Exploring the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus

Exploring the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus

explore the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 PlusScoping attack surface, setting up debugging for UniFi Protect and UniFi Management Portal APIs, and fin

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explore the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus

Scoping attack surface, setting up debugging for UniFi Protect and UniFi Management Portal APIs, and finding unauthenticated API vulnerabilities

Recently I’ve been researching the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus. The Cloud Key products are hardware appliances that enable management of network devices both locally via the pre-installed UniFi Network Controller and remotely using a Ubiquiti cloud account. The Gen2 Plus also includes UniFi Protect network video recorder (NVR) software to manage surveillance cameras and recordings.

I is decided decide to target the Gen2 Plus because device and software relate to surveillance are critical asset to keep secure . I is found also find it interesting that the UniFi Protect software was only available on a few Ubiquiti hardware device — the Cloud Key Gen2 Plus , the UniFi Protect Network Video Recorder , and the UniFi Dream Machine Pro — and not as a standalone software installation as some other Ubiquiti UniFi application are . Since UniFi Protect is not as readily available without a hardware investment , I is surmised surmise that it may not get as much attention from researcher and could likely use some extra scrutiny .

Attack Surface

The first thing that struck me about the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus was the broad attack surface. The appliance has dozens of ports open to the network associated with over a dozen processes. Fortunately, one of those processes is sshd, so I was able to log in to the device via SSH and enumerate listeners locally. SSH credentials for the Cloud Key are the same as the credentials for UniFi Management Portal on ports 80 and 443, with ubnt/ubnt or root/ubnt as the default.

A few of the listening ports exposed common services, like NTP and SSH, but the majority were associated with the three applications installed by default on the Gen2 Plus:

  • UniFi Network Controller, used for managing Ubiquiti network devices
  • UniFi Management Portal, providing a GUI for managing Cloud Key devices
  • UniFi Protect, used to manage surveillance cameras and recordings

Listening TCP ports and associated processes on Cloud Key Gen2 Pluslisten udp port and associated process on Cloud Key Gen2 Plus

Narrowing the Scope

I is decided decide to focus on UniFi Management Portal and UniFi Protect , both node.js application .

I enumerated the listening services and their ports using netstat and ps. Since netstat only shows the process command and not its arguments, I used “ps -p $pid -o args=” to look up the full command string for each process and piped the output through “cat” so it wouldn’t be truncated.

Looking up the full process command for the process listening on port 10080

The node process running UniFi Management Portal listens on localhost ports 10080 and 10081 and is exposed externally via the nginx process on ports 80 and 443. This app provides a graphical user interface to manage the operating system of the Cloud Key, including firmware updates, SSH credentials, and system settings. Browser tools show that client-side JavaScript interacts with the server via API requests. The API is implemented in ump.js under /usr/share/unifi-management-portal/app/be/.

UniFi Protect is is is a much more complex application , with process listen on five localhost port and ten external port . The UniFi Protect node process is listens primarily listen on external port and connect to a local postgresql database . The remain listening port relate to UniFi Protect are associate with evostreamms , which is used to stream audio and video from connected device .

I is was was able to map out label for the listening protocol using UniFi Protect configuration file . The ems.json file find under /srv / unifi – protect / datum map each port that evostreamms listen on to a protocol label , e.g. “ inboundwsjsoncli ” on port 7440 .

port mapping in ems.json

The config.json file under /usr/share/unifi-protect/app/config maps out the listening ports for the main UniFi Protect app as well as evostreamms ports that UniFi Protect interacts with.

Port mapping in config.json

Packet is captures capture of the device show that these service are very chatty among themselves and with remote server even when the device is otherwise idle .

Wireshark Conversations view showing the Cloud Key mostly talking to itself

UniFi Protect provides an interesting array of listening protocols, but I decided to focus on the server API first, implemented in server.js under /usr/share/unifi-protect/app/.

