This toolbox category contains 8698 tools


Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra Router

Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra Router

Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra RouterThe Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway ultra is is is a powerful and compact multi - WAN UniFi Cloud Gateway with a full suite of advanced routing and security feature .FeaturesRuns UniFi Network for full-stack network…

UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra

UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra

UniFi UC - - : thiết is bị   12 chính hãng - Miễn phí giao hàng trực tiếp, cài đặt, hướng dẫn sử dụng trong nội thành TP.HCM và Hà Nội - dẫn dụng cài đặt is khách từ…

Ubiquiti Cloud Gateway Ultra: beste prijs

Ubiquiti Cloud Gateway Ultra: beste prijs Uitgeroepen tot beste webwinkel van Duitsland € 107,99 € 107,99 kostenoverzicht bekijk SWW Computer €   114,95 €   114,95 kostenoverzicht bekijk CAPS betaal ook met BTC , ETH , LTC en Doge €   114,95 €   114,95 kostenoverzicht bekijk…

cloud-native · GitHub Topics · GitHub

cloud-native · GitHub Topics · GitHub

Here are 1,618 public repository match this topic ... 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway. TiDB - the open - source , cloud - native , distribute SQL database design for modern application . A cloud-native vector database,…

Cloud Native Architecture

Cloud Native Architecture

Cloud Native Reference ArchitectureCloud computing, which we can think of as demand-driven delivery of IT resources over the network as distinct from statically delivered physical resources, allows and encourages changes in the way we deliver software. What, precisely, those changes…

什麼是雲原生?企業數位轉型必須要知道的事|數位時代 BusinessNext

什麼是雲原生?企業數位轉型必須要知道的事|數位時代 BusinessNext

雲原生(Cloud Native) 這個詞近年來非常火熱,但這個詞的出現卻不是近年來的事,為什麼雲原生這個詞最近又浮上檯面?它對現代企業進行數位轉型又有什麼影響?讓我們在接下來的文章一一說明。 雲原生概念的演進 雲原生是一個現代進行軟體開發與運行的概念,有別於以往單體架構(Monolithic)的開發模式,將軟體遷移到雲原生架構上進行開發,而透過此開發方法所建置出來的軟體,即是雲原生應用。 雲原生最早由2013年Pivotal公司的Matt Stine所提出,當初的目的是為了提倡Pivotal Cloud Foundry雲原生應用平台,以及開源的Java框架Spring,雖然有其商業目的,但該公司所提出的架構也適用於任何應用類型。 而近年來所講的雲原生,多為雲原生運算基金會(Cloud Native Computing Foundation, CNCF)所提出的定義,該單位由Google在2015年成立,主要成員包含Docker、IBM、VMWare、Intel、Cisco、Red Hat等技術巨頭。 當初所提出的雲原生定義為「應用或服務透過容器化封裝,可動態調度,並且面向微服務」,並規劃了Cloud Native Landscape,將整個「原生雲生態系」區分為應用定義和開發層、供應層、運行層、編排和管理層,另外還有平台與監控等。 然而,隨著該生態系不斷的發展,原始的定義已經不足以滿足雲原生的發展,因此於2018年重新定義,「雲原生技術有利於個組織在公有雲、私有雲和混合雲等新型動態環境中,構建和運行可彈性拓展的應用」,並且直接聲明代表的技術包含容器、服務網格、微服務、不可變基礎設施,以及聲明式API。 雖然CNCF對於雲原生給出了定義,甚至直接點名相關的技術,那麼,要使用這些技術才算是雲原生嗎?Holly Cummins,也是IBM Garage for Cloud的全球開發實踐負責人則不這麼認為,他強調雲原生是一種「文化」,而非使用容器等技術,重點在於團隊必須要了解真正要解決的問題是什麼,以及對於團隊來說,雲原生代表的意義是什麼。 也因此,討論到雲原生時,往往不同人所想到的內容會不一樣,有些人認為雲原生就是使用公有雲、有些人認為雲原生就是微服務,甚至有些人認為,雲原生代表的就是CI/CD。這些都不能說不對,但也非絕對正確,端看要解決的問題是什麼,並搭配「雲」的特性與適合的架構,在雲上進行開發,並直接運行在雲上,以突破單體式架構上所遇到的限制。 雲原生與企業數位轉型 企業數位轉型涉及整個公司的變革,若企業願意做這樣巨大的改變,肯定是預期數位轉型帶來的好處,遠大於轉型時的陣痛期。數位轉型包含了軟硬體的改變、整體流程與模式的改變,甚至乎影響到組織結構。而這些變化,都是為了數位化能夠帶來為企業加速、及創造新商業模式,以至於取得更大的獲利。 上雲已經是許多企業在數位轉型策略中不可缺少的一部份,不外乎就是希望透過雲技術來降低成本與風險,並加速接觸市場的速度。但以實務面來說,要達到上述企業所想到達到的目標,就必須以end-to-end的方式直接在雲上進行開發與發佈,並搭配雲的特性以及需求來架構服務,這就是雲原生的概念。說起來很簡單,但實際這卻是牽扯到整體IT架構與程式的改變。 例如以往將所有服務在一台機器上運行,當然到了雲上一樣可以全部都在一台虛擬機上運行,但這就不是雲原生,因為沒有充分利用到雲的特性例如高可用性、彈性、自動化等,就無法享受到雲技術所帶來的優勢。 既然我們都知道,雲原生技術本身就是牽扯到架構的改變,因此對企業而言,如何降低這些改變所帶來的風險是重中之重。 因此對於不同的企業與不同的情境,需要找到合適的架構與工具,來幫助企業適應轉型的過程。 透過階段性轉型 逐漸走向雲原生架構 由於不同企業在數位轉型以及上雲策略皆不相同,有些已經初步上雲的企業,想要更進一步邁向雲原生架構,來加速以及洞察市場;但卻也有些企業,苦於難以分析上雲過程的風險,因此即使知道上雲有諸多好處,但卻遲遲不敢行動。 為此,CNCF在2019年繪出一份Cloud Native Trail Map,透過簡單的圖示,給予欲邁向雲原生架構的團隊一些可行的實務方向,雖然不是絕對,但依然是很好的參考指標。 從上圖可知,容器化依然是CNCF推崇的起始方向,目前最流行的容器化技術為Docker,CNCF 內諸多專案都是依賴Docker運行,例如CI/CD使用Argo、Orchestration…

