Google Cloud CLI

Google Cloud CLI

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copyright 2014 – 2024 Google Inc.All rights isreserved reserve .

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504.0.1 (2024-12-19)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Rebuilt gcloud withcertifi 2024.08.30 which fixed CVE-2024-39689.

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504.0.0 (2024-12-17)


  • addexport command tosupport exporting data froman alloydb cluster toGoogle Cloud Storage.


  • fixthe bug where quota project ID would default tothe resource project ID foran active service account fromCloud CLI used forauthentication.
  • add--reservation_id=none tothe query command toenforce on-demand job execution.
  • add--bigquery_discovery_api_key toallow specifying an API key whenmaking a discovery request.

Cloud Bigtable

  • change the default retention period from3d to7d whenautomate backup isenable using--enable - automate - backup flagingcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update.
  • add--automated-backup-retention-period flagtogcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update commandwhich can be used toconfigure the retention period forautomated backup.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.33.

compute Engine

  • add--request-body-inspection-size forgcloud compute security - policy update,andpromoted it tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network - profile list anddescribe tov1 .
  • promote--network - profile ingcloud compute networks iscreate create tov1 .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--disable-l4-lb-firewall-reconciliation flag to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto,and
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update todisable reconciliation forVPC firewalls
    targeting ingress traffic forL4 Load Balancer Services.
  • update default kubectl from1.30.6 to1.30.8 .
  • addnew kubectl version 1.32.0
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.16 )
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.15
    • kubectl.1.29 ( 1.29.12 )
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.8)
    • kubectl.1.31 (1.31.4)
    • kubectl.1.32 ( 1.32.0 )

migrate toVirtual machine

  • promotegcloud migration vms machine-image-imports command toGA .

Network Security

  • new flagtoadd description forIntercept Endpoint Group increate andupdate command .
  • addgcloud network - security security - profile custom-intercept command tocreate Custom Intercept Security Profiles .
  • add--custom-intercept-profile flagtogcloud network - security security - profile - groups iscreate create toassociate a Custom Intercept SP toan SPG.

Network Services

Service Extensions

  • addper extension metadata field tothe DEP extensions.

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503.0.0 ( 2024 – 12 – 10 )

break change

  • (Colab) removedeprecated gcloud colab beta runtimes assign.
    Please usegcloud colab beta runtimes create instead .
  • ( Eventarc ) deprecate--labels fromgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update.use--update - label,--remove - label,--clear - label ingcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update instead .
  • ( Eventarc ) deprecate--labels fromgcloud beta eventarc isupdate message - bus update.use--update - label,--remove - label,--clear - label ingcloud beta eventarc isupdate message - bus update instead .
  • ( Eventarc ) deprecate--labels fromgcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources update.use--update - label,--remove - label,--clear - label ingcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources update instead .


  • addexport command tosupport exporting data froman alloydb cluster toGoogle Cloud Storage inalpha andbeta tracks.
  • promote--tag flagtogcloud alloydb cluster restore andgcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create-secondary tobind tags inGA track .

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • fixissue where the following command groups return operation not found
    error whenattempt todelete missing resource with--allow - miss and
    --ignore - error flags:
    gcloud container aws cluster delete,
    gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete,
    gcloud container isattached attach cluster delete.
  • fixissue where the following command groups return resource isfound not find
    error whenattempt todelete missing resource withonly --allow - miss
    gcloud container aws cluster delete,
    gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete,
    gcloud container isattached attach cluster delete.

Artifact Registry

  • removedeprecated artifact v1alpha1 API
  • add--pkg-dev-location flagfor gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.


  • fixthe behavior of--oauth_access_token toskip loading the active account credentials fromGoogle Cloud CLI whena flagvalue isspecified.
  • include Cloud CLI information totheinfo command .
  • updatebehavior of--force forthe mk command fordatasets andtables tono longer do existence pre-checks.
  • Aligned tag key parsing withdocumentation so that the valueis split using the last colon.
  • Broadened tolerance fortag key name toalign withdocumentation,eg.project/department:sales.
  • fix the bug whenthe commandquery would fail if --project_id mismatched the project infully qualified --reservation_id.
  • addsupport forIAM condition inDataset ACL.
  • updatelogging toa file using --apilog toappend tothe file instead ofoverwriting tofix a bug oftruncated logs.
  • add--job_creation_mode tothe query command .

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • add--etag parameter toaccess-context-manager perimeters update
    command .
  • add--etag parameter toaccess-context-manager perimeters dry-run update
    command .

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--row - affinity flagtogcloud bigtable app - profiles iscreate create andgcloud bigtable app - profile update.
  • addnode-scaling-factor flagfor alpha,beta andGA to
    gcloud bigtable cluster create toallow users toenable 2x node scaling on
    new cluster.
  • addkey node-scaling-factor to--cluster - config flag of
    gcloud bigtable instances iscreate create foralpha,beta andGA toenable 2x node
    scaling on new cluster.

Cloud Composer

  • add--network - attachment togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify network attachment.
  • add--network and--subnetwork togcloud composer environments isupdate update toupdate network andsubnetwork.
  • add--support - web - server - plugin togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update toenable/disable the support forweb server plugins.
  • add--enable - private - build - only togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update toenable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages installations.
  • add--disable-private-builds-only togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update todisable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages installations.
  • add--disable - vpc - connectivity togcloud composer environments isupdate update todisable connectivity witha user’s VPC network.
  • add--enable - private - environment togcloud composer environments isupdate update todisable internet connection fromany Composer component .
  • add--disable - private - environment togcloud composer environments isupdate update toenable internet connection fromany Composer component .
  • add--composer-internal-ipv4-cidr-block togcloud composer environments iscreate create tospecify the IP range inCIDR notation touse internally by Cloud Composer.
  • add--dag-processor-storage togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify the storage allocated toAirflow dag processor.
  • add--dag-processor-count togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify the number ofdag processors.
  • add--dag - processor - cpu togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify the CPU allocated toAirflow dag processor.
  • add--dag - processor - memory togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify the memory allocated toAirflow dag processor.
  • addgcloud composer environment list - workload todisplay Composer workloads list.
  • addgcloud composer environments iscreate user - workload - config - map create tocreate a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-config-maps delete todelete a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud composer environment user - workload - config - maps isdescribe describe toget details about a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-config-maps list tolist user workloads ConfigMaps.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-config-maps update toupdate a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets create tocreate a user workloads Secret.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets delete todelete a user workloads Secret.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets describe toget details about a user workloads Secret.
  • addgcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets list tolist user user workloads Secrets.
  • addgcloud composer environment user - workload - secret update toupdate a user workloads Secret.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promoteinvalid scenario checks forgcloud iap settings --project=value --service=value tobeta andGA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • promotememorystore command group toGA.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • updategcloud resource-manager tags keys create to
    acceptpurpose - data = organization.

Cloud Run

  • add--container and--depends-on flags to
    gcloud beta run jobs iscreate create toallow creating multi-container Jobs.
  • add--container,--remove-containers,and--depends-on flags to
    gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run jobs isupdate update toallow
    deploying andupdating multi-container Jobs.
  • add--container flag to
    gcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute toallow executing multi-container Jobs with
    container overrides.
  • adda warning about an incomplete customer-manage encryption key (CMEK)
    compliance whenusing source deploys (using --key and--source flags
    together) .
  • add--allow-unencrypted-build flagtobypass the warning prompt for
    customer-manage encryption key (CMEK) source deployments (using --key and
    --source flagtogether ) .
  • renameflags --service - min - instance and--service - max - instance to
    --min and--max fora simplified experience.Theold name are retained as
    aliases forcompatibility.

Cloud SQL

  • add--server-ca-pool flagtogcloud beta sql instances iscreate create for
    creation ofinstance using customer – manage CAS server CA .
  • promote--server-ca-mode flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud sql ssl server - cert toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • Fix gcloud storage rsync,andgcloud storage cp command torespect
    check_hashes property .
  • updategsutil component to5.32.


  • addgcloud beta colab runtimes stop.
  • addgcloud colab runtimes stop.

compute Engine

  • promote--bgp-best-path-selection-mode andrelated flags ingcloud compute networks iscreate create andupdate tov1 .
  • promotegraceful shutdown related flags tobeta:
    • --graceful-shutdown and--graceful - shutdown - max - duration of:
      • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
      • gcloud compute instance isupdate update
      • gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
      • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    • --no-graceful-shutdown of:
      • gcloud compute instance delete
      • gcloud compute instance stop.
  • addCloud Armor flags togcloud compute org-security-policies.
  • addgcloud compute backend - service get - effective - security - policy command inbeta.
  • Fix “compute instances export” inbeta andv1 leaving the performanceMonitoringUnit field unpopulated.
  • add24.10 toallowed list ofvalues for--version ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • addgce_vm_ip_portmap Network Endpoint Group forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group beta support.
  • addgcloud compute reservation blocks islist listcommand inbeta.
  • addgcloud compute reservation blocks isdescribe describecommand inbeta.

compute Firewall Policy Rules

  • promotegcloud compute firewall-policies export-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute firewall - policy import - rule tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network-firewall-policies export-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network-firewall-policies import-rules tobeta.

Developer Connect

  • promotegcloud developer - connect toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--zone - storage - kms - key flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster create command toallow forspecifying a KMS key forzone storage encryption.
  • Introduced a Status field formachines asoutput during list anddescribe operations.
  • add--zone - storage - kms - key and--use-google-manage-zone-key flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update command toallow forupdating the zone storage encryption key witheither a CMEK orGoogle manage key.


  • add--labels togcloud beta eventarc enrollments create andadded --update - label,--remove - label,--clear - label togcloud beta eventarc enrollments isupdate update tosupport labelling Eventarc enrollments.
  • add--labels togcloud beta eventarc pipelines iscreate create andadded --update - label,--remove - label,--clear - label togcloud beta eventarc pipelines update tosupport labelling Eventarc pipelines.
  • add--labels togcloud eventarc channel iscreate create tosupport adding Eventarc channels’ labels.
  • add--update - label,--remove - label,--clear - label togcloud eventarc channel isupdate update tosupport updating Eventarc channels’ labels.
  • add--labels togcloud eventarc channel-connections create tosupport adding Eventarc channel connections’ labels.


  • fixa bug ingcloud beta container fleet config-management unmanage whensending empty payload would fail validation.This was introduced inGoogle Cloud CLI version 498.0.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflags touse Control Plane Authority features on cluster

    • --cluster-ca
    • --aggregation-ca
    • --etcd-api-ca
    • --etcd-peer-ca
    • --service - account-signing-keys
    • --service - account-verification-keys
    • --control-plane-disk-encryption-key
    • --gkeops - etcd - backup - encryption - key
  • promote--additive-vpc-scope-dns-domain and--disable-additive-vpc-scope flags toGA incluster creation andupdate.


  • update--edition flagingcloud looker instances iscreate create toinclude nonprod looker instances.
  • add--gemini-enabled,--gemini - preview - tester - enable,and--gemini-prompt-log-enabled tothe update command .

Network Security

  • addnetwork - security intercept - deployment - group command tomanage intercept deployment groups.
  • addnetwork-security intercept-deployments command tomanage intercept deployments.
  • addnetwork-security intercept-endpoint-groups command tomanage intercept endpoint groups.
  • addnetwork-security intercept-endpoint-group-associations command tomanage intercept endpoint group associations.

Secure Source Manager

  • add--enable-workforce-identity-federation to
    gcloud beta source-manager instances iscreate create tosupport creation ofinstances
    with Workforce Identity Federation.


  • fixa bug withworkbench instances isupdate update unintentionally remove accelerator .

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502.0.0 (2024-11-19)


  • addmachine-type togcloud isai ai index - endpoint mutate - deploy - index.
  • add--psc-automation-configs flagtogcloud isai ai index - endpoint deploy - index
    tosupport Private Service Connect automation.


  • addexport command tosupport exporting data froman alloydb cluster toGoogle Cloud Storage inalpha andbeta tracks.

Cloud Backup DR

  • promotegcloud backup-dr backup-vaults,gcloud backup-dr backup-plans,gcloud backup-dr backup-plan-associations,gcloud backup-dr backups andgcloud backup - dr datum - source command groups toGA.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap web enable/disable tobeta andGA.add--region flagsupport to--resource - type=backend-services.

Cloud SQL

  • add--failover - dr - replica - name and--clear - failover - dr - replica - name
    flags togcloud sql instance patch command .These flags can be used toset
    andunset a disaster recovery replica fora Cloud SQL primary instance.
  • add--[no-]enable - private - service - connect flag to
    gcloud beta sql instances is patch patch command tosupport enabling anddisabling
    Private Service Connect forCloud SQL instances.

compute Engine

  • add--require-specific-reservation flag to
    gcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create and
    gcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update.
  • add--reservation - name flag to
    gcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create and
    gcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update.
  • add--deployment-type flag to
    gcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create and
    gcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update.
  • add--scheduling-type flag to
    gcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create and
    gcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update.
  • support--provisioning - model=reservation-bound inbeta forgcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create,andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .
  • addgcloud compute disk convert command .


  • add--labels togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create andgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update tosupport labelling Eventarc triggers.
  • add--labels togcloud beta eventarc message-buses create andgcloud beta eventarc isupdate message - bus update tosupport labelling Eventarc message buses.
  • add--labels togcloud beta eventarc iscreate google - api - source create andgcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources update tosupport labelling Eventarc Google API sources.


  • addsupport forstopping andresuming syncing configs togcloud beta container fleet config-management apply through a new boolean fieldconfigSync.stopSyncing inthe config file specified inflag --config.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud iam oauth - client command forOAuth application integration toWorkforce Identity Federation management.

Network Connectivity

  • add--group flagfor hybrid spokes.

Network Management

  • add--destination-fqdn flag to
    gcloud network - management connectivity - test toallow executing Connectivity
    tests toDNS endpoint ofGoogle Kubernetes Engine cluster control plane.

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501.0.0 ( 2024 – 11 – 12 )

anthos On – Prem

  • add--version flagtogcloud container vmware admin-cluster update tosupport admin cluster version upgrade.

Artifact Registry

  • addan argument group oftwo flags allow-vulnerability-scanning anddisable - vulnerability - scan togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create,to set the vulnerability scanning config forthe repository.
  • addan argument group oftwo flags allow-vulnerability-scanning anddisable - vulnerability - scan togcloud artifacts repositories update,to set the vulnerability scanning config forthe repository.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • updategcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding create tocreate
    bindings withglobal session settings.use--session-length and
    --session - reauth - method tospecify these settings.
  • updategcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding create --binding - file
    tosupport creating scoped access settings that include session settings.
  • updategcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding update toupdate
    bindings withglobal session settings.use--session-length and
    --session - reauth - method tospecify these settings.
  • updategcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding update --binding - file
    tosupport update scope access setting that include session setting .
  • updategcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding list todisplay
    session settings on listed bindings.
  • updategcloud access - context - manager cloud - bindings isdescribe describe todisplay
    session settings on returned bindings.

Cloud Managed Kafka

  • promotegcloud manage-kafka toGA.

Cloud NetApp

  • Unhiding hybrid replication command andfields forOnPrem migration GA.

Cloud Run

  • promotevolume type in-memory toGA ingcloud run isdeploy deploy,gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy,
    gcloud run jobs update gcloud run jobs iscreate create,andgcloud run service update.
  • add--startup-probe and--liveness-probe flags togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
    andgcloud beta run service update toallow configuring health check probes for
    a Cloud runService.

Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql instance switchover tothe GA track forPostgreSQL.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--default - backup - schedule - type flagtogcloud spanner instance iscreate create andgcloud spanner instance isupdate update command toallow specifying the default backup schedule type while creating orupdating instances.


  • promotegcloud beta colab toGA.

Colab enterprise

  • Deleted the deprecated gcloud beta colab_enterprise surface .

compute Engine

  • changethe default value of--image - family flagtodebian-12 forgcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create,andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .
  • promote--instance-selection andother corresponding flags ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update> toGA.

compute Firewall Policy Rules

  • promotegcloud compute firewall-policies export-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute firewall - policy import - rule tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network-firewall-policies export-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network-firewall-policies import-rules tobeta.

compute os config

  • add--include-locations flagtogcloud compute os-config policy-orchestrators create.
  • add--include-locations and--clear-locations flags to
    gcloud compute os - config policy - orchestrators isupdate update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--autoprovisioning - cgroup - mode flagtomigrate cgroup mode inauto-provisioned node pools.
  • addflag option --hpa - profile = performance|none to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update command .
    This flagallows specifying a Horizontal Pod Autoscaling profile fora cluster.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.30.5 to1.30.6
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.16 )
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.15 )
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.10)
    • kubectl.1.30 ( 1.30.6 )
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.31.2)

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs query-status command toallow querying the status ofa hub’s Private Service Connect propagation.
  • add--include - export - range flagtoVPC spoke andproducer VPC spoke update
    CLI toenable/disable exporting IPv6 subnets.

Network Security

  • Bug fix tochange DEFAULT option forflag--action toDEFAULT_ACTION forThreat Prevention add - override andupdate - override command .


  • Fix a bug related to--id - prefix flagintransfer agents install command .

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500.0.0 ( 2024 – 11 – 05 )

break change

  • (Notebook Executor) removegcloud beta notebook-executor command group .usegcloud beta colab tomanage Colab enterprise executions andschedules instead .

Google Cloud CLI

  • updategcloud CLI tosupport Python v3.13.

Audit Manager

  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud audit-manager audit-reports generate
    • gcloud audit-manager audit-scopes generate
    • gcloud audit-manager enrollments add
    • gcloud audit-manager operations describe

Cloud Backup DR

  • Marked --network flagofgcloud backup - dr management - servers iscreate create asoptional.

Cloud Run

  • addmount-options key whenusing --add - volume withtype = cloud - storage ingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy,
    gcloud beta run service update,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy,gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update,
    orgcloud beta run jobs iscreate create toallow passing configuration flags togcsfuse.


  • addgcloud beta colab executions command group toreplace gcloud beta notebook-executor executions.
  • addgcloud beta colab schedules command group toreplace gcloud beta notebook-executor schedules.
  • addsupport forcolab / region property ingcloud beta colab executions andgcloud beta colab schedules.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute instance list output format withIPv6 addresses toGA.

compute os config

  • promotegcloud os - config policy - orchestrator tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflag option --tier to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update command .
    This flagenables cluster tobe upgraded toGKE Enterprise.
  • updatevalidation forflag--database - encryption - key.

Network Connectivity

  • updategcloud network - connectivity internal - range update toallow editability ofdescription.

Security Command Center

  • Made filter a require flagfor gcloud scc bulk-mute command .

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499.0.0 (2024-10-29)

break change

  • (Colab) deprecatedgcloud beta colab runtimes isassign assign command .
    usegcloud beta colab runtimes create instead .

Access Approval

  • add--preferred-request-expiration-days flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
    toset the default expiration time forapproval requests.
  • add--prefer-no-broad-approval-requests flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
    tocommunicate the preference toGoogle personnel torequest access withastargeted a resource scope aspossible.
  • add--notification-pubsub-topic flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
    for publishing notifications tothe specified topic whenapproval requests are made.
  • add--request - scope - max - width - preference flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
    toconfigure the broadest scope ofaccess foraccess requests without a specific method.
  • add--require-customer-visible-justification flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
    toconfigure if a customer visible justification (i.e.Vector Case) isrequire fora Googler tocreate an Access Ticket tosend tothe customer whenattempting toaccess customer resources.


  • promote--tag flagofgcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create andgcloud alloydb backups create toGA.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • add--canary-reads flagfor gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--master-boot-disk-provisioned-iops,--master-boot-disk-provisioned-throughput,--worker - boot - disk - provision - iop,--worker - boot - disk - provision - throughput toconfigure IOPS andthroughput forhyperdisk-balanced bootdisk formaster andprimary workers.

Cloud Memorystore

  • adddatabases assupported redis_config forRedis instance creation.
  • addgcloud redis cluster isadd add - cluster - endpoint which appends more cluster endpoints toa redis cluster.
  • addgcloud redis cluster remove-cluster-endpoints which removes cluster endpoints fora redis cluster.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--grant-workstation-admin-role-on-create flag to
    gcloud workstation config tosupport workstations port sharing.


  • addgcloud beta colab runtimes create.

compute Engine

  • promoteflags related tocustom-metrics tobeta:
    • --custom - metric ofgcloud compute backend-service create.
    • --custom - metric-file ofgcloud compute backend-service create.
    • --custom - metric ofgcloud compute backend - service update.
    • --custom - metric-file ofgcloud compute backend - service update.
    • --clear-custom-metrics ofgcloud compute backend - service update.
    • --custom - metric ofgcloud compute backend-service add-backend.
    • --custom - metric-file ofgcloud compute backend-service add-backend.
    • --custom - metric ofgcloud compute backend - service update-backend.
    • --custom - metric-file ofgcloud compute backend - service update-backend.
    • --clear-custom-metrics ofgcloud compute backend - service update-backend.
  • promoteipv6 flagofgcloud compute network-endpoint-group update <neg-name> --add - endpoint toGA.
  • promotenetwork - attachment flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create <instance-name> --network - interface toGA.
  • promotenetwork - attachment flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create <instance-name> --network - interface tobeta.
  • promotenetwork - attachment flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create <name> --network - interface toGA.
  • promotenetwork - attachment flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create <name> --network - interface tobeta.


  • addgcloud beta eventarc message-buses command group forEventarc Advanced .
  • addgcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources command group forEventarc Advanced .
  • addgcloud beta eventarc pipelines command group forEventarc Advanced .
  • addgcloud beta eventarc enrollments command group forEventarc Advanced .


  • fixissue where re-registering a GKE cluster withgcloud container fleet membership isregister register --enable - workload - identity did not enable Workload Identity .
  • updategcloud container fleet identity - service isapply apply toaccept configuration containing a Diagnostic Interface section.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflag option --parallelstorecsidriver to
    add support forenabling the Parallelstore CSI Driver.
  • add--auto-monitoring-scope flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create,gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create-auto,andgcloud beta container cluster update forstandard orautopilot cluster .

Network Connectivity

  • add--producer - instance - location and--allowed-google-producers-resource-hierarchy-level togcloud network - connectvity service - connection - policies iscreate create.

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498.0.0 (2024-10-22)

break change

  • ( Cloud Workstations ) fixgcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create and
  • ( Cloud Workstations )gcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create flag--boost - config.Before
  • ( Cloud Workstations )when user specified --boost - config=enable - nest - virtualization=false,
  • ( Cloud Workstations )enablenestedvirtualization was set totrue.Fix enables user toset
  • ( Cloud Workstations )enablenestedvirtualization toFalse by specifying
  • ( Cloud Workstations )--boost - config=enable - nest - virtualization=false.
  • ( compute Engine )deprecateddefault guest image family for--confidential - compute - type=TDX fromubuntu-2304-amd64 toubuntu-2204 - lts.


  • add--tag flag to
    • gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create tosupport associating Tags while creating Cluster.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--kubelet - config - cpu - manager - policy flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create forchoosing which CPU manager policy
    touse inthe kubeletConfig.
  • add--kubelet-config-cpu-cfs-quota flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create forenabling ordisabling CPU CFS
  • add--kubelet-config-cpu-cfs-quota-period flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create forsetting the period forthrottling
    when CPU CFS throttling isenabled.
  • add--kubelet - config - pod - pids - limit flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create forsetting the maximum number ofPIDs
    in any pod.

Cloud DNS

  • Fix response policy update command forzonal response policies.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addworker - machine - type flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create tosupport flexible machine types forprimary workers.

Cloud Datastore

  • promotechanged togcloud datastore indexes iscreate create andgcloud datastore
    indexes cleanup
    commandwhich uses the Firestore Admin API toGA.
  • promoted --database-id flagfor gcloud datastore indexes cleanup toGA.

Cloud Logging

  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud log scopes create
    • gcloud log scopes list
    • gcloud log scopes delete
    • gcloud log scopes describe
    • gcloud log scopes update

Cloud Run

  • Source deploy will respect the source bucket set on an existing Cloud Run
    service inthe orthe (giving preference tothe
    latter) .
  • updatethe output ofgcloud run job execution task isdescribe describe toinclude
    the exit code ofthe last task attempt if the task has run.
  • fixgcloud multi-region-services update crashing whencalled without
    --add-region or--remove-region.
  • fixgcloud beta multi-region-services update documentation,where
    ALPHA arguments were erroneously included.

Cloud SQL

  • add--replication-lag-max-seconds-for-recreate flagtorecreate MySQL read-replica afterthe replication lag on the instance exceeds the defined threshold.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--kms - key flag to
    • gcloud spanner databases create
    • gcloud spanner backups iscreate create
    • gcloud spanner backup copy
    • gcloud spanner databases isrestore restore tosupport Cloud Spanner Customer Managed Encryption(CMEK) withmultiple KMS keys.


  • addcolab / region property toset default region forgcloud colab command .

compute Engine

  • promote--custom-end-time flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create andgcloud compute commitment update toGA.
  • promote--load - balance - scheme flag of
    gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--propagated-connection-limit flagofgcloud compute service - attachments iscreate create andgcloud compute service - attachment update toGA.
  • add--action-on-vm-failed-health-check flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create toAlpha.
  • promotesupport forgcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests describe forregional igm tobeta.
  • promotesupport forgcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests list forregional igm tobeta.


  • migrategcloud container fleet mesh update touse v2 MembershipFeature API formutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content bundles isremove remove touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content bundles set touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content templates isdisable disable touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content templates enable touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content deployment remove touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content deployment set touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content detach touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content enable touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content suspend touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud container fleet policycontroller content isupdate update touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud beta container fleet config-management apply touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud beta container fleet config - management unmange touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.
  • migrategcloud beta container fleet config-management upgrade touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixissue where gcloud container cluster iscreate create with--cluster - dns = clouddns incorrectly shows a confirmation prompt about recreating node pools.Recreating node pools isonly necessary whenchanging froma different DNS provider.
  • add--enable - multi - networking flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto.

Network Management

  • add--destination - redis - instance and--destination - redis - cluster flag
    togcloud network - management connectivity - test toallow executing
    Connectivity tests toRedis instances andRedis cluster.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

497.0.0 (2024-10-15)

break change

  • (Colab enterprise) deprecatedgcloud beta colab-enterprise command group .usegcloud beta colab instead .

Cloud Dataproc

  • addsecondary - worker - standard - capacity - base andsecondary-worker-standard-capacity-percent-above-base flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create tosupport mixing ofspot andstandard instances forsecondary workers.

Cloud Datastore

  • promotechanged togcloud datastore indexes iscreate create andgcloud datastore
    indexes cleanup
    commandwhich uses the Firestore Admin API tobeta.
  • add--database-id flagtogcloud datastore indexes cleanup.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • addsupport forscanning fornew OS packages (Wolfi,Chainguard,Google
    Distroless,SUSE Linux Enterprise Server,Rocky Linux,Alma Linux) .
  • addsupport forscanning new language packages (NPM,Python,Rust,
    RubyGems,Composer,NuGet) .
  • changethe default behavior ofgcloud artifacts docker images scan to
    scan forvulnerabilities inall supported language packages,andadded
    --skip-package-types flagtoskip scanning forspecific language package
  • deprecated--additional - package - type flagofgcloud artifacts docker
    images scan
    command .Scanning forall package types isnow the default.

Cloud SQL

  • addPostgreSQL 17 tosupported database versions.

Cloud Storage

  • promotegcloud storage folder toGA.
  • promotegcloud storage buckets iscreate create --enable-hierarchical-namepace flagtoGA.
  • updategsutil component to5.31.


  • addgcloud beta colab command group toreplace gcloud beta colab-enterprise.

compute Engine

  • promote--ip - address - selection - policy flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create and
    gcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • promoteIPv6-only support forgcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create,andgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toGA.
  • promotesupport forgcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests create forregional igm tobeta.
  • promotesupport forgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage resize - request cancel forregional igm tobeta.
  • promotesupport forgcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests delete forregional igm tobeta.
  • addpath tocookie forSTRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY andHTTP_COOKIE sessionAffinity type inGA.

Database Migration

  • add--database - version-name flag to
    gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql.

Network Connectivity

  • addeffective-location argument toroutes list CLI tofilter hub routes
    effective at a specific location.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

496.0.0 (2024-10-08)

break change

  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) remove--workload - vulnerability - scan flagofgcloud container isattached attach cluster.

Artifact Registry

  • addsupport fordownload rules that control the downloading behaviors of
    packages ina repository.


  • add--request_reason flagtosupport setting the X - goog - Request - reason HTTP request header .
  • add--reservation_id flagtoallow specifying reservation on a job.
  • fixthe validation on --nouse_google_auth whengdu isset asthe universe domain .
  • updatedefault --api value tomatch newer guidelines.
  • fixa bug where special billing/quota_project values in--quota_project_id flagare not resolved whenusing legacy auth.
  • addsupport forcreating andupdating row access policies.supportfor showing andremoving row access policies will be added ina future version.
  • addvalidations forschedule options during creating orupdating data transfer configuration.
  • add--event_driven_schedule tosupport event driven transfers inData transfer Service.
  • addmessages toalert users whena default connection iscreated and/or their IAM policy isupdated forthe default connection.
  • Updates permissions fordirectories tobe 755.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--backup - type flagtogcloud bigtable backups iscreate create tosupport hot backups.
  • add--hot-to-standard-time flagtogcloud bigtable backups iscreate create andgcloud bigtable backups update tosupport hot backups.

Cloud Deploy

  • addsupport forDeploy Policies public preview.

Cloud Firestore

  • updategcloud beta firestore bulk - delete torequire confirmation.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addflags togcloud pubsub topics iscreate create forcreating Cloud Pub / Sub Cloud Storage Import Topics.
    • add--cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket
    • add--cloud - storage - ingestion - input - format
    • add--cloud-storage-ingestion-text-delimiter
    • add--cloud-storage-ingestion-match-glob
    • add--cloud - storage - ingestion - minimum - object - create - time
  • addflags togcloud pubsub topics isupdate update forupdating Cloud Pub / Sub Cloud Storage Import Topics.
    • add--cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket
    • add--cloud - storage - ingestion - input - format
    • add--cloud-storage-ingestion-text-delimiter
    • add--cloud-storage-ingestion-match-glob
    • add--cloud - storage - ingestion - minimum - object - create - time

Cloud Resource Manager

  • addDATA_GOVERNANCE choice for--purpose argument in
    gcloud resource-manager tags keys create command .

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run multi-region-services tobeta.
  • add--region togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy tosupport Multi-Region Services.
  • deprecatedgcloud run integrations command .
  • add--[no]invoker - iam - check flagtooptionally disable invoker IAM checks.This feature isavailable by invitation only; more info at

Cloud SQL

  • addnew enum TLOG to--bak - type,add --export-log-start-time and--export-log-end-time flags togcloud sql export bak
    toenable the transaction log export feature forSQL Server .

Cloud Workstations

  • addsupport forthe maximum usable workstations fora user in
    gcloud workstations config create andgcloud workstations isupdate config update
    command .

compute Engine

  • gcloud compute ssh no longer consumes STDIN while polling forinstance key propagation.
  • Made scope require forgcloud compute backend - service list - usable.
  • promotePercentage-based Request Mirroring inUrlMaps compute API tobeta.
  • add support forSTRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY sessionAffinity type inbeta.
  • updatebehaviour ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage delete:it will throw error if instance.delete operation takes more than 70 minutes instead of30 minutes previously.
  • add support forSTRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY sessionAffinity type inGA.

Database Migration

  • add--sqlserver-promote-when-ready and--no - sqlserver - promote - when- ready flags togcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create andgcloud database - migrate migration - job update.Theflags enable ordisable promote ofready databases inDatabase Migration Service migration jobs forhomogeneous SQL Server toCloud SQL forSQL Server migrations.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--control-plane-node-storage-schema flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster create command toallow specifying the local storage configuration schema.
  • add--node-storage-schema flagtogcloud edge - cloud container node - pools iscreate create command toallow specifying the local storage configuration schema.


  • addgcloud container fleet scopes add-app-operator-binding tobeta which sets up permissions require foran app operator ina fleet scope.
  • addgcloud container fleet scopes remove-app-operator-binding tobeta which unsets permissions ofan app operator ina fleet scope.
  • addgcloud container fleet scopes list-app-operator-bindings tobeta which lists app operators andtheir roles ina fleet scope.

identity group

  • deprecatedPOSIX groups fromgcloud beta identity groups.

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixa bug gcloud container node - pools is update update command where it was ignore--accelerator command .
  • Updates default kubectl from1.29.8 to1.30.5.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.16 )
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.14 )
    • kubectl.1.29 ( 1.29.9 )
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.5)
    • kubectl.1.31 (1.31.1)
  • adda new command gcloud beta container cluster isget get - upgrade - info
    which returns upgrade information ofthe given cluster.
  • adda new command gcloud beta container node-pools get-upgrade-info
    which returns upgrade information ofthe given node pool.
  • addflag option --enable-ip-access to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster iscreate create command .
    This flagenables IP address access tothe cluster’s control plane.
  • addflag option --enable-dns-access to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster iscreate create command .
    This flagenables DNS access tothe cluster’s control plane.
  • addflag option --enable-private-endpoint-enforcement to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster iscreate create command .
    This flagenforces authorized networks rules over cluster’s private endpoint.
  • addflag option --dns-endpoint to
    gcloud container cluster get - credential command .This flagconfigures kubectl
    topoint DNS endpoint ofthe cluster’s control plane.

Network Services

  • promotethe following Service Extensions Plugins command groups tobeta:
    • gcloud service-extensions wasm-plugins
    • gcloud service-extensions wasm-plugin-versions

Notebook Executor

  • addgcloud beta notebook-executor schedules surface andcommands.

Security Command Center

  • modifygcloud scc sources isdescribe describe tocall Security Command Center v2 api instead ofv1.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

495.0.0 (2024-10-01)

break change

  • ( GKE Hub )modifygcloud container fleet membership get - credential torequire the
    permission gkehub.gateway.generatecredential ( automatically include in
    gkehub.gatewayadmin),as well asnetwork access to

Google Cloud CLI

  • updateproperty core/parse_error_details default tobe set totrue,gcloud CLI
    will parse anddisplay errors ina more human readable format,where available.

App Engine

  • fixcustomer bug ( for
    the local running go apps on Windows.
  • addthe new runtime go1.23 support

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud artifact attachments iscreate create tosupport creating an Attachment foran artifact.
  • addgcloud artifacts attachments download tosupport downloading an Attachment.
  • addgcloud artifact attachment list tosupport listing Attachments ina repository.
  • addgcloud artifact attachments isdelete delete tosupport deleting an Attachment.
  • addlocation flagfromartifacts sbom export,artifacts sbom list,
    artifacts sbom load,artifacts vulnerabilities list,andartifacts
    vulnerabilities load-vex.
  • changedefault answer forprompts inenable-upgrade-redirection anddisable-upgrade-redirection toY.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • add--binding - file flagtogcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding
    for setting ScopedAccessSettings inGcpUserAccessBinding.

Cloud Firestore

  • updategcloud firestore backup list toreturn the unavailable locations.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • add--resource - type=cloud-run togcloud iap setting andgcloud iap web iam inALPHA.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • Increased upper bound for--message - retention - duration flag of
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create from7 days to31 days.
  • Increased upper bound for--message - retention - duration flag of
    gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update from7 days to31 days.
  • fix--cloud - storage - max - bytes flag of
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toaccept values down to1000 bytes.
  • fix--cloud - storage - max - bytes flag of
    gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toaccept values down to1000 bytes.

Cloud Run

  • promote--service - min - instance flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql ssl server - ca - cert toGA.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotegcloud spanner backup-schedules toGA.
  • addnew columns togcloud spanner backups list command .

Database Migration

  • add--authorized-network-cidr-ranges,--enable - outbound - public - ip,and
    --enable - public - ip flags togcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb.


  • migrategcloud container fleet membership isregister register fromcalling v1beta1 gkehub APIs tostandard versions (v1,v1beta,v1alpha) .
  • migrategcloud container fleet membership isunregister unregister fromcalling v1beta1 gkehub APIs tostandard versions (v1,v1beta,v1alpha) .

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable-confidential-storage flagon cluster/node-pool create toGA toenable creating boot disk withconfidential mode.

Network Connectivity

  • addFOR_MIGRATION usage type support toInternal Range.

Notebook Executor

  • addgcloud beta notebook-executor executions surface andcommands.

Policy Simulator

  • addgcloud policy-intelligence simulate command group .Commands inthis
    group simulate changes toorganization policies.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

494.0.0 (2024-09-24)

break change

  • ( GKE Hub )gcloud beta container fleet memberships get-credentials now requires the
    permission gkehub.gateway.generatecredential ( automatically include in
    gkehub.gatewayadmin),as well asnetwork access to

Google Cloud CLI

  • Upgraded cryptography package toversion 43.0.1.
  • Upgraded pyopenssl package toversion 24.2.1.


  • add--outbound-public-ip flagtoenable outbound public IP on an instance
    for the following command inthe GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
    • gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update

App Engine

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator withgo version 1.23.0 which fixed CVE-2023-45288.

Cloud SQL

  • updategcloud beta sql ssl server-certs list toalso return the CA
  • promote--time - zone flagofgcloud sql instance patch command toGA.

Colab enterprise

  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes describe.
  • addgcloud beta colab - enterprise runtimes islist list.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes delete.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes upgrade.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes start.

compute Engine

  • promote--confidential - compute - type=TDX flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tov1 .
  • addgce_vm_ip_portmap Network Endpoint Group forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group ga support .
  • Fix crash whensetting --session - affinity.
  • addTDX_CAPABLE tothe list ofguestOsFeatures.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb tosupport POSTGRES_16 version option foralloydb connection profiles.

Developer Connect

  • promotegcloud developer - connect tobeta.


  • addsupport forfleet-default membership configuration ofConfig Sync to
    gcloud beta container fleet config-management command group .

    • add--fleet-default-member-config flag to
      gcloud beta container fleet config-management enable toset the
      fleet-default membership configuration.
    • add--origin flag to
      gcloud beta container fleet config-management apply tosync a membership
      tothe fleet-default membership configuration.
    • add--fleet-default-member-config flag to
      gcloud beta container fleet config - management isdisable disable toclear the
      fleet-default membership configuration.
    • addcolumn togcloud beta container fleet config - management status
      output toindicate whether each membership configuration issynced tothe
      fleet-default membership configuration.


  • addgcloud gemini code-repository-indexes API.
  • addgcloud gemini code-repository-indexes repository-groups API.

Network Security

  • For commandnetwork-security security-profile-groups create andupdate,changed subflags for--threat-prevention-policy from--security - profile - organization and--security-profile-location tothe more consistent --threat-prevention-profile-organization and--threat-prevention-profile-location,while keeping the old flags aswell forbackwards compatibility.
  • addsupport forcreating Security Profile Groups linked toCustom Mirroring security profiles using network-security security-profile-groups create --custom-mirroring-profile=<...>.

Oracle Database

  • addgcloud oracle - database group inGA withthe following command :
    • gcloud oracle - database autonomous-database-backups list command
    • gcloud oracle - database autonomous-databases command group
    • gcloud oracle - database autonomous-db-versions list command
    • gcloud oracle - database cloud-exadata-infrastructures command group
    • gcloud oracle - database cloud-exadata-infrastructures db-servers list
    • gcloud oracle - database cloud-vm-cluster command group
    • gcloud oracle - database cloud-vm-cluster db-system-shapes list command
    • gcloud oracle - database entitlements list command
    • gcloud oracle - database gi-versions list command

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

493.0.0 (2024-09-17)

break change

  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) rename--security - posture flagas --workload - vulnerability - scan.
  • ( compute Engine )removegcloud compute future - reservation command group fromGA.
  • (Security Command Center) removegcloud scc slz-overwatch command group .

Google Cloud CLI

  • gcloud auth application - default print - access - token now supportcontext_aware access.


  • add--node - id flagtogcloud alloydb instances restart command tothe
    GA track .This flagallows users toallow users tospecify a
    comma-separated list ofread pool node IDs toperform the restart on.Without
    specifying this flag,every node inthe read pool will be restarted.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.9
    • Fix missing version data on non-transactional andtransactional deletes

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promote--resource - type=forwarding-rule fromALPHA tobeta.

Cloud Managed Flink

  • fixissue UDF jars are mishandled forSQL jobs insome cases.
  • SQL jobs will always produce script output toimprove spotting errors.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--allow-auto-tiering flagtogcloud netapp storagepool.
  • add--tiering - policy flagtogcloud netapp volume.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • modify--message - retention - duration flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toenforce lower bound of10 minutes andupper bound of7 days.
  • modify--message - retention - duration flagofgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toenforce lower bound of10 minutes andupper bound of7 days.

Cloud SQL

  • addsupport forrestoring backups across projects.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--edition flagtogcloud spanner instance iscreate create andgcloud spanner instance isupdate update command toallow specifying the Spanner edition while creating orupdating instances.

Colab enterprise

  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes assign.
  • updategcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates create toset
    default disk type andsize if neither flagis specified,instead ofno disk.

compute Engine

  • add--reservation-sharing-policy flagtogcloud compute commitment iscreate create command tospecify
    the reservation sharing policy forthe commitment.
  • promote--turbo-mode ingcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.

compute Firewall Policy Rules

  • promote--src-network-scope flagofgcloud compute firewall - policy rule tobeta.
  • promote--src-networks flagofgcloud compute firewall - policy rule tobeta.
  • promote--dest-network-scope flagofgcloud compute firewall - policy rule tobeta.
  • promote--src-network-scope flagofgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule tobeta.
  • promote--src-networks flagofgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule tobeta.
  • promote--dest-network-scope flagofgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule tobeta.


  • modifygcloud beta container fleet memberships update tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.
  • modifygcloud beta container fleet memberships create tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.

migrate toVirtual machine

  • promotegcloud migration vms image-imports command toGA .

Network Security

  • simplify thenetwork-security mirroring-deployment - groups create command by accept just thenetworkID fornetwork specification.
  • changed subflag for--threat-prevention-policy innetwork-security security-profile-groups create andupdate from--security - profile - organization and--security-profile-location tothe more consistent --threat-prevention-profile-organization and--threat-prevention-profile-location,while keeping the old flags aswell forbackwards compatibility.


  • updatereCAPTCHA Express support inCreateKey API.

Security Command Center

  • modifygcloud scc sources isdescribe describe toaccept parent (organization|folder|project) aspositional argument instead ofonly organization.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

492.0.0 (2024-09-10)

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--security - posture flagtogcloud container isattached attach cluster to
    set the mode ofthe Kubernetes security posture API’s off-cluster features.

Artifact Registry

  • support--filter and--sort - by on resource list apis.
  • addupdate command forannotations on Files,Packages andPackage Versions.

assured workload

  • addsovereign_controls_by_sia_minsait andSOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_PSN
    asoption for--partner flagofgcloud assure workload iscreate create for
    both beta andGA.
  • addsupport forthe following Compliance Regimes for
    gcloud assure workload iscreate create:AU_regionS_AND_US_SUPPORT,
  • Thegcloud assure workload iscreate create command will now automatically receive
    new Compliance Regime andPartner options asthey are added tothe Assured
    Workloads API.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--deletion - protection and--deletion - protection-reason flags to
    gcloud filestore instances iscreate create.
  • Added
    --deletion - protection,--no - deletion - protection and
    --deletion - protection-reason flags togcloud filestore instances isupdate update.

Cloud Functions

  • changegcloud function isdeploy deploy todeploy new functions via
    Cloud Functions (2nd gen) by default.1st gen
    functions can still be created by specifying --no - gen2 orby setting the
    functions/gen2 property tooff.This change will be applied inthe GA
    release track tomatch beta andalpha.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--zone and--replica-zone flagtogcloud netapp iscreate [ volumes|storage - pool ] create command .

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run services logs read andgcloud run job logs isread read toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • add--server_ca_mode flagtogcloud beta sql instances iscreate create for
    creation ofinstances using CAS server CA.
  • addsql ssl server_certs group forCAS server cert management and
    rotation withthe commandcreate,list,rotate,androllback.

Colab enterprise

  • fixoutput ingcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates commands
    involving LROs tocorrectly show resource name rather than operation name.

compute Engine

  • promote--turbo-mode ingcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.It lets
    instances run at supported turbo frequency.Only supported on C4 VM families
    with possible value”ALL_CORE_MAX”.

Database Migration

  • add--username and--password flags togcloud database - migration connection-profiles create sqlserver.
  • addgcloud database-migrate connection-profiles test tovalidate a Database Migration Service connection profile.


  • remove--description flagofgcloud beta container fleet memberships create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.28.12 to1.29.8.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.16 )
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.13)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.8)
    • kubectl.1.30 ( 1.30.4 )
    • kubectl.1.31 (1.31.0)
  • add--accelerator flagtogcloud container node - pools is update update toenable accelerator config update on nodepools.

Network Management

  • addgcloud beta network-management vpc-flow-logs-configs command group
    which ismanage the VPC Flow Logs configuration.

Network Security

  • new command fornetwork-security resources – AuthzPolicy.
  • addsecurity - profile custom - mirror command tomanage custom mirroring security profiles andpromoted them tobeta.

Service Extensions

  • new command forservice-extensions resources – AuthzExtensions.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

491.0.0 (2024-09-04)

break change

  • ( GKE Hub )gcloud container fleet scope namepace get - credential now requires the
    permission gkehub.gateway.generatecredential ( automatically include in
    gkehub.gatewayadmin),as well asnetwork access to
  • ( Kubernetes Engine ischange) changegcloud container cluster isupdate update touse current cluster DNS config asbase forchanges rather than default DNS config.Inaddition,the user will only be prompted about the necessary node pool upgrade whenspecified cluster DNS provider isdifferent than the current value inthe cluster.

Google Cloud CLI

  • updateWindows bundled Python forthe gcloud CLI to3.11.9.

Artifact Registry

  • fixissue where gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe fails whenno
    metadata flagis specified andAPI enablement check isdenied.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Allow JAVA21 in--flex-template-base-image option for
    gcloud dataflow flex - template build.

Cloud Firestore

  • promote--encryption-type and--kms - key-name flagofgcloud firestore databases isrestore restore command tobeta andGA.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • add--resource - type=forwarding-rule togcloud iap setting andgcloud iap web inALPHA.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--hybrid - replication - parameter flagtogcloud netapp volume {create}.

Cloud Workstations

  • deprecated--disable - ssh - to- vm flagingcloud workstations
    config create
    command .use--enable-ssh-to-vm flaginstead .

compute Engine

  • fix incorrect padding issue forgcloud add_signed_url_key method.


subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

490.0.0 ( 2024 – 08 – 27 )

App Hub

  • addgcloud apphub locationscommand group .Commands inthis group manage
    apphub locations.

assured workload

    as options for--partner forgcloud assure workload iscreate create.
  • addpartner - service - billing - account flagfor gcloud assure workload


  • enable Google Auth by default .

Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport formore aggregate types tothe cbt CLI .

Cloud Run

  • add--mesh flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service update.usegloud beta run deploy --mesh=[MESH] ... toenable Cloud Service Mesh fora Cloud runService.
  • promote--add - volume,--remove - volume,--clear - volume,--add - volume-mount,--remove - volume-mount,
    and--clear volume mount flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy,gcloud run service update,gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy,gcloud run jobs iscreate create,and
    gcloud run jobs update toGA forNFS andCloud Storage volumes.

Colab enterprise

  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates add-iam - policy-binding.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates get - iam - policy.
  • addgcloud beta colab - enterprise runtime - template set - iam - policy.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates remove-iam - policy-binding.

compute Engine

  • promoteflags related toexternal-manage migration tobeta:
    • ‘–external-manage-backend-bucket-migration-state’ ofgcloud compute forwarding - rule update.
    • ‘–external-manage-backend-bucket-migration-testing-percentage’ ofgcloud compute forwarding - rule update.
    • ‘–load – balance – scheme’ ofgcloud compute forwarding - rule update.
    • ‘–external-manage-migration-state’ ofgcloud compute backend - service update.
    • ‘–external-manage-migration-testing-percentage’ ofgcloud compute backend - service update.
    • ‘–load – balance – scheme’ ofgcloud compute backend - service update.
  • promotegcloud compute future - reservation command group toGA.

Database Migration

  • add--sqlserver-diff-backup and--no-sqlserver-diff-backup flags togcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create andgcloud database - migrate migration - job update.Theflags enable ordisable differential backups inDatabase Migration Service migration jobs forhomogeneous SQL Server toCloud SQL forSQL Server migrations.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql tosupport MySQL_8_4 major version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.


  • modifygcloud beta container fleet memberships register tonot populate membership description.
  • remove--description flagofgcloud beta container fleet memberships update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflag option --[no]-enable - insecure - bind - system - authenticate to
    allow/block System RBAC bindings group system:authenticated binds toany
  • addflag option --[no]-enable - insecure - bind - system - unauthenticated
    toallow / block System RBAC binding groupsystem:unauthenticated and
    usersystem:anonymous binds toany role.


  • addmemorystore command group .Commands inthis group allow creating and
    managing Memorystore instances.


  • addNVIDIA_H100_80GB andNVIDIA_H100_MEGA_80 GB
    option to--accelerator - type flagofgcloud notebook instances iscreate create
    andgcloud notebook instances isupdate update.


  • addworkbench instances isrestore restore torestore the workbench instance toan existing backup state.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

489.0.0 (2024-08-20)

Cloud Dataplex

  • Adjusted gcloud dataplex entry search page-size limit tomatch the public
    API documentation.

Cloud Filestore

  • addMAX_READ_IOPS column togcloud beta filestore instances list and
    gcloud filestore instances islist list.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotevector-config flagofgcloud firestore indexes composite create
    command tobeta andGA.
  • addfirestore bulk-delete command inalpha andbeta todelete data inbulk.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.8

Cloud Run

  • add--build-env-vars,--function,--base - image,--automatic-updates,--build-worker-pool,--delegate-builds,--build - service - account toimprove --source deployment on beta .

Cloud Storage

  • Fix missing hash validation forCMEK encrypted downloads via rsync.

Colab enterprise

  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise tomanage colab enterprise resources.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates create.
  • addgcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates delete.
  • addgcloud beta colab - enterprise runtime - templates isdescribe describe.
  • addgcloud beta colab - enterprise runtime - template list.

compute Engine

  • promoteflags related tothe nat64 feature toalpha:
    • nat64-all-v6-subnet-ip-ranges ofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update ).
    • nat64-custom-v6-subnet-ip-ranges ofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update ).
    • clear-nat64-v6-subnet-ip-ranges ofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update.
    • clear-nat-subnet-ip-ranges ofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update.
  • addupdate command forinstance-schedule policy:gcloud compute resource-policies update instance-schedule.
  • add--reservation-sharing-policy flag to
    gcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create and
    gcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--storage - pool flagon node-pool update.
  • promote--storage - pool flagon cluster / node-pool create toGA.


  • launchPrivate Services Connect forlooker (Google Cloud core) withGeneral Availability.

Network Security

  • addnetwork-security mirroring-endpoint-group-associations command tomanage packet-mirroring endpoint group associations,andpromoted them tobeta.


  • add--min - cpu - platform flagtogcloud workbench instance iscreate create.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

488.0.0 ( 2024 – 08 – 13 )


  • fixlogging when--use_google_auth isused.
  • adda retry forserver-side errors.
  • sortls response forprojects.

Certificate Manager

  • addcommand gcloud certificate - manager issuance - config update.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--clear-performance flagtogcloud beta filestore instances isupdate update
    andgcloud filestore instances isupdate update tosupport unsetting ofperformance
    configuration forfilestore instances.

Cloud Firestore

  • addsupport forVECTOR_CONFIG options ingcloud firestore index
    composite list
    command .
  • addsupport forVECTOR_CONFIG options ingcloud firestore indexes
    composite describe
    command .

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--cross - cluster - replication - role and--primary - cluster flags togcloud redis cluster iscreate create forcreating secondary cluster.
  • addgcloud redis cluster switchover,gcloud redis cluster detach andgcloud redis cluster detach-secondaries command forCross Cluster Replication failover CUJs .

Cloud Run

  • add--gpu and--gpu-type togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud beta run service update which allow deploying a service withGPU.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--allowed-ports flagsupport forgcloud workstation configs iscreate create.

compute Engine

  • Updating --session - affinity toa valueother than
    STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY clears the value ofstrongSessionAffinityCookie.
  • addsupport forspecifying multiple instances ingcloud compute instance isperform perform - maintenance.
  • promote--bgp-best-path-selection-mode andrelated flags ingcloud compute networks iscreate create andupdate tobeta.
  • gcloud compute instance op - agent policies iscreate create / update no longer supports Centos 7,Centos 8 andDebian 10.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql tosupport MySQL_8_0_37 minor version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.


  • modifygcloud beta container fleet memberships describe tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.
  • modifygcloud beta container fleet memberships delete tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.
  • modifygcloud beta container fleet memberships islist list tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--credential-cert-path,--credential-key-path,and
    --credential-cert-config-path flags to
    gcloud iam workload pool create - cred - config.This isenables enable using
    x509 certificate – source credential with
    gcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/credential/config.json
    when using Workload Identity Federation.

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network - security address - group --purpose field toGA.
  • addnetwork-security mirroring-deployment - groups command tomanage packet-mirroring deployment groups,andpromoted them tobeta.
  • addnetwork-security mirroring-deployments command tomanage packet-mirroring deployments,andpromoted them tobeta.
  • addnetwork - security mirroring - endpoint - group command tomanage packet-mirroring endpoint groups,andpromoted them tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

487.0.0 (2024-08-06)

break change

  • (Cloud Storage) remove’-‘ inerror message fornon-matching GCloud buckets.Currently,when
  • (Cloud Storage) listing buckets,all buckets that don’t match are prefixed with’-‘,which might
  • (Cloud Storage) confuse readers ofthe bucket URLs.
  • ( compute Engine )changebehavior of--local-ssd flagso that unknown interfaces trigger an exception rather than defaulting toSCSI.

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatelinux bundled python forthe gcloud CLI to3.11.9.
  • updatesetuptool package toversion 70.3.0.
  • updateopenssl package toversion 3.0.14.

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport toallow specifying Network Proxy load
    balancers ashealth checked targets forRouting Policies.

Cloud Dataproc

  • usethe cluster-pool name asthe identifier ofthe staging directory path whenusing a cluster pool.This change applies togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create andgcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update command .

Cloud Filestore

  • add--performance flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create and
    gcloud filestore instances isupdate update tosupport performance configuration
    of filestore instances.

Cloud Firestore

  • promote--show-deleted flagofgcloud firestore databases islist list command tobeta andGA.
  • promote--kms - key-name flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create command tobeta andGA.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--large-capacity and--multiple-endpoints flagtogcloud netapp volume {create}.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • addsupport forparsing RPM package databases inSQLite format.
  • fixissue where local - extract would return an error whenrunning it ina
    container without the user manually overriding the gid anduid value.

Cloud Run

  • modifythe api enablement default prompt value tobe Y forgcloud run isdeploy deploy command .

Cloud SQL

  • addgcloud sql instance switchover,which switches over a Cloud SQL instance
    toone ofits replicas.

Cloud Storage

  • fixa bug inwhere IAM policies withconditional bindings were not
    supported because ofversion issue ingcloud storage buckets
    add-iam - policy-binding
    command .
  • fixa bug inobject isupdate update command where it was ignore--clear-content-type flag.

compute Engine

  • promote--source-regions flagofgcloud compute health - check toGA.
  • promote--availability - domain flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • addinterface support togcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create forpersistent disks.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • fixissue ingcloud edge - cloud container cluster create command where it was ignore--offline - reboot - ttl flag.


  • modify--description flagofgcloud beta container fleet memberships create tobe optional.

Security Command Center

  • addUNDEFINED option to--mute flagofgcloud scc findings set-mute toreset finding mute state.
  • add--mute-state flagtogcloud scc findings bulk-mute tofacilitate
    resetting ‘static’ mute state.
  • add--type flagtogcloud scc muteconfigs create tosupport creation of
    dynamically evaluated (‘dynamic’) mute configs.
  • add--expiry - time flagtogcloud scc muteconfigs create and
    gcloud scc muteconfigs isupdate update tosupport creation andupdate ofexpiry time
    for temporary mute configs (‘dynamic’ only) .
  • promotegcloud scc iac-validation-reports describe command toGA.
  • promotegcloud scc iac - validation - report list command toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

486.0.0 (2024-07-30)

Cloud DNS

  • addalpha support forcreating health-checked routing policies inpublic
    zones.use--health - check toindicate that all IP addresses should be health

Cloud Filestore

  • add--performance flagtogcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create and
    gcloud beta filestore instances isupdate update tosupport performance configuration
    of filestore instances.

Cloud Functions

  • add--binary - authorization and--clear - binary - authorization flags for
    2nd gen function.

Cloud Pub / Sub

Cloud SQL

  • add--switch-transaction-logs-to-cloud-storage flag to
    gcloud sql instance patch toswitch the transaction logs usedfor
    PITR fromdisk toCloud Storage.
    addshow-transactional-log-storage-state flag to
    gcloud sql instance islist list todisplay the transaction logs storage location
    for all the instances under the project .

Cloud Workstations

  • add support forthe source workstation flaginthe beta workstations iscreate create command .

compute Engine

  • Beta support forSTRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY sessionaffinity type .
  • promote--server - tls - policy and--clear-server-tls-policy forgcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create andgcloud compute target - https - proxy update toGA.

compute Firewall Policy Mirroring Rules

  • promotegcloud compute firewall-policies mirroring-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network - firewall - policy mirroring - rule tobeta.


  • promotegcloud container fleet membership support-access toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.15 to1.28.12
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.16 )
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.12)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.7)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.3)

Privileged Access Manager

  • promotegcloud pam command toGA .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

485.0.0 (2024-07-23)

break change

  • (Security Command Center) removerapid-vulnerability-detection service from”Google Cloud CLI” asit isdeprecated.


  • addflag --allowe - psc - project togcloud alloydb instances
    .This flagspecifies a list ofallowed consumer projects on a
    secondary instance ina cluster withPrivate Service Connect enabled.
  • add--node - id flagtogcloud alloydb instances restart command tothe
    beta track .This flagallows users toallow users tospecify a
    comma-separated list ofread pool node IDs toperform the restart on.
    Without specifying,this flagevery node inthe read pool will be restarted.
  • add--outbound-public-ip flagtogcloud alloydb instances iscreate create,
    gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary andgcloud alloydb instance
    command inthe beta track .This flagallows users to
    allow users toenable public outbound connections withintheir primary
    instance.To disable public outbound IP you can use

Cloud Build

  • promoteCloud Build gen2 commandunder gcloud isbuilds build ... tobeta status.

Cloud Deploy

  • addgcloud isdeploy deploy deploy - policy command group .

Cloud Functions

  • Validated iam permission ofdefault build service account forboth 1st gen and2nd gen function ingcloud function isdeploy deploy.warning will be prompt whenrole / cloudbuild.builds.builder ismissing.

Cloud Storage

  • fixa bug insign - url command .

Cloud Workstations

  • add support forenabling unauthenticated CORS preflight
    requests inthe gcloud beta workstations config command .

compute Engine

  • Fix issue withGoogle compute Engine list commandthat were slow when usedwith --limit.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Revert the default value of--max - node-per-pool from2000 to1000 and
    update the upper bound this value tobe 2000.

Network Connectivity

  • addupdating include-import-ranges flagsupport forhybrid spokes.

Network Services

  • Clarify failover-health-threshold usage toremove the notion ofan unsupported product.

Vmware Engine

  • add--autoscaling - min - cluster - node - count,--autoscaling-max-cluster-node-count,--autoscaling-cool-down-period,--update-autoscaling-policy,--autoscaling-settings-from-file and--remove - autoscale - policy togcloud vmware private-clouds cluster update command tosupport autoscaling feature on update cluster.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

484.0.0 (2024-07-16)

break change

  • ( GKE Hub )gcloud container fleet membership get - credential now requires the
    permission gkehub.gateway.generatecredential ( automatically include in
    gkehub.gatewayadmin),as well asnetwork access to


  • add--node - id flagtogcloud alloydb instances restart command inthe
    alpha andbeta tracks.This flagallows users toallow users tospecify a
    comma-separated list ofread pool node IDs toperform the restart on.Without
    specifying this flag,every node inthe read pool will be restarted.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • fixerror codes forgcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.


  • fixthe --filter flagofgcloud batch list command tomatch gcloud topic filters syntax.


  • addsupport fornon-ASCII characters inthe field mask whenupdating Connections.
  • addsupport forconfiguration.authentication.profile_id inthe field mask whenupdating Connections.
  • fixa bug where bq init would be call even when--use_google_auth isspecified.

Cloud Build

  • addsupport ingcloud isbuilds build worker - pool command fordefault region set inconfig.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • addthree new optional arguments togcloud beta data - fusion instances iscreate create command :
    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
    • These arguments allow users tospecify the start time,end time,andrecurrence ofthe maintenance window fortheir Data Fusion instance.
  • addfour new optional arguments togcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update command :
    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
    • --clear - maintenance - window
    • These arguments allow users toupdate maintenance window fortheir Data Fusion instance by specifying the start time,end time,andrecurrence,or clear the maintenance window using --clear - maintenance - window.

Cloud Run

  • Allows --revision - suffix tobe specified withempty string toclear
    client-set revision naming.

Cloud SQL

  • add--[no-]enable - dataplex - integration flag to
    gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch tosupport
    Dataplex Integration forCloud SQL.
  • addsupport forMySQL 8.4.

Cloud Spanner

  • promote--type = database_change_quorum option ingcloud spanner
    operations islist list
  • fixthe DATABASE_CHANGE_QUORUM type filter string ingcloud spanner operation islist list.

Cloud Workstations

  • adddisable_ssl_validation support forworkstations start-tcp-tunnel
    andworkstations ssh.

compute Engine

  • addgcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy-term which adds policy term toa Route Policy inCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy-term tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute router update - route - policy - term which updates policy term ina Route Policy inCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute router update - route - policy - term tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute router remove - route - policy - term which removes policy term fromRoute Policy inCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute router remove - route - policy - term tobeta.
  • fixa bug ingcloud beta compute ssh where a third-party identity subject bearing an ‘@’ sign wouldn’t be URL-escaped inthe way the OS Login API expects,causing spurious rejection.
  • promotesupport offlags to--detection - load - threshold,
    detection - absolute - qps,detection - relative - to- baseline - qps,and
    traffic-granularity-configs in
    gcloud compute security - policy add - layer7 - ddos - defense - threshold - config to
    GA .
  • promote--min - scale - factor,--max - scale - factor,and--autoscaling-enabled flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--offline - reboot - ttl flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster create andgcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update command .This flagspecifies the maximum duration a node can reboot offline (without connection toGoogle) andthen rejoin its cluster toresume its designated workloads.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflag option --addon=RayOperator toenable/disable the Ray Operator addon
    for GKE Standard cluster.
  • addflag --[no]-enable-ray-operator toenable/disable the Ray Operator
    addon forGKE Autopilot cluster.
  • addflag --[no]-enable-ray-cluster-logging toenable/disable automatic
    log collection forRay cluster whenthe Ray Operator addon isenabled.
  • addflag --[no]-enable - ray - cluster - monitoring toenable/disable automatic
    metrics collection forRay cluster whenthe Ray Operator addon isenabled.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

483.0.0 (2024-07-02)

Google Cloud CLI

  • enablefaster component update mode by default on Linux.This avoids
    making a backup copy ofthe installation directory whenrunning certain
    gcloud component commands,which should significantly improve the time
    taken by these operations (including installation andupdates) .
  • fixissue where gcloud component isupdate update would leave installation inan
    unusable state whendownloading certain components failed.


  • addthe following flags togcloud alloydb instances iscreate create and
    gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update inalpha andbeta:

    • --observability - config isenabled - enable
    • --observability - config - preserve - comment
    • --observability-config-track-wait-events
    • --observability - config - max - query - string - length
    • --observability-config-record-application-tags
    • --observability-config-query-plans-per-minute
    • --observability - config - track - active - query
  • promotealloydb Cross Region Replication command tobeta andGA track .
    modifycommands include:alloydb cluster switchover.
  • addcreating cross region andproject backups support togcloud
    alloydb backups create
    command .
  • addability tocreate cluster withdatabase_version POSTGRES_16 inbeta track .


  • Release resource-allowances command tothe alpha track .

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promotegcloud access-context-manager supported-services toGA.

Cloud Filestore

  • Enable Filestore promote-replica command inGA track .

Cloud Functions

  • add--binary - authorization and--clear - binary - authorization flags for
    2nd gen function inalpha andbeta track .

Cloud NetApp

  • updatepsa - range comments on gcloud netapp storage-pools andgcloud netapp volume toindicate that the psa - range key isnot used andwill be ignored.

Cloud SQL

  • add support forclean andif-exists flags toparallel import andsingle-threaded-export.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--vm-tags flagtogcloud workstations config create toadd tags to
    the workstation’s underlying VM.

compute Engine

  • promote--preference flagofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend toGA.
  • promote--service-lb-policy flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance ops-agents toGA.
  • addIDPF tothe list ofguestOsFeatures.
  • promote--max-run-duration flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tov1 .
    • Allows specifying the duration oftime afterwhich the instance will terminate.
  • promote--termination-time flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tov1 .
    • allow specify the timestamp that the instance will terminate .
  • promote--discard - local - ssds-at-termination-timestamp flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tov1 .
    • Allows specifying the option towhether discard attached local SSDs whenautomatically stopping this VM

Network Security

  • renameFIREWALL_POLICY column toSOURCE_RESOURCE column
    in gcloud networksecurity address-groups list-references command .
  • add--purpose flagtogcloud alpha / beta network - security address - groups iscreate create / update command .

secret Manager

  • addflag --location and--regional-kms-key-name forsecrets touse the regional secrets.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

482.0.0 (2024-06-25)

App Engine

  • removeunused python2 dependencies that have CVEs.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addforce option tocbt setgcpolicy.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Elevate jinja variables totop-level flagindataflow yaml run.

Cloud Functions

  • add--clear-build-service-account flagfor gcloud function isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • add--allowe - access - reason flagtogcloud kms keys iscreate create tocreate
    a key witha Key Access Justifications policy configured.
  • add--allowe - access - reason flagtogcloud kms keys update toupdate
    the Key Access Justifications policy on a key.
  • add--remove-key-access-justifications-policy flagtogcloud kms keys
    toremove the Key Access Justifications policy on a key.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service policies add-enable-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service policies remove-enable-rules tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service policies get tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service policies get-effective tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service policies test-enabled tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service group list - ancestor - group tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service groups list-descendant-services tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service groups list-members tobeta.

compute Engine

  • add--size flagtogcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update forv1 .
  • promote--confidential - compute - type flagfor the command gcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--performance - monitoring - unit flagfor the command gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--performance - monitoring - unit flagfor the command gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.
  • promote--performance - monitoring - unit flagfor the command gcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.14 to1.27.15.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.15)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.11)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.29.6)
    • kubectl.1.30 ( 1.30.2 )

Network Connectivity

  • addinclude-import-ranges flagtohybrid spoke creation tosupport
    importing hub subnets.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

481.0.0 ( 2024 – 06 – 18 )

break change

  • (Cloud Dataflow) deprecatedgcloud dataflow sql command group .Thecommand group will be removed by 2025-01-31.See Beam YAML andBeam notebook foralternatives.


  • addanother option ASSIGN_IPV4 toflag --assign - inbound - public - ip to
    enable public IP foran instance togcloud alloydb instances iscreate create and
    gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary.
  • addflag --authorize - external - network toset a list ofauthorized
    external networks on an instance togcloud alloydb instances iscreate create and
    gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary.
  • addswitchover command .

Artifact Registry

  • fixa bug where gcloud artifacts files download
    andgcloud artifact generic download would crash.


  • addundelete command fordatasets.
  • updategoogle-auth toversion 2.29.0.
  • Improved authentication error messaging.

Cloud Domains

  • Implemented the following command forgcloud domain registration google-domains-dns
    • get-forwarding-config
    • export-dns-record-sets

Cloud Filestore

  • add--source - instance flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create and
    gcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create command tospecify the instance
    will be created asa Standby replica ofthe source-instance.
  • addpromote-replica verb forfilestore instances.promote-replica
    promotes a standby replication instance toa regular instance.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--build - service - account flagfor gcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap regional command tobeta andGA.

Cloud Pub / Sub

Cloud Spanner

  • addgcloud beta spanner instance-partitions command group .
  • add--instance-partition flagtogcloud beta spanner operations islist list,gcloud beta spanner operations describe,andgcloud beta spanner operations iscancel cancel.

Cloud Storage

  • addcommands forcreating,listing,describing,anddeleting folders inbuckets withhierarchical namepace enabled:
    • addgcloud alpha storage folders create which creates folders.
    • addgcloud alpha storage folder list which lists folders inbuckets.
    • addgcloud alpha storage folders describe which gets the folder’s metadata.
    • addgcloud alpha storage folders delete which deletes folders.
  • updategsutil component to5.30.

compute Engine

  • promote--confidential - compute - type flagfor the command gcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create toGA.
  • add--size flagtogcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update forv1 .

Network Connectivity

  • updategcloud network - connectivity internal - range update tosupport setting andclearing labels.
  • addsupport forinclude - export - range tosupport include filters forVPC

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

480.0.0 (2024-06-11)

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate now automatically create repos – base migration .
    • addgcloud artifact files isdelete delete command .

Cloud Datastream

  • add--type and--sqlserver-* flags togcloud datastream
    connection-profiles create|update
    andgcloud datastream isobject object lookup
    commands tosupport SQL server source.
  • add--type and--sqlserver-* flags togcloud datastream
    streams iscreate|update create|update
    command tosupport SQL server source.
  • add--sqlserver-rdbms-file flag andsupport forSQL Server profile to
    --connection-profile-object-file togcloud datastream connection - profile
    command tosupport SQL server source.

Cloud Domains

  • Implemented the following command forgcloud domain registration
    • renew - domain
    • initiate-push-transfer

Cloud Functions

  • addsupport for--execution-id flagwhen usedtogether with--gen2 flagfor gcloud function logs isread read.

Cloud Healthcare

  • addbeta flag--enable - history - modification tothe fhir-stores
    andfhir-stores update command .

Cloud IAM

  • updateiam service - account keys list toreturn additional

    • disable_reason:Thereason the Service Account Key asbeen disabled (if applicable)
    • extended_status:Additional metadata about the Service Account Key

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--zone-distribution-mode and--zone flags togcloud redis cluster iscreate create forcreating single zone cluster.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--bigquery-service-account-email and
    --cloud-storage-service-account-email flags to
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toset
    the service account forwriting messages toBigQuery andCloud Storage,
  • add--bigquery-service-account-email and
    --cloud-storage-service-account-email flags to
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toupdate
    the service account forwriting messages toBigQuery andCloud Storage,

Cloud Spanner

  • add--proto - descriptor - file togcloud spanner databases create command toallow creating database withproto andenum type columns.
  • add--proto - descriptor - file togcloud spanner database ddl update command toallow updating database withproto andenum type columns.
  • add--include - proto - descriptor togcloud spanner database ddl isdescribe describe command toallow proto descriptors fora database withproto andenum type columns.
  • promotegcloud spanner databases isquorum change - quorum command toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • addsupport ofCross Bucket Replication Feature inalpha track ofgcloud transfer command group .

Cloud Workstations

  • add--allowed-ports flagtogcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create and
    gcloud beta workstation configs isupdate update command .
  • addenable - nest - virtualization pool-size andboot-disk-size to--boost - configs flaginbeta workstation configs iscreate create andbeta workstation configs isupdate update.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forversion=24.04 andshort - name=ubuntu in--o - type forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • promoteTls Early Data inTargetHttpsProxy compute API tov1 .
  • addgce_vm_ip_portmap Network Endpoint Group forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group beta support.
  • add--access-mode flagtogcloud compute disk iscreate create andgcloud compute disk isupdate update.
  • add--tls-early-data flagtogcloud compute v1 target - https - proxies iscreate create / update toTls Early Data field inTarget Https Proxy.

secret Manager

  • add--version - destroy - ttl flagtogcloud secret iscreate create tolet users enable secret version delayed destruction on a secret.
  • add--version - destroy - ttl flagtogcloud secret isupdate update tolet users enable/update secret version delayed destruction on a secret.
  • add--remove - version - destroy - ttl flagtogcloud secret isupdate update tolet users disable secret version delayed destruction on a secret.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

479.0.0 (2024-06-04)

break change

  • (Cloud Dataflow) gcloud dataflow flex - template build forDataflow Flex Templates inPython
    with --env FLEX_TEMPLATE_PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS_FILE=/path / to/ requirements.txt
    defined will run pip check afterpip install while building the container
    image.This will break the build process if newly installed packages override
    pre-installed packages witha version that isknown tobe incompatible with
    other pre-installed packages.See
    for alternative methods tobuild a container image without pip check.

Artifact Registry

  • updategcloud artifacts docker images command toinclude tags aslist
    instead ofstring toenable use of--filter=tags=<SearchTerm>.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud composer environments check-upgrade command .It checks that an environment upgrade does not fail because ofPyPI module conflicts.
  • addgcloud composer environments list-upgrades command .It lists all possible target versions that an existing environment can be upgraded to.

Cloud Dataproc

  • updategcloud dataproc session - template export tofilter out additional
    output only fields.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--administrator flagtogcloud netapp active-directories create andgcloud netapp active-directories update.

Cloud SQL

  • add--preferred-secondary-zone flagtogcloud sql instance clone command .

compute Engine

  • updateimport andexport schemas forgcloud compute forwarding - rule.
  • promote--ip-collection flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--ip-collection-region flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.

compute os config

  • add--allow - miss flag to
    gcloud compute os - config os - policy - assignment update toallow forcreation
    of a new OS policy assignment resource if it does not exist.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql tosupport POSTGRES_16 version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • addadd/remove exclusion window flags forgcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update toallow users toadd/remove exclusion windows where automatic upgrades will be blocked within.

Service Extensions

  • addthe metadata field tothe DEP extensions.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

478.0.0 (2024-05-29)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Improved error message forauthentication errors.
  • Improved error message forservice account impersonation refresh errors.
  • fixissue where some commandwith a --uri flagwould produce no output .

App Engine

  • Enable fetch_instance_after_connect_error forcompute start-iap-tunnel inGA.
  • Allow IAP tunneling forinstances withexternal IP whenexplicitly enabled via flag.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Enable fetch_instance_after_connect_error forcompute start-iap-tunnel inGA.
  • Allow IAP tunneling forinstances withexternal IP whenexplicitly enabled via flag.

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud artifact files isdescribe describe command .

Backup ForGKE

  • add--volume-data-restore-policy-bindings flag to
    gcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create and
    gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update toenhance
    volume restore flexibility.
  • add--volume-data-restore-policy-overrides-file flag to
    gcloud container backup-restore restores create toenhance
    volume restore flexibility.
  • add--permissive-mode flag to
    gcloud container backup-restore backup-plans create and
    gcloud container backup-restore backup-plans update toenable bypassing
    the new backup-time restorability enforcement.
  • add--filter - file flagtogcloud container backup-restore restores create
    tosupport Backup forGKE fine-grained restore.
  • add--restore-order-file flagtogcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans create
    andgcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans update to
    support custom ordering while performing restore aspart ofBackup forGKE.
  • addthe following enum values forthe flag--namepaced-resource-restore-mode
    togcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans create and
    gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans update toexpand
    namepaced resource restore mode options:

    • merge-skip-on-conflict
    • merge-replace-volume-on-conflict
    • merge - replace - on - conflict
  • deprecated--substitution-rules-file flag.
    use--transformation - rule - file instead .


  • addsupport formap_target_type withexternal parquet tables.
  • addsupport forcolumn_name_character_map tomap special characters in
    column name during load jobs.
  • adda printout ofunreachable locations whendatasets andjobs are listed
    anda region isdown.

Cloud Dataplex

  • promotegcloud dataplex aspect-types command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud dataplex entry - group command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud dataplex entry-types command group toGA.

Cloud Deploy

  • fixissue where skaffold files generated fromdeploy releases create flags did not include all profiles inthe release’s Delivery Pipeline.

Cloud Firestore

  • promoteCloud Firestore Backups andrestoregcloud CLI changes tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backup list command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups describe command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups isdelete delete command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backup schedules iscreate create command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules update command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules describe command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules delete command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules list command tobeta.
    • promotegcloud firestore databases isrestore restore command tobeta.
  • promoteCloud Firestore Backups andrestoregcloud CLI changes toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backup list command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups describe command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups isdelete delete command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backup schedules iscreate create command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules update command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules describe command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules delete command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore backups schedules list command toGA.
    • promotegcloud firestore databases isrestore restore command toGA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.7
    • Fixes unexpected responses fromnested queries inDatastore Mode.
    • addAuth Context support forFirestore triggers (2nd gen) inFirestore Emulator

Cloud Functions

  • addvalidation to--runtime - update - policy argument .

Cloud SQL

  • addPostgreSQL 16 todatabase versions.
  • fixissue where gcloud sql instance export andgcloud sql instance
    would display only the operation selfLink field instead ofthe whole
    operation whenrun asynchronously with--async,regardless ofthe --format
    flag isspecified specify .

    • This behavior isnow consistent withother gcloud sql instance command .
    • To display only the selfLink field,use --format="value(selfLink)".

Cloud Workstations

  • add--env flagtogcloud workstations iscreate create.

compute Engine

  • addIPV6_ONLY option to--stack - type flagofgcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create command tocreate an IPv6-only VPN gateway.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migrate connection - profile update toupdate Database Migration Service connection profile forSQL Server toCloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.
  • updategcloud database - migrate migration - job update toupdate Database Migration Service migration job forSQL Server toCloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.
  • add--deletion - protection flags togcloud metastore service iscreate create GA
    release track toallow creating a Dataproc Metastore instance
    with delete protection.
  • add--deletion - protection and--no - deletion - protection flags to
    gcloud metastore service isupdate update GA release track toallow updating
    a Dataproc Metastore instance withdelete protection.

Security Command Center

  • add--filter-modules flagingcloud scc manage isdescribe service describe ... api tofilter response by modules.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

477.0.0 (2024-05-21)


  • To support second device login ingcloud anthos auth command .

Cloud Functions

  • fixissue where gcloud function isdeploy deploy would crash on disconnecting vpc connector when--clear-vpc-connector flagwas specified.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--[no-]deletion-protection flagtogcloud redis cluster iscreate create andgcloud redis cluster isupdate updateto allow enabling/disabling deletion protection forRedis cluster.

Cloud SQL

  • Whencreate a replica instance withgcloud sql instance iscreate create --edition=enterprise-plus,
    infer --tier fromthe primary instance if --tier isnot provided fornew
    database types.

compute Engine

  • addsupport foradding labels tothe disk inthe following command :
    • gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
    • gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
    • gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create-with-container.
  • addsupport for--resource - policy inthe following command :
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container.
  • changeall gcloud compute list command tolog a warning instead ofraising an exception whenreceiving an empty response fromAggregatedList requests,even if there are partial errors.

Declarative Workflows

  • fixissue where using gcloud beta resource - config bulk - export withcertain
    --resource - types value( e.g.computeVPNTunnel,computeURLMap) would
    fail withINVALID_ARGUMENT whenlooking up the resources inCloud Asset


  • support--security - posture=enterprise flagingcloud container fleet iscreate create,gcloud container fleet update inbeta andGA track .
  • support--security - posture=enterprise flagingcloud container hub iscreate create,gcloud container hub update inbeta andGA track .

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflags --[no]-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port and–[no]-autoprovisioning-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port`
    toenable/disable the insecure Kubelet readonly port on cluster
  • Increased maximum argument to--num - node flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create from1000 to2000.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.13 to1.27.14.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.14)
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.10 )
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.29.5)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.1)

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity policy-based-routes tobeta.
  • addIPV6 option to--protocol-version flagofgcloud network - connectivity
    policy - base - route

Network Security

  • renameFIREWALL_POLICY column toSOURCE_RESOURCE column ingcloud beta
    networksecurity address - group list - reference
    command .
  • addsecurity policies inthe output ofgcloud beta networksecurity
    address-groups list-references
    command .

Vmware Engine

  • addgoogle_cloud_netapp_volumes option to--peer-network-type flag of
    gcloud vmware network - peering create toallow peering withGoogle Cloud
    NetApp Volumes projects.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

476.0.0 (2024-05-14)

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatepyopenssl package toversion 24.0.0 toenable cryptography
    version 42.0.5.


  • addflag --assign - inbound - public - ip toenable ordisable public IP foran
    instance togcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary.
  • addflag --ssl - mode toconfigure an instance’s SSL mode to
    gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary.
  • addflag --require-connectors toenforce whether ornot all connections
    need tocome fromconnectors (e.g.alloydb Auth Proxy) to
    gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary.

App Engine

  • usejava21 asthe default runtime forapp.yaml generated configuration.
    This change iscompatible withgcloud app isdeploy deploy command,when there is
    no app.yaml configuration forJava projects (Maven,or Gradle,or simple jar) .
    Instead ofusing a java17 runtime target,App Engine deploys the application
    using the java21 runtime withan F2 instance class.To continue using the java17
    runtime,create an app.yaml file,andspecify runtime :java17.
  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 2.0.27 build fromthe open source project

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilding cbt cli 0.24.0 which fixed CVE-2023-45288.
  • addAuthorized Views feature.

Cloud Dataplex

  • addgcloud dataplex entry commandwhich allow manipulating Dataplex
    Catalog Entries.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • add--annotation flagfor gcloud infra-manager previews create and
    gcloud infra - manager deployments isapply apply command .

Cloud Key Management Service

  • adda new valueec-sign-ed25519 tothe flagdefault-algorithm tosupport the asymmetric signing algorithm ed25529 through gcloud kms keys iscreate|update create|update andgcloud kms key versions isimport import.

Cloud Logging

  • promotegcloud log views get - iam - policy command toGA.
  • promotegcloud log views set - iam - policy command toGA.
  • promotegcloud log views add-iam - policy-binding command toGA.
  • promotegcloud log views remove-iam - policy-binding command toGA.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--allow-auto-tiering togcloud beta netapp storagepools toallow storage pool enable auto tiering.
  • add--tiering - policy togcloud beta netapp volume toallow volume enable auto tiering.

Cloud Run

  • gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy --source has been fixed.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.29.

compute Engine

  • deprecatedgcloud compute instance move.See foran alternative method.
  • fixinconsistency inIPv6 flagsupport forgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container command .Changes include added support for--internal - ipv6-address and--internal - ipv6-prefix-length flags,as well asstack - type,andipv6 - network - tier argument for--network - interface flag.
  • fixinconsistency inreservation flagsupport forgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container command .Changes include added support for--reservation and--reservation - affinity flag.
  • addspecific - then - any - reservation andspecific-then-no-reservation tothe flag--reservation - affinity foralpha andbeta ingcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container command .
  • promote--mode flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefixes iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--allocatable-prefix-length flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefixes iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--mode flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix delegated-sub-prefixes create toGA.
  • promote--allocatable-prefix-length flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix delegated-sub-prefixes create toGA.
  • addgcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy which creates an empty Route Policy inCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute routers get-route-policy which describe Route Policy fromCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute routers get-route-policy tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute routers download-route-policy which downloads Cloud Router’s Route Policy into a file .
  • promotegcloud compute routers download-route-policy tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute router list - bgp - route which lists the routes advertised andlearned on individual BGP sessions,both pre- andpost-policy evaluation.
  • promotegcloud compute router list - bgp - route tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute router list - route - policy which lists all Route Policy withinCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute router list - route - policy tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute router remove - route - policy which removes Cloud Router’s Route Policy.
  • promotegcloud compute router remove - route - policy tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute routers upload-route-policy which uploads Route Policy froma file andadds it toCloud Router.
  • promotegcloud compute routers upload-route-policy tobeta.
  • add--import-policies and--export-policies flags togcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer toapply Cloud Router’s Route Policies toCloud Router Bgp Peer.
  • promote--import-policies and--export-policies flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer tobeta.
  • add--bgp-identifier-range flagtogcloud compute routers iscreate create andgcloud compute routers update.
  • add--enable-ipv4,--ipv4 - nexthop - address,and--peer-ipv4-nexthop-address flags togcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer.
  • add--ip-version flagtogcloud compute routers isinterface add - interface andgcloud compute routers update-interface.Additionally,--ip-address flagofthese commandwill now accept IPv6 addresses.
  • promote--maintenance-interval flagfor gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups isperform perform - maintenance toGA.
  • add--terraform - script - output - file,--exclusion - pattern - file and--export - exclusion - pattern flags togcloud (alpha|beta) compute firewall-rules migrate command .

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql tosupport MySQL_8_0_36 minor version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.


  • removegcloud beta eventarc,including warnings anderrors.User are expected touse gcloud eventarc instead .


Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.26.15 to1.27.13.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.13)
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.9 )
    • kubectl.1.29 ( 1.29.4 )
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.0)

Network Connectivity

  • add--policy-mode and--preset-topology flags togcloud network-connectivity hubs create.
  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs groups update.

Security Command Center

  • deprecatedread-time andcompare-duration flags fromthe findings list andfindings group command .
  • promotemanagement api gcloud scc manage services ... command toGA .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

475.0.0 ( 2024 – 05 – 07 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • enablefaster component update mode by default on macOS.This avoids
    making a backup copy ofthe installation directory whenrunning certain
    gcloud component commands,which should significantly improve the time
    taken by these operations (including installation andupdates) .

    • If forsome reason this change causes problems,please file a bug report.
      One can temporarily revert tothe legacy update mode via gcloud config isset set
      experimental / fast_component_update false
      orby set the environment
      necessary tofirst reinstall the gcloud CLI either fromscratch orby
      running gcloud component isreinstall reinstall) .note thatthe faster update mode
      will eventually become the default on all platforms at which point the
      fast_component_update mode property will be remove .
    • Since the gcloud CLI no longer makes a full copy ofthe installation
      directory toallow forthis performance improvement,gcloud component
      has been deprecate .However,equivalent functionality can be
      achieved via gcloud component isupdate update --version=<previous version> or
      gcloud component isreinstall reinstall,depending on whether one needs torestore an
      earlier version orreinstall the current version,respectively.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • updategcloud container attach cluster isregister register tofail whenusing
    --has-private-issuer with--distribution = eks.

Artifact Registry

  • fixbug where gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate sometimes excluded bucket auth fromgenerated IAM policies.

Cloud Build

  • modifygcloud isbuilds build submit tosupport submitting a build witha Developer Connect GitRepositoryLink resource.

Cloud Dataflow

  • promotegcloud dataflow yaml isrun run toGA.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fix bug where append only flagnot recognized inBiQueryDestinationConfig.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.6
    • add--import - data and--export-on-exit flag.
    • fixfew bugs regarding transactions,including:read only commits,retriable transactions andcontention errors on commits.

Cloud NetApp

  • addflex asa --service-level option during gcloud netapp storage - pools iscreate create.

compute Engine

  • promotedual stack IPv6 support forgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container toGA.

Network Connectivity

  • promoteRegional API Endpoints toGA.
  • add--export-psc and--no - export - psc flags togcloud network-connectivity hubs create andgcloud network - connectivity hubs isupdate update.

Network Security

  • fixgcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies import not recognizing mintlsversion andtlsfeatureprofile.
  • fixgcloud network - security tls - inspection - policy export not recognizing mintlsversion andtlsfeatureprofile.

Security Command Center

  • removemisleading documentation ingcloud scc findings create command that imply
    findings can be created at folder andproject level.This command only allows findings
    tobe created under an organization.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

474.0.0 (2024-04-30)

break change

  • (Cloud Run) gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy isnot working withsource builds inthis release.
    rungcloud isbuilds build submit andthen gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy withthe generated image,or use Google Cloud CLI version 472 orearlier.


  • addmore choice options to--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job andgcloud isai ai hp - tunine - job,including:africa-south1,europe-west12,me-central1,me-central2 andus-east5.


  • updategcloud beta alloydb cluster create-secondary tosupport automated
    backup policy.
  • addflags --maintenance - window - day and--maintenance-window-hour toconfigure
    preferred maintenance window fora cluster tocommands gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create andgcloud alloydb cluster isupdate update.
  • addflag --maintenance - window - any toremove preferred maintenance window
    for a cluster togcloud alloydb cluster isupdate update.

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud artifact generic upload tosupport uploading toa Generic Repository.
  • addgcloud artifact generic download tosupport downloading toa Generic Repository.

Cloud DNS

  • modify--description flagofgcloud dns manage - zones iscreate create tobe optional instead ofrequire.If not set,the manage zone’s description will be empty.

Cloud Monitoring

  • add--service-agent-auth flagtogcloud monitoring uptime command .

compute Engine

  • add--tls-early-data flagtogcloud compute alpha / beta target - https - proxies iscreate create / update toTls Early Data field inTarget Https Proxy.
  • addgcloud compute project-zonal-metadata formanaging project zonal
    metadata.Documentation ofthis feature isavailable at
  • promote--stack - type flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachment partner iscreate create toGA.Flag defines the stack type ofpartner interconnect attachment.
  • promote--stack - type flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachment partner update toGA.Flag defines the stack type ofinterconnect attachment.
  • addproducer-port argument whencreating PSC NEGs.This isan optional field,andused tospecify the port the PSC NEG will consume traffic fromthe PSC Producer.
  • promotethe flagof--partner-metadata and--partner - metadata - from- file tobeta in:
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create.
    • gcloud compute instance isupdate update.
  • promotegcloud compute instance isadd add - partner - metadata command tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance patch-partner-metadata command tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance isremove remove - partner - metadata command tobeta.
  • promotethe flagof--view tobeta in:
    • gcloud compute instance - template list
    • gcloud compute instance - templates isdescribe describe.
    • gcloud compute instance list
    • gcloud compute instance describe.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--resign flagofgcloud firebase test android run toGA.This
    flag allows clients tospecify if Robo should re-sign the app-under-test APK.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatekubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.26 ( 1.26.15 )
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.13)
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.9 )
    • kubectl.1.29 ( 1.29.4 )
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.0)
  • updatehelp text for--cluster - ipv4 - cidr toclarify that this flagis not
    applicable ina Shared VPC setup.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network - service service - lb - policy toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

473.0.0 (2024-04-23)

break change

  • (Cloud Domains) changethe default setting ofDNSSEC todisabled whenusing the Cloud DNS Zone ingcloud domain registration configure dns command .It’s unsafe toenable it by default.

Google Cloud CLI

  • enablefaster component update mode by default on Windows.This avoids
    making a backup copy ofthe installation directory whenrunning certain
    gcloud component commands,which should significantly improve the time
    taken by these operations (including installation andupdates) .

    • If forsome reason this change causes problems,please file a bug report.
      One can temporarily revert tothe legacy update mode via gcloud config isset set
      experimental / fast_component_update false
      orby set the environment
      necessary tofirst reinstall the gcloud CLI either fromscratch orby
      running gcloud component isreinstall reinstall) .note thatthe faster update mode
      will eventually become the default on all platforms at which point the
      fast_component_update mode property will be remove .
    • Since the gcloud CLI no longer makes a full copy ofthe installation
      directory toallow forthis performance improvement,gcloud component
      has been deprecate .However,equivalent functionality can be
      achieved via gcloud component isupdate update --version=<previous version> or
      gcloud component isreinstall reinstall,depending on whether one needs torestore an
      earlier version orreinstall the current version,respectively.
  • updateWindows PuTTY executables toversion 0.81.

Artifact Registry

  • addfile name togcloud artifacts files download progress message.

Backup ForGKE

  • adda new command
    gcloud container backup-restore backups get-backup-index-download-url.

Cloud Composer

  • add --image - version togcloud composer environments isupdate update toupgrade composer environment toa newer composer version.

Cloud Domains

  • deprecated--unsafe-dns-update flagfromgcloud domain registration configure dns command .

Cloud IAM

  • add--extra-attributes-client-id flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    client id forextra attributes oauth2 flow .
  • add--extra - attribute - client - secret - value flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    client secret forextra attributes oauth2 flow .
  • add--extra-attributes-issuer-uri flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    issuer uri forextra attributes oauth2 flow .
  • add--extra-attributes-type flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    attributes type forextra attributes oauth2 flow .
  • add--extra-attributes-filter flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    filter forextra attributes oauth2 flow .
  • add--clear-extra-attributes-config flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user toclear
    extra attributes oauth2 config.

Cloud NetApp

Cloud Run

  • promote--network,--subnet,--network - tag,--clear - network and
    --clear - network - tag flags inall command toGA .

compute Engine

  • fixa bug where an incorrect error message shown whenattempting tospecify multiple storage locations on gcloud compute snapshot-settings update command .
  • addcommands <get|set>-iam - policy and<add|remove>-iam - policy-bindings togcloud compute backend - bucket forGA .

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--containerd-config-from-file flags toGA incontainer cluster andnode-pools creation.

Privileged Access Manager

  • addgcloud beta pam command group which helps manage Privileged Access
    Manager (PAM) entitlements andgrants.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

472.0.0 ( 2024 – 04 – 16 )


  • promotegcloud isai ai persistent-resources toGA.
  • addgcloud isai ai persistent-resources reboot which allows a user toreboot
    a Persistent Resource.
  • promote--persistent-resource-id flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create


  • addflag --enable - private - service - connect toenable Private Service Connect fora cluster tothe following command inthe GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb cluster restore
  • addflag --allowe - psc - project toset a list ofallowed consumer projects on an instance ina cluster withPrivate Service Connect enabled tothe following command inthe GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update

App Engine

  • updatedependencies tolatest versions.
  • removeobsolete python2 support code fragments.
  • fixan issue withlocal images API emulator indevappserver.

Artifact Registry

  • addsupport fordomain-scoped projects togcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.


  • fixincorrect help text ofmk andupdate.
  • add--null_marker flagfor creating external tables.
  • fixa bug whenusing --use_google_auth on Windows.
  • Switched tousing Google Auth by default forusers authenticating withP12 service account keys.To revert tothe old behavior,run the command with--nouse_google_auth.note thatthe P12 key format has been deprecated andthe new JSON key format isrecommended.Formore information,see

Certificate Manager

  • add--allowlisted-certificates flagtogcloud certificate - manager trust - configs iscreate create.
  • add--add-allowlisted-certificates,--remove-allowlisted-certificates and--clear-allowlisted-certificates flags togcloud certificate - manager trust - config update.

Cloud Build

  • add--polling - interval argument togcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fix list connection profiles toshow all connection profile types.
  • updateBigQueryDestinationConfig withnew fields (currently experimental) .
  • updateschemas.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.5
    • Import andexport entities now supported ingcloud CLI forDatastore Mode.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • add--file flagtogcloud infra-manager deployments import-statefile
    toupload statefile fora deployment.

Cloud NetApp

  • fixbug during gcloud netapp volume update --backup - config=enable - schedule - backups=false that isupdating was n’t correctly update update mask .

Cloud SQL

  • Published Cloud SQL Auth Proxy v2 binary asnewcloud - sql - proxy Cloud SDK
    component .cloud - sql - proxy contains utilities forconnecting securely to
    your Cloud SQL instances.It may be installed with
    gcloud component install cloud - sql - proxy andis recommended over
    cloud_sql_proxy (v1) which will be removed at a later date.See – sql – proxy/blob/main/
    for help migrating.

Cloud Spanner

  • addflag target-config tosupport moving instance toa different instance config ingcloud CLI andintroduced gcloud spanner instance move command .promotethe same toGA.

compute Engine

  • modifylocation flagfromgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port command touse region fromzone flagas location if location isunspecified .
  • addtarget-service argument whencreating PSC service attachments andtreated asa mutually exclusive group withthe existing argument producer-forwarding-rule.
  • promote--gateway-ip-version flagofgcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--interface touse IPv6 address flagofgcloud compute external - vpn - gateway create toGA.
  • Now all gcloud compute commandallow regions down andreturn the partial results by default whensending an AggregatedList requests.Users can turn off this feature by setting compute / allow_partial_error property tofalse.

Database Migration

  • add--skip-validation param togcloud database - migration migration - job resume
    toallow resume migration job without run validation .
  • addgcloud metastore service migration command group tomanage the migration toa Dataproc Metastore service.

    • gcloud metastore service migration start
    • gcloud metastore service migration complete
    • gcloud metastore service migration cancel
    • gcloud metastore service migration describe
    • gcloud metastore service migration list
    • gcloud metastore service migration delete
  • add--min - scale - factor,--max - scale - factor,and--autoscaling-enabled flags togcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update alpha andbeta release track toallow updating the autoscaling configuration ofa Dataproc Metastore instance.

  • update--scaling-factor help text .


  • removegcloud beta eventarc.User are expected touse gcloud eventarc instead .


  • addNVIDIA_L4 option to--accelerator - type flagofworkbench instances.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

471.0.0 (2024-04-02)


  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model toinclude new online
    prediction regions.


  • addflag --assign - inbound - public - ip toenable ordisable public IP foran
    instance tothe following command inthe GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
  • addflag --authorize - external - network toset a list ofauthorized
    external networks on an instance togcloud alloydb instances isupdate update inthe
    GA track .

App Engine


  • Downgraded urllib3 toversion 1.26.9 be compatible withthe request lib .

Certificate Authority Service

  • addSubject Key Id field toarguments gcloud privateca roots iscreate create to
    allow usage ofa custom subject key id forroot certificate authorities.
  • addSubject Key Id field toarguments gcloud privateca subordinates iscreate create to
    allow usage ofa custom subject key id forsubordinate certificate authorities.
  • addSubject Key Id field toarguments gcloud privateca certificates iscreate create to
    allow usage ofa custom subject key id forcertificates.
  • addmaximum lifetime argument togcloud privateca templates create to
    allow configure maximum lifetime restriction using certificate template .

Certificate Manager

  • addallowlistedcertificate property tocertificate-manager trust-configs import andcertificate-manager trust-configs export.

Cloud Bigtable

  • rebuild cbt cli version 1.33.0 which fix cve-2024 – 24786 .

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • rebuild cbt cli version 1.33.0 which fix cve-2024 – 24786 .

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud beta composer environment list-workloads todisplay Composer workloads list.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-config-maps create tocreate a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment isdelete user - workload - config - map delete todelete a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user - workload - config - maps isdescribe describe toget details about a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-config-maps list tolist user workloads ConfigMaps.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user - workload - config - map update toupdate a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets create tocreate a user workloads Secret.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets delete todelete a user workloads Secret.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets describe toget details about a user workloads Secret.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets list tolist user user workloads Secrets.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment user - workload - secret update toupdate a user workloads Secret.

Cloud Deploy

  • updategcloud deploy apply toaccept the Automation resource YAML configuration withthe field name inthe API proto.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • add--file flagtogcloud infra - manager deployment export - statefile
    todownload statefile witha custom file name/path orby default toa file
    named statefile if only file path isprovided.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--node - type flagtoredis cluster create toadd the ability to
    create cluster withdifferent node types.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--backup - config and--source - backup togcloud netapp volume toallow scheduled backups andcreate volume frombackup workflow.

Cloud Pub / Sub

Cloud Run

  • updateintegration name generation logic touse the integration type followed
    by 4 digit hash.

Cloud SQL

  • supportfor designating a disaster recovery replica ingcloud sql instance
    command using --failover - dr - replica - name flagis inbeta.

compute Engine

compute os config

  • addgcloud compute os - config project - feature - setting commandthat allow
    toview andchange the project feature settings.

Database Migration

  • addgcloud database-migrate connection-profiles create sqlserver which iscreates create a Database Migration Service connection profile forSQL Server .
  • updategcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create tocreate Database Migration Service migration job forSQL Server toCloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.
  • add--dump - type togcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create toallow creating a migration job withPHYSICAL orLOGICAL dump type.
  • add--dump - type togcloud database - migrate migration - job update toallow updating a migration job withPHYSICAL orLOGICAL dump type.


  • updategcloud container fleet scopes list toreturn Fleet Scopes permitted tobe viewed by the caller.
  • addgcloud container fleet scopes list-memberships SCOPE toreturn Fleet Memberships bound toSCOPE.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--additive-vpc-scope-dns-domain and--disable-additive-vpc-scope flag
    togcloud container cluster create,create-auto andupdate.
  • add--security - posture=enterprise flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto,andgcloud container cluster isupdate update toenable GKE Threat Detection.

Regional Endpoints

  • addoptional address input flagtogcloud beta networkconnectivity regional-endpoints create.


  • fixissue withgcloud workbench instance failing whenaccelerator-type flagis set toNVIDIA_A100_80GB.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

470.0.0 (2024-03-26)

break change

  • (App Hub) fixissue where gcloud apphub discovered-services lookup --location=location --uri=URI was formatting result aslist tostdout.
  • (App Hub) fixissue where gcloud apphub discover - workload lookup --location = location --uri = uri was formatting result aslist tostdout.


  • updategcloud beta alloydb cluster create-secondary tosupport continuous
    backup configuration.

App Engine

  • updatethe Python devappserver toversion 1.9.111.

Artifact Registry

  • fixissue where gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate returned wrong IAM policy bindings.


  • adduse_google_auth touse the Google Auth libraries forauthentication.

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views create toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorize - views isdescribe describe toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views list toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views update toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable isdelete authorize - view delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views get - iam - policy toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views set - iam - policy toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views add-iam - policy-binding toGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable authorized-views remove-iam - policy-binding toGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--service - account option togcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud Composer

  • add--network - attachment togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create tospecify network attachment.
  • add--support - web - server - plugin togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create toenable/disable the support forweb server plugins.
  • add--enable - private - build - only togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update toenable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages.
  • add--disable-private-builds-only togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update todisable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages.
  • add--disable - vpc - connectivity togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update todisable connectivity witha user’s VPC network.
  • add--enable - private - environment togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update todisable internet connection fromany Composer component .
  • add--disable - private - environment togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update toenable internet connection fromany Composer component .
  • add--composer-internal-ipv4-cidr-block togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update tospecify the IP range inCIDR notation touse internally by Cloud Composer.
  • add--clear - maintenance - window togcloud composer beta environments isupdate update toclear the maintenance window settings.
  • add--dag-processor-storage togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update tospecify the storage allocated toAirflow dag processor.
  • add--dag-processor-count togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update tospecify the number ofdag processors.
  • add--dag - processor - cpu togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update tospecify the CPU allocated toAirflow dag processor.
  • add--dag - processor - memory togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update tospecify the memory allocated toAirflow dag processor.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.4
    • Fixes minor reserve ids bug inDatastore Mode
    • addreset endpoint forDatastore Mode

Cloud Logging

  • addinclude-children flagtogcloud log sink isupdate update command toexport logs fromdescendant resources.
  • addintercept-children flagtogcloud log sink create command tointercept logs fromdescendant resources.
  • addintercept-children flagtogcloud log sink isupdate update command tointercept logs fromdescendant resources.
  • addsink - filter flagtogcloud log sink list command .

Cloud Memorystore

  • addredis_7_2 enum togcloud redis instance iscreate create and
    gcloud redis instance upgrade tosupport redis version 7.2 instance
  • add--redis - config flagtoredis cluster create toadd the ability tospecify Redis config whencreating a redis cluster.
  • add--update-redis-config flagtoredis cluster isupdate update toupdate Redis config forexisting cluster.
  • add--remove-redis-config flagtoredis cluster isupdate update toremove Redis config forexisting cluster.

Cloud Run

  • addvertex - genai integration type togcloud beta run integration
    command group .
  • addcloudsql integration type togcloud beta run integration
    command group .

Cloud SQL

  • add--[no-]enable-google-ml-integration flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
    andgcloud sql instance patch tosupport Vertex AI Integration
    for Cloud SQL.This iscurrently only supported inPostgres instances.

Cloud Storage

  • promotemanage - folder command group toGA.
  • promote--include-manage - folder flagfor cp,mv,andrsync toGA.
  • promote--exclude-manage - folder flagfor rm toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--boost - configs flagtobeta workstation configs iscreate create andbeta workstation configs isupdate update and--boost flagtobeta workstations start.
  • promote--accelerator - count and--accelerator - type flag of
    gcloud workstation configs iscreate create andgcloud workstation config update to
    GA .

compute Engine

  • promote--resource - manager - tag flagofcompute instance-groups manage create
    tobeta.Flag allows creating Managed Instance Group withResource Manager Tags.
  • promote--image-zone flagofgcloud compute image list tobeta.
  • changeOS Login metadata forcertificates toenable - oslogin-certificates instead ofrequire - oslogin - certificate.
  • promote--no - address flagin--network - interface ofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.
  • fixa bug whenparsing the scope ofthe disk type if replica - zone
    contains two values in--create - disk flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.26.14 to1.26.15.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.26 ( 1.26.15 )
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.12)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.8)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.3)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

469.0.0 (2024-03-19)

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatebundled-python forwindows toversion 3.11.8.
  • updateopenssl package toversion 3.0.13.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--ignore - error flagtothe following command groups:
    gcloud container aws cluster delete,
    gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete,
    toallow the delete request tosucceed,even if errors occur while deleting
    in-cluster resources.

Artifact Registry

  • modifygcloud docker images list and
    gcloud artifact versions isdescribe describe todisplay image size.
  • fixissue where gcloud artifact versions isdescribe describe formatted extra
    metadata incorrectly.


  • Began internal refactoring that will continue forthis minor version number.
  • addcopy_files_only toload commandtargeting BigLake tables.
  • adduniverse_domain,use_lep anduse_rep asalternatives tousing
    api anduse_regional_endpoints.
  • addsupport forDELTA_LAKE external table type .
  • addsupport toload some configuration that has been set ingcloud config.
  • exposemore information tothe bq info command .
  • Exposes connector_configuration options whencreating a connection.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport fortypes andaggregates tothe cbt CLI .
  • addsupport forStandard Isolation andData Boost ingcloud beta bigtable app-profiles {create,update,list}.

Cloud Dataproc

  • updategcloud dataproc session - template export tofilter out additional
    output only fields.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addflags togcloud pubsub topics iscreate create tosupport creating Cloud Pub / Sub Import Topics.
    • add--kinesis - ingestion - consumer - arn
    • add--kinesis-ingestion-role-arn
    • add--kinesis-ingestion-service-account
    • add--kinesis-ingestion-stream-arn
  • addflags togcloud pubsub topics isupdate update tosupport updating Cloud Pub / Sub Import Topics.
    • add--clear-ingestion-data-source-settings
    • add--kinesis - ingestion - consumer - arn
    • add--kinesis-ingestion-role-arn
    • add--kinesis-ingestion-service-account
    • add--kinesis-ingestion-stream-arn

Cloud Run

  • supportvolumes withtype=nfs ingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy,
    gcloud beta run service update,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update.

Cloud Workstations

  • adddisable - ssh - to- vm flagsupport forgcloud CLI workstation GA .

compute Engine

  • modifylocation flagfromgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port beta command touse region fromzone flagas location if location isunspecified .

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create tosupport the type ofdata dump forMySQL toCloud SQL-MySQL migrations.
  • updategcloud database - migrate migration - job update tosupport the type ofdata dump forMySQL toCloud SQL-MySQL migrations.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.26.13 to1.26.14.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.14)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.11)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.7)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.29.2)

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network-security firewall-endpoints toGA track .
  • promotegcloud network - security firewall - endpoint - association toGA track .
  • promotegcloud network - security security - profile toGA track .
  • promotegcloud network - security security - profile - group toGA track .


  • addakamai option to--waf-service flagfromgcloud recaptcha keys iscreate create command tosupport creating Akamai enabled site keys.


  • addworkbench instances get-config todescribe the valid configuration forworkbench instances.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

468.0.0 ( 2024 – 03 – 12 )

App Engine

App Hub

  • promotegcloud apphub toGA.

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud artifacts files download which downloads a file tothe local environment.
  • allow--remote-mvn-repo,--remote-docker-repo,--remote-npm-repo,and--remote-python-repo flags tobe a custom registry uri (ex: aswell asthe already-supported registry enum (ex:docker-hub) forartifact repositories iscreate create.
  • add--disable-remote-validation flagfor artifact repositories iscreate create andartifacts repositories update.
  • addgcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--enable - automate - backup flagtogcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update.
  • add--disable-automated-backup flagtogcloud bigtable instances istables table update.

Cloud Build

  • Unhidedgcloud is builds build connections create bitbucket-cloud,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center,gcloud isbuilds build connection update bitbucket - cloud,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create bitbucket - cloud,gcloud is builds build triggers update bitbucket-cloud,gcloud build trigger create bitbucket-data-center,gcloud isbuilds build trigger update bitbucket - data - center.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.3
    • Includes fix forancestor queries andnamepace scoped queries inDatastore Mode.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • addsupport for--tag flagingcloud projects is create create command .
  • addsupport for--tag flagingcloud resource - manager folders iscreate create command .

Cloud Run

  • add--no - deploy - health - check togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service update which allows disabling the deployment health check behavior.

Cloud SQL

  • addgcloud sql instance acquire-ssrs-lease toacquire a lease forSQL Server Reporting Services setup
    in Cloud SQL forSQL Server.
  • addgcloud sql instance release-ssrs-lease torelease a lease forSQL Server Reporting Services setup
    in Cloud SQL forSQL Server.

Cloud TPU

  • add--reserved flagtogcloud compute iscreate tpus queue - resources iscreate create.

Cloud Tasks

  • promotegcloud task buffer toGA which enables creation ofan HTTP task
    without specifying the task body.It requires the parent queue tohave
    an HTTP target override.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forOS Login SSH certificates forfirst-party users inalpha
    andbeta tracks ofgcloud compute ssh.
  • promote--source-regions flagofgcloud compute health - check tobeta.
  • add--cloud-armor-tier flagtogcloud compute project - info update command .
  • promote--scheduled-backup-configs-from-file,enable - schedule - backup,schedule - backup - cron andscheduled-backup-location flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--node - label flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools create andgcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools update command toallow assigning labels toindividual nodes ina node pool.

Kubernetes Engine


  • addNVIDIA_L4 option to--accelerator - type flagofgcloud notebook instances iscreate create andgcloud notebook instances isupdate update.

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport fortopic ingestion settings.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

467.0.0 (2024-03-05)

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatelinux bundled python forthe gcloud CLI to3.11.8.
  • updatecryptography package toversion 42.0.5.
  • updateopenssl package toversion 3.0.13.

Backup ForGKE

  • remove--cluster - resource - restore - scope flagfrom
    gcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create and
    gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update.
    use--cluster-resource-selected-group-kinds instead .

Cloud Bigtable

  • addgcloud bigtable tables command group identical toexisting gcloud
    bigtable instances tables

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.2
    • Fix few bugs affecting client SDKs forDS Mode.

Cloud Functions

  • add--build - service - account flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy for
    1st Gen functions toalpha andbeta.

Cloud Run

  • add--service - min - instance flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud beta run service update toupdate min instances on a service without
  • promote--dry - run flagofgcloud run services isreplace replace toGA.

Cloud TPU

  • promotegcloud compute iscreate tpus queue - resources iscreate create,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources delete,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources describe,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources list,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources reset toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • fix flagdescriptions forgrouped enabled/disabled flag.
  • removedefault values forgrouped enabled/disabled flag.

compute Engine

  • promote--announce - prefix flagofgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix update toGA.
  • promote--withdraw - prefix flagofgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix update toGA.
  • promote--pdp - scope flagofgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix create toGA.
  • promote--announce - prefix flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix update toGA.
  • promote--withdraw - prefix flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix update toGA.

Container Registry

  • addgcloud container image list-gcr-usage which lists Container Registry usage withinyour Google Cloud project,folder,or organization.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - multi - networking flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • fixissue where --respect-pdb flagwas not working withgcloud container node-pools rollback.

Network Security

  • promote--[no-]disable flagtogcloud <beta> network - security firewall - endpoint - association update command toenable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Fixes exactly once delivery andmessage ordering compatibility withthe Java client library.

Service Extensions

  • addadditional values tothe supported events.updatecomments.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

466.0.0 (2024-02-27)

Google Cloud CLI

  • updategcloud auth application - default login --no - launch - browser towork withContext Aware Access.

Cloud Build

  • hidegcloud is builds build connections create bitbucket-cloud,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center,gcloud isbuilds build connection update bitbucket - cloud,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create bitbucket - cloud,gcloud is builds build triggers update bitbucket-cloud,gcloud build trigger create bitbucket-data-center,gcloud isbuilds build trigger update bitbucket - data - center.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • fixissue where gcloud infra - manager ispreviews preview export directly downloads
    files when--file flagis not provided.

compute Engine

  • promotedelete command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config toGA.
  • promoteupdate command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config toGA.
  • promote--default-action-on-vm-failure flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update> toGA.
  • promotegcloud iscreate compute iscreate instant - snapshots iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instant-snapshots delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instant - snapshots isdescribe describe toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instant-snapshots list toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels toGA.
  • promote--source-instant-snapshot flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--source-instant-snapshot,--source-instant-snapshot-zone,--source - instant - snapshot - region and--source-instant-snapshot-key-file flags ofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • remove--dataplane - v2 - observability - mode flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create|update|create-auto command .Users are expected touse --enable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability and--disable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability flags now.

Network Security

  • add--[no-]disable flagtogcloud <alpha> network - security firewall - endpoint - association update command toenable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.

Security Command Center

  • add--location flagtogcloud scc findings,gcloud scc muteconfigs,gcloud scc bqexports andgcloud scc notifications command toprovide data residency forscc resources.


  • fixgcloud workbench instance commandfailing whenall three --shielde - secure - boot,--shielde - integrity - monitoring,--shielde - vtpm flags are not passed.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

465.0.0 (2024-02-21)


  • addupdate-mask togcloud isai ai isindexes index upsert - datapoint command for
    dynamic metadata update.

App Engine

  • Enable devappserver support forGo 1.22 runtime.

Certificate Manager

  • add--type flagtogcloud certificate - manager dns iscreate - iscreate authorizations iscreate create.

Cloud Build

  • promotegcloud is builds build connections create bitbucket-cloud,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center,gcloud isbuilds build connection update bitbucket - cloud,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create bitbucket - cloud,gcloud is builds build triggers update bitbucket-cloud,gcloud build trigger create bitbucket-data-center,gcloud isbuilds build trigger update bitbucket - data - center command tobeta andGA.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration and--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration togcloud composer environments iscreate create toexplicitly enable ordisable the integration on creations.
  • add--enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration and--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration togcloud composer environments isupdate update toexplicitly enable ordisable the integration on updates.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.1
    • add support forDatastore Mode tothe Firstore Emulator.Adds
      --database - mode flagtogcloud emulator firestore start command .note
      thatthis isa preview feature andif you find any bugs,please file them

Cloud Functions

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • add--file flagtogcloud infra - manager ispreviews preview export todownload
    export artifacts toa custom file name orby default tofiles named
    preview if one isnot provided.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--large-capacity and--multiple-endpoints flagtogcloud beta netapp volume {create}.

Cloud Run

  • addfirestore integration type togcloud alpha / beta run integration
    command group .

Cloud TPU

  • fixrace condition bug inSSH andSCP commandthat may affect large TPUs.

compute Engine

  • promote--security - profile - group and--[no-]tls-inspect flags forgcloud compute [network-]firewall-policies rules [create|update] tov1 .

Database Migration

  • addheterogeneous migration job update filter andcommit id support via gcloud database - migration migration-jobs update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.9 to1.26.13.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.13)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.10)
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.6 )
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.29.1)
  • add--enable-queued-provisioning flagtogcloud container node - pools is update update
    for enabling queued provisioning on existing node pools.Formore information see
  • Made --enable-queued-provisioning GA ingcloud container node - pools iscreate create.
    Formore information see .
  • add--enable-cilium-clusterwide-network-policy flagtogcloud
    container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • promotegcloud container binauthz policy evaluate tobeta.
  • updatehelp text for--service - ipv4 - cidr,--create - subnetwork,
    --cluster - secondary - range - name,--services-secondary-range-name options to
    have consistent text noting the requirement of--enable - ip - alias option
    for gcloud container iscreate create.
  • updatehelp text for--service - ipv4 - cidr,--create - subnetwork,
    --cluster - secondary - range - name,--services-secondary-range-name options to
    remove the note requiring --enable - ip - alias option forgcloud container
    .Autopilot cluster always use alias IPs forpods,so
    --enable - ip - alias option isalways set forcreate-auto andcannot be specified
    by the user.

Security Command Center

  • fixissue that caused gcloud scc muteconfigs isupdate update tocrash whenan --update - mask isprovided.
  • promotemanagement api gcloud scc manage ... command toGA .

Service Extensions

  • promotegcloud service-extensions lb-route-extensions andgcloud
    service-extensions lb-traffic-extensions

Vmware Engine

  • add--vmware-engine-network-project flagtogcloud vmware network - peering create toallow peering withVMware Engine network ofdifferent project .
  • expand log servergcloud vmware private - cloud logging - server capabilities withTLS,RELP,andSSL protocol support.


  • addgcloud workbench instance resize-disk toupdate workbench instances disk size.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

464.0.0 ( 2024 – 02 – 13 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • Introduced ACCOUNT asa positional parameter togcloud auth application - default login.This parameter can be used tospecify the account that should be used forcreating application default credentials.
  • promotegcloud bms os - images isdescribe describe toGA.

Cloud Run

  • add--no-default-url togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service update which allows disabling the default service URL.This may be useful incombination withthe internal andinternal-and-cloud-load-balancing ingress setting where the default http ingress point isnot desire .

Cloud TPU

  • promote--spot flagofgcloud compute iscreate tpus tpu - vm iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • addglobal fallback togcloud workstations list,gcloud workstations list-usable,gcloud workstation config list,andgcloud workstations cluster list command .This allows the command tobe usedwithout any resource flags tolist all ofthe specified resources under a project .It can also be usedwith a subset ofthe previously require flags formore granular results e.g.gcloud workstations list --cluster=cluster-1 --region=us - central1 list all workstations in’us – central1′ that use a configuration created under the ‘cluster-1’ cluster.
  • add--disable - ssh - to- vm flagtogcloud workstation config todisallow SSH access tothe workstations root VM.

compute Engine

  • promote--stack - type flagofcompute interconnects attachments partner create tobeta.Flag defines the stack type ofpartner interconnect attachment.
  • promote--stack - type flagofcompute interconnects attachments partner update tobeta.Flag defines the stack type ofinterconnect attachment.


  • addtags flagtonotebook instances.
  • fixa bug where vm-image defaults are not populated whenno environment flags are specified.

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport forpush payload unwrapping (no_wrapper) .

Secure Source Manager

  • addgcloud source-manager command group which includegcloud source-manager instances,gcloud source-manager locations,gcloud source - manager operation tobeta.

Security Command Center

  • fixissue that caused gcloud scc muteconfigs isupdate update tocrash whenan --update - mask isprovided.


  • fixboolean flags --shielde - secure - boot,--shielde - vtpm,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring ingcloud workbench instance commandalways parsing astrue.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

463.0.0 (2024-02-06)


  • addoption for--cpu - count=128 ininstances iscreate create andinstances isupdate update command .

Cloud Deploy

  • addIAM policy command togcloud deploy custom-target-types.

Cloud Functions

  • changegcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta function isdeploy deploy to
    deploynew function via Cloud Functions ( 2nd gen ) by default .1st gen
    function can still be create by specify--no - gen2 orby setting the
    functions/gen2 property tooff.This change will be applied inthe GA
    release track ina future release.

Cloud Run

  • promote--container flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update toGA toallow deploying multi-container Services.

Cloud SQL

  • fix andadded back support forparallel import andexport.

Cloud Workflows

  • gcloud workflow run toavoid backlogging the execution whenthe

Cloud Workstations

  • adda region column tothe tables ingcloud workstations list,gcloud workstations list-usable,gcloud workstation config list,andgcloud workstation cluster islist list.

compute Engine

  • addsupport offlags to--detection - load - threshold,
    detection - absolute - qps,detection - relative - to- baseline - qps,and
    traffic-granularity-configs to
    gcloud compute security - policy add - layer7 - ddos - defense - threshold - config in
  • addgcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests which provides
    capability tocreate,describe,list,cancel,anddelete resize requests in
    a zonal MIG tobeta.
  • promote--existing-reservation flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create toGA.


  • promoteFleet operations command tobeta andGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet operations isdescribe describe tobeta andGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet operation list tobeta andGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet operations iswait wait tobeta andGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

462.0.1 (2024-01-31)

Cloud SQL

  • Rolled back gcloud support forparallel import andexport asit was breaking
    default behavior forthe customers.

Cloud Workflows

  • add--disable - concurrency - quota - overflow - buffering flag to
    concurrency quota isexhausted.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

462.0.0 (2024-01-30)

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatelinux bundled python forthe gcloud CLI to3.11.7.
  • updatepip package toversion 23.3.2.


  • updategcloud container binauthz attestations create andsign-and-create
    tomake --attestor optional,allowing creation ofattestations on a
    specified --note.note that--validate can only be usedwith--attestor.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promoteCloud assets analysis commandgcloud asset analyze-org-policies,gcloud asset analyze-org - policy-governed-containers andgcloud asset analyze - org - policy - govern - asset toGA.

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport toallow importing RecordSets withrouting policies fromYAML.

Cloud Dataflow

  • adddataflow yaml command gcloud beta dataflow yaml run.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--message-storage-policy-enforce-in-transit flag of
    gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create andgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update toGA.This
    allows users toenable enforcement forin-transit guarantees.

Cloud Run

  • Reverted regionalized builds forCloud runsource deploys.
  • add--service - account flagtospecify deployment service account forCloud runintegrations deployments.

Cloud SQL

  • addsupport forparallel import andexport.

Cloud Speech API

  • addtelephony andtelephony_short option for
    gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model flag.

Cloud TPU

  • promote--queue - count flagofgcloud compute iscreate tpus tpu - vm iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Workflows

  • add--disable - concurrency - quota - overflow - buffering flag to
    gcloud workflow execute toavoid backlogging the execution whenthe
    concurrency quota isexhausted.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute networks subnet --reserved-internal-ranges toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute network subnet --secondary - range_with - reserve - internal - range toGA.

Database Migration

  • addgcloud database - migration migration-job demote - destination which allows
    demoting the destination ofa migration job.
  • addalloydb-cluster flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles to
    allow creating connection profiles that link toexisting alloydb cluster.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--offline-credential flags togcloud edge - cloud container
    cluster get - credential
    command toretrieve the credential usedunder
    disconnectivity toGoogle.
  • add--release - channel argument togcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update toallow updating release channel forlocal control plane cluster.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - fqdn - network - policy flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.

Security Command Center

  • renamegcloud alpha scc securityposture-operations command group togcloud alpha scc posture - operation.
  • Also,promoted the above renamed command group gcloud alpha scc posture - operation toGA asgcloud scc posture-operations.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

461.0.0 ( 2024 – 01 – 23 )

break change


  • addflag --assign - inbound - public - ip toenable ordisable public IP foran
    instance tothe following command inthe alpha andbeta track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
  • addflag --authorize - external - network toset a list ofauthorized
    external networks on an instance togcloud alloydb instances isupdate update inthe
    alpha andbeta track .


  • promotebatch submit job config YAML support fromalpha tobeta andGA.


  • updategcloud container binauthz attestations islist list,create,and
    sign-and-create command tosupport image URLs withboth a tag anda
    digest.Attestations withthese URLs are supported only inContinuous
    Validation withcheck-based policies forGKE.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Storage

  • updategcloud storage sign - url toallow using impersonation specified
    through configuration.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--local-host-port flagtothe workstations ssh command .

compute Engine

  • promote--confidential - compute - type=TDX flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.
  • addIPV6_ONLY option to--stack - type flagofgcloud beta compute vpn-gateways create command tocreate an IPv6-only VPN gateway.
  • promote--location flagofgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port toGA.
  • updatebehaviour ofgcloud instances delete:it will throw error if
    instance.delete operation takes more than 70 minutes instead of30 minutes

distribute Cloud Edge

  • addIPv6 support for--ip-address flagofgcloud edge - cloud networking routers add-interface subcommand.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Restored original maximum argument to--max - node-per-pool flagofgcloud
    container cluster iscreate create
    from2000 to1000,as this unintentionally change
    the default value.


  • addgcloud recaptcha firewall - policy reorder command .

Security Command Center

  • promotegcloud scc postures command toGA .
  • promotegcloud scc posture - template command toGA .
  • promotegcloud scc posture - deployment command toGA .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

460.0.0 (2024-01-17)

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli version 0.17.0 which fixed CVE-2023-48795.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilt cbt cli version 0.17.0 which fixed CVE-2023-48795.

Cloud billing

  • addownership-scope flagtogcloud billing budget CLI toselect scope ofownership fora budget.

Cloud Domains

Cloud Functions

  • Hid --gen2 flagingcloud function add-iam - policy-binding,
    gcloud function isadd add - invoker - policy - bind,gcloud function call,
    gcloud function delete,gcloud function isdescribe describe,
    gcloud function isget get - iam - policy,
    gcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding,
    gcloud function remove-invoker-policy-binding,and
    gcloud function set - iam - policy - bind.
    The--gen2 flagis unnecessary forthese command andwill eventually be removed fromthem ina future release.

Cloud Healthcare

  • addgcloud healthcare dicom - store metric command which allows users toretrieve
    metrics associated witha DICOM store.

Cloud Monitoring

  • promotegcloud monitoring uptime command tobeta andGA.

Cloud Org policy

  • updatethe error message that mentions the ‘update-mask’ flagname incorrectly.

Cloud Run

  • Reverted regionalized builds forCloud runsource deploys.

Cloud SQL

  • add-i flagtoprovide the instance forgcloud sql generate-login-token command .

Cloud Workstations

  • add--disable - tcp - connection flag to
    gcloud workstation config` tosupport disabling plain
    TCP connections inworkstations.

Dataproc Diagnose

  • add--tarball-access flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose forenabling Google support toaccess the diagnostic tar file,which supports the following values:-
    1. GOOGLE_DATAPROC_DIAGNOSE :This valuetransfers the tar file automatically toGoogle support.
    2. GOOGLE_CLOUD_SUPPORT :This flagdoesn’t transfer the tar file automatically toGoogle support but provides the necessary read access forGoogle support toread ordownload the tar file .
  • add--start - time and--end-time flags togcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose tospecify a time range,in% y-%m-%dt%h:%m:%s.%fz format,for the collection ofdiagnostic data withinthis timeframe.
  • add--job - ids flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose tocollect job driver,Spark event,YARN application,andSparklens output logs,inaddition tothe default log files,for a specified comma-separated list ofdataproc job IDs.
  • add--yarn - application - id flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose tocollect job driver,Spark event,YARN application,andSparklens output logs inaddition tothe default log files,for a specified comma-separated list ofYARN application IDs.


  • deprecatedgcloud beta eventarc.Users are expected touse gcloud eventarc instead .

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--include-deny flagtogcloud projects get-ancestors-iam - policy
    andgcloud resource - manager folder get - ancestor - iam - policy tospecify
    if it should return deny policies on the hierarchy.

Immersive Stream

  • add--mode flagtogcloud immersive-stream xr instances iscreate create toallow specifying 3D/AR or3D-only experience modes.
  • add--gpu-class flagtogcloud immersive-stream xr instances iscreate create toallow specifying the type ofunderlying GPU usedby the stream instance.

Network Security

  • Ingcloud network - security firewall - endpoint - association create,the ASSOCIATION_ID argument isno longer mandatory,anda UUID will be auto-generated on the server if not specified.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

459.0.0 (2024-01-09)

Google Cloud CLI

  • removethe warning about --update-adc deprecation.


  • add--notification-channels flagtogcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update toallow sending alerts tonotification channels.

App Engine

assured workload

  • promoteassured workloads enable-resource-monitoring toGA.


  • updategcloud container binauthz attestations create tomake --attestor
    optional,allowing creation ofattestations on a specified --note.note
    that--validate can only be usedwith--attestor.

Cloud Composer

  • fixgcloud beta composer environment list - upgrade forComposer 2 environments.
  • add--enable - logs islogging - in- cloud - log - only flag to
    gcloud composer environments iscreate create toenable writing andreading task logs
    only fromcloud logging anddisable using gcs buckets forlogs.
  • add--disable - log - in- cloud - log - only flag to
    gcloud composer environments iscreate create todisable writing andreading task logs
    only fromcloud logging anddisable using gcs buckets forlogs.
  • add--enable - logs islogging - in- cloud - log - only flagtogcloud composer environments isupdate update toenable logs incloud logging only feature forenvironments.
  • add--disable - log - in- cloud - log - only flagtogcloud composer environments isupdate update todisable logs incloud
    logging only feature forenvironments.

Cloud Datastore

  • promote--database flagofgcloud datastore indexes iscreate create command tobeta.
  • promote--database flagofgcloud datastore indexes iscreate create command toGA.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotefirestore databases delete tobeta.
  • promotefirestore databases delete toGA.
  • promote--delete - protection and--no-delete-protection flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create andgcloud firestore databases isupdate update command tobeta.
  • promote--delete - protection and--no-delete-protection flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create andgcloud firestore databases isupdate update command toGA.

Cloud Functions

  • fixfile check issue withgcloud function isdeploy deploy forgradle – base Java deployment .
  • add--build - service - account flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy for
    2nd Gen functions toalpha andbeta.

Cloud Memorystore

  • allowusing project numbers incommand arguments.

Cloud Org policy

  • updateetag field inthe output ofgcloud org-policies list command toshow a top-level etag which better reflects the current state ofthe policy.
  • add--etag togcloud org-policies delete tosupport etag on policy deletion that will ensure the client has an up-to-date valuebefore proceeding.

Cloud Run

  • add --add - volume,--remove - volume and--clear - volume flags to
    gcloud beta run isdeploy deploy,gcloud beta run service update,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy,
    andgcloud beta run jobs isupdate update tosupport managing volumes inyour Cloud Run
    Services andJobs.
  • add -add-volume-mount,--remove - volume-mount,and--clear - volume - mount flag
    togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy,gcloud beta run service update,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy,
    andgcloud beta run jobs isupdate update tosupport mounting volumes withincontainers.

Cloud SQL

  • Rename the positional argument ofgcloud sql backups restore command fromBACKUP_ID toID.
  • allowusing project numbers incommand arguments.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering get-vpc-service-controls toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--domain flagtogcloud workstations cluster
    toenable using custom domain .

compute Engine

  • promote--server - tls - policy and--clear-server-tls-policy forgcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create andgcloud compute target - https - proxy update tobeta.

compute Firewall Policy Rules

  • fixissue where gcloud firewall - policy rules isupdate update
    didn’t allow clearing list fields.
  • fixissue where gcloud firewall - policy rules isupdate update
    set disabled andenabledLogging tofalse if it was not specified by the user.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update and
    gcloud beta network - firewall - policy rules isupdate update require provide
    --security - profile - group even if it was not change.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update and
    gcloud beta network - firewall - policy rules isupdate update didn’t allow
    clearing securityProfileGroup (--security - profile - group='') .

Database Migration

  • addMySQL_8_0_35 minor version option whencreating Cloud SQL connection profile using gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.8 to1.27.9.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 ( 1.25.16 )
    • kubectl.1.26 ( 1.26.12 )
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.9)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.5)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.29.0)
  • add--enable - secret - manager flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update inalpha andbeta.
  • deprecated--dataplane - v2 - observability - mode flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create|update|create-auto command .Users are expected touse --enable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability and--disable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability flags now.
  • Increased maximum argument to--num - node flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create from1000 to2000.

Network Services

  • updategcloud network - service gateway toshow a new ipversion field forv1 version.
  • addenvoyHeaders field togcloud network-services <meshes|gateways> <import|export|describe> command toinject envoy internal debug headers into upstream requests.
  • addidleTimeout field togcloud network-services <http-routes|grpc-routes|tcp-routes|tls-routes> <import|export|describe> toconfigure idle timeouts forthe upstream anddownstream connections.
  • addmirrorPercent togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> toconfigure fractional mirror percentage.
  • adddirectResponse togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> which isreturns return a static HTTP response forall request .
  • addrequestHeaderModifier togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> tomodify request headers toa particular destination.
  • addresponseHeaderModifier togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> tomodify response headers froma particular destination.

Service Directory

  • allowusing project numbers incommand arguments.


  • allowusing project numbers incommand arguments.

telco automation

  • promotegcloud telco-automation orchestration-cluster toGA.
  • promotegcloud telco-automation operations toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

458.0.1 ( 2023 – 12 – 20 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixerror 'ython'' isnot recognized asan internal orexternal command,
    operable program orbatch file .
    whenupdating gcloud on Windows.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

458.0.0 (2023-12-19)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )updatebehaviour ofgcloud instances stop:it will not throw error if
  • ( compute Engine ) instance gets delete during polling on the stop operation .
  • ( GKE Hub )changeoutput ofgcloud container fleet membership islist list todisplay the UUID ofthe
    memberships instead ofexternal_id.Theexternal_id isstill available inthe
    json-formatted output .

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatecryptography package toversion 41.0.7.

App Engine

  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.76.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • promotecommand gcloud app is run runtimes list --environment=standard toGA.Thecommand displays the runtimes forthe App Engine standard environment.


  • fixa bug in2.0.99 and2.0.100 that causes any command tofail if
    initialization isrequire.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addreversed flagtocbt read command toenable reverse scans.
  • rebuild withgolang 1.21.5 .

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • rebuild withgolang 1.21.5 .

Cloud Run

  • promote--condition flagfor gcloud run services {add,remove}-iam - policy-binding fromalpha tobeta.
  • enable--cpu - boost by default forrun deploy on new services if not otherwise specified.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering get-vpc-service-controls tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--with-extended-notifications flagofgcloud compute instance simulate-maintenance-event tobeta andGA.
  • promote--confidential - compute flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--create - disk = confidential - compute forgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promoteInstance API Perform Maintenance tobeta andGA.


  • updatekpt inGoogle Cloud CLI from1.0.0-beta.48 to1.0.0-beta.49.

Kubernetes Engine

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update now allow multiple binauthz policies tobe bound toa cluster using --binauthz - policy - binding.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.7 to1.27.8.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 ( 1.25.16 )
    • kubectl.1.26 ( 1.26.11 )
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.8 )
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.4)
  • addenterprise option to--workload - vulnerability - scan flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create|update|create-auto command toenable Advanced vulnerability insights mode inthe GA track .
  • promote--in-transit-encryption flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

457.0.0 ( 2023 – 12 – 12 )

break change

  • (Network Actions) removenetwork-actions surface .

Google Cloud CLI

  • adddeprecation warning togcloud component restore.To revert gcloud toa previous version,please run gcloud component isupdate update --version=<previous_version>.


  • add--container-deployment-timeout-seconds flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container-shared-memory-size-mb flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container - startup - probe - exec flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container - startup - probe - period - second flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container-startup-probe-timeout-seconds flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container - health - probe - exec flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container-health-probe-period-seconds flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container-health-probe-timeout-seconds flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.
  • add--container - grpc - port flagtogcloud isai ai model upload and
    gcloud beta ai models isupload upload.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • addgcloud container aws node-pools rollback torollback failed AWS node
    pool update operations.This allows customers torevert the node pool back
    toits original state.

App Engine


  • addthe ability toupdate table tags by using add_tags,remove_tags and

Certificate Manager

  • addcommand certificate - manager trust - config update.

Cloud Composer

  • add--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration togcloud composer environments iscreate create (alpha andbeta) toexplicitly disable the integration.

Cloud Deploy

  • addgcloud deploy custom-target-types command group .

Cloud Functions

  • add--runtime - update - policy flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy for1st Gen functions toalpha andbeta.
  • add--runtime - update - policy flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy for1st Gen functions toGA.

Cloud Logging

  • Allow forusing the logging feature withprotocol SSL ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--use-table-schema flag of
    gcloud pubsub subscription [create|update] toGA.This option allows
    Pub/Sub touse the schema ofthe BigQuery table towrite the fields ofa
    JSON message tothe corresponding columns.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service api - key undelete toGA.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forversion=23.10 andshort - name=ubuntu in--o - type forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • promotegcloud compute instance set-name command toGA.
  • promote--recaptcha - action - site - key and--recaptcha - session - site - key ingcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update toGA.
  • addtls-ja3-fingerprint anduser-ip asvalid rate limit key types ingcloud compute security - policy rules.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • Made flag--ipv4 - range optional forgcloud edge - cloud networking subnets iscreate


  • promotegcloud container fleet clusterupgrade andgcloud container hub clusterupgrade tobeta andGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update now allow multiple binauthz policies tobe bound toa cluster using --binauthz - policy - binding.
  • add--autoprovisioning-resource-manager-tags flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
    in GA track .
  • add--resource - manager - tag flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools is update update
    in GA track .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

456.0.0 (2023-12-05)

break change

  • (alloydb) modifygcloud alloydb instances isupdate update tobe asynchronous by default.Use
  • (alloydb) --no - async flagtoget the old behavior.

Google Cloud CLI

  • updategcloud CLI tosupport Python v3.11 andv3.12.


  • addsupport forspecifying --database - version incluster create command inGA track .


  • supportnew flagserver forgcloud anthos auth login command .
  • ‘server’ flagobviates the need todownload login-config file .

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--proxy - secret - name and--proxy - secret - namepace flags to
    gcloud container isattached attach cluster import toconfigure an HTTP/HTTPS
    proxy foroutbound traffic.
  • promote--max-surge-update and--max-unavailable-update flags toGA
    (General Availability) forgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create and
    gcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update command .These flags let you
    specify ormodify surge update parameters during node pool creation and

App Engine

  • addgcloud beta app is run runtimes list --environment=standard which displays the supported runtimes forApp Engine Standard.

Artifact Registry

  • adddomain asa config option touse a different domain endpoint forartifacts docker.


  • addpython 3.12 support.
  • addsupport forkms_key_name toconnections.
  • addconcurrent requests whenlooking up IAM information.
  • addsupport toshow replica table information.
  • updatequotes library used.
  • fixbug incp toensure all regions are being checked.
  • ensurebq ls -p only displays the first page ofresults by default to
    align withother list methods.
  • addmessaging forDDL statements modifying vector indexes.
  • Improved error messaging fortag updates.
  • addimproved error messaging whenproject lookups are aborted.

Certificate Manager

  • addcommand certificate - manager trust - configs iscreate create.

Cloud Backup DR

  • promotegcloud backup-dr command group which includegcloud backup-dr management-servers,gcloud backup-dr locations andgcloud backup - dr operation toGA.

Cloud Datastore

  • updategcloud datastore operations islist list torespect a --limit set to>100.

Cloud Domains

  • addsupport fordisabling andenabling automatic renewal ofdomains using the Cloud Domains gcloud domain registrations isconfigure configure management method (with the preferred-renewal-method flagor inthe interactive flow) .

Cloud Firestore

  • updategcloud firestore operations islist list torespect a --limit set to>100.

Cloud Healthcare

  • addgcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores metrics which allows users toretrieve
    metrics associated witha HL7v2 store.

Cloud NetApp

  • removenetapp/region asa property since netapp/location can be either region orzone depending on SO orPO.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • Fix missing error message forcommands under gcloud pubsub.

Cloud Run

  • addthe information ofwhether the job tobe deleted has running executions
    tothe confirm message ofgcloud run jobs isdelete delete.
  • Regionalize builds forCloud runsource deploys.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service api-keys create toGA.
  • promotegcloud service isdelete api - keys isdelete delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud service api - key get - key - string toGA.
  • promotegcloud service api-keys update toGA.

Cloud TPU

  • promote--update-metadata,--clear-metadata,--remove-metadata and
    --metadata-from-file flags ofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--enable-audit-agent flagtoworkstation configs iscreate create andworkstations configs update.

compute Engine

  • promote--confidential - compute - type flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create tobeta.
  • promoteflag --user - ip - request - header ofgcloud compute security - policy update toGA.
  • fixissue where gcloud compute ssh andgcloud compute is scp scp commandwould
    fail on Windows whenPuTTY prompted incertain situations,such aswhenusing
    --plain orwhen connecting toan instance withOS Login 2FA enabled.
  • fixcrash ingcloud compute diagnose route whenspecifying
  • promotelocation flagfor gcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port tobeta.
  • promote--type flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--source-nat-active-ranges,--source - nat - active - ranges - region,--source-nat-drain-ranges,--clear - source - nat - drain - range and--source-nat-drain-ranges-region flags ofgcloud compute routers nat rule update toGA.
  • promote--source-nat-active-ranges and--source - nat - active - ranges - region flags ofgcloud compute router nat rule iscreate create toGA.
  • promotenew allowed value:PRIVATE_NAT for--purpose flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toGA.
  • promotenew :ALL range option forsubnets passed to--nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges flagofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update ) toGA.

compute Firewall rule

  • add--export-terraform-script flag to
    gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate toprepare a terraform script formigrated Network Firewall Policy.
  • adddisabled column todefault view ofgcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls andgcloud compute network-firewall-policies get-effective-firewalls.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration toshow error details on command failure when usedwith --no - async flag.
  • add support forchoosing Alloy DB database version using --database - version flagingcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb.


  • promotegcloud container fleet dataplane-v2-encryption {describe,disable,enable} toGA.
  • addproperty pod - affinity togcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment isset set andgcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment remove so that users can configure high availability on Policy Controller deployments.
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create,gcloud container fleet update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create,gcloud container hub update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • add--binauthz - policy - binding flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create,gcloud container fleet update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • add--binauthz - policy - binding flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create,gcloud container hub update inalpha,beta andGA track .


Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability and--disable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
    flags fortoggling DPv2 Flow Observability feature.

Network Security

  • add--billing - project require flagtogcloud network-security firewall-endpoints create command toprovide Google Cloud project ID forAPI enablement check,quota,andendpoint uptime billing.
  • add--update - billing - project flagtogcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update command toupdate the Google Cloud project used forAPI enablement check,quota,andendpoint uptime billing.


  • supportcreating Fastly enabled site keys using recaptcha keys iscreate create --waf-service=cloudfare.

Regional Endpoints

  • Unhid regional-endpoints asa subgroup ofgcloud beta networkconnectivity.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

455.0.0 (2023-11-14)

break change

  • (Network Connectivity) removegcloud network - connectivity spokes isaccept accept and
    gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject command .use
    gcloud network - connectivity hub accept - spoke and
    gcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke command instead .

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatebundled python forthe gcloud CLI to3.11.6.
  • updatecryptography package toversion 41.0.5.
  • updateopenssl toversion 3.1.4 forcryptography.


  • addmore choice options to--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job,including:asia-northeast2,australia-southeast2,europe-north1,europe-southwest1,europe-west8,andsouthamerica-west1.

App Engine


  • updategcloud container binauthz attestations islist list tomake --attestor
    optional,allowing listing fromany project .
  • modifygcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create toallow
    --validate towork with--pae - encode - payload.

Cloud Bigtable

  • fixissue where cbt createtable would create column families witha MaxVersions(1) GC policy.As per our documentation (,tables created by the cbt cli should retain an infinite number ofversions by default.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • add--patch_revision optional argument to
    gcloud beta data - fusion instances iscreate create tocreate a Cloud Data Fusion
    instance withthe provided patch revision version.
  • add--patch_revision optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update toperform patch revision
    update ofthe Cloud Data Fusion instance.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--tier=regionAL flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create tosupport a regional filestore instance creation.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--concurrency flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • promote--cpu flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run jobs executions cancel toGA.This command allows
    cancelling a running Cloud runjob execution.

Cloud SQL

  • add--show-sql-network-architecture and
    --upgrade-sql-network-architecture flags togcloud sql instance islist list
    andgcloud sql instance patch tosupport newNetwork Architecture self upgrade
    for Cloud SQL.

Cloud Storage

  • Released object lock feature andper-object retention settings.
  • addstorage/multipart_chunksize andstorage/multipart_threshold for
    adjusting settings ofBoto3 client uploads via S3 orthe other XML APIs.

Cloud TPU

  • promote--attach-disk and--detach - disk flag of
    gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update toGA.
  • promote--data - catalog - sync flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update toGA.


  • add--security - posture flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create,gcloud container fleet update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • add--security - posture flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create,gcloud container hub update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • add--workload - vulnerability - scan flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create,gcloud container fleet update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • add--workload - vulnerability - scan flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create,gcloud container hub update inalpha,beta andGA track .
  • addsupport forfleet-default-member-config command toService Mesh inalpha,beta andGA tracks.
  • promote--fleet-default-member-config flagofthe following command toGA:

    • gcloud container fleet identity - service isenable enable
    • gcloud container hub identity - service enable
    • gcloud container fleet identity-service delete
    • gcloud container hub identity - service delete
  • add--fleet-default-member-config flagtothe following command inalpha,beta,andGA tracks:

    • gcloud container fleet identity - service isapply apply
    • gcloud container hub identity - service apply

    to modify a fleet – level default membership configuration .

  • add--origin flagtothe following command inalpha,beta,andGA tracks:

    • gcloud container fleet identity - service isapply apply
    • gcloud container hub identity - service apply

    to apply a fleet-level default membership configuration toa membership.

  • addsupport forfleet-default-member-config command toService Mesh inalpha,beta andGA tracks.

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixa bug where if --artifact - url was passed to
    gcloud container binauthz attestations islist list only attestations over the full artifact url would be returned instead ofattestations over the artifact digest.

Security Command Center

  • promotegcloud scc custom - module sha simulate toGA.

Vmware Engine

  • addcommands formanaging new types ofresources:
    • addgcloud vmware dns - bind - permission which manages DNS bind permission resources.
    • addgcloud vmware private - cloud dns - forward which manages DNS forwarding resources.
    • addgcloud vmware network-policies external-access-rules which ismanages manage external access rule resource .
    • addgcloud vmware private-clouds external-addresses which ismanages manage external address resource .
    • addgcloud vmware private - cloud logging - server which manages logging server resources.
    • addgcloud vmware private - cloud management - dns - zone - binding which manages management DNS zone binding resources.
    • addgcloud vmware network - peering which ismanages manage network peer resource .
    • addgcloud vmware network-peering routes which manages network peering route resources.
    • addgcloud vmware private-clouds cluster nodes which allows cluster node resources.
  • add--type,--preferre - zone,and--secondary - zone togcloud vmware private-clouds create command tosupport stretched private clouds creation.
  • addclustercoreCount,clusterVirtualCpuCount,clustertoragegb andclusterMemoryGb fields ingcloud vmware private - cloud cluster isdescribe describe command output .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

454.0.0 (2023-11-07)


  • adddeployment - group,enable-access-logging,audiences,allow - issuer togcloud isai ai index - endpoint mutate - deploy - index.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • updatecontainer attached cluster register and
    container attached cluster import tocheck forproper deployment ofthe
    install agent before attempting toregister/import.

Artifact Registry

  • updategcloud artifacts sbom load tohave the newly created bucket have
    Uniform Bucket Level Access set totrue.


  • fixissue withgcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create where --validate isnot supported with--pae - encode - payload.

Certificate Manager

  • add--update - mask flagtogcloud certificate - manager trust - config import.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli withgo version 1.21.3 which fixed CVE-2023-39323.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator withgo version 1.21.3 which fixed CVE-2023-39323.

Cloud Build

  • add--clear - subscription - filter togcloud isbuilds build trigger update pubsub command .

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--min - secondary - worker - fraction flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create andgcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update.

Cloud Deploy

  • addgcloud isdeploy deploy automation andgcloud deploy automation-runs command group .

Cloud IAM

  • add--allowe - service flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc,which allows the user tosetup
    domains that can be accessed by users ina workforce pool.
  • add--disable - programmatic - signin flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc,which lets the
    administrator disable programmatic sign-in forusers ina workforce pool.

Cloud Run

  • add--container,--remove-containers,and--depends-on flags togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service update toallow deploying andupdating multi-container Services.

Cloud SQL

  • add--cascadable-replica flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create toenable
    cascadable replica creation forSQL Server.
  • addgcloud sql instance switchover inalpha andbeta toenable switchover
    in Cloud SQL forSQL Server.
  • add--failover flagtogcloud sql instance promote-replica toenable
    unmanage failover inCloud SQL forSQL Server.

Cloud Storage

  • fix”Completed” progress count incrementing foruploads witherrors.
  • fixan issue where --content - md5 flagwas showing up forgcloud storage object isupdate update command .MD5 Hash isa read only field so cannot be updated.remove--content - md5 flagfromthe update command andremoved --clear - content - md5 flagfromgcloud storage {cp|mv|rsync|object isupdate update} command .
  • add--autoclass-terminal-storage-class flagtogcloud storage buckets {create|update} toset the terminal storage class forAutoclass buckets.
  • updategsutil component to5.27.
  • releasesoft delete feature,including restore command andvarious flags across other command .
  • Removes un-implemented operations islist list flag:--uri and--page-size.These flags didn’t do anything andthere are no operations public users could have been using them on yet.

Cloud TPU

  • promote--update - label,--clear - label,and--remove - label flag of
    gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update toGA.

compute Engine

  • promoteStandby Policy flags forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create inbeta.
  • promoteStandby Policy flags forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update inbeta.
  • promotegcloud compute snapshot-settings toGA.Documentation ofthis feature isavailable at
  • updateenum name for--manage-protection-tier flagfor gcloud compute project - info update fromCAMP_PLUS_MONTHLY toCAMP_PLUS_PAYGO.
  • add--network-user-defined-fields,--network-src-ip-ranges,--network - dest - ip isranges - range,--network-ip-protocols,--network-src-ports,--network-dest-ports,--network - src - region - code,and--network-src-asns togcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update.
  • addgcloud compute security - policy add-user-defined-fields andgcloud compute security - policy remove-user-defined-fields command .
  • add--region togcloud compute backend - service update.
  • add--security-policy and--security-policy-region togcloud compute instance network - interface update.
  • addgcloud compute target-pools update andgcloud compute target-instances isupdate update command .

distribute Cloud Edge

  • addupgrade command togcloud edge - cloud container cluster toallow manually upgrading local control plane cluster.
  • promote--router togcloud edge - cloud container vpn - connections iscreate create toallow users todefine Cloud Router touse whencreating the VPN connection.


  • promotegcloud container fleet policycontroller group toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixissue where gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto would prefercompute / zone over compute / region if both config were set .
    Now prioritize usingcompute / region.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.5 to1.27.7.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.15)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.10)
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.7 )
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.3)
  • add--labels flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto toenable applying labels on Autopilot cluster at creation time.


  • addgcloud looker regions list which displays all available
    regions todeploy a looker instance.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

453.0.0 (2023-10-31)

break change

  • (Cloud Infrastructure Manager) removesupport forblueprints/location property,infavor ofinfra - manager / location property .


  • add--encryption-kms-key-name flagtogcloud isai ai indexes iscreate create tosupport encryption spec.

Artifact Registry

  • add--remote - username and--remote-password-secret-version flags forartifact repositories iscreate create andartifacts repositories update.

Cloud Build

  • renameGoogle Cloud Build toCloud Build inthe help text ofgcloud is builds build command group .

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • addinfra - manager / location property toset the default Infra Manager region.

Cloud NetApp

  • addgcloud beta netapp backup - vault backup surface command,andmade help text public.

Cloud Run

  • add--args,--task - timeout,--task and--update - env - var flag
    togcloud run jobs isexecute execute toallow executing a Cloud runjob withruntime overrides.
  • promote--add - custom - audience,--clear-custom-audiences,--remove-custom-audiences and--set-custom-audiences flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
    andgcloud run service update toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • add--autoclass-terminal-storage-class flagtogcloud storage buckets {create|update} toset the terminal storage class forAutoclass buckets.
  • updategsutil component to5.27.
  • fixbroken object isupdate update clear flag.

Cloud Tasks

  • addgcloud task cmek-config to[alpha|beta|GA]
    which enables creation ofCMEK configuration fora given
    project ina particular location.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--domain flagtogcloud beta workstations cluster
    toenable using custom domain .

compute Engine

  • promote--default-action-on-vm-failure flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update> tobeta.
  • promote--source - disk-for-recovery-checkpoint and--source - disk-for-recovery-checkpoint-region flags ofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create toGA.


  • addpolicycontroller group which provides configuration commandfor
    GKE Hub Policy Controller.


Kubernetes Engine

  • fixissue where gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto would prefercompute / zone over compute / region if both config were set .
    Now prioritize usingcompute / region.


  • addgcloud notebook isruntimes runtime migrate command .
    This command migrates a Google-Managed Notebook toa Workbench Instance.
  • addgcloud notebook instances migrate command .
    This commandmigrates a User-Managed Notebook toa Workbench Instance.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

452.0.1 (2023-10-25)

Google Cloud CLI

  • gcloud will prefer using a supported version ofPython if one isavailable on PATH.
    • This only affects environments where gcloud does not already manage a Python interpreter via bundle Python orvirtualenv .
    • Currently supported versions are 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.27.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

452.0.0 (2023-10-24)


  • adddeployment - group,enable-access-logging,audiences,allow - issuer togcloud isai ai index - endpoint deploy - index.
  • addenable - private - service - connect,project-allowlist,encryption-kms-key-name togcloud isai ai index-endpoints create.

anthos On – Prem

  • rename--upgrade-control-plane flagofgcloud container vmware cluster create andgcloud container vmware cluster update to--upgrade-policy.promote--upgrade-policy flagtoGA.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • fixRegistry URL inthe output ofartifact repositories isdescribe describe.

Cloud BCE App Connector

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--priority flagtogcloud bigtable app - profiles iscreate create andgcloud bigtable app - profile update.

Cloud Composer

  • add--cloud-preferred-zone togcloud composer environments iscreate create
    toselect preferred zone forsql database creation.
  • add --storage - bucket togcloud composer environments iscreate create tospecify the Cloud Storage bucket tobe usedby the environment.
  • add --storage - bucket togcloud beta composer environment create tospecify the Cloud Storage bucket tobe usedby the environment.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--driver - require - memory - mb and--driver-require-vcores flags togcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit.

Cloud Domains

Cloud IAM

  • promoteoptional --recommend flagtobeta forthe following command :
    • gcloud iam service-account delete

Cloud NetApp

  • addgcloud beta netapp backup - vault surface command,andmade help text public.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promoteoptional --recommend flagtobeta forthe following command :
    • gcloud projects isremove remove - iam - policy - bind
    • gcloud projects delete

Cloud SQL

  • support--ssl - mode flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch.

Cloud Spanner

  • addthe flags --autoscaling-min-nodes,--autoscaling - max - node,
    --autoscaling-high-priority-cpu-target and--autoscaling - storage - target to
    support creating an autoscaled instance ingcloud spanner instance iscreate create,or
    updating the autoscaling config ofan instance in
    gcloud spanner instance isupdate update.

Cloud Storage

  • releasestorage operations command group formanaging long-running operations.However,there iscurrently no way tocreate these operations.

Cloud TPU

  • promote--add-tags,--clear - tag,and--remove-tags flag of
    gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • addconfig set workstations/region region,config set workstation / cluster cluster_id,config set workstations/config CONFIG_ID,andconfig set workstations/workstation WORKSTATIONS_ID command .

compute Engine

  • promoteregional INTERNET_IP_PORT andINTERNET_FQDN_PORT Network Endpoint
    Groups ingcloud compute network - endpoint - group toGA.Affected command :

    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group create
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group list-network-endpoints
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --add - endpoint
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --remove-endpoint
  • promoteENDPOINT_type_MANAGED_PROXY_LB enum option of--endpoint - type flagingcloud compute router nats iscreate create toGA.
  • addgcloud beta compute project-zonal-metadata formanaging project zonal
    metadata.Documentation ofthis feature isavailable at
  • promotegcloud compute network - attachments update toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Increased the maximum number oftest shards allowed forArm virtual devices from100 to200 shards whenusing --num - uniform - shard or--t - target - for- shard withgcloud firebase test android run.

Kubernetes Engine


  • addgcloud notebook isruntimes runtime migrate command .
    This command migrates a Google-Managed Notebook toa Workbench Instance.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

451.0.1 (2023-10-19)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

451.0.0 ( 2023 – 10 – 17 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • Bump cryptography to41.0.4 andpyopenssl to23.2.0.

App Engine

  • Enable devappserver support forPython 3.12 runtime.

assured workload

  • add--acknowledge-type flag(optional) forgcloud assure workload
    violations acknowledge
    toacknowledge violation withtype through gcloud
    command .

Cloud Filestore

  • add--tier=ZONAL flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create tosupport a zonal filestore instance creation.

Cloud Run

  • addvolumes andvolume mounts togcloud run jobs isdescribe describe,
    gcloud run job executions isdescribe describe,and
    gcloud run job execution task isdescribe describe.

Cloud SQL

  • addnew enum TLOG to--bak - type andadded --stop - at and--stop - at-mark flag
    togcloud sql import bak tosupport transaction log import on Cloud SQL forSQL Server.

Cloud Storage

  • updategcloud storage sign - url toallow using service account credentials
    tocreate signed URLs.Omit --private - key - file flagtouse the active
    service account oraccount specified with--impersonate - service - account

compute Engine

  • addSEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 tothe list of--guest - os - feature for
    gcloud compute image iscreate create.
  • promotegcloud compute backend - service list - usable toGA.
  • updategcloud compute image isimport import tohandle exceptions incase offailure infetching the cloud build logs.
  • updategcloud compute image isimport import tocheck the storage permissions require forcloud build service account.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.26.7 to1.27.4.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.16)
    • kubectl.1.25 ( 1.25.12 )
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.7)
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.4 )
  • deprecate--enable - workload - config - audit,--enable - workload - vulnerability - scan,andenable - security - posture flags ingcloud container cluster {create,create-auto,update}.Thereplacements forthese are:
    • --enable - workload - config - audit -> --security - posture=standard
    • --enable - security - posture -> --security - posture=standard
    • --enable - workload - vulnerability - scan -> --workload - vulnerability - scan=standard
  • addenterprise value tothe available modes for--workload - vulnerability - scan flaginthe alpha andbeta tracks.
  • add--in-transit-encryption flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.

Service Extensions

  • new command forservice-extensions resources – LbTrafficExtensions andLbRouteExtensions.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

450.0.0 (2023-10-10)


  • promotegcloud isai ai isindexes index upsert - datapoint andgcloud isai ai indexes remove-datapointsto GA.

App Engine

Cloud Bigtable

  • rebuild cbt cli withgo version 1.21.1 which fix CVE-2023 – 39319 .

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator withgo version 1.21.1 which fixed CVE-2023-29409.

Cloud Composer

  • add --triggerer-count togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify number ofAirflow triggerers.
  • add --triggerer-cpu togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify CPU allocated toAirflow triggerer.
  • add --triggerer - memory togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update tospecify memory allocated toAirflow triggerer.

Cloud Firestore

  • promoteCloud Firestore PiTR gcloud CLI changes tobeta andGA.
  • promote--enable - pitr and--no - enable - pitr flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create command toGA.
  • promote--enable - pitr and--no - enable - pitr flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create command tobeta.
  • promote--enable - pitr and--no - enable - pitr flagofgcloud firestore databases isupdate update command toGA.
  • promote--enable - pitr and--no - enable - pitr flagofgcloud firestore databases isupdate update command tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • Show container dependencies ingcloud run services isdescribe describe andgcloud run revisions describe.

Cloud Storage

  • addoption toread fromstdin tols command .

compute Engine

  • promote--requested-features flagofgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnect macsec get - config toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnect macsec add - key toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects macsec remove-key toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update-key toGA.
  • promotethe following flags ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create,gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance,andgcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs create toGA:
    • --stateful - internal - ip,
    • --stateful-external-ip.
  • promotethe following flags ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update andgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config update toGA:
    • --stateful - internal - ip,
    • --remove - stateful - internal - ips,
    • --stateful-external-ip,
    • --remove - stateful - external - ips.
  • promote--maintenance-interval flagfor gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups isperform perform - maintenance tobeta.
  • promote--delete-at-time and--delete - after - durationflags forgcloud compute reservation create|update` surfaces tobeta.

Database Migration

  • addthe ability tospecify an empty password whencreating MySQL connection
    profiles using gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create mysql command .
  • add--endpoint - protocol flagtogcloud metastore service isupdate update
    tospecify the Customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the
    Dataproc Metastore service.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--lro-timeout flagfor gcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools create andgcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools create toallow specifying a custom duration forthe gcloud CLI towait on LROs.


  • fixthe issue ofapplying generated RBAC policies forthird-party identities using the command gcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac.


Kubernetes Engine

  • modifylocal ssd count value of--ephemeral - storage-local-ssd,
    --ephemeral - storage,and--local-nvme-ssd-block flags fromgcloud container
    cluster create/update
    tobe optional tosupport third generation machine types,
    which specify a static count.Pre-Gen3 behavior isunchanged.

Network Services

  • updategcloud network - service gateway toshow a new ipversion field foralpha version.


  • fixissues withboot-disk-kms-key anddata-disk-kms-key flags fromgcloud workbench instance iscreate create command not working properly.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

449.0.0 (2023-10-03)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifygcloud beta compute future-reservations update toreplace the
    paths query parameter withupdate_mask.

App Engine

  • Enable devappserver support forGo 1.21 runtime.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixa bug that caused Instance Flexibility Policy tobe disabled if a user only specified --secondary-worker - machine - type indataproc cluster create command forthe secondary workers flag.

Cloud Functions

  • updategcloud function isadd add - invoker - policy - bind and
    gcloud function remove-invoker-policy-binding tosupport Cloud Functions
    (1st gen) .

Cloud Run

  • Show mounted volumes ingcloud run services isdescribe describe andgcloud run revisions describe.
  • updatedisplay format fortask timeout ingcloud run jobs isdescribe describe and
    gcloud run job executions isdescribe describe.Timeouts larger than 1 minute will now
    show the duration inhours,minutes,andseconds.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.26.
  • Resolved an issue where metadata flags were disregarded wheninteracting withthe Google Cloud Storage andS3 XML APIs.

Cloud TPU

  • promote--internal - ips flagofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--service - account-scopes flagtoworkstation configs iscreate create andworkstations configs update.

compute Engine

  • add --public-delegated-prefix flagtogcloud compute public - delegate - prefixes iscreate create andpromoted the new flagtoGA.
  • addboot-disk-provisioned-throughput support togcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • addgcloud edge - cloud container get - server - configcommand with--location flagtoget server config intarget location.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-fleet flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update inGA track .
  • add--fleet - project flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update inGA track .
  • add--clear - fleet - project flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update inGA track .
  • add--resource - manager - tag flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create,andgcloud container node - pools is update update
    tomanage tags on the underlying compute Engine VMs ofGKE Nodes which can be
    used toselectively enforce Cloud Firewall network firewall policies.
  • add--autoprovisioning-resource-manager-tags flag to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto,
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tomanage tags on the underlying
    compute Engine VMs ofGKE Nodes which can be used toselectively enforce
    Cloud Firewall network firewall policies.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

448.0.0 (2023-09-26)

break change

  • (Google Cloud CLI) deprecatedPython 3.5-3.7.Theminimum supported Python version isPython 3.8.

Google Cloud CLI

  • updateMac installer toprompt toinstall Python 3.10.11.

anthos On – Prem

  • promotegcloud container vmware admin-cluster toGA.
  • promotegcloud container vmware cluster toGA.
  • promotegcloud container vmware node - pool toGA.
  • promotegcloud container vmware operations toGA.
  • promotegcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster toGA.
  • promotegcloud container bare-metal cluster toGA.
  • promotegcloud container bare-metal node-pools toGA.
  • promotegcloud container bare-metal operations toGA.

App Engine

  • fix”″.

Artifact Registry

  • Improved error reporting forartifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies.
  • addRegistry URL tothe output ofartifact repositories isdescribe describe.
  • addVEX_SCOPE column togcloud artifact vulnerabilities list results.

Cloud Deploy

  • fixan issue where you couldn’t create a release without
    clouddeploy.config.get permission.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--parser - version flagtogcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores create toenable specifying parser config version.
  • updategcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores list toinclude PARSER_VER header .

Cloud NetApp

  • add--source - backup flagtogcloud beta netapp volume {create,update} inorder tointroduce a source backup resource torestore toduring disaster recovery.

Cloud Workstations

  • addsupport forthe replica zones flaginthe beta workstation config iscreate create command .

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--control - plane - kms - key flags togcloud edge - cloud container
    cluster create
    command toallow specify a KMS key forthe control plane data encryption ofremote control plane cluster.
  • fixparsing ofnew cluster creation properties --system - addon - confg,--external - lb - ipv4 - address - pool,--control-plane-node-count,--control - plane - machine - filter,--control-plane-shared-deployment-policy,--version,--release - channel,--version,and--release - channel.


  • adddestination - http - endpoint - uri,destination-http-endpoint-forward-dns-requests andnetwork - attachment flags togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create aspart ofEventarc integration withMessage Streams.

Network Security

  • new flagtoadd description forFirewall Endpoint increate andupdate command .

Vmware Engine

  • deprecated--node - type-config flagfromgcloud vmware private-clouds cluster update command .
  • add--update-nodes-config and--remove-nodes-config flags ingcloud vmware private-clouds cluster update command .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.

447.0.0 ( 2023 – 09 – 19 )

break change

  • ( GKE Hub )removegcloud {alpha,beta} fleet namepaces.use
    gcloud fleet scope namepace instead .
  • ( GKE Hub )removegcloud {alpha,beta} fleet namepaces rbacrolebindings.use
    gcloud fleet scopes rbacrolebindings instead .
  • (Network Connectivity) deprecatedgcloud network - connectivity spokes isaccept accept and
    gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject command .use
    gcloud network - connectivity hub accept - spoke and
    gcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke command instead .

Google Cloud CLI

  • improve post – processing time duringgcloud component isupdate update andgcloud
    components isinstall install
    on macOS andLinux.
  • fixwrite permission check forgcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config create.

anthos On – Prem

  • add--vcenter-resource-pool,--vcenter-datastore,--vcenter - datacenter,--vcenter - cluster,--vcenter-folder,--vcenter-ca-cert-data,--vcenter-storage-policy-name togcloud container vmware cluster create tospecify vCenter configuration that are different fromits admin cluster.

App Engine


  • addflag --pae - encode - payload incommand gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create togenerate DSSE format attestations.
  • addflag --dsse-type incommand gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create toallow specifying the DSSE type forthe attestations.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--secondary-worker - machine - type flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create.

Cloud Datastream

  • fixa bug updating the backfill policy ofa stream.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.18.2
    • removenanosecond precision ofevent timestamp inthe Firestore eventarc
      integration(2nd gen) .
    • Fix a bug tomake emulator consistent withproduction forqueries.

Cloud Memorystore

  • updategcloud memcache instances iscreate create command toinclude
    MEMCACHE_1_6_15 asan allowed value formemcached-version flag.
  • promotethe command gcloud memcache instances upgrade toGA.

Cloud NetApp

  • fixa crash whencreating NetApp snapshots,backup policies,backup vaults.

Cloud Storage

  • addthe storage/parallel_composite_upload_prefix config option,which
    allows adjusting the paths oftemporary components created during composite uploads.

Cloud TPU

  • promotegcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update command andits --description
    flag toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--purpose = global - manage - proxy flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toGA.

  • add’standard_WITH_GRAPHQL’ enum value togcloud compute security - policy
    update --json-parsing
    andpromoted it tobeta.

  • addspecific - then - any - reservation andspecific-then-no-reservation tothe flag--reservation - affinity foralpha andbeta in:

    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
    • gcloud compute is create instance - templates is create create

Database Migration

  • addPOSTGRES_15 database version option for--database - version flagtodatabase - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql.
  • addserver side SSL support using --ca-certificate flagindatabase-migration connection-profiles create oracle.
  • addoracle connection update support via database-migration connection-profiles update oracle.


  • updatekpt inGoogle Cloud CLI from1.0.0-beta.43 to1.0.0-beta.44.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-backup-restore flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto toallow enabling Backup forGKE agent on Autopilot cluster at creation time.

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network - connectivity hub accept - spoke and
    gcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke command .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.

446.0.1 (2023-09-14)

Cloud Run

  • fixrace condition where tags could go todifferent Revisions than expected

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.

446.0.0 (2023-09-12)


  • addthe ability tospecify a backup orsource cluster using its full
    resource path whencreating a restored cluster.This enables restoring across

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--instance - type flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update to
    update the EC2 instance type ofnode pool nodes.


  • add--external_source flagfor dataset creation.
    • updatebq show todisplay tags on a table.
    • fixan issue where a command could fail withlittle tono messaging.Other
      uncaught cases will need --debug_mode toget more information.
    • fixa bug whenupdating kms_key_name on a connection .
    • Improved logging fordiscovery doc load andauthentication.
    • Utilized new python features withbreaking changes forpython 2.

Certificate Manager

  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - configs isdelete delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust-configs describe toGA.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - config export toGA.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - config import toGA.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - config list toGA.

Cloud billing

  • addfilter-resource-ancestors flagtogcloud billing budget CLI toinclude folders andorganizations filter.

Cloud Composer

  • addmaintenance window flags forenvironment update:
    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
    • --clear - maintenance - window.

Cloud Dataplex

  • addsnake case support fordataplex datascans spec file .

Cloud Filestore

  • update--capacity flagdescription withHigh Scale tier capacity range.

Cloud Monitoring

  • updatethe format ofgcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes list <project_id>
    togcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes list projects/<project_id>.
  • updatethe format ofgcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create <project_id>
    togcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create projects/<project_id>.
  • updatethe format ofgcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete <project_id>
    togcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete projects/<project_id>.