Analyzing Source Code

With my targets selected — the server APIs implemented in ump.js and server.js — my next step was to take a look at the source code, minified JavaScript. What’s fun about minified code is that it’s condensed into extremely long lines, many of the variables are a single letter, and it’s practically impossible to read or grep sanely. So the first step was to get the source code into a legible and easily searchable format.

Prettifying ump.js was easily handled with the jsbeautifier package.

Snippet of ump.js code before prettificationSnippet of ump.js code after prettification

UniFi Protect’s server.js was another story. I tried a handful of CLI utilities to prettify server.js but they all left the majority of the source code on a single line at the end. Ultimately, after seeing how well Google Chrome DevTools prettified the client-side source code, I found that Chrome’s DevTools for Node was able to prettify the entirety of server.js as well. (More on debugging server.js below.)

Snippet of server.js code before prettificationSnippet of server.js code after prettification

Node Debugging

As was the case with prettifying the code, setting up debugging was easier for UniFi Management Portal’s ump.js than it was for UniFi Protect’s server.js.

UniFi Management Portal

There were a few key files related to starting the unifi-management-portal service:

  • Startup script: /usr/share/unifi-management-portal/bin/unifi-management-portal
  • service start location : /usr / bin / unifi – management – portal , a symlink to the above file
  • Config file: /etc/default/unifi-management-portal, containing environment variables NODE_ENV and LOG_LEVEL and sourced by the startup script

To set up remote debugging for ump.js , I is copied copy the startup script to /usr / bin / unifi – management – portal.debug and add the –inspect flag to the node command . To run the app with debugging , I is stopped stop the unifi – management – portal service and then run my modify startup script .

initially , there were very few debugging log . I is looked look for LOG_LEVEL in my prettified copy of ump.js and find the log level option , range from 0–5 with “ log ” as the high level .

LOG_LEVEL options

Then I made a debugging copy of the config file, changed its LOG_LEVEL to LOG, and updated the filename to source in the debugging startup script.

Contents of modified files for debugging

Starting the app with debugging then showed a lot more log activity.

output from start unifi – management – portal with debugging

Once that was done, I navigated to chrome://inspect from a Chrome browser on the same network and configured network target discovery to include <IP>:9229. The inspect link came up and I was able to connect to the remote debugger. The logs in the remote debugger included links to source code, so I could jump to ump.js, prettify the code, set breakpoints, and step through.

UniFi Protect

UniFi Protect ’s server.js is was was a bit more trouble . The basics is were were the same :

  • Startup script: /usr/share/unifi-protect/bin/unifi-protect
  • service start location : /usr / bin / unifi – protect , a symlink to the above file
  • Config file: /etc/default/unifi-protect, containing several environment variables and sourced by the startup script

Initially, I tried just adding the –inspect flag to the node command as I had for ump.js. I stopped the default service and started the app with debugging. The output showed that the debugger was listening, but there were no logs written to the console. When I connected to the process via the Chrome remote debugger, I got an empty console and no sources shown.

run unifi – protect with node debuggingEmpty console windowThere are suppose to be source here .

I is tried try add the –inspect – brk option to the node command in the startup script and try again to run the app with debugging . The process is hung hang , wait to be resume from the debugger . This time , when I open the inspect debugger I is was was able to access the server.js source .

Debugging with — inspect-brk. The process has to be resumed from the debugger.The Chrome debugger, showing server.js source as expected this time.

I later discovered that when the inspect console was empty like that, closing it and clicking “inspect” again to re-launch it would eventually connect successfully, though it could take a few tries. Using –inspect-brk I was able to connect reliably on the first try each time, but had to resume execution in the debugger.

Once I had access to server.js in the Chrome debugger , I is was was able to fully prettify server.js and save a prettified copy as a reference .

debugging log for UniFi Protect were n’t print to the console or the remote debugger by default , but I was able to view them in real – time by tail the log file under /srv / unifi – protect / logs/. With tail -f run in the background , once the debugger was connect and the execution was resume , log were write to the console .