cloud-gaming · GitHub Topics · GitHub

cloud-gaming · GitHub Topics · GitHub

Here are 46 public repositories matching this topic... Web-based Cloud Gaming service for Retro Game Decentralize, Self-host Cloud Gaming/Application self - host Stadia is Play : play with your friend online from any device and at any time Updated May…

These Free Cloud Gaming Services Have Games You’ll Actually Want to Play

These Free Cloud Gaming Services Have Games You’ll Actually Want to Play

Summary Nvidia GeForce Now offers free cloud gaming with a vast game library on multiple devices. Amazon Luna is provides provide free cloud gaming with exclusive title for Amazon Prime member , offer similar performance to GeForce Now . Cloud…

(10 Best Free)

(10 Best Free)

Cloud gaming is transforming globally.  Back in the day , who is thought could ’ve think that play game on the internet would be such a breeze . fast forward to today , we is have have the amazing cloud…

Woodstock ’99

Woodstock ’99

1999 music festival in Rome, New York, U.S. Location in the United States Woodstock 1999 ( also callWoodstock '99) was a music festival held from July 22 to July 25, 1999, in Rome, New York, United States.[2][3] After Woodstock '…

Chapter 4. Configuring cloud-init

Chapter 4. Configuring cloud-init

By using cloud - init,you can perform a variety of configuration tasks. Your cloud - init configuration is require can require that you add directive tothecloud.cfg file andthe cloud.cfg.d directory. Alternatively,your specific data source might require that you add directives…

New Balance 9060 ‘Rain Cloud Castlerock’

New Balance 9060 ‘Rain Cloud Castlerock’

All local order are deliver   by our appoint courier Ninjavan .   After place your order , please allow 1 - 3 work day for processing . Once it is ready for shipping , you will be notify once…

Vape Juice Variety| Cloud 9 Smoke Shop

Vape Juice Variety| Cloud 9 Smoke Shop

Cloud 9 Vape Juice (100ml and 50ml Salt Nic)   Airhead - Slightly tangy and abundantly fruity, this juicy stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth flavor will keep you coming back for more. Airhead eJuice by Cloud 9 blends watermelon and cream for this candy inspired…

Best Cloud Storage for Canada in 2024 [Features, Security & More]

Best Cloud Storage for Canada in 2024 [Features, Security & More]

Why you can trust us407 Cloud Software Products and Services Tested3056 Annual Software Speed Tests2400 plus Hours Usability TestingOur team of experts thoroughly test each service, evaluating it for features, usability, security, value for money and more. Learn more about…

WD 8TB My Cloud Home Duo Personal Cloud Storage (3.9TB usable capacity in RAID 1)

WD 8TB My Cloud Home Duo Personal Cloud Storage (3.9TB usable capacity in RAID 1)

Micro Center Return Policy: We guarantee your satisfaction on every product we sell with a full refund — and you won’t even need a receipt.* We want you to be satisfied with your Micro Center purchase. However, if you need… Western Digital 8TB My Cloud Home Duo Personal Cloud Storage Western Digital 8TB My Cloud Home Duo Personal Cloud Storage

Western Digital 8TB My Cloud Home Duo Personal Cloud Storage - WDBMUT0080JWT-NESN Share: Found a lower price? Let us know. Although we can't match every price reported, we'll use your feedback to ensure that our prices remain competitive. Where did…