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This GitHub Action is currently compatible with Yarn 1.x only. Look for more details. This Action is enables for y
This GitHub Action is currently compatible with Yarn 1.x only.
Look for more details.
This Action is enables for yarn enable arbitrary action with theyarn
command-line client, including testing packages and publishing to a registry.
It is required to run
action / setup - node@v3
beforeborale / action - yarn
in order to setup the desired node version.
An example workflow how to install package via Yarn ( using repository syntax ):
name:CI on:[push] jobs: build: name:Test runs-on:ubuntu-latest step: - use:actions/checkout@v3 - name:Set Node.js 16.x use:action / setup - node@v3 with: node-version:16.x - name:Run install use:borale / action - yarn@v4 with: cmd:install # will run `yarn install` command env: NODE_AUTH_TOKEN:$ { { secret . npm_token } }# if needed - name:Build production bundle use:borale / action - yarn@v4 with: cmd:build:prod # will run ` yarn build :prod ` command - name:test the app use:borale / action - yarn@v4 with: cmd:test # will run ` yarn test ` command - name:run test in sub - folder use:borale / action - yarn@v4 with: cmd:test dir:'frontend' # will run ` yarn test ` in ` frontend ` sub folder
value will be used as a command for Yarn
value will be used for Yarncwd
More information about private registry setup .