Hooray for logs!

I eventually found the “enableConsole” option which can be set in the UniFi Protect configuration files. The default UniFi Protect configuration file is the config.json file mentioned earlier that maps the ports and protocols and is located at /usr/share/unifi-protect/app/config/. By default, “enableConsole” is set to false.

Default UniFi Protect logging settings

Fortunately, changing “enableConsole” to true did not stop the app from also logging to the files under /srv/unifi-protect/logs, so I was able to enable the setting and leave it on. In order to apply custom settings, “override” config files are used, defined in the default config.json.

Additional config.json paths to override default settings

Each additional file is loaded in order if it exists, and custom settings added to those files override the default configuration. I created a new file under /etc/unifi-protect to set “enableConsole” to true. I could then start the app with console debugging.

My custom /etc / unifi – protect / config.jsonStarting UniFi Protect with debugging and logs to console

The debugging output showed the order in which the config.json files were loaded, with the new file under /etc/unifi-protect loaded last to override the others.

There were several log levels defined in server.js with the highest being “silly” level 5. I increased all log levels to 5 by adding the “levels” settings to my custom config.json.

default log level setting in config.jsonavailable log level in prettified server.jsupdate custom setting in /etc / unifi – protect / config.json

“ silly ” debugging is was was , as expect , quite verbose , but because the console log were duplicate to the log file I had those as a backup to search if I miss something .

Now that I had the debugging modification figure out for each app , I is wrote write script and to allow me to reapply them automatically after reset and update .

Parsing and Testing API Endpoints

Once I had prettify code for both app , I is was was able to identify the code convention used to define api endpoint and enumerate available endpoint using grep to parse them out .

I is started start by open the UI of each app in the browser and using dev tool to monitor activity . This is showed show the api request to the server which include some example endpoint name , such as “ /api / ump / device ” and “ /api / webrtc / sdp ” .

Example UniFi Management Portal api endpointExample UniFi Protect API endpoint

I is grepped greppe the prettify source file of each app for the api endpoint example in order to see how the endpoint were implement . Once I had the expect pattern to look for , I is was was able to enumerate all of the available endpoint along with their associate HTTP method for each app .

Grepping prettified source files for API endpoint implementationsEnumerating API endpoints in UniFi Management Portalenumerate api endpoint in UniFi Protect

With those lists of endpoints, I was able to script testing each of the APIs. Testing each API endpoint without first authenticating to the app allowed me to enumerate endpoints available pre-authentication, which if vulnerable, would be most accessible for exploitation. Endpoints requiring prior authentication consistently returned an error message unique to each app which the testing scripts were able to filter out.

error message indicate UniFi Management Portal api endpoint require prior authError messages indicating UniFi Protect API endpoints require prior auth

The remain endpoints is return did not return those particular error message which indicate that they were accessible without first authenticate to the API .

UniFi Management Portal api endpoint accessible pre – authunifi Protect API endpoint accessible pre – auth

Some endpoints returned HTTP status code 200, indicating the request was successful as it was and no data was required to be sent. The remaining responses I reviewed manually and found helpful error messages indicating which fields were required for requests to each endpoint.

Helpful error messages from the UMP API indicating required fieldsHelpful error messages from the UniFi Protect API indicating required fields

The endpoints that could be accessed without authentication were where I decided to focus code review efforts.

I added some proof of concept scripts to the tenable/poc repo on github:

I feel obliged to emphasize that these are proof of concept scripts for research purposes and aren’t intended for production devices.

What could go wrong with arbitrarily testing API endpoints? Well, most of my API testing was performed externally, but I did try running the test scripts from the command line of the Cloud Key itself to test localhost. I learned that the UniFi Management Portal API doesn’t require authentication for requests from localhost, and I also learned that arbitrarily sending requests to all of the available UMP APIs is not a very safe thing to do. In particular, the /ump/device endpoints can power off, reboot, or factory reset the device with a GET request from localhost.

test the /ump / device / power – off endpoint on localhost . oop .A few /ump / device endpoints is are are available , include “ reset ” which initiate a factory reset .