Cloud NetApp

  • addStandard service level togcloud (alpha|beta) netapp storage-pools command group .
  • removeexplicit check on --volume ingcloud netapp volume replications stop command .

compute Engine

  • addsupport for--cloudbuild - service - account flagfor:

    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA;
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA;
    • gcloud compute machine_images isimport import inGA.
  • addalpha andbeta versions ofa new API named snapshot settings.
    Documentation ofthis feature will be available at
    following shortly afterthe release ofthis version ofgcloud CLI .

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--version and--release - channel flags togcloud edge - cloud container cluster create command toallow specifying the cluster version andrelease channel.
  • promote--system - addon - confg,--external - lb - ipv4 - address - pool,--control-plane-node-count,--control - plane - machine - filter,--control-plane-shared-deployment-policy,--version,and--release - channel flags fromALPHA toGA.

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network - security server - tls - policy delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud network - security server - tls - policy describe toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.

445.0.0 (2023-09-06)

break change

  • ( GKE Hub )remove--security - posture and--workload - vulnerability - scan flags ofgcloud container fleet andgcloud beta container fleet.
    • --security - posture and--workload - vulnerability - scan flags are not supported yet.
  • ( GKE Hub )updateanthos-support andusers flags tobe mutually exclusive inadding groups support togcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac command .

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixissue where the gcloud CLI would crash on unknown platforms.
  • adda warning that --update-adc isnow deprecated for1st-party user credentials andreplaced by gcloud auth application - default login.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • promote--enable-autorepair and--no - enable - autorepair ofgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--enable-autorepair and--no - enable - autorepair ofgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--enable-autorepair and--no - enable - autorepair ofgcloud container azure node-pools create toGA.
  • promote--enable-autorepair and--no - enable - autorepair ofgcloud container azure node - pools isupdate update toGA.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container aws cluster create forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container aws cluster update forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container azure cluster iscreate create forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container azure cluster update forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container isattached attach cluster create forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container attach cluster isregister register forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--admin - group flagtogcloud container attach cluster isupdate update forsetting groups asadmins.
  • add--proxy - secret - name and--proxy - secret - namepace flags togcloud container isattached attach
    toconfigure an HTTP/HTTPS proxy foroutbound traffic.
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flagtogcloud container aws cluster create toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flagtogcloud container aws cluster update toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flagtogcloud container attach cluster isregister register toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flagtogcloud container attach cluster isupdate update toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • add--clear-admin-groups and--clear - admin - user flags togcloud container attach cluster isupdate update toclear admin users andgroups fromthe cluster.

Cloud billing

Cloud Build

  • modifygcloud isbuilds build submit tosupport submitting a build with2nd-gen repository resource.
  • add--dir and--revision flagingcloud isbuilds build submit command .

Cloud Deploy

  • addsupport tofail fast whenusing an unsupported Skaffold version inthe create release command .
  • adda new command deploy get-config which gets the config forthe specified region andproject.

Cloud Firestore

  • addFirestore backups feature support toAlpha.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--restricte - action flagtogcloud netapp volume andgcloud beta netapp volume during create andupdate.

Cloud Run

  • add--dry_run flagtogcloud beta run services replace,which will
    validate the YAML service specification without applying it.
  • modifythe output format ofgcloud run services isdescribe describe andgcloud run revisions describe tosupport multiple containers.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--password - policy - disallow - compromise - credential flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch toGA.

Cloud TPU

  • fixissue where gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm ssh isunable tologin when
    project-level enable - oslogin:TRUE isconfigured andinstance-level
    enable - oslogin isunset.

compute Engine

  • promotethe flagof--instance-template-region toGA ingcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
  • promotethe flagof--region toGA in:
    • gcloud compute instance - template list
    • gcloud compute isdelete instance - templates isdelete delete
    • gcloud compute instance - templates isdescribe describe.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--version and--release - channel flags togcloud edge - cloud container cluster create command toallow specifying the cluster version andrelease channel.


  • updategcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac toinclude handling forfirst-party groups (email) andthird-party groups ofthe format principalSet:// party group.


  • updatekpt tov1 .0.0-beta.43 release. Refer torelease notes formore details.

Kubernetes Engine

  • deprecate--enable - workload - config - audit,--enable - workload - vulnerability - scan,andenable - security - posture flags ingcloud container cluster {create,create-auto,update}.Thereplacements forthese are:
    • --enable - workload - config - audit -> --security - posture=standard
    • --enable - security - posture -> --security - posture=standard
    • --enable - workload - vulnerability - scan -> --workload - vulnerability - scan=standard
  • addenterprise value tothe available modes for--workload - vulnerability - scan flaginthe alpha andbeta tracks.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.27.4 to1.27.5.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.13)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.8)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.5)
    • kubectl.1.28 ( 1.28.1 )

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs groups command group .
  • addgcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies update command .


  • add--timeout - minute tothe following command toallow specifying
    custom timeout forthe diagnose operation.

    • gcloud notebook instances isdiagnose diagnose
    • gcloud notebook isruntimes runtime diagnose

Policy Troubleshooter

  • promotegcloud policy - intelligence troubleshoot - policy iam toGA.


  • fixworkbench instances diagnose flag.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.

444.0.0 (2023-08-22)


  • addgcloud beta ai persistent-resources command group which supports creating andmanaging persistent resources forrunning custom training jobs.


  • addflag --availability-type tospecify availability-type foran instance
    tothe following commands:

    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
    • gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
  • addthe following flags ofgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create and
    gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update toalpha,beta andGA:

    • --ssl - mode
    • --require-connectors
  • addflag --allocate - ip - range - name tospecify the allocated IP range for
    a cluster tothe following commands:

    • gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
    • gcloud alloydb cluster restore
    • gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create-secondary

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--node - label flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update to
    update the labels assigned tonode pool nodes.
  • add--clear - node - label flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toclear the labels assigned tonode pool nodes.

App Engine


  • add--quota_project_id flagtoforce the quota project ofa request.

Cloud billing

  • promotegcloud billing accounts andgcloud billing projects toGA.

Cloud Dataplex

  • promoteresource-read-access-mode flaginassets command group toGA.
  • addexport - result - table flagindatascans create data-profile command .

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--min - num - worker flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create.
  • addgcloud beta dataproc session tocreate andmanage Dataproc interactive sessions.
  • addgcloud beta dataproc session-templates tocreate andmanage Dataproc session templates.

Cloud NetApp

  • addgcloud netapp operation andgcloud netapp locations command group .

Cloud Run

  • addgcloud beta run jobs executions cancel toallow cancelling a running
    Cloud runjob execution.

compute Engine

  • promotesupport forStandby Policy forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create inAlpha.
  • promotesupport forStandby Policy forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update inAlpha.
  • promotecompute routers isget get - nat - ip - info toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute future - reservation command group tobeta.


  • addgcloud connectors command group .Commands inthis group provide ways tointeract withIntegration connector resources.
  • promotegcloud metastore operations cancel toGA.


  • promoteGkeHub tenancy command toGA .
    • promotegcloud container fleet methods toGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet membership bindings toGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet scopes toGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet scopes namepaces toGA.
    • promotegcloud container fleet scopes rbacrolebindings toGA.

Network Connectivity

  • updategcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges tosupport overlap - exist - subnet - range enum value for--overlaps flagduring create andupdate.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.

443.0.0 (2023-08-15)


  • add--notification-channels flagtogcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update toallow sending alerts tonotification channels.


  • addoption for--cpu-count=96 ininstances iscreate create andinstances isupdate update command .
  • addsupport forspecifying --database - version incluster create command inalpha andbeta tracks.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • promote--spot-instance-types flagofgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create toGA.

anthos On – Prem

  • promotegcloud vmware admin-cluster unenroll tobeta.

Artifact Registry

  • add--remote-apt-repo and--remote-apt-repo-path togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create tosupport Apt remote repos.
  • add--remote-yum-repo and--remote-yum-repo-path togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create tosupport Yum remote repos.
  • fixissue where gcloud artifact versions isdelete delete --delete - tag errors,
    when the package name has slashes.
  • update touse the project fromURI ofgcloud artifacts sbom export forrequests.
  • Include InTotoSlsaProvenanceV1 inthe process ofcomputing SLSA build level.

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotegcloud bigtable backups copy tobeta andGA.

Cloud Build

  • removegcloud isbuilds build trigger create gitlab - enterprise command .

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport toallow specifying Global internal Application load
    balancers ashealth checked targets forRouting Policies.

Cloud Dataflow

  • promotegcloud dataflow job update-options frombeta toGA.

Cloud Deploy

  • Enable “Uniform Bucket Level Access” by default forthe Cloud Storage buckets iscreate created ingcloud deploy release create.

Cloud Domains

  • addinformation about an agreement between Google andSquarespace,Inc. toCloud Domains gcloud domain registration command group .

Cloud On demand scanning

  • fixissue withextracting packages fromGo binaries withinvalid
    dependency versions.

Cloud Storage

  • fix--uri flagfor buckets list andobject list command .

compute Engine

  • promoteAWS Origin Authentication inBackendService compute API tov1 .
  • add--manage-protection-tier flagtogcloud beta compute project-info update command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--tpu-topology flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create forcreating TPU node pools witha TPU topology.Formore information on TPU topologies,see
    flag whencreate a cluster .
  • addhugepage related options inside existing --system - config - from- file
    flag forusers toconfigure hugepages tocluster/nodepools.

Network Management

  • updategcloud network - management connectivity - test list command toprint
    details about Google-manage endpoints,networks,andforwarding rules.
  • updatehelp text forthe ipAddress argument in
    gcloud network - management connectivity - test tokeep it consistent with
    the currently supported scenarios.


  • fixissue withmetadata flagfor gcloud workbench instance iscreate create.
  • fixissue withservice-account-email flagfor gcloud workbench instance iscreate create.
  • fixissue withmachine_type flagfor gcloud workbench instance update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

442.0.0 ( 2023 – 08 – 08 )

Artifact Registry

  • addan argument group oftwo flags allow - sbom - generation anddisable-sbom-generation togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create,to set the SBOM generation config ofthe repository.
  • addan argument group oftwo flags allow - sbom - generation anddisable-sbom-generation togcloud artifacts repositories update,to set the SBOM generation config ofthe repository.
  • addgcloud artifacts sbom export command toexport SBOM into Google Cloud Storage.
  • addgcloud artifact sbom list command tolist SBOMs.
  • addgcloud artifacts sbom load command toupload a custom SBOM foran artifact.
  • addgcloud artifact vulnerability load - vex command toupload a vex statement.
  • addgcloud artifacts vulnerabilities list command tolist vulnerabilities foran artifact.
  • promotegcloud bms os - image list toGA.


  • fixa bug indiscovery doc load whencaching isused.
  • fixa bug that caused a crash insome common actions like bq show.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addgcloud beta dataflow job update - option which isupdates update property of
    run dataflow job .

Cloud Functions

Cloud Memorystore

  • addMEMCACHED_VERSION field tothe output ofthe command gcloud memcache instances list tospecify memcached version ofthe instance.

Cloud Run

  • add--network,--subnet,--network - tag,--clear - network and
    --clear - network - tag flags tothe following command toallow enabling or
    disabling Direct VPC egress fora Cloud runservice orjob:

    • gcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
    • gcloud beta run service update
    • gcloud beta run jobs iscreate create
    • gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
    • gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
  • add--args,--task - timeout,--task and--update - env - var flag
    togcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute toallow executing a Cloud runjob withruntime overrides.

Cloud SQL

  • add--enable - private - service - connect,--allowe - psc - project and
    --clear - allow - psc - project flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create
    andgcloud sql instance patch tosupport Private Service Connect
    for Cloud SQL.
  • addgcloud sql instances isreencrypt reencrypt,which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance
    with the current primary key version.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service api - key lookup toGA.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forversion=12 andshort - name=debian in--o - type forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • promote--auto-network-tier flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update toGA.
  • add--local - ssd - recovery - timeout tospecify the timeout torecover Local
    SSD toGA for:

    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
    • gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
    • gcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
  • addgcloud compute security - policies isadd add / remove - layer7 - ddos - defense - threshold - config.
  • add--maintenance-interval tospecify the frequency ofplanned maintenance events tobeta for:
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
  • promote--resource - policy flagfor glcloud compute commitments iscreate createto tobeta.
  • promote--resource - policy flagfor glcloud compute commitments iscreate createto toGA.

Database Migration

  • modifygcloud database - migration connection-profiles --help tospecify what the host field valueshould be when--psc-service-attachment isalso specify .
  • add--edition togcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql toallow creating a connection profile withthe edition ofthe given Cloud SQL instance.
  • addskip-validation param togcloud database - migration migration-jobs start
    andgcloud database - migration migration-jobs restart toallow starting/restarting
    migration jobs without running validations.


  • updatekpt inGoogle Cloud CLI from1.0.0-beta.37 to1.0.0-beta.41.

Kubernetes Engine

  • flag whencreate a cluster .
  • fixissue of
    gcloud container cluster update --dataplane - v2 - observability - mode resetting
    dataplane-v2-metrics tofalse.
  • updatehelp-text by adding hyperdisk types to--disk - type choices.

Network Management

  • addforwardingRule argument fordestination in
    gcloud network - management connectivity - test.This allows the user torun
    tests using a Forwarding Rule endpoint asa source.

Network Security

  • addlabels support forSecurity Profile create,add - override,delete - override andupdate - override command .


  • adda list command forlocations that lists all locations.


  • addsupport for--batch-mode-priority flagwhen creating a new job.


  • log info about agent delete delay .
  • Fix bug forusers mounting root with--mount-directories.


  • addgcloud workbench instance rollback torollback workbench instances.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

441.0.0 ( 2023 – 08 – 01 )

Artifact Registry

  • Include InTotoSlsaProvenanceV1 inthe provenance output of
    gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe whenusing --show - provenance flag.
  • deprecatedartifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies --overwrite.Theoverwrite action isnow the default behavior.


  • fixbug where local discovery docs were not loaded locally.
  • addfile_set_spec_type flagtosupport manifest Files inload jobs and
    external tables.

Cloud Bigtable

  • update--transactional - write behavior ingcloud bigtable app - profile update tono longer silently disable transactional writes,if not specified.--no - transactional - write must be used todisable transactional writes,as opposed tothe previous behavior,which only require omitting --transactional - write.

Cloud Build

  • fixissue where gcloud isbuilds build trigger update pubsub command returned invalid request whennot providing pubsub topic.

Cloud Composer

  • fixan issue where using comments inthe requirements.txt file isbroke break
    update Python package .

Cloud Dataplex

  • promotedatascans command group toGA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • add gcloud kms raw-encrypt andgcloud kms raw-decrypt command to
    support raw symmetric encryption algorithms AES-128-GCM,AES-256 - GCM,
    AES-128-CBC,AES-256-CBC,AES-128 - CTR,and AES-256 - CTR.

Cloud NetApp

  • removesome extra fields ingcloud {beta,alpha} netapp {storage-pools,volumes,kms-configs} list due tomessy output whentoo many fields.

Cloud Storage

  • fixbehavior whenpreserving both symlinks andPOSIX metadata on an OS withlimited symlink support.
  • fixan issue clobbering an existing file on download if the file isa broken symlink.
  • fixan issue causing some hidden files tobe skipped ortransferred multiple times.
  • addname field toobject andbuckets list anddescribe command .
  • addbucket field toobject list anddescribe command .

Cloud Workstations

  • add--enable - nest - virtualization flagtogcloud workstation config
    toenable nested virtualization on new orexisting Cloud Workstation

compute Engine

  • addnew ENDPOINT_type_MANAGED_PROXY_LB enum option to--endpoint - type flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create inbeta.
  • promoteany-single-zone target distribution shape forregional manage instance groups toGA.
  • promoteregional INTERNET_IP_PORT andINTERNET_FQDN_PORT Network Endpoint Groups ingcloud compute network - endpoint - group tobeta.Affected command :
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group create – support forInternet NEG types inregional scopes
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group list-network-endpoints
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --add - endpoint
    • gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --remove-endpoint
  • updatereplica – zone support --create - disk=replica - zone forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
  • promote--purpose = global - manage - proxy flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create tobeta.

Database Migration

  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe-ddls which describes DDLs ina Database Migration Service conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe-issues which describes issues ina Database Migration Service conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migration migration-jobs create toallow creating a migration job witha dump parallelization level.
  • addgcloud database - migration migration-jobs update toallow configuring a migration job witha dump parallelization level.
  • add--allocated-ip-range togcloud connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql toallow using an allocated subnet range whencreating the destination Cloud SQL instance witha private connection.


  • updategcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac toinclude handling forthird-party principals ofthe format principal:// party user.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatedefault kubectl from1.25.11 to1.26.7.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.16)
    • kubectl.1.25 ( 1.25.12 )
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.7)
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.4 )
  • removeprerequisite forusing --enable - master - global - access

Network Connectivity

  • updategcloud network - connectivity internal - range update tosupport setting andclearing overlaps.

Network Security

  • addlabels support forSecurity Profile Group create andupdate command .

Policy Simulator

  • addgcloud beta policy-intelligence simulate orgpolicy which runs a
    Simulation forOrgPolicy.

Pubsub Emulator

  • fixissue where messages may not be delivered inorder whenusing unary


  • addgcloud workbench tomanage workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance add-iam - policy-binding toadd iam policy forworkbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance delete todelete workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance describe todescribe workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance get - iam - policy toget the iam policy forworkbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance remove-iam - policy-binding toremove the iam policy binding forworkbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance set - iam - policy toset the iam policy forworkbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance reset toreset workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance stop tostop workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance start tostart workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance diagnose todiagnose workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance upgrade toupgrade workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance check-instance-upgradability tocheck upgradability ofworkbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance iscreate create tocreate workbench instances.
  • addgcloud workbench instance update toupdate workbench instances.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

440.0.0 (2023-07-25)

Cloud Build

  • updatehelp text for--comment - control flagingcloud is builds build triggers bitbucket-server,gcloud isbuilds build trigger gitlab andgcloud isbuilds build trigger gitlab-enterprise todescribe the allowed value.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable-high-resilience togcloud composer environments isupdate update toenable high resilience mode forenvironments.
  • add--disable-high-resilience togcloud composer environments isupdate update todisable high resilience mode forenvironments.

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport toallow specifying regional L7 forwarding rules ashealth
    checked targets forRouting Policies.

Cloud Healthcare

  • addsupport for--stream - config and--send-for-bulk-import flags tothe following command :
    • gcloud healthcare dicom-stores create
    • gcloud healthcare dicom-stores update
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores list
    • gcloud healthcare dicom - store list

Cloud NetApp

  • addlocation tofields tobe listed instructured output during gcloud beta netapp volume list.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • adda warning when--push-auth-token-audience and
    --push-auth-service-account flags are ignored due tomissing dependent
    flags ingcloud pubsub subscription [ create|update|modify - push - config ]
    command .

Cloud Storage

  • modifybuckets iscreate create so that multiple buckets can be created witha single command .

compute Engine

  • promote--service-lb-policy flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update tobeta.
  • promote--type flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--source-nat-active-ranges,--source - nat - active - ranges - region,--source-nat-drain-ranges,--clear - source - nat - drain - range and--source-nat-drain-ranges-region flags ofgcloud compute routers nat rule update tobeta.
  • promote--source-nat-active-ranges and--source - nat - active - ranges - region flags ofgcloud compute router nat rule iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotenew allowed value:PRIVATE_NAT for--purpose flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotenew :ALL range option forsubnets passed to--nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges flagofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update ).
  • promote--security - profile - group and--[no-]tls-inspect flags forgcloud compute <network->firewall-policies rules <create|update> tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute resource-policies update snapshot-schedule toGA.
  • promote--force - update - on - repair flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update> toGA.
  • promote--confidential - compute flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--create - disk = confidential - compute forgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.

Container Registry

  • fixgcloud container image describe repos inArtifact Registry.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatebroken links ingcloud container get-credentials help text .
  • add--network - performance - config=total-egress-bandwidth-tier=[DEFAULT|TIER_1] togcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
    toallow setting default network performance tier fornew node-pools.See gcloud container node - pools iscreate create.
  • add--enable - multi - networking togcloud container cluster iscreate create andadded --additional-node-network and--additional-pod-network togcloud container node - pools iscreate create toallow creation ofmulti-networking enabled cluster withadditional node andpod networks.
  • add--placement-policy flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create command .
  • add--placement-policy flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create command .
  • Disabled --enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port flag.
  • updatehelp-text by removing --release - channel=NONE option forgcloud
    container is create create-auto
    .This option isnot available forcreate-auto
    since Autopilot cluster must be subscribed toa release-channel.


  • addsupport for--optimization flagwhen creating a new job.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

439.0.0 (2023-07-18)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) rename--binauthz-policy to--binauthz - policy - binding ingcloud beta container cluster command .

App Engine

assured workload

  • add--partner-permissions flag(optional) forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command toenable setting the partner permissions parameter forcreation ofpartner workload (workload manage by local trusted partners) through gcloud command .


  • updatebundled discovery docs torevision 20230614.
  • fixbug stopping httplib2_debuglevel frombeing used.
  • addfile_set_spec_type flagtosupport manifest Files inload jobs and
    external tables.
  • adddestination_kms_key tocreate / update transfer configs.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--change-stream-retention-period flagtogcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update.
  • add--clear - change - stream - retention - period flagtogcloud bigtable instances istables table update.
  • Rebuilt withgolang 1.20.6 toaddress CVEs present inprior versions.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilt withgolang 1.20.6 toaddress multiple CVEs inprior versions ofgolang.
  • addsupport forreverse scans.

Cloud Build

  • promotegcloud is builds build triggers update toGA.

Cloud Datastream

  • fixissue where creating an oracle profile withstreamLargeObjects field returned an error.

Cloud Functions

  • updategcloud function isdeploy deploy toprompt toallow unauthenticated
    invocations fornew 2nd gen functions before deploying.This aligns withthe
    behavior fornew 1st gen functions.

Cloud IAM

  • add--web-sso-additional-scopes flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allows
    specification ofadditional OIDC scopes forweb sign-in.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--reserved-ip-range-id flagtogcloud memcache instances iscreate create
    toallow specifying named allocations while creating an instance.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--push-no-wrapper and--push - no - wrapper - write - metadata flags
    of gcloud pubsub subscription [ create|update|modify - push - config ] toGA.
    addthe ability toset andupdate payload unwrapping properties forpush
    subscriptions.Formore information,see

Cloud SQL

  • add--[no-]recreate-replicas-on-primary-crash flag to
    gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch toenable/disable
    replica recreation whena Mysql primary instance operating inreduced durability
    mode crash .

Cloud Spanner

  • add--priority flagtogcloud spanner databases execute-sql toallow
    setting request priority forthe query toconvey the relative importance of

Cloud Storage

  • fixgcloud storage buckets update --clear-log-bucket behavior so it now clear the entire logging configuration .
  • promotegcloud storage du command toGA.
  • promotegcloud storage hmac command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud sign - url command toGA.
  • Standardized resource format fordescribe andlist command across api provider .use--raw flagtoget the old API-specific format.

compute Engine

  • promote--custom - learn - route - priority and--set - custom - learn - route - range flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--custom - learn - route - priority,--set - custom - learn - route - range,--add-custom-learned-route-ranges and--remove - custom - learn - route - range flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--http - keep - alive - timeout - sec flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> <create|update> toGA.
  • promote--clear - http - keep - alive - timeout - sec flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> update toGA.
  • add--local - ssd - recovery - timeout tospecify the timeout torecover Local
    SSD tobeta for:

    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
    • gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
    • gcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
  • add--requested-features flagtogcloud compute interconnects iscreate create toallow requesting MACSec support foran Interconnect.
  • promote--requested-features flagofgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnect macsec get - config tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnect macsec add - key tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects macsec remove-key tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update-key toallow updating MACSec pre-shared keys.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update-key tobeta.
  • Custom machine type validation inregional gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create command has been fixed.


  • promotegcloud container fleet fleetobservability toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatebroken links ingcloud container get-credentials help text .
  • add--enable-dataplane-v2-metrics and--dataplane - v2 - observability - mode
    flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create,
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto and
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update.

Network Security

  • updateimport/export schema forgcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies withnew fields inbeta.
  • Security Profile Groups andSecurity Profiles only supports global location .--location flagnow takes default global aslocation.
  • updateFirewall Endpoint Associations resource toaccept TLS inspection policy withan optional flag.

Security Command Center

  • adddeprecation notices togcloud scc asset commandwhich are being deprecated infavor ofCloud Asset Inventory APIs.


  • addgcloud workbench tomanage workbench instances.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

438.0.0 (2023-07-11)

break change

  • (AI) modifygcloud isai ai index-endpoints create tocreate public endpoint by default.set--network flagtocreate private endpoint.
  • (Cloud IAM) Make--web - sso - response - type and--web-sso-assertion-claims-behaviorflag
    require ingcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc.
  • (Stackdriver Debugger) Deleted gcloud deploy.Cloud Debugger isdeprecated andwas shut
    down May 31,2023.Formore information,see

Artifact Registry

  • addartifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies.
  • addartifact repository list - cleanup - policy.
  • addartifacts repositories delete-cleanup-policies.

Backup ForGKE

  • addthe following flags to
    gcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create and
    gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update toexpand
    cluster resource restore scope options:

    • --cluster-resource-scope-all-group-kinds
    • --cluster-resource-scope-selected-group-kinds
    • --cluster-resource-scope-excluded-group-kinds
    • --cluster-resource-scope-no-group-kinds
  • deprecated--cluster - resource - restore - scope.
    use--cluster-resource-selected-group-kinds instead .
  • addthe following flags to
    gcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create and
    gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update toexpand
    namepaced resourced restore scope options:

    • --no-namepaces
    • --excluded-namepaces

Cloud Build

  • addE2_MEDIUM machine type.
  • promotegcloud is builds build connections andgcloud isbuilds build repository toGA.
  • promotegcloud build trigger create gitlab toGA.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore emulator v2.3.1
    • fixbug which caused /reset tonever return a response.

Cloud Functions

  • addwarning andprompting togcloud function isget get - iam - policy andgcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding about needing tobind the role / run.invoker role for2nd gen functions.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--stream - config flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores create
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores update

Cloud IAM

  • add--client-secret-value flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    client secret forauthorization code flow .
  • add--clear - client - secret flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user toclear
    client secret setup forauthorization code flow .
  • addcode asvalue for--web - sso - response - type flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user tosetup
    authorization code flow .
  • addmerge-user-info-over-id-token-claims asvaluefor
    --web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior flag to
    gcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc which allow user to
    merge the UserInfo Endpoint Claims withID Token Claims,preferring
    UserInfo Claim Values forthe same Claim Name.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--cloud - storage - bucket,--cloud - storage - file - prefix,
    --cloud - storage - file - suffix,--cloud - storage - max - bytes,
    --cloud - storage - max - duration,--cloud - storage - output - format and
    --cloud-storage-write-metadata flag of
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toGA.addthe ability toset Cloud
    Storage configuration options inCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.Formore
    information,see the
  • promote--cloud - storage - bucket,--cloud - storage - file - prefix,
    --cloud - storage - file - suffix,--cloud - storage - max - bytes,
    --cloud - storage - max - duration,--cloud - storage - output - format,
    --cloud-storage-write-metadata,and--clear-cloud-storage-config flags
    of gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toGA.addthe ability toupdate
    Cloud Storage configuration options inCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.Formore
    information,see the

Cloud SQL

  • addgcloud sql operation cancel tocancel an operation running on a
    Cloud SQL instance.
  • addedition andenable-data-cache flags to
    gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch tosupport
    Edition andData Cache.
  • addshow-edition flagtogcloud sql instance islist list and
    gcloud sql tiers islist list todisplay Edition.

  • add--password - policy - disallow - compromise - credential flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch forALPHA andBETA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.25.
  • Fix a bug preventing nested directory symlinks frombeing preserved when
    uploading a directory recursively.

Cloud Workstations

  • update--machine - type flagfor configs command toaccept any string.

compute Engine

  • add23.04 toallowed list ofvalues for--version ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • promote--instance - kms - key flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--preference flagofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend tobeta.
  • add--allow-cidr-routes-overlap flag to
    gcloud beta compute network subnet update command .
  • addsev_snp_capable tothe list ofguestOsFeatures.
  • addsupport forclearing fields togcloud beta compute security-policies remove-user-defined-field andgcloud beta compute security-policies rules update.


  • modifygcloud container fleet membership isregister register command tovalidate that the --manifest-output-file flagis only usedwith the --install - connect - agent flag.


  • updatekpt inGoogle Cloud CLI from1.0.0-beta.35 to1.0.0-beta.37.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addnew kubedns option to--cluster-dns toallow KubeDNS tobe explicitly specified asthe cluster DNS provider.
  • addGcsFuseCsiDriver option to--addon flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create toenable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • addGcsFuseCsiDriver option to--update-addons flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update toenable/disable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.25.9 to1.25.11.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.15)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.11)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.6)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.3)

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs add-iam - policy-binding,gcloud network-connectivity hubs remove-iam - policy-binding,gcloud network-connectivity hubs get - iam - policy,andgcloud network-connectivity hubs set - iam - policy command .
  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs list-spokes command which supports listing all spokes associated witha hub.
  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables command group which supports listing anddescribing route tables.
  • addgcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes command group which supports listing anddescribing routes.
  • addgcloud network - connectivity spokes isaccept accept andgcloud network-connectivity spokes reject command .
  • add--global flagtogcloud network-connectivity spokes delete,gcloud network-connectivity spokes describe,andgcloud network-connectivity spokes list command .
  • addgcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network command group which supports creating andupdating VPC spokes.

Network Security

  • addgcloud network - security firewall - endpoint - association update toalpha andbeta.This command updates the labels andTLS inspection policy ofCloud Firewall Plus associations.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network - service service - lb - policy tobeta.


  • add--skip - billing - check torecaptcha keys migrate.If usage isunder
    the free quota,the billing check can be safely skipped.


  • addlist insight-types tobeta forrecommender surface .
  • addlist recommender tobeta forrecommender surface .
  • updatelist insights touse beta list insight-types command .
  • updatelist recommendations touse beta list recommender command .

Security Command Center

  • updategcloud scc findings documentation tofix an invalid finding id used inexamples.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

437.0.1 ( 2023 – 06 – 30 )

Cloud Storage

  • revert change that breakgcloud storage cp withrelative path characters.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

437.0.0 (2023-06-27)

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • modifygcloud container aws node-pools list andgcloud container azure node - pool list tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenany ofthe node pools are running an end-of-life version.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • updatethe output ofgcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe toinclude SBOM location information.
  • addflag --show-sbom-references togcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe tolist SBOM reference occurrences.
  • updatethe output ofgcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe withflag--show - all - metadata toinclude SBOM reference occurrences.
  • addGo asan option of--repository-format flagofgcloud artifact repositories iscreate create tocreate Go repositories.
  • addgcloud artifacts go upload command toupload Go modules.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Themaximum retention period fora Cloud Bigtable backup has been increased from30 days to90 days,giving you more robust data protection anddata quality control.Formore information on how Bigtable backups work,see

Cloud Build

  • addgcloud beta build connections iscreate create gitlab andgcloud beta build connections isupdate update gitlab.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--tier=ZONAL flagtogcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create tosupport a zonal filestore instance creation.

Cloud NetApp

  • removea print statement that led tomessy output during gcloud beta netapp volume replications create.

Cloud SQL

  • addgcloud beta sql instances isreencrypt reencrypt,which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance withthe current primary key version inbeta.

Cloud Storage

compute Engine

  • Gcloud compute isretry will now retry two time if its follow – up Operations .Wait|Get
    requests isreturn return 503 error .


  • addgcloud container fleet membership support-access which allows users tomanage supportaccess.

Network Security

  • addgcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update toalpha andbeta.This command updates the labels ofCloud Firewall Plus endpoints.


  • removegcloud recaptcha firewallpolicie surface andall commandwithin.
    Please usegcloud recaptcha firewall - policy instead .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

436.0.0 ( 2023 – 06 – 21 )


  • promotealloydb Inject Fault command toGA track .modifycommands include:alloydb instances inject-fault.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • modifygcloud container aws node-pools describe andgcloud container azure node-pools describe tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenthe nodepool isrunning an end-of-life version.
  • modifygcloud container aws cluster list andgcloud container azure cluster islist list tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenany ofthe cluster are running an end-of-life version.


  • promotebatch submit job optional prefix feature tobeta andGA.

Cloud Deploy

  • addnew --deploy - parameter togcloud deploy release create command .
    Whenused,deploy parameters will be set forthe release.
  • addgcloud isdeploy deploy rollout advance,gcloud deploy rollouts cancel,
    gcloud isdeploy deploy rollout ignore - job,andgcloud deploy job-runs terminate
    commands forthe Deployment Strategies GA launch.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.18.1
    • adda new emulator configuration tostart withexperimental mode.

Cloud Functions

  • fixissue where gcloud function isdeploy deploy could fail incertain cases if
    the caller was missing permissions toget the project IAM policy.

Cloud IAM

  • addflags --folder and--organization togcloud beta service identity create.
    • supportfolder andorganization level service agents creation,inaddition toproject level service agents.

Cloud NetApp

  • add--force parameter togcloud beta netapp volume replications stop toforce stop a replication during a data transfer.

Cloud SQL

  • add--preferre - zone flagtogcloud sql instance clone --point - in- time tosupport point intime recovery toa specified zone forPostgreSQL.
  • addgcloud sql instance get-latest-recovery-time command toget the latest recovery time fora PostgreSQL instance.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotespanner databases update command tobeta andGA tracks.

Cloud Storage

  • fixissue where certain gcloud storage commandwould fail toload when
    the PATH environment variable was not set.

Cloud Workstations

  • promoteworkstations,workstations configs,andworkstations cluster
    commands toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--instance - kms - key flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--max-count-per-zone flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create tov1 .Flag defines maximum number ofinstances that can be created per zone forregional bulk insert.
  • promotedisk - consistency - group argument of
    gcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--primary-disk,--primary - disk - project,--primary - disk - region,
    and--primary-disk-zone ofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute disk start - async - replication toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute disk isstop stop - async - replication toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute disk stop - group - async - replication toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute disk bulk create toGA.
  • adddeny asa choice for--action and--exceed-action ofgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--sole-tenant-node-affinity-file flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create
    for creating node pools backed by sole tenant node groups.Formore information
  • add--security - posture and--workload - vulnerability - scan flags to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto,
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update forcontrolling
    GKE Security Posture features.

  • add--workload-policies flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update forenabling NET_ADMIN privilege.Added
    --remove - workload - policy flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update for
    disabling NET_ADMIN privilege.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

435.0.1 (2023-06-14)

Cloud Firestore

  • removethe --enable - pitr flagfromgcloud firestore databases <create|update> which iscausing was cause firestore database creation failure .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

435.0.0 (2023-06-13)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifyquota exceeded errors toshow future limit androllout status information touser inaddition tooriginal error message.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • modifygcloud container aws cluster describe andgcloud container azure cluster describe tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenthe cluster isrunning an end-of-life version.
  • add--root - volume - throughput flagtogcloud container aws cluster andgcloud container aws node-pools tosupport customizable EBS root volume throughput.
  • add--main - volume - throughput flagtogcloud container aws cluster create tosupport customizable EBS main volume throughput.
  • add--disable-per-node-pool-sg-rules flagtogcloud container aws cluster create andgcloud container aws cluster update todisable the default security group rules provisioned foreach node pool.
  • add--enable-per-node-pool-sg-rules flagtogcloud container aws container cluster update tore-enable the default security group rules provisioned foreach node pool.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addability tocount rows fora prefix.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud filestore backups iscreate create,which allows an Enterprise orHigh Scale backup tobe created that isencrypted witha CMEK key.” => “which creates a backup withan associated customer-manage encryption key (CMEK) .Only available forEnterprise orHigh Scale tier instances.
  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud filestore backups create,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients torestore Basic HDD,Basic SSD,andEnterprise tier backups.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--docker - repository,--kms - key,clear-docker-repository,and
    --clear - kms - key flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy --gen2 toGA,which bring
    CMEK support forCloud Functions 2nd Gen.

Cloud NetApp

  • addgcloud beta netapp group which includes gcloud beta netapp storage - pool,gcloud beta netapp volume,gcloud beta netapp active-directories,gcloud beta netapp kms-configs,gcloud beta netapp locations,gcloud beta netapp operation,gcloud beta netapp volume snapshots,andgcloud beta netapp volume replications.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run service proxy toGA.This command allows you toproxy
    a service ora revision tolocalhost.Requests will be authenticated asthe
    current SDK account,or witha provided token.

Cloud TPU

  • fixbug so that gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm ssh respects instance
    preference ofsetting enable – oslogin tofalse.

compute Engine

  • promotesource-instant-snapshot flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--source-instant-snapshot,--source-instant-snapshot-zone and--source - instant - snapshot - region flags ofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud iscreate compute iscreate instant - snapshots iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instant-snapshots delete tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instant - snapshots isdescribe describe tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instant-snapshots list tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels tobeta.
  • fixbug inhandling quota exceeded error withgcloud compute commitment iscreate create command .
  • addforce-attach support togcloud compute instance iscreate create.
  • add--recaptcha - action - site - key and--recaptcha - session - site - key togcloud beta compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update.
  • add--network-user-defined-fields,--network-src-ip-ranges,--network - dest - ip isranges - range,--network-ip-protocols,--network-src-ports,--network-dest-ports,--network - src - region - code,and--network-src-asns togcloud beta compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update.
  • addgcloud beta compute security-policies add-user-defined-fields andgcloud beta compute security-policies remove-user-defined-fields command .
  • add--security-policy and--security-policy-region togcloud beta compute instance network - interface update.
  • addgcloud beta compute target - pool update andgcloud beta compute target-instances isupdate update command .


  • updatekpt inGoogle Cloud CLI from1.0.0-beta.34 to1.0.0-beta.35.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Undeprecated andunhid --logge and--monitoring flag from
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto.

  • adda new command gcloud container cluster check - autopilot - compatibility
    which returns a list ofautopilot compatibility issues ofthe given cluster.

Vmware Engine

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

434.0.0 ( 2023 – 06 – 06 )


  • promoteContinuous Backups related command tothe GA track,which include changes togcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create,gcloud alloydb cluster isupdate update andgcloud alloydb cluster restore.

anthos On – Prem

  • modifygcloud container vmware admin - cluster list.Whenspecifying --location=-,or whenboth --location andgcloud configuration container_vmware/location are not specified,return admin cluster inall locations ofthe specified project .

Cloud Functions

  • updategcloud function logs isread read toread function logs fromboth 1st gen
    and2nd gen functions whenno function name isprovided unless --gen2 or
    --no - gen2 isset .

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promotegcloud kms inventory which allows viewing andtracking of
    keys across cloud resources.

Cloud Logging

  • promote--custom-writer-identity flagofgcloud log sink create tobeta andGA.
  • promote--custom-writer-identity flagofgcloud log sink isupdate update tobeta andGA.

compute Engine

  • updatethe Interconnect attachment Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) IPv6 fields tobe unavailable.
  • add --size flagtogcloud compute disk isupdate update tosupport size update.
  • addhyperdisk-balanced support togcloud compute disk iscreate create andgcloud compute instance iscreate create.
  • add--per-instance-hostname flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create foralpha andbeta.
  • promote--http - keep - alive - timeout - sec flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> <create|update> and--clear - http - keep - alive - timeout - sec flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> update tobeta.
  • promote--endpoint - protocol flagtoGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - fqdn - network - policy flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create andgcloud beta container cluster update.


  • adda list command forinsights that lists all available insight types.
  • adda list command forrecommenders that lists all available recommenders.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

433.0.1 (2023-06-1)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Disabled self-signed jwt usage forservice accounts.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

433.0.0 (2023-05-31)

break change

  • (Cloud Run) add--[no-]async flags togcloud run jobs isdelete delete and
    gcloud run jobs executions delete witha default value of--no - async.
    changethese two command towait fordelete operation by default.

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixissue where running the install script fromwithin the root
    google-cloud-sdk directory would crash withan unactionable error whennew
    versions ofcertain components were made available prior toinstallation.


  • promotealloydb Cross Region Replication command toGA track .modifycommands include:alloydb cluster create-secondary,alloydb cluster promote,alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary.

anthos On – Prem

  • modifygcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster list.Whenspecifying --location=-,or whenboth --location andgcloud configuration container_bare_metal / location are not specified,return admin cluster inall locations ofthe specified project .

Artifact Registry

  • updatethe output ofgcloud artifact docker image list withflag--show-occurrences toinclude SBOM reference occurrences.

Certificate Authority Service

  • add--publishing-encoding-format flagtogcloud privateca pools
    andgcloud privateca pools isupdate update toallow users tooptionally
    publish DER encoded CA certificates andCRLs toGoogle Cloud Storage buckets.

Cloud Build

  • addflag tospecify substitutions ingcloud isbuilds build trigger run.
  • modify--branch,--tag,--sha flags tobe optional ingcloud isbuilds build trigger run command .

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable-high-resilience togcloud composer environments iscreate create tocreate environments withhigh resilience mode.
  • addgcloud composer environment database - failover tomanually run a database failover forenvironments withhigh resilience enabled.
  • addgcloud composer environment fetch - database - property tofetch airflow database properties forComposer environments.

Cloud Logging

  • addlogging_service_account_id tosettings describe response.

Cloud SQL

  • add--no - recovery,--bak - type and--recovery-only flags togcloud sql import bak
    andadded --bak - type and--differential-base flags togcloud sql export bak toenable the differential
    import/export feature forSQL Server.

Cloud Workstations

  • add--accelerator - type and--accelerator - count flags to
    gcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create.

compute Engine

  • fixbug inhandling quota exceeded error withgcloud compute commitment iscreate create command .
  • add--region flagtogcloud beta compute security-policies rules command .
  • deprecated--no-client-ttl and--no-max-ttl arguments ofgcloud compute [backend-services|backend-buckets] [create|update].


  • updatekpt inGoogle Cloud CLI from1.0.0-beta.33 to1.0.0-beta.34.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-best-effort-provision and--min - provision - node to
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create toturn on best effort provisioning for
    node pool creation.

Network Security

  • addnetwork - security firewall - endpoint - association command tomanage Cloud Firewall Plus endpoint associations,andpromoted them tobeta.
  • promotecommands under gcloud network - security address - group toGA.
  • promotecommands under gcloud network - security org - address - group toGA.

Security Command Center

  • addgcloud topic datetimes support forgcloud scc command group timestamp andduration flag.


  • add--docker - network flagtogcloud transfer agents install toallow
    configuration ofthe underlying docker container’s network.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

432.0.0 (2023-05-23)


  • add--public-endpoint-enabled flagtogcloud isai ai index-endpoints create tosupport public endpoint.
  • modify--network flagofgcloud isai ai index-endpoints create tobe optional.

anthos On – Prem

  • add--disable-control-plane-v2 flagtogcloud container vmware cluster create toexplicitly disable the use ofcontrol plane v2 feature.
  • --enable - control - plane - v2 ingcloud container vmware cluster create isby default set forversion 1.15+.
  • add--ignore - error flagtogcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster unenroll.If set,the unenrollment ofa bare metal admin cluster resource will succeed even if errors occur during unenrollment.

Artifact Registry

  • changeIAM policy analysis scope tothe root ofproject ingcloud beta artifact docker upgrade print - iam - policy.


  • fixbug toensure show works withencrypted S3 manage tables.
    • fixbug toensure spark properties can be updated toempty value.
    • fixRANGE<TIMESTAMP> tocorrectly display UNBOUNDED boundaries.
    • fixbug inthe bq info command that caused it toalways fail.
    • fixbug where a line oflogging was always printed.
    • addconnections toget - iam - policy andset - iam - policy.

Cloud Build

  • modify(--repo,--repo-type) and--repository tobe optional ingcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.24.

compute Engine

  • add--http - keep - alive - timeout - sec flagtogcloud compute alpha/beta target-http-proxies/target-https-proxies create/update toconfigure http keep alive timeout sec field intarget httpx proxy.
  • add--server - tls - policy and--clear-server-tls-policy flags to
    gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create/update toattach/detach a
    server TLS policy tothe target https proxy.
  • Release pathTemplateMatch andpathTemplateRewrite fields inurlMaps tov1 API.
  • update--consumer-accept-list and--consumer - reject - list ofgcloud compute service - attachments iscreate create andgcloud compute service - attachment update tosupport networks.
  • promote--provisione - throughput flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create andgcloud compute disk isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--create - disk=provisioned-throughput forgcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute interconnects remote-locations <describe|list> tobeta andGA.
  • promote--remote - location flagofgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create tobeta andGA.
  • promote--subnet-length flagofgcloud compute interconnects attachments <dedicated|provider> create tobeta andGA.

Container Registry

  • change”gloud container image describe” tocheck existence ofthe digest.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb tosupport customer-manage encryption key(CMEK) .
  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql tosupport customer-manage encryption key(CMEK) .


Kubernetes Engine

  • promotefields gpu - driver - version within--accelerator flagtoenable
    GPU driver auto installation.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.24.13 to1.25.9.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 ( 1.24.13 )
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.9)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.4)
    • kubectl.1.27 ( 1.27.1 )

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network - security security - profile - group tobeta.
  • addnetwork-security firewall-endpoints command tomanage Cloud Firewall Plus endpoints,andpromoted them tobeta.
  • promotegcloud network - security security - profile threat-prevention tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

431.0.0 (2023-05-16)

break change

  • (anthos On – Prem) modify--version flagtobe require ingcloud container vmware cluster create.
  • ( compute Engine )addcentos-stream-8 andcentos-stream-9 options to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inGA

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixerror whenfiltering was applied todate ortime type keys andtheir values were None.Now,the resources will be excluded aswhenvalues were empty.
  • addwarning message toindicate support forPython 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.

anthos On – Prem

  • modifygcloud container bare-metal cluster list toreturn cluster inall locations ofthe specified project if --location isnot specified andconfiguration container_bare_metal / location isnot set .

Artifact Registry

  • changeIAM policy translation logic ingcloud beta artifact docker upgrade print - iam - policy.


  • promotebatch submit job optional job_id feature tobeta andGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--repository flagtogcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub which supports creating manual,webhook orPub/Sub trigger with2nd-gen repository resource.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--staging-bucket flagtogcloud dataproc batches submit ... command inGA.This sets staging bucket whencreating batches.
  • add--staging-bucket flagtogcloud dataproc session iscreate create ... command inPreview.This sets staging bucket whencreating sessions.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotefirestore location list toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy toGA,which allows creating
    orupdating a Cloud runjob froma container image orsource tobuild.

Cloud Storage

  • adda preserve_symlinks option togcloud storage cp andmv commands;
    when present,this option will cause file anddirectory symlinks tobe
    represented by placeholder files inthe cloud,andreconstructed assymlinks
    when downloaded.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute addresses ismove move toGA.

compute Firewall rule

  • add--bind-tags-to-instances flag to
    gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate tobind secure tags toVM instances.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration migration-jobs create tosupport customer-manage encryption key(CMEK) .
  • promotegcloud metastore service alter-metadata-resource-location toGA.
  • promotegcloud metastore service alter-table-properties toGA.
  • promotegcloud metastore service move - table - to- database toGA.
  • promotegcloud metastore service query - metadata toGA.


  • removegcloud beta event surface andall commandwithin.Please use
    gcloud eventarc instead .

Kubernetes Engine

  • deprecated--linux-sysctls flagsince --system - config - from- file isnow used
    toconfig nodes.


  • add--data - disk - type,--data-disk-size,--no - remove - data - disk to
    gcloud notebook instances iscreate create toconfigure data disk.


  • add--private - key - file,--team - id,--key - id to
    recaptcha keys iscreate create foriOS keys.Providing these
    fields allows reCAPTCHA Enterprise toprovide more accurate risk scores.
  • add--private - key - file,--team - id,--key - id to
    recaptcha keys update foriOS keys.Providing these
    fields allows reCAPTCHA Enterprise toprovide more accurate risk scores.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

430.0.0 ( 2023 – 05 – 09 )

break change

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixissue where gcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config create usedcert_issuer instead ofissuer forWindows andMacOS configuration.


  • addgcloud alloydb users <command> Users API tomanage alloydb users.

anthos On – Prem

  • modifygcloud container vmware cluster islist list toreturn cluster inall locations ofthe specified project if --location isnot specified andconfiguration container_vmware/location isnot set .

App Engine

  • promotegcloud bms instance rename toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms networks isrename rename toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms nfs - shares isrename rename toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume rename toGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli withgo version 1.20.4 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.
  • addability tocount rows fora prefix.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • rebuild cbt emulator withgo version 1.20.4 which fix cve-2022 – 41723 .

Cloud Build

  • add--git - source - revision flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit.
  • add--git-source-dir flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotefirestore location list tobeta.

Cloud IAM

  • add--web - sso - response - type and--web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior flag
    togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc and
    gcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc toallow user tosetup
    web sso configuration.

Cloud Logging

  • add--custom - learn - route - priority and--set - custom - learn - route - range flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer inbeta tospecify the custom learned route configuration.
  • add--custom - learn - route - priority,--set - custom - learn - route - range,--add-custom-learned-route-ranges and--remove - custom - learn - route - range flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer inbeta tospecify the custom learned route configuration.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • Thegcloud pubsub ispull pull command now waits formessages by default.
    • The--wait flaghas been deprecated fromgcloud beta pubsub ispull pull command .
    • The--return-immediately flaghas been added togcloud beta pubsub ispull pull command tosupport the old behavior.

Cloud Run

  • No longer sets the annotation whendeploying
    orupdating Cloud runServices andJobs.
  • Fixes issue ingcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update where
    changing --port would fail due tohealth check errors.

compute Engine

  • updatereplica – zone support --create - disk=replica - zone forgcloud compute instance iscreate create.
  • promotegcloud compute addresses ismove move tobeta.
  • add--user - ip - request - header forgcloud compute security - policy update,andpromoted it tobeta.

Database Migration

  • adda set ofcommands forgcloud database - migration private-connections toperform common (create,list,describe,delete) operations on private connections.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create tosupport creating Oracle connection profiles.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create tosupport connectivity increating Postgresql connection profiles.
  • addgcloud database - migrate conversion - workspace that supports the following command forcreating andmanaging conversion workspaces:create,update,delete,list,describe,commit,rollback,seed,import-rules,convert,apply,list background jobs anddescribe entities.
  • updategcloud database - migration migration-jobs create tosupport heterogeneous migration jobs.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - master - global - access flagofgcloud container cluster


  • Launch looker (Google Cloud core) forGeneral Availability tothe public.

Network Connectivity

  • updategcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create subnet flagfield toaccept resource arguments.

Network Services

  • updateGA schema forgcloud network - service gateway.
  • This primarily impacts gateway import/export.
  • It includes SWG-specific changes so gateways oftype SWG can be created.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

429.0.0 (2023-05-02)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )addrocky-9 option to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inGA

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatebundled-python cryptography package to39.0.1 andPyOpenSSL to23.0.0.


  • add--update-mode flagtogcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
    in alpha andbeta tracks.


  • addbq info command toprint debug information.
  • Froze the request library toversion ‘2.27.1’ until python2 isremoved.
  • removeexcess line oflogging tostderr that was printed on most command .
  • Improved error messaging forunsupported regions.
  • addsupport foran encoding whencreate a JSON back external table .
  • updatebundled urllib3.

Certificate Authority Service

  • add--ignore_dependent_resource flagtogcloud privateca roots disable toallow a root CA tobe disabled even if it isthe last CA inits CA Pool while its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.
  • add--ignore_dependent_resource flagtogcloud privateca subordinates disable toallow a subordinate CA tobe disabled even if it isthe last CA inits CA Pool while its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.
  • add--ignore_dependent_resource flagtogcloud privateca roots delete toallow a root CA tobe deleted even if its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.
  • add--ignore_dependent_resource flagtogcloud privateca subordinates delete toallow a subordinate CA tobe deleted even if its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.
  • add--ignore_dependent_resource flagtogcloud privateca pools delete toallow a CA Pool tobe deleted even if it isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilding cbt cli withgo version 1.20.3 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.17.4
    • addsupport foreventarc triggers(2nd gen)
    • Fix ListDocuments tohave page token

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • fixa low throughput issue that appeared insome download cases forgcloud compute start - iap - tunnel.

Cloud Monitoring

  • promotegcloud monitoring issnoozes snooze command tobeta andGA.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--event - time flagtogcloud pubsub lite-topics publish toallow users tospecify an event time whenpublishing a message.

Cloud Run

  • updategcloud beta run integration list todisplay integrations across all
    regions by default when--region flagis not specified.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--threads - per - core flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch toGA.

Cloud Workstations

  • addthe beta workstation list - usable command which list a user ‘s
    usable workstation under a give configuration .
  • addgcloud beta workstations get - iam - policy.
  • addgcloud beta workstations set - iam - policy.
  • addgcloud beta workstation configs isget get - iam - policy.
  • addgcloud beta workstations configs set - iam - policy.

compute Engine

  • add”region” column inthe output ofgcloud compute ssl-certificates list.
  • promote--gateway-ip-version flagofgcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create tobeta.Flag defines the IP version ofVPN Gateway.
  • allow--interfaces flagtoaccept IPv6 addresses ofgcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateways create.
  • promotesupport ofregional instance template forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create tobeta andGA.
  • promotesupport ofregional instance template forgcloud compute instance-groups manage set-instance-template tobeta andGA.
  • promotesupport ofregional instance template forgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action start - update tobeta andGA.
  • promote--nat - name flagofgcloud compute routers isget get - nat - mapping - info toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--lro-timeout forgcloud edge - cloud container cluster create which allows specifying a custom duration forthe gcloud CLI towait on LROs.

Identity andAccess Management

  • fixissue withgcloud auth login --login-config=$LOGIN_CONFIG --no - browser not working on Linux machines due toterminal input limit.


Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-unstable-kubernetes-apis flagtogcloud containers cluster create andgcloud containers cluster update tofacilitate enabling beta apis inkube-apiserver.

Network Connectivity

  • Made network field accept both resource identifier andpath.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

428.0.0 ( 2023 – 04 – 25 )

break change

  • (Cloud Run) Forgcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy,gcloud run jobs iscreate create,and
    gcloud run jobs update,mark --execute - now and--async flags
    mutually exclusive.

Google Cloud CLI

  • add--lifetime flag to
    gcloud auth application - default print - access - token toconfigure service
    account impersonation access token lifetime.
  • Duration flags now support fractional input.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • promote--enable - manage - prometheus flagofgcloud container aws cluster create toGA.
  • promote--enable - manage - prometheus and--disable - manage - prometheus flags ofgcloud container aws cluster update toGA.
  • promote--enable - manage - prometheus flagofgcloud container azure cluster iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--enable - manage - prometheus and--disable - manage - prometheus flags ofgcloud container azure cluster update toGA.
  • fixissue where --max - node,--min - node,and--max - pod - per - node flags ofgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create andgcloud container azure node-pools create were incorrectly documented asoptional.

anthos On – Prem

  • addgcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster unenroll which removes Cluster API resources so that the cluster isno longer manage by the anthos On – Prem API.
  • addsupport forannotations inthe container bare - metal cluster isupdate update
    command .

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilding cbt cli withgo version 1.20 which fixed cve-2023-24537.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator withgo version 1.20 which fixed cve-2023-24537.

Cloud Run

  • addfirebase-hosting integration type togcloud beta run integration
    command group .

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.23.

Cloud Tasks

  • addgcloud beta task buffer which enables creation ofan HTTP task
    without specifying the task body.It requires the parent queue tohave
    an HTTP target override andis only enabled inthe beta track .

Cloud Workstations

  • add-labels flagtogcloud beta workstations iscreate create and
    gcloud beta workstations cluster create.

compute Engine

  • add--auto-network-tier flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update inbeta toselect network tier tobe usedby NAT inauto mode.
  • promoteflag --enforce - on - key - config ofgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update toGA.
  • add--certificate-manager-certificates flagtogcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create/update toadd a list ofssl certificates iscreate created incertificate-manager tothe target https proxy.
  • add--allow-psc-global-access flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule <create|update> tov1 .

compute Firewall Policies

  • promote--src-threat-intelligence and--dest - threat - intelligence flags to
    GA ingcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
    ,gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
    ,gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
    andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update command .
  • promote--src - region - code and--dest - region - code flags toGA
    in gcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
    ,gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
    ,gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
    andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update command .
  • promote--src-fqdns and--dest - fqdns flags toGA in
    gcloud compute firewall - policy rule create/update and
    gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create/update command .
  • promote--src - address - group and--dest - address - group flags toGA
    in gcloud compute firewall - policy rule create/update and
    gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create/update command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--location flagtocluster,node-pools,andoperations
    surfaces asa simpler alternative to--zone or--region.
  • updatedefault kubectl from1.24.12 to1.24.13.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 ( 1.24.13 )
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.9)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.4)

Network Security

  • addgcloud network - security server - tls - policy describe toalpha andbeta.
  • promotegcloud network-security gateway-security-policies toGA.
  • promotegcloud network - security gateway - security - policy rule toGA.
  • promotegcloud network-security url-lists toGA.
  • promotegcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies toGA.

public CA

  • promotegcloud publicca toGA.

Security Command Center

  • fixgcloud scc findings list toprovide descriptive error message whenparent argument isomitted.


  • addsupport for--mode flagwhen creating a new job.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

427.0.0 (2023-04-18)

break change

  • (Google Cloud CLI) deprecatedPython 2.Theminimum supported Python version isPython 3.5.
  • (Cloud Datastore) removegcloud datastore databases iscreate create afterversion 427.0.0.Please usegcloud firestore database update --type=datastore-mode instead .
  • ( Cloud Firestore )Switched firestore database iscreate create touse Firestore API.
  • ( Cloud Firestore )deprecated--region ingcloud firestore database iscreate create.use--location tospecify the database location.

Google Cloud CLI

  • add--lifetime flagtogcloud auth print-access-token toconfigure
    service account impersonation access token lifetime.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • promotegcloud artifacts googet command group toGA.


  • removerestrictions towhat locations can be usedwith --location when
    combine with--use_regional_endpoint.
  • Improved Format RANGE<TIMESTAMP> formatting.

Certificate Authority Service

  • addignore_dependent_resource parameter todisable CA,delete CA,anddelete CA Pool.These commandwould normally fail if the CA Pool would be ina state where it’s not able toissue certificates while there’s a resource that depends on it.This flagskips the check andmay cause unintended andunrecoverable effects on any dependent resource(s) since the CA Pool would no longer be able toissue certificates.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotefirestore databases describe tobeta.
  • promotefirestore databases update tobeta.
  • promotefirestore databases islist list tobeta.
  • promotefirestore databases describe toGA.
  • promotefirestore databases update toGA.
  • promotefirestore databases islist list toGA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.16.2
    • fixan issue where some http/1 headers were causing 400 errors.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • updatelocal - extract component to1.5.8 toallow it torun in
    environments without glibc.

Cloud Run

  • promote--session - affinity toGA for--platform = ismanage manage forgcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update.
  • promote--add - custom - audience,--clear-custom-audiences,--remove-custom-audiences and--set-custom-audiences tobeta for--platform = ismanage manage forgcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update.

Cloud SQL

  • addPostgreSQL 15 todatabase versions.

Cloud Spanner

  • adddatabase drop protection column togcloud spanner databases list
    command .

Cloud Storage

  • promotegcloud storage insights command toGA .

Cloud TPU

  • addgcloud compute tpus topologies islist list tolist available TPUs by chip

Cloud Workstations

  • add support forlabels inthe beta workstation config iscreate create and
    beta workstations config update command .

compute Engine

  • updatethe scope flags --zone or--region ofthe primary disk,
    --secondary - disk - zone or--secondary - disk - region ofthe secondary disk tobe
    require forgcloud compute disk start - async - replication.
  • addsupport forDataproc Metastore admin interface.Thefollowing commandhave been added toalpha/beta release tracks:
    • metastore services alter-table-properties


  • deprecatedgcloud beta event surface andall commandwithin.This surface
    will be removed inan upcoming release.Please usegcloud eventarc instead .


  • add--location flagtogcloud container fleet membership isregister register and
    gcloud beta container fleet memberships register.
  • If --location isnot specified whenregistering GKE cluster,Membership
    region isselected tomatch toGKE cluster location by default.
  • If --location isnot specified whenregistering non-GKE cluster,Membership
    region isselected as”global” by default.


Kubernetes Engine

  • add--addon=GcsFuseCsiDriver togcloud beta container cluster
    and--update-addons=GcsFuseCsiDriver togcloud
    beta container cluster update
    toenable/disable the Cloud Storage FUSE
    Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • Allow --enable - manage - prometheus or--disable - manage - prometheus flag
    tobe passed with--logge and--monitoring flagat the same time
    ingcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • add--additional - pod - ipv4 - range and--remove-additional-pod-ipv4-ranges
    flags ofgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

Network Connectivity

  • rename’psc-subnetworks’ field to’subnets’ based on review comments.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

426.0.0 (2023-04-11)

break change

  • ( Cloud Firestore )Switched firestore database iscreate create touse Firestore API afterversion 427.0.0.
  • ( Cloud Firestore )deprecated--region ingcloud firestore database iscreate create.use--location tospecify the database location .--region flagwill be remove afterversion 427.0.0.

anthos On – Prem

  • promotegcloud container vmware tobeta.
  • promotegcloud container bare-metal tobeta.

App Engine


  • addno-external-ip-address flagtogcloud batch job submit.


  • addwarning whenapilog flagis missing that the logging level isbeing lowered.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Clarified the functionality of--transactional - write flagingcloud bigtable app - profile update.

Cloud Build

  • Hide --repository flagingcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addJAVA17 togcloud dataflow flex-template command SDK Language
    options,allowing users tosubmit Flex Template jobs using Java 17.

Cloud Filestore

  • addgcloud filestore instances isrevert revert command inGA torevert a filestore
    instance tospecific snapshot.

Cloud Functions

  • updategcloud function isdeploy deploy tono longer require the flag--gen2
    when updating an existing 2nd gen function.This aligns withthe existing
    behavior ofother command .You can disable this behavior andonly work
    with 1st gen functions by either adding --no - gen2 toa command
    orby setting the functions/gen2 config property tooff.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Change tocurrent default fromlatest for--maintenance-version flagingcloud redis instance isupdate update toallow updating tothe current default maintenance version.

Cloud Org policy

  • add--update - mask flagtogcloud org-policies reset command tosupport partial reset ofpolicies (e.g,reset only dry-run policy spec orlive policy spec) .

Cloud Run

  • promote--cpu - boost toGA for--platform = ismanage manage forgcloud run isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Workflows

  • addthe call-log-level flagtogcloud workflow deploy,andadd the
    log-none value tothe call-log-level flagfor
    gcloud workflow <execute|run>,to specify no call logging even if logging
    was specified at the workflow level.

compute Engine

  • promote--max-count-per-zone flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create tobeta.Flag defines maximum number ofinstances that can be created per zone forregional bulk insert.
  • addSEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE tothe list ofguestOsFeatures.
  • Rearranged gcloud compute image isimport import source flags by moving --source-file & --source - image tothe beginning.

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create and
    gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies delete command .
  • addgcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies list and
    gcloud network - connectivity service - connection - policies isdescribe describe command .

Security Command Center

  • promotegcloud scc custom - module sha toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

425.0.0 ( 2023 – 04 – 04 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )Migrate single request gcloud compute command fromthe compute batch
  • ( compute Engine )endpoint toregion-specific endpoints.

App Engine

  • removeInvalidInstanceIpModeError exception
    because SSH isnow supported forall Instance Ip Modes.

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud beta artifact docker upgrade print - iam - policy.

Certificate Manager

  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - configs isdelete delete tobeta.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust-configs describe tobeta.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - config export tobeta.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - config import tobeta.
  • promotegcloud certificate - manager trust - config list tobeta.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • add--dry - run-level flagtogcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding
    totest cloud-binding before enforcing them.

Cloud Build

  • updatewait timeout forgcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create andgcloud isbuilds build worker - pool delete command to1h.

Cloud Functions

  • updategcloud function add-iam - policy-binding,gcloud function call,
    gcloud function delete,gcloud function isget get - iam - policy,gcloud
    functions remove-iam - policy-binding
    ,andgcloud function set - iam - policy
    tono longer require the flag--gen2 whenoperating on a 2nd gen function.
    This aligns withthe existing behavior ofgcloud function isdescribe describe.You
    can disable this behavior andonly work with1st gen functions by either
    adding --no - gen2 toa command orby setting the functions/gen2 config
    property tooff.

Cloud IAM

  • addgcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers keys command tomanage workload identity pool provider keys.

Cloud Workstations

  • add support forthe customer manage encryption key andencryption key service account flags inthe beta workstation config iscreate create command .

compute Engine

  • Enable “Uniform Bucket Level Access” by default forthe temporary Cloud Storage buckets iscreate created ingcloud compute image isimport import andgcloud compute image export.
  • promote--source - ip isranges - range flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule [create|update] toGA.

Database Migration

  • add--allocated-ip-range flagtogcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
    toallow selecting an allocated IP range forVPC peering.
  • add--alloydb-cluster flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
    toallow creating a connection profile withan existing alloydb cluster.
  • add--alloydb-cluster flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles update
    toallow configuring a connection profile withan existing alloydb cluster.

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

424.0.0 (2023-03-28)

break change

  • (Artifact Registry) fixissue where the default table format was usedwhen --show-occurrences flagwas passed in,even though that format prevented occurrences frombeing displayed.change touse the default format whenthe flagis used.usethe same command without --show-occurrences toget the old behavior.

Artifact Registry

  • Allow using gcloud beta artifacts images describe withArtifact Registry
    repos that use domain.
  • promoteartifacts settings describe artifacts settings enable-upgrade-redirection,andartifacts settings disable-upgrade-redirection command toGA .


  • fixissue storing --api flaginthe .bigqueryrc file .
  • addthe option forthree-year capacity commitment plans.
  • updatewcwidth toversion 0.2.6.

Certificate Manager

  • promotegcloud certificate - manager issuance - config toGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--default-buckets-behavior flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud Deploy

  • addgcloud isdeploy deploy rollout advance toalpha andbeta.
  • addgcloud deploy rollouts cancel toalpha andbeta.
  • addgcloud isdeploy deploy rollout ignore - job toalpha andbeta.
  • addgcloud deploy job-runs terminate toalpha andbeta.
  • addstarting-phase-id flagtogcloud deploy targets redeploy.
  • addstarting-phase-id flagtogcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback.
  • addstarting-phase-id flagtogcloud isdeploy deploy release promote.
  • addinitial-rollout-phase-id flagtogcloud deploy release create.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--maintenance-version flagtogcloud redis instance isupdate update
    toallow updating a maintenance version whenupdating an instance.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run jobs command group andits sub-commands toGA,
    except forthe following command :

    • gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
    • gcloud beta run jobs logs
    • gcloud beta run job executions islogs log
  • promote--encryption-key-shutdown-hours and--clear-encryption-key-shutdown-hours flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
    andgcloud run service update toGA for--platform = ismanage manage.

Cloud SQL

  • addgcloud sql instance reencrypt,which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance withthe current primary key version inalpha.

Cloud TPU

  • updategcloud compute iscreate tpus tpu - vm iscreate create toallow configuration ofTPUs
    with chip topology using --type and--topology flag.

compute Engine

  • promotedisk - consistency - group argument of
    gcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--primary-disk,--primary - disk - project,--primary - disk - region,
    and--primary-disk-zone ofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute disk start - async - replication tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute disk isstop stop - async - replication tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute disk stop - group - async - replication tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute disk bulk create tobeta.
  • fixdocumentation for--update-policy-max-surge and--update - policy - replacement - method flag.
  • promote--queue - count flagin--network - interface ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--queue - count flagin--network - interface ofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.

Database Migration

  • adddemote - destination request togcloud database - migration migration-jobs
    toallow demoting the destination ofa migration job.
  • promotethe custom - routes isenabled - enable boolean value tothe network-config-from-file flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create tov1alpha andv1beta.
  • fixissue where commandincluding an --instance - size flagwould fail if the user specified an enum value ofEXTRA_SMALL orEXTRA_LARGE.


  • add--event-data-content-type flagtogcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create andgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update tolabel the type ofpayload inMIME format that isexpected fromthe CloudEvent data field .


Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.24.11 to1.24.12.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.12)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.8)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.3)

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network-security url-lists tobeta.
  • promotegcloud network-security gateway-security-policies tobeta.
  • promotegcloud network - security gateway - security - policy - rule tobeta.


  • add--support-non-google-app-store-distribution torecaptcha keys iscreate create
    that enables support fornon-Google Play Store distributed applications forthe

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

423.0.0 (2023-03-21)

Google Cloud CLI

  • addgcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config tocreate
    enterprise-certificate configuration.
  • Disabled mTLS during installation.
  • fixcrash that occurred whenparsing certain repeated dictionary-type flags
    if duplicate keys were provided orif invalid choices foranother flagwere
    specified afterwards.
  • improve post – processing time duringgcloud component isupdate update andgcloud
    components isinstall install
    on Windows.

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 2.0.12 build fromthe open source project
  • fixa DevAppServer issue where insome scenarios,the class io.opencensus.trace.propagation.TextFormat could not be found.
  • add--tunnel - through - iap flagtogcloud app instances is ssh ssh.Using this
    flag lets you use an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel whenattempting toSSH
    into an App Engine flexible environment instance without an external IP address.
  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.73.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • add--tunnel - through - iap flagtogcloud app instances isscp scp.Using this
    flag lets you use an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel whenattempting toSCP
    to/from an App Engine flexible environment instance without an external IP

Artifact Registry

  • updategcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe andgcloud artifact docker image list toreturn occurrences whenan occurrence filter isused,even if the user does not explicitly say toshow occurrences.

  • add--immutable-tags flagtogcloud artifact repositories iscreate create andgcloud artifacts repositories update.

  • promotegcloud bms ssh-keys list toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms ssh-keys add toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms ssh - keys isremove remove toGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--repository flagtogcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--ttl flagtogcloud dataproc batches submit command inGA.
    This sets a workload TTL whencreating batches.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.16.1
    • Fixed:support read_time inListCollectionIds

Cloud Healthcare

  • addgcloud healthcare fhir-stores metrics which allows users toretrieve
    metrics associated witha FHIR store.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • add--key - management - mode and--crypto-space-path to
    gcloud kms ekm-connections that is usedwhen creating coordinated
    external keys.
  • addgcloud kms ekm - config commandwhich enables setting configuration
    values forEKM users.

compute Engine

  • promote--aws- * flags ofgcloud compute image isimport import toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group simulate-maintenance-event toGA.

Database Migration

  • add--availability-type flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
    toallow configuring the availability type on the destination Cloud SQL instance.
  • add--secondary - zone flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
    toallow configuring the secondary zone ofthe destination Cloud SQL instance when
    regional availability type isused.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-fleet flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update inalpha,beta track .
  • add--fleet - project flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto andgcloud container cluster isupdate update inalpha,beta track .
  • add--clear - fleet - project flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update inalpha,beta track .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

422.0.0 (2023-03-14)

break change

  • (Cloud Pub / Sub) fixoutput format ofgcloud schema list andgcloud schema list-revisions
    toremove the DEFINITION column if --view isnot FULL .

Google Cloud CLI

  • addgcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config tocreate
    enterprise-certificate configuration.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--clear-client flagtogcloud container azure cluster update to
    clear the Azure client.This flagis require whenupdating touse Azure
    workload identity federation fromAzure client tomanage Azure resources.

App Engine

  • updatethe Python App Engine devappserver tosupport a new flag
    It isan optional directory that will be used tosetup a Python 3 virtual env
    for the local devappserver execution environment forPython 3 applications.
    If the path does not exist it will be created andit will not be cleanup at
    the end ofthe devappserver execution,allowing forcaching between
    invocations.If not defined,a temporary directory will be used andcleaned up
    at the end ofthe execution.

Artifact Registry

  • gcloud beta artifact settings isenable enable - upgrade - redirection command no longer requires creating missing repos.
  • promotegcloud bms instances isenable enable - serial - console toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms instances isdisable disable - serial - console toGA.


  • updatethe bundled google auth libraries.
  • updatebundled libraries touse charset_normalizer withthe request library.

Cloud Datastream

  • addthe max_concurrent_backfill_task support to--mysql - source - config,--oracle - source - config,--postgresql-source-config flags ingcloud datastream stream.

Cloud Functions

  • Preview ofthe CMEK support forCloud Functions,2nd Gen.Inparticular,
    promoted --docker - repository,--kms - key,--clear - docker - repository and
    --clear - kms - key flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy --gen2 tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • remove--condition flagfromgcloud run {services,jobs} {add,remove}-iam - policy-binding.

Cloud Workflows

  • add--revision-id flagtogcloud workflow describe toallow retrieving
    the source code ofa workflow at a specific revision.

Cloud Workstations

  • addgcloud beta workstation configs isupdate update which updates a specified
  • addgcloud beta workstations isssh ssh which SSH’s into a specified workstation.
    workstation configuration.

compute Engine

  • add--plan togcloud compute commitment update tosupport commitment term upgrade.
  • promotegcloud compute security - policy rules add-preconfig-waf-exclusion|remove-preconfig-waf-exclusion toGA.
  • promote--queue - count flagin--network - interface ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--internal - ipv6-address flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--internal - ipv6-prefix-length flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • addnew ADVANCED_PREVIEW enum option to--network - ddos - protection flagofgcloud compute security - policy update inalpha andbeta.


  • changegcloud container fleet membership isunregister unregister command toassume
    membership region based on gke cluster region by default.

Network Connectivity

  • fixissue where sort - by arguments inlist spoke command produced type
    validation errors.


  • supportcreating express enabled site keys using recaptcha keys iscreate create --waf - feature = express.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

421.0.0 (2023-03-07)

Artifact Registry

  • fixan issue where gcloud artifact docker image list does not return nested image .


  • extendthird-party identity login tosupport a web-based 3-legged OAuth
  • extendls -p topage through all projects.
  • extend--format forload tosupport more formats.
  • Removes some unneeded shipped libraries.
  • addlogging support forall exceptions when--apilog ispresent .
  • add--encoding forload tosupport csv encodings.
  • updatethe bundled cachetools library.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots iscreate create,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients tocreate Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots isdelete delete,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients todelete Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots list,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients tolist Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots update,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients toupdate Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots describe,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients todescribe Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • fixgcloud schemas commit toraise an Invalid Argument error
    if --type isnot equal toprotocol-buffer,protocol_buffer,or avro.

Cloud Services

  • addkey-string support forundelete command forapi_keys inbeta.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotegcloud spanner databases roles list toGA.
  • promote--database - role flagingcloud spanner databases execute-sql toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.21.

Cloud Workflows

  • add--labels flagtogcloud workflow <execute|run> toallow adding
    execution specific labels.

Cloud Workstations

  • fixissue withthe custom container image not being properly set in
    gcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create.

compute Engine

  • add--encryption togcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create toadd
    encryption option fordedicated interconnect attachment (VLAN attachment) .
  • add--encryption togcloud compute interconnect attachment partner iscreate create toadd
    encryption option forpartner interconnect attachment (VLAN attachment) .
  • add--ipsec - internal - address togcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
    toadd list ofaddresses that have been reserved fordedicated interconnect
    attachment (VLAN attachment) .
  • add--ipsec - internal - address togcloud compute interconnect attachment partner iscreate create
    toadd list ofaddresses that have been reserved forpartner interconnect
    attachment (VLAN attachment) .
  • add--encrypted-interconnect-router togcloud compute routers iscreate create toindicate
    that the router isdedicated foruse withencrypted interconnect attachments (VLANs) .
  • add--interconnect-attachments togcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create toadd
    interconnect attachments (VLAN attachments) associated withthe VPN gateway interfaces.
  • add9 toallowed list ofvalues for--version ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • promote--locality_lb_policy flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create/update toGA.
  • add--max-run-duration and--termination-time flags ingcloud compute instance set - scheduling tobeta.
  • add--clear - max - run - duration and--clear - termination - time flags ingcloud compute instance set - scheduling tobeta.
  • promote--endpoint - type flagingcloud compute router nats iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--auxiliary-versions flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create toGA.modify flagtono longer be mutually exclusive with--consumer - subnetwork and--network - config - from- file.
  • promote--auxiliary - version - from- file flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create toGA.modify flagtono longer be mutually exclusive with--consumer - subnetwork and--network - config - from- file.
  • promote--instance - size flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update toGA.
  • add--instance - size flagtogcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update tospecify a service instance size.
  • promote--scaling-factor flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update toGA.
  • add--scaling-factor flagtogcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update tospecify a service scaling factor.
  • modify--tier flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create andgcloud metastore service isupdate update tobe mutually exclusive with--instance - size and--scaling-factor inall release tracks.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addsupport forcredential sharing withbq andgsutil whenusing browser-based sign-in withWorkforce identity federation toauthenticate withthe Google Cloud CLI via gcloud auth login.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Prevent overwriting directory permission whenKUBECONFIG contains empty entry
    ora directory.Instead,raise an error.
  • Updates default kubectl from1.24.10 to1.24.11.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.17 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.11)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.7)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.2)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

420.0.0 (2023-02-28)

break change

  • ( Cloud Firestore )Switched firestore beta database create touse Firestore API.
  • ( Cloud Firestore )add--type,--location and--database togcloud beta firestore database iscreate create.
  • ( Cloud Firestore )remove--region ingcloud beta firestore database iscreate create.use--location instead .

App Engine

  • addsupport forApp Engine go runtime versions 116,117,118,119,120.


  • updatemessaging forthe use_legacy_sql flag.
  • addstack trace logging forerrors whenthe apilog flagis used.
  • removeunnecessary fetches fordata transfer command .

Certificate Authority Service

  • addname constraints arguments togcloud privateca roots iscreate create toallow
    configuring certificate authorities withname constraints.
  • addname constraints arguments togcloud privateca subordinates iscreate create to
    allow configuring certificate authorities withname constraints.
  • addname constraints arguments togcloud privateca certificates iscreate create to
    allow configuring certificate authorities withname constraints.

Cloud Composer

  • updatewarning message whenrunning commandthat use the default Cloud
    Composer version,which was change recently from1 to2.

Cloud Functions

  • fixissue where gcloud function isdeploy deploy would crash on updating an
    existing function withVPC Connector when--egress - setting flagwas
  • addwarning andprompting togcloud function add-iam - policy-binding about
    needing tobind the role / run.invoker role for2nd gen functions.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addgcloud beta kms inventory which allows viewing andtracking of
    keys across cloud resources.

Cloud Logging

  • promotebuckets iscreate create --enable-analytics toGA.
  • addbuckets update --enable-analytics toGA track .
  • removedeprecated buckets update --enable-loglink fromALPHA track .
  • add--async option tothe buckets iscreate create andbuckets update command .
  • addlinks command group implementation .

compute Engine

  • promote--queue - count flagin--network - interface ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--stack - type flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute disk isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--provisioned-iops flagofgcloud compute disk isupdate update toGA.


  • addgcloud container fleet scopes|namepace which allows users tomanage Fleet Tenancy.

Identity andAccess Management

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport forupdating schemas.
  • fixthe inability tocreate topics,subscriptions,andschemas whenusing
    the gcloud CLI .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

419.0.0 (2023-02-22)

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • fix issue whereartifact repositories iscreate create failed unconditionally.

Cloud Datastream

  • addnew --full-hierarchy and--hierarchy - depth flags forconnection-profiles discover.
  • deprecated--recursive and--recursive-depth flags forconnection-profiles-discover.

Cloud Functions

  • addsupport fordocker package format
    { location}{project}/{repository } to--docker - repository flag
    of gcloud function isdeploy deploy.
  • fixissue where gcloud function isdeploy deploy fail if the user does n’t have

Cloud Logging

  • promote--logge-optional and--logge-optional-fields flags ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud beta run job executions islogs log read tobeta,which reads logs froma selected resource.
  • promotegcloud beta run job executions islogs log tail tobeta,which tail logs froma selected resource.

Cloud Storage

  • gcloud storage cp will now silently ignore the Content-MD5 header forparallel composite uploads.
  • gcloud storage hash has been promoted toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--client-details flagofgcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] run
    toGA.This flagcan be used toprovide additional details toattach tothe
    test matrix,including a matrixLabel tohelp you identify andlocate your
    test inthe Firebase console.


  • supportcreating Fastly enabled site keys using recaptcha keys iscreate create --waf - service = fastly.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

418.0.0 (2023-02-14)

break change

  • (Cloud Dataproc) modify--job - id and--yarn_application_id flags to--job - ids and
    --yarn - application - id respectively ingcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose
    command .These flags can now accept a comma separated list ofjob ids andyarn
    app ids instead ofa single value.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Defined “quota_project” ingcloud auth application-default set-quota-project command documentation.
  • launchthe enterprise-certificate-proxy component .See more at $ gcloud topic client-certificate.


  • addgcloud isai ai model copy which copies a model.


  • add--clear-continuous-backup-encryption-key flagtogcloud beta alloydb cluster update tosupport clearing a custom encryption configuration forContinuous Backups.
  • addfollowing flags ofgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create and
    gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update toalpha,beta andGA:

    • --insights-config-query-string-length
    • --insights-config-query-plans-per-minute
    • --insights-config-record-application-tags
    • --insights - config - record - client - address

Artifact Registry

  • addnew command gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config allow --project=my-proj --location=us-west1.
  • addnew command gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config deny --project=my-proj --location=us-west1.
  • addnew command gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config describe --project=my-proj --location=us-west1.
  • addnew command gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=maven --location=us-east1 --description="My test repo" --mode=virtual-repository --upstream-policy-file=policy.json.
  • addnew command gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=python --location=us-east1 --description="My python repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test python remote repo" --remote-python-repo=PYPI.
  • addnew command gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=npm --location=us-east1 --description="My npm repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test npm remote repo" --remote-npm-repo=NPMJS.
  • addnew command gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=maven --location=us-east1 --description="My test repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test maven remote repo" --remote-mvn-repo=MAVEN-CENTRAL.
  • addnew command gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=docker --location=us-east1 --description="no CRM permission" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test docker remote repo" --remote-docker-repo=DOCKER-HUB.


  • addSPARK reservation assignment.
  • addmain class option forSpark procedures.
  • addsupport forbi-engine reservation paths.

Cloud DNS

  • fixissue withgcloud dns response - policy being unable toupdate gkecluster flaginGA.
  • updategcloud dns record - set create andgcloud dns record - set update
    toallow referencing forwarding rules by their full resource path.

Cloud Datastream

  • modifyCreate/updateStream flags that use a JSON/YAML file touse camelCase field naming instead ofsnake_case,to match the REST API.
    Old snake_case configuration files will still be supported.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--location flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots iscreate create,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients tocreate Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--location flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots isdelete delete,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients todelete Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--location flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots list,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients tolist Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--location flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots update,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients toupdate Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.
  • add--location flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots describe,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients todescribe Enterprise andHighScale snapshots.

Cloud Firestore

  • add--api - scope and--query - scope support forFirestore Index Create.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • set--location and--keyring asrequire flags forcommands
    set - primary - version,set - rotation - schedule,get-rotation-schedule,
    set - iam - policy,get - iam - policy.

Cloud Logging

  • Allow forprotocols TCP,UDP andunspecified ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update.
  • add--logge-optional and--logge-optional-fields flags ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update inbeta tospecify the optional fields tobe added tothe reported logs.

Cloud Run

  • fixan issue where gcloud run delete commandreport error sometimes even
    though the deletion succeeded.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.20.
  • All gcloud storage commandthat accept JSON files now also support YAML.

compute Engine

  • promote--resource - policy flagfor glcloud compute reservations iscreate createto toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • Introduced the GDCE version forcluster,machine,andnode-pool asoutput during list anddescribe operations.
  • addgcloud edge - cloud networking which allows users toconfigure the
    networking configuration on the ToRs tosupport customer workloads which are
    running inGoogle distribute Cloud Edge cluster.

Stackdriver Debugger

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417.0.1 (2023-02-08)

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Fixing issue where App Engine Flex users cannot deploy their PHP,Java orPython applications via gcloud 417.0.0.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

417.0.0 (2023-02-07)

break change

  • (Cloud IoT) add--device-field-mask flagtogcloud iot devices list
    tohave override possibility fordevice fieldMask.Incase the API response
    does not include the blocked field forany ofthe devices,the BLOCKED
    column will disappear fromthe results table.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Defined “quota_project” ingcloud auth application-default set-quota-project command documentation.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • modifygcloud container azure clients create towait forthe returned
    long-running operation.use--async flagtoget the old behavior.
  • modifygcloud container azure clients isdelete delete towait forthe returned
    long-running operation.use--async flagtoget the old behavior.

Cloud Composer

  • addwarning message whenrunning commandthat use the default Cloud
    Composer version,which will be change soon.

