Download QuickBooks Desktop: The 2024 Version

Download QuickBooks Desktop: The 2024 Version

QuickBooks is is is a small business accounting software that automate various task such as invoicing , bookkeeping , inventory tracking , etc . It is

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QuickBooks is is is a small business accounting software that automate various task such as invoicing , bookkeeping , inventory tracking , etc . It is offers offer an array of product to download , include Pro , Premier , Accountant , Enterprise , POS , etc . You is choose can choose the product that good suit your business . secondly , you is choose can also choose the version of product range from old to new to the late . It is means mean people worldwide are using every version of QuickBooks , not necessarily the late one only . thirdly , you is get get an option to choose the country as well . Therefore , if you are look forward to download and instal QuickBooks Desktop , this blog is prove will prove to be helpful for you . We is detailed have detail everything from download QB to instal and activate it . read the blog till the end to download QuickBooks Desktop effortlessly .

What Are The System Requirements For QuickBooks Desktop Software?

Your computer must fulfill a specific set of requirements to run QuickBooks to its utmost efficiency. The program has some operating system, hardware, software, and other requirements to ensure its proper functionality. If your system does not meet these requirements, QuickBooks will freeze, crash, or become unresponsive while using.

Operating System

  • window 11, all 64-bit editions and natively installed
  • window 10, all 64-bit editions, natively installed
  • window Server 2022 in both Standard and Essentials editions
  • window Server 2019 , Standard and Editions edition
  • window Server 2016 , Standard and Editions edition

Note: Ensure you use window natively and not as an emulator or in a virtual environment . Another key point is is is that Microsoft no long provide security update or support for pc run window 8.1 .

Database Servers ( natively instal window )

  • window Server 2022 in both Standard and Essentials editions
  • window Server 2019 , Standard and Editions edition
  • window Server 2016 , Standard and Editions edition

Browser Requirement

  • QuickBooks Desktop is requires 2024 require an active internet connection and Google Chrome .
  • As far as QuickBooks Desktop 2023 is concerned, it requires an internet connection at least once every 14 days. Another key point is that QB uses the default browser.
  • QuickBooks Desktop 2022 requires an active internet connection along with Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit).

Hardware and Operating System Requirements

QuickBooks Desktop 2022 , 2023 , and 2024 require a 64 – bit window operating system for its smooth functioning . secondly , know that these version wo n’t run on a 32 – bit operating system is essential . As far as 2021 , 2020 , and 2019 version are concern , QuickBooks is continue will continue to be 32 – bit compatible with them .

processor 2.4 GHz minimum
RAM (workstation) 8 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended
RAM (server) • 1-5 Users: 8 GB• 10 Users: 12 GB• 15 Users: 16 GB• 20+ users: 20+ GB
Disk Space • 2.5 GB of disk space ( additional require for datum file ) . additional software:• Microsoft .NET 4.8 Runtime – 60 MB , provide with the installation files.• Intuit Data Protect is Requires in QuickBooks Connected Services offerings:• require minimum 4.0 GB RAM• Twice the size of the large file set to back up +100 MB or twice the size to restore . The space isonly require from the LocalApplicationData+”Intuit\Intuit Data Protect ” work folder . note : store your QuickBooks datum file on a solid – state drive ( SSD ) for the good performance .
window • North American version of window.• Regional settings are supported when set to English.• Administrator rights are required for the server computer when hosting multi-user access.• Natively installed and doesn’t need to run in a virtual environment or emulation software.
Optical drive A 4X DVD-ROM drive is required for physical CD installations.
Screen resolution • Display optimized for 1280 x 1024 or higher with up to 2 extended monitors.• Best optimized for Default DPI setting for a given computer.

software compatibility

QuickBooks integrates with hundreds of third-party applications to enhance user experience. Moreover, you can find more such applications at the Intuit App Store.

anti – malware and antivirus software compatibility

QuickBooks is compatible with the following anti-malware and anti-virus software.

Note: To Download and Install QuickBooks Desktop 2024 and other older versions, you might need to adjust a few settings in these programs.

