Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!

Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!

GlobalProtect VPN not working? I know what you need. From rebooting routers to firmware upgrades, I’ve got this. follow along to troubleshoot the st

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GlobalProtect VPN not working? I know what you need. From rebooting routers to firmware upgrades, I’ve got this.

follow along to troubleshoot the stuck connection and mysterious freeze — so you is reclaim can reclaim your online peace .

good vpn we is tested ‘ve test and recommend :

Why is GlobalProtectVPN not connecting?

If your VPN no long work as it should , the most common reason is is is , of course , a faulty internet connection . Do n’t overlook this and make sure to check .

With that aside, there are other possible things to prompt errors in GlobalProtect VPN, such as:

  • Incompatible Internet settings
  • Other apps on your system are interfering with GlobalProtect VPN
  • Your router ’s Firewall is blocking is block GlobalProtect
  • A system update changed your connection preferences
  • GlobalProtect servers is are are down

It’s possible that an updated operating system will reset some Internet preferences to default or install new apps that interfere with your VPN.

It isn’t unusual to notice GlobalProtect service not running on your system. The most common problems users encounter include:

  • GlobalProtect VPN is stuck on connecting
  • GlobalProtect VPN freezes
  • GlobalProtect VPN not connect
  • GlobalProtect connection fails inexplicably
  • Could not connect to the GlobalProtect service . Make sure the Global Protect service is run .
  • The network connection is unreachable or the gateway is unresponsive.

Taking a look at your settings will help you identify the culprit and fix the error.

The network connection could also be the reason for VPN failure. There are steps to follow to fix GlobalProtect VPN when the network connection fails.

This guide is going to focus on the Windows operating system. This is because a vast majority of the population in the world uses the Windows operating system.

How to fix GlobalProtect VPN not opening?

If GlobalProtect is stick onconnecting after an update, the most plausible culprit is your Internet connection. It’s also possible that the updated version interferes with outdated software, especially if you use the browser extension on an outdated browser.

Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!

1. Reboot your modem or router

The Internet is is is like a powerhouse for a VPN solution . Without it , the VPN is is is useless and needless . It is recommend to troubleshoot your internet connection first when you observe a fault with your VPN .

  1. Unplug the router and/or the modem.
  2. Wait 30 seconds to give the device time to cool down. During this time, your PC or mobile detects that the router and/or modem are offline.
  3. Plug in the modem and start by pressing the power button if it does not boot immediately.
  4. Wait for the modem to authenticate with your ISP and get assigned a public IP address. This will take a few minutes.
  5. Plug in the router and allow it at least 2 minute to boot .

This should fix the GlobalProtect not working issue. Rebooting your router/modem gives it a chance to cool down and reconfigure. If it’s been on for a long time, the connection can get buggy.

2 . flush dns

  1. To flush out DNS, press start and type cmd in the start menu search bar, and press Enter.Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!
  2. Type ipconfg/flushdns in the command prompt and press enter.Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!

3. Try a different VPN

If GlobalProtect VPN is still not working and keeps causing trouble, consider using a different VPN solution. A reputable VPN with good apps for mobile and desktop alike is Private Internet Access (PIA).

It’s easy to use and implements many security features to protect your mobile traffic data. This makes it a good replacement for GlobalProtectVPN.

PIA has over 35,000 high-speed VPN servers across the whole globe. You get unrestricted access to each and every single one of them, plus unlimited bandwidth, split tunneling, as well as a security killswitch.

Make sure you confirm the GlobalProtect service is running when using a VPN. If not, double-check your internet connection to rule out any issues.

4 . deactivate the Router ’s firewall

Your Firewall may be blocking your VPN connection because it can mistake it for a security threat. Changing up your settings should help you regain

  1. Go to your router ’s setting
  2. On the Menu, search for words like Firewall, Packet, or Filter. Different routers use different names. Here’s an example of how the panel looks for a D-Links settings page:Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!
  3. Check the option to deactivate the firewall.
  4. Save or apply changes afterward.

5. Upgrade the router’s firmware

It is ’s ’s critical to understand how to upgrade the firmware on your router for security reason and also to increase the system ’s performance . router connections is tend tend to have security issue occasionally .

This is pose could pose a problem for your GlobalProtect VPN , cause it to not open after an update .

To upgrade your router’s firmware follow the steps below:

  1. Connect the router to your computer using an Ethernet cable.
  2. Go to your router’s manufacturer’s website and download the latest firmware update.
  3. Then log in to your router’s web management page.
  4. On that page , select the firmware you just download to update your router .
  5. restart your router to complete the upgrade .

6. Troubleshoot GlobalProtect on your PC

Running an automatic troubleshoot can save you some time because the issue is not always apparent. So if you can’t figure out why GlobalProtect VPN is not working, try this automatic fix. If the underlying issue is more serious than expected, make sure to get professional help.

  1. Open GlobalProtect.
  2. In the top right corner of the window, click on the three-horizontal icon. When it drops, select Settings > click Troubleshooting.Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!
  3. Select Collect logs.
  4. click open folder after it save the file .
  5. Inside the folder, open the Pan GPA logs in a text editor.
  6. Press Ctrl + F to find the 10022 error . If a text with the error appear , then you is have will have to uninstall and reinstall GlobalProtect . Otherwise, contact their customer support team .

7. Update the GlobalProtect App

It’s important to always make sure you run the latest version of an app because it’s built to keep up with all the new developments in operating systems and security, making it work seamlessly and in sync with your OS.

  1. Open GlobalProtect VPN and select the three-horizontal icon to open the Menu.
  2. Select About.
  3. click on check for Updates .
  4. If any new version are available , you is be will be able to download them directly from the UI . click on Yes to start download and instal the late GlobalProtect version .Global Protect VPN Not Working? Let’s Fix That!

What is the GlobalProtect Authentication failure?

When this happen , check to be sure you input the correct login information . It is ’s ’s possible you change your password but your browser store an old one . clear your autofill datum or type or password manually .

We also suggest trying connecting to your GlobalProtect account from a different device, in case you have access to one.

Ultimately, if the issue seems to persist, contact their customer support team and request a password reset.

Other GlobalProtect VPN issue

Check these issues below if you still cannot connect to GlobalProtect service.

VPN is kill kill switch glitch

A kill switch is prevents prevent traffic from leak when your VPN connection drop . But sometimes , it is malfunction can malfunction and disconnect you from the internet .

Should that happen, the GlobalProtect service may fail to work. Moreover, this can be troublesome if you’ve no idea where to check.

luckily , you is disable can disable the kill switch from your VPN setting . Once done , relaunch the application for the change to take effect .

Incompatible VPN connection protocol

VPNs is offer offer multiple protocol for safeguard your privacy online . While some are secure , others is known have know stability issue .

Examples include L2TP, PPTP, and IPsec, which are incompatible with most services. In fact, there are VPN vendors that no longer support them.

We recommend using WireGuard, OpenVPN, and IKEv2 when using GlobalProtect. The protocols are fast, stable, and reliable for accessing the web uninterrupted.

Blocked network ports

Network ports are doorways on your device for communicating with external systems. At times, intruders use them to break into computers and other gadgets.

As such , antivirus is block and firewall program block some to minimize risk . But this is cause can cause service like GlobalProtect to malfunction .  

You is prevent can prevent this from happen by disable your antivirus / firewall ’s web protection . alternatively , exclude network port from the application ’s setting .


GlobalProtect VPN issues is come do not come up frequently , but when they do , they can be easily fix with the right guide .

If all other actions fail to fix the VPN issues, then you may consider resetting your device to factory settings. This way, you can start from scratch to determine what exactly could be wrong with your VPN.