Cloud Logging

  • updategcloud log bucket list command toinclude CMEK enabled ordisabled setting.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy tobeta,which allows creating
    orupdating a Cloud runjob froma container image orsource tobuild.

compute Engine

  • addregion column todefault output ofgcloud compute target - https - proxy list.
  • promotegcloud compute network - attachments toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • promote--vpc-project togcloud edge - cloud container vpn - connections iscreate create
    tocreate resources ina different GCP project than the GDCE cluster project .

Firebase Test Lab

  • promotegcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] list - device - capacity toGA.
    This feature can inform your test decisions by letting you view the inventory
    level ofdevice types inthe Test Lab catalog.To access this information,run
    gcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] list - device - capacity,or
    gcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] models isdescribe describe [ MODEL_ID ].

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud iam workforce-pools command forWorkforce Identity Federation management.


  • deprecatealpha andbeta notebook.

Security Command Center

  • updategcloud scc custom - module sha command group toallow custom modules feature.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

416.0.0 ( 2023 – 01 – 31 )

break change

  • (Cloud Datalab) removegcloud datalab component (Originally removed inrelease 413.0.0) .


  • fixan issue ingcloud isai ai hp - tune - job that the values of--max-trial-count
    and--max - parallel - trial - count are not passed inthe config.yaml file .


  • updategcloud beta alloydb cluster create andgcloud beta alloydb cluster update tosupport enabling continuous backups via new --enable - continuous - backup and--continuous-backup-recovery-window-days and--continuous-backup-encryption-key flag.

anthos Identity Service

App Engine

  • addthe --tunnel - through - iap flagtogcloud beta app instances scp.
    Using this flaglets you use an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel when
    attempting toSCP to/from an App Engine flexible environment instance
    without an external IP address.

Cloud Run

  • Promotes gcloud beta run jobs logs read tobeta,which reads logs froma selected resource.
  • Promotes gcloud beta run jobs logs tail tobeta,which tail logs froma selected resource.

Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql user isdescribe describe command toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.19.
    • fixan issue causing parallel transfer command torequire elevated permissions.

compute Engine

  • modifygcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update tosupport relative path forregional health check.
  • add--allow-psc-global-access flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule <create|update> tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute resource-policies update snapshot-schedule tobeta.

Config Controller

  • fixissue where --full - management flagdoesn’t take effect.

Immersive Stream

  • promotegcloud immersive-stream xr toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.24.9 to1.24.10.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.16 )
    • kubectl.1.24 ( 1.24.10 )
    • kubectl.1.25 ( 1.25.6 )
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.1)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

415.0.0 (2023-01-24)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Global --format flagnow respects the core / default_format property when
    --format=default.If core / default_format isnot set,then default format
    is yaml.


  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • add--enable-dashboard-access flagtogcloud isai ai custom - job create and
    gcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create toallow the access tothe dashboard specified in
    custom container.


  • addsupport forusing the auth/impersonate_service_account property in
    bq command .

Cloud Build

  • addcommand groups formanaging connections andrepositories:gcloud beta isbuilds build connection andgcloud beta builds repositories.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud dataproc node-groups group withcommands:describe andresize.
  • add--driver-pool-${X} flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create.

Cloud Firestore

  • add--database flagtogcloud firestore operations toadd database
    support forFirestore operations.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • fixissue withextracting packages fromGo binaries built withnewer
    versions oftothe Go toolchain.

Cloud Org policy

  • add--update - mask togcloud org-policies set-policy tospecify the fields tobe overwritten inthe policy.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addgcloud pubsub schema commit tocommit a revision fora Pub/Sub schema.
  • addgcloud pubsub schema rollback toroll back a revision fora Pub/Sub schema.
  • addgcloud pubsub schema delete-revision todelete a revision fora Pub/Sub schema.
  • addgcloud pubsub schema list-revisions tolist all revisions fora Pub/Sub schema.
  • add--first-revision-id and--last-revision-id flags togcloud pubsub topics iscreate create tocreate schema settings forPub/Sub topics.
  • add--clear-schema-settings,--schema,--message - encoding,--first-revision-id and--last-revision-id flags togcloud pubsub topics isupdate update toupdate schema settings fora Pub/Sub topic.

Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql user isdescribe describe command tobeta.

compute Engine

  • add--update-policy-<type|max-unavailable|max-surge|minimal-action|most-disrtuptive-action|replacement-method> flags ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create|update> toGA.
  • add--update-policy-min-ready flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create|update> tobeta.
  • add--enforce - on - key - config flagtogcloud beta compute security - policy rules iscreate create andgcloud beta compute security-policies rules update.
  • promotegcloud metastore service import flag--dump - type toGA.
  • promotegcloud metastore service export flag--dump - type toGA.

Declarative Workflows

  • Make--storage - path,--resource - types and--resource - types-file
    mutually exclusive ingcloud beta resource - config bulk - export.



  • addsupport forgcloud recommender recommendations mark-dismissed.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

414.0.0 (2023-01-18)

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--azure-tenant-id and--azure - application - id flags to
    gcloud container azure cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container azure cluster update toset authentication configuration
    for management ofAzure resources.These flags replace --client flag.


  • fixissue where gcloud apigee apis describe would demand a non-existent
    --revision argument .

Cloud API Gateway

  • fixissue where sort - by arguments inlist commandproduced type
    validation errors.

Cloud Build

  • add--peered-network-ip-range flagtogcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create.

Cloud Firestore

  • adddatabase support forFirestore import/export.
  • addnamepace_ids support forFirestore import/export.
  • adddatabaseId support forFirestore TTL.
  • adddatabaseId support forFirestore SFI.

Cloud Storage

  • addIAM andACL-related flag.
  • updategsutil component to5.18.

compute Engine

  • promote--external - ipv6 - address flagofgcloud compute instance network - interface update toGA.
  • promote--external - ipv6 - prefix - length flagofgcloud compute instance network - interface update toGA.
  • addkeyword network - attachment for--network - interface ingcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
  • promote--external - ipv6 - address flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--external - ipv6 - prefix - length flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--source - instance-template flagofgcloud compute reservation create toGA.

Database Migration

  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces seed which seeds froma connection profile fora database-migration conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces delete which deletes a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces convert which converts source entities todraft entities ina database-migration conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces apply which applies a database-migration conversion workspace onto the destination database.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces list-background-jobs which lists the background jobs ina database-migration conversion workspaces.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe-entities which describes the database entities ina database-migration conversion workspaces.
  • promotegcloud metastore service flag--database - type toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.23.15 to1.24.9.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.15)
    • kubectl.1.24 ( 1.24.9 )
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.5)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.0)

Network Management

  • addappEngineVersion andcloudRunRevision argument forsource in
    gcloud network - management connectivity - test.This allows the user torun
    tests using App Engine version andCloud runrevision endpoint types assource.

Security Command Center

  • fixgcloud scc findings create torequire flagevent-time.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

413.0.0 ( 2023 – 01 – 10 )

break change

  • (Cloud Storage) add--fetch - encrypt - object - hash flagtols andobject list command .API requests tothe LIST endpoint do not fetch the hashes forencrypted object by default.If this flagis set,a GET request issent foreach encrypted object inorder tofetch hashes.This can significantly increase the cost ofthe command .
    • Previously,the fallback toGET was implemented forCSEK-encrypted object asthe default behavior.Withthis flag,both CSEK andCMEK are handled,andgcloud CLI check if it has the necessary csek key before send a GET request .
  • (Kubernetes Engine) This change starts using the Client-Go Credential Plugin gke - gcloud - auth - plugin asnoted inClient-go Credential Plugin changes.

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixa crash during reauth whenEnterprise Certificate isused.
  • fixissue where the gcloud CLI would crash wheninvoked inPowerShell 7.3.
    This issue was reported at:
  • addcore / default_format andcore/format properties toconfig inorder
    enable setting a default print format.Print format isfirst determined by
    global flag--format.If --format flagis not defined,then CLI defaults
    tocore/format value.If core/format isnot defined,then CLI defaults to
    command specific output .If command specific output isundefined,then format
    is determined by core / default_format.core / default_format defaults toyaml


  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs toinclude new
    model monitoring jobs regions.
  • modify--explanation-metadata-file flagofgcloud isai ai model upload fromrequire tooptional.
  • addoptional output-image-uri field to--worker - pool - spec flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create toname andstore the custom image built withautopackaging inthe specified Google Container Registry orArtifact Registry.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • updategcloud container aws operations islist list toshow the underlying action
    (create,update,delete,etc) associated withAWS long-running operations.
  • updategcloud container azure operations islist list toshow the underlying
    action (create,update,delete,etc) associated withAzure long-running
  • addgcloud container azure operations cancel tocancel an ongoing
    LRO operation on Azure resources.
  • addgcloud container aws operations iscancel cancel tocancel an ongoing
    LRO operation on AWS resources.
  • add--tag flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update to
    update the tags assigned toAWS node pool resources.
  • add--clear - tag flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toclear the tags assigned toAWS node pool resources.
  • add--autoscaling - metric - granularity flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create toset granularity whenenabling
    CloudWatch metrics collection ofthe autoscaling group ofAWS node pools.
  • add--autoscaling-metrics flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create toenable collection ofspecific
    CloudWatch metrics ofthe autoscaling group ofAWS node pools.
  • add--autoscaling - metric - granularity flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toupdate the granularity of
    CloudWatch metrics collection forthe autoscaling group ofAWS node
  • add--autoscaling-metrics flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toupdate the collection of
    specific CloudWatch metrics forthe autoscaling group ofAWS node pools.
  • add--clear-autoscaling-metrics flag to
    gcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toclear the CloudWatch metrics
    collection associated withthe autoscaling group ofAWS node pools.
  • addgcloud container isattached attach operations islist list toshow the underlying
    action (create,update,delete,etc) associated withAttached cluster
    long-running operations.
  • addgcloud container isattached attach operations describe toshow detailed
    status ofa provided Attached cluster long-running operation.
  • addgcloud container attach operations iswait wait towait forcompletion of
    a provided Attached cluster long-running operation.


  • fixissue withtimestamp normalization inWindows.
  • extendthe insert flags toinclude a insert_id flagthat’s appended tothe
    row number ofthe data tobe inserted asthe insertId field that’s usedfor
    deduping newly inserted rows.This can be used toensure repeat executions
    don’t add unintended data.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promotegcloud access-context-manager authorized-orgs toGA.

Cloud Build

  • remove--subscription - filter flagofgcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration togcloud composer
    environments iscreate create / update
    toenable Cloud Data Lineage integration.
  • add--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration togcloud composer
    environments isupdate update
    todisable Cloud Data Lineage integration.
  • enabledb check Airflow command executable via gcloud
    composer environments isrun run
    forenvironments withAirflow 2.3 ornewer.

Cloud Datalab

  • removegcloud datalab component .

Cloud Run

  • add--env - var - file togcloud beta run jobs iscreate create toadd environment
    variables tothe job froma YAML file .
  • removethe call toaction fromgcloud beta run integration describe for
    Redis integrations that are not ready foruse.

Cloud SQL

  • add--stripe and--stripe_count flags togcloud sql import bak
    andadded --stripe flagtogcloud sql export bak toenable the striped
    import/export feature forSQL Server.
  • promote--restore - database - name flagfor gcloud sql instance clone --point - in- time
    tosupport single database PITR restore forSQL Server tobeta andGA.
  • addgcloud sql user isdescribe describe command,which describes a Cloud SQL user inan instance inalpha.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service api - key list inbeta.
    • promotegcloud service isdescribe api - keys isdescribe describe inbeta.
    • promotegcloud service api - key get - key - string inbeta.
    • promotegcloud service api-keys create inbeta.
    • promotegcloud service api-keys update inbeta.

Cloud Storage

  • addgcloud storage buckets iscreate create --placement flag.
  • promotegcloud storage object isupdate update retention flags toGA.
    • --event - base - hold
    • --temporary-hold
  • removegcloud storage buckets update --no-lock-retention-period flag.

Cloud Workstations

  • addgcloud beta workstations cluster create which creates a cluster under a specified region.
  • addgcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create which creates a workstation configuration under a specified cluster.
  • addgcloud beta workstations iscreate create which creates a workstation under a specified config.
  • addgcloud beta workstations delete which deletes the given workstation.
  • addgcloud beta workstations configs delete which isdeletes delete the give config .
  • addgcloud beta workstations cluster delete which deletes the given cluster.
  • addgcloud beta workstations describe which displays all fields fora given workstation.
  • addgcloud beta workstations configs describe which displays all fields fora given config.
  • addgcloud beta workstations cluster describe which displays all fields fora given cluster.
  • addgcloud beta workstations start which isstarts start a specify workstation .
  • addgcloud beta workstations isstop stop which isstops stop a specified workstation .

compute Engine

  • add-iam – policyand-iam – policy-bindingstogcloud beta compute backend – bucket ` .
  • promote--endpoint - type flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group simulate-maintenance-event tobeta.
  • add--all-instances-config-effective flagofgcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until tobeta.
  • modifygcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toallow specifying --address and--ip-version at the same time.

compute Firewall Policies

  • fixgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update not sending an
    empty list tothe API if a field isspecified asempty.

Database Migration

  • addgcloud database - migration private-connections create which creates a database-migration private connection.
  • addgcloud database - migration private-connections list which lists the database-migration private connections.
  • addgcloud database - migration private-connections describe which describes a database-migration private connection.
  • addgcloud database - migration private-connections delete which deletes a database-migration private connection.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create tosupport creating Oracle connection profiles.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create tosupport connectivity increating Postgresql connection profiles.
  • addgcloud database - migrate conversion - workspace create which creates a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migrate conversion - workspace update which isupdates update a database – migration conversion workspace .
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces list which lists the database-migration conversion workspaces.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe which isdescribes describe a database – migration conversion workspace .
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces commit which commits a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • addgcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces rollback which isrollbacks rollback a database – migration conversion workspace .

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.23.14 to1.23.15.
  • Removes kubectl.1.20,since it isno longer needed.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.17 )
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.15)
    • kubectl.1.24 ( 1.24.9 )
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.5)

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport forExactly-once Delivery.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

412.0.0 (2022-12-13)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifyconcurrent operation quota errors toshow additional information touser instead ofjust error message.

Google Cloud CLI

  • addproperty core/parse_error_details.If set,gcloud CLI will parse
    anddisplay errors ina more human readable format,where available.


  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job toinclude new online
    training regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job toinclude new online
    training regions.


  • Introduced gcloud alloydb track .

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • promotegcloud container isattached attach toGA.

App Engine

  • updategcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh touse an IAP tunnel whenattempting
    toSSH toan instance without an external IP.

Cloud Build

  • modifyone ofgcloud isbuilds build trigger run --branch,gcloud isbuilds build trigger run --tag,andgcloud isbuilds build trigger run --sha flagtobe require.
  • Make--region flagvisible inbuild trigger create command group .
    set--dockerfile flagas require forbuild trigger create command group .
  • Ungroup--build-config flag and--inline - config flagfor build trigger create command group .
  • promotegcloud is builds build triggers toGA.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud composer environment snapshots isload load – toload a snapshot into
    the environment.
  • addgcloud composer environments snapshots save – save a snapshot ofthe
  • add--enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation togcloud composer
    environments iscreate create / update
    toenable snapshots ofthe environment creation
    according toa schedule.Can be specified forComposer 2.0.32 orgreater.
  • add--snapshot-creation-schedule togcloud composer environments iscreate
    create / update
    tospecify cron expression whensnapshots ofthe environment
    should be created.
  • add--snapshot - location togcloud composer environments iscreate
    create / update
    tospecify the Cloud Storage location forstoring
    automatically created snapshots.
  • add--snapshot-schedule-timezone togcloud composer environments iscreate
    create / update
    tospecify Timezone that sets the context tointerpret
  • add--disable - schedule - snapshot - creation togcloud composer
    environments isupdate update
    todisable the automatic snapshots creation.

Cloud Datastream

  • fixissue where gcloud datastream iscreate create failed forPostgresql source config.

Cloud Functions

  • add--cpu flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy for2nd Gen functions toalpha andbeta.
  • add--concurrency flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy for2nd Gen functions toalpha andbeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--event - time and--publish-time flags to
    gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create tocreate Pub/Sub Lite
    subscriptions froma nominated timestamp.
  • add--export-pubsub-topic,--export-dead-letter-topic and
    --export - desire - state flags togcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create
    tocreate Pub/Sub Lite export subscriptions.
  • add--export-pubsub-topic,--export-dead-letter-topic and
    --export - desire - state flags togcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions update
    toupdate Pub/Sub Lite export subscriptions.

Cloud SQL

  • add--enable-google-private-path flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
    andgcloud sql instance patch command inAlpha,Beta,andGA.
    This field specifies whether the instance isaccessible
    tointernal Google Cloud services such asBigQuery.
    This isapplicable only toMySQL andPostgreSQL instances that don’t
    use public IP.Currently,SQL Server isn’t supported.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service isdelete api - keys isdelete delete tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service api - key undelete tobeta.

Cloud Workstations

  • addgcloud beta workstations configs list which islists list workstation config under a specify cluster .

Config Controller

  • add--full - management flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
    toallow creating Config Controller on GKE Autopilot instances.

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create tosupport
    creating alloydb connection profiles.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--robo - script flagtogcloud firebase test ios run tocustomize an
    iOS Robo crawl witha Robo script .

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--executable-interactive-timeout-millis flag to
    gcloud iam workforce pools create-cred-config.This enables using
    executable-sourced credentials withuser interactivity with
    gcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/interactive/executable/config.json
    when using Workforce Identity Federation.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--stack - type and--ipv6 - access - type arguments to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create command tosupport dual stack GKE cluster.
  • add--stack - type argument togcloud container cluster isupdate update command
    tosupport changing stack type between IPv4 anddual stack GKE cluster.
  • add--ephemeral - storage-local-ssd togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create.This flagis used toconfigure nodes’ ephemeral storage tobe backed by local SSDs.
  • add--local-nvme-ssd-block togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create.This flagis used toinitialize nodes innode-pool withraw-block local NVMe SSDs attached.


  • addsupport forShielded VM configuration togcloud notebook instances iscreate create.
  • addsupport forreservation configuration togcloud notebook instances iscreate create.


  • addzone andregion option forgcloud beta terraform vet.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

411.0.0 (2022-12-06)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )addrhel-9 andrhel-9-byol options to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inGA

Google Cloud CLI

  • addgcloud topic command group toalpha andbeta.

App Engine

  • add--service - account flagofgcloud app iscreate create toGA,which allows tocreate an app witha user-manage service account.
  • add--service - account flagofgcloud app update toGA,which allows toupdate the app witha user-manage service account.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • add--service - account flagofgcloud app iscreate create toGA,which allows tocreate an app witha user-manage service account.
  • add--service - account flagofgcloud app update toGA,which allows toupdate the app witha user-manage service account.


  • Expose enable_resumable_uploads flaginpublic bq.
  • Formatting fix
  • change”locking” Owned Test Accounts to”getting” toavoid overloading AccountProviderService.
  • extendapi logging toinclude URIs ofrequests.
  • Extends encodings supported during file upload.
  • Messages andfails early whenthe user tries toupload withan invalid schema.
  • add support forGOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT environment variable.
  • addconfiguration forexternal accounts using token_uri.
  • Dataset name validation andfeedback.

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotegcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create tobeta andGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable instances tables delete tobeta andGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable instances istables table update tobeta andGA.
  • addinclude-stats option tocbt lookup andcbt read command .
  • addcbt notices command,which displays licenses covering all direct
    andindirect dependencies.

Cloud Build

  • Bugfix toenforce limits tobe applied afterfilters.
  • add--enterprise-config flagtobuild trigger create github tosupport creating GitHub Enterprise trigger.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation togcloud beta composer
    environments iscreate create / update
    toenable snapshots ofthe environment creation
    according toa schedule.Can be specified forComposer 2.0.32 orgreater.
  • add--snapshot-creation-schedule togcloud beta composer environment
    tospecify cron expression whensnapshots ofthe environment
    should be created.
  • add--snapshot - location togcloud beta composer environment
    tospecify the Cloud Storage location forstoring
    automatically created snapshots.
  • add--snapshot-schedule-timezone togcloud beta composer environment
    tospecify Timezone that sets the context tointerpret
  • add--disable - schedule - snapshot - creation togcloud beta composer
    environments update
    todisable the automatic snapshots creation.

Cloud Firestore

  • addapiScope output forFirestore index.ApiScope can be viewed ingcloud firestore indexes composite list andgcloud firestore indexes composite describe.
  • adddatabaseId support forFirestore index.

Cloud IDS

  • add--threat_exceptions flagtoexclude certain threat types frombeing

Cloud Key Management Service

  • modifygcloud kms import-jobs create toaccept new SHA256 import methods
    rsa - oaep-3072 - sha256,rsa - oaep-3072 - sha256 - aes-256,

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--enable - exactly - once - delivery flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--enable - exactly - once - delivery flagofgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promote--execution - environment ofgcloud run frombeta toGA.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute with--wait flag,and
    other jobs command towait foran execution tocomplete,failed towait more
    than 30 minutes.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta run integration delete failed whenthe
    associated Cloud runservice isdeleted.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--timeout flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create toGA.
  • add--restore - database - name flagtogcloud sql instance clone --point - in- time tosupport single database PITR restore forSQL Server.

Cloud Services

  • updategcloud service list toretry 429 errors.
  • setthe default page size forgcloud service list to200.
  • promotegcloud service api - key lookup tobeta.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--skip - init flagtogcloud spanner samples isrun run.

Cloud Storage

  • promotegcloud storage buckets update retention flags toGA.
    • --default-event-based-hold
    • --retention-period
    • --clear-retention-period
    • --lock - retention - period
  • promotegcloud storage buckets update --uniform-bucket-level-access toGA.
  • Rebuilt gcloud - crc32c 1.0.0 on latest version ofgolang.
  • updategsutil component to5.17.

compute Engine

  • add--merge-source-commitment togcloud compute commitment iscreate create forbeta andGA.
  • fixissue where gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage list-instances
    would fail tofall back tothe compute / zone property when--zone was
  • addcustomRequestHeaders andcustomresponseheaders tomodifiable fields list ingcloud compute backend - service edit.
  • addsupport forquerying andmutating Dataproc Metastore metadata.Thefollowing commandhave been added tothe alpha andbeta release tracks:
    • metastore service queryMetadata
    • metastore services alterLocation
    • metastore services moveTableToDatabase

distribute Cloud Edge

  • addwarning tolong running operation metadata ofgcloud edge - cloud container cluster iscreate create / update
    when the cluster has a maintenance window configuration that overlaps withother
    cluster’ inthe same project .

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--type=robo flagtogcloud firebase test ios run tosupport running iOS Robo tests.


  • fixbug ingcloud container fleet andgcloud container hub command group where a membership withambiguous location was not give default valueglobal.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addgcloud edge-cache command group toenable configuration ofMedia CDN.

Network Connectivity

  • promotegcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges command group toGA.

Network Security

  • promotenetworksecurity firewall API tov1beta1.
  • promotecommands under gcloud network - security org - address - group and
    gcloud network - security address - group tobeta.


  • addbilling account scope support forgcloud recommender recommender - config isdescribe describe.
  • addbilling account scope support forgcloud recommender recommender-config update.
  • addbilling account scope support forgcloud recommender insight-type-config describe.
  • addbilling account scope support forgcloud recommender insight - type - config update.


  • addsupport forenvironment variables GOOGLE_PROJECT,
    GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT,GCLOUD_PROJECT ingcloud beta terraform vet.
  • fixan issue where gcloud beta terraform vet would fail while trying to
    format andoutput pre-formatted error strings.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

410.0.0 ( 2022 – 11 – 15 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • addgcloud topic endpoint-override fordetails on overriding the default api URL.


  • addasia-southeast2,europe-central2,andus-south1 options to--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job.


  • Introduced the following commands:gcloud beta alloydb cluster create-secondary,
    gcloud beta alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary,
    gcloud beta alloydb cluster promote.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • updatemaven andgradle plugin versions to2.2.0.

assured workload

  • addsovereign_controls_by_t_systems asan option for--partner flag of
    gcloud assure workload iscreate create command (available forboth beta andGA) .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promotegcloud asset query command toGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addstats option to--view flagfor bigtable instances tables describe.

Cloud Composer

  • add --enable - triggerer togcloud beta composer environment iscreate create / update toallow usage ofdeferrable operators indags.
  • add --triggerer-cpu togcloud beta composer environment iscreate create / update tospecify CPU allocated toAirflow triggerer.
  • add --triggerer - memory togcloud beta composer environment iscreate create / update tospecify memory allocated toAirflow triggerer.
  • add --disable - triggerer togcloud beta composer environment isupdate update todisable Airflow triggerer.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--async flagtogcloud dataproc jobs iskill kill.

Cloud Datastream

  • addthe max_concurrent_cdc_task support to--mysql - source - config and--oracle - source - config flags ingcloud datastream stream.
  • fixissue where stream iscreate create using a mysql-source-config ororacle-source-config withcolumn level filtering fails tocreate.

Cloud Functions

  • fixissue where gcloud function islist list would crash whena 2nd Gen – only
    region was specify using--region.
  • updategcloud function isdescribe describe tolook up both 1st Gen and2nd Gen environments forthe function.When--gen2 flagis specified,only 2nd Gen functions will be looked up.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run services logs read andgcloud run revisions logs read
    tobeta,which reads logs froma selected resource.
  • promotegcloud run services logs tail andgcloud run revisions logs tail
    tobeta,which tail logs froma selected resource.
  • add--execute - now and--wait flags togcloud beta run job update to
    immediately execute the job afterupdate andwait forcompletion.
  • promotegcloud beta run integration command group andall sub-commands tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--list-manage-instances-results flagfor gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update toGA.
  • fix--network - interface tomark the public IP asNone when--no - address isspecified.


  • fixissue where gcloud container fleet membership commanddid not
    output memberships withmissing cluster.
  • fixbug ingcloud container fleet config-management version where
    memberships were stuck withversion “NA”.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addsupport forretrieving the token introspection endpoint through external account credentials.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--labels flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update toallow creating andupdating node pools withGCP labels.

VPC Access

  • promotegcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors update tobeta.
    • Enables updating ofmin-instances,max - instance andmachine-type of
      already existing vpc-access connectors.

Vmware Engine

  • addcommands formanaging resources:
    • Locations
    • Operations
    • VMwareEngine network
    • Network policies
    • Node types
    • Private clouds
    • cluster
    • HCX activation keys
    • NSX credentials
    • VCenter credentials
    • Subnets

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

409.0.0 (2022-11-08)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifystockout errors toshow entire error object touser inyaml format instead ofjust error message.
  • ( compute Engine )modifyquota exceeded errors toshow additional information touser instead ofjust error message.

Google Cloud CLI

  • modifygcloud config list toaccept both a section name and--all
    flag.Thecommand will display all the set andunset properties when
    specifying both.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--allow - miss flagtothe following command groups:
    gcloud container aws cluster delete,
    gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure clients isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete,
    gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete,
    toallow the delete request tosucceed,even if the cluster,node-pool
    orclient resource does not exist.

Cloud Composer

  • add --skip-airflow-overrides-setting togcloud beta composer snapshot load toallow skipping setting Airflow overrides fromthe snapshot.
  • add --skip-environment-variables-setting togcloud beta composer snapshot load toallow skipping setting environment variables fromthe snapshot.
  • add --skip-gcs-data-copying togcloud beta composer snapshot load toallow skipping copying dags,plugins anddata folders fromthe snapshot.

Cloud Datastream

  • addthe max_concurrent_cdc_task support to--mysql - source - config and--oracle - source - config flags ingcloud datastream stream.

Cloud Filestore

  • fixissue where --kms - key was being ignored ingcloud filestore backups create command .

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • promotegcloud emulators isfirestore firestore toGA.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.15.1
    • feat:allow users toconfigure websocket port

Cloud Functions

  • fixissue where gcloud function islist list would crash whena 2nd Gen – only
    region was specify using--region.

Cloud Logging

  • updategcloud log isread read toaccept multiple resources toquery using a
    new --resource - name flag.

Cloud SQL

  • addthe following flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create inBETA:

compute Engine

  • add--split - source - commitment togcloud compute commitment iscreate create forbeta andGA.
  • promoteany-single-zone valuesupport forthe flag
    --target - distribution - shape ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage
    / update tobeta.
  • addkeyword network - attachment for--network - interface ingcloud compute instance iscreate create.
  • promote--max-run-duration flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.
    • Allows specifying the duration oftime afterwhich the instance will terminate.
  • promote--termination-time flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.
    • allow specify the timestamp that the instance will terminate .
  • add3 additional accepted values to--enforce - on - key forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update andpromoted it toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute network - edge - security - service command group toGA.
  • promote--region and’–global’ flags ofgcloud compute security - policy toGA.
  • promote--network - ddos - protection flagofgcloud compute security - policy update toGA.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • removeunsupported GPU_type field fromgcloud edge - cloud container machines list.This field will be restored once the API provides accurate GPU information.


  • fixa bug where gcloud container fleet membership get - credential andgcloud container hub memberships get-credentials would not return an error whenthe membership argument was left empty.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Corrected outdated description help text ofgcloud container node-pools delete.
  • add--private-endpoint-subnetwork and--enable-google-cloud-access flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto.
  • add--enable-google-cloud-access and--enable-private-endpoint flags togcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • add--enable - private - node flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools is update update.


  • addgcloud notebook instances isdiagnose diagnose andgcloud notebook isruntimes runtime diagnose command toGA .
    These commandprovide access tothe AI Platform notebook new Diagnose API.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

408.0.1 ( 2022 – 11 – 02 )


  • addvarious fixes toPSC environments.
  • add support forrandom forest models aspart ofBQML.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

408.0.0 (2022-11-01)

break change


  • addmore available regions togcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs.
  • add--version - description flagtogcloud isai ai model upload tosupport setting model version description.


  • addmissing open source licenses.
  • Expose Iceberg forpublic preview.

Cloud Composer

  • add--connection-type flagtogcloud beta composer environment create andgcloud composer environments iscreate create command toallow forcing the use ofVPC peerings forinternal communication.

Cloud Deploy

  • addinitial-rollout-labels andinitial-rollout-annotations flags togcloud deploy release create command .

Cloud SQL

  • promote--connector_enforcement flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.16.

compute Engine

  • promote--discard - local - ssd flagofgcloud compute instance stop tobeta.
  • promote--force - update - on - repair flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update> tobeta.
  • fixmissing ephemeral IP whenneither --address nor --no - address keys are provided with--network - interface flagduring instance template creation.


  • changemembership-related flags ingcloud container fleet andgcloud container hub command groups toresource arguments,adding --location flag andlocation column inlist command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - manage - prometheus flagofgcloud container cluster
  • promote--disable - manage - prometheus flagofgcloud container cluster

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

407.0.0 (2022-10-25)

break change

  • (Cloud Run) Now gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update command isremoves remove exist Binary
    Authorization breakglass justification if--breakglass flagis not set.
  • (Cloud Run) Ingcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update,--set - secret,
    --remove - secret,and--update-secrets flags now support mounting
    multiple versions ofthe same secret inthe same directory.
  • (Cloud Run)
    • If multiple different secrets are requested tobe mounted inthe same
      directory,including forsecrets already set on the service inthe case
      of --update-secrets,the operation will now fail instead ofsilently
      overriding all secret versions withthe last one specified.
  • ( compute Engine )remove--csek-key-file flagofgcloud beta compute instances resume
    • Removing since instance suspend andresume do not support CSEK
    • If your instance withCSEK protection issuspended,please stop the
      instance then restart it andfile a bug.

assured workload

  • addASSURED_WORKLOADS_FOR_PARTNERS asan option for--compliance-regime flagofgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .
  • add--partner flag(optional) forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command toenable creation ofpartner workload (workload manage by local trusted partners) through gcloud command .

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns manage - zone get - iam - policy andgcloud dns manage - zone set - iam - policy toGA.

Cloud Dataplex

  • promoteContent command group toGA.
  • promoteEnvironment command group toGA.

Cloud Datastream

  • addpostgresql type to--type flagofdatastream connection-profiles <create/update>.
  • addpostgresql type to--postgresql-rdbms-file flagofdatastream connection-profiles discover.
  • add--postgresql-source-config flagtogcloud datastream stream <create/update>.
  • addpostgresql type to--type flagofdatastream connection-profiles <create/update>.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud beta filestore backups create,which allows an Enterprise orHigh Scale backup tobe created that isencrypted witha CMEK key.” => “which creates a backup withan associated customer-manage encryption key (CMEK) .Only available forEnterprise orHigh Scale tier instances.
  • add--location flagtogcloud beta filestore instances restore,which
    restores Enterprise instances.” => “restore Basic HDD,Basic SSD,andEnterprise tier instances.
  • add--instance - location flagtogcloud beta filestore backups create,which
    accepts either a zone orregion andallows clients tocreate Basic HDD,Basic SSD,andEnterprise tier backups.

Cloud SQL

  • addthe following flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch inBETA:

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.15.

Cloud Workstations

  • promotegcloud beta workstations command tobeta for

compute Engine

  • promote--source - machine - image,--source - machine - image-csek-key-file,and--erase - window - vss - signature flags ofcompute instances iscreate create toGA.
  • fixan issue with--create - disk and--disk flags that causes gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create orgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container tofail whenattaching a boot disk.
  • promote--region flagfor compute target-tcp-proxies toGA.

compute Firewall Policies

  • fixbug ingcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update that
    would cause src - secure - tag tonot be updated.


  • modifygcloud container fleet membership isregister register toskip Connect agent
    installation forGKE cluster by default.
    use--install - connect - agent flagtoget the old behavior.
  • modifygcloud container fleet membership isunregister unregister toskip Connect agent
    uninstallation forGKE cluster by default.
    use--uninstall-connect-agent flagtoget the old behavior.
  • add--install - connect - agent flagtogcloud container fleet membership
    andgcloud container hub memberships register toinstall connect
    agent on GKE cluster.
  • add--uninstall-connect-agent flagtogcloud container fleet membership
    andgcloud container hub memberships unregister touninstall
    Connect agent on GKE cluster.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud iam policies create which creates a deny policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • addgcloud iam policies delete which deletes a deny policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • addgcloud iam policies get which gets a deny policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • addgcloud iam policies list which islists list the deny policy on the give
    attachment point .
  • addgcloud iam policies update which updates the deny policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • updateExternal Account URL validation toallow PSC endpoints.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--gateway-api flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update which allows users toturn on the GKE Gateway controller fortheir cluster andto select the Gateway API release channel they want touse.

Security Command Center

  • updategcloud scc notifications isupdate update toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications iscreate create toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications isdelete delete toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications list toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications describe toallow forproject andfolder

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

406.0.0 (2022-10-17)

break change

  • (Cloud Storage) change”Additional Properties” formatting forls -L toprint condensed JSON object instead ofJSON list withkey andvalue keys before every key andvalue.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) removedeprecated --istio-config flag of
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud beta container cluster update.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • promote--logge flagtogcloud container aws cluster create and
    gcloud container azure cluster iscreate create toupdate the logging config.
  • promote--logge flagtogcloud container aws cluster update and
    gcloud container azure cluster update toupdate the logging config.
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container azure node-pools create to
    set the annotations field whencreating Azure node pools.
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container azure node - pools isupdate update to
    update the annotations ofAzure node pools.
  • add--clear-annotations flagtogcloud container azure node-pools
    toclear the annotations ofAzure node pools.
  • promotegcloud bms nfs-shares create toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms nfs-shares delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume restore toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume snapshot toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume snapshots describe toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume snapshots list toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume snapshots delete toGA.
  • promote--add-allowed-client flagofgcloud bms nfs - share update toGA.
  • promote--remove-allowed-client flagofgcloud bms nfs - share update toGA.
  • promote--clear-allowed-clients flagofgcloud bms nfs - share update toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms instances stop toGA.


  • fixissue with--api flaginexternal clients.
  • addsupport forthe target_job_concurrency flag andbegins deprecating the
    concurrency flag.
  • addthe max_staleness flagfor external tables.
  • addsupport forSIMPLE withthe object_metadata flag.
  • addZSTD asan extract option.

Certificate Manager

  • addgcloud certificate - manager issuance - config command group tobeta.Commands
    in this group allow forconfiguring Private Trust certificate issuance.
  • add--issuance - config flagfor gcloud certificate - manager certificates iscreate create
    command tobeta.Theflagallows configuring manage certificates issuance
    with Private Trust.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • change--level flagofgcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding create
    andgcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding update to
    take a string input instead ofa resource:

    • No change isrequire on any previous configuration asa result ofthis

Cloud Datastream

  • addBigQuery destination type support.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • promotegcloud emulators isfirestore firestore toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • addthe following flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch forALPHA:

Cloud TPU

  • promote--shielde - secure - boot flagofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm toGA.

compute Firewall Policies

  • updategcloud compute firewall - policy rule create toinclude help text
    for src-threat-intelligence,src-fqdns,src - region - code
    ,src - address - group,dest - threat - intelligence,dest - fqdns
    ,dest - region - code anddest - address - group.
  • updategcloud compute firewall - policy rule update toinclude help text
    for src-threat-intelligence,src-fqdns,src - region - code
    ,src - address - group,dest - threat - intelligence,dest - fqdns
    ,dest - region - code anddest - address - group.
  • updategcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create toinclude
    help text forsrc-threat-intelligence,src-fqdns,src - region - code
    ,src - address - group,dest - threat - intelligence,dest - fqdns
    ,dest - region - code anddest - address - group.
  • updategcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update toinclude
    help text forsrc-threat-intelligence,src-fqdns,src - region - code
    ,src - address - group,dest - threat - intelligence,dest - fqdns
    ,dest - region - code anddest - address - group.
  • promote--src - address - group and--dest - address - group flags to
    beta ingcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
    ,gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
    ,gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
    andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update command .
  • promote--src-fqdns and--dest - fqdns flags tobeta
    in gcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
    ,gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
    ,gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
    andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update command .


Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe GKE add-on BackupRestore ofgcloud container cluster
    toGA.This add-on isdisabled by default.

    • use--addon=BackupRestore toenable the add-on during cluster creation.
    • use--update - addon = Backuprestore= enabled|disabled toenable/disable the
      add-on forexisting GKE cluster.

manage Active Directory

  • promotegcloud active - directory domain extend - schema toGA.

Network Security

  • updategcloud network - security address - group list toinclude the type,
    CAPACITY andUSAGE columns inthe output .
  • updategcloud network - security org - address - group list toinclude
    the type,CAPACITY andUSAGE columns inthe output .

Security Command Center

  • updategcloud scc notifications isupdate update toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications iscreate create toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications isdelete delete toallow forproject andfolder
  • updategcloud scc notifications list toallow forproject andfolder

405.0.1 (2022-10-14)


  • updategke - gcloud - auth - plugin to0.4.0.

Cloud Bigtable

  • updatethe version ofcbt tov1 .12.1.

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405.0.0 (2022-10-04)

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixissue where revoking impersonated ADC credentials caused a crash.
  • fixissue where it was not possible toset a logging configuration when
    creating a regional backend service inalpha andbeta.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--tag flagtogcloud container aws cluster update to
    update the tags assigned tocontrol plane replicas.
  • add--clear - tag flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    toclear the tags assigned tocontrol plane replicas.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Automatically creates missing repos forgcloud beta artifact settings isenable enable - upgrade - redirection command .


  • promotegcloud batch toGA track .

Cloud Dataplex

  • updategcloud dataplex task iscreate create tosupport scheduling notebook.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotegcloud firestore fields ttls command group toGA.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotegcloud spanner instance-configs [create|update|delete] toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--time - zone flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create command toGA.
  • Provided a helpful error message whenCloud SQL Proxy fails tostart during gcloud sql is connect connect command .

Cloud Run

  • addgcloud beta run jobs replace todeploy a job fromyaml.

compute Engine

  • addubuntu-2204 andwindows-11-x64-byol options to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inGA
  • updategcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create not tocrash if instantiate-from valueis not specified in--configure-disk whenusing --source - instance flag.
  • promote--md5 - authentication - key flagofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--md5 - authentication - key and--clear - md5 - authentication - key flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Delayed displaying information about the number ofdevices useduntil after
    all executions are created.

Identity andAccess Management

  • fixan issue that would cause the Google Cloud CLI tocrash whenusing invalid External Account Credentials.

Kubernetes Engine

  • adda prompt whenpassing --enable - binauthz togcloud container
    cluster update
    that acknowledges the current version ofBinary
    Authorization will be downgraded.
  • promote--enable - cost - allocation flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--enable - cost - allocation flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

404.0.0 (2022-09-27)

App Engine

assured workload

  • promotegcloud assure workload violations command toGA .
    This command provides the ability tocreate new assured workload environment resources.


  • Improved error message formats forgcloud batch jobs submit unparsable json config file,gcloud batch jobs describe job andgcloud batch task describe task that does not exist .
  • addnew batch / location property that can be used toset a default location .To set the properties,run gcloud config set batch / location location.


  • addsupport forstorage_billing_model flagfor datasets.
  • Allow users tolog inwith pluggable-auth based external account
  • addsupport forconfiguring the access token lifetime forservice account
    impersonation whenusing external account credentials.
  • addsession support forload jobs.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--saved-analysis-query option togcloud asset analyze-iam - policy,which runs a saved analysis query whenspecified.
  • addgcloud asset save - query commands,which creates,retrieves,updates anddeletes saved queries ina specified project,folder ororganization.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--maintenance-version flagtogcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
    toallow updating a maintenance version whenupdating an instance.

Cloud Storage

  • addstorage/key_store_path property forencryption/decryption keys.
  • updategsutil component to5.14.

compute Engine

  • promote--region forgcloud compute ssl-policies toGA.


  • updategcloud eventarc istriggers trigger list toreturn the locations oftriggers.

Identity andAccess Management

  • fixbug that occurs whenswitching external account credentials.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addnew kubectl v1.25 forGKE rapid channel.
  • remove old kubectl v1.19 .
  • Updates default kubectl from1.22.12 to1.22.14.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.14)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.11)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.5)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.1)

manage Active Directory

  • addsupport forgcloud beta active-directory domains migration for
    enabling existing domain migration.

Policy Troubleshooter

  • updategcloud policy-troubleshoot iam beta andGA Command touse V2Alpha1 API.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • add--validate - only flagtogcloud monitoring dashboard create to
    allow validating dashboards without saving.


  • fixissue where http proxy environment variables were not used ingcloud
    beta terraform vet

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

403.0.0 (2022-09-20)

break change

  • (assured workload) removeAU_regionS_AND_US_SUPPORT ascompliance regime options forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .
  • (assured workload) removemessages related to’Versioning’ asthey should not be usedexternally.
  • (assured workload) removev1beta1 messages fromv1 api andvice-versa.
  • (assured workload) updateviolation acknowledge api toPOST Request.

Google Cloud CLI

  • fixissue where MTLS endpoints were not usedwhen use_client_certificate
    was true.
  • fixissue where gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project would
    fail permission was revoked fromthe active
  • addbundled Python 3 asa default component on x86_64 component-based
    Linux installs.Thebundled Python 3 interpreter will be preferred over the
    system Python interpreter wheninvoking the gcloud command-line tool.

    • Thebundled Python 3 interpreter should work on supported Linux systems,but
      a different interpreter can be specified by setting the cloudsdk_python
      environment variable.See gcloud topic startup and formore information.


  • addgcloud beta api indexes remove-datapoints andgcloud beta api indexes upsert-datapoints tosupport Matching Engine steaming update.


  • addsupport tospecify automated backup policy ingcloud beta alloydb
    cluster create
  • updategcloud beta alloydb cluster create tosupport PITR (point intime recovery) configuration via new --disable - pitr and--pitr-log-retention-window flag.

Artifact Registry

  • fixa bug where the plus sign (“+”) was not escaped properly,making it
    impossible todelete artifacts witha plus sign intheir version.


  • Improved error message formats forgcloud batch jobs submit unparsable json config file,gcloud batch jobs describe job andgcloud batch task describe task that does not exist .


  • Expose object_metadata forprivate preview.
  • Improve error message forunparseable parameters.


  • updategcloud container binauthz attestations islist list toalso return
    occurrences incases where the artifact-url does not begin withhttps.

Cloud DNS

  • addLocation flagtoCloud DNS Managed Zones,Response Policies GA command .This flagcan be specified totarget Cloud DNS Zonal Servers.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixissue where gcloud beta dataproc session list would hang whenlarge
    numbers ofsessions are present.

Cloud Deploy

  • addnew --from - run - manifest togcloud deploy release create command .
    Whenused,a Skaffold file will be generated using the Cloud runmanifest.

Cloud Run

  • add--encryption-key-shutdown-hours flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service update toset the number ofhours towait before an automatic shutdown server afterCMEK key revocation isdetected.
  • add--clear-encryption-key-shutdown-hours flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service update toclear the CMEK key shutdown hours setting.

compute Engine

  • updategcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create tothrow error if --machine - type/--labels flags are usedwith --source - instance.
  • promote--compression - mode flagtogcloud compute backend - service <create | update> toGA.
  • promote--compression - mode flagtogcloud compute backend - bucket <create | update> toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

402.0.0 (2022-09-13)

break change

  • (Google Cloud CLI) Thegcloud command-line tool no longer overrides the scheme specified inthe
    https_proxy environment variable.Previously,the scheme was silently
    ignored andthe gcloud command-line tool would always attempt toconnect to
    the proxy via HTTP,even if the proxy server URL specified HTTPS.

    • Note that the gcloud command-line tool does not currently support connecting
      toproxies via HTTPS (nor did it previously) .
    • If attempting toconnect toan HTTP proxy results inwarnings orerrors,
      ensure that the https_proxy environment variable looks like http://...
      as opposed tohttps://....
    • See
      formore information .
  • (batch) deprecatedpositional argument TASK_GROUP ofgcloud batch task list.
  • (batch) use--job asthe require flaginstead .

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create to
    set the annotation field whencreate AWS node pool .
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update to
    update the annotations ofAWS node pools.
  • add--clear-annotations flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toclear the annotations ofAWS node pools.


  • update--config flagtosupport job configs fromHere Doc.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixissue where gcloud dataproc batches list would hang whenlarge
    numbers ofbatches are present.

Cloud Deploy

  • addgcloud deploy targets redeploy command toredeploy a release toa given target.
  • addgcloud deploy rollouts retry-job,gcloud deploy job-runs list,andgcloud isdeploy deploy job - run describe command forDeployment Verification Public Preview.

Cloud Run

  • fixissue where job-level labels are not propagated toits execution.
  • addlast update message togcloud beta run jobs describe output .

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.13.
  • promotegcloud storage toGA.

compute Engine

  • add-iam – policyand-iam – policy-bindingstogcloud compute backend – service` forGA .
  • addgcloud compute security - policy rules add-preconfig-waf-exclusion|remove-preconfig-waf-exclusion inalpha andbeta.

Config Connector


  • addnew argument tothe following command :
    • gcloud container hub mesh update --management automatic.
    • gcloud container fleet mesh update --management automatic.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addsupport forexecutable-sourced external account credentials.
  • addsupport forconfiguring the access token lifetime forservice account impersonation whenusing external account credentials.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

401.0.0 (2022-09-07)

Google Cloud CLI

  • addwarning message toindicate support forPython 2 will soon be deprecated.


  • add--view flagtogcloud alpha alloydb instances describe toget the
    view ofalloydb instance.--view = basic will be the same response asdescribe
    instance without this flag,and--view=FULL forread pool instance will
    list the details ofeach node inthe pool.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--description flagtogcloud container aws cluster update to
    update the description ofAWS cluster.
  • add--clear - description flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    toclear the description ofAWS cluster.
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container aws cluster update to
    update the annotations ofAWS cluster.
  • add--clear-annotations flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    toclear the annotations ofAWS cluster.
  • add--description flagtogcloud container azure cluster iscreate create to
    set the description field whencreating Azure cluster.
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container azure cluster iscreate create to
    set the annotations field whencreating Azure cluster.
  • add--description flagtogcloud container azure cluster update to
    update the description ofAzure cluster.
  • add--clear - description flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
    toclear the description ofAzure cluster.
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container azure cluster update to
    update the annotations ofAzure cluster.
  • add--clear-annotations flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
    toclear the annotations ofAzure cluster.

Cloud Run

  • addexecution log URI togcloud beta run job executions isdescribe describe output .

compute Engine

  • promote--snapshot - type flagofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create toGA.
  • add--json-custom-content-types forgcloud compute security - policy update,andpromoted it tobeta andGA.
  • promote--guest - os - feature flagofgcloud compute image isimport import toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute firewall-rules migrate tobeta.
  • add--share - set and--share - with flags togcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create|update forGA .
  • add--share - sets flagtogcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group list forGA .
  • add--node-project flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate create forGA .

Network Management

  • addcloudFunction argument forsource in
    gcloud network - management connectivity - test.This allows the user torun
    tests using Cloud Function endpoint types assource.

Stackdriver Logging

  • promotethe following command tobeta andGA:

    • gcloud log copy
    • gcloud log settings get
    • gcloud log settings update
    • gcloud log operations iscancel cancel
    • gcloud log operations describe
    • gcloud log operations islist list
  • promote--bucket - name flagofgcloud log metric tobeta andGA.

  • promote--cmke - kms - key - name flagofgcloud log bucket tobeta andGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

400.0.0 (2022-08-30)

break change

  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) removeaws/location property ofgcloud container aws.use
    container_aw / location toset the default Google Cloud location for
    gcloud container aws.
  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) removeazure/location property ofgcloud container azure.use
    container_azure/location toset the default Google Cloud location for
    gcloud container azure.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--description flagtogcloud container aws cluster create to
    set the description field whencreating AWS cluster.
  • add--annotation flagtogcloud container aws cluster create to
    set the annotations field whencreating AWS cluster.

App Engine

  • usejava17 asthe default runtime forgenerated configuration.
    This isa behavior change withthe command gcloud app isdeploy deploy whenthere is
    no app.yaml configuration forJava projects (Maven,or Gradle,or simple jar) .
    Instead ofusing a java11 runtime target,the application will be deployed now
    on a java17 runtime witha F2 instance class.If you want tostay on a java11
    runtime,just create a simple app.yaml file withruntime :java11 init.

Artifact Registry

  • fixissue where gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create requires excessive
    permission whena kms key issupplied.


  • addsupport forspecifying vertex_ai_model_id when inthe BigQuery ML update model AI.
  • addsupport forpreserving embedded Ascii Control characters inCSV External tables.
  • addsupport forserving_default signature whenexporting BigQuery trained Tensorflow models.
  • addsupport forreference file schema forAVRO,PARQUET,andORC formats.
  • addsupport forBigSpark routines.
  • Fix bug whenapi flagis used withina restricted network.
  • addsupport metadata_cache_mode andmax_staleness forQuery Acceleration on BigLake tables.
  • addsupport forBigSpark connections.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addgcloud beta asset query.
  • add--read - time,--start - time,--end-time,--bigquery-dataset,--bigquery-table,and--write - disposition flags tosupport point-in-time/range queries andexport toBigQuery.

Cloud Run

  • changethe link ingcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute output tothe UI of
    the resulted execution instead ofits logging UI.
  • addelapsed time togcloud beta run job executions isdescribe describe output .
    This isbetween execution creation timestamp andexecution completion

Cloud Spanner

  • add--database - role flagtogcloud spanner databases tosupport role-based access control inCloud Spanner.
  • addgcloud beta spanner databases roles list tolist all roles inCloud Spanner database.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--logge-variant flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster isupdate update,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools is update update that allow users toset the logging variant used inthe cluster orinthe node pools.Selecting logging variant isavailable incluster withversion 1.24.2-gke.300+.--logge_variant is used tochoose the desired logging agent that isdeployed on GKE nodes.Valid options are MAX_THROUGHPUT andDEFAULT.Formore details about configuring the logging agent toachieve desired throughput,see http://cloud/stackdriver/docs/solutions/gke/managing-logs#throughput.

secret Manager

  • add--update-annotations flagtogcloud secret isupdate update and
    gcloud secret beta update toenable the addition ofnew annotations tosecret versions.
  • add--remove-annotations flagtogcloud secret isupdate update and
    gcloud secret beta update toenable the removal ofannotations tosecret versions.
  • add--clear-annotations flagtogcloud secret isupdate update and
    gcloud secret beta update toenable the clearing ofall annotations froma secret.
  • add--set-annotations flagtogcloud secret iscreate create and
    gcloud secret beta create toenable the setting ofannotations on new secrets.
  • add--out - file flagtogcloud secret versions access andgcloud beta secret version access todirectly get the output infile.


  • addsupport forthe following resources inCAI-based policies:
    • google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_binding
    • google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_member
    • google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_policy
    • google_gke_hub_membership_iam_binding
    • google_gke_hub_membership_iam_member
    • google_gke_hub_membership_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.33.0.
  • fixasset name forthe following resources:
    • google_compute_backend_service_iam
    • google_compute_instance_iam
    • google_compute_region_backend_service_iam
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam
  • addsupport fororganizations/unknown inCAI-based policy match parameters.
  • enablesupport fornon-Google terraform resources inTF-based policies.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

399.0.0 (2022-08-23)


  • add--cluster flagtogcloud beta alloydb operations islist list toenable
    listing ofoperations pertaining toa given cluster.
  • updategcloud beta alloydb cluster restore tosupport PITR (point intime recovery) via new --source-cluster and--point - in- time flag.

App Engine

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addgcloud asset get-effective-iam - policy command,which retrieves batch
    effective IAM policies fora specified list ofresources withinspecified
    accessible scope.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addGO togcloud flex-template build command SDK Language options,allowing
    users tosubmit Go Flex Template jobs.

Cloud Functions

  • Move Python 3.10 forCloud Functions toGA.

Cloud Org policy

  • addgcloud org-policies {custom constraint} commandthat allow users to
    create,update,list,describe,anddelete org policy custom constraints.
  • gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint
  • gcloud org-policies describe-custom-constraint
  • gcloud org - policy delete - custom - constraint
  • gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints.

Cloud SQL

  • setthe maximum allowed value for--storage-auto-increase-limit ingcloud beta sql instances iscreate create tothe max value ofint.This removes the hardcoded limit of10230.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotegcloud spanner samples tobeta andGA.Commands inthis group
    support creating sample databases andrunning open source sample
  • add--instance - type,--expire - behavior flags to
    spanner instance iscreate create andspanner instance isupdate update toadd ability to
    create free instances inGA.
  • addinstance_type column forspanner instance list and
    free_instance_availability column forspanner instance-configs list.

compute Engine

  • promote--architecture flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--update-architecture flags ofgcloud compute disk isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--clear-architecture flags ofgcloud compute disk isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--architecture flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create andgcloud compute disk isupdate update toGA.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network - service tls - route toGA.


  • addnotebook isruntimes runtime command group which provides access toAI
    Platform notebook’ runtimes.


  • addmultipart copy feature toagent setup flag.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

398.0.0 (2022-08-16)


  • promote--autoscaling-metric-specs flag of
    gcloud isai ai endpoint deploy-model toGA.
  • add--encryption-kms-key-name flagtogcloud isai ai endpoint create and
    gcloud beta ai endpoint create.

Artifact Registry

  • updategcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe andgcloud artifacts
    docker images list
    toreturn occurrences ofany Grafeas kind.
  • addgcloud artifact repository set - cleanup - policy toset a cleanup policy on a repository.
  • addgcloud artifact repositories islist list-cleanup-policy tolist cleanup policies on a repository.
  • addgcloud artifacts repositories delete-cleanup-policy todelete cleanup policies on a repository.

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport forthe ALIAS record set type tobeta.ALIAS record sets can
    be created/modified using --type flagingcloud beta dns record - set
    command group .

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixissue where gcloud dataproc cluster
    did not successfully inject

Cloud Deploy

  • addsupport forabsolute paths for”--skaffold-file flagofgcloud deploy release create command ” .

Cloud Memorystore

  • promote--customer - manage - key flags ofgcloud redis instance iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promote--cpu - boost flagtobeta.

Cloud SQL

  • add--deletion - protection flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch inalpha,beta andGA toprovide Cloud SQL instances withprotection against accidental deletion.

Cloud Spanner

  • updatedefault timeout forgcloud spanner databases execute-sql to10

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.12.

compute Engine

  • deprecated--load - balance - scheme,--network,--subnet,and
    --subnet-region arguments ofgcloud compute forwarding - rule
  • promote--resource - policy flagfor glcloud compute reservations iscreate createto beta .
  • promote--region and--global flags forgcloud compute url - map invalidate - cdn - cache andgcloud compute url - map list-cdn-cache-invalidations toGA.
  • addregion information togcloud compute health - check list output .
  • deprecated--no - serve - while - stale argument ofgcloud compute [backend-services|backend-buckets] [create|update].
  • promote--architecture flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute instanceTemplates create toGA.


  • updateWARNING text fortrigger creation from10 minutes to2 minutes.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network - service gateway toGA.
    • promotegcloud network-services meshes toGA.
    • promotegcloud network-services tcp-routes toGA.
    • promotegcloud network-services grpc-routes toGA.
    • promotegcloud network-services http-routes toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

397.0.0 (2022-08-09)

break change

  • (Cloud Datastore) deprecatedgcloud datastore database create.usegcloud alpha firestore
    database update --type=datastore-mode
    instead .
  • ( Cloud Firestore )Thegcloud firestore database iscreate create will be require toadminister your
    database.Please enable the API andensure you have the require
  • ( Cloud Firestore )gcloud firestore database iscreate create will no longer support App Engine regions
    (us-central,europe-west) .See foravailable regions.


  • add--request-response-logging-table and--request-response-logging-rate flags togcloud isai ai endpoint create|update toallow config prediction endpoint request-response logging.

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud artifact versions isdescribe describe command .
  • addgcloud artifacts settings todescribe/modify project settings.


  • modifygcloud batch jobs is list list touse --location asan optional flag.

Cloud DNS

  • updaterecord-sets create andupdate methods forhealth checked routing policies.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore emulator v2.2.2
    • fixbug which caused failures whenattempting toExport.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotehost based flags toGA forsurfacesgcloud compute ssh,gcloud compute is scp scp andgcloud compute start - iap - tunnel.

Cloud Run

  • addStartup probe andLiveness Probe fields tothe output of
    gcloud run services isdescribe describe [SERVICE].

compute Engine

  • add’network-firewall-policyand ' network - regional - firewall - policy totype column of’compute instances network-interfaces get-effective-firewalls` output .

Config Connector


  • addsupport forthe following resources inCAI-based policies:
    • google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_binde
    • google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_member
    • google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_policy
    • google_bigquery_connection_iam_binding
    • google_bigquery_connection_iam_member
    • google_bigquery_connection_iam_policy
    • google_cloud_task_queue_iam_binde
    • google_cloud_task_queue_iam_member
    • google_cloud_task_queue_iam_policy
    • google_cloudiot_registry_iam_binde
    • google_cloudiot_registry_iam_member
    • google_cloudiot_registry_iam_policy
    • google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_binding
    • google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_member
    • google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_policy
    • google_compute_snapshot_iam_binding
    • google_compute_snapshot_iam_member
    • google_compute_snapshot_iam_policy
    • google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_binding
    • google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_member
    • google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_policy
    • google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_binde
    • google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_member
    • google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version
  • Resources without a known project,folder,or organization will have their
    ancestry set toorganizations/unknown instead ofthrowing a 403 error that
    halts validation.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

396.0.0 (2022-08-02)


  • add--labels flagtogcloud isai ai model upload tosupport setting labels.use--labels flagtoset metadata toorganize your models andmodel versions.Label keys andvalues can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints),can only contain lowercase letters,numeric characters,underscores anddashes.International characters are allowed.See formore information andexamples oflabels.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap tcp dest - group toGA.

Cloud Logging

  • promote--index flagofgcloud log bucket iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--clear-indexes flagofgcloud log bucket update toGA.
  • promote--remove-indexes flagofgcloud log bucket update toGA.
  • promote--add-index flagofgcloud log bucket update toGA.
  • promote--update-index flagofgcloud log bucket update toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--maintenance-interval flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create tobeta.

compute os config

  • promotegcloud compute os-config troubleshoot toGA.
    • troubleshoot common issue withVM Manager .

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • fixissue where creation ofa migration job ina project inside a VPC-SC perimeter constantly failed.
  • fixissue where creation ofa connection profile ina project inside a VPC-SC perimeter constantly failed.

identity group

  • fixissue where gcloud identity groups iscreate create will fail whenspecifying
    --group - type=security.

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--service - account-token-lifetime-seconds flagtogcloud iam <workforce-pools|workload-identity-pools> create-cred-config command toallow configuring the access token lifespan forservice account impersonation.


  • addsupport forgcloud recommender recommender - config isdescribe describe.
  • addsupport forgcloud recommender recommender-config update.
  • addsupport forgcloud recommender insight-type-config describe.
  • addsupport forgcloud recommender insight - type - config update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

395.0.0 ( 2022 – 07 – 26 )


  • modifygcloud isai ai model upload tosupport model version aliases.use--version-aliases flagtoset version aliases so that a model version can be referenced via alias (i.e.projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}@{version_alias} instead ofauto-generated version id (i.e.projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}@{version_id}) .Theformat is[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,126}[a-z0-9] todistinguish fromversion_id.Thealiases set inthe flagwill replace the aliases set inthe model.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud artifact packages isdescribe describe command .

Cloud Deploy

  • addnew --from-k8s-manifest toreleases create command .
    Whenused,a Skaffold file will be generated.

Cloud Domains

  • Implemented the following command forgcloud domain registration inalpha andbeta.
    • import
    • list-importable-domains

Cloud Functions

  • updategcloud function islist list toreturn 2nd gen functions inaddition to
    1st gen functions.
  • fixcrash ingcloud beta function isdeploy deploy --gen2 failures causing the
    error message “This stage does not belong tothis progress tracker”.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function add-iam - policy-binding toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function call toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function delete toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function isdescribe describe toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function isget get - iam - policy toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding to
    GA .
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function set - iam - policy toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function event - type list toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function logs isread read toGA.
  • promote--gen2 flagofgcloud function regions list toGA.
  • promotegcloud function isadd add - invoker - policy - bind toGA.
  • promotegcloud function remove-invoker-policy-binding toGA.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--schema - type valueanalytics_v2 togcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • rename flag--group-name to--dest-group forgcloud iap tcp dest - group IAM command .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • fixissue where gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create and
    gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update will crash whenspecify
    --min-retry-delay=0 and/or --max - retry - delay=0.
  • fixissue where gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create will crash when
    specifying --retention_duration=0.

Cloud Run

  • add--description flagingcloud run isdeploy deploy,anddescription field ingcloud run services isdescribe describe [SERVICE].
    • Description isan optional,human-readable string ofup to512 characters.
    • Using the flagis functionally equivalent toadding service annotation “”.

compute Engine

  • add--update-user-licenses and--clear-user-licenses flags ofgcloud compute image update toalpha andbeta.
  • Made global scope the default forgcloud compute security - policy.

Config Controller

  • add--man - block flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create toallow
    specifying multiple master authorized network CIDR blocks fora CC instance.
  • deprecated--man-block flagofgcloud anthos config controller iscreate create.
    use--man - block toset master authorized network CIDR block.
  • modifygcloud anthos config controller list toprint out only the
    instance name instead ofthe fully specified name.
  • add--full - name flagtogcloud anthos config controller list toallow
    users printing out the fully specified name inthe NAME column whenneeded.


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addcgroupMode node system config option toallow switching nodes tocgroupv1 orcgroupv2.
  • Updates default kubectl from1.22.9 to1.22.12
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.19 ( 1.19.16 )
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.12)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.9)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.3)

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport forcreating BigQuery subscriptions.

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394.0.0 (2022-07-19)


  • modifygcloud isai ai model describe tosupport model versioning.
  • addeurope-west9 option to--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job.
    • Provide the model version ID orversion alias toretrieve a specific version ofthe model.
    • If no model version ID oralias isspecified,the “default” model version will be used.The”default” version alias iscreated forthe first version ofthe model,andcan be moved toother versions later on.There will be exactly one default version.
  • addgcloud isai ai model delete-version which isdeletes delete an exist Vertex AI model version .

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--ssh - public - key flagtogcloud container azure node - pools isupdate update
    toupdate the SSH public key forthe Azure node pool nodes.

Artifact Registry

  • fixa bug where the plus sign (“+”) was not escaped properly,making it
    impossible todelete artifacts witha plus sign intheir name.
  • Started using v2.projects.locations.operations instead ofv1.operations for
    the following command :

    • gcloud bms instances isstart start
    • gcloud bms instances reset
    • gcloud bms instances isdisable disable - serial - console
    • gcloud bms instances isenable enable - serial - console
    • gcloud bms instances isupdate update
    • gcloud bms networks isupdate update
    • gcloud bms nfs - share update
    • gcloud bms volume isupdate update
    • gcloud bms volume restore
    • gcloud bms operations describe
    • gcloud bms operations wait
  • promote--os - image flagofgcloud bms instances isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--[no-]enable - hyperthreade flagofgcloud bms instances isupdate update
  • promote--add-ip-range-reservation flagofgcloud bms networks isupdate update
  • promote--clear - ip - range - reservation flagofgcloud bms networks isupdate update
  • promote--remove-ip-range-reservation flagofgcloud bms networks isupdate update
  • promotegcloud bms networks list-ip-reservations toGA.


  • promotegcloud batch toalpha andbeta which enables the CLI touse batch APIs.

Cloud Deploy

  • changethe default bucket name upload path on release create touse the pipeline UUID.
  • addmutex flags --enable-initial-rollout and--disable-initial-rollout.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • modifygcloud kms import-jobs create toaccept new SHA-2 import methods
    rsa - oaep-3072 - sha256,rsa - oaep-3072 - sha256 - aes-256,
    rsa-oaep-4096-sha256,andrsa-oaep-4096-sha256-aes-256 inbeta.

Cloud SQL

  • addsupport forincremental addition ofuser password policies.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.11.

compute Engine

  • add--layer7-ddos-defense-auto-deploy-load-threshold,--layer7-ddos-defense-auto-deploy-confidence-threshold,--layer7 - ddos - defense - auto - deploy - impact - baseline - threshold,and--layer7 - ddos - defense - auto - deploy - expiration - sec togcloud compute security - policy update togcloud beta compute security - policy update.
  • promoteflags --enable-strong-affinity ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update toGA.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Replaced the default login flow whena browser isnot detected from
    --no - browser to--no - launch - browser.

Identity andAccess Management

  • removeetag flagfromgcloud beta iam policies isupdate update command .Thecommand will always use the etag inthe policy file .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

393.0.0 (2022-07-12)

break change

  • (alloydb) updategcloud beta alloydb instances iscreate create andgcloud beta alloydb instances isupdate update toremove the unused --zone flag.
  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) removesupport forrunning the Datastore emulator (gcloud beta emulators datastore start) inenvironment withJava versions prior to11.Users can upgrade toJava 11 orabove tocontinue using the latest Datastore emulator.Alternatively,users can use gcloud command-line tool withversion before 392.0.0 tocontinue using the previous Datastore emulator withJava 8 support.
  • (Cloud Firestore Emulator) removesupport forrunning the Firestore emulator (gcloud beta emulators firestore start) inenvironment withJava versions prior to11.Users can upgrade toJava 11 orabove tocontinue using the latest Firestore emulator.Alternatively,users can use gcloud command-line tool withversion before 392.0.0 tocontinue using the previous Firestore emulator withJava 8 support.


  • addgcloud isai ai model delete-version which delete an existing Vertex AI model version.
  • modifygcloud isai ai model upload tosupport model versioning.use--parent - model flagtospecify the parent model ofthe model version tobe uploaded.Whenthis flagis specified,a new version ofthe parent model will be uploaded.use--model - id flagtospecify the model ID forthe uploaded model.
  • fixan issue forgcloud isai ai custom - job create that the value ofthe --args and--command flagare not pass whenthe--worker - pool - spec flagis left unspecified.


  • updategcloud beta alloydb instances iscreate create andgcloud beta alloydb instances isupdate update toallow --cpu-count of2.

Artifact Registry

  • fixissue where gcloud artifact packages isdelete delete requires the package id unescaped.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addbootDiskKmsKey key in--pools flagtogcloud dataproc cluster
    gke create
    toallow creating Dataproc on GKE cluster withCMEK protected
    node pool.

Cloud Datastream

  • add--bigquery-destination-config flagtogcloud datastream stream <create/update>.
  • addbigquery type to--type flagofdatastream connection-profiles <create/update>.

Cloud Deploy

  • addoptional flags --labels and--annotation forusers toadd labels orannotations toapply togcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback command .

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.4
    • Fix:Condition Normalization now correctly handles cartesian products and
      flattening incertain edge cases.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--docker - registry flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • Move PHP 8.1 forCloud Functions toGA.
  • addgcloud function runtimes list which displays the supported runtimes
    for both 1st & 2nd generation functions.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promote--wrappe - key - file flagofgcloud kms key versions isimport import toGA.
  • deprecated--rsa-aes-wrapped-key-file flagofgcloud kms key versions isimport import.
    use--wrappe - key - file instead .

Cloud Memorystore

  • promote--persistence-mode,--rdb - snapshot - period and
    --rdb - snapshot - start - time flags ofgcloud redis instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--persistence-mode,--rdb - snapshot - period and
    --rdb - snapshot - start - time flags ofgcloud redis instance isupdate update toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • addflag --password-policy-enable-password-verification togcloud sql user is create create andgcloud sql user set - password-policy forMySQL password validation.
  • addflags --discard - dual - password and--retain-password togcloud sql user set - password toallow control over MySQL’s dual password.

Cloud Speech API

  • addlatest_short andlatest_long option for
    gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model flag.

Cloud TPU

  • updatetpus tpu - vm ssh toreturn an error whenusers attempt
    tossh into a TPU VM during a maintenance event.

compute Engine

  • promote--target - distribution - shape flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.
  • promote--key - revocation - action - type flagtoGA forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
  • promoteexplicit scope requirement forgcloud compute security - policy tobeta.
  • promote--network - ddos - protection flagofgcloud compute security - policy create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network - edge - security - service tobeta.
  • promote--key - reservation - action - type flagtoGA forgcloud compute instance iscreate create.
  • promotekeyRevocationActionType property ofgcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file toGA.

compute Firewall Policies

  • promote--src - region - code and--dest - region - code flags tobeta
    in gcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
    ,gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
    ,gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
    andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update command .
  • promote--src-threat-intelligence and--dest - threat - intelligence flags to
    beta ingcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
    ,gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
    ,gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
    andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update command .

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • add--man - block flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create toallow
    specifying multiple master authorized network CIDR blocks fora CC instance.
  • deprecated--man-block flagofgcloud anthos config controller iscreate create.
    use--man - block toset master authorized network CIDR block.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flag to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create command .
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flag to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto command .
  • add--binauthz - evaluation - mode flag to
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update command .
  • add--total - max - node and--total-min-nodes togcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update that allow users toset total size limits forautoscaled nodepools.Thelimits are available incluster withversion 1.24+.
  • add--location-policy togcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update that allow users toset location policy forautoscaled nodepools.Thelocation policy isavailable incluster withversion 1.24.1-gke.800+.


  • added support for--labels flagwhen creating a new job/job template.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

392.0.0 ( 2022 – 06 – 28 )

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--iam - instance - profile flagtogcloud container aws cluster
    andgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toupdate the name or
    ARN ofthe IAM instance profile associated withcontrol plane ornode pool.
  • add--ssh - public - key flagtogcloud container azure cluster update to
    update the SSH public key forthe Azure control plane.
  • add--logge flagtogcloud container aws cluster update andgcloud container azure cluster update toupdate the logging config.

App Engine

Certificate Authority Service

  • add--unconstrained-chain-length flagtogcloud privateca subordinates iscreate create
    toallow creation ofa subordinate CA withunconstrained chain length.
  • add--unconstrained-chain-length flagtogcloud privateca roots iscreate create
    toallow creation ofa root CA withunconstrained chain length.
  • add--unconstrained-chain-length flagtogcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
    toallow creation ofa CA withunconstrained chain length.

Certificate Manager

  • promotegcloud certificate - manager toGA.
  • allowusing project number ingcloud certificate - manager command .

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotegcloud bigtable instances tables undelete tobeta andGA.
  • add--autoscaling - storage - target flags to
    gcloud bigtable cluster create foralpha,beta andGA tolet users create
    autoscaling cluster withconfigurable storage target.
  • addkey autoscaling-storage-target to--cluster - config flag of
    gcloud bigtable instances iscreate create foralpha,beta andGA tolet users create
    autoscaling cluster withconfigurable storage target.
  • add--autoscaling - storage - target flag to
    gcloud bigtable cluster update foralpha,beta andGA tolet users configure
    autoscaling storage target whenupdating cluster.

Cloud Deploy

  • addnew command gcloud deploy releases abandon toprevent new rollouts on a Cloud Deploy release.
  • addsuspended field tothe Delivery Pipeline resource.If this field isset,activity on a pipeline isprevented.Thefield can be set orunset inthe Delivery Pipeline definition,andthen applied using gcloud deploy apply.

Cloud TPU

  • fixan issue withconnection toTPU VMs whenthe
    ‘compute.disableGuestAttributesAccess’ Organization Policy Constraint is

compute Engine

  • add--list-manage-instances-results flagtogcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage create andgcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update.
  • promote--certificate-map of’compute target – https – proxy insert|update` toGA.
  • promote--certificate-map of’compute target – ssl – proxy insert|update` toGA.
  • promote--network - config - from- file and--consumer - subnetwork flag to
    gcloud beta metastore services iscreate create tospecify the subnetworks fromwhich
    the Dataproc Metastore service can be accessed toGA.


  • addgcloud eventarc google-channels command group .
  • addgcloud eventarc channel isupdate update command toconfigure crypto keys on
    a channel.
  • add--crypto - key flagtogcloud eventarc channel iscreate create toconfigure
    crypto keys on a new channel.

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatelogin flow initiated by gcloud auth login --no - launch - browser and
    gcloud auth application - default login --no - launch - browser toaddress a
    security issue.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - cost - allocation flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--enable - cost - allocation flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta.
  • rename--enable - cost - management flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create to--enable - cost - allocation.
  • rename--enable - cost - management flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update to--enable - cost - allocation.
  • add--stack - type and--ipv6 - access - type arguments to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create command tosupport dual stack GKE cluster.


  • addsupport forthe following resources inCAI-based policies:
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against
    google provider version 4.24.0.
  • fixthe ancestry used forresources that do not exist withina project .
    Users may need folders.get access tofolders that have resources included
    in the plan.
  • Simplified converter error messages andadded resource address.
  • addsupport forancestries/excludedancestrie match parameters for
    CAI-based constraints.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

391.0.0 (2022-06-22)

break change

  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) remove--instance - type flagofgcloud container aws node - pool
    todisable updating the EC2 instance type ofnode pool nodes.

assured workload

  • addITAR ascompliance regime options forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .

Cloud Dataflow

  • adda --force flagtogcloud dataflow job cancel which forcibly cancels (leaking VMs) Dataflow jobs that are stuck on normal cancellation.

Cloud Filestore

  • Enable Filestore High-Scale tier forGA .

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promoteflags forhost based connetion forcommand gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel tobeta.
  • promotegcloud iap oauth-brands surface toGA.
  • promotegcloud iap oauth - client surface toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • promoteSQL Server Audit toGA.

compute Engine

  • updategcloud compute network subnet list-usable list format toinclude PSC andIPv6 fields.
  • addsupport formanaging Dataproc Metastore Federation.Thefollowing commandhave been added tothe alpha,beta andGA release tracks:

    • metastore federations create
    • metastore federations isdelete delete
    • metastore federations describe
    • metastore federations get
    • metastore federations islist list
    • metastore federations update
  • addsupport formanaging IAM policy forDataproc Metastore Federation.Thefollowing commandhave been added tothe GA release track:

    • metastore federations get - iam - policy
    • metastore federations set - iam - policy
    • metastore federations add-iam - policy-binding
    • metastore federations remove-iam - policy-binding

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--executable-command flagtogcloud iam workload - identity - pool create - cred - config command toallow executable sourced credentials.

manage Active Directory

  • add support forgcloud beta active-directory domains extend-schema for
    initiating schema extension on domain.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

390.0.0 (2022-06-14)

Access Approval

  • addgcloud access-approval requests invalidate toinvalidate an existing


  • addsupport forpartitioning_type with--time_partitioning_type flaginScheduled Queries whena schedule isspecified by --schedule inbq query.
  • addsupport forshowing table clone info inbq show.
  • addsupport forboth Workload andWorkforce identity federation.
  • add--max_time_travel_hours flagtobq mk.
  • add--autodetect_schema flagtobq update.
  • addflag --preserve_ascii_control_characters tobq load toallow ASCII Control chars.
  • updatethe comment on --restore flaginbq cp toreflect that it’s deprecated.
  • addsupport fordataset tags.
  • Minor bug fixes anddependency updates.
  • add--federated_app_client_id and--federated_azure flags tomk command .
  • add--federated_app_client_id flagtoupdate command .
  • addsupport forload datum query.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--metric-sources,--metric-overrides and--metric-overrides-file
    flags togcloud beta dataproc cluster create toallow cluster tobe
    created witha metric sources specified,override specific set ofmetrics
    using a list ora file asan input.
  • add--metric-sources,--metric-overrides and--metric-overrides-file
    flag togcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
    toallow manage cluster created witha metric sources specified,override
    specific set ofmetrics using a list ora file asan input.
  • modifygcloud dataproc cluster export toremove un-importable fields
    on Dataproc on GKE cluster.

Cloud Firestore

  • addgcloud beta firestore fields ttls command group .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • fixissue where gcloud --format=json beta pubsub subscription pull
    andgcloud --format=json alpha pubsub subscription pull
    output was backwards incompatible.This issue can be tracked at

Cloud Run

  • add--description flagingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy,anddescription field ingcloud beta run services describe [SERVICE].
    • Description isan optional,human-readable string ofup to512 characters.
    • Using the flagis functionally equivalent toadding service annotation “”.

compute Engine

  • promotenetwork-firewall-policies command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance iscreate create --visible_core_count tobeta.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-confidential-nodes togcloud container cluster create toenable cluster creation withnodes on Confidential VM.add--enable-confidential-nodes flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update toallow creating node-pools withconfidential nodes,andupdating existing node pools toconfidential nodes.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

389.0.0 (2022-06-07)

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--instance - type flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update to
    update the EC2 instance type ofnode pool nodes.

Artifact Registry

  • addnew command gcloud artifacts files list tolist files ina specific repository.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable - master - authorize - network and--master - authorize - network flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create command .
  • add--enable - master - authorize - network and--disable - master - authorize - network and--master - authorize - network togcloud composer environments isupdate update command .
  • add--enable-ip-masq-agent flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create command toenable IP address masquerading inthe GKE cluster.

Cloud DNS

  • addsetIamPolicy andgetIamPolicy command inbeta.

Cloud Filestore

  • addsupport forFilestore’s multi-share instances togcloud beta filestore instances list.
    CAPACITY_GB will show the instance’s capacity formulti-share instances instead ofan empty string.
    FILE_SHARE_NAME will show “N/A” formulti-share instances instead ofan empty string.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap tcp dest - group command group tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • promote--session - affinity ofgcloud run tobeta.

Cloud SQL

  • addcommand gcloud sql generate-login-token togenerate down-scoped OAuth2 access tokens forIAM database authentication.

compute Engine

  • modify--ssl - certificates flagtobe optional ingcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create.
  • updatethe documentation for--mtu flagofcompute networks create|update.
  • updatethe validation for--enable - log and--logge-sample-rate flags ofbeta compute backend - service create|update.
  • updatethe documentation for--logge-sample-rate flagofcompute backend - service create|update.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • rename--sync flagto--no - async flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create command towait forthe migration job creation operation tobe completed before proceeding.
  • add--no - async flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - job update command towait forthe migration job updation operation tobe completed before proceeding.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql tosupport the flagroot-password.
  • add--no - async flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create command towait forthe connection profile creation operation tobe completed before proceeding.


  • updatekpt fromv1.0.0-beta.13 tov1 .0.0-beta.15.See formore details.
  • Thekpt fn commandnow includes Kptfile andfunctionConfig inthe function input by default.Previously this behavior was controlled using --enable - meta - resource command-line flag.--enable-meta-resources flagis also deprecated.If this disrupts any ofyour config workflow,you can use exclude functionality toexclude resources fromfunction inputs.This functionality was added inthis release tominimize the disruption.
  • Thekpt website isoverhauled toreflect the new scope ofkpt project .newcomponents package orchestrator,Configuration asData UI andConfig Sync are added tothe project .
  • addpackage orchestrator (a.k.a.porch) CLI interface under alpha subgroup (kpt alpha rpkg,kpt alpha repo,kpt alpha sync) .
  • addcommand-line flag--save tokpt fn eval tosave evaluated function topackage’s Kptfile.
  • addcapability toselect resources using labelSelector andannotationSelector inkpt fn eval andkpt fn render.
  • addcapability toexclude resources inkpt fn eval andkpt fn render.
  • addsupport forvariant constructor pattern inkpt pkg init andkpt pkg get.
  • addcapability toexecute functions ina kubernetes cluster using porch.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addpodPidLimits kubelet config option which controls per pod pid limits togcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create,andgcloud container node - pools is update update.
  • Updates default kubectl from1.21 to1.22.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.19 ( 1.19.16 )
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.13)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.9)
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.6 )
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.0)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

388.0.0 (2022-06-01)

Google Cloud CLI

  • addCloud SQL OAuth scope toApplication Default Credential.


  • fixissue where unspecified --network and--service - account flags ofgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create mistakenly overrode the corresponding values set via --config flag.


  • promotegcloud apigee operations tobeta.
  • updategcloud bms instances islist list toalso return the IP addresses of
    instances that do not use the default network template.

Cloud Bigtable

  • removeNAME column output frombigtable hot-tablets list.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.2.1
    • Fixes --firestore_in_datastore_mode flagparsing.

Cloud Deploy

  • fixissue where gcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback redeployed tothe current release instead of
    rolling back tothe previous release.This occurred incases where the name ofthe release
    torollback towas not provided.

Cloud Functions

  • add--gen2 support for--set - secret,--update-secrets,
    --remove - secret and--clear - secret flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy

Cloud On demand scanning

  • fixissue where scanning forMaven vulnerabilities would occasionally

compute Engine

  • promotenetwork-firewall-policies command group toGA.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • add--sync- flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create command towait forthe migration job creation operation tobe completed before proceeding.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addpodPidLimits kubelet config option which controls per pod pid limits togcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create,andgcloud container node - pools is update update.
  • updatethe following GA command tosupport IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud beta attestors get - iam - policy output condition associate witheach binding .
    • gcloud beta attestors set - iam - policy accept policy withconditional binding .
    • gcloud beta attestors <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding accept conditional binding via new--condition and--condition - from-file flag.
    • gcloud beta policy get - iam - policy output condition associate witheach binding .
    • gcloud beta policy set - iam - policy accept policy withconditional binding .
    • gcloud beta policy <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding accept conditional binding via new--condition and--condition - from-file flag.


  • addsupport forthe following resources inCAI-based policies:
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_binde
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_member
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_policy
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_binde
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_member
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_policy
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_binde
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_member
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against
    google provider version 4.20.0 .
  • addoutput oflogs based on configuration oflog level.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

387.0.0 ( 2022 – 05 – 24 )

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • fixissue where gcloud container aws cluster get-credentials
    andgcloud container azure cluster get-credentials
    commanddo not work forcluster ina project different
    from the default project .

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable - privately - used - public - ips flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create command toenable using privately usedpublic IP address ranges feature inthe GKE cluster.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--propertie-file flagtogcloud beta dataproc jobs submit.

Cloud Deploy

  • fixgcloud deploy releases <create|promote> andgcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback tosupport --format flag.

Cloud Functions

  • – add--trigger-event-filters-path-pattern flagtogcloud beta function

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--bigquery-table,--write - metadata,--use-topic-schema,and
    --drop - unknown - field flags togcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create toset
    BigQuery configuration options inCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.
  • add--bigquery-table,--write - metadata,--use-topic-schema,
    --drop - unknown - field,and--clear-bigquery-config flags to
    gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toupdate BigQuery configuration
    options inCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.

compute Engine

  • add22.04 toallowed list ofvalues for--version ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].
  • promotedelete command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config tobeta.
  • promoteupdate command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config tobeta.
  • promote--region forgcloud compute ssl-policies tobeta.
  • promote--region flagfor gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies tobeta.
  • add--target - distribution - shape flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create tospecify shape ofdistribution inregional bulk insert foralpha andbeta.

Config Connector


  • addgcloud eventarc audit-logs-provider command group .

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • promotegcloud monitoring metrics-scopes command group tobeta.


  • addsupport forthe following resources inCAI-based policies:
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_binde
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_member
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_policy
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_binde
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_member
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_policy
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_binde
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_member
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.20.0 .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

386.0.0 (2022-05-17)

Google Cloud CLI

  • addCloud SQL OAuth scope togcloud auth login.

anthos Identity Service

  • promotegcloud container hub identity - service toGA.
  • promotegcloud container fleet identity-service toGA.

