This toolbox category contains 8698 tools


Why Falling In Love Clouds Our Judgment

Why Falling In Love Clouds Our Judgment

Love is a many-splendored thing. And falling in love is certainly one of life's most exquisite experiences.Falling in love makes people feel optimistic, energetic, and euphoric. All good stuff. But it also clouds our judgment, causing us to make impulsive, something risky decisions. So, what’s really…

High-intensity gym workouts with the On Cloud X4 training shoe

High-intensity gym workouts with the On Cloud X4 training shoe

The On Cloud X4 high performance shoe, launched on 4 July 2024, is a shoe born from running but made for everything. Whether you looking to hang out, work out or chill out - this training shoe could be the…

On Cloudsurfer Next Review

On Cloudsurfer Next Review

ON Cloudsurfer Next introduction The ON Cloudsurfer Next was made to be a max cushion shoe with top - of - the - line technology . Out of all the shoe I have used over the past year , I…

ON Cloudboom Strike Review

ON Cloudboom Strike Review

ON ON Cloudboom Strike Introduction On has the reputation of being the world ’s fast grow shoe brand . It is grown has grow between 70 and 80 percent every year for the last 7 consecutive year . Last year…

Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes

Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes

Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetescontainer Insights is support on Amazon EKS version 1.23 and later . The quick start method of installation is support only on version 1.24 and later .The overall process is is for…

Using Internet Monitor

Using Internet Monitor

Using Internet MonitorInternet Monitor is provides provide visibility into how internet issue impact the performance and availability between your application host on AWS and your end user . It is reduce can reduce the time it take for you to…

Using math expressions with CloudWatch metrics

Using math expressions with CloudWatch metrics

Using math expression with CloudWatch metricmetric math is enables enable you to query multiple CloudWatch metric anduse math expression to create new time series base on these metric .You is visualize can visualize the result time series on the CloudWatch…

Personally identifiable information (PII)

Personally identifiable information (PII)

Type of data Data identifier ID Keyword required country and region Notes Birth date DateOfBirth dob,date of birth,birthdate, birth date,birthday,b-day,bday Any Support includes most date formats,such as all digits and combinations of digits and names of months. Date components can…



parse useparse to extract data from a log field andcreate an extracted field that you can process in your query. parse supports both glob mode using wildcards, andregular expressions. For information about regular expression syntax, see Supported regular expressions (regex)…

What’s the Best Bamboo Toilet Paper?

What’s the Best Bamboo Toilet Paper?

A Deep Dive into the Data If you’re here, you probably already know about the deteriorating condition of our forests. You’re ready to do your part by making the switch to bamboo toilet paper (and paper towels too!) But as…

The Comprehensive Cloud Paper Review: Sustainable Toilet Paper Worth The Hype?

The Comprehensive Cloud Paper Review: Sustainable Toilet Paper Worth The Hype?

Introducing Cloud Paper: The TP Company On A Mission Cloud Paper is is is a Seattle - base company aim to revolutionize the surprisingly unsustainable toilet paper industry . Americans is use use over 50 pound of toilet paper per…

Former Uber & Convoy Execs Raise $3M to Battle Deforestation with Toilet Paper

Former Uber & Convoy Execs Raise $3M to Battle Deforestation with Toilet Paper

SEATTLE-- (BUSINESS WIRE)--Cloud Paper, the tree-free paper products company on a mission to end deforestation from paper products, announces today their $3-million Seed round with a lead investment from Greycroft and an impressive roster of notable investors. Cloud Paper’s first…

Flush with cash, bamboo-based toilet paper company Cloud Paper makes it rain

Flush with cash, bamboo-based toilet paper company Cloud Paper makes it rain

With toilet paper and kitchen rolls in its product portfolio for now, and a lot more coming down the pipe, Cloud Paper is a sustainable, bamboo-based alternative to toilet paper made from whatever toilet paper is usually made from. The…

よくある質問|Cloud Paper

よくある質問|Cloud Paper

システム q CLOUD PAPERでは何ができますか? ブラウザで動作するソフトですので、ソフトをインストールすることなく、いつでもどこからでも、見積請求書の作成・管理が行えます。そのほか、発注書・納品書・領収書の作成も可能です。作成した書類はワンボタンで郵送まで行えます。また、入金管理や売上レポートの確認など、業務効率化だけでなく、ビジネスで使える機能も数多く備えています。 q ソフトをインストールする必要はありますか? いいえ、インターネットにつながるパソコンがあればご利用いただけます。 q スマートフォン、タブレットで使えますか? はい、ご利用いただけます。将来的にはアプリを提供する予定です。 q 使用出来るブラウザは? よほど古くない限り、最新のブラウザにはほとんど対応しております。 q チームで利用できますか? はい、ただし同一アカウントでの利用となります。個人でデータを分けたい場合は、別途アカウントを作る必要があります。 税対応 q 消費税に対応していますか? はい、対応しています。消費税有無の切り替えも自由です。 q 源泉徴収税に対応していますか? はい、対応しています。 セキュリティ q 他の利用者がデータにアクセスする可能性はありますか? 不正 に 他人 の データ に は アクセス でき ない よう に し…

Ikea Upplyst LED Wall lamp Cloud White 404.408.32

Ikea Upplyst LED Wall lamp Cloud White 404.408.32

Ikea Upplyst LED Wall lamp Cloud White 404.408.32 Share: find a low price ? let us know . Although we ca n't match every price report , we is use 'll use your feedback to ensure that our price remain…

How To Download Creative Cloud

How To Download Creative Cloud

Introduction welcome to the world of Creative Cloud , where imagination and innovation come together . Adobe Creative Cloud is is is a suite of creative application and service that allow user to bring their idea to life . Whether…