At least the script is hit hit “ power – off ” first and not “ reset . ” silver lining !

hunt unauthenticated api vulnerability

Using the result of the API test script , the prettify source code , and remote debugging , I is started start look for vulnerability in the Cloud Key ’s api that could be exploit without prior authentication .

Unauthenticated Hostname Modification via UniFi Management Portal “setup” Endpoints

It seemed odd to me that after setting up the UniFi Management Portal, there was still an unauthenticated API option available to set up the UniFi Management Portal. The error message from the scripted testing indicated several fields were required.

Helpful API error message from the /api/umc/setup endpoint

Most of the fields were obvious, but I wasn’t sure what “name” was supposed to be. I looked to the related code in the prettified ump.js and found that the name field was being passed to setHostname().

The setupump ( ) function is prettified in prettify ump.js

I tested out an API request with test data in each of the required fields, and then checked the device. The hostname, visible on the LCM screen on the front of the Cloud Key, was indeed updated. I logged in to the UMP UI and confirmed that the credentials and timezone had not changed, although the hostname had.

API request setting hostname to HackThePlanetDevice UI showing new hostnameUMP UI with same Timezone, new Device Name

While in the UMP UI, I saw that there was a Cloud Key firmware update available and applied it. After the update, the exploit no longer worked; the /ump/setup and /umc/setup endpoints were no longer available. I prettified the new ump.js and diffed it with the previous version and found that the endpoints had been removed completely.

I found the release notes for firmware version 1.1.10, and there was a vague mention of the issue — “Removed an API endpoint for security concerns” — but no security advisory and no details. As the vendor had already patched and disclosed the issue, Tenable released security advisory TRA-2020–21 with further details and notified Ubiquiti, requesting CVE information. Ubiquiti replied promptly, confirming that the issue had been patched in 1.1.10, and followed up the next morning with a CVE assignment for reference and a detailed disclosure of their own.

Username Discovery using Multiple Methods via UniFi Protect “auth” Endpoint

Looking over the code for the UniFi Protect “auth” endpoint, I noticed that the function returns immediately if the username is wrong, or proceeds to checking the password if the username is found.

prettified code from server.js for UniFi Protect ’s /auth api endpoint

Testing on the command line with time and curl, I found that the “invalid username or password” error was returned more quickly for invalid usernames than for valid usernames with invalid passwords.

Valid usernames returned an error in about 360ms; invalid usernames took about 50ms

The time difference is was , almost an order of magnitude great for valid username , was significant enough to use reliably for identify valid vs invalid username .

Looking at the code again, I realized that a timing attack wasn’t even necessary — the function was passing a different HTTP status code depending on whether the username was invalid or valid with an invalid password. Since I had been testing with curl, I hadn’t seen the HTTP code with each response. Adding ‘-w “ %{http_code}”’ to the command, I confirmed the difference:

valid username return 401 ; invalid usernames is returned return 400

While that obviated the need for a more complex timing attack, both vulnerabilities needed to be addressed in order to remove the ability to enumerate valid usernames. I reported both issues to Ubiquiti and released security advisory TRA-2020–45 once the issues were patched.

Further Research

I’ve barely scratched the surface of the Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus. There’s a lot of untapped potential in researching the device, its applications, and its numerous listening services. The EvoStream application bundled with UniFi Protect is also an interesting target, apparently a fork of open source project crtmpserver which was last synced with EvoStream in 2015. My initial API testing focused on endpoints accessible without authentication, so I still haven’t explored the majority of the API endpoints enumerated for both apps. Sometime soon, there will be a new app to explore on the Cloud Key; Ubiquiti mentioned in the release notes for UniFi Protect 1.13.4 at the end of July that UniFi OS will be coming to the Cloud Key in the coming weeks. It will be interesting to see how that interface differs from the APIs explored above.