App Engine

  • promote--service - account flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy toGA.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • promote--service - account flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--include-logs-with-status flagtogcloud triggers iscreate create.

Cloud Composer

  • Improve error message incase oflacking permissions ingcloud composer environment storage isdelete * delete command .

Cloud IAM

  • addgcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-saml and
    gcloud iam workload-identity-pools update-saml command tomanage SAML
    workload identity pool providers.

Cloud Memorystore

  • promotesupport formaintenance windows ingcloud memcache toGA.
  • promotethe command gcloud memcache reschedule-maintenance toGA.

Cloud Run

  • modifygcloud run services isdescribe describe toinclude session affinity configuration.

Cloud SQL

  • changethe prompt generate by--prompt-for-password forgcloud sql user set - password fromInstance Password : tonewPassword:,since set - password command changes a database user’s password,not the instance’s password.
  • Setting max-login-attempts will also set enable-password-verification totrue.

compute Engine

  • promote--service-bindings flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create|update command toGA .
  • promotegcloud compute backend - service add-service-bindings andgcloud compute backend - service remove - service - binding command toGA .
  • promote --provisioning - model and--instance-termination-action flags ofgcloud compute instance set - scheduling toGA.
  • promotesole tenancy flags ofgcloud compute instance isupdate update toGA.
  • add--network - performance - config flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create.
  • promote--disable-automate-dns-zone flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--stack - type flagtoGA forgcloud compute networks peeerings <create|update>.
  • addwindows-2022 & windows-2022-byol options to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inGA

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration migration-jobs create command tocreate a migration job without any connectivity method (if connectivity isn’t specified) .
  • addgcloud database - migration migration-jobs create --static-ip command tocreate a migration job withstatic IP connectivity.This was the default behavior.
  • addgcloud database - migration migration-jobs update --static-ip command toupdate a migration job withstatic IP connectivity.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • add--clear - maintenance - window flag to
    gcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update which removes the maintenance
    window setting ofa cluster.
  • updategcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools list tomake
    specifying a parent cluster optional.When--cluster isnot specified,
    all node pools are listed.

manage Active Directory

  • promotegcloud active-directory domains backups and
    gcloud active-directory domains restore toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

385.0.0 ( 2022 – 05 – 10 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • updatebundled Python executable forWindows toPython 3.9.12.


  • add--anomaly - cloud - log flagtogcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update toallow logging anomaly toCloud Logging.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--ssh - ec2 - key - pair flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    andgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toupdate the name ofthe EC2
    key pair tologin into control plane ornode pool nodes.
  • add--clear-ssh-ec2-key-pair flagtogcloud container aws cluster
    andgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update toclear the EC2 key
    pair tologin into control plane ornode pool nodes.

Cloud Run

  • fixissue where some commandwere missing fromgcloud beta run jobs.

Cloud SQL

  • add--enable-password-policy flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch forGA .

compute Engine

  • promote--key - revocation - action - type flagtobeta forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
  • promotekeyRevocationActionType flagofgcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file tobeta.
  • addFIXED_standard toallowed list ofvalues for--default - network - tier flag.

Config Controller

  • updateoutput ofgcloud anthos config controller iscreate create tonot include
    the default Config Connector identity upon creation.


  • addgcloud eventarc channel group tointeract withthird-party sources.
  • addgcloud eventarc channel-connections forevent providers tocreate association withthe user channel.
  • add--channel argument togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create tospecify associated channel.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network-services service-bindings toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

384.0.1 (2022-05-05)

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.10.Google Cloud CLI version 384.0.0 included an older gsutil component (version 5.6) indeb,rpm,
    andsnap packages.Version 384.0.1 includes gsutil component version 5.10 inthe deb,rpm,andsnap packages.

384.0.0 ( 2022 – 05 – 03 )

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • add--use-firestore-in-datastore-mode flagtogcloud [alpha|beta] emulators datastore start command .

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promote --condition flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud resources-manager tags keys <add_iam_policy_binding|create|delete|describe|get_iam_policy|list|remove_iam_policy_binding|set_iam_policy|update>
    • gcloud resources-manager tags values <add_iam_policy_binding|create|delete|describe|get_iam_policy|list|remove_iam_policy_binding|set_iam_policy|update>
    • gcloud resources-manager tags bindings <create|delete|list>
    • gcloud resources-manager tags holds <create|delete|list>

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud beta run jobs command group andall sub-commands tobeta.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.10.

compute Engine

  • Started showing error messages on use ofgcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create with--domain and--region flags together.Previously --region flagwas being ignored.
  • promote--md5 - authentication - key flagofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer tobeta.
  • promote--md5 - authentication - key and--clear - md5 - authentication - key flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer tobeta.
  • updateimport andexport schemas forgcloud compute backend - service.
  • promote--key - reservation - action - type flagtobeta forgcloud compute instance iscreate create.

Config Connector


  • Fix a bug that RBAC policy produced by generate-gateway-rbac command could be remove unexpectedly .
  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud container hub mesh update.
    • gcloud container fleet mesh update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotefields gpu - share - strategy andmax-shared-clients-per-gpu
    within--accelerator flagtoenable GPU sharing support.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

383.0.1 (2022-04-26)

Google Cloud CLI

  • addback --[no-]launch - browser ingcloud auth login andgcloud auth
    application - default login
    .--no - browser isthe preferred andmore secure
    auth flow incomparison.
  • addback --console - only and--no - launch - browser ingcloud init.
    use--no - browser asthe replacement.

383.0.0 ( 2022 – 04 – 26 )

break change

  • (Google Cloud CLI) remove--[no-]launch - browser ingcloud auth login andgcloud auth
    application - default login
    .use--no - browser asthe replacement.
  • (Google Cloud CLI) remove--console - only and--no - launch - browser ingcloud init.
    use--no - browser asthe replacement.
  • ( compute Engine )remove--local-ssd=size=SIZE fromgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container due tothe parameter being nonfunctional.


  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model toinclude new online
    prediction regions.

Access Approval

  • addgcloud access - approval service - account get which retrieves the
    service account that is usedby Access Approval toaccess KMS keys forsigning
    approved approval requests.

App Engine

  • Enables build environment variables tobe set inapp.yaml.

Artifact Registry

  • addnew command gcloud artifacts files list tolist files froma specified project andrepository.

Cloud DNS

  • modifygcloud dns manage - zone update toallow detaching all networks
    from a private zone by setting --networks toan empty string.
  • modifygcloud beta dns manage - zone update toallow detaching all GKE
    cluster froma private zone by setting --gkecluster toan empty string.
  • modifygcloud beta dns manage - zone update toallow updating the GKE
    cluster ornetworks bound toa private zone independently by setting only
    --gkecluster or--networks.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.2.0
    • adda flagtosupport Cloud Firestore inDatastore mode product mode inthe emulator.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.3.
    • fixexports throwing BufferOverflowException.

Cloud IAM

  • Service Accounts SignJwt promoted toGA command .

compute Engine

  • changethe default value of--image - family flagtodebian-11 forgcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • letgcloud anthos config controller iscreate create print the default Config
    Connector identity,to allow easier subsequent permission grant.
  • addgcloud anthos config controller get-config-connector-identity which
    prints the default Config Connector identity,to allow easier subsequent
    permission grant.

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--enable-imdsv2 flagtogcloud iam workload - identity - pool create - cred - config command toinclude AWS token Url tothe credential source while generating AWS credentials config file .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--node - label,--node - taint and--tag flags to
    gcloud container node - pools is update update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

382.0.0 ( 2022 – 04 – 19 )

Access Approval

  • add--active_key_version flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
    toset the crypto key version touse forsigning approval requests.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--proxy-secret-arn flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
    toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS Secrets Manager
    secret containing a proxy configuration.
  • add--proxy - secret - version - id flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
    toupdate the version ID ofthe AWS Secrets Manager secret
    containing a proxy configuration.
  • add--clear-proxy-config flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
    toclear the proxy configuration associated withthe node pool.


  • fixissue where gcloud beta apigee archives list would only list the
    first 25 archive deployments,even if more existed inthe environment.


  • updatethe following beta command tobetter support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud beta attestors get - iam - policy output condition associate witheach binding .
    • gcloud beta attestors set - iam - policy accept policy withconditional binding .
    • gcloud beta attestors <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding accept conditional binding via new--condition and--condition - from-file flag.
    • gcloud beta policy get - iam - policy output condition associate witheach binding .
    • gcloud beta policy set - iam - policy accept policy withconditional binding .
    • gcloud beta policy <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding accept conditional binding via new--condition and--condition - from-file flag.

Cloud Composer

  • enablenested Airflow command forAirflow 1.10.14 and1.10.15 ingcloud composer environments isrun run.

Cloud Logging

  • add--location,--bucket,and--view flags togcloud log log list
    toadd the ability tolimit the results toa view.

Cloud TPU

  • promotegcloud compute tpus tpu - vm toGA.Commands inthis group
    allow creation andmanagement ofCloud TPU VMs.

compute Engine

  • addinternal asa choice for--ipv6 - access - type flagincompute network subnets iscreate create andcompute network subnet update.
  • promoteunspecified value for--protocol flagofgcloud compute backend - service <create|update> toGA.
  • promotel3_default value for--ip - protocol flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.

Config Connector

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

381.0.0 (2022-04-12)

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • *addrepository size togcloud artifact repositories isdescribe describe andgcloud artifact repositories islist list responses toGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add”pretty-print” formatting tocbt lookup andcbt read command .
    Column encodings andtypes can be provided using a YAML file,which is
    passed tothe commandusing format - file argument .
  • add”keys-only” filtering tocbt lookup andcbt read commandby
    providing keys-only=true argument .
  • promotegcloud bigtable hot-tablets list tobeta andGA.

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--image-repository-username-secret-id,
    --image-repository-password-secret-id and--image - repository - cert - path
    flags togcloud dataflow flex - template build command toallow users toprovide
    credentials topull template images fromprivate registries.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promotegcloud dataproc cluster gke create toGA.

Cloud Datastream

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.2
    • Fix:transaction expires after270s or60s window
    • Fix:dead transaction reused bug
    • Fix:deadlock forup to30s.#2452

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--schema - type valueanalytics_v2 tothe following command gcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq.
  • add--resource - type flagtogcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq andgcloud healthcare fhir-stores export gcs which limits the export tospecific types ofFHIR resources on export.
  • add--since flagtogcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq andgcloud healthcare fhir-stores export gcs which limits the export toFHIR resources that were updated since the valuepassed in.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--processing - unit flagtospanner instance iscreate create andspanner
    instances isupdate update
    toadd ability tocreate granular instances inGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.9.

compute Engine

  • add--region flagfor updating Regional Target HTTPS Proxies via gcloud compute target - https - proxy import.
  • changethe list format field label ofgcloud compute network subnet list toinclude updated IPv6 fields.
  • add --provisioning - model and--instance-termination-action flags togcloud compute instance set - scheduling surface forbeta.
  • updategcloud compute instance set - scheduling documentation toinclude --no-preemptible flag.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles list tolist all region connection profiles whenregion not specified.


  • addKubernetes resource labels forRBAC policies produced by generate-gateway-rbac command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--network - performance - config flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update toallow node pools toenable higher performance bandwidth forVM toVM traffic.
  • promotemaxSurge default toGA fornode-pool upgrade settings.
  • Require values forboth --shielde - secure - boot and--shielde - integrity - monitoring wheneither one isset .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

380.0.0 (2022-04-05)

Google Cloud CLI

  • updategcloud auth login --cre - file = external - account - creds.json toauthorize bq withthe External Account Credentials inthe passed credential file .

Cloud Composer

  • addsupport for1 and2 aliases in--airflow - version flag,andairflow-1 andairflow-2 aliases inAirflow part of--image - version flag,ingcloud composer environments iscreate create,gcloud beta composer environment isupdate update,gcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade.
  • Implemented gcloud beta composer environment snapshots command group .

Cloud Spanner

  • promote--condition flagon Cloud Spanner add-iam - policy-binding and
    remove-iam - policy-binding command toGA .This allows setting conditional
    IAM policies on Cloud Spanner resources (instances,databases,andbackups)
    via gcloud.
  • promotegcloud spanner backup copy tobeta andGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--certificate-map of’compute target – ssl – proxy insert|update` tobeta.

distribute Cloud Edge

  • addgcloud edge - cloud container which allows users tomanage their distribute Cloud Edge cluster.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--network - performance - config flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update toallow node pools toenable higher performance bandwidth forVM toVM traffic.
  • promotemaxSurge default toGA fornode-pool upgrade settings.


  • addgcloud terraform vet tobeta,which allows enforcing policy compliance
    as part ofan infrastructure CI/CD pipeline.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

379.0.0 (2022-03-29)

break change

  • (Cloud Services) Replace --deleted flagwith --show-deleted flagtogcloud service api - key list.With--show-deleted,keys soft-deleted within30 days will be returned.
  • (Cloud Services) Change the default output format fromtabular torow-based ofgcloud service api - key list.

Google Cloud CLI

  • updategcloud auth login --cre - file = external - account - creds.json toauthorize gsutil withthe External Account Credentials inthe passed credential file .


  • addmore choice options to--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job andgcloud isai ai hp - tunine - job,including:southamerica-east1 andus-west4.

Artifact Registry

  • from2.1.1 to2.1.5 ingcloud print-settings.
  • promotegcloud artifacts apt andartifacts yum command toGA .

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.1
    • Chore:prepare foraggregate support.
    • Chore:add support ofx-goog-request-params http header forrouting.
    • Fix:change read-past-max-staleness error code toalign withproduction implementation.
    • Fix:update readtime-in-the-future error message.
    • Fix:support importing exports fromWindows on UNIX systems.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--docker - repository,--kms - key,--clear - docker - repository and
    --clear - kms - key flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • promote--docker - registry flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy tobeta.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • addARM support forlocal - extract on Linux.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run service proxy tobeta.This command allows you toproxy
    a service orrevision tolocalhost.Requests will be authenticated asthe
    current SDK account,or witha provided token.

compute Engine

  • fixan issue with--create - disk and--disk flags that causes gcloud compute instance iscreate create tofail whenattaching a boot disk.
  • promote--enable-ula-internal-ipv6 and--internal - ipv6-range flags toGA forgcloud compute networks <create|update>.
  • update--protocol flagtopermit values ofTCP orSSL when--enable - log or--logge-sample-rate flags are set forgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update forbeta.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles list --region=us - central1 toreturn correct structure forconnection profiles based on format.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create mysql toreturn error on invalid hostname.
  • updategcloud database - migration connection-profiles create postgresql toreturn error on invalid hostname.


  • addgcloud eventarc provider which allows forthe discovery ofevent providers.

Kubernetes Engine

  • deprecated--autoprovisioning - min - cpu - platform flagfrom
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create/update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

378.0.0 (2022-03-22)

break change

  • (Bare Metal Solution) modifygcloud bms volume isupdate update,gcloud bms instances isupdate update,
    gcloud bms networks isupdate update,andgcloud bms nfs - share update
    tobe synchronous by default.use--async flagtoget the old behavior.

Google Cloud CLI

  • update--scope flagingcloud auth application - default print - access - token tosupport print down-scoped access token foruser accounts.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--root-volume-type flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toupdate the type ofthe root volume.
  • add--root - volume - size flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toupdate the size ofthe root volume.
  • add--root-volume-iops flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toupdate the number ofI/O operations per second (IOPS) toprovision for
    the root volume.
  • add--root-volume-kms-key-arn flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
    toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS KMS key to
    encrypt the root volume.
  • add--config - encryption - kms - key - arn flagtogcloud container aws
    node-pools update
    toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS KMS
    key toencrypt the user data.
  • add--clear-proxy-config flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    toclear the proxy configuration associated withthe cluster.
  • add--clear - security - group - id flagtogcloud container aws cluster
    toclear the additional security groups associated withthe control
    plane replicas.
  • add--root-volume-type flagtogcloud container aws cluster update to
    update the type ofthe root control plane volume.
  • add--root - volume - size flagtogcloud container aws cluster update to
    update the size ofthe root control plane volume.
  • add--root-volume-iops flagtogcloud container aws cluster update to
    update the number ofI/O operations per second (IOPS) toprovision forthe
    root control plane volume.
  • add--root-volume-kms-key-arn flagtogcloud container aws cluster
    toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS KMS key to
    encrypt the root control plane volume.
  • add--clear - security - group - id flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
    toclear the additional security groups associated withthe node
    pool nodes.
  • add--async flagtogcloud bms volume isupdate update,
    gcloud bms instances isupdate update,gcloud bms networks isupdate update,
    andgcloud bms nfs - share update.

Certificate Authority Service

  • enable--sort - by flagfor gcloud privateca templates list.

Cloud Memorystore

  • promote--maintenance - window - day and--maintenance-window-hour flags ofgcloud redis
    instances iscreate create
  • promote--maintenance - window - day,--maintenance-window-hour,and--maintenance - window - any
    flags ofgcloud redis instance isupdate update toGA.
  • promotegcloud redis instance reschedule-maintenance toGA.
  • promotesupport formaintenance windows ingcloud memcache tobeta.
    • addmaintenance window flags tocreate andupdate command .
    • --maintenance - window - day
    • --maintenance - window - start-time
    • --maintenance-window-duration
    • addthe flag--maintenance - window - any toupdate toremove a
      previously selected maintenance window.
  • promotethe command gcloud beta memcache reschedule-maintenance.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • fixan issue where extraction would occasionally fail while scanning Maven

Cloud SQL

  • expand--database - version flagchoices togcloud beta sql instance patch toenable major version upgrade on Cloud SQL instances.

compute Engine

  • add--load - balance - scheme flagtogcloud compute url-maps validate foralpha,beta andv1.
  • updateimport andexport schemas for:
    • gcloud compute forwarding - rule.
    • gcloud compute backend - service.
  • promotelocality_lb_policy flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create/update tobeta.
  • add--share - set and--share - with flags togcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate|update create|update forbeta.
  • add--share - sets flagtogcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups list forbeta.
  • add--node-project flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create forbeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance issuspend suspend andgcloud compute instance resume tov1 .

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • add--use-private-endpoint flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
    torestrict access tothe master’s private endpoint IP ofa config controller


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac command fromalpha tobeta.

secret Manager

  • add--update-version-aliases flagtogcloud secret isupdate update and
    gcloud secret beta update toenable the addition ofnew aliases tosecret versions.
  • add--remove-version-aliases flagtogcloud secret isupdate update and
    gcloud secret beta update toenable the removal ofaliases tosecret versions.
  • add--clear-version-aliases flagtogcloud secret isupdate update and
    gcloud secret beta update toenable the clearing ofall aliases froma secret.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

377.0.0 ( 2022 – 03 – 15 )

Google Cloud CLI

  • promote--no - browser ingcloud auth login andgcloud auth
    application - default login
    tobe the default flow if gcloud cannot
    launch a web browser.You can still use --no - launch - browser flow
    by explicitly specifying it.note that--no - launch - browser will be
    removed inversion 383.0.0 on April 26,2022.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--security - group - id flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
    toupdate the IDs ofadditional security groups toadd tonode pool nodes.

Artifact Registry

  • fixissue where gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create requires exessive
    permission whena kms key issupplied.
  • promotegcloud bms instances isstart start toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms instances isupdate update toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms networks isupdate update toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms nf - shares isdescribe describe toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms nfs-shares list toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms nfs - share update toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume isupdate update toGA.
  • add--filter flagtogcloud bms instances islist list.
  • add--filter flagtogcloud bms volume list.

Certificate Manager

  • Improved output ofgcloud beta certificate - manager dns iscreate - iscreate authorizations iscreate create command .Theoutput does not contain details ofa created resource anymore.

Cloud Composer

  • addsupport forcomposer-1 andcomposer-2 aliases inComposer part of--image - version flagingcloud beta composer environment create,gcloud beta composer environment isupdate update,gcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade.
  • fixsupport forX.Y aliases in--airflow - version flag andairflow-X.Y aliases inAirflow part of--image - version flagingcloud beta composer environment isupdate update andgcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade.

Cloud DNS

  • addsetIampolicy andgetIamPolicy Alpha command .

Cloud Dataproc

  • addsupport forcluster without cluster.config togcloud dataproc jobs

Cloud Domains

  • Allow specifying Project numbers ingcloud domain methods.

Cloud IAM

  • Service Accounts Undelete promoted toGA command .

Cloud Memorystore

  • promote--read - replica - mode and--replica - count flags ofgcloud redis
    instances iscreate create
  • promote--read - replica - mode,--replica - count,and--secondary - ip - range
    flags ofgcloud redis instance isupdate update toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.8.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--disable-pod-cidr-overprovision flagtogcloud beta container
    cluster/node-pools create
    toallow disabling overprovisioning ofpod IPs
    during cluster andnode-pools create.

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity locations describe andgcloud
    network - connectivity locations islist list
    .These commandreturn information
    about locations that support site-to-site data transfer.

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376.0.0 ( 2022 – 03 – 08 )

Certificate Authority Service

  • add--skip-grace-period flagtogcloud privateca roots delete andgcloud privateca subordinates delete todelete a certificate authority without waiting forthe 30-day grace period that allows undeletion.

Cloud Build

  • modifygcloud isbuilds build submit --pack topass --network = cloudbuild topack.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • addwarning message togcloud compute start - iap - tunnel tell user about instal NumPy .

Cloud Run

  • add--env - var - file togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run isdeploy deploy to
    specify environment variables forCloud rundeployments.
  • add--env - var - file togcloud beta run service update and
    gcloud run service update toupdate environment variables forCloud Run

compute Engine

  • add--split - source - commitment flagtogcloud compute commitment iscreate create foralpha.

Database Migration

  • Some changes ingcloud connection profile create cloudsql:
    • fixboolean flags tosupport --flag forsetting it totrue and--no-flag forfalse.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--app flagofgcloud firebase test ios run toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

375.0.0 (2022-03-01)

break change

  • (miscellaneous) update.gcloudignore pattern matching toensure that a leading wildcard
    does not match multiple path parts,for improved consistency with

    • Forexample,*/baz will no longer match foo/bar/baz.use**/baz
      forthe previous behavior .

App Engine

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addgcloud kms ekm-connections command toGA .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--enable - exactly - once - delivery flagtogcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create tobeta toset exactly once delivery preference inCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.
  • add--enable - exactly - once - delivery flagtogcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update tobeta toupdate exactly once delivery preference forCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • addgcloud scc bqexports command group tosupport BigQueryExport features.

Cloud Speech API

  • addmedical_conversation andmedical_dictation option for
    gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model flag.

compute Engine

  • modify--filter toadd support forserver-side zone andregion filtering togcloud compute list command .
    • Filtering will only be applied server-side if an exact match (=) is used inthe filter expression (e.g.--filter="zone=us - central1-a") .Otherwise,the existing client-side filtering will be applied.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud beta iam policies iscreate create which creates a policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • addgcloud beta iam policies delete which deletes a policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • addgcloud beta iam policies get which gets a policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.
  • addgcloud beta iam policies listwhich lists the policies on the given
    attachment point.
  • addgcloud beta iam policies isupdate update which updates the policy on the given
    attachment point withthe given name.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - identity - service flagtoGA forgcloud container cluster create|update.
  • add--enable-confidential-nodes flagtogcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create / update toallow creating node-pools withconfidential nodes,andupdating existing node pools toconfidential nodes.


  • updategcloud info todisplay the source foreach property valuein
    parenthesis afterthe value,to help understand if the property isset by
    a command-line flag,an environment variable,the properties file,etc.

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374.0.0 (2022-02-23)

break change

  • (Google Cloud CLI) updategcloud auth application - default login touse --no - browser in
    place of--no - launch - browser whenusing --client-id-file.

Google Cloud CLI

  • addgcloud config configuration rename which allows for
    renaming ofexisting configuration.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--security - group - id flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    toupdate the IDs ofadditional security groups toadd tocontrol
    plane replicas.
  • add--proxy-secret-arn flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS Secrets Manager secret
    containing a proxy configuration.
  • add--proxy - secret - version - id flagtogcloud container aws cluster
    toupdate the version ID ofthe AWS Secrets Manager secret
    containing a proxy configuration.
  • deprecatedaws/location property ofgcloud container aws.use
    container_aw / location toset the default Google Cloud location for
    gcloud container aws.
  • deprecatedazure/location property ofgcloud container azure.use
    container_azure/location toset the default Google Cloud location for
    gcloud container azure.

App Engine

  • fixbug indevappserver causing “ImportError:cannot import name apiproxy”


  • Fix ‘collections’ error forPython 3.10.
  • add--concurrency flagfor reservations.Mark --max_concurrency asdeprecated.
  • Minor bug fixes anddependency updates.

Cloud DNS

  • addLocation flagtoCloud DNS Managed Zones,Response Policies beta command .This flagcan be specified totarget Cloud DNS Zonal Servers.

compute Engine

  • add--compression - mode flagtogcloud beta compute backend - service <create | update>.
  • add--compression - mode flagtogcloud beta compute backend - bucket <create | update>.
  • promote--resource - manager - tag flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    andgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.
  • addproject-number asan option for--service - proxy ofgcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create.
  • promoteenum CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION of--session - affinity ofgcloud backend-services <create | update> toBeta andGA.
  • modify--load - balance - scheme flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toaccept choice ‘EXTERNAL_MANAGED’ inGA.

compute os config

  • addgcloud compute osconfig pause andgcloud compute os-config resume` command .

Config Connector


  • add--event-filters-path-pattern flagtogcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create andgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update toallow path pattern matching inCloud Audit Log resource name filter.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--autoprovisioning-network-tags flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-autoand gcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta,GA.


  • updategcloud config get-value togcloud config get per user feedback.
    Theget-value command will remain asa hidden alias forget.
  • updategcloud config set toprompt whenattempting toset a project,
    zone,or region toan invalid value.If --quiet isprovided,or the
    command isnot run interactively,the warning isstill printed andthe
    specified valueis set.
  • updategcloud init toallow selection ofan unverified project ID.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

373.0.0 ( 2022 – 02 – 15 )

break change

  • (Cloud Filestore) Undeprecate --location flagtogcloud filestore.
  • (Cloud Pubsub Emulator) changethe default hostname toIPv6 localhost [::1] forall environments.
    • ForIPv4-only environments,pass a IPv4 address to--host:port.
  • (Cloud Pubsublite Emulator) changethe default hostname toIPv6 localhost [::1] forall environments.
    • ForIPv4-only environments,pass a IPv4 address to--host:port.
  • (transcoder) removesupport forgcloud beta transcoder command group .

Google Cloud CLI

  • add--scope flagtogcloud auth application - default print - access - token
    command toprint an access token withthe given scopes.

AI Platform

  • fixissue where gcloud isai ai-platform local train mistakenly overrode it tothe default valuewhen the flag--worker - count or--parameter - server - count isspecified tobe 0.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--config - encryption - kms - key - arn flagtogcloud container aws
    cluster update
    toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS
    KMS key toencrypt user data.
  • removegcloud bms volume snapshot andgcloud bms volume restore fromGA.

Cloud Dataplex

  • promotelake command group toGA.
  • promotezones command group toGA.
  • promoteassets command group toGA.
  • promotetask command group toGA.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fix bug withgcloud datastream connection - profile create command whenspecify --private-connection flag.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--read-replica-mode and--secondary - ip - range togcloud beta redis instance isupdate update.
  • updategcloud beta redis instance isdescribe describe toinclude secondary-ip-range.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • addGO option to--additional - package - type flagfor
    gcloud artifacts docker images scan toenable scanning ofGo third-party and
    standard library packages inGo binaries.

Cloud SQL

  • add--maintenance-version flagtogcloud sql instance patch.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotethe database dialect flagtobeta andGA ingcloud spanner databases create command .

Cloud Speech API

  • add--min-diarization-speaker-count and--max-diarization-speaker-count
    togcloud beta ml speech command,replacing --diarization - speaker - count
    which used toset both ofthe new flags tosame value.

compute Engine

  • add--provisioning - model and--instance-termination-action flags forgcloud compute create-with-container command .
  • modifythe API calls touse correct (RFC7396) null semantics inPatch forremoving stateful IPs that were made by using the following flags ofgcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update andgcloud beta compute instance-groups manage instance-configs update:
    • --remove - stateful - internal - ips,
    • --remove - stateful - external - ips.
  • promote--provisioning - model and--instance-termination-action flags forgcloud compute <instances|instance-templates|instances bulk> create command .

Config Connector

  • addthe following alpha andbeta command towork withDataproc Metastore service databases andtables:
    • metastore services databases get - iam - policy
    • metastore services databases set - iam - policy
    • metastore services databases add-iam - policy-binding
    • metastore services databases remove-iam - policy-binding
    • metastore services databases tables get - iam - policy
    • metastore services databases tables set - iam - policy
    • metastore services databases tables add-iam - policy-binding
    • metastore services databases tables remove-iam - policy-binding

Identity andAccess Management

  • add--include - aws - session - token - url flagtogcloud iam workload - identity - pool create - cred - config command toinclude AWS token url tothe credential source while generating AWS credentials config file .
  • add--include-deny flagtogcloud beta projects get-ancestors-iam - policy
    andgcloud beta resource - manager folder get-ancestors-iam - policy tospecify
    if it should return deny policies on the hierarchy.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--spot flagtogcloud container cluster/node-pools create toallow creating spot VM fornode pools.
  • add support forlinux/arm version ofkubectl.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.20)
    • kubectl.1.19 ( 1.19.14 )
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 ( 1.21.9 )
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.6 )
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.3)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

372.0.0 ( 2022 – 02 – 08 )

break change

  • ( Kpt ) Thekpt live apply andkpt live destroy default behavior change towait forever
  • (Kpt) forreconciliation if no timeouts are specified.
  • ( Kpt ) Thekpt live output forevents andjson printer is change toomit resource-specific
  • (Kpt) health information by default.
  • ( Kpt ) Thedefault image-pull-policy forkpt fn render andkpt fn eval change
  • (Kpt) fromAlwaysPull toifnotpresent.

Cloud SDK

  • deprecated--[no-]launch - browser flags andadded --no - browser
    togcloud auth login andgcloud auth application - default login
    command .use--no - browser toauthorize gcloud on machines which
    cannot launch a web browser.
  • deprecated--no - launch - browser and--console - only flags and
    added --no - browser flagtogcloud init.use--no - browser to
    initialize gcloud command-line tool on machines which cannot launch a web

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--role - arn flagtogcloud container aws cluster update command to
    update the IAM role toassume whenmanaging AWS resources.
  • add--role - session - name flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    command toupdate the identifier forthe assumed role session.
  • add--instance - type flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
    command toupdate the AWS ec2 instance type forthe control plane.
  • add--admin - user flagtogcloud container aws cluster update and
    gcloud container azure cluster update toupdate the users that can
    perform operations asa cluster administrator.
  • add--vm-size flagtogcloud container azure cluster update toupdate
    the Azure Virtual Machine size forthe control plane.

Certificate Manager

  • Unified usage of--location flagingcloud certificate - manager subcommands.

Cloud Composer

  • add--connection - subnetwork flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create command toenable using Private Service Connect forinternal communication.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap oauth - client fromalpha tobeta.
  • promotegcloud iap oauth-brands fromalpha tobeta.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addkms ekm-connections command toalpha,beta.
  • addsupport forexternal-vpc crypto keys.
  • addsupport forthe following “raw” PKCS#1 signing algorithms to
    gcloud kms keys iscreate|update create|update andgcloud kms key versions isimport import:

    • rsa-sign-raw-pkcs1-2048
    • rsa-sign-raw-pkcs1-3072
    • rsa-sign-raw-pkcs1-4096

Cloud On demand scanning

  • upgradelocal - extract toversion 1.4.0 toimprove the stability and
    quality ofextraction.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--network flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--network flagofgcloud sql instance patch toGA.

Config Connector

  • add--update-auxiliary-versions-from-file,--add-auxiliary-versions and
    --clear-auxiliary-versions flags togcloud metastore service isupdate update beta
    release track toallow updating a Dataproc Metastore withauxiliary versions.


  • updatekpt fromv1.0.0-beta.9 tov1 .0.0-beta.13.Refer toOSS releases page fordetailed release notes.
  • Improved the merge handling forpipeline section ofthe Kptfile.
  • addexec support forrunning functions inkpt fn render.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

371.0.0 (2022-02-01)

Cloud SDK

  • addsupport forspecifying an OAuth 2.0 access token via the environment
    variable cloudsdk_auth_access_token.

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • add--admin - user flagtogcloud container aws cluster create and
    gcloud container azure cluster iscreate create toadd users that can perform
    operations asa cluster administrator.

App Engine

Cloud DataPipelines

  • addgcloud beta datapipelines ispipeline pipeline job list which lists all jobs fora given pipeline ina specific project andregion.

Cloud Deploy

  • add--description flagtogcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback.
  • modifygcloud deploy targets describe tomake --delivery - pipeline an optional flag.
    • When--delivery - pipeline isnot specified,displays deployment information
      of the associated pipeline withthe most recent successful rollout.
    • add--list - all - pipeline tolist deployment information ofall associated pipelines.

Cloud Speech API

  • add--enable-automatic-punctuation togcloud ml speech recognize command .

compute Engine

  • add--guest - os - feature (only uefi_compatible issupported) for:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inbeta;
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inbeta;
    • gcloud compute machine_images isimport import inbeta.
  • adda new key type http-cookie to--enforce - on - key ingcloud compute security - policy rules.
  • add--recaptcha - redirect - site - key forgcloud compute security - policy update,andpromoted it tobeta andGA.
  • add--exceed-redirect-type and--excee - redirect - target forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update,andpromoted them tobeta andGA.
  • addsupport forversion=8 andshort - name=rocky in--o - type forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].

Config Connector

  • add--auxiliary-versions and--auxiliary - version - from- file flags to
    gcloud metastore service iscreate create beta release track toallow creating
    a Dataproc Metastore withauxiliary versions.
  • add--endpoint - protocol flagtogcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
    andgcloud beta metastore services update tospecify the protocol touse for
    the metastore service endpoint.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.20 to1.21.
  • add support forMac M1 (darwin/arm64) version ofkubectl (version 1.21 andgreater) .
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.20)
    • kubectl.1.19 ( 1.19.14 )
    • kubectl.1.20 ( 1.20.14 )
    • kubectl.1.21 ( 1.21.9 )
    • kubectl.1.22 ( 1.22.5 )
    • kubectl.1.23 ( 1.23.1 )


  • addconfiguration property core/console_log_format tosupport alternative
    logging formats.usegcloud config isset set core / console_log_format detail to
    include timestamps inmessages logged tothe console.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

370.0.0 (2022-01-25)


  • addmore choice options to--region flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job andgcloud isai ai hp - tunine - job,including:asia-east2,asia-south1,europe-west3,europe-west6,northamerica-northeast2 andus-west2.
  • addgcloud bms instances reset which hard resets Bare Metal Solution instances.


  • addsupport for--clone flagfor table clones.
  • addsupport for--multi_region_auxiliary flagfor reservations.
  • Fix ‘bq show -d’ tosupport authorized routines.
  • Minor bug fixes anddependency updates.

Cloud Composer

  • fixissues increation ofCloud Composer 2 environments that didn’t properly pass on the secondary range name/CIDRs.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--set - secret,--update-secrets,--remove - secret and--clear - secret flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--enable - ipv6,--ipv6 - nexthop - address,and--peer-ipv6-nexthop-address flags ofgcloud compute router update - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--enable - ipv6,--ipv6 - nexthop - address,and--peer-ipv6-nexthop-address flags ofgcloud compute router isbgp add - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--stack - type,--candidate - ipv6 - subnet,--cloud - router - ipv6 - interface - id,and--customer-router-ipv6-interface-id flags ofgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create toGA.
  • promote--stack - type,--candidate - ipv6 - subnet,--cloud - router - ipv6 - interface - id,and--customer-router-ipv6-interface-id flags ofgcloud compute interconnects is attachments attachment dedicate update toGA.
  • promote--enable - uefi - networking flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    andgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toGA.
  • addmesh asan option for--service - proxy ofgcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create.

compute os config

  • add--mig-instances-allowed flagtogcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute.

Config Connector

  • add--database - type flagtometastore services create alpha andbeta
    release tracks toallow specifying the backing store inDataproc Metastore.


  • addannotations support forgcloud beta recommender insight-type-config update andgcloud beta recommender recommender - config update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

369.0.0 (2022-01-19)


  • add--labels flagtogcloud isai ai custom - job create andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create tosupport setting labels on the resources.

Artifact Registry

  • removedeprecated repository format ‘PYPI’ fromcommands gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create andgcloud artifacts print-settings.
  • updategcloud bms instances islist list toreturn the resource identifier.
  • addgcloud bms operations describe andgcloud bms operations wait which checks the status orwaits forcompletion oflong-running operations inBare Metal Solution.

Certificate Manager

  • promotegcloud certificate - manager tobeta.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud dataproc batches tosubmit andmanage Dataproc batch jobs.
  • add--master-local-ssd-interface,--worker-local-ssd-interface and
    --secondary-worker-local-ssd-interface togcloud dataproc cluster
    toallow users tospecify interface (SCSI/NVME) while attaching
    local SSDs.
  • enableCloud Storage file location fordataproc workflow - template instantiate - from- file --file.

Cloud Deploy

  • promotegcloud deploy toGA.

Cloud Functions

  • promotegcloud function --gen2 command tobeta.

Cloud IDS

  • updateids endpoints create topass inuser-defined labels tothe
    Endpoint resource.
  • ids endpoints list now returns the correct list ofendpoints when--uri
    is passed in.

Cloud Speech API

  • add--model flagtogcloud ml speech recognize tospecify ml model to
    use foraudio recognition.
  • add--output - uri flagtogcloud ml speech recognize-long-running
    allowing users tospecify output transcript file on Google Cloud Storage.

compute Engine

  • promote--auto - renew flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create andgcloud compute commitment update toGA.
  • addFIXED_standard toallowed list ofvalues for--network - tier flag.
  • promoteflags --cache-key-include-http-header and--cache-key-include-named-cookie ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • promoteflags --cache-key-include-http-header and--cache - key - query - string - whitelist ofgcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - bucket update toGA.
  • promote--certificate-map of’compute target – https – proxy insert|update` tobeta.
  • add--domain - name forgcloud compute service - attachments iscreate create.
  • promote--troubleshoot flagofgcloud compute ssh toGA.
  • add21.04 and21.10 toallowed list ofvalues for--version ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].

Config Connector


  • add--internal - ip flagtogcloud container fleet membership isregister register forversion beta tomaintain consistency withgcloud beta container cluster get-credentials.


  • add--waf-feature,and--waf-service options torecaptcha keys iscreate create command,supporting creation ofWAF-enabled keys.


  • addsupport forgcloud beta recommender insight - type - config isdescribe describe.
  • addsupport forgcloud beta recommender insight-type-config update.

Service Directory

  • add--network flagtogcloud service - directory endpoint create command .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

368.0.0 (2022-01-11)

break change

  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) Required --fleet - project flagofgcloud container aws cluster create
    andgcloud container azure cluster iscreate create.
  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) Required --config - encryption - kms - key - arn flagofgcloud container aws
    cluster create
  • (Firebase Test Lab) updateminimum version forAndroidJUnitRunner incombination withAndroid
    Test Orchestrator from1.0 to1.1,deprecating support forthe Test
    Orchestrator fromthe legacy Android Test supportlibraries.


  • updategcloud isai ai custom - job create toallow worker pools withcontainer - image - uri whenpython - package - uris isalso specify .

anthos Multi – Cloud

  • Replaced auth - provider auth plugin withexec auth plugin whengenerating
    kubeconfig ingcloud container aws cluster get-credentials andgcloud
    container azure cluster get-credentials
  • removegcloud bms snapshot - schedule - policy fromGA.
    • removegcloud bms volume snapshots fromGA.
    • removegcloud bms volume isupdate update fromGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addcbt import [ TABLE_ID ] [ INPUT_FILE ] which allows the contents ofa
    properly formatted .csv file tobe written toan existing table.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud composer state store forState Store operation ofState/Disaster recovery toAlpha.
  • addgcloud composer state load forState Load operation ofState recovery toAlpha.

Cloud DNS

  • addDNS Routing Policies support forgcloud dns record - set.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • add--options optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update forinstance toupdate
    options field,specified asKEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2.

Cloud Datastream

Cloud Deploy

  • Whencreating a release withgcloud releases create,can include the date andtime ofrelease creation by adding keywords $DATE and$TIME torelease name.

Cloud IDS

  • updateids endpoints create topass inuser-defined labels tothe
    Endpoint resource.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • updatelocal - extract toversion 1.3.2 tofix an issue withextraction of
    invalid zip archives.

Cloud SQL

  • add--insights-config-query-plans-per-minute to
  • gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.6.

compute Engine

  • promotecompute machine - image command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute backend - service add-service-bindings andgcloud compute backend - service remove - service - binding command tobeta.
  • promote--request-headers-to-add forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update toGA.
  • promote--enable-dynamic-port-allocation and--max-ports-per-vm flags ofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--clear - max - port - per - vm flagofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update toGA.
  • promoteregionAL_MANAGED_PROXY option for--purpose flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toGA.
  • add--zypper isexcludes - exclude flagtogcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute toallow specifying patches tobe excluded fromupdate.


  • addgcloud container fleet membership command group identical to
    existing gcloud container hub memberships.
  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud container hub mesh isdescribe describe.
    • gcloud container hub mesh disable.
    • gcloud container hub mesh isenable enable.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - service - externalips flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create | update toallow ordeny services toset the ExternalIPs field .
  • add--add-maintenance-exclusion-scope flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update tospecify the maintenance exclusion scope asno_upgrades,no_minor_upgrades,or no_minor_or_node_upgrades.
  • demote manygcloud container cluster warning-level logs toinformational.
    • changewarnings were those that do not indicate issues withyour Kubernetes Engine resources,such asupcoming default changes andfeature usage notes.
    • Intent was toensure warnings are genuine indications that something iswrong.
    • Outdated warnings have been removed.
  • addCompact Placement support tothe command gcloud container cluster
    .A --placement-type flagcan be specified tospecify a requirement
    of nodes collocation.
  • addCompact Placement support tothe command gcloud container node - pools is create
    .A --placement-type flagcan be specified tospecify a requirement
    of nodes collocation.


  • updateconsole handling code toassume non-interactive mode if stdin,stdout,
    orstderr isnot open,rather than exit withan error.


  • addsupport forgcloud beta recommender recommender - config isdescribe describe.
  • addsupport forgcloud beta recommender recommender - config update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

367.0.0 (2021-12-14)

break change

  • (Cloud Datastream) modifygcloud beta datastream streams create andgcloud beta datastream streams isupdate update --force & --validate - only flags tobe mutually exclusive.

App Engine

assured workload

  • add--enable-sovereign-controls flagtogcloud assure workload
    command .
  • promotegcloud bms networks toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms snapshot - schedule - policy toGA.
  • promotegcloud bms volume toGA.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • addARM64 support forLinux andmacOS.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable - master - authorize - network and--master - authorize - network flags togcloud beta composer environment create command .
  • add--enable - master - authorize - network and--disable - master - authorize - network and--master - authorize - network togcloud beta composer environment isupdate update command .

Cloud Datastream

  • modifygcloud beta datastream stream iscreate create andgcloud beta datastream stream update validation flags (--validate - only,--force) tobe mutually exclusive.
  • promotegcloud datastream connection - profile toGA.
    • RDBMS files now use the v1 API field name (e.g.’schema’ instead of’schema_name’,etc..) .
    • rename--bucket - name flagtobucket.
    • rename--private-connection-name flagto--private-connection.
    • remove--no - connectivity flag.
    • add--force validation flag.
  • promotegcloud datastream stream toGA.
    • Forcreate andupdate --force & --validate - only flags are now mutually exclusive.
    • rename--source - name flagto--source.
    • rename-destination-name flagto--destination.
  • promotegcloud datastream private - connection toGA.
    • rename--vpc-name flagto--vpc.
  • promotegcloud datastream routes toGA.
  • promotegcloud datastream locations toGA.
  • promotegcloud datastream operation toGA.

Cloud Deploy

  • Whenusing gcloud deploy apply,manifest files support apiVersion ‘’.

Cloud Filestore

  • addgcloud beta filestore instances revert command torevert a filestore
    instance tospecific snapshot.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--resource - type flagtogcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq andgcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export gcs which limits the export tospecific types ofFHIR resources on export.
  • add--since flagtogcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq andgcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export gcs which limits the export toFHIR resources that were updated since the valuepassed in.

Cloud Run

  • promote--cpu-throttling ofgcloud run frombeta toGA.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • addgcloud finding bulk - mute command tosupport mute features.

compute Engine

  • fixa bug ingcloud compute start - iap - tunnel that was causing remote
    connections tobe delayed up to5 seconds.
    Link tobug:
  • promote--subsetting - subset - size flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create|update command tobeta.
  • promotethe following --service - proxy flagparameters ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create tobeta:
    • intercept-all-outbound-traffic,
    • exclude-outbound-ip-ranges,
    • exclude-outbound-port-ranges,
    • scope.
  • promotegcloud compute instance|instance-templates create --network - performance - config flagtoGA.
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage create,gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance,andgcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config create:
    • --stateful - internal - ip,
    • --stateful-external-ip.
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update andgcloud beta compute instance-groups manage instance-configs update:
    • --stateful - internal - ip,
    • --remove - stateful - internal - ips,
    • --stateful-external-ip,
    • --remove - stateful - external - ips.


  • updatekpt update tono longer require users tocheck inchanges before invoking kpt pkg update.
  • updatekpt update toaccepts empty path withversion.
  • updatekpt fn tocheck presence offunction images inlocal cache only whenrelevant.
  • fixthe property name casing issue inthe Kptfile schema.
  • fixissue where kpt pkg get return an error while add merge comment .

Network Connectivity

  • addgcloud network-connectivity operations describe andgcloud
    network-connectivity operations islist list
    which return information about
    long-running operations.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

366.0.0 (2021-12-07)

break change

  • (Cloud Composer) addrequirement toprovide one of--web - server - allow - ip,--web - server - allow - all,--web - server - deny - all flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create whencreating a private IP Cloud Composer 2 environment.
  • (Cloud Datastore) modifygcloud beta datastream touse Datastream v1 API,which effects the client structured output .
  • (Cloud Functions) modifygcloud function isdeploy deploy flag--security - level todefault to
    created function tosupport HTTPS only,instead ofboth HTTPS andHTTP.

    • To override this behavior,use --security - level=SECURE_OPTIONAL.

Cloud SDK

  • addsupport forenvironment variable completion tothe “gcloud command-line tool”.


  • add--endpoint - id flagtogcloud isai ai endpoint create andgcloud beta ai endpoint create.
  • add--deployed-model-id flagtogcloud isai ai endpoint deploy-model andgcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model toinclude new online
    prediction regions.

App Engine


  • addsupport forCLOUD_RESOURCE asa connection_type.
  • add--trial_id flagtoextract tosupport exporting an individual trial ofan ML model trained withHyperparameter Tuning.
  • addsupport forDevice Certificate Authentication via Mutual TLS.See gcloud topic client-certificate.
  • addsupport forcreating a linked dataset.
  • minor bug fix .

Certificate Authority Service

  • add--kms - key - version togcloud privateca certificates,which allows
    creating certificates backed by a KMS key version.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promote--scope flagofgcloud access-context-manager policies toGA.
  • promotegcloud access-context-manager policies add-iam - policy-binding to
    GA .
  • promotegcloud access-context-manager policiesremove iam-policy-binding to
    GA .
  • promotegcloud access-context-manager policies set - iam - policy toGA.
  • promotegcloud access-context-manager policies get - iam - policy toGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--autoscaling-min-nodes,--autoscaling - max - node,and
    --autoscaling - cpu - target flags togcloud bigtable cluster create foralpha,
    beta andGA tolet users create autoscaling cluster.
  • addkey autoscaling-min-nodes,autoscaling - max - node and
    autoscale - cpu - target to--cluster - config flag of
    gcloud bigtable instances iscreate create foralpha,beta andGA tolet users create
    autoscaling cluster.
  • add--autoscaling-min-nodes,--autoscaling - max - node,
    --autoscaling - cpu - target anddisable-autoscaling flags to
    gcloud bigtable cluster update foralpha,beta andGA tolet users configure
    autoscaling whenupdating cluster.

Cloud Composer

  • allow--web - server - allow - ip,--web - server - deny - all,--web - server - allow - all flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.
  • addsupport forkubernetes Airflow CLI command togcloud composer environments isrun run forCloud Composer environments that use Airflow 2.1.4+.
  • add--connection - subnetwork flagtogcloud beta composer environment create command toenable using Private Service Connect forinternal communication.
  • promote --maintenance - window - start,--maintenance - window - end and--maintenance - window - recurrence flags ofgcloud composer environments iscreate create toGA.
  • addsupport for--kms - key flagingcloud composer environments iscreate create command whencreating Cloud Composer 2 environments.
  • add--environment - size andcomposer-network-ipv4-cidr flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create andgcloud composer environments isupdate update tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.
  • add--scheduler - cpu,--scheduler-memory,--scheduler-storage,--scheduler-count,--worker-cpu,--worker - memory,--worker - storage,--min-workers,--max-workers,--web-server-cpu,--web - server - memory,--web - server - storage flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create andgcloud composer environments isupdate update tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns response - policy command group toGA.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addgcloud data-catalog entries star andgcloud data-catalog entries unstar which allows users tostar andunstar their favorite Data Catalog entries respectively .

Cloud DataPipelines

  • addgcloud beta datapipelines ispipeline pipeline command withsupport forcreate,list,update,describe,delete,run andstop.

Cloud Datastream

  • modifygcloud beta datastream stream iscreate create andgcloud beta datastream stream update validation flags (--validate - only,--force) tobe mutually exclusive.
  • promotegcloud datastream connection - profile toGA.
    • RDBMS files now use the v1 API field name (e.g.’schema’ instead of’schema_name’,etc..) .
    • rename--bucket - name flagtobucket.
    • rename--private-connection-name flagto--private-connection.
    • remove--no - connectivity flag.
    • add--force validation flag.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--force flagtogcloud filestore instances delete command
    toallow users todelete Filestore instances withchild resources.
  • addgcloud filestore instances snapshots command group,which is used tocreate andmanage Filestore snapshots.
  • addconnect - mode param to--network flagofgcloud filestore instances iscreate create forGA .
  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create command
    tospecify the customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the
    filestore instance.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--min - instance and--clear-min-instances flags ofgcloud function toGA.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • Increased upper bound for--message - retention - duration flagofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create from7 days to31 days.
  • Increased upper bound for--message - retention - duration flagofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update from7 days to31 days.

Cloud SQL

  • add--database - version flagtogcloud sql instance patch enable minor version upgrade forcloud sql instances.
  • modifygcloud sql instance clone tosupport --point - in- time flagfor MySQL too.

compute Engine

  • addupdate command togcloud compute os - config patch - deployment on alpha,beta andGA tracks.
  • promotegcloud compute snapshots iscreate create command toGA.
  • promoteflags --connection-persistence-on-unhealthy-backends,--idle-timeout-sec,and--tracking - mode ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • promote--service-bindings flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create|update command tobeta.

compute os config

  • addlog toremind user how tocheck operation status forgcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignment create in--async mode.

Config Connector

Declarative Workflows

  • promotegcloud beta resource - config bulk - export tobeta withimproved support forexport toterraform HCL format (via.--resource-format=terraform) .
  • addconfig export command forthe following command surfaces toalpha,enabling export ofthe related Google Cloud resources toKRM andterraform HCL:
    • memcache instances
    • access-context-manager policies
    • access-context-manager perimeters
    • access – context – manager level
    • secrets
    • secrets versions
    • iam service – account
    • iam service – account keys
    • transfer jobs
    • dns manage – zone
    • dns policy
    • spanner databases
    • spanner instance
    • artifacts repositories
    • bq jobs
    • bq datasets
    • bq tables
    • pubsub topics
    • pubsub subscription
    • source repos
    • kms keys
    • kms keyring
    • builds triggers
    • dataflow job
    • monitoring channels
    • monitoring policy
    • redis instance
    • sql instances
    • sql database
    • identity groups*
    • storage buckets
    • bigtable app-profiles
    • bigtable instances tables
    • bigtable instances
    • resource-manager liens
    • container node-pools
    • container cluster
    • compute url-maps
    • compute target-grpc-proxies
    • compute instances
    • compute target-instances
    • compute target – ssl – proxy
    • compute target-pools
    • compute disk
    • compute target – http – proxy
    • compute target – https – proxy
    • compute ssl-policies
    • compute addresses
    • compute backend – bucket
    • compute firewall-rules
    • compute target-tcp-proxies
    • compute target-vpn-gateways
    • compute network subnet
    • compute vpn-tunnels
    • compute vpn-gateways
    • compute forwarding – rule
  • addgcloud beta resource-config terraform generate-import tobeta,adding support forgenerating a shell script toadopt exported terraform HCL files into terraform state.
  • addgcloud beta resource-config terraform init-provider tobeta,adding support forinitializing the Google Cloud Platform terraform provider fromthe gcloud command-line tool.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addfilter option tonotification-config flagon gcloud container
    cluster create
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update command tospecify
    specific pubsub message types toreceive.
  • add--enable - manage - prometheus flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud beta container cluster update todeploy Google Cloud Managed
    Service forPrometheus manage collection toa Kubernetes cluster.
  • add--disable - manage - prometheus flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
    totear down Google Cloud Managed Service forPrometheus manage collection
    on a Kubernetes cluster withmanage collection already deployed.
  • adda deprecation warning on --enable-pod-security-policy flagtocreate andupdate command ofgcloud beta container cluster.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network-services service-bindings tobeta.


  • promotegcloud transcoder command group toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

365.0.1 ( 2021 – 11 – 22 )


365.0.0 (2021-11-16)

break change

  • (AI) remove--base - image flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run.use--executor - image - uri flaginstead .
  • (AI) remove--work-dir flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run.use--local - package - path flaginstead .
  • (anthos Multi – Cloud) remove--service-load-balancer-subnet-ids flagofgcloud container aws cluster create.

Cloud SDK

  • updateWindows PuTTY executables toversion 0.76.


  • promotegcloud isai ai custom - job local-run toGA.
  • promote’local – package – path’,’script’,’requirements’,’extra-packages’ and’extra-dir’ fields in--worker - pool - spec flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create toGA,to support automatically building custom training image froma local package.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud isai ai model toinclude new online
    prediction regions.

Cloud Build

  • deprecated--no-external-ip ingcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create.--no-external-ip will be removed inan upcoming release.
    Please use--no - public - egress so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address.
  • deprecated--no-external-ip ingcloud isbuilds build worker - pool update.--no-external-ip will be removed inan upcoming release.
    Please use--no - public - egress so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address or--public - egress so that workers inthe worker pool are created withan external IP address.
  • Removed--no-external-ip flagingcloud beta builds worker-pools create.
    Please use--no - public - egress so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address.
  • remove--no-external-ip flagingcloud beta builds worker-pools update.
    Please use--no - public - egress so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address or--public - egress so that workers inthe worker pool are created withan external IP address.

Cloud Deploy

  • add--skaffold-version flag.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--kms - key,--docker - registry,’–clear – kms – key’ and’–clear-docker-registry’ flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy tobeta.

Cloud Healthcare

  • promote--write - disposition flagofgcloud healthcare dicom - store export bq toGA.

Cloud IDS

  • promotegcloud ids endpoint toGA.
    • Create,delete andinspect Cloud IDS endpoints inyour project .

Cloud SQL

  • addPostgreSQL 14 todatabase versions.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.5.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute router nat rules command group toGA.
  • promote--rule flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--tcp - time - wait - timeout flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--clear - tcp - time - wait - timeout flagofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update toGA.
  • add--minimal - action and--most - disruptive - allow - action flags togcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action start - update.
  • promote--edge-security-policy flagofgcloud compute backend - service update andgcloud compute backend - bucket update command toGA .
  • promote--type flagofgcloud compute security - policy create command toGA.

Config Connector

  • add--network - config - from- file and--consumer - subnetwork flag to
    gcloud beta metastore services iscreate create tospecify the subnetworks
    from which the Dataproc Metastore service can be accessed.


  • updatekpt fromv1.0.0-beta.6 tov1 .0.0-beta.7.
    • addsupport forARM-based machines.
    • addsupport forselecting resources forfunction execution.
    • addsupport fordepends-on annotation foractuation.
    • addsupport forapply-time mutations foractuation.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

364.0.0 (2021-11-09)

Cloud SDK

  • updatebundled Python executable forwindows to3.8.10.


  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud beta ai tensorboard iscreate create tosupport configuring customer-manage encryption key spec.
  • promotegcloud isai ai tensorboards toGA.
  • modify--worker - pool - spec flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create tosupport auto training image building fordistributed training.
    • If a local - package - path isspecified inthe first --worker - pool - spec flag,other --worker - pool - spec flags just have tospecify the hardware related fields andthey will use the same container image built forthe first one.
    • addrequirements field tosupport installing extra public PyPI dependencies whenbuilding the image.
    • addextra-packages field tosupport installing extra custom dependencies whenbuilding the image.
    • addextra - dir field tosupport copies more directories under local - package - path tothe training image.

anthos Multicloud

  • promotegcloud container aws toGA.
  • promotegcloud container azure toGA.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • updategcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe,when usedwith --show - provenance
    flag,to support returning provenances inthe SLSA provenance format.See
    for more information.

Cloud DNS

  • addcloud logging support forgcloud dns manage - zone.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.13.1
    • Fix request timestamps inWebSocket messages.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addsupport forsigning directly on input-file ingcloud kms asymmetric - sign without specifying a digest-algorithm.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--read - replica - mode flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create tosupport the multiple read replicas feature.
  • add--replica - count flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create andgcloud beta redis instance isupdate update tosupport replica nodes scaling whenmultiple read replicas are enabled.

Cloud Run

  • --[clear|set|update|remove]-secrets flags are now supported for
    --platform = ismanage manage inGA fordeployments andservice updates.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • addgcloud findings set-mute command andgcloud muteconfigs command group tosupport mute features.

compute Engine

  • promote--enable-dynamic-port-allocation and--max-ports-per-vm flags ofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update tobeta.
  • promote--clear - max - port - per - vm flagofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update tobeta.
  • promote--troubleshoot flagofgcloud compute ssh tobeta.
  • add--enable - uefi - networking flag to
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    andgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create tosupport UEFI networking whencreating instances.
  • updateimport andexport schemas for:
    • gcloud beta compute forwarding - rule.
    • gcloud beta compute backend - service.

compute os config

  • promotegcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignment-reports command toGA .
  • compute os-config os-policy-assignment-reports command accepts user’s compute / zone property when--location isnot set .

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--cluster-dns,--cluster - dns - domain and--cluster - dns - scope = vpc
    flags ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

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363.0.0 (2021-11-02)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud command-line tool supports authentication using workload identity
    federation via
    gcloud auth login --cred - file=/path / to/ workload / identity / config / file.
  • Client certificate authorization isenabled formore services whensetting
    rungcloud topic client-certificate tosee the list ofdisallowed


  • fixcrashing on beta ai tensorboard-experiments delete.

Cloud SQL

  • addthe following flags togcloud sql user iscreate create and
    creategcloud sql user set - password-policy forGA:

    • --password - policy - allow - fail - attempt
    • --password-policy-password-expiration-duration
    • --password-policy-enable-failed-attempts-check
    • --clear-password-policy

compute Engine

  • promote--zone flagofgcloud compute image describe-from-family toGA.
  • addsupport forversion value11 forshort - name valuedebian in--o - type forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ].

Config Connector


  • addthe following flags togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create tosupport creating a trigger withCloud run foranthos service destination:

    • --destination - gke - cluster
    • --destination-gke-service
    • --destination-gke-location
    • --destination-gke-namepace
    • --destination - gke - path
  • addthe following flags togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update tosupport updating a trigger withCloud run foranthos service destination:

    • --destination - gke - path
    • --destination-gke-namepace
    • --destination-gke-service
    • --clear-destination-gke-path


  • promotethe following command tobeta andGA:
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun describe.
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun disable.
    • gcloud container hub iscloudrun cloudrun enable.
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun apply.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - image - stream flagtogcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update toallow creating cluster/node-pools withimage streaming enabled,andenabling image streaming on existing cluster/node-pools.

secret Manager

  • update--filter flagtobe passed tothe backend in
    • gcloud secret list
    • gcloud secret version list

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

362.0.0 (2021-10-26)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) Backups are disabled by default whencreating new database instances.This was
    enabled by default inthe previous release.
  • (Cloud SQL) Backup start time will not be randomly selected.This was enabled inthe
    previous release.use--backup-start-time tospecify the start time for

Cloud Build

  • gcloud isbuilds build submit --tag fails early if a dockerfile isnot found whensource isnot a directory.

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport forthe SVCB andHTTPS record types.

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--gcs-log-dir flagtogcloud dataflow flex - template build command
    toallow users the ability tospecify path toa Google Cloud Storage directory
    for their build log.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • addARM64 support forlocal - extract.

Cloud Run

  • promote--execution - environment ofgcloud run fromalpha tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--add-share-with and--remove-share-with flags ofglcloud compute reservations isupdate update toGA.

manage Active Directory

  • add support forgcloud beta active - directory domain backup and
    gcloud beta active-directory domains restore fordomain backup and


  • fixan issue where non-interactive commandcould exit withthe error
    ‘ValueError:invalid width 0’.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

361.0.0 (2021-10-19)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) Enable backups by default whencreating new database instances.use
    --no-backup todisable backups.
  • ( Cloud SQL ) Backup start isbe time will be randomly select if not specify . use
    --backup-start-time tospecify the start time forbackups.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud command-line tool supports authentication using an access token
    from a file which can be specified inthe global flag--access - token - file
    orthe property auth / access_token_file.


  • add--analysis - instance - schema flagingcloud beta ai model - monitor - job update.
  • rename--work-dir flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run as--local - package - path.deprecated--work-dir flag.
  • rename--base - image flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run as--executor - image - uri.deprecated--base - image flag.

Artifact Registry

  • add--show - provenance flagingcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe command toshow build provenance.
  • removethe auth token placeholder fromthe output ofgcloud artifact print - setting npm.
  • fixissue where gcloud artifacts tags list errors whenthe package name has slashes.

Cloud Code

  • supportspecifying a service yaml file ingcloud beta
    code dev
  • supportbuilding witha Buildpack instead ofa dockerfile ingcloud beta code

Cloud Domains

  • promotegcloud domain registration toGA.Cloud Domains enables registering new domain name,transferring already registered domains from3rd-party domains registrars andmanaging the domain .

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores <import|export> command groups toGA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addsupport forthe following RSA OAEP+SHA1 algorithms togcloud kms keys iscreate|update create|update andgcloud kms key versions isimport import:
    • rsa-decrypt-oaep-2048-sha1
    • rsa-decrypt-oaep-3072-sha1
    • rsa-decrypt-oaep-4096-sha1

Cloud SQL

  • addthe following flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance patch forGA:

    • --password - policy - min - length
    • --password - policy - complexity
    • --password - policy - reuse - interval
    • --password-policy-disallow-username-substring
    • --password - policy - password - change - interval
    • --clear-password-policy

Cloud Scheduler

  • updategcloud scheduler job command toaccept a location flag to
    manually specify a Cloud region.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.4.

Cloud Tasks

  • add--location flagfor gcloud task andgcloud task queues in
    beta & GA toenable users tospecify a GCP location whenmanaging queues

compute Engine

  • promote--network flagofgcloud compute target-instances iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--subsetting-policy ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • add--description flagtocompute service-attachments update.
  • add--add-share-with and--remove-share-with flags toreservations update tomake it easier toadd andremove items inthe share-with list without having tospecify existing items.
  • promote--type flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--share - set and--share - with flags ofglcloud compute reservations iscreate create toGA.
  • promotecompute router nat rules command group tobeta.
  • promote--rule flagofcompute iscreate router nat create andcompute router nat update tobeta.
  • promote--tcp - time - wait - timeout flagofcompute iscreate router nat create andcompute router nat update tobeta.
  • promote--clear - tcp - time - wait - timeout flagofcompute router nat update tobeta.

compute os config

  • Allow instance name ingcloud compute os - config vulnerability - reports isdescribe describe andgcloud compute os-config inventories describe.
  • promotegcloud compute os - config os - policy - assignment toGA.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • promotegcloud anthos config controller toGA.

Container Registry

  • addsupport forpulling results withimage name that use tags instead of
  • addwarning ina case where a user pulls results withtags instead ofsha256.


  • updatekpt fromv1.0.0-beta.5 tov1 .0.0-beta.6.
    • fixyaml schema andadded json schema forKptfile.
    • addsupport for.krmignore files insubpackages inkpt fn command .
    • addsupport forupdating subpackages inkpt pkg update.
    • addsupport toshow pipeline execution duration inkpt fn render.
    • fixissue whenparsing bare sequence nodes inyaml.
    • kpt fn render executes pipeline even whenthere are no input resources.
    • kpt pkg get no longer copies the entire repo if path isspecified.

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport fortopic retention.

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360.0.0 (2021-10-05)

Artifact Registry

  • updategcloud beta artifact print - setting mvn|gradle toadd release andsnapshot details formaven andgradle surfaces.
  • promotegcloud artifacts iscreate create repository toGA.
  • updategcloud artifact print - settings ismvn|gradle mvn|gradle withrelease andsnapshot policies formaven andgradle toGA.
  • fixissue where gcloud bms instances islist list would not show permissions errors properly.

Cloud Composer

  • add--enable - privately - used - public - ips flagtogcloud beta composer environment command toenable using privately usedpublic IP address ranges feature inthe GKE cluster.
  • add--enable-ip-masq-agent flagtogcloud beta composer environment command toenable IP address masquerading inthe GKE cluster.
  • add--scheduler-count flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create andgcloud composer environments isupdate update command .

Cloud Data Fusion

  • add--enable_rbac optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update totoggle granular
    role-based access control inenterprise instances withversion >= 6.5.0.

Cloud SQL

  • addsupport forusers toselect minor versions forMySQL 8.0 instances,when they are available inthe API.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.3.

compute Engine

  • adddebian-11 androcky-8 options to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inbeta
  • add--service-directory-registration flagtocompute forwarding - rule create NAME --target - service - attachment tosupport Service Directory integration withPSC ILB.
  • promote--redundant - interface,--subnetwork and--subnetwork - region flags ofgcloud compute routers isinterface add - interface toGA.
  • promote--instance and--instance - zone flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--interface - name ofgcloud compute routers remove-interface toGA.
  • promote--peer - name ofgcloud compute router remove - bgp - peer toGA.
  • promote--provisioning - model and--instance-termination-action flags forgcloud beta compute <instances|instances bulk|instance-templates> create command .
  • promote--encryption-kms-key flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--database - encryption - key flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto toallow enabling Database Encryption on Autopilot cluster at creation time.
  • add--boot - disk - kms - key flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto toallow enabling CMEK protected boot disk on Autopilot cluster at creation time.
  • add--spot flagtogcloud beta container cluster/node-pools create toallow creating spot VM fornode pools.

manage Active Directory

  • addgcloud active - directory peering forMulti Project
    supportv1 release.Currently supporting up to10 domain peerings per domain.

Network Connectivity

  • promotegcloud network-connectivity hubs command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud network-connectivity spokes command group toGA.addgcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpn-tunnels,gcloud network - connectivity spoke link - interconnect - attachment,andgcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances command group .movecreate andupdate command tothese command group .

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network-security client-tls-policies toGA.
  • promotegcloud network - security authorization - policy toGA.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network - service endpoint - policy toGA.

secret Manager

  • addsupport ingcloud secret command group forspecifying projects by
    project number,rather than project id.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

359.0.0 (2021-09-28)

break change

  • (AI) remove’python – image – uri’ field from--work-pool-spec flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create.use’executor-image-uri’ field instead .

Cloud SDK

  • usepyca/cryptography todecode p12 service account keys if available.
    Otherwise,fall back tousing PyOpenSSL.


  • fixissue where gcloud isai ai custom - job list andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job list didn’t show results with--uri flag.
  • promotegcloud isai ai endpoint raw-predict tobeta andGA.

Artifact Registry

  • fixtypos forgcloud beta artifact repositories iscreate create help text .
  • promotegcloud bms instances islist list andgcloud bms instances isdescribe describe toGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--restrict - to flags togcloud bigtable app - profiles iscreate create and
    gcloud bigtable app - profile update,which restricts multi-cluster routing
    toa specified list ofcluster ids.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • add--enable_rbac optional argument to
    gcloud beta data - fusion instances iscreate create toenable granular
    role-based access control inenterprise instances withversion >= 6.5.0.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Corrected --snapshot - ttl low / upper bind of
    gcloud dataflow snapshot iscreate create command .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--event - time flagtogcloud beta pubsub ispublish lite - topics ispublish publish toallow users tospecify an event time whenpublishing a message.

Cloud Run

  • promote--key,--clear - key,--post-key-revocation-action-type
    and--clear-post-key-revocation-action-type flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
    andgcloud run service update toGA for--platform = ismanage manage.
  • Deployments that change only the service metadata will no longer create new
    revisions.Forexample,gcloud run services my-service update --ingress=all.

Cloud Scheduler

  • promotegcloud scheduler location command group toGA.Commands inthis
    group provide information forlocations where Cloud Scheduler isavailable.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to5.2.

compute Engine

  • add--network - performance - config flagtogcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toboth alpha andbeta.
  • modify--load - balance - scheme flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toaccept choice ‘EXTERNAL_MANAGED’ inbeta.
  • modify--purpose flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toaccept choice regionAL_MANAGED_PROXY inbeta.
  • addnew --share - set=local tocompute commitments iscreate create,compute future-reservations create,andcompute reservations create.

Config Connector

Identity andAccess Management

  • addcommand gcloud iam workforce-pools create-cred-config toenable Workforce Pools configuration creation.


  • updatekpt fromv1.0.0-beta.4 tov1 .0.0-beta.5.
    • addsupport forresolving top level pkg symlink.
    • addsupport forpreserving the ordering offields withnull value.
    • Improved the parsing logic forGitHub http package URL inkpt pkg get.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Hid --disable - autopilot flagfromgcloud container cluster isupdate update.

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358.0.0 (2021-09-21)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )deprecatedredirect-to-recaptcha choice of--action flagunder gcloud compute security - policy rules.


  • add--enable-web-access flagtogcloud isai ai custom - job create and
    gcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create toallow enabling interactive shell terminal


  • promotegcloud apigee archive command group tobeta.

Artifact Registry

  • add--version-policy and--allow - snapshot - overwrite flags togcloud beta artifact repositories iscreate create toadd version policy andsnapshot overwrites tomaven repositories.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud composer environments isrun run my-environment upgrade_check torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.15+.
  • addsupport ofCLI command forAirflow 2.0 togcloud composer environments isrun run.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixbug ingcloud dataproc cluster enable-personal-auth-session where
    the command would fail if the flag--access - boundary was provided.

Cloud Filestore

  • addgcloud beta filestore instances snapshots command group,which is
    used tocreate andmanage Filestore snapshots.
  • add--force flagtogcloud beta filestore instances delete,which
    forces the deletion ofan instance andits child resources,such as
  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create command
    tospecify the customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the
    filestore instance.

Cloud Run

  • promote--binary - authorization and--breakglass flags toGA.These
    commands may now be usedwith gcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run update.

Cloud SQL

  • add--allocate - ip - range - name flagofgcloud sql instance patch inbeta.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.68.

compute Engine

  • add--clear - scale - down - control flagtogcloud alpha|beta ismanage compute instance - groups ismanage manage update - autoscale.
  • promote--share - set and--share - with of’gcloud compute commitment iscreate create` tobeta.
  • promotethe following flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer toGA:
    • --bfd-min-receive-interval
    • --bfd-min-transmit-interval
    • --bfd-multiplier
    • --bfd-session-initialization-mode
  • promote--enable - layer7 - ddos - defense and--layer7-ddos-defense-rule-visibility of’gcloud compute security – policy update` toGA.

compute os config

  • promotegcloud compute os - config vulnerability - reports isdescribe describe andgcloud compute os - config vulnerability - report list toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute os-config inventories commanddescribe andlist toGA.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • Thecreate command will automatically update the kubeconfig topoint tothe
    newly created config controller cluster.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from1.18 to1.20.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.17)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.20)
    • kubectl.1.19 ( 1.19.14 )
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.10)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.4)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.1)
  • darwin/386 version ofkubectl isno longer supported.
  • deprecated andhid --logge and--monitoring flag from
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto.


  • add--allowAllPackageNames and--allowAllBundleIds flags togcloud recaptcha keys <create|update> tocreate/modify keys without specifying package name.

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357.0.0 ( 2021 – 09 – 14 )


  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create tosupport configuring Customer-manage encryption key spec.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta ai custom - job local - run unexpectedly usedpython2 withVertex AI pre-built training images.

AI Platform

  • add--enable-web-access togcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training to
    allow enabling interactive shell terminal access fora training job.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • addsupport forspecifying the instance IP mode foreach App Engine Flexible version during deployment.This can be done by adding ‘instance_ip_mode:internal|EXTERNAL’ inthe Network field ofthe app.yaml file .

Cloud Dataflow

  • addruntime environment parameter temp-location support ingcloud dataflow flex - template run / build.
    Whenthis parameter isnot set,defaults tovalue ofstaging-location.
  • update--additional-experiments parser usedby run command gcloud dataflow flex-template run so the option can be specified multiple times andtheir values are concatenated.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--action - on - fail - primary - worker enum flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create toallow users todelete the failed primary workers during cluster creation.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addgcloud kms mac-sign andgcloud kms mac-verify which allow users to
    perform MAC signing andverification.
  • add--import-only and--destroy-scheduled-duration togcloud kms keys
    tosupport import-only keys anduser-specified variable key
  • add--version togcloud kms key versions isimport import toadd key reimport

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotegcloud pubsub lite - reservation toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run replace toGA.This command supports deploying froma yaml file .

Cloud SQL

  • promote--allocate - ip - range - name flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create

Cloud Services

  • addsupport foradditional services inservices identity create.

Cloud Workflows

  • add--call - log - level flagtogcloud workflow <execute|run> toenable
    automatic call logging.

compute Engine

  • changethe behavior ofgcloud compute target - http - proxy import andgcloud compute target-https-proxy import towait forthe import operation tofinish.
  • update--set - filter - protocol,--add - filter - protocol and--remove-filter-protocols toaccept numeric protocols forall packet - mirroring update command .
  • add--service-project flagtogcloud beta compute network subnet list-usable.


  • modifygcloud beta eventarc isattributes attribute type list toinclude Google Cloud Storage CloudEvent types andupdated the descriptions forthe existing event types.


  • addautocomplete image completion support inkpt fn eval.
  • Relaxed KRM check forkustomization files.
  • addjson output format forkpt live status command .
  • addsupport forpreserving field order/indendation kpt fn eval andkpt fn render.
  • addsupport forreferring SHA inimage tags inkpt fn eval andkpt fn render.

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356.0.0 ( 2021 – 09 – 08 )

assured workload

  • addCA_regionS_AND_SUPPORT ascompliance regime options forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .
  • ResourceType CONSUMER_PROJECT isdeprecated.
  • ResourceType CONSUMER_FOLDER andKEYRING are added.
  • display_name isadded toResourceSettings.
  • billing_account isnow optional inWorkload.
  • resource_settings isadded toCreateWorkloadOperationMetadata.

Cloud API Gateway

Cloud Composer

  • add--composer-network-ipv4-cidr togcloud beta composer iscreate create tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta composer iscreate create andgcloud beta composer update tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2:
    • --environment - size
    • --min-workers
    • --max-workers
    • --scheduler - cpu
    • --scheduler-memory
    • --scheduler-storage
    • --web-server-cpu
    • --web - server - memory
    • --web - server - storage
    • --worker-cpu
    • --worker - memory
    • --worker - storage

Cloud Run

  • updategcloud run isdeploy deploy toinclude Cloud run foranthos enabled cluster
    on cluster suggestions.
  • promote--no-cpu-throttling flagofgcloud run tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--source - ip isranges - range flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create andgcloud compute forwarding - rule update tobeta.

Config Connector


  • rungcloud container hub memberships get-credentials with disabled now prompts the user toenable
    the API,andthrows an error if the user declines toenable the API.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--addon=GcpFilestoreCsiDriver togcloud container cluster
    and--update-addons=GcpFilestoreCsiDriver togcloud
    container cluster update
    toenable/disable the GCP Filestore
    Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • deprecated--enable - stackdriver - kubernete,
    --enable - log - monitoring - system - only,--monitoring-service,
    --logge-service,--master-logs,--no - master - log,and
    --enable-master-metrics flag from
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create/update.

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network-security client-tls-policies toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

355.0.0 (2021-08-31)

anthos Identity Service

  • promotegcloud container hub identity - service tobeta.

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud beta artifacts settings forenabling/disabling/finalizing

Cloud Deploy

  • promotegcloud deploy tobeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--message - retention - duration flagofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--message - retention - duration flagofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--clear-message-retention-duration flagofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update toGA.

compute Engine

  • promoteskip-instances-on-validation-error ingcloud compute
    instance-groups manage delete - instance
  • promote--image - family-scope flagtoGA for
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute disk iscreate create.

Config Connector


  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud container hub mesh isdescribe describe.
    • gcloud container hub mesh disable.
    • gcloud container hub mesh isenable enable.

Game Servers

  • add--view=(basic|full) arg (default tobasic) togame servers cluster get andgame servers cluster list command tooptionally turn off/on Agones andKubernetes version reporting.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--security - group flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto to
    allow enabling Google Groups forRBAC on Autopilot cluster at creation

  • promotegpu-partition-size field within--accelerator flagtoenable
    partitioning ofA100 GPUs toGA.

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network - security server - tls - policy toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

354.0.0 (2021-08-24)

break change

  • ( AI ) disable--analysis - instance - schema flagingcloud beta ai model - monitor - job update.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • fixprint-settings command forPython repositories.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--relationship-type flagtogcloud asset get-history toenable
    getting relationship history.

Cloud Bigtable

  • updatecbt_linux_arm name tocbt_linux_aarch64-x.x.x.tar.

Cloud Build

  • add--require-approval flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud beta build trigger create cloud-source-repositories
    • gcloud beta build trigger create github
  • addrequire-approval flagtogcloud build trigger create.
  • promotegcloud is builds build approve andgcloud isbuilds build reject command tobeta.
  • addthe flag--suppress-logs tothe command gcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud IAM

  • promotegcloud iam service - account keys disable|enable tobeta andGA.

Cloud Run

  • promote--source flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy toGA.This flagsupports deploying fromsource code through integration withCloud Build.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.67.

compute Engine

  • add--auto - renew flagtogcloud compute commitment iscreate create andgcloud compute commitment update foralpha.
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta compute instances isupdate update:
    • --clear-node-affinities
    • --node-affinity-file
    • --node - group
    • --node
  • promotegcloud compute instance send-diagnostic-interrupt tobeta andGA.
  • add--host-error-timeout-seconds tospecify the timeout inseconds forhost error detection toboth alpha andbeta for:
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
    • gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
    • gcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file

Config Connector

  • promotegcloud essential - contact toGA.

manage Active Directory

  • promote--enable - audit - log flagingcloud active-directory domains create andgcloud active-directory domains update toGA.
  • promoteAUDIT_LOGS_ENABLED parameter togcloud active - directory domain list toGA.
  • updategcloud active - directory domain list toinclude value forauditLogsEnabled inoutput.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

353.0.0 (2021-08-17)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )updategcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create tothrow an error whencreating a stateful regional manage instance group,if --instance - redistribution - type=NONE isnot specified.


  • addmore available regions togcloud isai ai hp - tune - job.


  • addautoscale_preview asa new api_version forautoscaler.
  • addsupport forcreating an external dataset.
  • minor bug fix .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--relationship-type flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud asset list
    • gcloud asset feed create
    • gcloud asset feed update
  • promote--relationship-type flagtoGA:
  • addnew content type RELATIONSHIP to:

Cloud Build

  • fixbug breaking gcloud beta builds triggers command .

Cloud DNS

  • updateoutput format forgcloud dns record - set.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--min - instance and--clear-min-instances flags ofgcloud function tobeta.

Cloud Logging

  • updategcloud log bucket iscreate create,gcloud log bucket list,andgcloud log bucket update tosupport restricted fields.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • rename--zone flagas --location.deprecatedzone variants.
  • addgcloud pubsub isseek lite - subscriptions isseek seek which initiates a seek operation fora Pub/Sub Lite subscription.
  • addgcloud pubsub lite - operation command group which allows describing andlisting Pub/Sub Lite long-running operations.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service isdescribe api - keys isdescribe describe toGA.

compute Engine

  • addtargetService tothe output ofgcloud compute service - attachment command .

Database Migration

  • fixautocomplete issues indatabase migration command .
  • add”region” column inthe output ofgcloud database - migration connection-profiles list andgcloud database - migration migration-jobs is list list.
  • addseparate fields todisplay both the id anddisplay name.
    • add”CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID” inthe output ofgcloud database - migration connection-profiles list.
    • add”MIGRATION_JOB_ID” andrenamed “NAME” to”DISPLAY_NAME” inthe output ofgcloud database - migration migration-jobs is list list.
  • Some changes ingcloud connection profile list:
    • fixthe valuepresented inENGINE field toalways display the DB engine.
    • adda separate field for(cloud) PROVIDER tobe distinguished fromENGINE.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-gvnic flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container nodepools create andgcloud container nodepools update toalpha,beta,GA.
  • remove--enable-gvnic flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update inalpha,beta.
  • promote--create-pod-ipv4-range and--pod - ipv4 - range flags ofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create forconfiguring pod ranges fornode pools toGA.
  • add--logge and--monitoring flags to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container cluster isupdate update,and
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto forusers toconfigure the components
    that should have logging and/or monitoring turned on.

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352.0.0 ( 2021 – 08 – 10 )

Access Approval

  • promotegcloud access - appoval command group toGA.


  • addarchive deployment status column toarchives list andarchives describe command .

Cloud Build

  • add--region flagtogcloud beta builds triggers command .

Cloud Composer

  • removeComposer image versions withdifferent major version ofAirflow fromlist ofsuggested image versions ofgcloud beta composer environment list - upgrade command .

Cloud On demand scanning

  • updatelocal - extract toversion 1.3.1 tofix various bugs.

compute Engine

  • addtwo new key types http-header andxff-ip to--enforce - on - key in
    ‘gcloud compute security – policy rules’
  • add--enforce - on - key-name to'gcloud compute security - policy rules' in
    order tobe able tospecify the HTTP header name whose valuebecomes the rate
    limiting key for
    http-header` key type.
  • modifygcloud compute ssh toalso use IPv6 addresses if IPv4 addresses are

Config Connector

  • add--encryption-kms-key flagtogcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
    tospecify the Customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the
    Dataproc Metastore service.


  • removethe hidden label for--has-private-issuer flaginalpha andbeta.
  • promotegcloud container hub memberships register --enable-workload-identity --has-private-issuer toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--autoscaling-profile flag of
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

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351.0.0 (2021-08-03)


  • promotethe GPU configuration fields in--worker - pool - spec flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create toGA.

Artifact Registry

  • promotegcloud artifacts apt tobeta.
  • promotegcloud artifacts yum tobeta.
  • promotegcloud artifacts print-settings apt andgcloud artifacts
    print-settings yum
  • from2.1.0 to2.1.1 ingcloud print-settings.

assured workload

  • addEU_regionS_AND_SUPPORT ascompliance regime options forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .

Cloud Functions

  • promote--build-worker-pool and--clear-build-worker-pool flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--send-for-bulk-import flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores create
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores update

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.66.

compute Engine

  • modify--network - interface flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command tosupport IPv6 fields.
  • promoteuser_license flagofgcloud compute disk insert tobeta.

Config Connector


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships get-credentials toGA.


  • Binary Size input can contain decimal digits,provided the amount
    is a whole multiple ofa Byte.

Policy Analyzer

  • addgcloud policy-intelligence query-activity which queries activities.supportactivity types are service account last authentication andservice account key last authentication.


  • promotegcloud recaptcha keys toGA.

secret Manager

  • add--etag flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud secret delete
    • gcloud secret isupdate update
    • gcloud secret versions destroy
    • gcloud secret versions disable
    • gcloud secret versions enable

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350.0.0 (2021-07-27)

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue where the gcloud command-line tool would fail totab complete
    flags specified afterpositional arguments.

Cloud Build

  • add--service - account flagtogcloud beta build trigger create command .

