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ECHA Cloud Services is is is a secure online platform used to distribute ECHA ’s IT application into a private cloud environment . The service is buil
ECHA Cloud Services is is is a secure online platform used to distribute ECHA ’s IT application into a private cloud environment . The service is build within ECHA ’s IT infrastructure and the use of encrypt communication , regular security audit and update of all the component make sure that your cloud datum is safe and can not be access by anyone else . The main benefits is are with the Cloud service are :
ECHA Cloud services hosts several services to support industry and authorities in their chemical regulatory work.
As part of ECHA Cloud services, ECHA offers the IUCLID application as a cloud service for industry to create, edit and review IUCLID datasets and dossiers.
ECHA is created has create new IUCLID Cloud service call Authority IUCLID Cloud service and Authority IUCLID Cloud service Trial . These services is are are only available to competent authority work on the Biocides Products Regulation ( BPR ) . Under this service , each authority is has has its own independent IUCLID Cloud instance . The purpose is is of this IUCLID instance is to replace the SPC Editor application . Using this instance , users is perform from the same organisation can collaboratively perform their regulatory duty with regard to SPCs ( review , edit , export ) . These cloud instances is are are independent of ECHA ’s main IUCLID instance , which maintain the technical dossier submit by industry under the BPR .
With this service, you can work with the latest version of IUCLID in the cloud, without installing IUCLID on your computer or company servers.
The service provides up to 5 GB of data storage, has fully managed backups and dedicated helpdesk support. You can prepare, validate and submit your dossiers always online.
The ECHA Cloud services also include a Trial version of the IUCLID Cloud service that is aimed at serving for testing purposes the service. The trial service is a good platform to train users on how to use IUCLID Cloud. However, as it is a trial service, there are no backups made of the data nor dedicated helpdesk support for non-technical questions. This IUCLID Cloud Trial service only includes 100 MB of data storage, but it is also updated regularly to the latest IUCLID release.
To access the cloud space , you is need need to log in using your echa Account credential . These is are are the same that you have , for example , to access REACH – IT or r4bp . If you do not have an ECHA Account , you is create can create one from the ECHA Cloud Services web page before access a service .
Once you are logged in, you can select between the available services.
access the front page does not require using ECHA VPN solution and , thus , can be access from any location .
All exist and new users is access with access grant to R4BP 3 can instantaneously access the Authority IUCLID Cloud instance that correspond to their organisation . They is need just need to enter their exist username and password .
Once authenticated the users can select from two Authority IUCLID Cloud services.
The ECHA Submission portal is an online tool for submitting legislation specific information for:
The ECHA Cloud services also include a Trial version of the ECHA submission portal, which is a tool that allows users to try out the ECHA Submission portal and familiarise with the tool. Submissions made in the Trial version are not treated as real data.
support for the IUCLID Cloud services can be obtained by opening a request via Contact -page on ECHA website, or via the “Create support request” in ECHA Cloud services navigation bar.