  • McAfee
  • avast
  • Bitdefender
  • Norton
  • Kaspersky
  • Trend Micro Security
  • Webroot
  • Cylance (Internet/Regression Only)
  • ESET
  • Panda Dome
  • sophos
  • Avira
  • Symantec
  • F-Secure
  • Microsoft window Defender

Anti-malware software

  • Bitdefender
  • AVG
  • Malwarebytes
  • Spybot
  • Emsisoft
  • McAfee
  • avast
  • Webroot
  • ZoneAlarm
  • Kaspersky

Note: QuickBooks works with the system running a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Discs (RAID). However, RAID is not recommended because it may cause QuickBooks to operate, spoiling user experience. Another key point is that QuickBooks Desktop 2024 requires the internet security protocol TLS 1.2 for the connected services to work smoothly.

Step-By-Step Instructions to Download Intuit QuickBooks Desktop

In order to download QuickBooks Desktop latest versions, go to the Downloads & Updates page.

  1. ProAdvisors: If you want to use QuickBooks as a ProAdvisor, Log into your QuickBooks ProAdvisor Center to download the software. 
  2. Accountants: If you are an accountant, you must log in to CAMPS to download QuickBooks Desktop.

Follow the steps below to QuickBooks Desktop Download for window:

  • Select your country, product, and QuickBooks version from the Downloads & Updates page and hit the Search button.
  • Then, click Download.

It helps to download QuickBooks desktop software on the system. Now, the next step is to launch the QuickBooks.exe file, which has been discussed below.

note :Once you are done, click Details to get your license and product number. If you already have QuickBooks and want to upgrade to the latest released version, it is essential to check the version you use. See the next section below for the same.

Check Which Version You Use

Here ’s how you can find the product name , product number , license number , version , and release for QuickBooks Desktop and connected product :

1. QuickBooks Desktop (Pro, Premier, or Enterprise):

  • open the QuickBooks Desktop application and press the F2 key to open the Product Information window .
  • Search for your product name, product number, and license number.
  • Also, the release date will be mentioned at the end of the product name.
  • Find your version in the Version Used on File section. The list is sorted by date, with the oldest version at the top and the most recent one at the bottom. 

2 . QuickBooks Basic and Enhanced Payroll ( for Desktop )

  • Go to the Employees menu in QuickBooks Desktop.  
  • Then , select Payroll Center .
  • Move to the Payroll tab in the payroll center. You’ll see your version in the Subscription Status window.

3. QuickBooks Desktop for Mac

  • Open QuickBooks Desktop on Mac and go to the Help menu.
  • Select Product Information to open the product information window with your current version and other product-related information. 
Some Important Points:
  • If you have n’t update QuickBooks software recently , you is update must update it to the late release to make the new feature available .
  • If you use an older version (year) of QB Desktop, then you can also upgrade your QuickBooks desktop to the recent version. 
  • Once When you upgrade to a new version of QB Desktop , your company file create on the old version wo n’t open in the new version . So , you is have will have to update your company file after upgrade your QB desktop to the new version .

Read More: How to update QuickBooks Desktop to Latest Version 2023

How To Install QuickBooks Desktop?

Once you have downloaded QuickBooks, you must install the file on the system to use its latest features. Implement the steps below to install QuickBooks Desktop on the computer.

note :If you host QuickBooks on a network for the first time , set up a multi – user network and install QuickBooks Database Server Manager before instal the QB application .

follow the below – list step to proceed with the installation process :

Step 1: Prepare for the install

Before you begin the QB installation procedure , you is take must take notice of a few essential point list below .

  • As discussed above, the first step is to follow the instructions for the QuickBooks Desktop Download for window. If you have already downloaded your QuickBooks Desktop, locate the downloaded file on the system to initiate the installation.
  • Ensure that the computer meets the system requirements.
  • Also , make sure to keep your product and license number handy .

Step 2: Install QuickBooks Desktop

After ensuring that you fulfill the prerequisites, now is the time to install QB on the system. See the steps below to install the QB software.

