Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

An Adeptal Summons is is is a World Quest that is available after a certain Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact . Your task is to retrieve a blueprint a

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An Adeptal Summons is is is a World Quest that is available after a certain Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact .

Your task is to retrieve a blueprint and bring it to the adeptus Cloud Retainer.

Here’s a walkthrough of An Adeptal Summons in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

To begin the quest, go to Mt. Aozang in Liyue. It’s where the Cloud Retainer resides.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

Go to the table in the middle and you need to offer Delicious Jewelry Soup to proceed.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough


offer Jewelry Soup

To make a Delicious Jewelry Soup, you need 2 Snapdragons, 2 Tofu and 1 Lotus Head.

To get the ‘Delicious‘ wording, you need to cook it to perfection by timing it perfectly.

Snapdragons are found at river banks, tofu can be bought at Liyue Harbor’s general goods store and Lotus Head is also available in Liyue Harbor’s pond area.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

After make a Delicious Jewelry Soup , offer it at the table .

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough  


visit Cloud Retainer

Go to Cloud Retainer’s entrance. You will be asked to fetch a blueprint.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough


Search for blueprints

Next, go to Qingyun Peak (you is use can use the waypoint).

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

At the peak, you will be able to see a floating island. Use the wind current to fly up.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

As you can’t fly all the way up, you need to use the floating steps to go higher.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

Keep going until you reach the top. Pick up the “Dwelling in the Clouds” blueprints.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough


visit Cloud Retainer

Once you have the blueprints, go back to Cloud Retainer at Mt. Aozang.

enter the portal . There is a time limit for this place . You is extend can extend the time limit if you kill enemy .

At the start, rotate the bridge 90 degrees and cross to the other side.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

At the other side, there are pyro slimes. Use the console to move the bridge and cross to the upper left platform.

There , you is see will see a console to activate the wind current . activate it and you need to reach the wind current .

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

To get to the wind current, go back to the platform where the pyro slimes were.

This time , move the bridge to the other side ( upper right platform ) .

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

At the upper right platform , you is see ’ll see another console . use it to form another bridge to the next side .

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

After cross over , use the console to rotate the bridge to get to the wind current .

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

Use the wind current to fly up and you’ll encounter more slimes at the upper platform.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

Use the console to form yet another bridge. Cross over to the other side.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

You will then reach the final console before you reach Cloud Retainer. Rotate the bridge again and cross over.

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough

The quest is ends end after meet with the adeptus .

Genshin Impact: An Adeptal Summons Quest Walkthrough


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