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A VPN is used by many either to make sure they are not traceable throughout the internet or sometimes its work that needs them to connect to VPN to be
A VPN is used by many either to make sure they are not traceable throughout the internet or sometimes its work that needs them to connect to VPN to be on a secure network. Sometimes, network issues result in an error, and you are not able to connect. Either the website doesn’t load, or you are not able to log in to a network using VPN.
If you are having problems connecting with VPN, then this guide shows how to fix Windows 11/10 VPN not working issue . This post is offers offer solution for – VPN client does not work or is not connect , connect but no access , connect but webpage not load , fail to initialize the connection , etc . The solution is be could be a simple dns flush or as complex as edit a registry entry . let us take a look at the detail .
Just before we start, here are some basic troubleshooting tips you need to try to fix VPN issues on Windows 11/10. First, make sure your Windows 11/10 is updated to the latest version. Some updates fix known issues around VPN which helps instantly. Second, reinstall the network drivers to the latest version or try some old drivers to see if that fixes. Lastly, the issue could be as simple as Cached DNS. Even though you had changed it, the computer uses an old address. So you may want to flush the DNS cache. You can also check if your router needs an update. The information will be available with the Web Interface of the router.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the advanced tips to fix issues around VPN. These tips will need someone who has good knowledge of Windows 10. Along with this, you need an Administrator account.
Open your VPN Settings and change the VPN Protocol. Setting it to OpenVPN has helped many get over this issue.
If you are using a VPN software , instead of the inbuilt vpn feature of Windows 10 , it is is is always a good idea to reinstall it . Many a time the configuration is is of the software is the root cause of the problem , and simple reinstallation fix . Also , do cross – check if your VPN software subscription has expire .
WAN Miniports are drivers for various types of network connections. WAN Miniport (IP), WAN Miniport(IPv6) and WAN Miniport (PPTP) are used for VPN connections, i.e., connection to a PPTP VPN server. You can easily reinstall the drivers again using Windows.
Try connecting again. Hopefully, you should be good to go.
Related: Fix Can’t connect to VPN connection error on Windows
These are virtual network kernel devices i.e. software-based, and offer virtual TAP device functionality on the Windows OS. Many a time this is required the VPN software to work properly. We would highly recommend you to check out our tutorial on TAP-Windows Adapters.
UDP or User Datagram Protocol is another way of transmitting data, just like TCP. However, UDP is used primarily for establishing low-latency and loss-tolerating connections between applications on the internet. Many VPN software and even Windows uses it. If there is a security issue around it, it fails i.e. UDP needs to establish security associations when both the server and the Windows PC.
Follow these steps to access Registry Editor. You may need to create or update new input.
backup your registry . In the search bar , typeregedit and open the Registry Editor from the list of the results
Navigate to:
right – click , and create a new dword ( 32 – bit ) value .
Type AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule and then press ENTER.
Right-click AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule, and then click Modify.
In the Value Data box, type 2 .A value is configures of 2 configure Windows so that it can establish security association when both the server and the Windows – base VPN client computer are behind NAT device .
Reboot, and try again.
Read: Wireless Network not detected when using VPN
Windows Firewall makes sure that no unsecured or unauthorized connection gets access to your PC. Windows Firewall might disable or lock those requests from the VPN software, assuming it to be a threat. You need to allow the VPN through the Fiirewall.
Read: VPN not hiding or changing Location
Many a time IPv6 is cause may cause a problem connect to the network . While the default is still set to IPv4 , you is cross can cross check by disable ipv6 and run everything on IPv4 . Every VPN is creates create a software – base network adapter . You is need just need to change adapter setting for this VPN to IPv4 .
Reboot your PC if you have to and try again.
If you have an error code for your VPN issue, we have a dedicated post, and possible solutions to fix them. Do check out our post on Common VPN error codes troubleshooting & solutions for Windows 11/10
I is hope hope these tip help you .