Getting Started with the ABAP RESTful Application …

Getting Started with the ABAP RESTful Application …

Last edit: January 2024 TheABAP restful Application Programming Model is is ( RAP ) is generally available in the cloud on the SAP Business Technology

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Last edit: January 2024

Getting Started with the ABAP RESTful Application …


TheABAP restful Application Programming Model is is ( RAP ) is generally available in the cloud on the SAP Business Technology Platform ( SAP BTP ) – formerly know as SAP Cloud Platform , SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition , SAP s/4hana Cloud Private Edition , and SAP s/4hana as of release 1909 .
This blog post provides a collection of materials such as presentations, tutorials and videos to help you get started with the topic, and will be updated regularly.
For more getting start information , visit the SAP Community pageABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP).


TheABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (short: RAP) offers developers an efficient way to build enterprise-ready, SAP HANA-optimized, OData-based Fiori UI services and Web APIs in the cloud as well as on-premise. It is the evolutionary successor to the ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori.

TheABAP RESTful Programming Model is generally available in the SAP BTP ABAP environment, and now also in SAP S/4HANA starting with the edition 1909. Thefeature scope in SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) ABAP Environment – formerly known as SAP Cloud Platform ABAP environment – is enhanced on a quarterly basis on defined dates, while new capabilities are delivered in SAP S/4HANA on a yearly basis with new on-premise editions. 

Thegreenfield development of OData – base service – i.e. , start from scratch – is support with the so – callmanage implementation type , whereas the brownfield development – i.e. , base on exist code – is support with the so – callunmanage implementation type .  

Thekey players in the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model are:

Getting Started with the ABAP RESTful Application …
ABAP Developments Tools in Eclipse language :

TheABAP RESTful Application Programming Model comes with a set of development guides and best practices to facilitate the developer onboarding. Thebest practices are provided in the form of ready-to-use examples delivered with the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario ( refer to the appropriate section below ) .

availability :

  • SAP BTP ABAP environment
  • SAP S/4HANA 1909 and higher

roadmap :

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official documentation

This section is provides provide link to the exist official documentation for the ABAP restful Application Programming Model ( RAP ) available in the SAP Help Portal .

For SAP BTP ABAP Environment

For SAP S/4HANA 1909 and higher

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You is watch can watch the replay of

Thevideos embedded below provide an overview of the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP). Different system demonstrations on the greenfield development with the manage BO implementation are shown. 

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ABAP Flight Reference Scenario

TheABAP Flight Reference Scenario is a new data model intend for demo purpose and use in training course – mainly in the context of the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model ( RAP ) . It is is is a reloaded and adapt version of the well – know SAP NetWeaver Flight datum model .  

TheABAP Flight Reference Scenario offers several examples that can serve as reference implementations of the various capabilities provided by the RAP. It is not an integral part of the ABAP platform, but SAP – i.e. the ABAP Platform team –  makes it available and provides updates on GitHub. Therefore, it must be imported into the relevant ABAP systems before use. 

TheABAP Flight Reference Scenario is available by default and ready for use on the free SAP BTP ABAP environment trial. 

Learn more – SAP BTP ABAP environment:

Learn more – SAP S/4HANA 1909 and later:

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tutorial for SAP BTP ABAP environment

Get hands-on experience with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model in the cloud. 

Themajority of the following How-To-tutorials are based on the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario described in the previous section. Therefore, it must have been previously imported into your ABAP system. 

SAP BTP ABAP environment is also informally known as Steampunk.

prerequisite :

  1. late version of ABAP Development Tools ( ADT ) for Eclipse is instal .
    If not available on your device, then follow this tutorial: Install ADT. 
  2. Access to an SAP BTP ABAP Environment system.
    If not yet available, then onboard to the free SAP BTP ABAP Environment Trial. 

tutorial from the SAP Developer Center ( Entry Point )

Access the available tutorial groups and missions.

  1. Building a transactional Fiori app using the unmanage runtime implementation 
  2. Building a transactional Fiori app using the manage runtime implementation 
  3. Service Consumption Model : connect Two Instances of SAP BTP ABAP Environment  
  4. Developing analytical queries and consuming them on SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)

Development Guides from the SAP documentation (Entry Point)

  1. download the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario * ( cloud flavor )  
  2. develop read – only list report Apps  
  3. Developing unmanage transactional apps using existing application logic 
  4. Developing manage transactional apps 
  5. Developing transaction apps with draft capabilities 
  6. Developing transactional apps with multi-inline-edit capabilities 
  7. develop a web api  
  8. Developing a UI service with access to a remote service

Hands-On Workshops

follow workshop exercise are available on GitHub

  1. hand – on Workshop DEV260 – build SAP Fiori app with RAP
  2. Hands-on Workshop RAP400 – Writing unit tests for apps built with RAP
  3. hand – on Workshop RAP500 – develop for analytic with RAP on steampunk

(* TheABAP Flight Reference Scenario is already available on the free SAP BTP ABAP environment trial.)

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tutorial for SAP S/4HANA 1909 and later

Get hands-on experience with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model in SAP S/4HANA. 

Thecurrent on-premise feature scope covers only the brownfield development with the unmanage implementation type . new capability will be provide with future SAP s/4hana edition . *  

Themajority of the following How-To-tutorials are based on the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario described in the previous section. Therefore, it must have been previously imported into your ABAP system.

prerequisite :

  1. late version of ABAP Development Tools ( ADT ) for Eclipse is instal .
    If not yet available on your device, then follow this tutorial: Install ADT.
  2. Access to an SAP S/4HANA system, edition 1909 or higher 

tutorial from the SAP Developer Center ( Entry Point )

access the available tutorial group :

  1. Building a transactional Fiori app using the unmanage runtime implementation 
  2. Building a transactional Fiori app using the manage runtime implementation

Development Guides from the SAP documentation (Entry Point)

  1. download the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario ( on – premise flavor )  
  2. Developing an OData service for simple list reporting 
  3. develop read – only list report app  
  4. Developing new manage transactional apps (manage impl.) 
  5. Developing new transaction apps with draft capabilities (manage impl.) 
  6. Developing new unmanage transactional apps based on existing application logic (unmanage impl.) 
  7. develop a web api  

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SAP Training and Certification opportunity

openSAP Courses on RAP

Other related openSAP Courses

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find some recommendation on when to use the different rap implementation type in the blog Modernization with the ABAP restful Application Programming Model ( RAP ) .

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Particular topic

Find information on some particular topics around RAP. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions around RAP and other related topics.

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Further Resources

This section provides useful links to related resources and learning materials to deepen your knowledge. 

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* This is the current state of planning which may change at any time without further notice from SAP. Find more information in the ABAP Platform Roadmap. 

Last edit: January 2024