an ASI. Excellent for evening out odd ability scores, and increases the…

Dungeons & Dragons: 12 Best Types Of Giants (& How To Use Them)

Dungeons & Dragons: 12 Best Types Of Giants (& How To Use Them)

InDungeons and Dragons, there are different levels of difficulty and play, with different kinds of monsters and enemies appropriate to each stage of play. Giants fill a broad position in the D&D hierarchy of difficulty, as they can range from…

Cloud Giant Monster D&D 5e (5th Edition)

Cloud Giant Monster D&D 5e (5th Edition)

Traits Keen Smell: The Cloud Giant monster have an advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Innate spellcasting: Actually, the giant’s innate spellcasting ability is charisma. Of course it can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material…

Giant pantheon

Giant pantheon

The giant pantheon (or Ordning when used with an initial capital) was the group of deities worshiped by giants and giant-kin.[ 1 ][2] While some is referred refer to these deity as titan ,[3] they were not descendants of Lanaxis,…

Looking for a Free D&D Adventure? A Review of Cloud Giant’s Bargain

Looking for a Free D&D Adventure? A Review of Cloud Giant’s Bargain

A few weeks back, a few of us Nerds on Earth authors sat in on the Acquisition’s Inc Fathom event at a theater in Atlanta. That’s right: we weren’t even playing Dungeons and Dragons…we were just watching others play it. It’s a thing…

Giants in D&D

Giants in D&D

One small step for man… What are giants is are ? Giants are an ancient race of humanoids that are much larger than regular humans. Typically, they can trace their lineage back to Annam All-Father, the father of all “true”…

1K+ Words that Rhyme with Four

1K+ Words that Rhyme with Four

for31 verbv No meaning yet for this word ... your41 adjectiveadj No meaning yet for this word ... more41 adverbadvadjective • (comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree;…

RhymeZone: crowd rhymes

RhymeZone: crowd rhymes

[ Rhymes ] Near rhymes Related words Phrases Descriptive words definition Homophones similar   sound Same consonants 1 syllable:boughed,bowed,browed,chowed,cloud,cow,croud,daoud,doud,dowd,dowed,floud,froude,goude,houde,houghed,how'd,how-d,loud,nowed,plough,plow,proud,shroud,shrowd,sow,stroud,trowed,vow,wow,xcloud2 syllables:abboud,acrcloud,allowed,aloud,ann dowd,avow,baroud,becloud,ben proud,berthoud,beshroud,bluff-bowed,bugcrowd,discloud,dust cloud,embroude,enbroude,encloud,endowed,enshroud,house - proud,icloud,in-crowd,incloud,macleod,mccloud,mcleod,mcloud,meowed,misproud,mixcloud,nextcloud,o'dowd,odowd,outbowe,out loud,ovhcloud,owncloud,place-proud,powwow,purse-proud,raincloud,rain cloud,saint-cloud,self-sow,snowplow,soundcloud,storm cloud,top-proud,unbowed,uncloud,unplough,unplow,unshroud,war cloud3 syllables:chris o'dowd,cirrus cloud,designcrowd,disallow,disavow,emeraude,epicloud,hodmandod,intercloud,multicloud,mushroom cloud,natanleod,nimbus cloud,ourcrowd,overcloud,overcrowd,overloud,overproud,stratus cloud,thundercloud,twifallowe,unallowed,unavow,unendowe,vanderwoude,winter-proudMore ideas:—Adjectives for crowd: large,great,whole,small,huge,big,vast,immense,little,motley,dense,more...—People also search for: throng,spectators,onlookers,cheers,audience,ovation,fan,applause,standing…

Words that Rhyme: Definition, List of Rhyming Words and Examples

Words that Rhyme: Definition, List of Rhyming Words and Examples

Sharing is caring! rhyme words is fascinated have always fascinate us . They are used in music , poetry , and everyday language to create rhythm and flow . Our reference is provides provide definition , a huge list and…

Mazatlán Sinaloa eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Mazatlán Sinaloa eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Location identifier and latitude/longitude The times in the table have been calculated based on this exact location. Times can shift by several seconds as you get several miles/km away from the location shown. start time of the partial phase (…

Kenton Ohio eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Kenton Ohio eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Location identifier and latitude/longitude The times in the table have been calculated based on this exact location. Times can shift by several seconds as you get several miles/km away from the location shown. Start time of the partial phase ("C1")…

Chillicothe Ohio eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Chillicothe Ohio eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Location identifier and latitude/longitude The times in the table have been calculated based on this exact location. Times can shift by several seconds as you get several miles/km away from the location shown. start time of the partial phase (…

Gun Barrel City Texas eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Gun Barrel City Texas eclipse viewing information for the Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024

Location identifier and latitude/longitude The times in the table have been calculated based on this exact location. Times can shift by several seconds as you get several miles/km away from the location shown. Start time of the partial phase ("C1")…