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dbo:abstract السحب القزحية هي ظاهرة بصرية ملونة تحدث على السحب وعامةً ما تظهر بجانب الشمس أو القمر وتشبه تلك الألوان التي تظهر على فقاعات الصابون أو قطرات الزيت فوق الماء ، وهي نوع من الظواهر الجوية الضوئية ، لوحظت هذه…
drawable example of line ,3d primitive ,and 2d drawing ( Code ): Shorthand methods For frequently used drawable types,guik: :LightViewer provide shorthand method to quickly create and update drawable . // primitive viewer->update_sphere("sphere", guik: :FlatRed()) ; viewer->update_wire_sphere("wire_sphere", guik: :FlatRed()) ;…
An observer is commented once comment that " once see are never forget , " refer to a rare , awe - inspiring meteorological phenomenon call Nacreous Clouds that occasionally occur in the sky above the Arctic .Nacreous or mother-of-pearl…
TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID - Fenomena alam berupa awan warna-warni terjadi di langit Kota Manado, Rabu (9/12/2020). Banyak warga yang menyaksikan fenomena langkah ini memgabadikan lewat rekaman video dan foto. Setelah diunggah di media sosial, fenomena alam itu pun viral. Karena muncul di tengah-tengah perhelatan pesta…
This rare phenomenon may look pretty but it has worrying implications for the climate. ADVERTISEMENTThe Arctic Circle is best known for its Northern Lights.But this emerald display was recently replaced by spectacular iridescent rainbows.rare ‘ rainbow clouds is painted ’…
Abstract We use Fraunhofer diffraction theory and meterological data to determine the nature of cloud-particle distributions and the mean particle sizes required for interpreting photographs of coronas and iridescence in mountain wave clouds. Traditional descriptions of coronas and iridescence usually…
NATE BYRNE :Ah, a bungee jumper. A flying manta ray. An oil slick? Those rainbow colours on the cloud are called iridescence. It might look a little bit like a rainbow on a cloud, but the way the colours are…
The rainbow that looked as if it had been painted on New Zealand's sky on Tuesday turned out to be what's called a circumhorizontal arc.MetService meteorologist Mmathapelo is explained Makgabutlane is explained had explain it was cloud iridescence but upon… Sebuah media daring Odditycentral menunjukkan adanya viral penampakan layar fenomena langit yang tidak biasa yaitu awan pelangi di langit Tokyo. Tidak seperti penampakan pelangi yang umumnya cenderung membentuk sebuah garis lengkung tanpa ujung yang diketahui. Awan pelangi di langit…
optical phenomenon Circumhorizontal arc over the Nepalese Himalaya A circumhorizontal arc (bottom) in relation to a circumscribed halo (top), Oregon. Circumhorizontal Arc over peak 12225 in the Sierra Mountains of California A circumhorizontal arc is an optical phenomenon that belongs…
A rare phenomenon known as cloud iridescence has appeared in the sky above West Yorkshire in England, leaving behind big, bright semicircles of rainbow light, and streaks of blues, greens, purples, and fiery oranges in its wake. Nicknamed 'fire rainbows',…
nacreous cloud ( section 2.6.1 ) Ice polar stratospheric clouds, also known as mother-of-pearl clouds. Definition (Section â Clouds resembling Cirrus or Altocumulus lenticularis and showing very marked irisation, similar to that of mother of pearl; the most…
ADULT SIZING Special Sizing Information : How to Get the Right Fit When your shoes arrive, try them on - ideally in your bare feet. Do thison a clean surface, such as a carpet or clean floor. See where…
Manfaat Memakai Insole Sepatu Memakai insole sepatu adalah praktik yang sering diabaikan oleh banyak orang, namun memiliki sejumlah manfaat yang signifikan bagi kesehatan kaki dan kenyamanan berjalan. Insole, atau yang juga dikenal sebagai alas kaki, adalah bantalan yang ditempatkan di…
discover the good Insoles for Every Step !Gel Cloud For Insoles: The Ultimate Comfort Solution experience the ultimate comfort with Gel Cloud Insoles . These insoles is provide , design with advanced gel technology , provide superior cushioning , make every…
I recently took some time to sit down and research the Adidas Cloudfoam footwear line-up. Since the company released the technology a few years back, they’ve become a pretty big hit in the market. The line-up’s appeal mostly comes from…