This toolbox category contains 8698 tools


Vincent Valentine

Vincent Valentine

That was my sin, and this... this... is my punishment. Vincent, referring to his inability to stop the Jenova Project. life with the Turks[] Vincent while he was a Turk . About twenty-five to thirty years before Final Fantasy VII,…

Cloud of Darkness (Final Fantasy III boss)

Cloud of Darkness (Final Fantasy III boss)

Cloud of Darkness (暗闇の雲, Kurayami no Kumo?) Cloud of Darkness is the final boss ofFinal Fantasy III and is encountered twice. It is first encountered in an unwinnable storyline battle after Xande has been defeated. At the very end of…

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy

Japanese media franchise Video game series Final Fantasy[a] is a fantasy anthology media franchise created by Hironobu Sakaguchi which is owned,developed,and published by Square Enix (formerly Square).The franchise centers on a series of fantasy role-playing video games.The first game in…

Hardedge (VII Remake)

Hardedge (VII Remake)

Hardedge A mighty blade able to cleave in one stroke anything foolish enough to stand in the wielder's way. Description TheHardedge is a weapon for Cloud in Final Fantasy VII Remake. It provides the Infinity's End ability that has slow…

Cloud of Darkness (Dissidia NT)

Cloud of Darkness (Dissidia NT)

Cloud of Darkness (暗闇の雲,Kurayami no Kumo?) The Cloud of Darkness is a warrior of Spiritus inDissidia Final Fantasy NT and its arcade version,representing Final Fantasy III. It is a Vanguard-type character fighting using its tentacles. The Cloud of Darkness returns…

Mushroom Cloud

Mushroom Cloud

Mushroom Cloud Mushroom Cloud is an enemy from Final Fantasy X-2 found in Cloisters 81 to 99 of the Via Infinito and the Fiend Arena. It uses Exoray's model from Final Fantasy X. Stats[] normal 81 9,999 270 (OG)/999 (INT…

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Best Swords For Cloud

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Best Swords For Cloud

Final Fantasy VII rebirth is full of unique weapon to equip your party with, each with their own pros and cons. Cloud, the game’s main protagonist and master swordsman, has seven different blades to choose from. But which is best?…

Roche (VII Remake)

Roche (VII Remake)

Roche (ローチェ, Rōche?)Alternate names: Speed Demon, SC4 A 3-C SOLDIER operator who loves bikes, speed, andanyone capable of going toe-to-toe with him. A demon on wheels, he is ostracized by many in the organization due to his antics andgeneral disregard…

How to play Fortnite mobile with Xbox Cloud Gaming on iPhone & Android

How to play Fortnite mobile with Xbox Cloud Gaming on iPhone & Android

Playing Fortnite on mobile via the Fortnite app has been a bit tricky for a number of reasons recently, so our recommendation is to jump in via Xbox Cloud Gaming - available on both Android and iOS.For those worrying about…

5 Ways to Play Fortnite On a Mac in 2024

5 Ways to Play Fortnite On a Mac in 2024

Last updated:November 5, 2024 If you want to play Fortnite on a Mac, here we show you the best ways to do so in 2024 including for Chapter 5 and the forthcoming Chapter 6. Although you can still play older…

How to play Fortnite Xbox Cloud Gaming on iOS and Android

How to play Fortnite Xbox Cloud Gaming on iOS and Android

You can now play Fortnite on Xbox Cloud Gaming for free on both iOS and Android devices as of May 2022. Apple removed Fortnite from its App Store after a disagreement about how much of a cut Apple was receiving…

How To Host a Serverless Website with AWS CloudFront and S3

How To Host a Serverless Website with AWS CloudFront and S3

If you want to run a website on AWS , you is need may not even need a server ! AWS 's CloudFront CDN is serve can serve static web content directly from an s3 bucket , leave you pay…

Use real-time logs

Use real-time logs

Use real-time logsWith CloudFront real - time log , you can get information about request made to a distribution in real time ( log are deliver within second of receive the request ) . You is use can use real…

How to use CloudFront with S3 [Practical Example]

How to use CloudFront with S3 [Practical Example]

In this tutorial, we are going to learn that how to use CloudFront with S3. But before we learn to use CloudFront with S3, let's have a look at what Amazon CloudFront is.   What is Amazon CloudFront? Amazon CloudFront…

Using Amazon CloudFront Origin Shield

Using Amazon CloudFront Origin Shield

Using Amazon CloudFront Origin ShieldCloudFront Origin Shield is an additional layer in the CloudFront caching infrastructure that helps to minimize your origin’s load,improve its availability,and reduce its operating costs. With CloudFront Origin Shield,you get the following benefits: Better cache hit…

Cloudflare Vs AWS Cloudfront: A Detailed Comparison

Cloudflare Vs AWS Cloudfront: A Detailed Comparison

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are essential to make websites faster and safer. Amazon CloudFront and Cloudflare are two of the well-known CDN services. This blog post compares Cloudflare vs. AWS CloudFront, two popular CDNs. We’ll discuss their features, strengths, and…