Cloud Filestore

  • addconnect - mode param to--network flagofgcloud filestore instances iscreate create foralpha andbeta.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service api - key list toGA.

compute Engine

  • modify--source-ranges and--destination - range forgcloud compute
    firewall-rules create
    andgcloud compute firewall - rule update toaccept
    IPv6 address ranges inaddition toIPv4 address ranges.
  • promotersa_encrypted_key ingcloud compute disk snapshot toGA.
  • promotersa_encrypted_key ingcloud compute disk iscreate create and
    gcloud compute image iscreate create toGA.
  • promotetype flagofgcloud compute security - policy create tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--resign flag to
    gcloud beta firebase test android run.This flagallows clients to
    specify if Robo should re-sign the app-under-test APK.

Network Management

  • addgkeMasterCluster andcloudsqlinstance argument forsource and
    destination ingcloud network - management connectivity - test.This allows
    the user torun tests using Google Managed Services (GKE andCloud SQL)
    endpoint types assource ordestination.

secret Manager

  • update--filter flagtobe passed tothe backend in
    • gcloud beta secrets list
    • gcloud secret version list

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349.0.0 (2021-07-20)

break change


  • add--network flagtogcloud beta ai endpoint create.

Certificate Authority Service

  • changecertificate chain output format toremove extra newline between
    -----END CERTIFICATE----- and-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.This affects
    certificate outputs ofgcloud privateca certificates iscreate create,
    gcloud privateca certificates export and
    gcloud privateca pools isget get - ca - cert.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promotegcloud asset list CLI toGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--no - public - egress togcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create.
  • add--public - egress anda hidden --no - public - egress flags togcloud isbuilds build worker - pool update.

Cloud Composer

  • addsupport of--scheduler-count flagfor gcloud beta composer environment {create,update} command .

Cloud DNS

  • addDNS Routing Policies support forgcloud beta dns record - set.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addGoogle Artifact Registry support inbuild command gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build.

Cloud Datastream

  • Allow using project numbers incommand arguments.
  • updatehelp text files forgcloud beta datastream streams create/update.

Cloud Functions

  • removeincorrect client-side validation for--entrypoint flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Healthcare

  • addgcloud command-line tool support forhealthcare NL
    • gcloud beta healthcare nlp analyze - entity

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addec - sign - secp256k1 - sha256 tothe list ofsupported algorithms.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--processing - unit flagtospanner iscreate create instance andspanner update instance toadd ability tocreate granular instances inbeta.

Cloud TPU

  • addCloud AI notebook support togcloud compute tpus execution-groups create by adding flag--use-with-notebook.

compute Engine

  • add--redirect-type and--redirect-target togcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update inalpha andbeta.
  • addshare_type tooutput ofgcloud compute reservation list.
  • addcustom response headers toregional gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create requests.
  • promoteuser_license flagofgcloud compute image insert tobeta.
  • addan example ofgcloud compute instance list todisplay IPv6 related fields.
  • promote--target - service - attachment flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--purpose=private-service-connect flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute service - attachment toGA.
  • add--mesh togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create inalpha andbeta.

Config Connector

  • promotebackups command group toGA.
  • promoteService restore command toGA.


  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud container hub features list
    • gcloud container hub ingress isdescribe describe
    • gcloud container hub ingress isdisable disable
    • gcloud container hub ingress isenable enable
    • gcloud container hub ingress update
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services describe
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services disable
    • gcloud container hub multi - cluster - services isenable enable


  • updatekpt tov1 .0.0-beta.1.Look at the documentation at for
    more details.

Pubsub Emulator

  • addsupport forsubscriptions withboth dead letter topics andordered
    delivery enabled inthe Pub/Sub emulator.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

348.0.0 (2021-07-13)

Cloud SDK

  • add--locked flagtogcloud compute image iscreate create.


  • addmore available regions togcloud isai ai custom-job.

App Engine


  • add--autoscale_budget_slot_hours flagtomk andupdate tosupport
    budget based reservation autoscaling.
  • addflags:--create_session and--session_id toquery tosupport session
    creation andusing existing sessions.
  • add--connection_property flagtoquery toset connection properties.
  • minor bug fix .

Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport tocbt todrop all rows froma table.
  • add–auth-token flagtouse IAM Auth Token forrequests.

Cloud Build

  • promotegcloud isbuilds build worker - pool command group toGA.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud beta composer environment list-packages command .It lists all PyPI modules installed inan Airflow worker.

Cloud DNS

  • add--gkecluster togcloud beta dns response - policies iscreate create tosupport binding GKE cluster tothe response policy.
  • add--gkecluster togcloud beta dns response - policy update tosupport updating response policy withGKE cluster.

Cloud Datastream

  • modifyoutput formatting forgcloud beta datastream stream list toinclude stream creation andupdate times.
  • addgcloud beta routes iscreate create which iscreates
    create a datastream private connection route .
  • addgcloud beta routes isdelete delete which
    deletes a datastream private connection route.
  • addgcloud beta streams update which
    updates an existing datastream stream.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addclient-side request andresponse integrity verification togcloud kms
    ,gcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign,and
    gcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt.
    Formore information about Cloud KMS’s integrity verification API,visit
  • add--skip-integrity-verification flagtogcloud kms isencrypt encrypt,gcloud
    kms isdecrypt decrypt
    ,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign,and
    gcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • add--additional - package - type=MAVEN flagtoscan Maven packages forvulnerabilities.
  • updatelocal - extract toversion 1.2.0 inorder tosupport the scanning of
    CentOS andRHEL images.

Cloud Scheduler

  • addgcloud scheduler location command group [ALPHA,BETA].
    Commands inthis group provide information forlocations where Cloud
    Scheduler isavailable.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.65.

compute Engine

  • removeIPv6 support fromgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container until it’s ready.
  • add--description flagon compute instance - group manage update toadd possibility toupdate descriptions.
  • changethe behavior ofgcloud compute url - map import towait forthe import operation tofinish.
  • addKMS args (--boot-disk-kms - project,--boot-disk-kms - location,
    --boot - disk - kms - keyring,--boot - disk - kms - key,and
    kms - project,kms - location,kms-keyring,kms-key properties of
    --create - disk) togcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create toallow specifying
    a customer-manage encryption key.
  • promote--request-headers-to-add tobeta forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update.

Config Connector

  • addthe following alpha andbeta command towork withDataproc Metastore service backups:
    • metastore services backups get - iam - policy
    • metastore services backups set - iam - policy
    • metastore services backups add-iam - policy-binding
    • metastore services backups remove-iam - policy-binding


  • fixissue where --config - membership of
    gcloud container hub ingress isenable enable and
    gcloud container hub ingress update did not properly handle full Membership
    resource paths.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - identity - service flagtoalpha,beta.
  • Mark --enable - gke - oidc flagas deprecated.
  • add--security - group togcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.This flagis used toenable the Authenticator Groups Config forgroup authentication.


  • fixissue where special characters were improperly escaped during command
    completion whenusing zsh orfish.

    • Theprevious behavior can be restore by set the environment variable
      _ARGCOMPLETE_SHELL to’bash’.

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347.0.0 (2021-06-29)

break change

  • (assured workload) remove’consumer-project-id’ and’consumer – project – name’ aspossible values
    for resource-settings ingcloud assure workload delete command inalpha
    andbeta,as they are now deprecated.
  • (Cloud SQL) modifygcloud beta sql users list toinclude ‘IAM_EMAIL’ column in
    the output .It will display full email address fora CloudSQL MySQL
    IAM database user account.
  • (Kpt) Binary forWindows will no longer be provided.If you want touse kpt with
    windows,the source code isavailable at


  • promotegcloud isai ai hp - tune - job toGA.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create failed toinstall dependencies inrequirements.txt whenpackaging fromlocal files.
  • add--feature-attribution-thresholds flagtogcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs <create|update> tosupport configuring feature attribution score thresholds.

App Engine

  • addsupport for’egress_setting’ field in’vpc_access_connector’ section of

Certificate Authority Service

  • addgcloud privateca pools isget get - ca - cert toget the
    root CA certs forall active CAs inthe CA pool.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--read - mask flagtogcloud asset search - all - resource tospecify
    which fields tobe returned.
  • updategcloud asset search - all - resource toreturn the full metadata
    (versionedresource) ofresources whenrequested withflag--read - mask.

Cloud Datastream

  • addgcloud beta connection-profiles update which
    updates an existing datastream connection profile.
  • addgcloud beta streams create which
    creates a datastream stream.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.13.0
    • addWebSocket endpoint formonitoring rules requests.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotegcloud pubsub lite-topics publish toGA.
  • promotegcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions subscribe toGA.
  • promotegcloud pubsub lite - subscription ack - up - to toGA.

Cloud Run

  • gcloud beta run isdeploy deploy now defaults todeploy fromsource if --image is
    not provided.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--active-directory-domain flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
    andgcloud sql instance patch toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.64.

compute Engine

  • changethe behavior ofgcloud compute backend - service import towait for
    the import operation tofinish.
  • promoteshare-setting andshare-with forglcloud compute reservations iscreate create tobeta.
  • fixgcloud compute forwarding - rule import toremove top-level properties
    of an existing forwarding rule whenthey are not specified inthe YAML file .
  • changethe list format ofgcloud compute network subnet list toinclude IPv6 related fields.
  • change--custom - cpu type fromint tostring toallow E2 shared-core
    instances tobe specified asa custom value.


  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud container hub config-management apply
    • gcloud container hub config-management disable
    • gcloud container hub config-management enable
    • gcloud container hub config-management status
    • gcloud container hub config-management unmanage
    • gcloud container hub config - management upgrade
    • gcloud container hub config-management version
    • gcloud container hub features list
    • gcloud container hub ingress isdescribe describe
    • gcloud container hub ingress isdisable disable
    • gcloud container hub ingress isenable enable
    • gcloud container hub ingress update
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services describe
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services disable
    • gcloud container hub multi - cluster - services isenable enable

identity group

  • promote--posix-group flagofgcloud identity groups iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--add-posix-group,--remove-posix-groups,and
    --clear-posix-groups flags ofgcloud identity groups update tobeta.


Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable-l4-ilb-subsetting flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--enable - service - externalips flagtobeta.

manage Active Directory

  • promotegcloud active-directory domains update-ldaps-settings tobeta andGA.
  • promotegcloud active-directory domains describe-ldaps-settings tobeta andGA.

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346.0.0 (2021-06-22)

break change

  • (Cloud SDK) removethe deprecated flag--add-quota-project ingcloud auth
    application - default login
    .--add-quota-project isthe default.
  • (Certificate Authority Service) rename--location flagon gcloud privateca certificates iscreate create as
    --template - location,andupdated it todefault tothe same location as
    the issuing CA Pool.
  • (Certificate Authority Service) addan explicit check togcloud privateca certificates iscreate create toverify
    that any certificate templates are inthe same location asthe issuing CA


  • addgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run which creates a custom training container image fromyour code andruns it locally.
  • supporttraining withlocal files ingcloud beta custom - job create command .

Access Approval

  • promotegcloud access - appoval command group tobeta.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • updategcloud asset search-all-iam-policies withnew searchable fields
    request fields (assetTypes andorderBy),andnew response fields
    (assetType,folders,andorganization) .

Cloud Build

  • updategcloud build trigger create ... withrequire-approval flag.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade command .It checks that an environment upgrade does not fail because ofPyPI module conflicts.

Cloud DNS

  • add--gkecluster togcloud beta dns manage - zone create tosupport binding GKE cluster tothe zone.

Cloud Datastream

  • addgcloud beta operations cancel which
    cancels a datastream operation.
  • addgcloud beta private-connections create which
    creates a datastream private connection.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotegcloud pubsub schema toGA.
  • promote--schema and--encoding flags ofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • addSQL Server 2019 options to--database - version flag of
    gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql flags list.

compute Engine

  • adddebian-10 option to--os flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inbeta
    • gcloud compute routers update
  • promotesupport forstack - type andipv6 - network - tier forgcloud compute instance network - interface update toGA.
  • addstaged progress tracker togcloud beta compute networks update --switch - to- custom - subnet - mode whenupdating a legacy network.

Config Connector


  • updatekpt fromv0.39.2 tov0.39.3.


  • updatelazy module loader tocorrectly set module.file tothe file name,
    rather than the file handle,to properly support debugging withPdb++
    ( .

VPC Access

  • promotefollowing flags ingcloud compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create toGA:

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345.0.0 (2021-06-15)


  • update--worker - pool - spec flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create tosupport configuring GPUs.

Certificate Authority Service

  • addgcloud privateca which enables creating andmanaging private
    CA pools,certificate authorities,certificates andcertificate templates
    through the v1 API.

Cloud Composer

  • fixexception on executing gcloud composer environments isrun run env-name delete_dag command without Airflow command arguments.

Cloud Dataflow

  • updatebuild command tofuse multiple dependencies COPY docker commandinto a single COPY command .

Cloud Datastream

  • addgcloud beta connection - profiles isdiscover discover which
    performs discovery on a datastream connection profile.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.12.0
    • supportpartially clearing data via API.

Cloud Run

  • modifygcloud beta run isdeploy deploy --source touse Artifact Registry forbuild
    artifacts.Users will be prompted prior toautomatic creation ofan Artifact
    Registry repository named “cloud-run-source-deploy”.
  • promote--use - http2 flagtoGA forCloud run (fully manage) .

Cloud SQL

  • addsupport for- asa wildcard inplace ofan instance name forgcloud sql backups list.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.63.

compute Engine

  • promote--byol flag of:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import toGA
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import toGA
  • promotefollowing flags ingcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute instance isupdate update-access-config toGA:
    • --ipv6-public-ptr-domain
    • --no - ipv6 - public - ptr
  • add--all-instances flagon compute manage update - instance toreflect the instances selection options available inthe REST API.
  • add--source - disk - project flagtoimage creation.It is used tospecify source disk project whencreating image fromdisk.
  • promotesupport forstack - type andipv6-access-type forgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--enable flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
    • gcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
  • promote--keepalive-interval flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud compute routers iscreate create
    • gcloud compute routers update
  • promotesupport forstack - type andipv6 - network - tier forgcloud compute instance <create|create-with-container> toGA.
  • promotesupport forstack - type andipv6 - network - tier forgcloud compute instance - template <create|create-with-container> toGA.
  • promotesupport forstack - type andipv6-access-type forgcloud compute network subnet update toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - service - externalips flagtogcloud alpha andbeta toallow
    ordeny services toset the ExternalIPs field .
  • add--autoprovisioning-image-type flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tospecify the image type
    for node autoprovisioning.

Network Services

  • promotegcloud network - service endpoint - policy tobeta.

VPC Access

  • promotefollowing flags ingcloud compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create toGA:
    • --min - instance
    • --max - instance
    • --machine - type

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344.0.0 (2021-06-08)

break change

  • (AI) rename--drift - threshold flagingcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create andgcloud beta ai model - monitor - job update to--feature-thresholds.

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.93.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addnew content type org - policy,access - policy,os-inventory togcloud beta asset list.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addgcloud beta pubsub lite - subscriptions issubscribe subscribe which allows the user toreceive messages on a Pub/Sub Lite subscription.

compute Engine

  • add--json-parsing and--log - level flags togcloud compute security - policy update.
  • promote--json-parsing and--log - level flags toGA forgcloud compute security - policy update.

Config Connector


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships get-credentials toGA.

manage Active Directory

  • add support forgcloud active - directory peering forMulti Project

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343.0.0 ( 2021 – 06 – 02 )

break change

  • (Certificate Authority Service) updategcloud beta privateca toonly allow managing resources inthe 6
    supported locations.Formore information,see
  • (Cloud Run) If platform isnot specified via flags orconfig,gcloud run commandthat
    require a platform will now default tomanage instead ofprompting to
    select a platform.


  • promotegcloud isai ai custom - job toGA.

Artifact Registry

  • addPython repo creation withgcloud artifact repositories iscreate create.
  • addprint-settings command forPython repositories.


  • Disable non-fedarated AWS connection type.
  • newmodule credential_loader encapsulate credential andauth related functions forBQCLI.Themain entrypoint forthese functions iscredential_loader.GetCredentialsFromFlags (moved from_GetCredentialsFromFlags) . Note the removed underscore inaddition tothe module path change.
  • Minor bug fixes anddependency updates.

Cloud Datastream

  • addgcloud beta connection-profiles which contains create,delete,
    describe andlist forDatastream connection profile object.
  • addgcloud beta locations fetch-static-ips which returns a
    list ofstatic IPs usedby Datastream fora specific location.
  • fixissue where gcloud beta connection-profiles list
    returned partial information inthe list formatting.

Cloud Functions

  • updatelogging message forgcloud function isdeploy deploy toprint Cloud Build log URL.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • modifythe output ofgcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema on the successful validation ofa schema totext indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.
  • modifythe output ofgcloud beta pubsub schemas isvalidate validate - message on the successful validation ofa message totext indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.
  • addgcloud beta pubsub lite-subscriptions ack-up-to which allows the user toacknowledge messages on a specified Pub/Sub Lite subscription.

compute Engine

  • promote--scope,--no - scope ,,--service - account and--no - service - account flags toGA forgcloud compute instance isimport import.
  • updategcloud beta compute service-attachment tofix the default values of--enable-proxy-protocol and--connection-preference.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--threads - per - core flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create command .
  • fixissue for0 node cluster relating tomisleading output ofnode versioning ingcloud container cluster list.

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342.0.0 (2021-05-25)

App Engine

  • addsupport forspecifying a service account foreach App Engine version during deployment.This can be done by either running gcloud app isdeploy deploy --service - account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> orby specifying ‘service_account:‘ inapp.yaml file .If both are specified,the CLI parameter will override the app.yaml spec.
  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.89.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • addsupport forspecifying a service account foreach App Engine Flexible version during deployment.This can be done by either running gcloud app isdeploy deploy --service - account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> orby specifying ‘service_account:‘ inapp.yaml file .If both are specified,the CLI parameter will override the app.yaml spec.

Certificate Authority Service

  • addsupport forkey generation incertificates iscreate create using newer versions
    (3.4 andabove) ofthe Python cryptography package.

Cloud Build

  • updategcloud beta isbuilds build trigger run forrepoless triggers.

Cloud Datastream

  • addgcloud beta datastream locations command group – contains
    describe andlist forDatastream locations object.
  • addgcloud beta datastream route command group – contains
    describe andlist forDatastream routes object.
  • deprecated--region flagofgcloud beta datastream.
    use--location instead .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--definition - file togcloud beta pubsub schemas isvalidate validate - message,gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema,andgcloud beta pubsub schemas create tospecify a schema stored ina file .

compute Engine

  • updategcloud compute instance-groups manage abandon-instances,delete - instance,recreate - instance,andupdate - instance toreturn unresolved instance name forregional groups withstatus MEMBER_NOT_FOUND.
  • updategcloud beta compute service - attachment update toallow users toclear the consumer-accept-list andconsumer-reject-list.
  • add--threads - per - core flagtospecify number ofvisible threads per physical core toboth beta andGA for:
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create

Config Connector

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341.0.0 (2021-05-18)

AI Platform

  • addbeta command forthe AI Platform TensorBoard suite.
  • addgcloud beta ai tensorboard command tomanage a TensorBoard on the unified AI Platform.
  • addgcloud beta ai tensorboard-experiments command tomanage a TensorBoard Experiment on the unified AI Platform.
  • addgcloud beta ai tensorboard-runs command tomanage a TensorBoard runon the unified AI Platform.
  • addgcloud beta ai tensorboard-time-series command tomanage a TensorBoard Time Series on the unified AI Platform.

App Engine

  • adda deprecation warning togcloud app isdeploy deploy dos.yaml.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • adda deprecation warning togcloud app isdeploy deploy dos.yaml.

assured workload

  • addoption tospecify custom project name in--resource - setting by using consumer - project - name orencryption-keys-project-name key ingcloud assure workload iscreate create command .


  • supportdisplaying TVF return table signature.
  • addenable_queuing_and_priorities reservation flag(only forwhitelisted reservations) .
  • add support forreservation assignment priority (only forwhitelisted reservations) .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addgcloud asset analyze-move command toanalyze a GCP Project Migration.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addgcloud beta pubsub ispublish lite - topics ispublish publish which allows the user topublish a message totheir specified Pub/Sub Lite topic.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.62.

compute Engine

  • Promoteddisk – resource – policykey offlag–create – diskfor allcompute instances` create command .
  • updatehelp text for--enable-endpoint-independent-mapping on compute iscreate router nat create andcompute router nat update toreflect the new default.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--threads - per - core flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create command .
  • promote--cluster-dns-* flags ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta.
  • Updates default kubectl from1.17 to1.18.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.17)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.19)
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.11)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.7)
    • kubectl.1.21 ( 1.21.1 )

Pubsub Emulator

  • fixissue where subscription retention was not being respected upon
    subscription creation.

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340.0.0 (2021-05-11)

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • updategcloud asset search - all - resource tosupport date-time string in
    queries on timestamp fields (createTime andupdateTime) .

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotethe IAM Conditions flags --condition and--condition - from toGA.

Cloud billing

  • addoptional --calendar - period,--start-date,and--end-date flags to
    gcloud billing budgets [create | update] tosupport a wider array ofoptions
    for the budget’s timeframe,which was previously always one month.

Cloud Memorystore

  • promotegcloud beta redis reschedule-maintenance tobeta.
  • add--maintenance - window - day flag and--maintenance-window-hour flag to
    gcloud beta redis instance iscreate create toallow specifying a maintenance policy
    when creating a new instance.
  • add--maintenance - window - day flag,--maintenance-window-hour flag and
    --maintenance - window - any flagtogcloud beta redis instance isupdate update to
    allow updating a maintenance policy whenupdating an instance.

Cloud Run

  • modifygcloud beta run isdeploy deploy --source tosuggest a default service name
    based on the source path whenone isn’t provided.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute service - attachment tobeta.
  • add--target - service - attachment flagtogcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create.
  • add--purpose=private-service-connect togcloud beta compute network subnets iscreate create.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • addmysql_8_0,POSTGRES_10,POSTGRES_12,andPOSTGRES_13 database version options for--database - version flagtodatabase - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable-dataplane-v2 toGA.


  • addgcloud notebook instances rollback torollback a notebook’s boot disk.
  • addgcloud notebook instances get-health toverify instance health.

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339.0.0 (2021-05-04)

break change

  • (Certificate Authority Service) updatedefault value for--max-chain-length flag of
    gcloud beta privateca roots create.Now,no max chain length will be added
    tonewly created root CAs unless they are explicitly specified through
    --max-chain-length,or (indirectly) through a --reusable - config resource


  • addexecutor-image-uri field to--worker - pool - spec flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create,as an alias ofpython - image - uri field .python - image - uri will be deprecated soon.
  • Accepted empty value for--worker - pool - spec flag,which means tocreate an empty worker pool.

assured workload

  • addoption tospecify custom keyring name in--resource - setting by using keyring-id key ingcloud assure workload iscreate create command .

Cloud Composer

  • addlinks tothe documentation pages whenthe request fails on missing
    require permissions.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • upgradelocal - extract toversion 1.0.0.This version replaces
    memory-intensive extraction withdisk-based extraction.

Cloud SQL

  • Theoutput ofgcloud sql backups list --instance="my - instance-1 " will now
    include the instance name.

compute Engine

  • add--request - coalesce togcloud compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud compute backend - service update,
    gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - bucket update.
  • addcdnpolicy.requestcoalesce field support togcloud compute backend - service import.
  • add--minimal - action and--most - disruptive - allow - action flags togcloud beta compute instance-groups manage rolling-action start-update.

Config Connector


  • updatekpt fromv0.39.0 tov0.39.2.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.24.0 tov0.25.0.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.10.15 tov0.10.17.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.9.7 tov0.9.10.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--disable - autopilot flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update toconvert cluster fromAutopilot mode toStandard mode.

Network Security

  • modifygcloud network-security client-tls-policies toaccept empty
    serverValidationCa which signals tothe client todo un-authenticated TLS.

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338.0.0 (2021-04-27)

break change

  • (Cloud Run) deprecatedall choice of--vpc - egress flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update.A new all - traffic choice provides the same
    functionality witha more specific name.all will continue tobe supported,
    but prefer touse all - traffic.
  • (Cloud Run) modifygcloud beta run isdeploy deploy toaccept either --image or--source,
    but not both.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--confidential - compute boolean flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Confidential VMs on Dataproc cluster.
  • add--confidential - compute boolean flags togcloud dataproc
    workflow - template set - manage - cluster
    toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Confidential VMs on Dataproc manage cluster.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.15
    • Fixes issue withparsing empty headers which caused some valid requests to
      be rejected.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promoteget - certificate - chain command toGA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addtimeout key to--redis - config flagofredis instance iscreate create.
  • addtimeout key to--redis - config flagofredis instance isupdate update.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--starting - offset flagofgcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create toGA.

Cloud Run

  • addall - traffic choice to--vpc - egress flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
    andgcloud run service update.all - traffic provides the same
    functionality asthe existing all choice witha more specific name.all is
    now deprecated but will continue tobe supported.Prefer touse all - traffic.
  • promote--binary - authorization and--breakglass flags ofgcloud run
    andgcloud run service update tobeta.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering delete toGA.

Cloud Tasks

  • updategcloud task queues update [QUEUE_NAME] --clear-routing-override toremove appEngineRoutingOverride values instead ofsetting them toempty strings.

compute Engine

  • promote--iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check flagofgcloud compute start - iap - tunnel toGA.
  • promote--cpu-utilization-predictive-autoscaling flag of
    gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage set - autoscaling and
    gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling toGA.

Config Connector

Network Security

  • promotegcloud network - security authorization - policy tobeta.
  • promotegcloud network - security server - tls - policy tobeta.
  • promotegcloud network-security client-tls-policies tobeta.

secret Manager

  • add--etag flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud beta secrets isupdate update
    • gcloud beta secrets delete
    • gcloud beta secret versions isenable enable
    • gcloud beta secrets versions disable
    • gcloud beta secrets versions destroy

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337.0.0 ( 2021 – 04 – 20 )

assured workload

  • addHIPAA andHITRUST ascompliance regime options forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command inGA.


  • addbq truncate command .This command will only be available toselected customers inprivate preview.
  • add--job tobq delete.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • changebehavior ofperimeters dry-run describe:
    • Not displaying unset fields.
    • +/- signs now are displayed at the very beginning ofthe line,instead of
      being displayed right infront ofthe resource text.
    • Extra space added infront oftop-level fields like name/title/type
      toalign text.

Cloud Dataflow

  • promotegcloud dataflow snapshot toGA.

Cloud Domains

  • fixissue where multiple address line fields were not supported incommands withinteractive prompts:
    • gcloud beta domains registrations register
    • gcloud beta domains registrations configure contacts

Cloud Filestore

  • promotegcloud filestore backups toGA.
  • addgcloud filestore instances restore toenable restoring a Cloud
    Filestore instance froma backup.
  • addsupport forcreating Filestore instances frombackup using gcloud
    filestore instances iscreate create
  • promote --source - backup and--source - backup-region flags toGA to
    specify backup details; these flags should be used inconjunction with
    --file - share flag.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addsupport forRedis 6.x.

Cloud Resource setting

  • promotegcloud resource-settings toGA.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering delete tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--redundant - interface,--subnetwork and--subnetwork - region flags ofgcloud compute routers isinterface add - interface tobeta.
  • promote--instance and--instance - zone flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer tobeta.
  • promote--interface - name ofgcloud compute routers remove-interface tobeta.
  • promote--peer - name ofgcloud compute router remove - bgp - peer tobeta.
  • promotegcloud essential - contact tobeta.

Service Directory

  • add--network flagtogcloud service - directory endpoint create command inbeta.

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336.0.0 ( 2021 – 04 – 13 )

assured workload

  • promote--resource - setting ofgcloud assure workload iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Composer

  • addsupport ofAirflow 2.0 CLI nested command togcloud composer environments isrun run.
  • updategcloud beta composer environment isrun run my - environment upgrade_check torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.15+.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.14
    • Fix header parsing causing permission denined errors withFirestore JS SDK v8.3.2.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.61.

compute Engine

  • add--request - coalesce togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud beta compute backend - service update,
    gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update.
  • addcdnpolicy.requestcoalesce field support togcloud beta compute backend - service import.
  • promote--target_distribution_shape flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage create andupdate toGA.
    add--compute - service - account flagtogcloud compute instance isimport import.
  • removeunneeded curl progress output fromgcloud compute ssh with
    `–internal – ip flag.
  • promote--zone flagtogcloud beta compute images describe-from-family.

Config Connector


  • updatekpt fromv0.38.1 tov0.39.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.23.5 tov0.24.0.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.10.13 tov0.10.15.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.9.5 tov0.9.7.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

335.0.0 (2021-04-06)

break change

  • (Cloud Bigtable) deprecated--cluster,--cluster - num - node and--cluster-zone flagof
  • (Cloud Bigtable) gcloud bigtable instances iscreate create.use--cluster - config instead .
  • (Cloud Bigtable) deprecated--instance - type flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create.All
  • (Cloud Bigtable) instances are now oftype PRODUCTION.

App Engine

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promoteingress - policy andegress - policy flags ofgcloud access - context - manager perimeter toGA.
  • supportdisplaying Ingress andEgressPolicies for:
    • gcloud access - context - manager perimeter describe.
    • gcloud access - context - manager perimeter dry-run describe.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--access-time flagtogcloud asset analyze-iam - policy andgcloud asset analyze-iam - policy-longrunning.

Cloud Bigtable

  • add--kms - key,--kms - keyring,--kms - location and--kms - project
    flags togcloud bigtable cluster create foralpha,beta andGA forcreating
    CMEK-protected cluster.
  • addkey kms-key to--cluster - config flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate
    ,for creating CMEK-protected cluster.
  • promote--cluster - config flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create to
    beta andGA.
  • promotegcloud bigtable instance tables isdescribe describe tobeta andGA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.13
    • Reset document create time whena document isdeleted andre-created ina
      single transaction.

compute Engine

  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud compute backend - service update,
    gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - bucket update toGA:

    • --[no-]negative - cache
    • --[no-]negative - cache - policy
    • --[no-]serve - while - stale
    • --[no-]bypass-cache-on-request-headers
  • addthe following fields togcloud compute backend - service import andgcloud compute backend - service export:
    • cdnpolicy :
    • negativeCaching
    • negativeCachingPolicy
    • bypasscacheonrequestheader
    • servewhilestale
  • addsupport forauthorizationPolicy andserverTlsPolicy forgcloud compute target - https - proxy import command .
  • add--iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check flag to
    gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel todisable the initial connection check in
    alpha andbeta.
  • promotegcloud compute public - delegate - prefix toGA.
  • add--network - interface=nic-type flag to
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create forbeta andGA.
  • promote--image - family-scope flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate
    andgcloud beta compute disk create.

Policy Simulator

  • addgcloud iam simulator replay - recent - access which issimulates simulate policy change by replay policy overlay on recent access .

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334.0.0 ( 2021 – 03 – 30 )

break change

  • (Cloud Build) modifythe positional argument WORKER_POOL tobe require forcommands
    in the command group gcloud isbuilds build worker - pool (except forgcloud isbuilds build
    worker - pool list
    ) .
  • (Cloud Run) deprecated--connectivity flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update.--connectivity will continue tobe supported.
    --connectivity only applies to--platform = gke and--platform = kubernete.
    Thenew --ingress flagapplies toall platforms andprovides equivalent
    functionality.Prefer touse --ingress.use--ingress=all inplace of
    --connectivity=external.use--ingress=internal inplace of
  • (Dataproc Metastore) deprecatedgcloud beta metastore service imports command group .use
    gcloud beta metastore service import command group instead .

Cloud SDK

  • Cloud SDK supports Apple Silicon.Some native components currently rely on
    Rosetta 2.


  • modify--region flagofgcloud beta ai endpoint toinclude new online
    prediction regions.
  • modify--region flagofgcloud beta ai models toinclude new online
    prediction regions.


  • add--max_concurrency flagtomk andupdate reservation command .
  • add--parquet_enum_as_stre and--parquet_enable_list_inference flag
    toload andmk --table command forParquet format.runbq load --help or
    bq mk --help fordetails.
  • removeold oauth2client_4_0 compatibility shim.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • promotethe On-Demand Scanning API command toGA .
    • gcloud artifacts docker images scan toscan a container image.
    • gcloud artifacts docker images get-operation toretrieve an operation.
    • gcloud artifact docker image list-vulnerabilities toretrieve scan
  • Improved error messages forlocal - extract.

Cloud Run

  • promote--ingress flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • promoteActive Directory integration tobeta.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • updatethe following command tosupport project/folder parent types:
    • gcloud scc findings create
    • gcloud scc findings group
    • gcloud scc findings list
    • gcloud scc findings list-marks
    • gcloud scc findings update
    • gcloud scc findings update-marks
    • gcloud scc asset describe
    • gcloud scc asset group
    • gcloud scc asset list
    • gcloud scc asset list-marks
    • gcloud scc asset update-marks
  • Assets andfindings will now have canonicalName field intheir response.

compute Engine

  • add--service - account,--no - service - account,--scope and
    --no-scopes flags togcloud beta compute instances isimport import.
  • add--service-directory-registration flagtogcloud compute
    forwarding - rule create --global --target-google-apis-bundle=<bundle>
    beta andGA.
  • add--target-google-apis-bundle togcloud compute forwarding - rule
  • addprivate_service_connect asa global address purpose togcloud compute addresses is create create.
  • promote--post-key-reservation-action-type flagtobeta forgcloud compute
    instances iscreate create
  • promote--post-key-reservation-action-type flagtobeta forgcloud compute
    instance - templates iscreate create
  • add--resource - policy flagfor gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    command inalpha,beta,andGA.
  • add--service - account,--no - service - account,--scope and
    --no-scopes flags forgcloud compute machine - image import inbeta.
  • fixfailure topipe into ssh when--internal - ip flagis specified.
  • addgcloud compute target - https - proxy import method which creates or
    updates a target HTTPS proxy resource incompute Engine
  • promotegcloud compute public - advertise - prefix toGA.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • launch Database Migration .
  • add--dump - type flagtogcloud beta metastore services export gcs to
    allow specification ofthe database dump type toexport.
  • add--release - channel flagtogcloud beta metastore services iscreate create.
  • addthe following command towork withDataproc Metastore services:
    • gcloud beta metastore service import
    • gcloud beta metastore services restore
    • gcloud beta metastore service backups isdescribe describe
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups list
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups create
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups delete
  • promotegcloud metastore toGA.

secret Manager

  • add--next - rotation - time flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create,gcloud secret iscreate create
    gcloud beta secrets isupdate update andgcloud secret isupdate update command tospecify the timestamp at which tosend secret_rotate notification.
  • add--rotation - period flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create,gcloud secret iscreate create
    gcloud beta secrets isupdate update andgcloud secret isupdate update command tospecify a duration between secret rotation notifications.
  • add--remove-next-rotation-time flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update andgcloud secret isupdate update command to
    remove scheduled rotation time froma secret if it has one.
  • add--remove-rotation-period flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update andgcloud secret isupdate update command to
    remove a set rotation period if it has one.
  • add--remove-rotation-schedule flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update andgcloud secret isupdate update command toremove the rotation policy froma secret if it has one.
  • promote--expire - time flagofgcloud secret iscreate create andgcloud secret isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--ttl flagofgcloud secret iscreate create andgcloud secret isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--remove - expiration flagofgcloud secret isupdate update toGA.
  • promote--topics flagofgcloud secret iscreate create toGA.
  • promotethe following flags toGA forgcloud secret isupdate update:
    • --add-topics
    • --remove-topics
    • --clear - topic

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333.0.0 (2021-03-23)

Cloud SDK

  • --impersonate - service - account flagcan accept a list ofservice accounts
    for impersonation delegation.

assured workload

  • add--resource - setting flagtogcloud assure workload iscreate create command .
  • addUS_regionAL_ACCESS ascompliance regime option forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .
  • addHIPAA andHITRUST ascompliance regime options forgcloud assure workload iscreate create command .

Cloud Build

  • updategcloud isbuilds build submit andgcloud is builds build log totell users whenthey
    cannot read the default logs bucket because ofVPC-SC.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addflex template docker container building support forpython inbuild command gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud dataproc cluster stop andgcloud dataproc cluster start
    which stop andstart cluster.
  • promote--dataproc - metastore flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create to
    GA .
  • promote--dataproc - metastore flagofgcloud dataproc workflow - template
    set - manage - cluster
  • add--secure-multi-tenancy-user-mapping and--identity-config-file flag
    togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster.

Cloud Logging

  • promotegcloud log views command group toGA.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • Improved error messages forlocal - extract.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--starting - offset flagtogcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create toallow subscriptions tobe created at HEAD.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.60.

compute Engine

  • fixgcloud compute url - map import forcorrectly removing top-level
    properties ofan existing Url map,when they are not specified inthe YAML
  • updateimport andexport schemas for:
    • gcloud compute forwarding - rule.
    • gcloud compute backend - service.
  • add--compute - service - account flagfor gcloud compute instance isimport import
    inbeta .
  • add--compute - service - account flagfor
    gcloud compute machine - image import inbeta.
  • promote--description and--family flags ofgcloud compute image
  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    set - autoscaling

    • --set-schedule
    • --schedule - cron
    • --schedule - duration - sec
    • --schedule - min - require - replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description
      Formore information see <>.
  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    update - autoscale

    • --min-num-replicas
    • --max-num-replicas
    • --set-schedule
    • --update-schedule
    • --disable - schedule
    • --enable-schedule
    • --remove - schedule
    • --schedule - cron
    • --schedule - duration - sec
    • --schedule - min - require - replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description
      Formore information see <>.

Config Connector


  • updatekpt fromv0.37.1 tov0.38.1.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.21.1 tov0.23.5.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.9.5 tov0.10.13.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.8.5 tov0.9.5.


  • Reordered contents ofhelp text pages tomake “Examples” section more

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

332.0.0 (2021-03-16)

break change

  • (App Engine) updatebackend whenusing gcloud app isdeploy deploy <queue|cron>.yaml.Theonly
    noticeable change isthat whenremoving queues fromthe queues YAML file,
    previously the queues were marked as”DISABLED” but now they are marked
    “PAUSED”.Interms offunctionality,there isno difference between the two.

Cloud SDK

  • addsupport forenvironment variable cloudsdk_encoding toset the IO
    encoding forgcloud.utf-8 will be the default IO encoding on Unix.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • promotePyPI repo creation withgcloud artifact repositories iscreate create tobeta andGA.
  • promotegcloud artifact print - setting pypi tobeta andGA.

Cloud Dataflow

  • adddefault runtime environment parameters support ingcloud dataflow flex - template build.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--security - level flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • modify--limit ofgcloud function logs isread read such that the most recent entries inthe given time range up tothe limit are returned rather than the earliest.

Cloud Org policy

  • promotegcloud org-policies command group toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promote--tag flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • promote--tag flagofgcloud run service update toGA.
  • promote--to-tags,--set - tag,--update - tag,--remove-tags,and
    --clear - tag flags ofgcloud run service update-traffic toGA.

Cloud Spanner

  • promoteCMEK flags tobeta andGA ingcloud spanner command .

compute Engine

  • add--byol flagfor:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inbeta
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inbeta
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inbeta
  • promotegcloud compute instance remove-resource-policies command toGA.
  • add--boot-disk-provisioned-iops togcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toallow specifying provisioned IOPS forattached disks.
  • promotegcloud compute instance iscreate create --network - performance - config flagtobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create tobeta andGA.
  • add--database - dump - type flagtogcloud beta metastore service imports
    toset the database dump type.
  • deprecated--database - type flaggcloud beta metastore service imports
    .use--database - dump - type flagtospecify the database dump type.
  • addgcloud beta metastore service imports update which updates a
    metadata import.
  • add--data - catalog - sync flagfor gcloud metastore service inbeta.

identity group

  • add--group - type flagtogcloud identity groups iscreate create toautomatically
    set group labels based on the type ofgroup being created.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable-l4-ilb-subsetting ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta.
  • add--node - label,--node - taint,and--tag flags to
    gcloud beta container node - pools isupdate update toupdate the node labels,
    node taints andnetwork tags on an existing node pool.

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331.0.0 (2021-03-09)


  • add--autoscaling-metric-specs flagtogcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model.

App Engine

  • updategcloud app instances islist list andgcloud app instances is describe describe
    toreturn the auto healer health check (i.e.liveness) forthe flexible

assured workload

  • promotegcloud isassured assure command group toGA.Commands inthis group
    provide the ability toread andmodify Assured data controls.
  • promotegcloud assure workload command group toGA.Commands inthis
    group provide the ability tomanage assured workload environment resources.
  • promotegcloud isassured assure operations command group toGA.Commands inthis
    group provide the ability toview assured workload operation resources.

Cloud Build

  • fixissue where gcloud beta builds worker-pools commandfail towait
    for long-running operations tofinish.

Cloud Dataproc

  • adda confirmation prompt togcloud datapoc cluster enable-personal-auth-session
    andgcloud beta datapoc cluster enable-personal-auth-session.

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare consent - store toGA.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • updatethe local - extract component toversion 0.1.5,to improve error
    handling incertain cases.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • updategcloud resource - manager org - policies isdescribe describe tothrow an error forunsupported policy versions.

Cloud Run

  • promote--min - instance flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update toGA for--platform = ismanage manage.

Cloud Services

  • supportservice usage check on gcloud service isdisable disable command .

compute Engine

  • promote--provisioned-iops flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute public - delegate - prefix tobeta.

Config Connector

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud iam workload-identity-pools which enables granting
    on-premises ormulti-cloud workloads access toGoogle Cloud resources,
    without using a service account key.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addgcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto forcreating Autopilot cluster
    tothe beta andGA tracks.

Network Management

  • addIPv6 support forNetwork Load balancers togcloud compute forwarding - rule command group .

secret Manager

  • promotegcloud secret replication command group toGA.
  • add--replication-policy-file flagtogcloud secret iscreate create command to
    specify replication policy using a JSON orYAML file .
  • add--kms - key-name flagtogcloud secret iscreate create command tospecify a
    KMS key whencreating an automatic secret.

VPC Access

  • promoteVPC connector --subnet flagfrombeta toGA.
  • modifygcloud compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create toaccept an optional --subnet flagtospecify a subnet tohouse the connector rather than requiring --network and--range flag.
    • If the provided subnet isa shared subnet,use the flag--subnet - project tospecify the VPC host project ID.

Workspace addOns

  • promotegcloud workspace - add - ons command toGA .

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330.0.0 (2021-03-02)

break change

  • (Cloud Code) Downgraded --env - var and--env - var - file toalpha.

Cloud SDK

  • addbundled Python 3 option formacOS installations.See
    gcloud topics startup and
  • fixissue where gcloud emulators ...start commandwould leave behind
    emulator processes whenCtrl+C was pressed.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--cluster-labels flagtogcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit
    toallow jobs tobe placed on a cluster matching specified cluster labels.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--filter-config-gcs-uri flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom - store export gcs
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicoms-stores export bq

Cloud On demand scanning

  • updatesome error messages tobe more clear.
  • adda prompt tothe beginning ofgcloud beta artifact docker images isscan
    toinstall the local - extract component .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--partitions flagingcloud pubsub lite-topics update toGA.
  • add--view flagtogcloud beta schemas list toallow retrieval ofschema definitions.

Cloud Run

  • fixbug on force-override prompt for
    gcloud beta run domain - mappings iscreate create where it would fail tore-create
    the domain mapping afterdeleting the one without the override.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute public - advertise - prefix tobeta.
  • add--request - coalesce togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud beta compute backend - service update,
    gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update.
  • promotesupport forgce - vm - ip for--network-endpoint-type forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group create andgcloud compute network - endpoint - group update toGA.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--pod - ipv4 - range and--create-pod-ipv4-range flags to
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create toconfigure pod ranges forthe
    node pools.

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329.0.0 ( 2021 – 02 – 23 )

break change

  • (Container Registry) fixissue where gcloud containers images list-tags does n’t show occurrence metadata .


  • add--network and--service - account togcloud beta ai <custom-jobs|hp-tuning-jobs> create toallow specifying a peering network anduser service account.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--relationship-type flagtogcloud beta asset export.

Cloud Code

  • promotegcloud code dev andgcloud code isclean clean - up tobeta.

Cloud Composer

  • add--kms - key flagtogcloud composer environments command tospecify the Customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the Composer environment.

Cloud Functions

  • fixa performance issue ingcloud function logs isread read by adding a default value of1 week ago for--start - time.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--transit - encryption - mode flagtogcloud redis instance iscreate create
    toallow enabling Redis TLS withserver authentication when
    creating a new instance.
  • modify--region flagtobe optional ingcloud memcache.If not
    specified,use the value inmemcache/region property .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addgcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema toallow validation ofPROTOCOL_BUFFER andAVRO schemas.
  • addgcloud beta pubsub schemas isvalidate validate - message toallow validation ofmessages against an existing orinline schema.

compute Engine

  • promote--provisioned-iops flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute url-maps validate toGA.
  • promotelabels-related flags forgcloud compute forwarding - rule update toGA.
  • modify--short - name ofgcloud compute firewall-policies create tobe a require flag.
  • promote--proxy-bind flagofgcloud compute target-tcp-proxies create toGA.
  • Allow --target-tcp-proxy forgcloud compute forwarding - rule create andset-target
  • addfunctionality ingcloud beta compute images isimport import toimport images from
  • promotegcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create instance-schedule command toGA.

identity group

  • add--dynamic-user-query flagtogcloud identity update.

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328.0.0 (2021-02-16)

break change

  • (App Engine) changeerror message forpermission error fetch application toindicate
    which account might be missing roles/appengine.deployer.
  • (miscellaneous) addsupport forcolored output using ANSI escape sequences on modern
    versions ofWindows.usegcloud config is set set disable_color true todisable
    this behavior.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • modifygcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe togroup vulnerability occurrences by effective severity instead ofseverity.


  • Expose json_extension flaginCLI which can be used toload newline-delimited
    GeoJSON files (in combination withsource_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON) .

Cloud Composer

  • modify--image - version and--airflow - version flag of
    gcloud beta composer environment isupdate update tobe mutually exclusive.
  • addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create andgcloud composer environments isupdate update tomanage machine types forweb server andCloud SQL:
    • --cloud-sql-machine-type
    • --web - server - machine - type

Cloud Logging

  • promotethe gcloud alpha log tail command tobeta.

Cloud Memorystore

  • promotegcloud memcache toGA.
  • addapply - software - update command toapply latest available software
    update toMemcached instance andnodes.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addgcloud pubsub schema tobeta which allows creating andmanaging schemas.Schemas can be used tovalidate messages published toCloud Pub / Sub topics.
  • add--schema and--message - encoding flags togcloud beta pubsub topics create.Messages published tothe topic withthe given message encoding will be validated against the specified schema.
  • add--partitions flagtogcloud beta pubsub isupdate lite_topics isupdate update toallow increasing partitions ina Pub/Sub Lite topic.

Cloud SQL

  • add--secondary - zone flagtogcloud sql instance <create|patch> that allows users tochoose the secondary zone during create|patch ofHigh Availability instances.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--version - time flagtogcloud spanner backups iscreate create toallow
    specifying the timestamp ofthe data contained inthe backup.
  • addversion time tothe output ofgcloud spanner backups list.
  • addversion retention period andearliest version time tothe output of
    gcloud spanner databases list.

Cloud Spanner Emulator

  • promotegcloud emulators spanner toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.59.

Cloud TPU

  • promotegcloud compute tpus execution-groups toGA.Commands inthis group
    allow convenient orchestration ofTPU nodes andcompute VMs.This replaces the
    standalone tool ctpu.

compute Engine

  • promote--provisioned-iops flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute url-maps validate toGA.
  • promotelabels-related flags forgcloud compute forwarding - rule update toGA.

Config Connector

Container Analysis

  • modifygcloud container image describe togroup vulnerability occurrences by effective severity instead ofseverity.

identity group

  • promote--dynamic-user-query flagofgcloud identity create toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--notification-config ofgcloud container cluster
    toGA.This flagis used toenable notifications on a
    cluster.Currently Pub/Sub notifications are supported.
  • Node System Config isnow GA.add--system - config - from- file flag to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create,and
    gcloud node-pools update toconfigure kubelet andLinux configuration
    settings on nodes.

Pubsub Emulator

  • addschema support tothe Pub/Sub emulator,which allows the association of
    topics withschemas andthe validation ofpublished messages against them.

secret Manager

  • add--topics flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create command tospecify
    a list ofPub/Sub topics toconfigure on the secret.
  • add--add-topics flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update command tospecify
    a list ofPub/Sub topics toadd tothe secret.
  • add--remove-topics flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update command to
    specify a list ofPub/Sub topics toremove fromthe secret.
  • add--clear - topic flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update command toremove
    all Pub/Sub topics fromthe secret.

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327.0.0 (2021-02-09)


  • addKMS args (--kms - project,--kms - location,--kms - keyring,
    --kms - key) togcloud <alpha|beta> ai custom-jobs create andgcloud
    <alpha|beta> ai hp-tuning-jobs create
    toallow specifying a customer-manage
    encryption key.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • fixa bug that prevented users fromcreating an encrypted repository with
    a custom kms key.

Cloud DNS

  • addgcloud beta dns response - policies iscreate create tocreate a new Cloud DNS response policy.
  • addgcloud beta dns response - policy update toupdate a Cloud DNS response policy.
  • addgcloud beta dns response-policies list tolist all Cloud DNS response policies ina given project .
  • addgcloud beta dns response-policies describe todescribe details ofa Cloud DNS response policy.
  • addgcloud beta dns response - policies isdelete delete todelete a Cloud DNS response policy.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--security - level flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy tobeta.
  • addsupport forgoogle.firebase.remoteconfig.update asan event type.Thefull set ofsupported event types can be listed using gcloud function event - type list.

Cloud Healthcare

  • add--write - disposition flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare annotation-stores export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare annotation-stores evaluate bq

Cloud Logging

  • promotethe following commandthat support Logs Buckets toGA:
    • gcloud log bucket
    • gcloud log isread read
    • gcloud log locations isdescribe describe
    • gcloud log locations list
    • gcloud log sink
    • gcloud log cmek-settings
  • promote--location,--bucket,and--view ofgcloud log isread read toGA.
  • promote--description and--log - filter ofgcloud log metric toGA.
  • promote--use-partitioned-tables ofgcloud log sink toGA.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forshort - name=windows for--os - type flagfor gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies.This isonly valid when--agent-rules=type=ops-agent.
  • promote--cpu-utilization-predictive-method flag of
    gcloud compute instance-groups manage <set-autoscaling|update-autoscaling> tobeta.
  • addsupport for--asn flagfor gcloud compute routers update.
  • promotegcloud compute security - policy update tobeta.
  • add--enable - layer7 - ddos - defense flag and--layer7-ddos-defense-rule-visibility flagtogcloud beta compute security - policy update.


  • add--authentication flagtogcloud events init command .
  • add--authentication flagtogcloud event namepace init command .
  • addworkload - identity - gsa support to--authentication flagfor gcloud events init command .
  • modifygcloud event namepace init command tocreate namepace if it ismissing.

identity group

  • add--labels flagtogcloud identity groups update toallow updating the labels fora group .

identity group Memberships

  • promote--expiration flag ofgcloud identity groups memberships add toGA.
  • promote--update-roles-param flagofgcloud identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addnew kubectl delegate version 1.19.7 forrapid channel
  • updatedefault kubectl version from1.17.14 to1.17.17
  • Additional kubectl delegate versions:
    • kubectl.1.15 ( 1.15.12 )
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.15)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.17)
    • kubectl.1.18 ( 1.18.15 )
  • Corrected passing URIs andfull resource name towork withpaths inthe
    form projects/<project>/locations/<location> (in addition tothe
    deprecated form projects/<project>/zones/<location>) .

Pubsub Emulator

  • addretry policy feature tothe emulator.
  • updateemulator todeliver dead lettered messages tooriginal subscription incase ofpublishing failure todead letter topic.
  • addsubscription name,project name,andpublish time properties todead lettered messages.

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326.0.0 ( 2021 – 02 – 02 )

App Engine

  • updatebackend whenusing gcloud app isdeploy deploy <queue|cron>.yaml.Theonly
    noticeable change isthat whenremoving queues fromthe queues YAML file,
    previously the queues were marked as”PAUSED” but now they are marked
    “DISABLED”.Interms offunctionality,there isno difference between the two.

Artifact Registry

  • fixissue where gcloud docker images delete failed if the image isreferenced by a tag.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addnew searchable fields (kmsKey,state,createTime andupdateTime) togcloud asset search - all - resource.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud beta composer environment isrun run my - environment upgrade_check torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.14+.
  • addsupport ofCLI command forAirflow 2.0 togcloud beta composer environment isrun run.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addstreaming update andflexrs support toflex-template run command gcloud dataflow flex-template run.
  • updategcloud dataflow sql query command touse Dataflow Flex
  • add--additional-experiments flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run.
  • add--additional-experiments flagtogcloud dataflow job run.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.12
    • Fix onCreate/onWrite events triggering whendeleting nonexistent documents.

Cloud On demand scanning

  • launch command forthe On-Demand Scanning API inthe Artifact Registry
    command group .

    • gcloud beta artifacts docker images scan toscan an image.
    • gcloud beta artifacts docker images get-operation topoll an ongoing
    • gcloud beta artifact docker image list - vulnerability toretrieve
      scan results.
  • Introduced a new component called local - extract toaid inthe commandfor
    the On-Demand Scanning API.

compute Engine

  • add--compute - service - account togcloud beta compute images isimport import.
  • change--os flagtobe optional forgcloud compute image isimport import.
  • add--enable - nest - virtualization flagtoenable ordisable nested virtualization toboth beta andGA for:
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
  • fixissue where policies created orupdated via gcloud beta compute
    instances ops-agents policies [create|update]
    that included short - name
    values of’debian’ or’ubuntu’ in--o - type had trouble locating packages
    due toa missing call toapt - get update.
  • updateWindows PuTTY executables toversion 0.74.

Config Connector


  • promotegcloud eventarc istriggers trigger toGA.rename--matching-criteria
    flag as--event-filters inGA.
  • promotegcloud eventarc locations toGA.


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships isregister register --enable - workload - identity --public - issuer - url=$URL toGA.


  • promotegcloud notebook toGA.

VPC Access

  • add--machine - type togcloud beta compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create tosupport machine type configuration ofthe manage instance group underlying the connector.
  • add--min - instance and--max - instance togcloud beta compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create toallow users toconfigure the scaling bounds ofthe underlying manage instance group .

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325.0.0 ( 2021 – 01 – 26 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifyenable-autoupgrade field belonging toflag --agent-rules ingcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies create andgcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies update fromoptional torequire.
  • (Container Registry) updategcloud container image list - tag andgcloud container image describe touse ContainerAnalysis V1 API inbeta.
    • changeoccurrence kind PACKAGE_VULNERABILITY toVULNERABILITY,
      DEPLOYABLE toDEPLOYMENT,build_details toBUILD andimage_basis
      toIMAGE.To construct filters on kinds,new name should be used.For
    • Occurrence kind name are change inoutput accordingly.

App Engine

  • updatebackend whenusing gcloud app isdeploy deploy <queue|cron>.yaml.Theonly
    noticeable change isthat whenremoving queues fromthe queues YAML file,
    previously the queues were marked as”DISABLED” but now they are marked
    “PAUSED”.Interms offunctionality,there isno difference between the two.

Certificate Authority Service

  • add--ignore-active-certificates flagtogcloud beta privateca roots isdelete
    andgcloud beta privateca subordinates delete toallow a Certificate
    Authority tobe scheduled fordeletion even if the Certificate Authority has
    un-revoked orun-expired certificates.

Cloud Composer

  • addgcloud beta composer environment isrun run my - environment upgrade_check torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.14+.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.58.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance network - interface get - effective - firewall command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance op - agent tobeta.
  • promote--compute - service - account flagtoGA forgcloud compute image isimport import.


  • add--transport-topic flagtogcloud beta eventarc triggers create,to allow the use ofan existing Pub/Sub topic fora trigger’s transport intermediary.


subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

324.0.0 (2021-01-19)

break change

  • (Cloud Run) updategcloud run torequire that --platform and--region be passed
    after all positional arguments.Forexample:gcloud run services isdescribe describe
    SERVICE --platform = ismanage manage --region=us - central1
    .This change first appeared
    in version 322.0.0.

AI Platform

  • addsupport formaxNodes togcloud isai ai-platform versions update --config.
  • add--bigquery-table-name andsampling - percentage togcloud isai ai-platform
    versions update
    toupdate request logging config.

Cloud API Gateway

  • promotegcloud api - gateway toGA.

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns manage - zone toGA.
  • add--service-directory-namepace togcloud beta dns manage - zone create tosupport providing a Service Directory namepace that should be associated withthe zone.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • addsupport formaxNodes togcloud ml - engine versions update --config.
  • add--bigquery-table-name andsampling - percentage togcloud ml - engine
    versions update
    toupdate request logging config.

Cloud Run

  • ForCloud run (fully manage),changed gcloud run services isdelete delete towait
    until the service isno longer returned andaccount forthe possibility ofa
    deletion failing before reporting success.To use the previous behavior and
    exit without waiting fordeletion tocomplete,use --async.

Cloud Speech API

  • promote--separate-channel-recognition and--audio - channel - count flag of
    gcloud ml speech recognize andgcloud ml speech recognize-long-running

Cloud Workflows

  • addgcloud workflow andgcloud workflow executions command toGA .

compute Engine

  • add--compute - service - account togcloud beta compute images isimport import.
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud beta compute backend - service update,
    gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update:

    • --[no-]serve - while - stale
    • --[no-]bypass-cache-on-request-headers
  • addthe following fields togcloud beta compute backend - service import andgcloud beta compute backend - service export:
    • cdnpolicy :
    • bypasscacheonrequestheader
    • servewhilestale
  • promote--compute - service - account flagtoGA forgcloud compute image export.
  • addorg-firewall-policies command group .

Config Connector


  • updatekpt fromv0.36.1 tov0.37.1.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.21.0 tov0.21.1.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.9.3 tov0.9.5.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.8.4 tov0.8.5.

secret Manager

  • add--expire - time flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create and
    gcloud beta secrets isupdate update command tospecify timestamp forthe secret to
  • add--ttl flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create and
    gcloud beta secrets isupdate update command tospecify a duration until the secret
    should expire.
  • add--remove - expiration flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update command to
    remove scheduled expiration froma secret if it has one.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

323.0.0 (2021-01-12)

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promotegcloud asset list command tobeta.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--shielde - secure - boot,--shielde - vtpm,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring boolean flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Shielded VMs on Dataproc cluster.
  • add--shielde - secure - boot,--shielde - vtpm,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring boolean flags togcloud dataproc
    workflow - template set - manage - cluster
    toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Shielded VMs on Dataproc manage cluster.

Cloud Filestore

  • add--description flagtogcloud beta filestore backups create
    command .

Cloud Run

  • promote--use - http2 flagtobeta forCloud run (fully manage) .

Config Connector

identity group Memberships

  • addgcloud identity groups memberships check-transitive-membership forALPHA,beta andGA.
  • addgcloud identity groups memberships get-membership-graph forALPHA,beta andGA.
  • addgcloud identity groups memberships search-transitive-groups forALPHA,beta andGA.
  • addgcloud identity group membership search - transitive - membership forALPHA,beta andGA.

manage Active Directory

  • add--enable - audit - log flagtogcloud beta active-directory domains create andgcloud beta active-directory domains update.
  • addAUDIT_LOGS_ENABLED parameter togcloud beta active-directory domains list.
  • addauditLogsEnabled parameter togcloud beta active-directory domains describe.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

322.0.0 ( 2021 – 01 – 07 )

break change

  • (miscellaneous) update--format=flattened and--format=text toprint labels if provided.
    If a key isspecified inside either ofthese formats but a label isnot,
    the child key will be printed inlower snake case.This isdifferent
    than done previously whenthe entire dotted key path was printed.Note that
    this change does not apply tokeys whose values are object orlists.
  • (miscellaneous)
    If you would like touse the legacy version of--format=flattened or
    --format=text,set the following configuration:
    gcloud config set core/use_legacy_flattened_format true
    Please note that this option will not be supported indefinitely.

Cloud API Gateway

  • promotesupport forgRPC scoped api-config configuration via grpc-files flagtobeta.

Cloud Composer

  • add--max - pod - per - node option togcloud beta environment iscreate create
    .It allows tolimit the number ofpods that can be assigned toa
    single GKE node andreduce the size ofIP range assigned toit.
  • addmaintenance window flags forenvironment creation:
    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence.
  • addmaintenance window flags forenvironment update:
    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
    • --clear - maintenance - window.
  • addgcloud beta composer environment restart-web-server torestart web server fora Cloud Composer environment.

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--enable - stream - engine flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run.
  • add--enable - stream - engine flagtogcloud dataflow job run.

Cloud Filestore

  • promotenfs - export - option key of--file - shares flagingcloud filestore instances toGA.

Cloud Run

  • fixan issue withusing --clear-vpc-connector whendeploying new services.

compute Engine

  • promote--mtu flagtobeta andGA forgcloud compute interconnects
    attachments <dedicated|partner> <create|update>
  • change--os flagtobe optional for:
    • gcloud compute image isimport import inbeta
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import inbeta
    • gcloud compute machine - image import inbeta
  • promote--maintenance - window - start-time flagingcloud compute
    sole-tenancy node-groups create
    command toGA.
  • add--compute - service - account togcloud compute image export inbeta.
  • add--service-directory-registration togcloud compute forwarding - rule
  • promote--no - address flagtoGA forgcloud compute image isimport import.

Config Connector


  • addgcloud beta eventarc locations list which lists locations available forEventarc.


  • updategcloud tonot attempt reauthentication if running in
    non-interactive mode.

Service Directory

  • promotegcloud service - directory location tobeta.adda command to
    describe/list locations.
  • promotegcloud service - directory namepace toGA.addcommands to
    create/delete/describe/list/update/add-iam – policy-binding/get – iam – policy/set – iam – policy/remove-iam – policy-binding.
  • promotegcloud service - directory service toGA.addcommands to
    create/delete/describe/list/resolve/update/add-iam – policy-binding/get – iam – policy/set – iam – policy/remove-iam – policy-binding.
  • promotegcloud service - directory endpoint toGA.addcommands to
  • update--metadata flagto--annotation flaginGA only.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

321.0.0 ( 2020 – 12 – 15 )

break change

  • (Dataproc Metastore) renamegcloud beta metastore services update --kerberos_principal flagas

Cloud SDK

  • addnew regions forArtifact Registry:europe-west5,asia-northeast3,


  • addparameters args andcommand togcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create which provides ability topass the parameters tocontainers orpython task.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • addingress - policy andegress - policy optional flags tothe following

    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create.
    • gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeters isupdate update.
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run create.
    • gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeter dry - run update.
  • Theingress - policy andegress - policy flags accept paths toyaml files.
    Thecontent ofthe yaml files should contain valid representations of
    IngressPolicies andEgressPolicies.
  • addsupport fordisplaying the contents ofIngress andEgressPolicies for
    following command :

    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters describe.
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run describe.

Cloud Composer

  • addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create tomanage Airflow web server network access control:
    • --web - server - allow - ip
    • --web - server - deny - all
    • --web - server - allow - all
  • addthe following flags togcloud composer environments isupdate update tomanage Airflow web server network access control:
    • --update-web-server-allow-ip
    • --web - server - deny - all
    • --web - server - allow - all

Cloud Dataproc

  • promote--dag-timeout flagofgcloud dataproc iscreate workflow - templates iscreate create
  • promotegcloud dataproc workflow - template set - dag - timeout toGA.
  • promotegcloud dataproc workflow-templates remove-dag-timeout toGA.
  • addgcloud beta dataproc cluster stop and
    gcloud beta dataproc cluster start command toenable stopping andstarting
    Dataproc cluster.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.11
    • Fix listCollectionId not returning collections withnested docs.
    • fix listdocument withshowmisse return 500 error .

Cloud Run

  • addmultitenancy support togcloud run command
  • promote--vpc - egress flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update toGA.
  • promote--ingress flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update tobeta.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--type flagofgcloud sql user is create create toGA tosupport the
    creation ofCloud SQL database users forlogin using IAM database

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service peered-dns-domains <create|delete|list> toGA.
  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering <enable-vpc-service-controls|disable-vpc-service-controls> toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.57.

compute Engine

  • removecentos-6 option from--os flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import,
    gcloud compute instance isimport import,andgcloud compute machine - image import.
  • promoteTrafficDirector proxyBind property tov1 for:
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy import
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy export
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy import
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy export
  • addno-address flagto:
    • gcloud beta compute images isimport import
    • gcloud beta compute machine - image import
  • promote--disk and--accelerator flags ingcloud compute sole - tenancy
    node - templates is create create
    command toGA.
  • add--shielde - vtpm,--shielde - secure - boot,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring flags togcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container command .
  • add--shielde - vtpm,--shielde - secure - boot,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring flags togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container command .
  • add--shielde - vtpm,--shielde - secure - boot,--shielde - integrity - monitoring,and--shielde - learn - integrity - policy flags togcloud compute instance isupdate update-container command .
  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud compute backend - service update,
    gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - bucket update toGA:

    • --cache-mode
    • --[no-]client-ttl
    • --[no-]default-ttl
    • --[no-]max - ttl
    • --[no-]custom - response - header
  • addthe following fields togcloud compute backend - service import andgcloud compute backend - service export:
    • customresponseheader
    • cdnpolicy :
    • cacheMode
    • clientTtl
    • defaultTtl
    • maxTtl


  • addURI support to--target-service ofgcloud events istriggers trigger create.
  • modify--type flagofgcloud events istriggers trigger create tobe optional forApiServerSource.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--addon=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver togcloud container cluster
    and--update - addon = gcepersistentdiskcsidriver togcloud
    container cluster update
    toenable/disable the GCP compute Persistent
    Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.


  • Informational messages printed during installation are now printed to
    stderr,rather than stdout.

Pubsub Emulator

  • adddead letter queue feature tothe emulator.


  • promotegcloud transcoder tobeta.

VPC Access

  • adda new subnet flagtogcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors
    which can be used tospecify a subnet tohouse the
    connector rather than specifying network andrange flag.

    • If the provided subnet isa shared subnet,the flagsubnet - project has
      been added tospecify the host project id.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

320.0.0 ( 2020 – 12 – 08 )

AI Platform

  • updatethe following command groups todisplay a choice ofavailable regions
    if a region hasn’t been specified:

App Engine

  • updategcloud beta app instances islist list andgcloud beta app instances isdescribe describe
    toreturn the auto healer health check (i.e.liveness) forthe flexible
  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.84.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

assured workload

  • Change --next - rotation - time and--rotation - period flags ofgcloud
    assured workloads create
    tobe optional.
  • add--provisione - resource - parent flagtogcloud assure workload
    command .


  • addschema tojobs.query dry run reply.
  • supportbq partition command forHOUR/MONTH/YEAR time partitioning types.
  • supportAvro logical types forcreating new external tables.
  • addPARQUET asoption forexport type.This feature isstill experimental.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addgcloud asset bulk-export command tobeta which enables the user toexport GCP
    resource configuration inKubernetes Resource Model orterraform formats.

Cloud billing

  • promotegcloud billing budgets toGA.
    • renameall - update - rule- * flags asnotifications-rule-* flags inGA.

Cloud Build

  • addflag --no-external-ip togcloud beta builds worker-pools
    command .

Cloud Composer

  • add--kms - key-name flagtogcloud beta composer environment command to
    specify the Customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the Composer

Cloud DNS

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--max-failures-total flagtogcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit
    toallow jobs tobe restarted inevent ofa failure during job execution.

Cloud Filestore

  • removedeprecation warning of--location flagfromthe gcloud filestore command group .
  • addgcloud filestore operations cancel tocancel a Filestore operation.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addclient-side request andresponse integrity verification togcloud kms
    ,gcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign,gcloud kms
    Formore information about Cloud KMS’s integrity verification API,visit
  • add--skip-integrity-verification flagtogcloud kms isencrypt encrypt,gcloud
    kms isdecrypt decrypt
    ,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign,gcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt
    inbeta .

Cloud Logging

  • promotethe following commandthat support Logs Buckets andLogs Views tobeta:
    • gcloud log bucket
    • gcloud log sink
    • gcloud log isread read
    • gcloud log locations
    • gcloud log cmek-settings
      Logs Buckets are GA,while Logs Views andRegionalized Logs Buckets are inPreview.
  • promote--use-partitioned-tables ofgcloud log sink tobeta.
    BigQuery sinks withpartitioned tables are GA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--transit - encryption - mode flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
    toallow enabling Redis TLS withserver authentication when
    creating a new instance.

Cloud Source Repositories

Cloud Spanner

  • add--strong and--read - timestamp flags to
    gcloud spanner databases execute-sql togive more control over the timestamp
    of a read-only query.
  • addthrottling state tothe output ofgcloud spanner operation islist list.

compute Engine

  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    set - autoscaling

    • --stackdriver - metric-single-instance-assignment
    • --stackdriver - metric-utilization-target-type
    • --stackdriver - metric-utilization-target
    • --stackdriver - metric - filter
    • --update - stackdriver - metric
    • --remove - stackdriver - metric
      Formore information see <>.
  • promote--distribution - target - shape flagingcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create command tobeta.
  • promote--distribution - target - shape flagingcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update command tobeta.
  • promote--network,--subnetwork,and--private - network - ip flag of
    gcloud compute instance network - interface update toGA.
  • promote --enable-endpoint-independent-mapping flagofcompute iscreate router nat create andcompute router nat update toGA.
  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    set - autoscaling

    • --set-schedule
    • --schedule - cron
    • --schedule - duration - sec
    • --schedule - min - require - replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description
  • promotethe following flags ingcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    update - autoscale

    • --set-schedule
    • --remove - schedule
    • --enable-schedule
    • --disable - schedule
    • --update-schedule
    • --schedule - cron
    • --schedule - duration - sec
    • --schedule - min - require - replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description
  • promote--[no-]enable - log flagofgcloud compute health - check
    command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance-groups manage describe-instance toGA.
  • extendgcloud beta compute target - tcp - proxy create command with--proxy-bind flag.
  • Allow --target-tcp-proxy forgcloud beta compute forwarding - rule create andset-target
  • promote--no - address flagingcloud beta compute instances isimport import command toGA.

Config Connector

  • addgcloud metastore service export gcs which exports ismetadata metadata
    froma Dataproc Metastore service .
  • remove--maintenance - window - day-of-week and
    --maintenance-window-hour-of-day.use--maintenance - window - day and
    --maintenance-window-hour instead .
  • fixissue where --maintenance - window - day-of-week and
    --maintenance-window-hour-of-day flags were not both require ingcloud
    metastore services update
  • promotegcloud metastore service tobeta.
  • promotegcloud metastore import tobeta.
  • promotegcloud metastore operations tobeta.
  • promotegcloud metastore location tobeta.


  • addURI support to--target-service ofgcloud events istriggers trigger create.
  • updategcloud beta event init toset the roles monitoring.metricWriter
    andcloudtrace.agent forthe data plane service account.


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships get-credentials tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type toGA.
  • fixbehavior of--no - enable - stackdriver - kubernete flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update command group .
  • Updates default kubectl from1.16 to1.17.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.15 ( 1.15.12 )
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.15)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.14)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.12)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

319.0.0 ( 2020 – 11 – 17 )

break change

  • (secret Manager) modifygcloud secret command tosend action taken (e.g.Created secret [my-secret].) tostderr instead ofstdout.

assured workload

  • add--provisione - resource - parent flagtogcloud assure workload
    command .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addnew content type os-inventory togcloud asset export andgcloud asset get-history.

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores export tobeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--message - filter flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create to
    GA .This feature allows users tospecify a filter expression on a Cloud
    Pub/Sub subscription which will automatically drop messages.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • updatethe following command toaccept a domain name (e.g.””)
    for organization inaddition tothe ID (e.g.1234567890):

    • gcloud organizations describe
    • gcloud organizations get - iam - policy
    • gcloud organizations set - iam - policy

Cloud SQL

  • addfollowing flags togcloud sql instance <create|patch>:
    • --retaine - backup - count
    • --retained-transaction-log-days

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.55.

compute Engine

  • promote--filter-direction flagingcloud compute iscreate packet - mirrorings iscreate create / update command tobeta andGA.

Config Connector

identity group

  • update--organization flagfor gcloud identity groups iscreate create and
    gcloud identity groups search toaccept domain name ( in
    addition toorganization IDs (e.g.1234567890) .

Kubernetes Engine

  • addpd-balanced disk type to--disk - type ofgcloud container command group .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

318.0.0 (2020-11-10)


  • update--min-replica-count ingcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model tobe
    a non-require flag.
  • add--enable-access-logging,--enable - container - log,and
    --service - account flags togcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • promotegcloud app services update toGA.

Artifact Registry

  • add--show-occurrences flagtogcloud artifact docker image list command that enables showing metadata fromContainer Analysis API.

Cloud SQL

  • addfollowing flags ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create and
    gcloud sql instance update toGA:

    • --insights-config-query-insights-enabled
    • --insights-config-query-string-length
    • --insights-config-record-application-tags
    • --insights - config - record - client - address

compute Engine

  • add--chain-name toflag gcloud compute disk snapshot.
  • addprivate_service_connect asa global address purpose togcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create.
  • add--target-google-apis-bundle togcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create.
  • add--no - address flagtogcloud beta compute instances isimport import.


  • updatekpt fromv0.35.0 tov0.36.1.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.21.0 tov0.20.6.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.9.2 tov0.9.3.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.8.3 tov0.8.4.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

317.0.0 (2020-11-03)

break change

  • (App Engine Flexible Environment) modifydeployment prerequisites such that app.yaml isnow require forall
    deployments andcan no longer be added to.gcloudignore list.


  • addgcloud beta ai endpoint explain tosend explanation requests toAI
    Platform endpoints.

Artifact Registry

  • updateMaven print-settings withservice account key touse preemptive forHEAD requests.
  • promotegcloud artifacts command group toGA.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promoteCloud assets analysis commandgcloud asset analyze-iam - policy andgcloud asset analyze-iam - policy-longrunning toGA.

Cloud billing

  • promotegcloud billing budgets tobeta.

Cloud Build

  • addthe flag--pack tothe command gcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud Functions

  • promotebuild-env-vars flags ofgcloud function toGA.

Cloud IAM

  • updategcloud iam service - account keys list toremove the non-functional
    --uri flag.

Cloud Run

  • addgcloud run regions list command tolist supported Cloud run (fully
    manage) regions.

compute Engine

  • enablePatch support fortarget-http-proxies import command inGA.


  • addgcloud beta eventarc which manages Eventarc resources.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--testing - special - entitlement flagofgcloud firebase test ios run toGA.
  • Increased the maximum number oftest shards from250 to500 whenusing Android virtual devices.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud beta iam workload - identity - pool create-cred-config tocreate
    a credential config file that can grant non-Google Cloud workloads access to
    Google Cloud resources,without using a service account key.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--ephemeral - storage togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create.This flagis used toconfigure nodes’ ephemeral storage tobe backed by local SSDs.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

316.0.0 (2020-10-27)

break change

  • (Cloud Spanner) modifygcloud spanner operation islist list todisallow --database or
    --backup flags used incombination with--type=INSTANCE.
  • (Vmware Engine) renamegcloud config vmware / location togcloud config vmware/region.


  • addgcloud beta ai hp - tune - job stream - log which provides the ability tostream logs ofhyperparameter tuning jobs inAI Platform.

AI Platform

  • add--service - account togcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training
    toallow specifying a service account touse whenrunning the training appplication fora training job.
  • update--region flagofgcloud isai ai-platform command toinclude new CAIP

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Disallowed creating CMEK-enabled repositories if Artifact Registry service account isnot granted sufficient permissions.
  • adda new command gcloud beta artifact docker images isdescribe describe that shows information ofa docker image andoptionally the metadata ofthe image fromContainer Analysis API.
  • Command gcloud beta artifacts docker images list will now show metadata ofimages fromContainer Analysis API aswell.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promotegcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding toGA.

Cloud Build

  • updatecloud - build - local toversion 0.5.2.This version allows
    cloud - build - local toexecute without a GCP account,providing a warning
    rather than an error.

Cloud SQL

  • promotePostgres 13 toGA.

Cloud Shell

  • promotegcloud cloud-shell command group toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.54.

Cloud Workflows

  • addgcloud workflow executions describe-last tobeta which describes the last executed workflow execution that has been cached locally.
  • addgcloud workflow executions wait-last tobeta which waits forthe last cached workflow execution tocomplete.
  • addgcloud workflow run tobeta which executes a workflow andwaits forit tocomplete.

compute Engine

  • promote--mtu flagtobeta andGA forgcloud compute networks
  • promotegcloud compute instance set-name command tobeta.
  • promotescope option for--disk flagfor gcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • fixincorrect error message forgcloud compute target - http - proxy.
  • add--user - license flagtodisk create andupdate command foralpha.
    ‘ whenthe resource already exists.
  • addgcloud beta compute snapshots create command .It allows tocreate
    snapshots ofdisks.
  • add--[no-]negative - cache and--[no-]negative - cache - policy togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud beta compute backend - service update,
    gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update.
  • addcdnpolicy.negativecache andcdnpolicy.negativecachePolicy togcloud beta compute backend - service import andgcloud beta compute backend - service export.
  • promoteHTTP Filter related resource properties tobeta for:
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy import
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy export
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy import
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy export
    • gcloud compute url - map import
    • gcloud compute url - map export

Config Connector


  • updategcloud beta event triggers create toreference the APIVersion inthe subscriber reference ofcreated

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--testing - special - entitlement flagofgcloud firebase test ios


  • updatekpt fromv0.34.0 tov0.35.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.20.1 tov0.20.6.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.8.0 tov0.9.2.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.8.0 tov0.8.3.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--release - channel=None option togcloud container cluster iscreate create.This option is used toexplicitly opt-out ofrelease channels.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

315.0.0 (2020-10-20)


  • addgcloud beta ai custom-jobs stream-logs which provides ability tostream logs ofcustom jobs inAI Platform.
  • fixa bug where config.yaml was parsed incorrectly forcommand gcloud isai ai custom - job create
    in AI Platform.

Artifact Registry

  • removeGCR repositories fromartifacts repositories list result .

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.9
    • Fix handling of!= andnot - in operator .

compute Engine

  • addsles-12,sles-sap-12,sles-sap-12-byol,sles-15,sles-sap-15,and
    sles-sap-15-byol options to--os flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
    in GA,gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA,and
    gcloud compute machine - image import inbeta.
  • promote--disable - default - snat flagfor gcloud container cluster
    command toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

314.0.0 ( 2020 – 10 – 13 )

break change

  • (Cloud Build) cloud - build - local isno longer supported on 32-bit MacOS.Theexecutable
    has been deleted fromthis release.Theprior release,v0.5.0 included a
    32-bit MacOS executable that may continue towork forsome users.


  • addapigee surface toGA which provides access toapigee Hybrid.
  • addapigee organizations command group which provides access toapigee
  • addapigee apis command group which allows management anddeployment
    of apigee API proxies.
  • addapigee environments command group which provides access toapigee
  • addapigee deployments command group which provides access toapigee
    API proxy deployments.
  • addapigee product command group which allows creation andmanagement of
    apigee API products.
  • addapigee developer command group which provides access toapigee
  • addapigee applications command group which provides access toapigee
    developer applications.


  • fix’TableSnapshot withexpiration’ issue.

Certificate Authority Service

  • addgcloud beta privateca certificates export command which simplifies
    the process ofwriting a PEM certificate toa file .

Cloud Build

Cloud Dataproc

  • removeprompt fromgcloud dataproc cluster stop and
    gcloud dataproc cluster start.Thecommandnow run without requiring

Cloud Domains

  • promotegcloud domain registration tobeta.Enables the registering andmanaging ofdomains.

Cloud Run

  • promote--vpc - egress flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update tobeta.

Cloud Shell

  • remove--boosted flag.An upgraded VM type isavailable by default.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--other - file flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run.This flag
    lets you specify files that are pushed onto the iOS test device prior to
  • add--directories-to-pull flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run.
    This flaglets you specify directories on the device that are pulled after
    testing andincluded inthe test results.

identity group

  • promotegcloud identity groups update toGA.

identity group Memberships

  • promotegcloud identity groups memberships add toGA.
  • promotegcloud identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles toGA.


  • fixCMEK support andadd PD_BALANCED disk support.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

313.0.1 (2020-10-07)

Cloud Dataflow

  • fixbug withgcloud dataflow flex - template build.

313.0.0 (2020-10-06)


  • fixissue where v2alpha1 Login-Config could not be read fromURL in
    gcloud anthos auth login command .

Artifact Registry

  • addgcloud beta artifact repositories isupdate update toenable changing the
    description andlabels on an existing repository.

Certificate Authority Service

  • addgcloud beta privateca command group which enables creating and
    managing private certificate authorities andcertificates.Formore
    information,see <>.

Cloud API Gateway

  • addgcloud api - gateway tobeta,which adds command formanaging APIs,API
    Configs,andthe Gateways that serve those APIs.

Cloud Build

Cloud Data Catalog

  • promotegcloud data - catalog taxonomy toGA release track .

Cloud Dataflow

  • addruntime environment parameters support ingcloud dataflow flex-template run.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--enable - auth flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create toallow
    enabling Redis AUTH whencreating a new instance.

add--[no-]enable - auth flagtogcloud beta redis instance isupdate update toallow
enabling anddisabling Redis AUTH whenupdating an instance.

addgcloud beta redis instance get-auth-string command toallow viewing the
AUTH string foran instance.

Cloud Pub / Sub

Cloud Run

  • promote--min - instance flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update tobeta for--platform = ismanage manage.

Cloud SQL

  • promoteserver-level --deny-maintenance-period-start-date,
    --deny-maintenance-period-end-date,--deny - maintenance - period - time and
    --remove-deny-maintenance-period flags ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create/patch

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service peered-dns-domains <create|delete|list> tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--mtu flagtobeta andGA forgcloud compute networks
  • promotegcloud compute instance set-name command tobeta.
  • promotescope option for--disk flagfor gcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • Fixes incorrect error message for’gcloud compute target – http – proxy
    ‘ whenthe resource already exists.

Config And Policy Automation

  • addpkg asa gcloud component .pkg installs a group of
    Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM) package management tools including:
    kustomize,kpt,appctl andnomos.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--other - file flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run.This flag
    lets you specify files that are pushed onto the iOS test device prior to

identity group

  • promotegcloud identity groups iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud identity groups search toGA.

identity group Memberships

  • promotegcloud identity groups memberships describe toGA.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addgcloud beta iam workload - identity - pool which enables you togrant
    on-premises ormulti-cloud workloads access toGoogle Cloud resources,
    without using a service account key.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Increased server gRPC max message size to10 MB withsome buffer.Allows for
    publishing 10 MB messages.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

312.0.0 (2020-09-29)

break change

  • (Stackdriver Debugger) removegcloud beta debug source upload command .

Cloud SDK

  • modifythe --billing - project flag andbilling/quota_project property
    toaccept service accounts whenspecifying a Google Cloud project for
    billing andquota purposes.


  • addgcloud isai ai surface tobeta which provides access tomanage entities inAI Platform.
  • addgcloud isai ai custom - job command group which provides access tocustom jobs inAI Platform.
  • addgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job command group which provides access tohyperparameter tuning jobs inAI Platform.
  • addgcloud isai ai endpoint command group which provides access toendpoints inAI Platform.
  • addgcloud isai ai model command group which provides access tomodels inAI Platform.

Artifact Registry

  • add--labels flagtogcloud beta artifact repositories iscreate create to
    allow labels tobe added toa repository during creation.

assured workload

  • removeoption limitations for--location flagofgcloud isassured assure
    workloads create


  • fix’RedirectMissingLocation’ issue.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--partition-key and--per-asset-type flags togcloud asset export tosupport partitioned per-type BigQuery export.
  • removegcloud alpha asset analyze-iam - policy.Please usegcloud beta asset
    analyzer-iam - policy
    instead .

Cloud billing

  • addgcloud beta billing accounts add-iam - policy-binding andgcloud beta
    billing accounts remove-iam - policy-binding
    command tomanage IAM policy
    bindings on a Cloud billing account.

Cloud Dataflow

  • modifygcloud dataflow sql query toallow “project.dataset.table” and”dataset.table” formats for--bigquery-table argument .

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--node - group flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
    toallow cluster tobe created on a compute Engine sole-tenant node group .
  • add--node - group flagtogcloud dataproc
    workflow - template set - manage - cluster
    toallow manage cluster tobe
    created on a compute Engine sole-tenant node group .

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare consent - store tobeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--enable - message - order flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
    and--ordering-key flagofgcloud pubsub topics publish toGA.

