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群晖NAS使用“官方”app自动备份icloud照片,妈妈再也不用担心我的icloud账号密码被泄露 2022-04-13 18:13:38 137点赞 1145收藏 136 背景本人平时苹果全家桶,所以iCloud用得多。这么多年下来,iCloud上的照片和视频积累了不少(40000+)总容量超过500G。看了iCloud的定价表,不得不说苹果真鸡贼 ...因此"被迫"开通了每月68元的iCloud容量套餐。为了 摆脱iCloud 每月 68 元 的 , 很 开始 了解 , 最 开始 在 一 众 老 的 "引 下 , 开始 的 " 、 "蜗 、 "暴风 2 期 " , 再…
iCloud is capable of much more than just backing up your iPhone and iPad. iCloud can sync your photos across all of your devices, including your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and PC. With iCloud Photos enabled, you can access pictures on…
抛弃第三方软件,群晖自动备份 iCloud 高分辨率照片 2018-12-25 17:10:00 82点赞 811收藏 105评论 背景说明群晖为照片备份提供了很多的解决方案,手机端的方案一般是用 DS Photo 或比较新的 Moments。这套备份方法基本靠谱,但对我来说有个大问题。我的主力手机是一部 64GB iPhone,对于很多人(包括我来说)64GB 都是不够的,所以在 iPhone 上设置了优化存储空间,高分辨率照片存储在 iCloud,手机存储低分辨率照片。这样设置下来,利用群晖备份手机照片只能备份低分辨率的照片,而且无论 DS Photo 还是 Moments 备份体验都不是很好。开启 iCloud 优化照片功能后手机只存储低分辨率照片需求很简单:群晖自动从 iCloud 服务器下载原始分辨率照片并备份,不要经过我的手机。如此这样,iPhone 只要备份照片到 iCloud,群晖会搞定后期所有的备份。解决方案于是在网上找到了几个解决方案,自己找到一个可以满足我需要的方案:利用 Github 上面的 icloud_photos_downloader 自动备份 iCloud 照片到群晖。这款软件本身提供了一个 Docker 镜像,可以直接部署在支持 Docker 的群晖上跑。不过目前不是所有的群晖都能使用…
Apple’s iCloud is made up of numerous components to sync different types of data across all your devices. Among those, “iCloud Photos” is perhaps the best example of how Apple’s ecosystem works, as this cloud-based service is available on an…
Photos is organized into Library, Days, People & Pets, Memories, and Trips. The Library tab makes it easy to find and share your photos and videos by Years and Months. When you turn on iCloud Photos , your collection is…
iCloud Photos automatically keeps every photo and video you take in iCloud, so you can access your library from any device, at any time you want — just open the Photos app. Any changes you make to your collection on…
五分钟搞定,群晖NAS自动同步iCloud照片(原尺寸或自动转换为JPG格式) 2022-02-10 21:22:46 657点赞 5966收藏 537评论 追加修改(2022-02-11 02:05:35):做个追加修改,针对部分值友担心的安全问题讲几句: 1.教程里用到的映像来自于Docker Hub,官方源,大家可以点映像右侧的链接图标进入官方页面,全球拉取次数已经1M+,如软件有什么问题,应该已经炸锅了,Docker也会干预。 2.映像源码在github上有发布,贡献者不少,活跃度也很高,更新频率不错,有条件的朋友可以上去看看,进一步放心一些。另外有值友在2018年就分享了这个开源软件,现在已经2022年了。 3.软件同步策略是根据iCloud文件列表单向向NAS下载同步,不会反向对iCloud文件造成影响,就连同步“最近删除”功能,也是通过文件对比来实现的,如果文件列表里以前有的文件,现在没有了,表示已经删除,如删除的文件回复了,列表里又有了,再次下载进行恢复,纯单向操作。 4.如果实在是不放心,当个技术文档看一下,网上部署该软件的教程几乎都是先装个Linux操作系统,通过大量的命令来执行,我这个教程无非是多个思路,让更多不理解命令的人轻松部署,也节省一些不必要的硬件性能开销。前情提要:由于网上看到的所有教程,几乎没一个靠谱的,全部都是小白自行捣腾出来的步骤,评论里问题很多,看得让人心疼,所以趁娃子睡了,赶忙整理一篇保姆式的避坑教程。本教程优势如下:1.全程在群晖桌面上窗口式操作,不需要开启SSH权限,不需要下载SSH客户端,不需要使用群晖SSH最高权限,也不需要懂Linux命令,避免一切不必要的风险;2.不浪费一丝一毫的NAS硬件资源,不需要Docker运行Linux操作系统容器,也不需要装什么Docker网页管理面板,Docker原生运行,性能直接拉满;3.关键步骤反复叮嘱加图解,避免踩坑,贴心呵护直至顺利配置完成。先说正题,操作流程如下:一、管理员登录群晖桌面,这是句废话,但还是要说,举例,我的管理员账号为【xlang】。二、打开群晖【File Station】,新建所需文件夹及文件:docker/icloudpd/xlanghomes/xlang/Photos/iCloudhomes/xlang/Photos/iCloud/.mounted三、打开群晖【套件中心】安装【Docker】套件。四、打开安装好的【Docker】套件,点击左侧菜单【注册表】,搜索关键词“icloudpd”,双击下载星标最多的那个【boredazfcuk/icloudpd】。