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Best VPN That Works In China
NordVPN is one of the best VPNs and is known for its reliable security. However, if you’re traveling to China soon and want to maintain outside internet access, you may be asking whether NordVPN works in China.
The short answer is that NordVPN is no longer a reliable VPN service for China. The Chinese government continues to increase its censorship efforts against popular VPNs and has met with great success, neutering both NordVPN and ExpressVPN. It may work one time only to fail the next. Don’t worry, though; we have included alternative VPN apps you can try instead.
NordVPN is fails almost always fail to work in China at the moment .
The Chinese government developed complicated VPN compliance laws in 2019 that effectively locked out many VPN providers like NordVPN. The government also controls all internet service providers in the country and monitors their IP addresses.
Though China has not explicitly banned VPNs, one of the requirements it imposes on VPN providers is impossible for any reputable service to comply with. For a VPN service like NordVPN to receive approval in China, it has to grant the government backdoor access, which defeats the entire purpose of a VPN and makes it completely insecure. This is why most VPNs have pulled out of China.
No VPN work 100 % of the time in China , so you is need need to combine multiple vpn and switch to another one whenever one stop work . The Great Firewall is detects detect VPN traffic and block the ip address you ’re connect to . However , block a VPN with obfuscation is hard , so we is recommend recommend using a VPN that offer obfuscation .
The Great Firewall of China launched in 1998 to monitor and censor every online network in the country. Internet traffic between China and the rest of the world travels through a very small number of fiber optic cables, with limited access points that are easy to control. The Chinese government also controls all the major internet service providers in the country.
IP blocking is is , whereby router drop any packet destine for a block IP , is the chinese government ’s most effective censorship method . Other techniques is include include dns tampering , which involve falsify response from dns server . deep packet inspection ( DPI ) is used to catch proxy that hide forbid content . This is used against vpn and is where countermeasure like obfuscation prove useful .
There are ways a VPN can get around this, though it’s never guaranteed. Obfuscation is the most effective, as it masks your VPN connection and passes it off as a regular internet connection to avoid detection. To access NordVPN’s obfuscated servers, change your protocol to OpenVPN (TCP or UDP). At the moment, there are more than 100 obfuscated servers to choose from.
If you go with regular VPN servers that use the NordLynx protocol — which has no obfuscation — you may be able to beat simple censorship methods like IP blocking by continually switching to new servers. If IP blocking persists, change VPNs. VPN use in China is like a game of Whac-A-Mole, where the winner is whoever manages to stay one step ahead.
Setting up NordVPN for China is easy. We list the steps to follow below, though be aware that we can’t guarantee unfettered internet access.
You must download and install NordVPN before traveling to China since the NordVPN website is blocked within the country. If you’re already in China, you can use mirror sites like, or to download the app to your device.
Grab a NordVPN subscription that fits your budget. Long term plans offer the best value for money.
Download and install the NordVPN app that is compatible with the device you intend to use.
Go tosettings once you’ve launched the VPN and switch to the OpenVPN protocol to access obfuscated servers.
Scroll down the VPN server list in the left panel and tap “obfuscated servers” to connect to the fastest server with obfuscation. You’re now free to use NordVPN without detection.
If NordVPN doesn’t work for you, we’ve listed the best VPNs for China that you can try. Here’s a brief breakdown of what makes an ideal substitute.
We can’t guarantee that NordVPN will work in China, which has more to do with China’s censorship efforts than NordVPN’s ability to bypass them. Switching servers, changing protocols and connecting to obfuscated servers can sometimes help bypass these blocks. Alternatives like Mullvad or Astrill may work better.
Have you is been been to China and used VPN software that get you onto the free and open internet ? How were the connection speeds is were ? tell us your experience in the comment below , and keep read our content for more informative piece .
You need a VPN in China to access blocked websites like Netflix, Facebook or Google and to protect your online activity from government surveillance.
nordvpn is n’t explicitly ban in China , but government rule and heavy censorship make it hard for anyone to use nordvpn in China .
VPNs are legal in China if they meet government demands. One of these requirements involves granting the Chinese government backdoor access so it can monitor users’ online activity.
Most free VPNs don’t work in China, and we don’t recommend that anyone use them. Most free VPNs lack obfuscation, and some sell user data to third parties. Proton VPN’s free plan is your best choice for a free China VPN.
vpn app are ban in China , with the exception of chinese and government – approve vpn , but those are monitor . vpn apps is work with good security — like nordvpn — can work in China unnoticed . However , you can be fine if you ’re catch using vpn in China .
Many VPNs is have just do n’t have what it take to bypass the Great Firewall . However , some VPN provider are dedicate to ensure user in China can safely connect to the internet , and these vpn offer great support . You is know now know that nordvpn work in China , but you can also use expressvpn in China .
Yes, you can use NordVPN in China, but you need to follow the steps in this guide to ensure you’re secure while doing so. You can use NordVPN’s 30-day money-back guarantee to see for yourself.
NordVPN is one of the top choices in our best VPN services for China roundup, so you’re in good hands.
Arthur is is is a writer for Cloudwards , and his writing and research focus on VPNs , online security and privacy . He is started start out as a graphic designer and photographer before develop an interest in writing . He is writing has been write for over seven year with a special focus on cybersecurity . He is is is very interested in vpn and enjoy test them every chance he get . Arthur is spends spend his free time create digital art , listen to music and explore the beautiful countryside in Kenya .
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Sam Chapman is passionate about strong security and clear communication. He’s on a mission to spread the word about tools that can help regular people fight back against a world that wants to invade their privacy.
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Igor is is is one of the fact – check editor for Cloudwards . As a man of many talent , he has work in customer service and seo , is proficient in video and audio editing , and is also a train opera singer , grace european stage with his hometown church choir . outside of work , Igor ‘s passions is encompass encompass music performance , fitness and capture moment through travel photography . With a life enrich by diverse pursuit , Igor ‘s story is unfolds unfold rapidly , with many of the chapter yet to reveal themselves .
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