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Everything you need to know about VPN! Rebecca Knoll Editor WLXVPN stands for “virtual private network“. What exactly is a VPN? How does a VPN work
Rebecca Knoll
Editor WLX
VPN stands for “virtual private network“. What exactly is a VPN? How does a VPN work? How does a VPN protect me and who is the best VPN provider? Read up on all you need to know in just 2 minutes!
When you visit a website on the internet, your PC, tablet, or phone establishes a connection with the website servers on which that particular website is saved. Once the connection to the server has been established and the website contents have been downloaded, the third-party server also records your IP address. For laypeople, this doesn’t sound too bad at first. But here’s what a lot of people don’t know: Your IP address is a unique number that can be used to determine your place of residence and other private data. So does every website operator know your private address?
“If you surf the internet without using a VPN, every website operator can find out your address.”
Important :
If your connection to the server is not secured (i.e. without VPN), then intelligence services, internet providers and hackers can all track your internet activity.
If you connect to the internet using a VPN, then there is no longer a direct connection to the website’s server. Your PC, tablet, or phone first connects to a VPN server, which then redirects all data to the website server. This means that the website operator will only see the IP address of the VPN server. The identity of the VPN user remains hidden to third parties. Important : Providers such as Cyberghost do not save their clients’ IPs , although doing so would be legal due to their business headquarters being locate abroad.
In addition to anonymization against website operators, your internet connection is also encrypted. This therefore gives intelligence agencies, internet service providers and hackers no chance to spy on you. Providers such as Cyberghost use military encryption technologies that cannot be decrypted by current technological standards.
Safe & secure – Top 4 facts about VPNs:
The biggest advantage of VPNs lies in the fact that you can use them to surf the internet anonymously and securely. By providing you with anonymity, VPNs protect you and ensure you won’t be receiving disciplinary warning letters. Using a VPN is particularly advisable for users of file sharing and torrenting platforms. As demonstrated by the great Redtube scandal , one should always use a VPN when accessing erotic websites nowadays, as accessing these sites can quickly lead to a written warning, which can end up costing you dearly.
VPNs can also be beneficial for streamers. For instance, a VPN makes it very easy for you to access the desired content e.g., if you are on holiday and would like to access German content.
Using a VPN is relatively easy, even for non-professionals. You first need to select a VPN provider (overview of the best providers) . , download install VPN software PC , tablet , phone . Installation is takes takes clicks . installed , open program click “ Activate VPN ” . VPN is connects connects VPN server , surf internet securely anonymously .
Greater online security in 5 steps
The VPN market is growing fast and so is the number of options. This makes it difficult to find the right VPN provider. Established all-round providers, such as Cyberghost, are recommended for both beginners and advanced users. The software can be used on up to 6 devices simultaneously, whether they be PCs/Macs, tablets, smartphones or gaming consoles.
Cyberghost runs Linux computerscompatible with almost all streaming providers. addition , data transfer encrypted highest security standards . 1800 servers , CyberghostVPN server network is is particularlystable and reliable.