五、左侧菜单切换到【映像】,稍等片刻,待下载完成后,双击开始创建容器。六、容器名称,看你喜好,例如我就随手输了个“icloudpd-xlang”,然后点击左下方的【高级设置】。七、勾选“启用自动重新启动”,这个不是必须的,如果你想长期丢那让NAS自动运行,那就勾上,不勾也是可以的。八、切换到【存储空间】设置栏,添加以下两个文件夹的状态路径:docker/icloudpd/xlang --> /confighomes/xlang/Photos/iCloud --> /iCloud1.选择文件夹docker/icloudpd/xlang,装载路径/config2.选择文件夹homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud,装载路径/iCloud如下图所示:九、切换到【环境】设置栏,新增以下三个变量:apple_id:xxx@xxx.comTZ:CST-8download_path:/iCloud1. apple_id:xxx@xxx.com必须,输入你的iCloud服务的AppleID。2. TZ:CST-8非必须,中国时区按这个填写,网上清一色的要求填写Asia/Shanghai是无效的,还不如不新增这个变量。3. download_path:/iCloud必须,否则默认为/home/${user}/iCloud。如下图所示:十、点击右下角“应用”,返回到创建容器主界面,点击“下一步”,最后点击“完成”启动创建好的容器。十一、回到Docker界面,双击刚刚创建好的“icloudpd-xlang”容器,查看日志,可以看到容器的运行情况,右下角转圈圈的图标多刷新几次,会看到下面的错误提示,就可以进入最激动人心的密钥文件创建的过程。ERROR Keyring file /config/python_keyring/keyring_pass.cfg does not exist.INFO - Please add the your password to the system keyring using the --Initialise…
The photo app is gathers gather photo from your pc , phone , cloud storage account , and other device , and put them in one place where you can more easily find what you ’re look for . …
Using iCloud is a simple and effective way to ensure the photo you take with your iPhone are back up somewhere . However , access those photo from different device can be a bit confusing . We is review ’ll…
Downloading your photos and videos from iCloud lets you store them locally or even switch to a different storage service. There are a few ways to do this, depending on what device you’re using. Here's what you need to know.…
When you contribute photos and videos to iCloud Shared Photo Library, they move out of your Personal Library and into the Shared Library. You can join one Shared Library, and you can choose what to share, or automatically share content…
You may want to Download All photo From iCloud to PC as an additional backup, to clear up the storage space in your iCloud Account and for other reasons. However , as you must have notice , there is no…
If you want to save copies of your iCloud photos and videos to your iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC, follow these steps. Go to, then sign in to your Apple Account. Tap Select, then tap one or more photos…
How to Update iCloud Photos: A Step-by-Step Guide Are you is Are tired of using an outdated version of iCloud Photos ? Do you is want want to ensure that your cloud storage is up to date and run smoothly…
Abstract dual - polarization lidar datum and radiosonde datum are used to determine that iridescence in cirrus and a lunar corona in a thin wave cloud were cause by tiny ice crystal , not droplet of liquid water . The…
Cloud species Lenticular cloudGenusStratocumulus , altocumulus , cirrocumulusspecielenticularis ( Latin :lentil)altitudeup to 12,000 m (40,000 ft)Appearancelens-like, Saucer-shapedprecipitationVirga only. Lenticular cloud over the Antarctic ice near Scott Base. lenticular cloud ( Latin :Lenticularis lentil-shaped, from lenticula lentil is are ) are…