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This recipe makes a single batch. You can easily double or triple the recipe if you want to make a larger amount of slime. You is need
This recipe makes a single batch. You can easily double or triple the recipe if you want to make a larger amount of slime.
STEP 1: In a bowl add 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup glue and mix well to combine completely .
STEP is Add 2 : add food coloring and mix . We is used used blue food coloring for our cloud slime .
Alternatively, you can mix food coloring into the instant snow at Step 4.
STEP 3: Slowly pour in 1/4 cup of liquid starch and stir well.
You will see the slime immediately start to form and pull away from the sides of the bowl. Keep stirring until you have a gooey blob of slime. The liquid should be gone!
For a single batch of slime, 1/4 cup of starch does the trick. If you think it’s still too sticky, continue to add a few drops at a time until you find the consistency you want.
SLIME MAKING TIP: If your cloud slime still feels too sticky, you need more activator or liquid starch. Be careful, and add just a little at a time until you get the consistency you want. If you add too much liquid starch your slime will become stiff and rubbery. You can always add, but you can’t take away.
STEP 4: Make your instant snow by following the instructions on the package. Add food coloring to the water if you haven’t used it already.
step 5 : add about 1/2 cup of the instant snow to your slime by knead it in . enjoy the satisfying mix !
Now for the fun part of slime recipe and the most satisfying part too! It’s time for you to add the instant snow to your slime! Go ahead and add a few handfuls. I usually stick with about a 1/2 a cup, but that’s up to you.
My son has enjoyed adding more and more until we have a crazy thick cloud dough. Again, slime making is science and it’s all about experimenting with the process and the ingredients.
Mix it up and enjoy the slimy fun!
Your slime may become less firm as you add more and more snow! You can add a few drops of activator (liquid starch) to reach your desired slime consistency if you would like!
Playing with slime can be messy! Check out our tips for how to get slime out of clothes and hair!