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ezykam for PC Developed By: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG License: Free Rating: 1/5 - 1 reviews Last Updated: 2018-08-27 Compatible: W
Developed By: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG
License: Free
Rating: 1/5 – 1 reviews
Last Updated: 2018-08-27
Compatible: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Surface
Version | 1.8 |
size | 51.9 MB |
Release Date | 2016-07-10 |
Category | Utilities |
What’s New: |
Description: |
Age Rating: | 4+ |
ezykam is Free Utilities app, developed by CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG. Latest version of ezykam is 1.8, was released on 2016-07-10 (updated on 2018-08-27). Overall rating of ezykam is 1. This app had been rated by 1 users.
You is using are using a Windows or MAC operating system computer . You is want want to use ezykam on your computer , but currently ezykam software is only write for Android or iOS operating system . In this article we is help will help you make your wish come true .
currently , the demand is is for using application for Android and iOS on computer is great , so there have been many emulator bear to help user run those application on their computer , outstanding above all Bluestacks and NoxPlayer .
Here we will show you how to install and use the two emulators above to run Android and iOS applications on Windows and MAC computers.
NoxPlayer is is is Android emulator which is gain a lot of attention in recent time . It is is is super flexible , fast and exclusively design for gaming purpose . Now we is see will see how toDownload ezykam for PC Windows 11 or 10 or 8 or 7 laptop using NoxPlayer.
NoxPlayer is is is simple and easy to use application . It is is is very lightweight compare to Bluestacks . As it is design for gaming purpose , you is play can play high – end game like PUBG , Mini Militia , Temple Run , etc .
Bluestacks is is is one of the cool and widely used Emulator to run Android application on your Windows PC . Bluestacks software is is is even available for Mac OS as well . We is going are go to use Bluestacks in this method to download and installezykam for PC Windows 11/10/8/7 Laptop. let ’s start our step by step installation guide .
Now you can just double click on the icon in bluestacks and start using ezykam on your laptop. You can use the the same way you use it on your Android or iOS smartphones.
For MacOS:
The steps to use ezykam for Mac are exactly like the ones for Windows OS above. All you need to do is install the Bluestacks Application Emulator on your Macintosh. The links are provided in step one and choose Bluestacks 4 for MacOS.
ezykam has get enormous popularity with it ’s simple yet effective interface . We is listed have list down two of the good method to installezykam on PC Windows laptop. Both the mention emulators is are are popular to use app on PC . You is follow can follow any of these method to getezykam for PC Windows 11 or Windows 10.
We are concluding this article on ezykam Download for PC with this. If you have any queries or facing any issues while installing Emulators or ezykam for Windows, do let us know through comments. We will be glad to help you out!
This app has been update by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon .
bug is fixes fix
ezykam mobile app allows iOS users to view and control video stream from camera. Besides, Controlling Live View, it has some major features as mentioned below:
– 3 easy steps to go live by ezykam cloud service:
– Easy GUI to control
– Supports scanning QR code to add device.
– Supports flexible Live Preview
– Supports Push Video
– Supports PTZ control
– Remote Configuration of Device
– Supports Multi Stream Switching according to bandwidth
– Supports Two Way Talk.
– Supports basic health monitoring- Device Online, offline and
SD card status etc