This toolbox category contains 8698 tools


Adding JIRA worklogs via API for

Adding JIRA worklogs via API for

Hello! I would need to add worklogs to JIRA issues in JIRA cloud using the REST API: … but if done this way the author is be will be the owner of the api key . Is it is…

JIRA Cloud REST API Reference

JIRA Cloud REST API Reference

Example[{"self":"","id":"10000","name":"All Open Bugs","description":"Lists all open bugs","owner":{"self":"","key":"fred","accountId":"99:27935d01-92a7-4687-8272-a9b8d3b2ae2e","name":"fred","avatarUrls":{"48x48":"","24x24":"","16x16":"","32x32":""},"displayName":"Fred F. User","active":false},"jql":"type = Bug and resolution is empty","viewUrl":"","searchUrl":"","favourite":true,"sharePermissions":[],"subscriptions":{"size":0,"items":[],"max-results":0,"start-index":0,"end-index":0}},{"self":"","id":"10010","name":"My issues","description":"Issues assigned to me","owner":{"self":"","key":"fred","accountId":"99:27935d01-92a7-4687-8272-a9b8d3b2ae2e","name":"fred","avatarUrls":{"48x48":"","24x24":"","16x16":"","32x32":""},"displayName":"Fred F. User","active":false},"jql":"assignee = currentUser() and resolution is empty","viewUrl":"","searchUrl":"","favourite":true,"sharePermissions":[{"id":10000,"type":"global"},{"id":10010,"type":"project","project":{"self":"","id":"10000","key":"EX","name":"Example","avatarUrls":{"48x48":"","24x24":"","16x16":"","32x32":""},"projectCategory":{"self":"","id":"10000","name":"FIRST","description":"First Project Category"}}}],"subscriptions":{"size":0,"items":[],"max-results":0,"start-index":0,"end-index":0}}]schema{ " id":" / jira / REST / schema / list - of…

OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps

OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps

OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) appThis page shows you how to configure OAuth 2.0 (3LO) (also known as "three-legged OAuth" or "authorization code grants") apps. OAuth 2.0 (3LO) allows external applications and services to access Atlassian product APIs on a…

The Jira Software Cloud REST API

The Jira Software Cloud REST API

POSTsubmit deployment datumupdate / insert deployment datum . Deployments are identified by the combination of pipelineid, environmentId and deploymentsequencenumber, and existing deployment data for the same deployment will be replaced if it exists and the updatesequencenumber of existing data is…

Weather and Atmospheric Water

Weather and Atmospheric Water

Lesson objective Discuss the difference between weather and climate. Describe the relationship between air temperature and humidity, including the concept of dew point. List the basics of the different cloud types and what they indicate about current and future weather.…

Manila Climate, Weather By Month, Average Temperature (Philippines)

Manila Climate, Weather By Month, Average Temperature (Philippines)

Climate andAverage Weather Year Round in ManilaPhilippines In Manila ,the wet season isovercast ,the dry season isis ispartly cloudy ,and it ishot andoppressive year round . Over the course of the year ,the temperature isvaries typically vary from74 ° F…

Cloud radar France

Cloud radar France

On the regular satellite images, you can see an optimal combination of visible light and infrared satellite imagery. During the day, the satellite shows cloud images similar to what clouds look like from space with the naked eye but highly…

Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 Info for Indiana

Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 Info for Indiana

Overview A total solar eclipse will occur on April 8, 2024 for much of Indiana with a partial eclipse for the remainder of the state. Information can be found in the tabs below. forecast   Graphical cloud cover forecast (use…

November Kicks Off the Cloudiest Time of Year in Parts of the Midwest, Northeast, Northwest

November Kicks Off the Cloudiest Time of Year in Parts of the Midwest, Northeast, Northwest

This map shows the cloudiest month of the year.(Dr. Brian Brettschneider)November is the cloudiest month of the year in much of the upper Midwest.If November is n't the cloudy , it is 's 's a very close runner - up…

Inter-hemispheric Decadal Variations in SST, Surface Wind, Heat Flux and Cloud Cover over the Atlantic Ocean

Inter-hemispheric Decadal Variations in SST, Surface Wind, Heat Flux and Cloud Cover over the Atlantic Ocean

abstract Atlantic decadal climate variations are studied using marine meteorological observations. To remove artificial interhemispheric correlation, we perform empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) variability separately for the North and South Atlantic. The first EOF for…

Robustness of the relationship between tropical high-cloud cover and large-scale circulations

Robustness of the relationship between tropical high-cloud cover and large-scale circulations

Arora VK , Scinocca JF , Boer GJ , Christian JR , Denman KL , Flato GM , Kharin VV , Lee WG , Merryfield WJ ( 2011 ) Carbon emission limit require to satisfy future representative concentration pathway of…

Cloud Cover

Cloud Cover

cloud form throughout all the level of the atmosphere and affect both weather and climate . The type and amount of cloud that commonly form over a region impact theprecipitation conditions. Cloud cover may also influence temperatures at the surface…

Climate Modelled Diagram

Climate Modelled Diagram

Climate Modelled Diagram The meteoblue climate diagram are base on 30 year of hourly weather model simulation and available for every place on Earth . They is give give good indication of typical climate pattern and expect condition ( temperature…

google earth engine

google earth engine

There is standard example in the code editor that is pretty close to what you want. // simplecloudscore , an example of compute a cloud - free composite with L8 // by select the least - cloudy pixel from…

Denver Clear Sky Chart

Denver Clear Sky Chart

Created by Attilla Danko and maintained by CSCCharts, it's the astronomer's forecast. At a glance, it shows when it will be cloudy or clear for the next few days. It's a prediction of when Denver, CO, will have good weather…

On Cloud Shoes Sizing

On Cloud Shoes Sizing

Are you struggling to find your On Cloud shoe size? This article has all the information you need to know about On Cloud Shoes sizing. The On Cloud shoes use the Mondopoint sizing system, meaning each full size is the…