Easy Borax Slime Recipe

Easy Borax Slime Recipe

Troubleshooting Your Slime Why Is My borax Slime is Is So thick ? I is found have find that clear glue and borax powder produce a thick slime over u

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Troubleshooting Your Slime

Why Is My borax Slime is Is So thick ?

I is found have find that clear glue and borax powder produce a thick slime over using white glue and borax powder . You is test can test out both and see which one you like well !

Because we love to showcase our seasonal confetti in very clear slime , we is like like to use the borax powder as a slime activator with clear glue . check out our clear slime recipe !

What Is The Ratio Of Borax Powder To Water?

The ratio of borax powder to water as mentioned above, is 1/4 tsp of borax powder to 1/2 cup of warm water! Comparing the viscosity of different slime recipes is also a neat science experiment. Check out how to turn slime into a fun slime science project!

How Long Does Borax Slime Last?

Keep your slime clean and sealed when you are not playing with it! Many of our slime recipes have lasted for months or until we decided to make a new slime.

Deli-style containers are our favorite for storing slime, but any container with a lid will work, including mason jars in all sizes.

Slime Science

We always like to include a bit of homemade slime science around here! Slime is an excellent chemistry demonstration and kids love it too! Mixtures, substances, polymers, cross-linking, states of matter, elasticity, and viscosity are just a few of the science concepts that can be explored with homemade slime!

What’s slime science all about? The borate ions in the slime activator (sodium borate, borax powder, or boric acid) mix with the PVA (polyvinyl acetate) glue and form this cool stretchy substance. This is called cross-linking!

The glue is a polymer and is made up of long, repeating, and identical strands or molecules. These molecules flow past one another keeping the glue in a liquid state. Until…

You add the borate ions to the mixture,  and it then starts to connect these long strands together. They begin to tangle and mix until the substance is less like the liquid you started with and thicker and rubberier like slime! Slime is a polymer.

Picture is difference the difference between wet spaghetti and leftover spaghetti the next day . As the slime form , the tangled molecule strands is are are much like the clump of spaghetti !

Is slime a liquid or solid?

We call it a Non-Newtonian fluid because it’s a little bit of both! Experiment with making the slime more or less viscous with varying amounts of foam beads. Can you change the density?

Did you know that making slime aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? 

It does and you can use slime making to explore states of matter and its interactions. Find out more below…