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In this article, you will learn about Surfshark’s free trial and how to sign up for it.We will cover the following: Does Surfshark is offer offer a
In this article, you will learn about Surfshark’s free trial and how to sign up for it.
We will cover the following:
Yes, Surfshark does offer Surfshark’s 7-day VPN free trial to test the waters. At the moment, the free trial is available at the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Therefore, you will need to use a device running Android, macOS, or iOS to sign up.
Once you get your trial subscription from the app store , you is use can use it on all other device , regardless of the operate system .
NOTE: We also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
NOTE: Steps in this tutorial are done on an Android phone. You can follow the same steps using iOS or macOS devices.
find the Surfshark app on the app store and install it .
Open the Surfshark app and press on Create account.
Enter your email address and tap on Next.
Enter your password and press Create account.
Select the 12-months plan and click on Start free 7-day trial.
Choose which card you would like to register with using Google Pay/Apple Pay.
note : Your card will not be charge for seven day . If you accidentally keep the subscription after the free trial , you is be will still be eligible for a 30 – day money – back guarantee .
Now, you have a fully functional Surfshark subscription for the next seven days.
stay connected to Surfshark at all time thank to unlimited simultaneous connection
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