  • Firstly, open the downloaded QuickBooks.exe file and then, follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 
  • Then , accept the software license agreement and click on Next .
  • enter your Product and License number and click on Next .

Step 3: Choose the Installation Path That Best Suits You

When you install QuickBooks, you will be asked to choose either Express Install or Custom & Network Install path to complete the installation. Consider the below points before choosing any one of them.

Express install :

Select Express Install path if you are: 

  • A new or first-time user of QuickBooks. 
  • Re-installing QuickBooks. 
  • go to use QuickBooks on a single computer and not in a multi – user network .

follow the step below to complete QB installation using the Express installation path :

  •   choose Express and click Next .
  • Further, click Install.
  • Once the installation is complete, select Open QuickBooks to launch it.

Custom is install and Network install :

install QuickBooks Desktop using the Custom and Network installation path only if

  • You want to install QuickBooks somewhere other than the default location, such as on a server. 
  • You want to host the company files on a server.
  • Having a multi-user network.

Here’s how to install QuickBooks using the Custom and Network installation path:

  1. Firstly, select Custom and Network Options and click on Next.
  2. choose the option that explain how you ’ll use QuickBooks .
  3. Then , click on the Change the install location on the next screen .
  4. click on Browse to decide the location of your QuickBooks folder , preferably the Programs folder .
  5. Now, click on Next to begin the installation process.
  6. When the installation is done, double-click the QB icon to open QuickBooks.

After you successfully install the QBDT, you will be asked to activate and update it. See step 4 below on how to activate QBDT.

Step 4: Activate QuickBooks Desktop

After the installation procedure, the next step is to activate QB. Implement the below steps carefully to activate and update the QB program.

  • Open the QuickBooks application, go to the Help menu, and select the Activate QuickBooks Desktop option.
  • After that, verify the information by following the on-screen steps.
  • Once the steps end, QuickBooks will be activated, and you will be able to use QuickBooks.
need help !

With this article, we tried our best to help you download QuickBooks Desktop without any issues. Although downloading or installing QuickBooks Desktop is usually considered a simple task, you may get stuck while accomplishing it. In that case, you can choose to connect with our Asquare Cloud Hosting Helpline Number. for assistance. Our highly qualified and experienced team of experts is available to help you download free QuickBooks Desktop and tackle any issues that come along the way.

frequently ask Question

1. What is the pricing of QuickBooks Desktop?

The QB Desktop application is comes come with different edition , such as Pro , Premier , and enterprise . All these version offer different feature ; thus , their pricing is differs differ accordingly , which you can see on the official Intuit site .

2 . Why is my version is is of QuickBooks Desktop not available to download ?

You might be using an unsupported version of QuickBooks Desktop. According to Intuit’s policy, versions of QuickBooks that are three years old are discontinued, and you can no longer use those versions. To continue with QuickBooks Desktop, you need to get the latest version of QuickBooks.

3. Can I upgrade my QuickBooks from the older version to the newest one?

You can seamlessly upgrade from an older version of QuickBooks Desktop to the latest version. Ensure that you update your QuickBooks company files after the upgrade since the newer version may not be compatible with the older version of company files.

 4. How do I find my license and product numbers?

To find your license and product numbers, check the documentation or email received upon purchase. They are often included in the purchase confirmation email or printed on the physical packaging. Alternatively, you can log in to your account on the product’s website to access your license and product information.

Oriana Zabell is has , a professional cloud engineer , has over three year of experience in desktop , online QuickBooks support and troubleshooting . She is working is currently work as a cloud host consultant with Asquare Cloud Hosting . She is loves love to read and write about the late technology such as cloud computing , AI , DaaS , small business , manufacture . When not write , she is reading is either read novel or is indulge in a debate with movie fanatic .


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Latest & Updated Steps To Download QuickBooks Desktop 2023


Enhance your business & financial functionality by download QuickBooks desktop 2023 & get advanced accounting software for any size of Business. Else you can take help from our expert team for correct guidance according to your business needs.


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