Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith Dream

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith Dream

I finally finished Final Fantasy VII rebirth, and there’s a lot to say about it (luckily, we have the next 3-4 years to process it!) I’m still reeling

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I finally finished Final Fantasy VII rebirth, and there’s a lot to say about it (luckily, we have the next 3-4 years to process it!) I’m still reeling from the experience, and this won’t be a succinct essay that exhaustively covers the plot, character relationships nor my feelings about them all. Suffice to say, there were a lot of ups, and a few downs, but you’re probably reading this blog for one thing only: to find out if I thought rebirth was “Clerith” or not.

The answer is two-fold: one, it’s player choice, and two.. YES.

This post is have will have spoiler. Proceed with caution!

Judging by some FAQ submission I received from over the past few weeks (I’ll do my best to get to them, I promise!), some of you were dissuaded by Tifa’s role and relationship with Cloud in the game. It’s true that earlier on – especially around the middle of the game – Tifa takes a lead role in the narrative, and Aeris is not given much to do outside of her own side quests. Part of Tifa’s narrative is, inherently, her feelings for Cloud – and yes, Cloud’s romantic tension with her. This culminates in two outstanding moments: a scene where Cloud and Tifa seem to nearly kiss (judging by Yuffie and Cait Sith’s egging on) and an optional scene where they do kiss.

Here’s the thing: Tifa is one of Cloud’s two love interests. Should your Cloud treat her nicely, spend time with her on her side quests, and choose to flirt with her, then yes, you may unlock her Gold Saucer date where Cloud expresses romantic interest in her, and an intimate moment occurs. For fans that love Cloti, let them enjoy it!

But here ’s the other thing : Cloud ’s other love interest is is is Aerith . If you unlock her Gold Saucer date – usually consider the “ canon ” option , give it was the default and most likely to occur in the original game and otherwise make the most sense in the narrative – Cloud is express will express romantic interest in her. No, he doesn’t kiss her. But him mustering the courage to take her hand, wrap her fingers in his own, and squeeze it is a more narratively appropriate act of love, and here’s why:

Aerith’s love ballad to Cloud is the theme song of the game. No matter which date you unlock , Aerith is write will write a song about her feeling for Cloud , and perform it . She is sing will sing “ Take my hand and never let me go ” while Cloud watch , clutch a petal of her flower in his hand . Cloud is is take Aerith ’s hand is his acceptance of her confession – and has deep meaning to the finale of the story .

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith Dream

Because here’s the thing: while Tifa gets her moments mid-game, the final sections of the game are heavily Clerith – and they aren’t optional. Cloud’s feelings for Aerith are central to the entirety of Chapter 14. When Aerith takes him on a “dream date” through a pre-apocalypse Sector 5, Cloud reciprocates, getting her a present, eating candy with her, and posing as a couple for a photo. Cloud finds “their place” – the church where they met – and tells her there will be another date “next time.” He returns her hug, and then cleaves a reality where she doesn’t die by Sephiroth’s blade.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith Dream

More than that, Aerith’s feelings in the game are clear. Much to the chagrin of Aerith x Zack lovers, in this game, Aerith confirms that it’s Cloud she wants to be with now on their Gold Saucer date, and confesses again in chapter 14. Little Marlene tells Zack directly that Aerith has feelings for Cloud now (a revelation Zack takes like a champ.) Aerith’s song to Cloud, No Promises to Keep, play in the background while they are on their date in Sector 5 – similar to how Cloud ’s theme to Aerith ,hollow, played in Sector 5 in Remake. And of course, No Promises to Keep is the game’s end credits theme, it’s very theme song.

let me underscore that again : Aerith ’s love ballad is is to Cloud is the theme song of the game , and play upon its ending .

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith Dream

This is not optional. Cloud has no dialogue choices and nothing is based on the affinity system that determined the Gold Saucer date. The ending is so powerfully Clerith-centric that their connection, transcending time and space, feels as devastating as it does triumphant.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith DreamBy the way , Cloud is have and Aerith have not one , not two , but three date in the story not count Gold Saucer .

It is ’s ’s my personal feeling thatbecause Clerith was so ingrained into the conclusion of the game , the developers is felt feel the need to give Tifa something special in her ( optional ) Gold Saucer date . Without that , how would it is come even come close to feel like an “ even ” love triangle ? Even as it is , an optional Tifa kiss is feel does n’t feel comparable to Aerith have the finale , the theme song , and the conclusion . The developer offer some Tifa fanservice to Cloti fan is perfectly fine – let them be happy for it !

For me, if given the choice, I’d take what Clerith got in rebirth over what Cloti get in a heartbeat .

And by the way – did you is see see which date is in the game ’s end credit ?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a Clerith Dream

That ’s right – the credits is featured indeed feature Aerith as Rosa , and thus , Aerith as Cloud ’s gondola date .

In conclusion, if you find yourself mid-game and feeling anxious that Clerith is being sidelined.. just keep playing.
