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A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a package of code that provides functionality for app developers. This functionality may include features such as
A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a package of code that provides functionality for app developers. This functionality may include features such as maps, communication with Bluetooth devices, or even graphics and emojis. Sometimes, however, these SDKs also include code utilized for advertising and surveillance.
sdk are bundle in a smartphone app ’s code before it is publish in an app store , and therefore are difficult to detect by Google , Apple , or others . Even if a developer announce that it is include a specific SDK in its app , smartphone user are not made aware of its presence when they install an app on Android or ios .
For privacy and security investigations, it can be crucial to determine what SDKs are present in an app. SDKs execute code and communicate over the internet in ways that may compromise user information. In some cases, SDKs are designed specifically to collect and aggregate data about the behavior, location, or identities of smartphone users. In other cases, such surveillance is a valuable byproduct of the SDK’s core functionality—an app that provides navigation while you are driving, for example, may also be tracking your movements throughout the day and sending that data back to the app’s developers and third parties.
In these cases, we call the SDKs “trackers” or “tracker SDKs.” We follow the lead of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, and other digital rights organizations and use the term broadly: “Trackers” encompasses traditional advertisement surveillance, behavioral, and location monitoring. Legitimate uses may include user feedback mechanisms, telemetry, and crash reporters.
App developers is decided have decide to include tracker sdk in app for a variety of reason , and we do not categorize all usage of tracker as malicious or condemn the app author . additionally , give the complexity and pace of software development , some developers is be may not be aware that tracker are in their app or may not know the full implication of bundle such code before publishing .