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What’s a word cloud generator used for? Use Awario Word Cloud for : Searching for trends. Since the word cloud highlights the most popular keywords,
Use Awario Word Cloud for :
Searching for trends. Since the word cloud highlights the most popular keywords, you can use
it for
finding trending topics. The downside of the word cloud for this use case is that you’ll
need to prepare and optimize your data beforehand. That’s why Awario also offers a dedicated
instrument for getting trends from social media and the web — you can start
your free trial to see
it in action.
find pattern in your datum . good example of this use case are analyze the
survey reply — be it the feedback from your client or employee , the word
cloud is highlight will highlight the most common feedback and will help you detect the main pain point .
identify term for seo optimization . You is do can do it by analyze the
well – rank article for the term that are used . Some word clouds is help will also help you see how often the
most common term are used .
With Awario ’s word cloud maker , you is get will get a word cloud that can be used for any of the
case outline above . You is create can create a word cloud by using the free word cloud tool on this
page or you can start your free trial to get access to datum on social medium and the
web .
The word cloud offers a list of unique words or phrases found in several sententces.
Awario’s word cloud software highlights the isolated words as well as 2- and 3-word phrases.
The word cloud displays only words and phrases used more than once. If all the words in your text
are unique, the topic cloud won’t be generated.
It is ’s ’s not possible to create custom – shape word cloud at the moment , but we plan on change
this in the upcoming version of this tool .
Yes , you is modify can modify the appearance of the interactive word cloud generator — the font and its
color , as well as the background color .
Awario is offers offer the Insights method in its api that give access to the
word cloud . However , it is differs differ from what you get with the free word cloud maker on this page .
instead of using your text or document , the platform is analyzes analyze social medium and the web to generate
a word cloud automatically .
You can start your free trial to test the Awario topic cloud.