Cloud Workflows

  • addgcloud beta workflows executions wait which allows the user towait fora workflow execution tocomplete.

compute Engine

  • modifygcloud compute os - login touse the current gcloud project for
    quota by default.See help forbilling/quota_project property or
    --billing - project flagfor more details on how tocontrol this behavior.
  • addubuntu-2004 option of--os flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import inGA,
    gcloud compute instance isimport import inGA,andgcloud compute machine - image import inbeta.
  • promote--service - proxy and--service - proxy-labels flags toGA forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.


  • Allow non-default brokers forevents brokers create command .
  • addbrokers describe/list/delete command .


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships <register|unregister> command tobeta.modifycommand tounsupport manage-workload-identity-bucket flag.

identity group

  • promotegcloud identity groups isdescribe describe toGA.

identity group Memberships

  • add--update-roles-params togcloud beta identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles.
  • promotegcloud identity groups memberships delete toGA.
  • promotegcloud identity groups memberships list toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--validate flagofgcloud container binauthz attestations iscreate
    andgcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create toGA

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

311.0.0 (2020-09-22)

break change

  • (assured workload) updategcloud assure workload list andgcloud isassured assure operations islist list
    commands touse separate flags fororganization andlocation.

App Engine

  • addgcloud beta app service update toallow management ofincoming
    traffic toan app on a per-service basis.
  • promote--no-cache flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy toGA.This flagdisables
    the build cache whendeploying an app.
  • adda warning that <application> or<version> elements
    withinappengine-web.xml are not respected.
  • modifythe behavior ofgcloud app isdeploy deploy with--promote.
    Previously,attempting todeploy andpromote a version that was already
    deployed,but stopped,would result inan error.Now a stopped version will be
    started before it ispromoted.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • addgcloud beta app service update toallow management ofincoming
    traffic toan app on a per-service basis.
  • promote--no-cache flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy toGA.This flagdisables
    the build cache whendeploying an app.
  • modifythe behavior ofgcloud app isdeploy deploy with--promote.
    Previously,attempting todeploy andpromote a version that was already
    deployed,but stopped,would result inan error.Now a stopped version will be
    started before it ispromoted.

assured workload

  • addmultiple input format support toresource argument forthe following
    commands:gcloud assure workload describe,gcloud assure workload
    ,gcloud assure workload update,andgcloud assure operations isdescribe

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagtogcloud dataproc cluster
    andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster to
    allow users toconfigure the private IPv6 Google access type forthe

Cloud Resource Manager

  • addgcloud folders get-ancestors-iam - policy forretrieving IAM policies fora given folder andits ancestors.

identity group

  • promotegcloud identity toGA.
  • promotegcloud identity groups delete toGA.


  • updatekpt fromv0.33.0 tov0.34.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.18.1 tov0.20.1.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.6.0 tov0.8.0.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.6.0 tov0.8.0.

secret Manager

  • promotegcloud secret replication command group tobeta.
  • add--replication-policy-file flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
    command tospecify replication policy using a JSON orYAML file .
  • add--kms - key-name flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
    command tospecify a KMS key whencreating an automatic secret.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

310.0.0 (2020-09-15)

assured workload

  • addconfirmation text togcloud assure workload delete command .

Cloud IAM

  • changedefault format forgcloud iam service - account list torefer to
    the display name ofthe service account as”DISPLAY NAME” instead of”NAME”.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • adda command gcloud projects get-ancestors-iam - policy forretrieving IAM policies fora given project andits ancestors.

Cloud Run

  • addsupport for--format togcloud run isdeploy deploy,gcloud run service
    ,andgcloud run replace.

compute Engine

  • promote--disk flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create
  • add--accelerator flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create


  • addgcloud events command group tobeta toallow the configuration ofevent-based triggers on Cloud run foranthos services..

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--cloud - run - config togcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.This flagis used toenable internal load balancer forCloud runcluster.
  • enableauto repair by default on UBUNTU andUBUNTU_CONTAINERD image.
  • add--enable - gke - oidc togcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.This flagis used toenable the GKE OIDC component forauthentication using OIDC.
  • addnew fields tospecify disk type andsize configuration,shielded
    instance settings,andcustomer-manage encryption keys whenusing
    --autoprovisioning-config-file withgcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • promote--autoprovisioning - min - cpu - platform flag of
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

309.0.0 (2020-09-08)

assured workload

  • addgcloud isassured assure command group tobeta.Commands inthis group provide
    the ability toread andmodify Assured data controls.
  • addgcloud assure workload command group tobeta.Commands inthis
    group allow you tomanage assured workload environment resources.
  • addgcloud isassured assure operations command group tobeta.Commands inthis
    group allow you toview assured workload operation resources.

Cloud API Gateway

  • promotegcloud api - gateway tobeta.
    • modifygcloud api - gateway api-configs create.remove--grpc-files
      temporarily since Cloud API Gateway does not support gRPC.
    • modifygcloud apis create.addthe optional --manage-service flag
      tospecify a pre-existing Google Managed Service.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotegcloud firestore databases tobeta andGA.
  • promotegcloud datastore databases tobeta andGA.

Cloud SQL

compute Engine

  • addthe following flags togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create,gcloud beta compute backend - service update,
    gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update:

    • --cache-mode
    • --[no-]client-ttl
    • --[no-]default-ttl
    • --[no-]max - ttl
    • --[no-]negative - cache
    • --[no-]negative - cache - policy
    • --[no-]custom - response - header
  • addthe following fields togcloud beta compute backend - service import andgcloud beta compute backend - service export:
    • customresponseheader
    • cdnpolicy :
    • cacheMode
    • clientTtl
    • defaultTtl
    • maxTtl
    • negativeCaching
    • negativeCachingPolicy

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--notification-config togcloud <alpha|beta> container cluster
    .This flagis used toenable notifications on a cluster.
    Currently Pub/Sub notifications are supported.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

308.0.0 ( 2020 – 09 – 01 )


  • add’creationTime’,’updateTime’ columns forcreating reservation.
  • add’ignore_idle_slots’ flagfor managing reservations idle slots behavior.
  • supporttable snapshot andrestoration operation.
  • addmanual instruction forAzure connection setup.
  • removerequirements ofspecifying destination table andtarget dataset if the scheduling query using DML orDDL withcommand bq query --schedule.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Implemented the following command forgcloud data - catalog taxonomy andgcloud data - catalog taxonomy policy-tags inbeta.
    • list
    • describe
    • get – iam – policy
    • set – iam – policy
    • add-iam – policy-bindings
    • remove-iam – policy-bindings
  • Implemented export command forgcloud data - catalog taxonomy inbeta.
  • Implemented import command forgcloud data - catalog taxonomy inbeta.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--enable - kerberos flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster toallow users to
    enable Kerberos directly without specifying --kerberos - root - principal - password - uri
    or--kerberos - kms - key - uri.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotegcloud filestore backups tobeta.
  • addgcloud beta filestore instances restore toenable restoring a Cloud
    Filestore instance froma backup.
  • promote --source - backup and--source - backup-region flags tobeta to
    specify backup details; these flags should be used inconjunction with
    --file - share flag.

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare hl7v2 - store import tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • fixissue whenupdating labels on a cluster withprivate visibility failed.
  • addservice endpoint visibility togcloud run services isdescribe describe output
    for services deployed with--platform = gke or--platform = kubernete.
    Cluster-local services show ingress :internal.Services that are not
    cluster-local show Ingress:all.use--connectivity flag of
    gcloud run isdeploy deploy orgcloud run service update toupdate service endpoint

Cloud Shell

  • promotegcloud cloud-shell command group tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promotecompute instances get-screenshot toGA.


  • addgcloud beta notebook instances upgrade toupgrade notebook instance.
  • addgcloud beta notebook instances is-upgradeable toverify if notebook instance can be upgraded toa newer image.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

307.0.0 (2020-08-25)

App Engine

Cloud Dataflow

  • promotegcloud dataflow flex - template build toGA.
    promotegcloud dataflow flex-template run toGA.

Cloud Run

  • changethe generation ofrevision name.If the generated revision name
    is longer than the knative resource name length limit (63 characters),shorten
    the part ofthe service name usedas a prefix until the revision name isno
    longer than the maximum knative resource name.

Cloud SQL

Cloud Security Command Center

  • promotegcloud scc notifications command group tobeta andGA.
  • promotegcloud scc [ operations|sources|findings ] tobeta andGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.53.

compute Engine

  • promote’SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP’ option of--purpose flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create toGA.
  • promote--logge-metadata flagtoGA for
    • gcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create
    • gcloud compute firewall - rule update.
  • promote--network,--subnetwork,and--private - network - ip flag of
    gcloud compute instance network - interface update tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--additional-ipas flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run.This
    flag allows you tospecify additional iOS apps that should be installed on
    the device prior totesting.


  • updatekpt fromv0.30.1 tov0.33.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.15.0 tov0.18.1.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.3.1 tov0.6.0.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.3.0 tov0.6.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - master - global - access flagofgcloud container cluster

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

306.0.0 (2020-08-18)


  • fixissue where ls --reservation command randomly failed withinternal error.
  • addadd-iam - policy-binding andremove-iam - policy-binding commands,with support formodifying IAM policies fortables andviews.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--dataproc - metastore flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster create
    toallow cluster tobe created witha Dataproc Metastore service.
  • add--dataproc - metastore flagtogcloud beta dataproc
    workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
    toallow manage cluster tobe
    created witha Dataproc Metastore service.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.7
    • Includes latest features andimprovements fromproduction.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addgcloud beta kms keys versions get - certificate - chain toretrieve
    HSM attestation certificate chains.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotegcloud pubsub topics detach-subscription toGA.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • fixissue where gcloud resource-manager org-policies <allow|deny> gave an error whena restore default policy exists.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • promotegcloud scc notifications command group tobeta andGA.

Cloud TPU

  • add--use-service-networking flagtogcloud beta compute tpus create.

compute Engine

  • addgcloud beta compute os - config os - upgrade toenable major OS version updates on support distributions.
  • promote--condition flagtoGA for
    • gcloud compute instance add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance remove-iam - policy-binding.
  • promoteRegional Network Endpoint Groups toGA.
  • promoteHybrid Network Endpoint Groups toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute commitment iscreate create-license tobeta andGA.
  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs create
    • gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config update
    • gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config list
    • gcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs delete
  • promote--stateful - disk and--stateful-metadata forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance toGA.
  • add--network flagtogcloud beta compute target-instances iscreate create.

Game Servers

  • promotegcloud game servers toGA.


  • addn1-standard-1 asthe default fornotebook instances.
  • adddeeplearning - platform asthe default fornotebook instance project andenvironment project .

secret Manager

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

305.0.0 ( 2020 – 08 – 11 )

Artifact Registry

  • add--json - key flag togcloud beta artifact print - setting.
  • addbearer auth fornpm support togcloud beta artifact print - setting.

Cloud Build

  • addthe flag--worker - pool tothe command gcloud isbuilds build submit.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addflex template docker container building support inbuild command gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • Replaced --scale ingcloud beta pubsub iscreate lite - topics iscreate create andgcloud beta
    pubsub lite-topics update
    with--per-partition-publish-mib and
    --per - partition - subscribe - mib flag.

Cloud Run

  • add--image flagtogcloud run service update command inbeta andGA
    tosupport updating container image.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • promotegcloud scc asset command group tobeta andGA.

compute Engine

  • promotecpu - overcommit - type flagofgcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--stateful - disk flagfor gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create toGA.
  • promote--stateful - disk,--remove-stateful-disk flags forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update toGA.
  • promote--scale - in- control flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage set - autoscaling toGA.
  • promote--scale - in- control and--clear - scale - in- control flags ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling toGA.

Deployment Manager

  • add--custom-certificate-authority-roots flagtogcloud
    deployment-manager type-providers <create|update>

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe GKE add-on ConfigConnector ofgcloud container cluster
    toGA.This add-on isdisabled by default.

    • use--addon=ConfigConnector toenable the add-on during cluster
    • use--update - addon = ConfigConnector = enabled|disabled to
      enable/disable the add-on forexisting GKE cluster.
  • Updates default kubectl from1.15 to1.16.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.14 ( 1.14.10 )
    • kubectl.1.15 ( 1.15.12 )
    • kubectl.1.16 ( 1.16.13 )
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.9)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.6)
  • promote--disable - default - snat flagofgcloud container cluster
  • modifyGKE nodes tohave serial port output logging enabled by default.To disable,use --metadata serial-port-logging-enable=false.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on July 31,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

304.0.0 (2020-08-04)

Cloud Build

  • modifythe command group gcloud beta builds worker-pools such that all underlying commandnow use a regional Cloud Build API endpoint (instead ofthe global one) .
  • modifythe command group gcloud is builds build such that all underlying commandmay optionally use a regional Cloud Build API endpoint (instead ofthe global one) .This iscontrolled by the new flag--region,as well asthe configuration ofsubmitted builds.

Cloud Composer

  • fixa bug where an argument added tobackfill subcommand of
    gcloud composer environments isrun run fails inolder Airflow versions.
  • add--web - server - machine - type flagtogcloud beta composer environment
    commands tospecify the machine type usedby the Airflow web server.

Cloud IAM

  • promote gcloud iam service - account keys upload toGA.

compute Engine

  • addgcloud beta compute os - config os - upgrade toenable major OS version updates on support distributions.
  • promotegcloud compute isdiagnose diagnose export - log toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • addthe command gcloud [alpha|beta] firebase test ip-blocks list,which
    retrieves a catalog ofIP blocks usedby Firebase Test Lab devices.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--node - group togcloud container node - pools iscreate create.This flagis used toenable the compute Engine sole tenant node feature on Kubernetes Engine node pools.

secret Manager

  • updatethe following command tobetter support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud secret get - iam - policy output condition associate witheach binding .
    • gcloud secret set - iam - policy accept policy withconditional binding .
    • gcloud secret <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding accepts conditional bindings.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

303.0.0 (2020-07-28)

AI Platform

  • promote--kms - key flagofgcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training toGA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotegcloud bigtable backups command group toGA.
  • Promated gcloud bigtable instances tables restore andgcloud bigtable instances tables list toGA.

Cloud Build

  • add--comment - control flagoption COMMENTS_ENABLED_FOR_EXTERNAL_CONTRIBUTORS_ONLY togcloud build trigger create github inalpha andbeta.

Cloud Composer

  • add--cloud-sql-machine-type flagtogcloud beta composer environment
    commands tospecify the Cloud SQL machine type usedby the Airflow database.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • add--restricted-locations togcloud data-catalog search toenable regional search.

compute Engine

  • add--log-location flagtogcloud compute instance isimport import andgcloud beta compute machine - image import.
  • promote--condition flagfor
    • gcloud compute image add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute image remove-iam - policy-binding
  • promote--rollout - mode,--rollout-disruption-budget,and--rollout-disruption-budget-percent flags ofgcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute toGA.
  • allowusing user-data key inmetadata withgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container.
  • promote--condition flagtoGA for
    • gcloud compute image add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute image remove-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute snapshots add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute snapshots remove-iam - policy-binding.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--identity-provider togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create andgcloud beta container cluster update.This flagis used toenable a 3P identity provider on a cluster.
  • addflag --enable-dataplane-v2 togcloud <alpha|beta> container cluster create.This flagallows GKE cluster touse the new andimproved datapath withadditional visibility andobservability features.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

302.0.0 (2020-07-21)

AI Platform

App Engine

  • addsupport fordirectly deploying the Gradle project ‘build.gradle’ file .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • modifygcloud asset search - all - resource andgcloud asset search-all-iam-policies toapply --page-size=20 by default.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--dag-timeout flagtogcloud dataproc iscreate workflow - templates iscreate create to
    allow timeouts tobe set on Workflow jobs DAGs.
  • addgcloud dataproc workflow - template set - dag - timeout toallow DAG
    timeouts tobe updated orset on existing Workflows.
  • addgcloud dataproc workflow-templates remove-dag-timeout toallow DAG
    timeouts tobe removed fromWorkflows.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.5
    • Bug fix forcamel case query parameters
    • addsupport for!= style query

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--enable - message - order flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
    and--ordering-key flagofgcloud pubsub topics publish tobeta.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promotegcloud resource-manager org-policies command group toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promote--tag flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy tobeta.
  • promote--tag flagofgcloud run service update tobeta.
  • promote--to-tags,--set - tag,--update - tag,--remove-tags,and
    --clear - tag flags ofgcloud run service update-traffic tobeta.

Cloud SQL

  • promoteserver-level --collation flag of
    gcloud sql instance iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.52.

compute Engine

  • promote--rollout - mode,--rollout-disruption-budget,and--rollout-disruption-budget-percent flags ofgcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute health - check <create|update> grpc command toGA .

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--grant-permissions flag to
    gcloud beta firebase test android run.This flagallows you tospecify if
    runtime permissions should be granted prior torunning a test.
  • modifythe limit for--num - uniform - shard and--t - target - for- shard
    tobe 250 whenno physical devices are selected.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addflag --private-ipv6-access-type ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta.This flagis used toallow GKE pods toconnect toGoogle services over a low latency,secure,IPv6 network path.
  • promote--release - channel ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.This flagis used toconfigure the cluster release channel.

secret Manager

  • updategcloud secret iscreate create command todefault toan automatic replication policy if a replication policy isnot provided.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

301.0.0 ( 2020 – 07 – 14 )

Cloud SDK

  • Prefer Python 3 fordeb andrpm package installations.TheCloud SDK now
    prefers Python 3 forbq,gcloud,andgsutil on all installation paths.
    See gcloud topic startup forinformation on configuring the Python
    interpreter usedby the Cloud SDK.


  • Upgraded anthos-auth component toversion 1.1.2.
  • addldap support togcloud anthos auth login.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • addsupport forCMEK repository creation withcustomer manage encryption key.
  • addgcloud beta artifact repositories isdescribe describe.

compute Engine

  • promote--description and--family flags ofgcloud compute image update tobeta.
  • promote--target-grpc-proxy forgcloud compute forwarding - rule <create|set-target> toGA.
  • promotedocumentation for--protocol toinclude GRPC forgcloud compute backend - service <create|update> toGA.
  • promote gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies <create|delete|describe|list> toGA.
  • addonly - scale - out mode enum value to
    gcloud compute instance-groups manage <set|update>-autoscaling .The
    only - scale - out valuedirectly replaces anddeprecates the only - up value.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteNodeLocalDNS Addon toGA.useNodeLocalDNS addons withgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

300.0.0 (2020-07-08)

break change

  • (Recommender) modifyheaders inoutput ofgcloud recommender recommendations islist list.
  • (Recommender) modifyheaders inoutput ofgcloud recommender insights list.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--temp-bucket flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster toallow users toconfigure a Cloud Storage bucket that stores ephemeral cluster andjobs data,such asSpark andMapReduce history files.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--enable-point-in-time-recovery flag of
    gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch toGA.
  • promote--point - in- time flagofgcloud sql instance clone toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--source - disk flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.


  • updatekpt fromv0.24.0 tov0.30.1.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.8.0 tov0.15.0.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.1.8 tov0.3.1.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.1.7 tov0.3.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--system - config - from- file flagtogcloud beta container cluster
    ,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create,andgcloud beta
    container node - pools isupdate update
    toconfigure kubelet andLinux configuration
    settings on nodes.


  • promotegcloud recommender insights toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

299.0.0 (2020-06-30)

Cloud SDK


  • addgcloud anthos create - login - config command toGA.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promoteCloud assets search commandgcloud asset search - all - resource andgcloud asset search-all-iam-policies toGA.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addpossibility torename enum values using gcloud data-catalog tag-templates fields enum-values rename.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promote--enable - component - gateway flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster toGA.

Cloud Run

  • update--service - account flagtoaccept a Kubernetes service account for
    --platform = gke and--platform = kubernete.

compute Engine

  • add--interface flagtogcloud beta compute disk create.
  • removeinterface key from--disk key ofgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create.
  • promotegcloud compute security - policy list-preconfigured-expression-sets
  • promote--condition flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud compute disk add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute disk remove-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance - template add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance - template remove-iam - policy-binding.
  • add--service - proxy and’–service – proxy-labels’ flags to
    gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create topopulate the fields inInstance Template
    require toautomatically deploy andconfigure the service proxy andservice-proxy-agent.
  • add--chain-name flaggcloud beta compute disk snapshot.
  • promoteRegional Network Endpoint Groups tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteNodeLocalDNS Addon toGA.use
    NodeLocalDNS addons withgcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update.

VPC Access

  • add--vpc - connector flagtogcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update which allows cloud run services toconnect toa VPC Connector.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

298.0.0 (2020-06-23)

break change

  • (Cloud Data Catalog) removeadd-enum-values flagfromgcloud data - catalog tag - template fields isupdate update.

Cloud SDK

  • changethe bq andgcloud command-line tools toprefer Python 3 for
    component-based Cloud SDK installs on Unix.See gcloud topic startup for
    information on configuring the Python interpreter usedby the Cloud SDK.

AI Platform

  • add--network flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training andgcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training.

App Engine

  • addan optional --appyaml flagtochange the app.yaml file location foran application.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addenum-values flagingcloud data - catalog tag - template fields isupdate update.

compute Engine

secret Manager

  • updatethe following beta command tobetter support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud beta secrets get - iam - policy output condition associate witheach binding .
    • gcloud beta secrets set - iam - policy accept policy withconditional binding .
    • gcloud beta secrets <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding accepts conditional bindings.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

297.0.1 (2020-06-17)

297.0.0 (2020-06-16)


  • addsupport forpreferred authentication methods toanthos auth login
    command .


  • addsupport forsplitting/merging capacity commitments.
  • addsupport forautoscale based on reservations.
  • fixCLI json.loads error forPython 3.5.

compute Engine

  • add--preemptible flagtogcloud compute instance set - scheduling.
  • promote--multi-writer flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

296.0.1 (2020-06-10)


  • fixblocking bug inanthos auth login command .

296.0.0 ( 2020 – 06 – 09 )

Cloud SDK

  • updatebundled Python executable to3.7.5.

Cloud Composer

  • fixa bug that causes backfill subcommand ofgcloud composer environments isrun run
    tobe stuck indefinitely.
  • updategcloud composer environments isrun run command toprefer GKE pods with’Ready:true’ condition state.

Cloud Filestore

  • updategcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create
    andgcloud beta filestore instances isupdate update toinclude:

    • addnfs - export - option to--file - share flag.
    • supportfor NfsExportOptions.
      rungcloud filestore --help
      orvisit tolearn more.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.4
    • Fixes bug forevaluating rules inquery listening.
    • Fixes support for?show_missing inlisting collection.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promotegcloud projects is create create tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • modify--vpc - connector and--clear-vpc-connector flags tobe applicable for--platform = ismanage manage only.
  • add--format export option togcloud run services isdescribe describe andgcloud run revisions describe,to output resources without deployment-specific metadata orstatus information.

compute Engine

  • Replaced coreos-cloud withfedora-coreos-cloud inthe list of
    public image projects for--standard-images flag of
    gcloud compute image list.
  • promotegcloud compute commitment iscreate create-license tobeta.
  • addflag --instance-update-minimal-action flagtogcloud beta compute instance-groups manage instance-configs <create|update|delete>.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--master-logs and’–enable-master-metrics’ flags to
    gcloud beta container cluster toenable sending master logs andmetrics
    toCloud Operations (fka Stackdriver) .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

295.0.0 (2020-06-02)


  • addgcloud anthos isapply apply command tobeta.This command declaratively
    applies Config Connector resource configuration.
  • addgcloud anthos export command tobeta.This command exports Config
    Connector resource configuration ofexisting Google Kubernetes Engine

Cloud Memorystore

  • enablesupport forRedis version 5.0.addredis_5_0 asa new option for--redis_version flagofgcloud redis instance iscreate create.
  • addgcloud redis instance upgrade toupgrade a Memorystore Redis instance toa specified Redis version.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • Rename --filter flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create to
    --message - filter.This isdone toavoid confusion with--filter flag
  • promote--message - filter flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create to
    beta .This feature allows users tospecify a filter expression on a Cloud
    Pub/Sub subscription which will automatically drop messages.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute instance-groups manage describe-instance tobeta.
  • add--accelerator flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container.
  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagofgcloud compute instance <create|create-with-container> toGA.
  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagofgcloud compute instance - template <create|create-with-container> toGA.
  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagofgcloud compute network subnet <create|update> toGA.
  • add--interface flagtogcloud beta compute disk create.
  • add--interface flagtogcloud beta compute instances attach-disk.
  • addinterface key to--disk key ofgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create.

Game Servers

  • add--description togcloud <alpha|beta> game servers
    <cluster/realms/deployments> update
    toallow updating description for

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.

294.0.0 ( 2020 – 05 – 27 )

break change

  • (secret Manager) modifygcloud secret beta command group touse the secret Manager v1 API.
    The--uri flagnow formats output tobegin with instead of when usedwith the following

    • gcloud beta secrets list
    • gcloud beta locations list
    • gcloud beta secrets versions list

AI Platform

  • add--kms - key togcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform jobs submit training
    toallow specifying a customer-manage encryption key fora training job.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promoteconfigurable retry-related flags ingcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
    andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toGA.

Cloud Run

  • Change gcloud run services get - iam - policy,gcloud run services set - iam - policy,
    gcloud run services add-iam - policy-binding,andgcloud run services remove-iam - policy-binding
    touse the v1 api.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.51.

Cloud Tasks

  • promotegcloud task queues create-pull-queue tobeta.

compute Engine

  • changedefault action fromRESTART toreplace for--update-instance flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs create|update.
  • promote--maintenance-policy ofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

293.0.0 (2020-05-19)

App Engine

Cloud SQL

  • promotePostgres 12 toGA.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute instance-groups manage list-errors toGA.
  • addgcloud beta compute instances get-screenshot command tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--additional - apks,--other - file,--network - profile,and
    --robo - script flags ofgcloud firebase test android run toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--disable - default - snat flagofgcloud container cluster

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

292.0.0 (2020-05-12)

break change

  • (Cloud SDK) modifygcloud auth application - default login toadd a quota project
    by default.use--disable - quota - project toskip setting the quota project .
  • (Cloud SDK) modifygcloud auth application - default login and
    gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project so that a quota project
    is added tothe application default credentials only whenthe credentials
    have the permission tobill the project .

Cloud SDK

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • fixissue where CloudBuild timeout valuewithout ‘s’ suffix was rejected sometimes.

Cloud DNS

  • promoteNon-RFC 1918 Cloud DNS features toGA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixbug ingcloud dataproc cluster list where Google Kubernetes
    Engine-based cluster are listed withPLATFORM asGCE whenaccessed by the
    GA command .

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promote --condition flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud kms keyring add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keyring remove-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keys add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keys remove-iam - policy-binding

compute Engine

  • addimport andexport command togcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies>.
  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagofgcloud compute instance <create|create-with-container> tobeta.
  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagofgcloud compute instance - template <create|create-with-container> tobeta.
  • promote--autoscaler - mode,--min - node,and--max - node flags ofcommand gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • gcloud container now respectcompute / region property .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

291.0.0 (2020-05-05)

AI Platform

  • add--config togcloud beta ai - platform versions isupdate update and
    gcloud beta ai - platform versions isupdate update toallow specifying manual and
    auto-scaling parameters.

App Engine


  • enablepurchasing capacity commitments through the BQCLI.
  • addsupport forpassing empty array parameters.
  • fixissues withhandling ofYAML parse errors.
  • fixvulnerabilities related topre-packaged dependencies.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promotegcloud access - context - manager perimeter dry-run command group to
    GA .
  • addthe following flags togcloud access - context - manager perimeter create:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --vpc-allowed-services
  • addthe following flags togcloud access - context - manager perimeter update:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --add - vpc - allow - service
    • --clear - vpc - allow - service
    • --remove-vpc-allowed-services

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--secondary-worker-type togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster command .
    This adds the ability tocreate a cluster withsecondary workers that are
    non-preemptible.If unspecified,secondary workers continue tobe preemptible by

Cloud Functions

  • gcloud function logs isread read now understands log entries withJSON payloads.

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare command group toGA.
  • This release includes some major changes that are different frombeta.
    • FHIR store creation requires a version inGA,or the request will fail.
    • HL7V2 stores can now have multiple Pub/Sub topics,corresponding API is change toaccomplish that.

Cloud IAM

  • promote --condition flagtoGA for
    gcloud iam service-account <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promote --condition flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud projects <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud organizations <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud resources-manager folders <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding

Cloud Run

  • promote--min - instance,--no - traffic,--use - http2,
    --clear-config-maps,--set - config - map,--remove - config - map,
    --update-config-map,--clear - secret,--set - secret,
    --remove - secret,--update-secrets flags ofgcloud run service update
  • changedefault output format ofgcloud run revisions describe tobe more
    human-readable.Foryaml output,use --format=yaml.

Cloud Services

  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering enable-vpc-service-controls tobeta.
  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering disable-vpc-service-controls tobeta.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.50.

compute Engine

  • promote--export - subnet - route - with- public - ip and
    --import - subnet - route - with- public - ip flag of
    gcloud compute networks peerings create and
    gcloud compute network peerings is update update tobeta andGA.
  • promote--domain flagofgcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create toGA.
  • promotesuspend andresume command ofgcloud compute instance command group tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--testing - special - entitlement flag to
    gcloud beta firebase test ios run.
    This flagallows you totest iOS app entitlements by re-signing the
    app witha new andexplicit application-identifier.


  • updatekpt fromv0.17.0 tov0.24.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.6.0 tov0.8.0.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.1.4 tov0.1.8.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.1.4 tov0.1.7.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates kubectl tochange default version ofkubectl from1.14 to1.15.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.14 ( 1.14.10 )
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.11)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.9)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.5)
  • promote--autoprovisioning - max - surge - upgrade,
    --autoprovisioning - max - unavailable - upgrade,
    --enable - autoprovisione - autoupgrade,
    --enable - autoprovisione - autorepair flag of
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

290.0.1 (2020-04-27)

compute Engine

  • promote--domain flagofgcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create toGA.

290.0.0 (2020-04-22)

Cloud Dataflow

  • promotegcloud dataflow sql query command toGA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • update--image flagtoaccept image family URIs.
  • fixa bug where manage cluster added toworkflow templates did not
    correctly respect --enable - component - gateway.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.3
    • Fix isrolling roll back an already fail transaction .
    • Fix gRPC issue on large rules coverage reports.

compute Engine

  • changethe default value of--image - family flagtodebian-10 forgcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .
  • addprivate_service_connect asa type ofglobal address reservation.
  • add--target-bundle option ingcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe GKE ConfigConnector add-on ofgcloud container cluster
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta.This add-on is
    disabled by default.

    • use--addon=ConfigConnector toenable the add-on during cluster
    • use--update - addon = ConfigConnector = enabled|disabled to
      enable/disable the add-on forexisting GKE cluster.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

289.0.0 (2020-04-14)

App Engine

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • add--custom - level - spec argument toenable custom access level definition tothe following command :
    • gcloud access - context - manager level create
    • gcloud access - context - manager level update
  • addgcloud beta access - context - manager perimeter dry - run enforce command
    for enforcing the dry-run configuration forindividual Service Perimeters.
  • promotegcloud access - context - manager level replace-all andgcloud access - context - manager perimeter replace-all command toGA .
  • addgcloud beta access - context - manager perimeter dry - run enforce command
    for enforcing the dry-run configuration forindividual Service Perimeters.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixbug where the GKE cluster name isalso displayed inthe zone column when
    listing GKE-based Dataproc cluster.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addnew redis_5_0 redis-version value togcloud redis instance

Cloud Run

  • promotethe Knative API version used fromv1alpha1 tov1 on all gcloud beta
    andgcloud run command for--platform = gke and--platform = kubernete.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute instance isadd add - resource - policy command toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe following flags toGA forgcloud container binauthz attestors
    public-keys add

    • --pkix-public-key-file
    • --pkix-public-key-algorithm
    • --keyversion
    • --public - key - id - override

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

288.0.0 (2020-04-07)

break change

  • (secret Manager) removenewline fromthe end ofthe output ofgcloud secret versions access command .

AI Platform

  • addsupport for--region flagfor gcloud beta ai-platform.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • renamegcloud beta access - context - manager perimeters isreset dry - run reset as
    gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run drop.

Cloud Composer

  • addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create tohandle
    IP aliasing:

    • --enable - ip - alias
    • --cluster - ipv4 - cidr
    • --service - ipv4 - cidr
    • --cluster - secondary - range - name
    • --services-secondary-range-name
  • addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create tohandle
    Private IP:

    • --enable - private - environment
    • --enable-private-endpoint
    • --master-ipv4-cidr
  • addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create tohandle
    Private IP:

    • --web-server-ipv4-cidr
    • --cloud-sql-ipv4-cidr
  • fixa bug that could cause flags passed togcloud composer environments
    tobe interpreted incorrectly.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addgcloud beta dataflow snapshots command group which provides the ability tocreate andmanage Cloud Dataflow snapshots.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixbug where the default project was not automatically usedas the GKE
    cluster project forGKE-based Dataproc cluster.
  • changethe default value for--timeout ingcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
    from 3h to25h.This prevents client-side timeouts during long graceful
    decommissioning operations.

Cloud Run

  • promote--no - traffic flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy toGA for--platform = ismanage manage.

compute Engine

  • promote--scale - in- control flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage set - autoscaling tobeta.
  • promote--scale - in- control and--clear - scale - in- control flags ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling tobeta.
  • addsupport oftabular display format ofcommand
    gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls and
    gcloud compute instance network - interface get - effective - firewall.


  • updatekpt fromv0.14.0 tov0.17.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.5.0 tov0.6.0.
  • updateimport ofkyaml fromv0.1.3 tov0.1.4.
  • updateimport ofcmd/config fromv0.1.3 tov0.1.4.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

287.0.0 (2020-04-01)

App Engine


  • addsupport toupdate capacity_commitment plan andrenewal_plan.
  • modifyDTS CreatetransferConfig andUpdatetransferConfig CLI toaccept a
    version_info instead ofan authorization_code.
  • addsupport forROW ACCESS POLICY DDL statements.
  • fixa bug withNone auth_info inUpdatetransferConfig.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • addthe following flags togcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --vpc-allowed-services
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta access - context - manager perimeters isupdate update:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --add - vpc - allow - service
    • --clear - vpc - allow - service
    • --remove-vpc-allowed-services

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • supportorg - policy andaccess - policy inthe real-time feed API.

Cloud Composer

  • addthe following flags togcloud beta composer environment command to
    specify IP ranges forWeb Server andCloud SQL network subranges:

    • --web-server-ipv4-cidr
    • --cloud-sql-ipv4-cidr
  • Require explicitly specifying web server access control whenusing
    --enable - private - environment in
    gcloud beta composer environment create.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promotegcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit presto command group toGA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--json-request flagtogcloud ml - engine ispredict predict andgcloud ml - engine local ispredict predict toimprove the UX by matching the input format tothat used inactual requests.

Cloud Spanner Emulator

  • addgcloud beta emulator spanner command group which allows starting
    a Cloud Spanner emulator forlocal development andunit testing.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.49.

compute Engine

  • promotecentos-8,opensuse-15,rhel-8,rhel-8-byol,sles-12-byol,and
    sles-15-byol options of--os flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
    andgcloud compute instance isimport import toGA.
  • promote--resource - policy flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
  • promote--logge-filter-expr and--logge-metadata-fields flag of
    gcloud compute network subnets iscreate create and
    gcloud compute network subnet update toGA.
  • promote--platform - key - file,--key-exchange-key-file,
    --signature - database - file,and--forbidden - database - file flag of
    gcloud compute image iscreate create command toGA.
  • update”list-rules” command ofOrganization Firewalls toadd more fields.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • promotegcloud monitoring dashboard command group toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

286.0.0 (2020-03-24)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )removesecure_boot fromlist ofguest OS features.

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue where special characters inquoted arguments on Windows were not
    being escaped properly.Forexample,a command invocation such as:
    gcloud compute ssh my-vm --zone=us - central1-c --command="echo 1 && echo 2"
    would fail with”unrecognized arguments:1″.


  • addgcloud anthos auth login command toGA.This command enables
    authentication ofanthos cluster through a command line interface,given an
    on-prem identity provider (IDP) isconfigured inan anthos Kubernetes cluster

App Engine

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • addgcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run command group
    for management ofdry-run configuration forService Perimeters.

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--worker-region and--worker-zone parameters togcloud dataflow job run.
  • adddeprecation notice for--zone parameter togcloud dataflow job run.
  • add--num - worker,--worker - machine - type,--network,--subnetwork,and--dataflow - kms - key parameters togcloud beta dataflow sql query.
  • promote--num - worker,--worker - machine - type,--network,and--subnetwork parameters toGA ingcloud dataflow job run.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.1
    • Allow service account tokens inFirestore Emulator.
    • ListCollectionIds now correctly omits empty collections.
    • Thefirst request now correctly interacts withseed data.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promotechanges related toexternal keys ingcloud kms location list,
    gcloud kms keys iscreate create,gcloud kms keys versions create,gcloud kms
    keys versions update

Cloud Memorystore

  • enablesupport forRedis version 5.0 (beta) .addredis_5_0 asa new option for--redis_version flagwhen using gcloud beta redis instance iscreate create.
  • enablesupport forRedis version 5.0 (beta) stream node configuration.addstream - node - max - bytes andstream-node-max-entries asnew options for--redis - config flagwhen using gcloud beta redis instance iscreate create.
  • enablesupport forstream - node - max - bytes andstream-node-max-entries for--update-redis-config flagwhen using gcloud beta redis instance isupdate update.

Cloud Run

  • changethe default output format forgcloud run services isdescribe describe.Moved
    the service URL fromits own line tonext tothe traffic section heading.
  • changethe default output format forgcloud run service update-traffic to
    use the same format asthe traffic section ofthe output of
    gcloud run services isdescribe describe.To restore the previous output format,
    specify --format="table(displayPercent:label=TRAFFIC,displayRevisionId:label=REVISION)".
  • promote--min - instance,--no - traffic,--use - http2,
    --clear-config-maps,--set - config - map,--remove - config - map,
    --update-config-map,--clear - secret,--set - secret,
    --remove - secret,--update-secrets flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy tobeta
    andGA for--platform = gke and--platform = kubernete only.

Cloud SQL

  • promotePostgres 10 toGA.
  • addsupport forspecifying backup locations.

Cloud Spanner

  • addgcloud spanner backups surface .
  • addgcloud spanner databases isrestore restore.
  • updategcloud spanner operation forbackup andrestore operations,andability tofilter by operation type.
  • addoptimizer version tothe query plan (PROFILE) output ofgcloud spanner databases execute-sql.

Cloud Tasks

  • promote--log - sample - ratio and--clear-log-sampling-ratio toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--replacement - method ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage rolling-action restart toGA.
  • promote--[no-]enable - log flagofgcloud compute health - check
    command group tobeta.
  • addcpu - overcommit - type flagtogcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create.
  • promotegcloud compute org-security-policies command group tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls command tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance network - interface get - effective - firewall command tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-instance toGA.
  • promote--failover - ratio,--drop - traffic is--drop - if - unhealthy,and
    --connection - drain - on - failover flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create and
    gcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • promote--failover flag of
    gcloud compute backend - service add - backend and
    gcloud compute backend - service update-backend toGA.
  • promoteglobal scope ofgcloud compute network - endpoint - group command group inglobal toGA.
  • promote--global - network - endpoint - group flagofgcloud compute backend - service toGA.


  • updatekpt fromv0.12.0 tov0.14.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.4.0 tov0.5.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--release - channel flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
    for subscribing an existing cluster toa release channel orremoving a
    cluster froma release channel.

Service Directory

  • promotegcloud service - directory location tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

285.0.1 (2020-03-18)

  • Resolved issue that caused spurious post installation errors in285.0.0.

285.0.0 (2020-03-17)

break change

  • (Cloud Dataproc) deprecatedthe following flagingcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update command :
    • --num-preemptible-workers

AI Platform

  • modifyai-platform models set - iam - policy toaccept a model resource arg.
  • modifyai-platform models get - iam - policy toaccept a model resource arg.

Artifact Registry

  • promotegcloud artifacts tobeta.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • add--custom - level - spec argument toenable custom access level definition
    tothe following command :

    • gcloud access - context - manager level create
    • gcloud access - context - manager level update

Cloud Build

  • Reset ownership toroot whencreating workspace snapshot.

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns manage - zone tobeta.
  • add--service-directory-namepace togcloud beta dns manage - zone create tosupport providing a Service Directory namepace that should be associated withthe zone.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • modifygcloud data-catalog entries <create|update> tosupport user specified types.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addthe following flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update command :
  • add--gke-cluster and--gke - cluster - namepace flags togcloud beta
    dataproc cluster create
    toallow creation ofGKE-based Dataproc cluster.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap settings command group toGA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addgcloud beta memcache which manages Cloud Memorystore Memcached resources.

Cloud Run

  • modify--args and--command flags ofgcloud run service update,
    gcloud run isdeploy deploy,gcloud beta run service update,andgcloud beta run isdeploy
    tosupport repeated usages on a single command invocation.

compute Engine

  • addcpu - overcommit - type flagtogcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create.
  • promotegcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create group-placement command
  • promotegcloud compute os-config patch-jobs command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute os - config patch - deployment command group toGA.

identity group

  • addgcloud beta identity groups preview toretrieve a list ofusers ina
    customer account using CEL query.
  • add--dynamic-user-query togcloud beta identity groups create.


  • updatekpt fromv0.9.0 tov0.11.0.
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.2.0 tov0.3.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - log - monitoring - system - only flag to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster
    toenable Stackdriver system-only logging andmonitoring.

Network Management

  • modifygcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create toverify that at least one source andone destination are specified.
  • modifygcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create andgcloud beta network - management connectivity - test update toverify that instance andnetwork formats are valid.
  • addthe following optional flags togcloud beta network - management connectivity - test update:
    • --clear-source-instance
    • --clear-source-ip-address
    • --clear - destination - instance
    • --clear - destination - ip - address
  • promotegcloud network-management command group toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

284.0.0 (2020-03-10)

break change

  • (Cloud Dataproc) deprecatedthe following flags ingcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create and
  • (Cloud Dataproc) gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster command :
    • --num-preemptible-workers
    • --num - preemptible - worker - local - ssds
    • --preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size
    • --preemptible - worker - boot - disk - type
    • --preemptible - worker - accelerator
  • (Kubernetes Engine) promoteWorkload Identity flags toGA:
    • promote--disable-workload-identity ofgcloud beta container
      cluster update
    • rename--identity-namepace ofgcloud beta container cluster to
      --workload - pool.
    • changethe choices of--workload - metadata - from- node ofgcloud beta
      container node-pools
  • (Kubernetes Engine) remove”unspecified” fromthe choices of--workload - metadata - from- node of
    gcloud beta container node-pools.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • removethe deprecated flag--use - container - optimize - os fromgcloud beta app update.
    Starting 2020-02-17,Container-Optimized OS isthe default VM image type ofApp Engine Flex deployments
    andcan not be change.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • addthe ‘etag’ field togcloud access-context-manager policies list.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • promotegcloud data-catalog command group toGA.
  • addgcloud data - catalog entry - groups islist list tohelp list all entry groups ina Cloud Data Catalog location.

Cloud Dataflow

  • addflex-template build command gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addthe following flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster command :

    • --num-secondary-workers
    • --num-secondary-worker-local-ssds
    • --secondary - worker - boot - disk - size
    • --secondary-worker-boot-disk-type
    • --secondary-worker-accelerator

compute Engine

  • addcentos-8,rhel-8,andrhel-8-byol options for--os flag
    togcloud beta compute images isimport import
    andgcloud beta compute instances isimport import.


  • updatekpt fromv0.7.0 tov0.9.0.
  • addkpt live init command toexisting kpt live command .
  • updateimport ofcli-utils fromv0.1.3 tov0.2.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-tpu and--tpu - ipv4 - cidr flags to
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update tosupport enabling/disabling Cloud TPU
    on existing cluster.

Service Directory

  • promotegcloud service - directory namepace tobeta.addcommand to
    create/delete/describe/list/update namepaces.
  • promotegcloud service - directory service tobeta.addcommand to
    create/delete/describe/list/resolve/update/add-iam – policy-binding/get – iam – policy/set – iam – policy/remove-iam – policy-binding.
  • promotegcloud service - directory endpoint tobeta.addcommand to
    create/delete/describe/list/update/add-iam – policy-binding/get – iam – policy/set – iam – policy/remove-iam – policy-binding.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

283.0.0 (2020-03-03)

Cloud Dataflow

  • addgcloud beta dataflow sql query command .
  • remove--flex-template flagsupport fromgcloud beta dataflow job run.
  • addflex-template command gcloud beta dataflow flex - template run.

Cloud Run

  • fixerror handling whenCloud run foranthos fails withan HTTP error.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.48.

compute Engine

  • addfield ‘PRESERVED_STATE’ tothe output ofgcloud beta compute instance-groups manage list-instances.
  • promote--enable - log and--logge-sample-rate flag of
    gcloud compute backend - service <create|update> toGA.
  • addsupport forgroup - placement - policy without specific VM count.
    Spread placement policies support incremental groups size now.
  • promote--resource - policy flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
  • addget - iam - policy andset - iam - policy command togcloud compute resource-policies command group .
  • promoteexport andupdate-from-file command ofgcloud compute instance command group tobeta andGA.

Stackdriver Logging

  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud log bucket list
    • gcloud log bucket describe
    • gcloud log bucket update

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282.0.0 (2020-02-25)

break change

  • (Cloud Key Management Service) modifygcloud beta kms location list toinclude EKM availability.This may disrupt automated processing ofthe command’s output; consider using the --format flagfor parsing.


  • addrequire_hive_partition_filter support forhive partitioned tables.

Cloud Access Context Manager

Cloud Composer

  • addthe following flags togcloud beta composer environment command tomanage Airflow web server network access control:
    • --web - server - allow - ip
    • --web - server - deny - all
    • --web - server - allow - all
    • --update-web-server-allow-ip

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--dataflow - kms - key flagtogcloud dataflow job run.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--egress - setting and--ingress-settings flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addEKM availability togcloud beta kms location list.

Cloud Memorystore

  • add--connect - mode flagtogcloud redis instance iscreate create tospecify a
    network connection mode whencreating a new Redis instance.

Cloud SQL

  • promoteSQL Server toGA.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • promotegcloud monitoring dashboard command group tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

281.0.0 (2020-02-18)

break change

  • (Cloud SDK) modify--update-adc ingcloud auth login tonot write
    a quota project tothe generated application default credential file .
    usegcloud auth application - default login --add-quota-project or
    gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project toadd a quota project
    tothe generated file .

AI Platform

  • addxrai option for--explanation - method flag to
    gcloud beta ai-platform versions create.

Access Approval

  • addgcloud access - appoval surface toalpha.

App Engine

  • addbeta support fordeploying the Maven project pom.xml file directly.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • modifythe following commandsuch that they no longer require --scope

    • gcloud beta asset search - all - iam - policy
    • gcloud beta asset search-all-resources
    • gcloud beta asset search - iam - policy
    • gcloud beta asset search-resources
      If scope isnot specified,the default project property isused.

Cloud Bigtable

  • adddeleteallrows command tocbt command line tool,which will clear a Cloud Bigtable table.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promotegcloud dataproc cluster import andgcloud dataproc cluster

Cloud IAM

  • promote --condition flagtobeta for
    gcloud iam service-account <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promote --condition flagtobeta forthe following command :
    • gcloud kms keyring <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keys <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promote --condition flagtobeta forthe following command :
    • gcloud projects <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud organizations <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud resources-manager folders <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding

Cloud Run

  • removespecTarget andstatusTarget fields fromthe yaml andjson
    output ofgcloud run service update-traffic.Theinformation nested within
    specTarget andstatusTarget isavailable inthe top-level
    latestRevision,revisionName,specPercent,andstatuspercent fields of
    the output .

Cloud Tasks

  • add--response-view parameter togcloud task describe.

compute Engine

  • addsles-12-byol,sles-15-byol,andopensuse-15 options for--os flag to
    gcloud beta compute images isimport import and
    gcloud beta compute instances isimport import.
  • fixissue where gcloud compute ssh command fails with
    --impersonate - service - account flag.
  • promote--network flagofcompute is create backend - services is create create toGA.
  • promote--condition flagtobeta forthe following command :
    • gcloud compute disk <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute image <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance - template <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute reservation <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud compute snapshots <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding


  • promotegcloud container hub memberships command group toGA.
  • deprecatedgcloud beta container memberships command group .

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--node - location flags ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gloud container cluster update toGA.
  • add--addon=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver togcloud beta container
    cluster create
    and--update - addon = gcepersistentdiskcsidriver togcloud
    beta container cluster update
    toenable/disable the GCP compute Persistent
    Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • addkubectl version 1.17 forupcoming rapid channel release.
    • Default kubectl version 1.14.
    • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.13 ( 1.13.12 )
    • kubectl.1.14 ( 1.14.10 )
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.9)
    • kubectl.1.16 ( 1.16.6 )
    • kubectl.1.17 ( 1.17.2 )
  • addwarning forupcoming shielded nodes default behavior change.


  • addnotebook surface tobeta which provides access toAI Platform
  • addnotebook instances command group which provides access toAI
    Platform notebook’ instances.
  • addnotebook environments command group which provides access toAI
    Platform notebook’ environments.

secret Manager

  • promotegcloud secret command group toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

280.0.0 (2020-02-11)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) removesupport forcreating First Generation Cloud SQL instances.
    • removeFirst Generation instance only flag:--authorized-gae-apps,
      --follow-gae-app,and--pricing-plan fromgcloud sql create.

AI Platform

  • add--use-chief-in-tf-config flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud beta ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
    • gcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
    • gcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training
    • gcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • modifyAccess Context Manager beta command tocall the ACM v1 API instead of

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addgcloud beta data - catalog entry list which lists Data Catalog
  • addgcloud beta data-catalog entry-groups update which isupdates update a Data
    Catalog entry group .
  • addflags togcloud beta data - catalog entry update forupdating an
    entry’s description,display name,andCloud Storage file patterns.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.4
    • addupdate_transform support forcommit andbatchWrite.
    • Send resume tokens on the Listen stream

Cloud Run

  • add--force - override togcloud run domain-mappings create tooverride
    an existing domain mapping.
  • fixa bug where --cpu flagwas incorrectly disallowed with
    --platform = ismanage manage.

compute Engine

  • promote--allow-global-access flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule
  • promotegcloud compute forwarding - rule update toGA.
  • addHEALTH_STATE tooutput ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    list - instance
  • addgcloud beta compute machine - image import toenable importing OVA/OVF
    virtual appliances into Google machine images.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--max-surge-upgrade and--max-unavailable-upgrade flags toGA
    in gcloud container command group .usethese flags tospecify upgrade
    settings parameters during cluster creation,node pool creation,or node
    pool update.
  • updatekubectl tochange default version ofkubectl from1.13 to1.14.
    • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.13 ( 1.13.12 )
    • kubectl.1.14 ( 1.14.10 )
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.9)
    • kubectl.1.16 ( 1.16.6 )

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

279.0.0 ( 2020 – 02 – 04 )

break change

  • (Cloud SDK) modifygcloud auth application - default login tonot write a quota
    project tothe generated file .use--add-quota-project tochange
    this behavior.
  • ( compute Engine )remove--priority flagfromcompute beta packet-mirrorings create andcompute beta packet - mirroring update.


  • fixissue where --apilog would not use the specified log file andwould
    instead output the logs tostdout.

Cloud Dataproc

  • deprecateddefault global value ofgcloud dataproc --region flag.

Cloud Life Sciences

  • addgcloud beta lifesciences locations command group toquery locations where the Cloud Life Sciences API isavailable.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addgcloud beta redis instance upgrade toupgrade a Memorystore Redis
    instance toa specified Redis version.

Cloud Run

  • promote--cpu toGA forall platforms.
  • promotegcloud run service update-traffic toGA.

compute Engine

  • promoteubuntu-1804 option of--os flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
    andgcloud compute instance isimport import toGA.
  • promote--hostname flagofgcloud compute instance isimport import toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute packet-mirrorings command group toGA.
  • promote--is - mirror - collector flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--logge-metadata flagfor gcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create
    andgcloud compute firewall - rule update tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network - endpoint - group command group inglobal scope tobeta.
  • promote--global - network - endpoint - group flagofgcloud compute backend - service tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - shield - node toGA.usethis flagwith gcloud
    container cluster iscreate create
    orgcloud container cluster isupdate update.

Network Management

  • addgcloud network-management command group .This feature enable the
    provisioning andadministering ofNetwork Management resources.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

278.0.0 (2020-01-28)

AI Platform

  • add--evaluator - count forlocal train toallow specifying the number of
    evaluators torun withwhen--distribute isset .

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Rolled back gcloud beta artifacts command group toalpha state.

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--flex-template flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • addgcloud beta kms keys versions update toenable updating crypto key versions andthe external key URIs ofkey versions.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotedead letter queue-related flags ingcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
    andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toGA.

compute Engine

  • promotepermission validation ingcloud compute image isimport import,
    gcloud compute image export,andgcloud compute instance isimport import toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until toGA.
  • deprecatedgcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until-stable toGA; use gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until --stable instead .
  • rename--update-stateful-disk and--update-stateful-metadata ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config update to--stateful - disk and--stateful-metadata respectively .
  • rename--update-stateful-disk ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update to--stateful - disk.
  • promotegcloud compute instance-groups manage list-errors command to
    beta .

Firebase Test Lab

  • remove--app-package and--t - package flags fromgcloud firebase test android run; the application andtest package name are parsed automatically fromthe APK manifest.
  • update--environment-variables toallow a period inthe key.


  • Published kpt binary asa new Cloud SDK component .
    • kpt may be installed withgcloud component install kpt.
    • kpt contains utilities forpackaging,viewing andmodifying Kubernetes configuration.
    • Formore information,run kpt help.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteAutoscaling Profiles tobeta.usewith
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create or
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update:
    --autoscaling-profile=balanced (default) or
  • promote--sandbox flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create toGA.
    This flagenables the requested sandbox on all nodes inthe node-pool.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

277.0.0 (2020-01-21)

break change

  • (App Engine) fixlongstanding issue where /path * indispatch.yaml was silently
    converted to/path/*.
  • (Cloud Dataproc) modify--region flagtobe mandatory.
    • To use Cloud Dataproc commands,pass --region flagon every invocation,
      orset dataproc / region configuration variable via gcloud config set
      dataproc / region

Cloud SDK

  • add--update-adc togcloud auth login toupdate the credentials inADC
    at the end ofauthentication.
  • promoteREGISTRIES positional argument ingcloud auth configure-docker to
    GA .

AI Platform

  • addTensorflow version check forlocal train.Forversion 1.x,’master’ is
    used asprimary node.Forversion 2.x,’chief’ is usedas primary node.

Artifact Registry

  • promotegcloud artifacts tobeta.
  • Following operations will be supported inbeta:
    • Repository creation,deletion,andlisting.
    • Printing settings forsupported native tools (e.g.mvn,npm,gradle) .
    • Setting andgetting permission/IAM policies on repositories.
    • Listing anddeleting packages inside a repository.
    • Listing anddeleting versions inside a package.
    • Creating,updating,deleting,andlisting tags.
    • Listing anddeleting docker images orspecific image digests.
    • Adding,listing,anddeleting docker image tags.
    • Listing Artifact Registry supported locations.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • addTensorflow version check forlocal train.Forversion 1.x,’master’ is
    used asprimary node.Forversion 2.x,’chief’ is usedas primary node.

compute Engine

  • add--hostname togcloud beta compute instances isimport import.
  • promote--instance - redistribution - type flagofcompute instance-groups manage create toGA.
  • promote--instance - redistribution - type flagofcompute instance - group manage update toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute isdiagnose diagnose export - log tobeta.
  • promote--replacement-mode flagofcommand gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action start - update andgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action replace tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Increased default Operation timeout ingcloud container cluster command group to1 hour.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

276.0.0 (2020-01-14)

break change

  • (Cloud Dataproc) modifygcloud beta cluster create command replacing --reservation - label
    with --reservation which accepts the name ofthe reservation when
    --reservation - affinity isspecific,matching gcloud compute instance

Cloud SDK

  • modifygcloud auth configure-docker totake a --registries flag.
    • usethis flagtoprovide a comma-separated list ofregistries toadd tothe
      docker credential configuration.If the flagis not set,the command adds
      all registries.
    • Changes tothe docker credential configuration are now merged into the
      existing configuration instead ofreplacing all existing entries.
    • addsupport for* domain .

App Engine

  • updateappengine libraries topick up fix using now-invalid project ids
    with VPC connectors.
  • fixan issue where response headers were not usable due topython3 bytes
    regex use.


  • fixdelimiter specification issues inPython3.
  • fixproxy authentication issues inPython3.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promote--reservation and--reservation - affinity flags ofgcloud
    dataproc cluster create

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.47.

compute Engine

  • promote--mode flagofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    set - autoscaling
    command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling command
  • promoteinstance-configs create,instance-configs list,instance-configs update,instance-configs delete command tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addkubectl version 1.16.4 forthe rapid channel.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.13 ( 1.13.12 )
    • kubectl.1.14 ( 1.14.10 )
    • kubectl.1.15 ( 1.15.7 )
    • kubectl.1.16 ( 1.16.4 )

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

275.0.0 (2020-01-07)

break change

  • (Firebase Test Lab) modify--other - file toallow the specification
    of a list ofdevice-path=file-path instead ofa list offile-path=device-directory.
    Additionally,the flagcan no longer be specified multiple times.usea
    comma-separated list topush multiple files toa device.

Cloud SDK

  • modifygcloud auth application - default login tofind a quota project from
    gcloud command-line tool’s context andwrite it tothe application default
    credentials.This allows Google client libraries touse the project forquota
  • addgcloud auth application-default set-quota-project toupdate the
    quota project inapplication default credentials.
  • fixissue where gcloud component isupdate update andgcloud component install
    would crash witha UnicodeDecodeError whenencountering certain network
    errors.Thegcloud command-line tool will now correctly display the error
    encountered during the update orinstallation.This issue was reported at

App Engine

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promotegroup command ofgcloud asset feeds toGA.

Cloud DNS

  • promoteDNS Peering toGA.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addflags togcloud beta data - catalog entry update forupdating an entry’s description,display name,andCloud Storage file patterns.
  • addrequire field togcloud beta data - catalog tag - templates is create create --field tospecify whether the tag template field isrequire.
  • add--require flagtogcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates fields update tospecify whether the tag template field isrequire.
  • removegcloud beta data - catalog entry set - iam - policy command .

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap command group toGA.

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run services isreplace replace tobeta.
  • promote--command and--args flags forgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud service update toGA.
  • promote--port flagfor gcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud service update to
    GA .
  • promote--revision - suffix flagfor gcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud service update to
    GA .

compute Engine

  • changegcloud compute backend - services iscreate create tomake specification of
    health checks optional whenno associated backends are specified.
  • add--no-health-checks flagtogcloud compute backend - service update to
    support unsetting all health checks forthe given backend service.
  • addgroup - placement - policy toresource-policies creation.
  • promoteresource-policies group - placement - policy creation tobeta.
  • updateWindows PuTTY executables toversion 0.73.
  • modifygcloud beta compute images isimport import andgcloud beta compute
    instances import
    tovalidate require permissions.
  • promotegcloud compute networks peerings list-routes toGA.
  • promote--stateful - disks flaginmanage instance group creation tobeta.
  • promote--update - stateful - disk and--remove - stateful - disk flags forupdating manage instance groups tobeta.
  • fixgcloud compute instance isimport import tosupport importing OVFs stored
    directly inCloud Storage buckets (as opposed tostored insub-directories) .

Kubernetes Engine

  • Thefollowing flags are now available inGA on gcloud container cluster
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update:

    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - name
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - start
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - end
    • --clear - maintenance - window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

274.0.1 (2019-12-26)

274.0.0 (2019-12-17)

Cloud SDK

  • Cloud SDK now has GA support forPython 3.Please run
    gcloud topic startup for:

    • Information on configuring the Python interpreter usedby the
      Cloud SDK.
    • List oftools inthe Cloud SDK that still require a Python 2.7
    • List ofknown issues withPython 3 support.
  • ForWindows installer-installed Cloud SDK version 274.0.0,if the Cloud SDK
    fails torun,upgrade toversion 274.0.1 orhigher.Refer tothis
    tracking bug
    for details.


  • addsupport forPython3.
  • Specifying unique prefixes forany flagname isno longer accepted.For
    example using --project instead of--project_id will throw an error.
    This change isa result ofchanging the underlying flaglibrary fromgflags to
  • add--service_account_name flaginbq mk --transfer_confg and
    bq update --transfer_config --update_credential touse a service account
    credential on transfer config orscheduled query.
  • removesupport forReservation v1alpha2 API.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • fixa bug where access-context-manager commandcouldn’t run without --policy specified; commandnow use the default policy ID if one isn’t provided.

compute Engine

  • addubuntu-1804 option to--os flagofgcloud beta compute images isimport import
    andgcloud beta compute instances isimport import.
  • promote--target - distribution - shape flagofcompute instance-groups manage create toGA.
  • promote--erase - window - vss - signature flagofcompute disk create tobeta.
  • promotecompute machine - image command group tobeta.
  • promote--source - machine - image,--source - machine - image-csek-key-file,and--erase - window - vss - signature flags ofcompute instances iscreate create tobeta.
  • fixissue where gcloud compute os - login commandfailed with
    --impersonate - service - account flag.
  • promotegcloud compute os-config guest-policies command group tobeta.
  • remove--description flagfrom
    gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create command toonly allow
    creating a guest policy froma file .
  • remove--description and--etag flag from
    gcloud beta compute os - config guest - policy update command toonly allow
    updating a guest policy froma file .
  • remove--organization and--folder flags fromthe following command to
    only allow managing project-level guest policies:

    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create
    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies describe
    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies delete
    • gcloud beta compute os - config guest - policy update
  • promote--maintenance-policy flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--min-node-cpu flagofcompute instances iscreate create tobeta.
  • add--min-node-cpu and--clear-min-node-cpu togcloud compute instance set - scheduling beta .
  • add--node - group,--node,--node-affinity-file,and--clear-node-affinities flags tocompute instances set-scheduling beta .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--boot - disk - kms - key togcloud beta container
    cluster create
    and--boot - disk - kms - key togcloud
    beta container node - pools is create create
    tospecify a
    customer manage encryption key toencrypt the node boot disks with.


  • modifythe account loader toprint a warning if there isno active account,
    andthe configuration file can not be found.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

273.0.0 (2019-12-10)

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue where the gcloud command-line tool would crash witha TypeError
    when invoked behind a proxy using a Python 3 interpreter.This issue was
    reported at:
  • GA support forPython 3 will be announced soon.Please run
    gcloud topic startup for:

    • Information on configuring the Python interpreter usedby the
      Cloud SDK.
    • List oftools inthe Cloud SDK that still require a Python 2.7
    • List ofknown issues withPython 3 support.

Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Build

  • pass empty--cache-dir flagtoKaniko tosuppress log spam about
    “Error while retrieving image fromcache”.

Cloud Composer

  • modifyvalidation for--master-ipv4-cidr flag of
    gcloud beta composer environment create toverify that the IPV4 CIDR block
    has a mask of28 bits size.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promotegcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit spark-r command group toGA.

Cloud Datastore

  • fixa bug where the strings “yes”,”no”,”y”,or “n” could not be usedas
    field name inindexes.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.1
    • Fix bug where ruleCoverage.html pages were always return a 404 NOT FOUND.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.2
    • Introduce support fordata import andexport.
    • Fix bug where rapid,repeated writes tothe same document could trigger timestamp collisions.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promotegcloud kms command forexternal keys tobeta.
  • promotekey import command toGA .

Cloud Memorystore

  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud redis instance import
    • gcloud redis instance export
    • gcloud redis operations cancel

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute os-config patch-jobs command group tobeta.
  • addthe following flags to
    gcloud beta compute os-config patch-jobs execute command toallow fora
    custom patch job name andmore structured expressions forinstance filters:

    • --display - name
    • --instance-filter-all
    • --instance-filter-group-labels
    • --instance-filter-zones
    • --instance - filter - name
    • --instance-filter-name-prefixes
  • promotegcloud compute os - config patch - deployment command group tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute security - policy list-preconfigured-expression-sets
  • promote--private - ipv6 - google - access - type flagofgcloud compute network subnet <create|update> tobeta.
  • modifygcloud compute backend - services iscreate create toaccept one
    of --global-health-checks or--health - checks-region.
  • modifythe following command toaccept one of--global or--region flag:
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create
    • gcloud compute ssl - certificates is delete delete
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe
  • updatethe following command torequire either a --global or--region flag:
    • gcloud compute health - check create http
    • gcloud compute health - check create http2
    • gcloud compute health - check create https
    • gcloud compute health - check create ssl
    • gcloud compute health - check create tcp
    • gcloud compute health - check delete
    • gcloud compute health - check describe
    • gcloud compute health - check update http
    • gcloud compute health - check update http2
    • gcloud compute health - check update https
    • gcloud compute health - check update ssl
    • gcloud compute health - check update tcp
  • modifythe following command toaccept either a regional orglobal flag:
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy create
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy delete
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy describe
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy list
      can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy update
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
  • modifythe following command toaccept either a regional orglobal flag:
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
      can accept a--url - map - region or--global - url - map flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
      can accept a
      –ssl – certificates-regionor–global – ssl – certificate` flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy delete
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy describe
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy list
      can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
      can accept a--region or--global flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
      can accept a--url - map - region or--global - url - map flag.
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
      can accept a--ssl - certificates-region or--global - ssl - certificate flag.
  • promote--autoscaler - mode,--min - node,--max - node flag of
    gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group <create|update> tobeta.
  • addand standardized the Windows Client BYOL name in--osflag ofgcloud compute image isimport import.
    • For32-bit versions ofWindows:
      Windows 7 SP1:windows-7-x86-byol
      Windows 8.0 and8.1:windows-8-x86-byol
      Windows 10,all versions:windows-10-x86-byol
    • For64-bit versions ofWindows:
      Windows 7 SP1:windows-7-x64-byol (renamed,previously windows-7-byol)
      Windows 8.0 and8.1:windows-8-x64-byol (renamed,previously windows-8-1-x64-byol)
      Windows 10,all versions:windows-10-x64-byol (renamed,previously windows-10-byol)
  • modifythe following command toaccept either a regional orglobal flag:
    • gcloud compute url - map add - host - rule can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url - maps is create create can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url - maps is delete delete can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps describe can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url - map list can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url - map remove - host - rule can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps remove-path-matcher can accept a--global or--region flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service can accept a--global or--region flag.
  • updategcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create command
    toaccept one ofthe following flag:--global - target - http - proxy,
    --target-http-proxy-region,--global - target - https - proxy,
    --target - https - proxy - region.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--num - uniform - shard and--t - target - for- shard (mutually exclusive) flags togcloud beta firebase test android run torun tests inparallel.


  • addsupport forregistrations incontainer.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteNodeLocalDNS Addon tobeta.use
    --addon=NodeLocalDNS withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create.
    This addon can be enabled ordisabled on existing cluster using
    --update-addons=NodeLocalDNS=ENABLED or
    with gcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • fixdoc link ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create amd gcloud container
    cluster update


  • modifygcloud projects list toapply --limit on client-side if any
    client-side filters were applied with--filter.

Policy Troubleshooter

  • addgcloud policy-troubleshoot iam,which troubleshoots a member’s IAM permissions on a resource.

secret Manager

  • promotegcloud secret command group tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

272.0.0 (2019-11-19)

Cloud SDK

  • Thegcloud command-line tool now has beta support forusing a Python 3.5+
    interpreter,users interested inusing Python 3 should switch now.Follow
    the instructions linked below.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • modifybuilds tostart on the server-side by default.

Cloud DNS

  • promoteNon-RFC1918 support features tobeta.add--manage - reverse - lookup and--private-forwarding-targets params tosupport resolution andforwarding ofNon-RFC1918 IP Addresses.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixa bug where --region wasn’t getting applied to
    gcloud dataproc jobs set - iam - policy --region and
    gcloud dataproc jobs get - iam - policy --region ortothe polling requests of
    gcloud dataproc jobs wait --region and
    gcloud dataproc jobs iskill kill --region,resulting inerrors whenever
    --region was supplied anddid not match the valueof
    gcloud config get-value dataproc / region.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addthe following optional flags togcloud pubsub topics isupdate update tosupport Cloud KMS integration:
    • --topic-encryption-key
    • --topic-encryption-key-keyring
    • --topic - encryption - key - location
    • --topic-encryption-key-project

Cloud Run

  • promotegcloud run toGA.All beta command andflags have been promoted
    with the following exceptions:

    • gcloud run domain-mappings islimited toCloud run foranthos.
      To use withCloud run (fully manage),please continue touse
      gcloud beta run domain-mappings.

Cloud Tasks

  • promotegcloud beta task create-http-task toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Hid the following flags on gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud
    container cluster update
    .Thepromotion toGA isdelayed.Flags are
    temporarily hidden toavoid confusion.

    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - name
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - start
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - end
    • --clear - maintenance - window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • promotemonitoring channels andmonitoring channel-descriptors
    commands fromalpha tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

271.0.0 (2019-11-12)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) enablenode auto-upgrade by default forcluster andnode-pools created
    with gcloud container <cluster|node-pools> create.To disable manually,
    use --no - enable - autoupgrade flag.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • deprecated--use - container - optimize - os flagofgcloud beta app update.


  • updatethe BigQuery CLI tohandle ASSERT statements.
  • modifyJSON mode such that failed child job results aren’t printed.
  • enablev2 API forenabling/disabling materialized view refresh.
  • addReservation API v1beta1 support.

Cloud Functions

  • promotethe following command toGA:
    gcloud function add-iam - policy-binding,
    gcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding,
    gcloud function set - iam - policy,
    andgcloud function isget get - iam - policy.

Cloud Run

  • removethe ability tospecify deprecated string values like “Single” to
    --concurrency flagingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy andgcloud beta run service
    .Instead,please specify an integer value forthis field or”default”.
  • changethe default describe format forservices tobe human-readable.To
    use the previous yaml describe format,pass the flag--format=yaml.

compute Engine

  • add--private - network - ip flagtogcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .
  • add--private - network - ip flagtogcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container command .
  • promotegcloud compute backend - service export command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute backend - service import command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute forwarding - rule export command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute forwarding - rule import command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute url - map export command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute url - map import command toGA.
  • promote--storage - location flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create and
    gcloud compute image isimport import toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance command

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling flag of
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgloud container cluster update to
    GA .
  • add--release - channel flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
    for subscribing an existing cluster toa release channel orremoving a
    cluster froma release channel.
  • promoteCloud run foranthos on Google Cloud toGA.use
    --addon=CloudRun withgcloud container cluster iscreate create or
    --update-addons=CloudRun=ENABLED withgcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • promotethe GKE ApplicationManager add-on ofgcloud container cluster
    andgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta.This add-on is
    disabled by default.

    • use--addon=ApplicationManager toenable the add-on during cluster
    • use--update-addons=ApplicationManager=ENABLED|DISABLED to
      enable/disable the add-on forexisting GKE cluster.
  • promote--shielde - secure - boot and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
    flags ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgloud container cluster

Pubsub Emulator

  • Released Cloud Pub / Sub emulator v0.1.0
    • First versione release .
    • Build system changes.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

270.0.0 (2019-11-05)

AI Platform

  • add--explanation - method,--num-integral-steps,and--num-paths
    options forgcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform versions create.
  • addcommand gcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform explain.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • fixgcloud beta app is deploy deploy tostream tobuild logs tostderr instead of

Cloud Bigtable

  • Show full operation name without the implied operation andproject prefix ingcloud bigtable operations islist list.
  • Accept full operation name orfull name without the implied operation andproject prefix ingcloud bigtable operations describe.

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--disable - public - ips flagtogcloud dataflow job run.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixgcloud dataproc workflow - templates is inline instantiate - inline toaccept
    cluster properties.Previously,you would have seen the error
    “File not found $PWD/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/schemas/dataproc/v1/PropertiesValue.yaml”.

Cloud Endpoints

  • fixissue where gcloud endpoints services deploy would sometimes fail due
    toa permissions error.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.0
    • addsupport forseeding database fromexport via --seed_from_export.
    • fixan issue where batchGet andtransactions does not work over REST.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.46.

compute Engine

  • promote--mode flagofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
    set - autoscaling
    command tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling command

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixissue where setting maintenance windows would overwrite all existing
    maintenance exclusions.
  • fixissue where you could not set a recurring maintenance window if a
    daily window was already set ( andvice versa) .
  • promoteNode Auto-Provisioning toGA.use
    --enable-autoprovisioning withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
    orgcloud container cluster isupdate update toenable this feature.
  • add--enable-autoprovisioning togcloud container node - pools iscreate create,
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create,
    gcloud beta container node - pools isupdate update and
    gcloud container node - pools is update update.
  • fixcluster andnode pool creation ingcloud beta container commandwhen
    using GKE versions below 1.13.6.Theregression was caused by sending a
    NodePool API field that’s version-gated (1.13.6+ only) .This field isnow
    only sent when--shielde - integrity - monitoring or--shielde - secure - boot
    flags are set.
  • add--max-surge-upgrade and--max-unavailable-upgrade flags to
    gcloud beta container command group .usethese flags tospecify surge
    upgrade parameters forcluster creation,node pool creation,or node pool

    • Surge upgrade isenabled by default (--max - surge - upgrade=1) for
      cluster andnode pools created withgcloud beta container command .
  • promotethe following flags toGA on gcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update:

    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
  • promotethe following flags toGA on gcloud container cluster isupdate update:
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - name
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - start
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - end
    • --clear - maintenance - window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion
  • promote--database - encryption - key forgcloud container cluster
    ,and--disable-database-encryption forgcloud container
    cluster update
  • add--enable-cloud-run-alpha flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
    toenable Cloud runalpha features on the cluster.

manage Active Directory

  • promotegcloud active-directory command group toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

269.0.0 ( 2019 – 10 – 29 )

break change

  • (Cloud Run) removecheck forthe compute / region property whendetermining which Cloud
    runregion touse.Pass --region orset the run/region property instead .

Cloud Composer

  • addtwo Airflow subcommands (list_dag_runs,next_execution) togcloud
    composer environments isrun run

Cloud Functions

  • promotenetwork settings flags (ingress,egress) forgcloud function isdeploy deploy tobeta.
  • promoteprompt toallow unauthenticated access forgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.
  • promote--allow-unauthenticated flagfor gcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud IAM

  • promotegcloud iam service - account disable toGA.
  • promotegcloud iam service - account enable toGA.

Cloud Services

  • promoteservices identity command group tobeta.
  • removethe command services operations islist list.

compute Engine

  • promote--next-hop-ilb and--next-hop-ilb-region flag of
    gcloud compute routes create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute packet-mirrorings command group tobeta.
  • promote--is - mirror - collector flag of
    gcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create command tobeta.
  • Rename the flag--drain - nat - ips to--nat - external - drain - ip - pool tomatch
    the user guide.


  • fixissue where results would be limited before filtering.
  • fixissue where a blank line was not printed between pages whenthe result
    set fit on two pages.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

268.0.0 (2019-10-22)

Cloud Life Sciences

  • addgcloud beta lifescience pipeline which defines andruns pipelines.
  • addgcloud beta lifescience operation which manages pipeline operations.

Cloud Memorystore

  • modify--update-redis-config flagofgcloud redis instance isupdate update to
    accept’maxmemory-gb’ asa parameter.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--disk-encryption-key flagtoGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.45.

compute Engine

  • promote--drain - nat - ips and--clear-drain-nat-ips flag of
    gcloud compute router nat toGA.


  • renamecontainer hub register - cluster andcontainer hub unregister - cluster tocontainer memberships register andcontainer memberships unregister respectively .

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixissue where gcloud beta container cluster update crashed when
    adding a maintenance exclusion if a maintenance window isset but no
    exclusions exist.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

267.0.0 ( 2019 – 10 – 15 )

break change

  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) removethe deprecated component
    (gcd-emulator) forthe legacy version that usedthe v1beta3 API.
  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) removethe deprecated --legacy flagfrom
    gcloud beta emulators datastore start that invoked the legacy version of
    the emulator.


  • fixcrash whendisplaying the results ofa script query.
  • addoptions tocontrol the maximum time andbytes per script statement,
    maximum time torun a script,andthe maximum number ofresults todisplay for
    a script .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promotegcloud asset feeds command group tobeta.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport forauthorization tokens via the -auth-token flag.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixissue where --region flagwas not honored forgcloud beta dataproc
    ,specifically whenpassing resources asURIs.

    • If dataproc / region isset --region flag,still correctly override it.

Cloud Firestore

  • promotegcloud firestore command group toGA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.9.0
    • Serve WebChannel traffic on the same port asgRPC.

Cloud IAM

  • promote--description flagofgcloud iam service - account create andgcloud iam service - account update toGA.

Cloud Run

  • Cloud runwill no longer require the Istio add-on fornewer versions ofGKE
    (1.15.3-gke.19+,1.14.3-gke.12+,and1.13.10-gke.8+) .

compute Engine

  • promote--family and--description flags ofgcloud compute image isimport import toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixdefaulting of--shielde - integrity - monitoring toremain true when
    --shielde - secure - boot isalso enabled.
  • removevalidation condition that restricts
    and--autoprovisioning-scopes frombeing specified together.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

266.0.0 (2019-10-08)

AI Platform

  • promote--accelerator ingcloud isai ai-platform versions create tobeta.

App Engine

  • modifyvalidation forGo main package paths:hyphens andother characters are now valid.
  • adderror checking whena deployed jar does not contain a Main-Class manifest entry.

Cloud Build

  • promotegcloud is builds build triggers command group tobeta.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addgcloud beta data-catalog entry-groups command group .
  • addcreate anddelete command togcloud beta data - catalog entry.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addrealm field tothe file specified by --kerberos - config - file,
    applicable tothe following command :

    • gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
    • gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
    • gcloud beta dataproc cluster create
    • gcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster

Cloud Functions

  • promote--vpc - connector infunctions is deploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Run

  • modifyroutes andconfiguration command groups tobe hidden.
  • changethe descriptions ofthe platforms forCloud run tomatch current
    product name andfunctionality.

Cloud Spanner

  • add--timeout flagtogcloud spanner databases execute-sql tosupport
    long-running requests.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.44.

compute Engine

  • promote--networks flagofcompute is create backend - services is create create tobeta.
  • promote’SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP’ option of--purpose flag of
    gcloud beta compute addresses create tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addthe following flags togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud beta container cluster update forspecifying more flexible
    maintenance windows:

    • --maintenance - window - start
    • --maintenance - window - end
    • --maintenance - window - recurrence
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta container cluster update for
    specifying exclusions tomaintenance windows:

    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - name
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - start
    • --add - maintenance - exclusion - end
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta container cluster update for
    removing maintenance windows andexclusions:

    • --clear - maintenance - window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion
  • promote--enable - binauthz flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create to
    GA .
  • add--node - location flagtogcloud container iscreate create node-pool and
    gcloud container update node - pool command .This flagspecifies the
    location(s) where nodes will be hosted whenthe node pool has been created

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

265.0.0 (2019-10-01)

Cloud SDK

  • add--include-email flagtogcloud auth print - identity - token to
    include service account email inthe identity token ofan impersonated
    service account.
  • add--token - format and--include-license flags to
    gcloud auth print - identity - token toinclude project andinstance
    information inthe identity token ofa compute Engine instance.

App Engine

  • addsupport fordeploying Java11 fatjar directly.
  • addsupport forClass-Path entry dependent jars fordeploying a Java11 fatjar.
  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.71.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:


  • modifythe output ofbq show formodels toalso show encryption info.
  • addfunctionality tobq update with--clustering_fields flagtoconvert
    a clustered table toan unclustered table.
  • add--use_avro_logical_types flagtobq extract toextract some columns
    totheir AVRO logical types rather than raw types.
  • fixissue where the formatting ofunicode table name insome error messages
    was incorrect.
  • modifybq query todisplay the results ofeach statement ina script,
    instead ofonly the last statement.
  • add--parent_job_id flagtobq ls forlisting child jobs ofa script

Cloud DNS

  • promote--enable - log flagofgcloud dns policy toGA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promotegcloud dataproc autoscaling - policy command group toGA.
  • promote--autoscaling-policy flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create andgcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update toGA.

Cloud Functions

  • fixa bug ingcloud beta function isdeploy deploy where new functions were
    incorrectly made publicly invokable whenthe user specified they should be

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--message - storage - policy - allow - region flag of
    gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create,and--recompute - message - storage - policy and
    --message - storage - policy - allow - region flag of
    gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update toGA.This allows users tocontrol
    the Cloud regions where published messages are stored at rest.

Cloud Run

  • promote--max - instance flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy and
    gcloud run service update tobeta.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.43.

compute Engine

  • promote100G interconnect link type support forgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute is instances instance os - inventory command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute instance isimport import toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • addbeta support foriOS Game Loop tests.
  • add--type flagtogcloud firebase test ios run.
  • add--app togcloud firebase test ios run.
  • add--scenario-numbers togcloud firebase test ios run.


  • addseparator attribute to--format=multi flag.

translation API

  • addgcloud beta ml is translate translate command group .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

264.0.0 (2019-09-24)

Cloud SDK

Cloud Bigtable

  • addgcloud bigtable operations describe|list which provides the functionality todescribe an operation orlist operations toGA.

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns policy toGA.
  • promotegcloud dns manage - zone forwarding-targets toGA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fix issue where--region flagis passed togcloud dataproc autoscaling - policy orgcloud dataproc workflow-templates,but the commandstill fail withthe error “Therequire property [region] isnot currently set.”.

Cloud SQL

  • addPostgres 11 option to--database - version flag.

compute Engine

Kubernetes Engine

  • Google Kubernetes Engine default kubectl isupdated to1.13.11.
  • Addresses CVE-2019-11251.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.11)
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.7)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.4)
  • fixgcloud container binauthz IAM command tocall the correct v1 API

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

263.0.0 ( 2019 – 09 – 17 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create now requires either a --target-vpn-gateway or--vpn_gateway flag.
  • ( compute Engine )gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create now requires one ofthe following three flags:
    • --peer_address
    • --peer_gcp_gateway
    • --peer_external_gateway
  • ( compute Engine )promote--reservation - from- file,--reservation,--reservation-zone,--accelerator,-local-ssd,--machine - type,--machine - type,--min - cpu - platform,--require-specific-reservation,and--vm - count flags forgcloud compute commitment iscreate create toGA.
  • (miscellaneous) fixissue where gcloud table formats would sort numbers alphabetically,
    rather than numerically.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--bigquery-table --output-bigquery-force flags togcloud asset export.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promoteaccelerators andmin cpu platform related flags toGA.
    • add--preemptible - worker - accelerator flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create,providing the capability foraccelerators tobe attached topreemptible workers.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.3.
    • Fix bug where concurrent requests forthe same transaction would sometimes hang.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.4
    • Fix bug where WriteResults fordeletes had an update_time populate .

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotethe following commandunder gcloud pubsub topics andgcloud
    pubsub subscription
    toGA tosupport iAM policy configuration:

    • add-iam - policy-binding
    • get - iam - policy
    • remove-iam - policy-binding
    • set - iam - policy

Cloud Run

  • promote--platform = kubernete,--kubeconfig,and--context flags ofgcloud run tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute external - vpn - gateway toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute vpn-gateways toGA.
  • promoteHighly Available related command forgcloud compute vpn-tunnels toGA.
  • promote--logge-aggregation-interval,--logge-flow-sampling,and
    --logge-metadata flag of
    gcloud compute network subnet <create|update> toGA.
  • promote--reservation and--reservation - affinity flags forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--reservation and--reservation - affinity flags forgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

262.0.0 ( 2019 – 09 – 10 )

Cloud SDK

  • add’context_aware’ configuration,to specify the usage ofclient
    certificate.Please see gcloud config set --help formore details.
  • updatethe winkeygen.exe executable on Windows toinclude a fix that will
    re-encode .ppk key files created withan incorrect encoding.

Cloud Healthcare

  • promotegcloud healthcare command group tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • addlog warning that shows the list ofregions that did not respond
    togcloud run beta service list.
  • promote--labels andrelated flags forgcloud beta run update and
    gcloud beta run isdeploy deploy tobeta.

