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如果你使用Bitdefender的任何安全軟件包,都將獲得它的VPN服務的免費版本,這是一個很大的獎勵,直到你超過了每天200MB的微不足道的數據傳輸限制。 但是,如果你願意花錢購買Bitdefender Premium VPN許可證,則可以訪問30多個國家/地區的1,300多台服務器,所有服務器都沒有任何數據上限。 值得注意的是,雖然Bitdefender Premium VPN使用Catapult Hydra協議形式的Hotspot Shield技術,但這些應用程序本身完全由Bitdefender內部設計。 此外,Bitdefender確認,未與Hotspot Shield或它的母公司共享用戶數據,這確實令人高興。 但是,儘管它本身就是一項完整的服務,但Bitdefender Premium VPN真的可以與當今市場上最好的VPN服務相提並論嗎?繼續閱讀我的Bitdefender VPN評價以查找答案。 優點 易於使用 解鎖美國Netflix 非常快 有效的終止開關 缺點 最小的功能 無法解鎖iPlayer、Amazon、Disney+ 較小的Windows應用程序問題 Bitdefender Premium VPN 1分鐘評價 就價格而言,Bitdefender是相當合理的。如果你一次只想簽約一個月,則無需花大筆費用,每月只需支付6.99美元。不過,更長時間的註冊可以為你節省更多的現金,目前最好的選擇是每月僅2.49美元。 Bitdefender使用Hotspot Shield的超快Catapult Hydra協議,這個協議被廣泛認為是安全的,並且我已經從Bitdefender那裡得到澄清,沒有與Hotspot Shield或它的母公司共享用戶數據。 但是,由於與Hotspot Shield的鏈接,Bitdefender VPN的速度非常快。Catapult Hydra協議在全世界範圍內提供了令人難以置信的速度,在我的測試中,它的速度高達420Mbps。 串流媒體有點讓人失望,Bitdefender可以訪問美國Netflix。 在使用中,桌面應用程序既簡單又有效,儘管它們沒有提供開創性的功能,但它既穩定又有用。終止開關運行良好,並且雖然缺少某些功能(如“收藏夾”系統),但它絕不是功能不足。 移動應用程序也是如此,它們也具有終止開關,並提供良好的可用性。…
Protección La inigualable protección is mantiene multicapa de Bitdefender mantener sus dispositivo a salvo de todas las amenaza digital nuevas y existente . Completa protección de datos en tiempo real El poder absoluto de la solución antimalware más eficaz disponible…
Staying connected and sharing information online has never been easier. But with so many opportunities to share every aspect of your life, protecting your online identity can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. Find out how a secure VPN can protect…
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With data retention laws tightening and online surveillance growing in Sweden, VPNs are essential for safeguarding online privacy and security. However, not everyone has the budget for a premium VPN service. Therefore, I’ve pinpointed the best free VPN for Sweden…
Important to know: On March 25, 2024, Atlas VPN announced that it would be shutting down its services on April 24th. All current Atlas VPN subscribers will automatically be transferred to a NordVPN subscription, as NordVPN is Atlas VPN’s sister…
The best free VPNs for iPhone so you can protect your identity on the net and circumvent regional restrictions on websites. 11 Best free and cheap vpn for iPhone HotspotShield - military - grade encrypt traffic VPN Proxy Master -…
With the grow concern over online privacy and security , more and more people is turning are turn to vpn to protect their internet activity . VPNs is encrypt , or Virtual Private Networks , encrypt your internet connection and…
Best VPN for iPhone : shortlist In the era of digital connectivity, safeguarding your online privacy and security has become increasingly crucial, especially on mobile devices. With the rise of cyber threats and internet censorship, using a reliable VPN (Virtual…
With increasing privacy concerns andgeo-restrictions, having a reliable VPN is essential for iPhone andios user . AVPN ( Virtual Private Network ) allows you to browse the internet securely andaccess content without restrictions. If you are someone who is looking…
Built-in VPN is a security feature introduced by many private browsers, but none of them provide the actual data encryption as VPN does. If you need to hide your IP while browsing, a built-in VPN browser might serve you well.…
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© Isn’t it strange that so many phone users seek the best VPN for Android? Apparently, it’s not given that over 90% of users go online on their phone. While we can argue about Android’s popularity against iOS, we…
Securing your privacy online doesn't have to come at a cost, which is why free VPNs are a handy addition to any device. From keeping you anonymous by hiding your IP address to sneaking past strict geo-blocks, VPNs will help…