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Take note of any DNS addresses you might have set up, and save them in a safe place in case you need to use them later. Select the Start menu > Settings. On Network and Internet, select Change Adapter Options.…
1111 Warp Vpn Free Download for PC offers the fastest and safest internet connection while using the fastest DNS resolver. The freeware security program is developed by Cloudflare that protects your system from all types of security threats including malware,…
The world ’s most powerful state surveillance agencies is formed have form intelligence - share alliance know as the 5 eye , 9 eye , and 14 eye alliance , and their purpose is to monitor and share the…
Nowadays, it’s practically impossible to exist without connecting to the internet in some way. There’s a reason why it’s called the digital age, it’s because we practically all live online. As such, it’s only natural that many people take internet…
As of 2024 , the global VPN market is seeing is see substantial growth , with the value expect to reach$50 billion, drive by increase concern about cybersecurity and online privacy . However , it is is is important to…
With every passing year, our digital rights is seem seem to be further erode . The true extent of datum log by government around the world is n’t fully know .In a nutshell, the Five eye, the Nine eye, and…
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publish on August 30 , 2018 The Snowden revelations( new window ) reveal that the NSA is carry out electronic surveillance on a global scale and unveil the shadowy network of intelligence agency that act as accomplice . When people…
For many online gamers, some issues related to lag, high ping, or low FPS destroy their gaming experience, leaving them in a bad mood. In fact, there are many ways that can deal with these problems, among which, a reliable…
When you sign up via the App or Google Play Store, you can try all of Surfshark's features free for 7 day. You can use this free trial to test the VPN on other devices, including your Windows PC, Linux,…
© We can’t overlook an amazing offer like the ExpressVPN free trial when discussing great VPN deals. This provider offers impeccable performance and strong security, making it one of the best available, rivaled only by NordVPN, its popular competitor.…
OnWorks Ubuntu 20 online, our Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for you that was released on April 23, 2020, succeeding Ubuntu 19.10 as the latest stable release of this hugely popular Linux-based operating system . SCREENSHOTS description …
CloudVPN is a provider of VPN services that keeps things simple and to the point. All the details about its platform are visible on the website, and the entire process - from downloading to connecting - takes less than a…
官方已发布version 2.x的版本,建议使用最新版本。本文配置已改为2.x的版本。 Linux下的隧道(打洞)软件非常多,大部分隧道软件建立成功之后,是创建了类似C/S架构的点对点的通信,也就是会有服务器和客户端的区别,下个设备再进来,也一样这样创建。 如果你需要创建类似zerotier这样的虚拟局域网,那么你就应该看看这个隧道软件,它是开源的,名字叫做vpncloud。 功能和优点,文档之类的,你们直接去看官网的说明好了: 它的原理跟MPLS、VXLAN差不多,vpncloud也是通过源MAC地址学习,将虚机的MAC和VTEP的IP地址关联,理论上也能支持多播(multicast),但是官方并没有特别说明多播,你得自己多测试一下。那么对我来说,MPLS、VXLAN、VPNCLOUD他们最大的优点是去中心化(decentralize)的虚拟组网,多个设备接入后,可以互相通信而不需要经过所谓的主服务器节点,这样就能符合虚拟局域网的需求。 有中心节点的隧道技术有:pptp、gre、ipsec/ike、gre over ipsec、ipip、openvpn、l2tp、wireguard、ocserv等等 去中心化节点的隧道技术有:n2n、zerotier、zeronet、vpncloud、tinc-vpn、freelan、nebula ——————– 分割线 ——————– 我已经在我的生产环境中用了接近两年,非常稳定。我需要把我的几个服务器/vps放在一个子网内,以规避一些问题。 比如我有一个应用场景是这样: 在公司有一个机柜,里面放着许多网络设备,有nas、voip、打印机、监控摄像等,但tm没有公网IP,在网关做端口映射毫无意义,只能接入虚拟局域网 然后在我家里,也有若干的设备,有时候也在家里办公,需要时时到公司的网段弄点什么东西的。 这时候我只需要把公司和家里连到一个局域网内,再做个路由表,我就可以把公司和家里的所有设备都能组在一起 ——————– 分割线 ——————– 另外一个场景是web应用 我有一个用gitea搭建的服务,服务器放在公司机柜,没有公网IP。。。所以我把它加入到虚拟局域网 然后我用的阿里云国内ecs,也加入到虚拟局域网了。gitea我们用的时候除了需要用到https,也需要ssh这种方式,所以这时候就可以直接端口转发到这个隧道IP上 ——————–——————– 大分割线 ——————–——————– 说了那么多,直接分享安装步骤吧 我平时只玩ubuntu,所以其他发行版你们有兴趣自己折腾,官网也有说明。其实也可以直接去github下载对应的cpu架构下的二进制包,也很简单。 ubuntu就简单了。直接apt安装即可。 $ wget $ sudo dpkg -i vpncloud_2.2.0_amd64.deb 然后配置隧道,进入/etc/vpncloud/路径,里面有一个示例文件,单独创建一个,然后编辑 $…
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A cloud VPN (Virtual Private Network) provider is a company that offers VPN services through cloud technology. This can save time and resources and reduce the risk of security breaches. These services is allow allow user to connect to the…