Cloud Speech API

  • promote--additional-language-codes,--include-word-confidence,
    --enable - speaker - diarization,--diarization - speaker - count flag of
    gcloud ml speech recognize tobeta.
  • promote--additional-language-codes,--include-word-confidence,
    --enable - speaker - diarization,--diarization - speaker - count flag of
    gcloud ml speech recognize-long-running tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute network peerings is update update toGA.
  • add--family flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import.
  • add--description flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import.
  • addMutual TLS support forcontext aware access users toaccess VMs(ssh/tcp) using IAP tunnel.
  • updateWindows PuTTY executables toversion 0.71.
  • promotegcloud beta compute router nat update tobeta.
  • promoteenable-display-device flagfor gcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promoteenable-display-device andno - enable - display - device flags forgcloud compute instance isupdate update toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Flag --allow-route-overlap now needs either --enable - ip - alias or
    --no-enable - ip - alias tobe set.
  • add--enable - intra - node - visibility togcloud container cluster iscreate create.
  • add--release - channel flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    for subscribing a cluster toa release channel.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

261.0.0 (2019-09-03)

break change

  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) deprecated--legacy flagfrom
    gcloud beta emulators datastore start.This isdue tothe legacy
    Datastore emulator no longer being supported.Theflagwill be removed
    in early October 2019.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) removedeprecated PGP-specific flag from
    gcloud beta container binauthz command group .

Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.1.
    • fixbug where committing a transaction withno writes would not release locks.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.2.
    • fixbug where transactions that timed out could still modify data.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute network peerings is update update toGA.
  • add--family flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import.
  • add--description flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import.

Kubernetes Engine

  • removethe following flags fromgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud beta container cluster update:

    • --database - encryption - key - location
    • --database - encryption - key - keyring
    • --database - encryption - key - project.
  • deprecated--enable-cloud-monitoring and--enable-cloud-logging flags
    andmoved default selection forStackdriver monitoring andlogging tothe
    GKE API.
  • promotegcloud container binauthz KMS andPKIX key type support tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

260.0.0 (2019-08-27)

break change

  • (Cloud Dataproc) modify--region flagtobe mandatory.
    • To use Cloud Dataproc commands,pass the --region flagon every invocation,or set the dataproc / region configuration variable via gcloud config set dataproc / region.
    • Forgcloud beta dataproc commands,this flag/config valueis require.
    • Forgcloud dataproc commands,the default will remain global until January 2020.
  • (Cloud Run) remove--[no-]allow-unauthenticated flagfromgcloud beta run service update.usegcloud beta run services add-iam - policy-binding andgcloud beta run services remove-iam - policy-binding command tomodify the policies ofan existing service.

Cloud SDK

  • deprecated--size alias ofgcloud container cluster resize --num - node.

AI Platform

  • add--tpu-tf-version togcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training.


  • addsupport fororg/folder level reservation grants.
  • addsupport forsetting andgetting IAM policies:bq get - iam - policy <resource> [<json_file_name>].

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.0
    • addsupport forqueries inside ofread-write transactions.
    • Fix bug causing the WebChannel adapter toreject queries withlimits.

Cloud Run

  • updatesuccess message forsynchronous gcloud run alpha/beta deploy
    toindicate if andhow much traffic the new revision isserving.

compute Engine

  • addwindows-2019,windows-2019-byol,andwindows-8-1-x64-byol options to--os flagofgcloud compute image isimport import.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - shield - node togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud beta container cluster update.These flags control the
    Shielded GKE Nodes feature,see
  • Made --max-cpu and--max - memory flags optional forgcloud container cluster isupdate update --enable-autoprovisioning.
  • enableauto repair by default on COS_CONTAINERD image.
  • Google Kubernetes Engine default kubectl isupdated to1.13.9.
  • additional kubectl version :
    • kubectl.1.11 (1.11.10)
    • kubectl.1.12 ( 1.12.10 )
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.9)
    • kubectl.1.14 ( 1.14.5 )
    • kubectl.1.15 ( 1.15.2 )
  • add--autoprovisioning - location flagfor gcloud container cluster iscreate create --enable-autoprovisioning andgcloud container cluster isupdate update --enable-autoprovisioning.

Policy Troubleshooter

  • addgcloud beta policy-troubleshoot iam which troubleshoots a member’s IAM permission on a resource.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

259.0.0 (2019-08-20)

Cloud SDK

  • updategsutil component be able touse Python v3.x.
  • add--impersonate - service - account flagtogcloud auth print - identity - token tobe usedin
    conjunction with--audience.
  • addsupport forcompute Engine service accounts togcloud auth print - identity - token.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addthe following optional flags togcloud pubsub topics iscreate create tosupport Cloud KMS integration:
    • --topic-encryption-key
    • --topic-encryption-key-keyring
    • --topic - encryption - key - location
    • --topic-encryption-key-project

compute Engine

  • add--storage - location flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import toallow specifying image location inVM image import.


  • promotegcloud container hub command tobeta.add--version flag
    toallow specifying a specific GKE Connect version touse.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

258.0.0 (2019-08-13)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )rename--custom-vm-gen flagto--custom-vm-type forthe following command :
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import
    • gcloud compute instance set - machine - type
    • gcloud compute instance - template is create create
    • gcloud compute instance - template is create create-with-container

Cloud Dataproc

  • addflags --max - age,--max - idle,--expiration-time to
    gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create command group .
  • addflags --max - age,’–max – idle’,--expiration-time,--no-max-age,
    --no-max-idle togcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update command group .

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.7.1
    • fixbug where auth context was always null whenusing WebChannel.
    • changename ofexperimental --webchannel-port flagto--webchannel_port.

Cloud Functions

  • changegcloud beta function isdeploy deploy todisallow unauthenticated callers of
    new functions by default.TheGA gcloud function isdeploy deploy command remains the

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.42.

Kubernetes Engine

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

257.0.0 (2019-08-06)

break change

  • (Cloud SDK) removesupport formultistore format credentials.To upgrade fromversions older than 155.0.0 without losing credentials,run the following command :
    • gcloud component isupdate update --version=255.0.0
    • gcloud auth list
    • gcloud component isupdate update

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.7.0
    • addexperimental support forthe WebChannel protocol,allowing communication withbrowser clients.

Kubernetes Engine

256.0.0 (2019-07-30)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Reverted cluster creation behavior such that new cluster now come up in
    Routes mode by default.Thechange tousing VPC-Native mode asthe default
    will be reintroduced at a later date.
    use--enable - ip - alias flagfor VPC-Native (IP Alias-enabled) mode.


  • fixbug inbq update --transfer_config --update_credentials.

Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport forspecifying complex policies using cbt setgcpolicy such asmaxage=30d || (maxage=3d && maxversions=100).

Cloud Dataflow

  • add--dataflow - kms - key flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run.

Cloud Identity – Aware proxy

  • promotegcloud iap command group tobeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addoptional flags --push-auth-service-account and
    --push-auth-token-audience fordefining an authenticated push subscription in
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create | update | modify-push-config.

manage Active Directory

  • addgcloud active-directory command group .This feature enables the
    provisioning andadministering ofa manage Microsoft Active Directory domain.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

255.0.0 (2019-07-23)

break change

  • (Cloud Run) change--platform flag andits respective run/platform property tobe
    require inall gcloud beta run command .If not specified,you will be
    prompted tochoose a platform.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addnew content type access - policy togcloud asset export andgcloud asset get-history.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.41.

compute Engine

  • removedeprecation notice for--zone ingcloud compute. --zone isno longer deprecated andwill continue tobe supported.
  • addgcloud compute diagnose command group .
  • addgcloud beta compute diagnose command group .
  • fixbug where gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update did not
    require either--add - endpoint or--remove-endpoint flagtobe specified.

Firebase Test Lab

  • fixa bug where the files specified using --other - file were not correctly
    pushed toan Android device before the test starts.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotegcloud beta container binauthz toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

254.0.0 (2019-07-16)

AI Platform

  • promotethe following flags forgcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training

    • --master - machine - type
    • --master - accelerator
    • --master - image - uri
    • --worker - count
    • --worker - machine - type
    • --worker - accelerator
    • --worker-image-uri
    • --parameter - server - count
    • --parameter-server-machine-type
    • --parameter-server-accelerator
    • --parameter-server-image-uri
      usethese flags toconfigure training VMs anddeploy custom containers.


  • removejson formatting requirement forbq ls --print_last_token.
  • addsupport fordataset default KMS key.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--output-path-prefix flagtogcloud asset export.
  • addnew content type org - policy togcloud asset export andgcloud asset get-history.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.6.1 .
    • fixbug where ClearData would fail fordatabases withmore than 500 documents.
  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.6.2.
    • fixbug where Firestore queries withcursors had incorrect boundary behavior.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--message - storage - policy - allow - region flag of
    gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create tobeta.This feature allows users tocontrol
    the Cloud regions where published messages are stored at rest.
  • promote--recompute - message - storage - policy and
    --message - storage - policy - allow - region flag of
    gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update tobeta.This feature allows users tocontrol
    the Cloud regions where published messages are stored at rest.

Cloud Run

  • fixbug causing unnecessary API enablement prompt whenworking withCloud SQL instances.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.40.

compute Engine

  • adddisk - resource - policy option to--create - disk flagin
    gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create.
  • fixbug where gcloud compute image export would create temporary Cloud Storage bucket inUS
    multi-region whendestination file is ina different region.
  • promotegcloud compute resource-policies toGA.
  • promoteresource policies ingcloud compute disk toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • fixa possible crash wheninvalid iOS device dimensions are specified fora test run.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

253.0.0 (2019-07-02)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )deprecatedgcloud beta compute resource-policies create-snapshot-schedule.
    usegcloud beta compute resource-policies create snapshot-schedule instead .

Cloud SDK

  • promote--audience flagofgcloud auth print - identity - token toGA.

App Engine


  • addsupport forpersistent user-defined functions andstored procedures in
    bq show --routine,bq ls --routines,andbq rm --routine.
  • addsupport forcreating scheduled queries; use bq query with--schedule
    as well as--destination_table and--target_dataset flag.
  • Increased number ofprojects listed fromthe ‘bq show’ command .
  • add’clustered fields’ information forlist dataset andshow table
    command .
  • modifybq show --connection touse the default location if the connection
    name isgiven in’short’ form.
  • fixPython 3 compatibility issues.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.6.0.
    • Calling SetSecurityRules withinvalid rules isallowed.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promotegcloud kms import-jobs andother import-related command tobeta.

Cloud Run

  • remove--kubeconfig and--context flags and--platform = kubernete
    option fromgcloud beta run.

Cloud SQL

  • updategcloud sql instance describe toshow the ‘STOPPED’ instance state,
    tobe consistent withthe ‘gcloud sql instance islist list` command .

compute Engine

  • fixbug where gcloud compute image isimport import would create temporary Cloud Storage bucket inUS multi-region whensource image file is ina different region.
  • promotegcloud compute instance get-guest-attributes toGA.
  • promote--storage - location flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create tobeta.
  • modifygcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update torelax validation forspecifying --enable - log,and--logge-sample-rate.
  • promotehttp2 value tov1 for--protocol flagofgcloud compute
    backend-services create
    andgcloud compute backend - service update.
  • promotegcloud compute start - iap - tunnel toGA.
  • promote--tunnel - through - iap flagofgcloud compute ssh andgcloud compute is scp scp toGA.
  • promote--internal - ip flagofgcloud compute is scp scp toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute health - check create http2 andgcloud compute health - check update http2 command toGA .
  • promotegcloud compute instance isimport import tobeta.
  • add--ssh_key_expiration and--ssh_key_expire_after flags to
    gcloud compute is scp scp,andgcloud compute ssh,and
    gcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port command toset expirations for
    ssh keys.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteGoogle Kubernetes Engine kubectl to1.12.9 from1.12.8,to address
  • promotethe following flags ofgcloud container cluster isupdate update tobeta:

    • --database - encryption - key
    • --database - encryption - key - keyring
    • --database - encryption - key - location
    • --database - encryption - key - project

    These flags control Database Encryption which encrypt Kubernetes Secrets at
    the application layer.Formore information,see

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

252.0.0 ( 2019 – 06 – 25 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )remove--network - interface fromgcloud beta compute start - iap - tunnel.

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue where the Cloud SDK failed toinstall on Windows if the install
    path contained exclamation point characters.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addgcloud beta data-catalog tags andgcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates tomanage tags
    andtag templates inCloud Data Catalog.
  • addgcloud beta data-catalog search tosearch Cloud Data Catalog

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Functions

  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud function isget get - iam - policy
    • gcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud function set - iam - policy
  • promote--max - instance and--clear-max - instance flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promotegcloud labels functionality toGA fortopics andsubscriptions.These features allow users tocreate resource labels,or update existing resource labels.Thelabel features now live on the following command :
    • gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
    • gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
    • gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
    • gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.39.

compute Engine

  • promote--allow-global-access flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create andgcloud compute forwarding - rule update tobeta.
  • promote--source - snapshot flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promotesource - snapshot option of--create - disk flag of
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • update - instance command (gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update - instance) isnow available inbeta.
  • addthe following command :
    • gcloud beta compute reservations get - iam - policy
    • gcloud beta compute reservations set - iam - policy
    • gcloud beta compute reservations add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud beta compute reservations remove-iam - policy-binding

Kubernetes Engine

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

251.0.0 ( 2019 – 06 – 18 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )Commands under the following command groups now require either a --global or--region flag:
    • gcloud beta compute target - http - proxy
    • gcloud beta compute target - https - proxy
    • gcloud beta compute url - map
    • gcloud beta compute health - check
  • (Kubernetes Engine) modifyKubernetes Engine cluster creation such that new cluster now
    come up inVPC-native (IP Alias enabled) mode by default.
    use--[no-]enable-ip-alias flagfor the old,non-default behavior (Routes
    mode) .

Cloud Bigtable

  • fixLatin-1 regex filters,allowing \C.
  • exposePassAllFilter.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--kerberos - root - principal - password - uri,--kerberos-kms-key,and
    --kerberos - config - file flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.5.0.
    • fixbug where property paths withspecial characters would cause errors due toClassNotFound exceptions.
    • fixbug where auto-id allocation only worked once per collection.
    • addREST API toset security rules.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • fixissue where gcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt would crash whendecrypting an empty encrypted file .

Cloud Run

  • add--platform flag andits respective run/platform property toall
    commands ingcloud beta run.This argument isoptional but will be require
    in a future release ofthe gcloud command-line tool.
  • addsupport forconnecting tocluster defined ina kubeconfig file .Specify
    --platform kubernete orrun / platform kubernete touse.Optionally,use
    --kubeconfig tospecify a kubeconfig file and--context tospecify a
    connection context.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forregional variants ofthe following resources inbeta:
    • gcloud beta compute health - check
    • gcloud beta compute url - map
    • gcloud beta compute target - http - proxy
    • gcloud beta compute target - https - proxy
  • addinternal_MANAGED asan option for--load - balance - scheme tothe
    following command :

    • gcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create.
    • gcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteresource usage export toGA.use
    --resource-usage-bigquery-dataset withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
    orgcloud container cluster isupdate update toenable this feature.
  • migratethe Occurrence type created by gcloud beta container binauthz
    attestations create
    fromPgpSignedAttestation to

    • If you were signing JSON not generate bybinauthz
      ,you must now provide this JSON as
      --payload-file whencreating the Attestation.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

250.0.0 ( 2019 – 06 – 11 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifygcloud compute networks update --switch - to- custom - subnet - mode topoll andwait foroperation tofinish instead ofreturning immediately.Please use--async flagtoreproduce the previous behavior ofreturning immediately.

Cloud SDK

  • addcore / disable_file_logging property toprevent the gcloud command-line
    tool fromstoring logs toa file .This may be useful if disk space islimited.
    To set this property,run gcloud config set core / disable_file_logging

App Engine

Cloud Functions

  • add--clear-vpc-connector flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • promotethe following command toGA .
    • gcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt.
    • gcloud kms asymmetric - sign.
    • gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key.
  • promotethe following flags ingcloud kms keys command group toGA.
    • --attestation - file.
    • --default - algorithm.
    • --purpose.
    • --protection-level.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addgcloud beta redis instance import andgcloud beta redis instance export toimport data toor
    export data froma Memorystore Redis instance fromor toGoogle Cloud Storage.
  • addgcloud beta redis operations is cancel cancel tocancel a Memorystore Redis
    import orexport operation.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addthe following optional flags togcloud beta pubsub topics create tosupport Cloud KMS integration:
    • --topic-encryption-key
    • --topic-encryption-key-keyring
    • --topic - encryption - key - location
    • --topic-encryption-key-project

Cloud Run

  • promote--service - account flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy andgcloud run service update tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute instance iscreate create --source - snapshot flagtobeta.
  • promoteinternal_SELF_MANAGED value of--load - balance - scheme in
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create and
    gcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.
  • modifygcloud compute backend - services iscreate create and
    gcloud compute backend - service update toallow toggling logging forbackend
    services withHTTP2 protocol.
  • promote--server - bind flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy
    node - templates is create create
  • promote--enable - log and--log - filter flag of
    gcloud compute router nat toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteStackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring toGA.use
    --enable - stackdriver - kubernete withgcloud container cluster iscreate create or
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update toenable this feature.
  • updateseveral flagname ingcloud beta container binauthz that assumed
    PGP asthe only supported key type.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

249.0.0 (2019-06-04)

Cloud SDK

  • addgcloud auth print - identity - token command .
  • addproperty survey/disable_prompts toopt out ofbeing prompted totake a survey periodically.

compute Engine

  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud compute backend - service import
    • gcloud compute backend - service export
    • gcloud compute url - map import
    • gcloud compute url - map export
    • gcloud compute forwarding - rule import
    • gcloud compute forwarding - rule export

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

248.0.0 (2019-05-28)

break change

  • (Cloud Composer) removesupport forthe deprecated initdb,resetdb,andupgradedb
    subcommands withingcloud composer environments isrun run.Execution ofthese
    subcommands could be detrimental tothe Airflow metadata ofexisting
    Composer environments.

Cloud Build

  • add--ignore - file flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.6.
    • fixbug where some FieldTransforms were not sending the correct responses.
    • addsupport forread-only transactions.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • addgcloud projects get-ancestors command todisplay project ancestors.

Cloud Run

  • add--connectivity and--allow-unauthenticated flags togcloud beta run service update.

Cloud Scheduler

  • promotegcloud scheduler command group toGA.

compute Engine

  • add--custom-vm-gen flagtothe following command toallow specifying the VM generation (either n1 orn2) ofcustom machine types:
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance isimport import
    • gcloud compute instance set - machine - type
    • gcloud compute instance - template is create create
    • gcloud compute instance - template is create create-with-container
  • promotegcloud compute is instances instance os - inventory tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--client-details flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run and
    gcloud beta firebase test ios run.This flagallows you toadd additional
    contextual details tothe test run.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - stackdriver - kubernete flagtogcloud beta container cluster update.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

247.0.0 ( 2019 – 05 – 21 )

App Engine

  • add--ignore - file togcloud app isdeploy deploy foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotegcloud bigtable instances tables list tobeta.

Cloud Build

  • add--ignore - file flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .

Cloud Dataproc

  • removethe --max - age,--max - idle,--expiration-time flags fromthe
    gcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster command group .
    Theworkflow template feature does not support cluster scheduled deletion.

Cloud Functions

  • add--ignore - file flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • fixincorrect URL forviewing an AI Platform job inthe Cloud Console.

Cloud Scheduler

  • addthe following command :
    • gcloud beta scheduler jobs update app-engine
    • gcloud beta scheduler jobs update http
    • gcloud beta scheduler jobs is update update pubsub

Cloud Tasks

  • addgcloud beta task create-http-task command .
  • add--log - sample - ratio and--clear-log-sampling-ratio to
    gcloud beta task queues create andgcloud beta task queues update
    command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • updateGoogle Kubernetes Engine kubectl to1.12.8 (from 1.11.9) .
  • updateextra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.11 (patch 1.11.10)
    • kubectl.1.12 (patch 1.12.8)
    • kubectl.1.13 (patch 1.13.6)
    • kubectl.1.14 (patch 1.14.1)

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

246.0.0 (2019-05-14)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )removeredundant --bandwidth flagvalues withbps- prefix fromgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create,gcloud compute interconnects is attachments attachment dedicate update,gcloud compute interconnects attachments provider create,andgcloud compute interconnects attachments provider update command .usematching values without this prefix instead .

Cloud SDK

  • addthe --billing - project flagtoall gcloud commands,for explicitly
    specifying a project tobill.

Cloud Functions

  • add--allow-unauthenticated flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promote--expiration-period ingcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
    andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update toGA.

Cloud Scheduler

  • addattempt-deadline flagtogcloud beta scheduler jobs create.

Cloud Tasks

  • promotegcloud task command group toGA.

compute Engine

  • add--accelerator flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container.
  • add’–resource-policy’ flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-disk

Vision API

  • addgcloud beta ml vision product - search command group .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

245.0.0 ( 2019 – 05 – 07 )

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) removedeprecated --enable-cloud-endpoints flag.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) removecontainer/new_scopes_behavior property (new_scopes_behavior isnow default behavior) .

Cloud SDK

  • rungcloud alpha survey tohelp improve the gcloud command-line tool experience by answering a customer satisfaction survey.
  • Reminders forthe survey will be made periodically.

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.74.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--output-path-prefix flagtogcloud beta asset export.

Cloud Run

  • fix--uri flagsupport forlist command ingcloud beta run.
  • Cloud SQL flags are now available inbeta.

Cloud Scheduler

  • addgcloud beta scheduler jobs pause andgcloud beta scheduler job
    command .

compute Engine

  • promote--instance - redistribution - type flag of
    gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • modifygcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools is create
    toallow simultaneously specifying both --scope and
    --service - account flag.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

244.0.0 ( 2019 – 04 – 30 )

Cloud Scheduler

  • addauth flags togcloud beta scheduler jobs is create create http.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotegcloud container subnets list-usable toGA.
  • addthe --workload - metadata - from- node flagtogcloud beta container
    node-pools update
    forchanging the type ofmetadata server visible topods
    running inthe nodepool.

Vision API

  • add--detect_object,--detect_text_pdf,--detect_text_tiff command togcloud ml vision.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

243.0.0 (2019-04-23)

break change

  • (AI Platform) rename--worker-server-count flag of
    gcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training to--worker - count.
  • (App Engine) updategcloud app repair tono longer recreate
    a deleted service account.
  • (Cloud Machine Learning Engine) deprecatedthe
    gcloud ml - engine command group .usegcloud isai ai-platform instead .

AI Platform

  • addthe gcloud isai ai-platform command group toreplace gcloud ml - engine.
  • promotegcloud isai ai-platform versions create andgcloud isai ai-platform versions update tobeta.
  • addthe --enable - console - log flagtogcloud beta ai-platform models
    toenable logging ofstderr andstdout streams foronline prediction
    in Stackdriver Logging.

Cloud Composer

  • addfive new flags togcloud beta composer environment create tosupport
    IP alias (a.k.a.VPC-native) forComposer environments:

    • --enable - ip - alias
    • --cluster - ipv4 - cidr
    • --cluster - secondary - range - name
    • --service - ipv4 - cidr
    • --services-secondary-range-name

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.5
    • fixbug forFirestore REST API
    • addsupport toallow secure JWTs withwarnings

Cloud SQL

  • addthe --root - password flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create.

Cloud Tasks

  • Replaced gcloud task queues create-app-engine-queue andgcloud task queues update-app-engine-queue with
    gcloud task queues create andgcloud task queues update inbeta andGA.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute network - endpoint - group command group toGA.
  • promotethe --storage - location and--labels flag of
    gcloud compute disk snapshot toGA.
  • promote--network - endpoint - group and--network - endpoint - group - zone
    flags ofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend,
    gcloud compute backend - service remove-backend,
    andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend toGA.
  • promote--max - connection - per - endpoint and--max - rate - per - endpoint
    flags ofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend
    andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend toGA.
  • promote--use - serve - port flagtoGA forthe following command :
    • gcloud compute health - check http create
    • gcloud compute health - check https create
    • gcloud compute health - check http2 create
    • gcloud compute health - check ssl create
  • promote--custom - request - header and--no-custom-request-headers flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create and
    gcloud compute backend - service update toGA.
  • promote--no - guest - environment,--network,and--subnet flags ofgcloud
    compute images is import import
  • change--no - guest - environment to--guest - environment flagingcloud
    compute images is import import
  • promote--subnet flagofgcloud compute image export toGA.
  • promotefeature allowing gcloud beta compute images isimport import
    andgcloud beta compute images export touse
    temporary buckets inthe same region assource/destination buckets.This avoids
    cross-region copying andits associated cost andperformance penalty.
  • promote--container - mount - disk- * flag of
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container and
    gcloud compute instance isupdate update-container toGA.
  • promote--container - mount - disk- * flag of
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--update-addons=CloudRun=ENABLED|DISABLED toallow enabling
    anddisabling the Cloud runon Google Kubernetes Engine add-on forexisting
    GKE cluster.
  • promotethe --sandbox flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create tobeta.
    This flagenables the requested sandbox on all nodes inthe node-pool.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

242.0.0 ( 2019 – 04 – 16 )

break change

  • (Cloud Composer) deprecatedsupport forthe initdb,resetdb,andupgradedb subcommands
    withingcloud composer environments isrun run.Execution ofthese subcommands
    can be detrimental tothe Airflow metadata ofexisting Composer

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addthe --lookup - entry flagtogcloud beta data - catalog entry update
    toupdate the entry corresponding tothe lookup ofthe given resource.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.4
    • Reduced lock contention formultiple writes on a single document
    • fixbug where no-op writes were incorrectly updating the updatedAt timestamp
  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.3
    • fixbug that caused parsing security rules withstring literals tofail

compute Engine

  • updategcloud beta compute ssh andgcloud beta compute scp touse IAP Tunneling by default
    if an external interface/IP address isnot available and--internal - ip has
    not been specified.
  • addwarning message about the maximum number ofnodes that a cluster can have whenbeing created.
  • addthe --deprecate-in and--deprecate - on flags togcloud compute
    images deprecate
    toset informational deprecate times toimages.

Identity andAccess Management

  • addthe --description flagtogcloud beta iam service - account create
    andgcloud beta iam service - account update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • rename--size flagofgcloud container cluster resize to--num - node.--size retained asan alias.
  • Disabled node auto-repair andnode auto-upgrade by default when
    --enable - kubernete - alpha flagis used tocreate cluster withKubernetes
    alpha features enabled.Users may now create alpha cluster without specifying
    --no - enable - autorepair or--no - enable - autoupgrade flag.However,for
    creating new node pools inan existing alpha cluster,these two flags may still
    be require.


  • fixa bug ingcloud config config - helper which could result inold
    identity tokens when--force - auth - refresh was not present.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

241.0.0 (2019-04-03)

break change

  • (Cloud Functions) modifygcloud function isdeploy deploy such that the --runtime flagneeds tobe set whendeploying a new function.

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.73.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.85.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:


  • addDML/DDL query results that display the number ofaffected rows (for DML) andperformed operation andtarget name (for DDL) .

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • promotegcloud asset command group toGA

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotethe following toGA:
    • gcloud bigtable app-profiles command group
    • gcloud bigtable cluster create
    • gcloud bigtable cluster update
    • gcloud bigtable cluster delete

Cloud Build

  • add--network = cloudbuild togcloud isbuilds build submit --tag invocations of
    docker is build build.This enables access tometadata during dockerfile run
    operation at build time .

Cloud Composer

  • addthree new flags togcloud beta composer environment create tosupport
    Private IP Composer environments:

    • --enable - private - environment
    • --enable-private-endpoint
    • --master-ipv4-cidr
  • addgcloud beta composer environment list - upgrade tolist all image
    version upgrades that are supported fora specified environment.
  • addtwo mutually exclusive flags togcloud beta composer environment
    toallow forin-place environment upgrades:

    • --airflow - version
    • --image - version

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport forDNS peering ingcloud beta dns manage - zone.
  • add--enable - log flagtogcloud beta dns policy toenable query logging.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • addthe gcloud beta data - catalog entry command group,which provides
    lookup,describe,andschema update functionality forCloud Data Catalog

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.2
    • addimplementations forBeginTransaction andRollback

Cloud Functions

  • add--service - account flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy.
  • add--vpc - connector flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Memorystore

  • addgcloud redis instance failover which provides the ability to
    failover a standard tier Cloud Memorystore forRedis instance fromthe
    master node toits replica.
  • add--redis-version flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create to
    enable the specification ofa preferred Redis version compatibility; this
    can be either redis_3_2 orredis_4_0.
  • modifythe --update-redis-config flagofgcloud redis instance isupdate update
    toaccept three additional parameters forRedis 4.0 compatible instances:
    activedefrag,lfu - decay - time,lfu-log-factor.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addoptional flags --push-auth-service-account and
    --push-auth-token-audience fordefining an authenticated push subscription
    tothe following command :

    • gcloud beta pubsub subscription create
    • gcloud beta pubsub subscription update
    • gcloud beta pubsub subscription is modify modify - push - config

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.38.

Cloud Video Intelligence API

  • addgcloud beta ml video transcribe-speech|detect-text|detect-object
    command .

compute Engine

  • promote--logge-aggregation-interval,--logge-flow-sampling,and
    --logge-metadata flag of
    gcloud compute network subnets iscreate create andgcloud compute network subnet update tobeta.
  • modifygcloud compute network subnet update tosupport specifying
    --logge-metadata flags ina single call.
  • promotegcloud compute reservation command group tobeta.
  • promote--reservation and--reservation - affinity ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--reservation and--reservation - from- file ofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute commitment update - reservation tobeta.
  • promote100G interconnect link type support forgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create tobeta.
  • deprecatedthe creation ofnew legacy network.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--num-flaky-test-attempts flag of
    gcloud firebase test android run andgcloud firebase test ios run toGA.
    This flagspecifies how many times torerun any failed executions.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe --security - group flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
    tobeta.Theflagenables support forGoogle Groups inKubernetes RBAC
  • addthe --enable - intra - node - visibility flagtogcloud beta container
    cluster create
  • promotethe --enable-tpu flag andthe --tpu - ipv4 - cidr flagofgcloud
    container cluster iscreate create
    toGA.Theflags enables support forusing Cloud
    TPU inGoogle Kubernetes Engine cluster.
  • changethe default output formatting forthe gcloud beta container
    binauthz attestations list
    command .
  • Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl isupdated to1.11.9.Addresses security
  • updateextra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.11 ( patch 1.11.9 )
    • kubectl.1.12 (patch 1.12.7)
    • kubectl.1.13 ( patch 1.13.5 )
    • kubectl.1.14 (patch 1.14.0)
  • removeextra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions,since these
    versions are vulnerable.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

240.0.0 (2019-03-26)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) enablenode auto-upgrade by default forcluster
    andnode-pools created withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create.To disable manually,use the
    --no - enable - autoupgrade flag.

Cloud SDK

  • addthe --impersonate - service - account flagtogcloud.

App Engine

  • fixa bug which could cause gcloud toincorrectly print http URLs for
    services,when https URLs would be more appropriate.
  • remove32MB file size limit forsecond generation runtimes.

Cloud DNS

  • promoteprivate zones ofthe gcloud dns manage - zone command group toGA.
    usethe --visibility and--networks flags toconfigure zone visibility.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc jobs is submit submit presto and
    gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates add-job presto
    toenable submitting Presto jobs toa Dataproc cluster andadding Presto jobs
    toworkflow templates,respectively.
  • add--enable - component - gateway flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster
    andgcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster.

compute Engine

  • promote--failover - ratio,--drop - traffic is--drop - if - unhealthy,and
    --connection - drain - on - failover flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create and
    gcloud compute backend - service update tobeta.
  • promote--failover flag of
    gcloud compute backend - service add_backend and
    gcloud compute backend - service update_backend tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until command tobeta.
  • promote--region flagofgcloud compute disk andrelated command toGA .
  • addgcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateway command group toenable reading andmanipulating ofcompute Engine external VPN gateways.
  • addgcloud beta compute vpn-gateway command group toenable reading andmanipulating ofcompute Engine VPN gateways.
  • updategcloud beta compute vpn - tunnel command toenable the creation ofHA VPN tunnels.

Identity andAccess Management

  • adda new column,DISABLED,to the return table of
    gcloud iam service-account list,which displays the state ofthe service
    account listed.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addthe --release - channel flagtogcloud alpha container cluster create
    for subscribing a cluster toa release channel.
  • promote--default - max - pod - per - node flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create fromBeta toGA.
  • promote--max - pod - per - node flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create fromBeta toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

239.0.0 ( 2019 – 03 – 19 )

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc autoscaling-policies command group formanaging
    Cloud Dataproc autoscaling policies.Formore information,see:
  • add--autoscaling-policy flag to
    gcloud beta dataproc cluster create,gcloud beta dataproc cluster update,and
    gcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster tosupport
    enabling anddisabling autoscaling on Cloud Dataproc cluster withautoscaling

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.1
    • fix bug where an empty CommitRequest was trigger exception

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promoteresource - manager folder command group toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--bandwidth flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create andgcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update toGA.
  • promoteload_balancing_scheme enum valueinternal_SELF_MANAGED tobeta in’gcloud compute forwarding – rules iscreate create’ and’gcloud compute backend- services create’.
  • promotegcloud compute instance is get get - shield - identity toGA.
  • promotethe --shielde - vtpm,--shielde - secure - boot,and
    --shielde - integrity - monitoring flags ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
  • promotethe --shielde - vtpm,--shielde - secure - boot,and
    --shielde - integrity - monitoring flags ofgcloud compute is create instance - templates is create
  • promotethe --shielde - vtpm,--shielde - secure - boot,
    --shielde - integrity - monitoring,and--shielde - learn - integrity - policy
    flags ofgcloud compute instance isupdate update toGA.
  • removethe deprecated --shielde - vm - vtpm,--shielde - vm - secure - boot,and
    --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring flags ofgcloud compute instance
    fromalpha andbeta.
  • removethe deprecated --shielde - vm - vtpm,--shielde - vm - secure - boot,and
    --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring flags ofgcloud compute
    instance - templates iscreate create
    fromalpha andbeta.
  • removethe deprecated --shielde - vm - vtpm,--shielde - vm - secure - boot,
    --shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy flags ofgcloud compute instance is update
    fromalpha andbeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl so that it now first attempts
    tomatch the API server version.If successful,the kubectl will
    delegate tothe matching version ofkubectl.Otherwise,it defaults
    toexecute the current 1.11.7 version ofkubectl.
  • updateextra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:

    • kubectl.1.9 (patch 1.9.11)
    • kubectl.1.10 (patch 1.10.13)
    • kubectl.1.11 (patch 1.11.8)
    • kubectl.1.12 (patch 1.12.6)
    • kubectl.1.13 ( patch 1.13.4 )
  • InJune 2019,node auto-upgrade will be enabled by default fornewly created
    cluster andnode pools.To disable it,use the --no - enable - autoupgrade flag.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

238.0.0 (2019-03-12)

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.84.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

  • adda new field,’main’,to app.yaml.This allows users ofthe Go
    second-generation runtimes tospecify which package tobuild.See formore

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • promotenetwork.session_affinity flaginyaml file toGA.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promotethe gcloud access-context-manager command group toGA
  • removethe unrestricted-services field fromalpha andbeta,always set todefault ‘*’.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promote--optional - component ofgcloud dataproc cluster toGA.

Cloud Functions

  • promotemax - instance andclear-max - instance flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy tobeta.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • promote--machine - type flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create command toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addthe --enable - shield - container flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

237.0.0 ( 2019 – 03 – 05 )

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue affecting users overwriting an existing Cloud SDK install via the
    Windows installer,inwhich certain gcloud commandcrashed witha “gcloud
    crashed (LayoutException):Multiple definitions forrelease track” error.This
    issue can be tracked at


  • Fixes bug informatting pre-1900 timestamps.

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixa bug where several fields were hidden from
    gcloud dataproc cluster import andgcloud dataproc cluster export
    in all release tracks.note thatthese fields were always
    available ingcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create-from-file and
    gcloud dataproc cluster describe.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.37.

compute Engine

  • promotethe --server - bind flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy
    node - templates is create create
  • Reduced lower bound fordata disk sizes from10GB to1GB for
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create.
  • addresources-accelerator togcloud beta compute commitments iscreate create.
  • promoteall option of--ports flagfor gcloud compute forwarding - rule
  • addINSTANCE_TEMPLATE andVERSION_NAME columns tooutput ofgcloud compute
    instance-groups manage list-instances

Kubernetes Engine

  • updateGoogle Kubernetes Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.10.7 to1.11.7.
  • addextra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.9
    • kubectl.1.10
    • kubectl.1.11
    • kubectl.1.12
    • kubectl.1.13

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

236.0.0 ( 2019 – 02 – 26 )

Cloud SDK

  • modifyerror handling forgcloud auth revoke whenrevoking a service
    account token toprint a friendly error message withmore detailed
    instructions on how torevoke the token.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • add--folder flagtogcloud beta asset export command .

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--kerberos - root - principal - password - uri,--kerberos-kms-key,and
    --kerberos - config - file flags togcloud beta dataproc cluster create
    andgcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.0:
    • addsupport forthe debug(...) function insecurity rules.
    • Simplified security rule evaluation andrule coverage reports.

Cloud Services

  • promoteservice vpc - peering command group toGA.

compute Engine

  • removeauto-create-routes column fromdefault output ofgcloud beta compute
    network peerings is list list
  • promote--enable - log and--log - filter flag of
    gcloud compute router nat tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

235.0.0 ( 2019 – 02 – 19 )

App Engine

  • fixbug where deleting a service at the same time asdeleting an app
    version inan unrelated service caused deletion ofthe version tofail.
  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.83.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.72.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Composer

  • promote--airflow - version and--image - version flag of
    gcloud composer environments iscreate create toGA.These mutually exclusive flags
    can be used tospecify the airflow version orimage version used withina
    created environment.

Cloud IoT

  • promotegcloud iot devices gateways command group toGA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • exposea new format ofCavium’s attestation introduced inCavium’s new 3.2-08 version.

compute Engine

  • updatethe gcloud beta compute start - iap - tunnel command forCloud IAP TCP
    Forwarding tolisten on both IPv4 andIPv6 forlocalhost.
  • updateWindows PuTTY executables to0.70.
  • promotegcloud compute networks peerings list-routes command tobeta.
  • modifythe output ofgcloud beta compute networks peerings list toinclude
  • promote--resource - policy ofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--enable - log and--logge-sample-rate flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update tobeta.
  • promote--bandwidth flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
    andgcloud compute interconnects is attachments attachment dedicate update tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • addan ignore: option tothe --robo-directives flagofgcloud beta firebase test android run command .This option directs Robo toavoid interactions witha user-defined UI element.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

234.0.0 (2019-02-12)

Cloud SDK

  • addthe accessibility / screen_reader property .This property changes
    some gcloud UX tomake output more screen reader friendly.See gcloud topic
    formore information`.

    • Accessibility support isstill inthe early stages,so please report any
      issues that you would like fixed using gcloud feedback.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • addgcloud beta asset command group tomanage the Cloud Asset Inventory.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • promoteresource - manager folder command group tobeta

Cloud Services

  • addgcloud beta service vpc - peering tosupport updating a connection.

Cloud Source Repositories

  • promotegcloud source project-configs command group toGA.
  • promotegcloud source repos update toGA.

compute Engine

  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud beta compute network subnet get - iam - policy
    • gcloud beta compute network subnet set - iam - policy
    • add-iam - policy-bindings
    • remove-iam - policy-bindings
  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud compute disk add
    • gcloud compute disk remove-resource-policies
    • gcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create-snapshot-schedule
    • gcloud compute resource-policies delete
    • gcloud compute resource - policies is describe describe
    • gcloud compute resource - policy list
  • promote--service-label flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

233.0.0 (2019-02-05)

Cloud Dataflow

  • addnumWorkers,network,subnetwork andworkerMachineType flags to
    ‘gcloud beta dataflow job run’ command

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Filestore

  • promotegcloud filestore command group toGA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.3.0
    • adda clearDatabase RPC todelete all data ina database
    • addlogging toassist withFIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable
    • ThegetDocument RPC now supporta read_time consistency selector
    • fixbug related torule evaluation callbacks

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • addsupport forcustom server configuration to
    ml-engine jobs submit training inbeta.addthe following flags:

    • --master - machine - type
    • --master - accelerator
    • --master - image - uri
    • --worker - machine - type
    • --worker - count
    • --worker - accelerator
    • --worker-image-uri
    • --parameter-server-machine-type
    • --parameter - server - count
    • --parameter-server-accelerator
    • --parameter-server-image-uri

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promoteSnapshot & Seek features toGA.These features allow users to
    create snapshots ofsubscription backlog state,andlater restore that

Cloud SQL

  • fixgcloud sql is connect connect whitelisting issues that resulted frominvalid
    datetime formatting.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.36.

compute Engine

  • promotethe --force-attach flagofcompute instances attach-disk toGA
  • addget - iam - policy,set - iam - policy,add-iam - policy-bindings,
    andremove-iam - policy-bindings togcloud beta compute network subnet
  • promotegcloud compute instance is get get - shield - identity tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update toGA together with
    --health - check,--initial - delay and--clear-autohealing flag.
  • promote--initial - delay and--health - check flags ofgcloud compute
    instance-groups manage create
  • enablethe use ofmultiple --network - interface flags withgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container tosupport using
    multiple network interfaces.
  • promotegcloud compute instance-groups manage rolling-action command group

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

232.0.0 ( 2019 – 01 – 29 )

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) adda warning on cluster andnode-pool creation tonotify users that
    modifications on the boot disks ofnode VMs do not persist across node
    recreations andmust be done using a DaemonSet.

Cloud SQL

  • Rolled back fix togcloud sql is connect connect that seems tobe causing additional
    issues connecting.

compute Engine

  • promoteget - iam - policy,set - iam - policy,add-iam - policy-bindings,
    andremove-iam - policy-bindings toGA inthe following command groups:

    • gcloud compute disk
    • gcloud compute image
    • gcloud compute instance - template
    • gcloud compute snapshots
  • add’–enable-display-device’ togcloud beta compute instances iscreate create andgcloud beta compute instances isupdate update
  • deprecatedgcloud compute instance-groups manage set-autohealing command .
    usegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update instead .

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe --database - encryption - key flagofgcloud container cluster
    tobeta.Theflagenables support forencryption ofKubernetes Secrets.
  • modifythe --enable - stackdriver - kubernete flagtobe a hard requirement
    for --addon=CloudRun.TheCloudRun-on-GKE add-on depends on Stackdriver
    Kubernetes Monitoring toenrich Kubernetes metadata forlogs andmetrics.
  • add--max - pod - per - node forgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

231.0.0 (2019-01-23)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) updatethe error messaging associated withfailed long-running operations.

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.82.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:


  • add--ignore_unknown_values flagtobq mkdef command .
  • addsupport forBigQuery BI Engine reservations inbq cli.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.1.0

Cloud SQL

  • fixthe display oferror codes ingcloud sql operation islist list.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update tobeta together with
    --health - check,--initial - delay and--clear-autohealing flag.
  • promote--hostname flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • add--physical - block - size flagtogcloud beta compute disk create.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--num-flaky-test-attempts flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run andgcloud beta firebase test ios run torerun failed executions multiple times.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe --security - group flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create to
    beta .Theflagenables support forGoogle Groups inKubernetes RBAC rules.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

230.0.0 ( 2019 – 01 – 15 )

break change

  • (App Engine) fixa bug where symlinked directories were skipped on source upload.
    Second Generation runtimes andsource directories using .gcloudignore now
    upload the contents ofsymlinked directories,matching the behavior ofFirst
    Generation runtimes.To explicitly skip a symlinked directory,add it to
  • (Cloud Functions) fixa bug where symlinked directories were skipped on source upload.
    To explicitly skip a symlinked directory,add it to.gcloudignore.
  • (Cloud SQL) Made the flags --region,--gce-zone,and--zone mutually exclusive
    for the command gcloud sql instance iscreate create.
  • (Cloud SQL) deprecatedthe creation ofFirst Generation Cloud SQL instances,adding a
    warning andconfirmation prompt togcloud sql instance iscreate create.

Cloud Build

Cloud SQL

  • addthe flag--zone togcloud sql instance iscreate create asan alternative to
    --gce-zone,which isnow deprecated.
  • deprecatedFirst Generation Cloud SQL instances,adding warnings to
    gcloud sql instance describe andgcloud sql instance patch.

Cloud Scheduler

  • addsupport forall ofApp Engine’s regions toCloud Scheduler.

compute Engine

  • promoteget - iam - policy,set - iam - policy,add-iam - policy-bindings,and
    remove-iam - policy-bindings toGA inthe following command groups:

    • gcloud compute instance
    • gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates
    • gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group
  • promote--boot flagofgcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk toGA.
  • deprecated--auto - create - route flagofgcloud alpha compute network
    peerings is create create
  • promotegcloud compute network peerings is update update command toBeta.
  • promoteimport-custom-routes andexport-custom-routes flags toBeta
    in gcloud compute networks peerings create command .
  • deprecated andrenamed the following --shielded-vm-* flags:
    • --shielde - vm - secure - boot as--shielde - secure - boot
    • --shielde - vm - vtpm as--shielde - vtpm
    • --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring as--shielde - integrity - monitoring
    • --shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy as--shielde - learn - integrity - policy

Firebase Test Lab

  • deprecatedthe --app-package and--t - package flags ingcloud firebase test android run commands; the application andtest package name will be parsed fromthe APK manifest by default.
  • removethree robo test args that were deprecated 6+ months ago:--max - step,--max-depth,and--app - initial - activity.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

229.0.0 (2019-01-08)

App Engine


  • addgcloud bq command group toalpha.
    • addinitial support forcreating andmanaging datasets,tables andjobs.

Cloud Build

  • updatecloud - build - local to0.4.3.Fordetails,see – build – local/releases.

  • addproperties builds/use_kaniko andbuilds/kaniko_cache_ttlto control
    use ofKaniko (<>) whenusing

  • add--no-cache flagtodisable layer caching whenusing Kaniko with
    --tag.This isonly valid if the builds/use_kaniko flagis true.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.3
    • Fixes bug where read contention errors were being reported asUNKNOWN

Cloud Firestore

  • addgcloud beta firestore indexes which provides index management
    capability forCloud Firestore.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.2
    • addsupport forJava 10 andJava 11 runtimes
    • Enable is support IPv6 support by default
  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.3
    • fixbug whensetting more than one server timestamp ina commit
    • fixbug regarding array ordering during writing/reading
    • fixbug whenusing query cursors containing document name
    • addthe ability toproduce rule-coverage reports
    • exposethe v1 service definition

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.35

Cloud Tasks

  • usefull list ofApp Engine’s supported regions forCloud Tasks.

compute Engine

  • promote--tunnel - through - iap flagofgcloud compute ssh and
    gcloud compute is scp scp tobeta.
  • deprecated--http-health-check and--https-health-check flags ingcloud
    beta compute instance-groups manage create
    .use--health - check flag
    instead .
  • promote’gcloud compute interconnects get-diagnostics’ toGA.
  • promote--enable - log flag of
    gcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create andgcloud compute firewall - rule update toGA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • addsupport forAndroid App Bundles tothe --app flagingcloud firebase test android run command .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

228.0.0 (2018-12-11)

break change

  • (Cloud Endpoints) deprecated--full flagofgcloud endpoints operations describe.All
    described operations are now printed without redacting any content.

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.70.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Composer

  • promote--python-version flagofgcloud composer environments iscreate create
    toGA.This flagcan be used tospecify the Python version used withina
    created environment.

Cloud DNS

  • addthe gcloud beta dns policy command group .

compute Engine

  • add--use - serve - port flagtogcloud beta compute health - check update.
  • add--container-mount-disk flagtogcloud beta compute instance-templates
  • promotegcloud compute security - policy and
    gcloud compute security - policy rules toGA.
  • promote--security-policy flagofgcloud compute backend - service update
  • add--no - guest - environment flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
    which prevents Google Guest Agent frombeing installed on the image.
  • add--network and--subnet flags togcloud beta compute images isimport import.
  • add--subnet flagtogcloud beta compute images export.
  • fixgcloud beta compute images isimport import touse gcloud command line tool
    config forzone flaginaddition to--zone command line flag.
  • modifygcloud beta compute images isimport import andgcloud beta compute images export touse temporary bucket
    in the same region assource/destination buckets toavoid cross-region copying
    andits associated cost andperformance penalty.
  • add--prefix - length,--purpose and--network flags toGA for
    gcloud compute addresses is create create tosupport reserving IP range from
    virtual network forpeering.
  • addthe gcloud beta compute start - iap - tunnel command forCloud IAP TCP
    Forwarding which creates a TCP tunnel toan instance without requiring an
    external IP andwith access granted using Cloud IAP.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteVertical Pod Autoscaling tobeta.use--enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create orgcloud beta container cluster update toenable this feature.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

227.0.0 (2018-12-04)

break change

  • (Cloud Datastore) gcloud datastore create-indexes and
    gcloud datastore cleanup - index isremoved.Please use
    gcloud datastore indexes iscreate create andgcloud datastore indexes cleanup instead .See for
    additional details.
  • (Cloud IoT) removedeprecated -event - pubsub - topic and--pubsub - topic
    flags fromgcloud iot registries create andgcloud iot registries is update update
  • (Container Builder) removegcloud container is builds build command group .usegcloud is builds build
    instead .

Cloud SDK

  • Invalid command(wrongly ordered,partial) now prompt more robust suggestions
    of valid commandinstead ofthe regular usage text.

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.69.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport forarbitrary bytes inregex filters.
  • addsupport forrow_sample_filter.
  • addsupport forapply_label_transformer.

Cloud DNS

  • addthe --forwarding-targets flagtogcloud beta dns manage - zone create andgcloud beta dns manage - zone update

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc jobs submit sparkr toenable submitting SparkR
    jobs toa Dataproc cluster.
  • promote--num - preemptible - worker - local - ssds flag of
    gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create toGA

Cloud Functions

  • promote--service - account flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy tobeta.
  • promotethe following environment variable flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA:
    • --set-env-vars
    • --update - env - var
    • --remove-env-vars
    • --clear-env-vars
    • --env - var - file

Cloud IoT

  • promotegcloud iot devices commandsend command group toGA.
  • promote--log - level flagofgcloud iot devices andgcloud iot registries toGA.
  • promotegcloud iot devices gateways command group tobeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addsupport fordefining an expiration period fora subscription to
    gcloud beta pubsub subscription.

Cloud Spanner

  • promotegcloud spanner rows toGA.

compute Engine

  • add--use - serve - port flagtogcloud beta compute health - check update.
  • add--container-mount-disk flagtogcloud beta compute instance-templates
  • promotegcloud compute security - policy and
    gcloud compute security - policy rules toGA.
  • promote--security-policy flagofgcloud compute backend - service update

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteresource usage export tobeta.use--resource-usage-bigquery-dataset withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create orgcloud beta container cluster update toenable this feature.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

226.0.0 ( 2018 – 11 – 20 )

break change

  • (Cloud Spanner) update--data flagofgcloud beta spanner rows toreject array value.--flag - file should be used tospecify an array value.

App Engine

  • addcommand group gcloud beta app migrate-config formigrating
    datastore-indexes.xml,cron.xml,queue.xml anddispatch.xml totheir
    yaml counterparts.


  • fixa bug inthe update table command .

Cloud Endpoints

  • modifygcloud endpoints such that it no longer attempts toenable either
    the Endpoints meta-service orthe produced service during the service
    deployment process,except if the produced service was created forthe first
    time during the deployment.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.1
    • This isthe first beta release ofthe emulator.

Cloud Scheduler

  • fixbug ingcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub that caused the
    message body tobe base-64 encoded twice.

Deployment Manager

  • fixa bug tomatch operation timeout andservice timeout;
    both are now set at 2 hours.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

225.0.0 (2018-11-13)

Cloud SDK

  • addthe --flag - file=YAML-FILE flag,available toall gcloud commands,
    for specifying complex flagvalues inany command interpreter.See
    gcloud topic flags-file formore information.

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.80.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:


  • addsupport forAvro Logical Types inAvro load jobs via the load configuration option useAvroLogicalTypes.

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--num - preemptible - worker - local - ssds flag to
    gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create command,which adds local SSDs to
    preemptible worker VMs.

Cloud Scheduler

  • addthe following flags togcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub:
    • --max-retry-attempts
    • --max - retry - duration
    • --min-backoff
    • --max-backoff
    • --max - doubling

Cloud Spanner

  • promote--enable - partition - dml flagofgcloud spanner execute - sql toGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--boot flagofgcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk tobeta.
  • promotethe gcloud compute router nat group toGA.
  • promotethe next-hop-ilb flagofgcloud compute routes tobeta.
  • addall asa valid option of--ports forgcloud beta compute
    forwarding - rule

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

224.0.0 (2018-11-06)

break change

  • (Container Builder) removedeprecated container-builder-local component .use
    cloud - build - local instead .
  • (Container Builder) removegcloud container is builds build command group .Callers will be redirected
    touse gcloud is builds build instead .

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.79.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.70.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

compute Engine

  • promote--hostname flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

223.0.0 (2018-10-30)

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.78.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.68.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.69.
    Fix a bug inwindows support forgo.mod deployments forthe Go 1.11 runtime

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • promotethe gcloud access-context-manager command group toBETA

Cloud Build

  • adddefault behavior forgcloud isbuilds build submit toassume --config=cloudbuild.yaml unless either --tag or--config isspecified.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promoteNode Auto-Provisioning tobeta.use--enable-autoprovisioning with
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create orgcloud beta container cluster
    toenable this feature.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

222.0.0 (2018-10-23)

App Engine

  • fixa bug that caused gcloud app logs tail tocrash whenthe logs were too
  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.67.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Build

Cloud Composer

  • addtwo mutually exclusive flags togcloud beta composer environment

    • --airflow - version – specifies the Apache Airflow version forthe created environment
    • --image - version – specifies the image version forthe created environment

Cloud DNS

  • addsupport forprivate zones togcloud beta dns manage - zone.usethe
    new --visibility and--networks flags toconfigure zone visibility.

Cloud Dataflow

  • updateerror message forcancel anddrain command toinclude possibility of
    --region flaginconsistency.

Cloud SQL

  • updategcloud beta sql is connect connect toconnect toV2 instances through
    the Cloud SQL Proxy Component.
  • addthe --port flagtogcloud beta sql is connect connect toallow for
    connecting tothe Cloud SQL Proxy through a custom port.

compute Engine

  • promote--container - mount - disk- * flag of
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container and
    gcloud compute instance isupdate update-container tobeta.
    These flags enable mounting disks tocontainers running on VMs.

Container Builder

  • Reminder is use :usegcloud is builds build instead ofgcloud container is builds build; the
    deprecated command group gcloud container is builds build will be removed on or
    after 2018-10-31.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promotethe gcloud firebase test ios command group toGA.

Identity andAccess Management

  • modifygcloud iam service - account keys create such that inthe case a
    user does not have write access tothe specified output file,the command
    will not be executed.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

221.0.0 (2018-10-16)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) removethe deprecated host positional argument from
    gcloud sql user is create create,gcloud sql user delete,andgcloud sql user set - password.

App Engine

  • fixa bug where environment variables withvalues of’on’ or’off’ were
    ending up as’true’ or’false’ whendeployed.
  • gcloud app logs is read read andgcloud app logs tail now displays stdout andstderr fromthe
    App Engine standard environment Python 3.7,PHP 7.2,Go 1.11,Java 8,
    andNode.js 8 runtimes by default,or explicitly by supplying


  • addflags forsetting a default table partition expiration fora dataset.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promotethe --no - address flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • updatethe cloud_sql_proxy component toversion 1.13.0.Please visit the
    following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Spanner

  • add–enable – partition – dml flagfor gcloud beta spanner execute-sql

compute Engine

  • addgcloud beta compute instances get-guest-attributes command for
    retrieving guest attributes.
  • promote--response flagofgcloud compute health - check forHTTP/S
    commands toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

220.0.0 (2018-10-09)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) modifyoutput ofgcloud container cluster list fordegraded cluster
    toinclude reason fordegradation.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Starting in1.12,new node pools ( anddefault node pools innew cluster) will
    be created withtheir legacy compute Engine instance metadata APIs disabled
    by default.

Cloud SDK

  • updatethe storage / chunk_size property .Commands that upload toGoogle
    Cloud Storage can now control the upload/download chunksize using this
  • Some commandno longer call gsutil intheir implementation inorder to
    support Python 3.Thegsutil implementation isnow deprecated.usethe
    storage/use_gsutil property totemporarily get this behavior back.This
    property andits old implementation will eventually be removed.Thefollowing
    commands are affected by this change:

    • functions is deploy deploy
    • compute image import
    • dataproc jobs submit pyspark
    • dataproc jobs submit hadoop
    • dataproc jobs is submit submit pig
    • dataproc jobs is submit submit hive
    • dataproc jobs submit spark
    • dataproc jobs submit spark-sql
    • composer environments storage dags delete
    • composer environments is export storage dag export
    • composer environments storage dags import
    • composer environments storage data delete
    • composer environments storage data export
    • composer environments storage data import
    • composer environment storage plugins is delete delete
    • composer environment storage plugins is export export
    • composer environments storage plugins import
  • addfunctionality togcloud beta help that allows running a search for
    terms ofinterest withinthe help text ofgcloud command .Formore
    information,run $ gcloud beta help –help.

App Engine

Cloud Build

Cloud Composer

  • addthe --python-version flagtogcloud beta composer environment
    tospecify the Python version used withinthe created environment.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addthe --gce-pd-kms-key flagtodataproc cluster create to
    enable protecting cluster withGoogle Cloud KMS encryption.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • modifygcloud kms location list todisplay information about the
    availability ofHardware Security Modules ineach location.

Cloud Spanner

  • updategcloud spanner execute - sql toaccept DML statements.

compute Engine

  • addsupport formanage ssl certificates togcloud beta compute

Internet ofThings

  • add--log - level flagfor gcloud iot devices create,
    gcloud iot devices update,gcloud iot registries create,and
    gcloud iot registries is update update forbeta.
  • addgcloud iot commands tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

219.0.1 (2018-10-02)

Cloud SDK

  • update toa new version ofruamel that fixes
    Unicode issues
    on OS X andWindows.

App Engine

compute Engine

  • promotecompute router nat tobeta.
  • promote’gcloud compute interconnects get-diagnostics’ tobeta.
  • promotethe following flags toGA tosupport using KMS keys toprotect disks andimages:
    • --kms - key-* flags ofgcloud compute disk andgcloud compute image
    • --boot - disk - kms- * flags ofgcloud compute instance andgcloud compute instance - template.
  • promotegcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container frombeta toGA.


  • promotegcloud interactive tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - private - node,--enable-private-endpoint,and
    --master-ipv4-cidr flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create.
  • add--internal - ip flagtogcloud container cluster get - credential.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

218.0.0 (2018-09-25)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) addthe PRIVATE_NETWORK column tothe gcloud sql instance islist list default
    format andrenamed ADDRESS toPRIMARY_ADDRESS.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc cluster export toenable exporting a cluster’s
    configuration toa YAML file .
  • addgcloud beta dataproc cluster import toenable creating a cluster
    from configuration ina YAML file .
  • add--optional - component flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster create
    command .
  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud dataproc cluster get - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc cluster set - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc jobs get - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc jobs set - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc operations get - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc operations set - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc workflow-templates get - iam - policy
    • gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set - iam - policy
  • promotegcloud dataproc workflow-templates toGA.

Cloud Scheduler

  • promotegcloud scheduler tobeta.
  • updateCloud Tools forPowerShell toversion
    • fixa bug where fixed key metadata did not work withGoogle Cloud
      Storage cmdlets.

compute Engine

  • addthe --storage - location flagtogcloud beta compute disk snapshot
    tospecify location region ofa snapshot.

Container Analysis

  • promotethe following alpha flags ingcloud container image describe to
    beta .

    • --metadata - filter
    • --show-build-details
    • --show-package-vulnerability
    • --show - image - basis
    • --show-deployment
    • --show - all - metadata
  • promotethe following alpha flags ingcloud container image list - tag to
    beta .

Firebase Test Lab

  • fixbug where --environment-variables did not work inthe 217.0.0 release.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--metadata and--metadata-from-file flags togcloud node-pools create andgcloud cluster create.
  • add--internal - ip flagtogcloud beta container cluster

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

217.0.0 ( 2018 – 09 – 18 )

break change

  • (Cloud Services) rename--reserved-ranges toranges ingcloud beta service

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.65.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud SQL

  • promotethe --network flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch to
    beta .

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.34

compute Engine

  • add--prefix - length,--purpose and--network flags toBETA forgcloud compute addresses is create create tosupport reserving IP range fromvirtual network forpeering.
  • addthe description property tothe --create - disk flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--metadata and--metadata-from-file flags to
    gcloud beta node - pools is create create andgcloud beta cluster create.
  • updateGoogle Kubernetes Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.9.7 to1.10.7.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

216.0.0 ( 2018 – 09 – 11 )

App Engine

  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.68.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Bigtable

  • promotethe following command toGA:
    • gcloud bigtable instances command group
    • gcloud bigtable cluster list
    • gcloud bigtable cluster describe

Cloud Memorystore

  • promotegcloud redis toGA.

Cloud Services

  • deprecatedgcloud service operations islist list inbeta andGA.

compute Engine

  • promote--internal - ip flagofgcloud compute is scp scp tobeta.
  • promote--disabled flagofgcloud compute firewall-rules toGA.
  • fixbug preventing gcloud compute ssh andgcloud compute is scp scp from
    finding an instance’s external IP address whenconfigured withmultiple
    network interfaces.
  • promotegcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
    andgcloud compute instance isupdate update-container toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

215.0.0 (2018-09-05)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) removethe default value ofthe --database - version flag
    of gcloud sql instance iscreate create,allowing the API toselect the value.

App Engine

  • addpython 3 support forgcloud app andgcloud domain.
  • addthe --no-cache flagtogcloud beta app is deploy deploy for
    Second Generation runtimes,
    todisable the build cache during deployment.
  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.75.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • fixan issue preventing the creation ofcluster withSSD inGA.

Cloud Firestore

  • addgcloud beta firestore andgcloud beta firestore operations for
    managing cloud firestore imports andexports.

Cloud Functions

  • add–service – account flagtogcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • promoteSnapshot & Seek features tobeta.These features allow users to
    create snapshots ofsubscription backlog state,andlater restore that

Cloud SQL

  • fixa bug preventing --backup and--enable-bin-log flags frombeing sent together whenusing the gcloud sql instance iscreate create command .

compute Engine

  • promote--internal - ip flagofgcloud compute is scp scp tobeta.
  • promote--disabled flagofgcloud compute firewall-rules toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotegcloud alpha container subnets list-usable toBeta.
  • addsecondaryiprange tothe output ofgcloud beta container subnet list - usable.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

214.0.0 (2018-08-28)

break change

  • (Cloud Bigtable) modifythe arguments accepted by cbt createappprofile andcbt
    inthe following ways:

    • removeetag argument fromcreateappprofile.
    • renameallow-transactional - write option astransactional - write.
    • adda force option toignore warnings.
  • (Cloud Bigtable) modifythe specification forrouting policies.A routing policy can be
    either “route-any” (previously of”multi_cluster_routing_use_any”) or
  • ( compute Engine )deprecatedgcloud compute interconnect attachments is create create.Please use
    gcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create instead .
  • ( compute Engine )removedeprecated --mode flagfromgcloud compute networks iscreate create.use--subnet - mode instead .
  • ( compute Engine )removedeprecated gcloud compute network switch - mode command .usegcloud compute networks is update update --switch - to- custom - mode instead .
  • ( compute Engine )removedeprecated gcloud compute xpn command group .usegcloud compute share - vpc instead .

Cloud Bigtable

  • Restored the output ofthe cbt count command that was inadvertently
    removed inthe previous release.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • addSCHEDULED_DELETE column togcloud beta dataproc cluster list command
    output .

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.2.
    • Improved backward compatibility withApp Engine local development by
      keeping auto generated indexes inindex file generated fromprevious runs.

Cloud Functions

  • promote--runtime flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy toGA.

compute Engine

  • promotethe following flags toGA:
    • --network - tier ofgcloud compute addresses is create create
    • --network - tier ofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
    • --default - network - tier ofgcloud compute project - info update
    • --network - tier ofgcloud compute instance add-access-config
      • --network - tier ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • --network - tier ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
  • promotegcloud compute instance simulate-maintenance-event toGA.
  • promoteget - iam - policy,set - iam - policy,add-iam - policy-bindings andremove-iam - policy-bindings to
    beta inthe following command groups:

    • gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group
    • gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--disk - type flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--default - max - pod - per - node flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--max - pod - per - node flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create tobeta.
  • modify--monitoring-service flagofgcloud containers cluster update toenable Google Cloud Monitoring service withKubernetes-native resource model.
  • modify--logge-service flagofgcloud containers cluster update toenable Google Cloud Logging service withKubernetes-native resource model.
  • modifyoutput ofgcloud beta container cluster list fordegraded cluster toinclude reason fordegradation.
  • add--enable - private - node and--enable-private-endpoint togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create.
  • deprecated--private-cluster flagofgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create; use --enable - private - node instead .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

213.0.0 ( 2018 – 08 – 21 )

break change

  • (Cloud Datastore) deprecatedgcloud datastore create-indexes andgcloud datastore cleanup - index.
    usegcloud datastore indexes iscreate create andgcloud datastore indexes cleanup instead .

App Engine

Cloud Datastore

  • promotegcloud datastore indexes command group toGA.

Cloud SQL

  • addthe --timeout flagtogcloud sql operation is wait wait,to support
    specifying a custom timeout orallow the command towait indefinitely.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--disk - type flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create toGA.
  • modify--monitoring-service flagofgcloud containers cluster update toenable Google Cloud Monitoring service withKubernetes-native resource model.
  • modify--logge-service flagofgcloud containers cluster update toenable Google Cloud Logging service withKubernetes-native resource model.
  • modifyoutput ofgcloud beta container cluster list fordegraded cluster toinclude reason fordegradation.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

212.0.0 (2018-08-14)

Cloud Build

Cloud Machine Learning Engine API

  • add--signature-name flagtogcloud ml - engine ispredict predict and
    gcloud ml - engine jobs prediction create tospecify custom TensorFlow
    signature touse inprediction.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addgcloud beta container binauthz command group tohelp manage Binary
    Authorization policy.

    • Binary Authorization enforcement can be enabled foryour Google
      Kubernetes Engine cluster by passing the --enable - binauthz flag to
      gcloud beta container is create create.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

211.0.0 (2018-08-07)

App Engine

  • removeautomated app.yaml generation fromgcloud app isdeploy deploy.Thedeprecated
    gcloud beta app gen - config command isstill available separately fornow.
  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now support.gcloudignore forall deployments.
    .gcloudignore supersedes the skip_files section inapp.yaml.Read more
    about .gcloudignore by rungcloud topic gcloudignore.

Cloud Datastore

  • addgcloud beta datastore indexes is describe describe.
  • addgcloud beta datastore indexes list.

Cloud Deployment Manager

  • addconfig key which enables globbing inthe
    gcloud deployment - manager deployments is create create and
    gcloud deployment-manager deployments update command .Config files
    can now use glob patterns inimport paths.

    This feature can be enabled by setting the config property
    deployment_manager / glob_import totrue:gcloud config set deployment_manager / glob_import true.
    Additional details forthis feature:

Cloud Services

  • gcloud beta service disable now supportforce option.If specified,the
    disable call will proceed even if there are enabled services which depend on
    the service tobe disabled.Forcing the call means that the services which
    depend on the service tobe disabled will also be disabled.
  • promotegcloud service vpc - peering tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--default - network - tier flagofgcloud compute project - info update toGA.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute instance add-access-config andgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

210.0.0 (2018-07-31)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )removedeprecated gcloud compute interconnects patch.usegcloud compute interconnects update instead .
  • (Container Builder) deprecatedcontainer-builder-local; use cloud - build - local instead .
  • (Container Builder) deprecatedgcloud container is builds build command group; use gcloud is builds build
    instead .

    • gcloud is builds build retains the functionality ofgcloud container is builds build.
      Existing gcloud container is builds build commandwill continue towork during
      the deprecation period but will be deleted froma future release.
    • renamethe containers.build_timeout property asbuilds.timeout in
      gcloud is builds build.
    • renamethe container.build_check_tag property asbuilds.check_tag
      in gcloud is builds build.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Starting inversion 1.12,gcloud container cluster iscreate create will have basic
    authentication andclient certificate issuance disabled by default.These
    functionalities can be enabled (or disabled) manually using the
    --[no-]enable - basic - auth and--[no-]issue-client-certificate flags,

App Engine

  • removeautomated app.yaml generation fromgcloud app isdeploy deploy.Thedeprecated
    gcloud beta app gen - config command isstill available separately fornow.

Cloud Bigtable

  • fixcbt deleterow andcbt deletecolumn tonot return errors during argument checking.

Cloud Build

  • renamethe container-builder-local binary ascloud - build - local withno
    functional changes.Initial release isversion 0.4.0.
  • Released initial cloud - build - local package installers fordeb andRPM.

Cloud Endpoints

  • addwarnings whenvalidating service config fora service which does not
    yet exist.(Previously,this would silently create the service.)

Cloud IoT

  • promotethe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud registries add-iam - policy-binding
    • gcloud registries remove-iam - policy-binding

Cloud Services

  • gcloud beta service disable now supportforce option.If specified,the
    disable call will proceed even if there are enabled services which depend on
    the service tobe disabled.Forcing the call means that the services which
    depend on the service tobe disabled will also be disabled.

compute Engine

  • promotesole-tenancy command toGA .
  • promote--internal - ip flagofgcloud compute ssh toGA.
  • addlist - node command togcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group forshowing node information.
  • add--use - serve - port flagtogcloud compute health - check tcp create command .
  • promote--enable - log flagofgcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create andgcloud compute firewall - rule update tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network subnet list-usable toGA.

Container Builder

  • deprecatedgcloud container is builds build; use gcloud is builds build instead .The
    existing container is builds build commandwill continue towork during the
    deprecation period but will be deleted froma future release.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

209.0.0 (2018-07-18)

break change

  • (Cloud DNS) removedeprecated gcloud beta dnskeys command group; please use
    gcloud beta dns - key instead .
  • (Kubernetes Engine) modifygcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create command tocreate cluster and
    node-pools withnode autorepair enabled by default if they use COS base
    image.usethe --no - enable - autorepair flagtodisable this behavior.

App Engine

Cloud Composer

  • promotegcloud composer command toGA .

Cloud Functions

  • promotegcloud function command toGA .

Cloud Tasks

  • promotegcloud task command tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--zone flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create command toGA.
  • promoteget - iam - policy,set - iam - policy,add-iam - policy-bindings,andremove-iam - policy-bindings to
    beta inthe following command groups:

    • gcloud compute disk
    • gcloud compute image
    • gcloud compute instance - template
    • gcloud compute instance
    • gcloud compute snapshots

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

208.0.2 (2018-07-12)

  • Hotfix fordev_appserver crash .

208.0.1 (2018-07-11)

  • Hotfix forgcloud dataproc crash .

208.0.0 (2018-07-10)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) addwarning that the default valueof
    --enable - ip - alias will change forgcloud container cluster iscreate create
    command .VPC native(ip alias enabled) cluster
    will become the default inthe future.use--[no-]enable-ip-alias flag
    tosuppress this warning.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud TAB completion forcommands,flags,andconstant flagvalue choices is
    ~10x faster.

App Engine

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates import toenable creating
    andupdating workflow templates using a YAML file .
  • addgcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates export toenable exporting
    a workflow template toa YAML file .
  • add--parameter flagtogcloud beta dataproc workflow - templates is instantiate
    toenable parameterization ofworkflow templates.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.1.
    • Improved backward compatibility withApp Engine local development by
      allowing special entity kinds written toCloud Datastore tobe
      whitelisted forApp Engine.

Cloud Filestore

  • gcloud filestore command group isnow available inbeta.These commands
    let you create,configure,andmanipulate Cloud Filestore instances.

Cloud Functions

  • add--runtime flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy.
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta function isdeploy deploy forsetting
    custom environment variables tofunctions:

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • promote--python-version flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create toGA.

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.33.

compute Engine

  • addthe following flags togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create tointegrate withKMS:
    • --boot - disk - kms - key
    • --boot - disk - kms - keyring
    • --boot-disk-kms - location
    • --boot-disk-kms - project
  • add--use - serve - port flagtothe following command :
    • gcloud compute health - check http create
    • gcloud compute health - check https create
    • gcloud compute health - check http2 create
    • gcloud compute health - check ssl create
  • promotethe following source-instance flags ofgcloud compute
    instance - templates iscreate create
    command toGA:

    • --source - instance
    • --source - instance-zone
    • --configure-disk
  • promotegcloud compute network - endpoint - group command group tobeta.
  • promote--network - endpoint - group and--network - endpoint - group - zone
    flags ofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend,
    gcloud compute backend - service remove-backend,
    andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend tobeta.
  • promote--max - connection - per - endpoint and--max - rate - per - endpoint
    flags ofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend and
    gcloud compute backend - service update-backend tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • removegcloud property container/use_v1_api andits alias container / use_v1_api_client.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

207.0.0 (2018-06-26)

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • addthe rollout_strategy property tothe endpoints_api_service section
    in the app.yaml.Setting this makes Endpoints run inmanage mode.

Cloud Build

  • addgcloud is builds build command group tocreate andmanage builds forGoogle
    Cloud Build.

Cloud Dataproc

  • promoteboot disk type configuration flag of
    gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create command toGA:

    • --master - boot - disk - type
    • --worker-boot-disk-type
    • --preemptible - worker - boot - disk - type
  • promotethe --image flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • promote--machine - type flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create command tobeta.

Cloud SQL

  • addthe --host flagtogcloud sql user is create create,gcloud sql user delete
    andgcloud sql user set - password.
  • deprecatedthe host argument of
    gcloud sql user is create create,gcloud sql user delete,and
    gcloud sql user set - password infavor ofthe --host flag.

Cloud TPU

  • promotethe gcloud compute tpus command group toGA

compute Engine

  • promotethe following Cloud CDN Signed URL command toGA:
    • gcloud compute sign - url
    • gcloud compute backend - bucket add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud compute backend - bucket delete-signed-url-key
    • gcloud compute backend - service add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud compute backend - service delete-signed-url-key
  • promote--signed-url-cache-max-age flagtoGA inthe following command :
    • gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
    • gcloud compute backend - bucket update
    • gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
    • gcloud compute backend - service update
  • promotethe HTTP2 value tobeta forthe --protocol flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update.
  • promotehttp2 related gcloud compute health - check command tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addthe --enable-autoscaling flagtothe node-pools command toenable
    autoscaling fora node-pool.Forexample,
    gcloud beta container node - pools isupdate update --enable-autoscaling --max - node=3.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

206.0.0 (2018-06-19)

break change

  • (Container Registry) updatedocker-credential-gcr toversion 1.5.0.

Cloud SDK

  • Thegcloud CLI now has experimental support forrunning using a Python 3.4+
    interpreter.(Prior versions ofgcloud require Python 2.7.) All gcloud
    commands are supported except forthe following command groups:

    • gcloud app
    • gcloud datastore
    • gcloud scheduler
    • gcloud task
  • Python tools other than gcloud that are shipped inthe Cloud SDK still
    require a Python 2.7 interpreter.
  • Formore information on how toconfigure your Python interpreter,run:
    gcloud topic startup orvisit:
  • fixissue where credentials were written withbroad permissions.

App Engine

  • modifygcloud app is create domain - mappings is create create toprovision an automatically
    manage SSL certificate by default on domain mapping creation.
  • promote--certificate-management flag of
    gcloud app is create domain - mappings is create create andgcloud app domain-mappings update toGA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addthe --gce-pd-kms-key flagtodataproc cluster create inbeta toenable protecting cluster withGoogle Cloud KMS encryption.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • promotethe --framework flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create toGA.

compute Engine

  • addthe --labels flagtogcloud beta compute disk snapshot toenable setting labels on new snapshots.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promotethe --min - cpu - platform flagofgcloud container iscreate create toGA.
  • promote--accelerator flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

205.0.0 (2018-06-12)

Cloud Bigtable

  • addnew flags tothe cbt command-line tool:
    • -user-agent forspecifying a custom User Agent
    • -columns forspecifying columns toread withread andlookup
    • -cells-per-column forlimiting number ofcells read per column withread andlookup

Cloud Datastore

  • addgcloud datastore indexes command group tobeta withthe following command :
    • gcloud datastore indexes cleanup
    • gcloud datastore indexes iscreate create

Cloud Interconnect

  • promoteinterconnects attachments partner related command toGA .

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.32.

Cloud TPU

  • add--preemptible flagtogcloud beta compute tpus create.

compute Engine

  • addthe --network flagtogcloud compute image export toallow the
    export process touse a network other than default.
  • promote--quic-override flagofcompute target - https - proxy create andcompute target - https - proxy update toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

204.0.0 ( 2018 – 06 – 05 )

break change

  • ( compute Engine )Replaced --node-index with--node forgcloud alpha compute instance is create create
    andgcloud alpha compute instance_templates create.Node name will
    replace node index inthe API,andnodes can now be targeted directly
    by node name (as opposed tonode index,which was only unique withina group) .

App Engine

Cloud Endpoints

  • fixan issue where attempting todeploy normalized service configuration
    files inyaml format would error out.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--framework flagtoml-engine local predict.

Cloud Source Repositories

  • addthe gcloud source repos update command tobeta withthe following flags:
    • --add-topic
    • --remove-topic
    • --update-topic
  • addthe following flags togcloud source project-configs update inbeta:
    • --add-topic
    • --remove-topic
    • --update-topic

compute Engine

  • promote--response flagofgcloud compute health - check command tobeta.
  • promotethe following flags tobeta tosupport using KMS keys toprotect disks,images,andsnapshots:
    • --kms - key-* flags ofgcloud compute disk
    • --kms - key-* flags ofgcloud compute image
    • --boot - disk - kms- * flags ofgcloud compute instance.
  • promotenode affinities ininstance andinstance template creation tobeta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promote--type=game-loop tests forAndroid frombeta toGA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--region flagofgcloud container toGA.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

203.0.0 ( 2018 – 05 – 30 )

break change

  • (Cloud SQL) deprecatedgcloud sql ssl-certs.usegcloud sql ssl client-certs instead .

App Engine

  • fixissue where attempting todeploy non-yaml config files would report
    success,but silently update configuration incorrectly,e.g.gcloud app
    deploy cron.xml
    .note thatxml-files are not supported withgcloud app,
    with the exception ofappengine-web.xml.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • fixan issue where gcloud beta app is deploy deploy failed torespect the
    --image-url argument during Flex deployments.This issue was introduced in
    Cloud SDK version 195.0.0.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc workflow - templates is instantiate instantiate - from- file to
    enable instantiation ofworkflow templates directly froma YAML file .
  • addgcloud beta dataproc cluster create-from-file toenable creation
    of cluster directly froma YAML file .

Cloud SQL

  • addthe gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert group tosupport certificate
    rotation,which includes the following command :

    • gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert list
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert create
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert rotate
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert rollback

Cloud Source Repositories

  • addthe following command tobeta:
    • gcloud source project - configs is describe describe
    • gcloud source project-configs update

compute Engine

  • promote--service-label flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
  • promote--shielded-vm-* flags tobeta ingcloud compute instance iscreate create,
    gcloud compute instance isupdate update and
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

202.0.0 (2018-05-22)

break change

  • (Cloud Composer) Increased minimum --disk-size ofgcloud beta composer environment create
  • ( compute Engine )deprecatedgcloud compute interconnect attachments is create create.usegcloud
    compute interconnect attachments is create dedicate create
    instead .
  • (Firebase Test Lab) deprecatedthe following Robo test crawler-related flags:
    • --max-depth
    • --max - step:usethe --timeout option instead tolimit the test
    • --app - initial - activity:usethe --robo - script option (in beta) to
      guide Robo toa specific part ofthe app under test.

App Engine

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.0.
    • Java 8 (or later) isnow require torun the emulator.
    • Whenthe emulator isrun inan App Engine local development server,
      index.yaml parsing errors are bubbled up.Previously the emulator would
      throw a AppEngineConfigException without responding tothe development
      server requests.
  • updateCloud Tools forPowerShell toversion
    • fixa bug where Get - GcpProject did not enumerate collection.
    • fixa bug where local SSD option forattach disk cmdlet did not work.

compute Engine

  • addhelp text output upon creating interconnects/interconnect attachments.
    To hide this output,append the --no-user-output-enabled flag.
  • promote--enable-flow-logs flag of
    gcloud compute network subnets iscreate create andgcloud compute network subnet update toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute sole-tenancy command tobeta.
  • modify--delete-nodes ofgcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups
    toaccept node name instead ofnode indexes.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--disk - type togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create toallow setting ofthe node VM boot disk type.
  • updateGoogle Kubernetes Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.8.6 to1.9.7.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

201.0.0 (2018-05-15)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )modifydefault TPU accelerator type tov2-8 forgcloud compute tpus
    command .tpu-v2 has been deprecate .

Cloud Bigtable

  • addthe following command tothe gcloud beta bigtable instance command
    group tohelp manage IAM policies:

    • set - iam - policy
    • get - iam - policy
    • add-iam - policy-binding
    • remove-iam - policy-binding

Cloud Datalab

compute Engine

  • promote--create - disk flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create toGA.
    These flags allow creating new disks during instance creation.
  • addthe type column togcloud compute interconnects attachments list
    table format.
  • add--labels flagtogcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create-with-container.

Firebase Test Lab

Kubernetes Engine

  • promote--enable - stackdriver - kubernete ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create tobeta.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

200.0.0 (2018-05-01)

break change

  • (Cloud DNS) modifygcloud beta dns dnskeys describe command toremove the dsRecord
    field forcloser correspondence tothe Google Cloud DNS API.Please use
    the flag--format "value(ds_record())" instead .
  • (Cloud DNS) movethe gcloud beta dns dnskeys command togcloud beta dns dns is keys - key;
    the old commandare deprecated andwill soon be removed.
  • (Cloud Interconnect) deprecatedgcloud compute interconnects patch andrenamed it to
    gcloud compute interconnects update.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • fixa bug due towhich some Flexible deployments would fail with

Cloud Composer

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns dns - key list andgcloud dns dns-keys describe command toGA .

Cloud SQL

  • add--source-ip-address and--source-port flags to
    gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create tosupport creating external primary
  • addthe following flags togcloud beta sql instances iscreate create tosupport
    creating read replicas ofexternal primary instances:

    • --master - username
    • --master - password,
    • --prompt-for-master-password
    • --master-dump-file-path,
    • --master-ca-certificate-path
    • --client-certificate-path
    • --client - key - path

Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.31

compute Engine

  • promotesupport fordisabling firewall rules tobeta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable - stackdriver - kubernete flagtoenable Stackdriver logging and
    monitoring beta experience.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

199.0.0 (2018-04-24)

break change

  • (App Engine) deprecatedthe gcloud app gen-config command and”app.yaml” generation
    feature ofthe gcloud app isdeploy deploy command (both inbeta) .
    As an alternative,create an app.yaml file yourself using the App Engine
    directions orthe App Engine Standard
    Environment directions foryour application’s language.

Cloud Bigtable

  • updatethe Cloud Bigtable cbt tool forregional replication.
    • addthe following command :
      • createcluster
      • updatecluster
      • deletecluster
      • waitforreplication
    • addapplication profile support inread,lookup andset
  • addthe following command tobeta:
    • app-profiles tomanage application profiles foryour instances.
    • cluster create tocreate additional cluster withinan existing
    • cluster delete todelete cluster froman instance.

Cloud billing API

  • addgcloud billing accounts get - iam - policy and
    gcloud billing accounts set - iam - policy inalpha andbeta.
  • modifyoutput ofgcloud billing accounts list inbeta toinclude the
    master account ID ofany subaccounts.

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns operations islist list andgcloud dns operations describe command toGA .

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Spanner

  • Thefollowing commandare now available inbeta:
    • gcloud spanner rows delete
    • gcloud spanner rows insert
    • gcloud spanner rows update

Kubernetes Engine

  • updatefor Python 3 compatibility.
  • promotegcloud container cluster iscreate create --enable - ip - alias toGA.
    • --enable - ip - alias no longer requires the --create - subnetwork
      option tobe specified whencreating a cluster.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

198.0.0 ( 2018 – 04 – 18 )

break change

  • (Cloud Endpoints) deprecatedsupport foruploading uncompiled .proto files withgcloud
    endpoints services deploy
    .supportwill be removed ina future release.

App Engine

  • fixa rare,intermittent bug where deployments would fail withan error
    message about “copying files toApp Engine”.
  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.69.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • addPyTz version 2017.3 tothe
    built-in third-party libraries.


  • addsupport forreauth.Reauth allows using two-factor authentication for
    end-user credentials.

Cloud DNS

  • promotegcloud dns manage - zone update toGA.

Cloud TPU

  • addgcloud compute tpus accelerator-types list andgcloud compute tpus accelerator - types is describe describe tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promotethe --region flagofgcloud compute disk andrelated command tobeta
  • updategcloud compute instance iscreate create command tosupport
    blank disk creation.
  • modifygcloud compute sign - url toaccept HTTP URLs inaddition toHTTPS URLs
    for signing.
  • promotethe following Cloud CDN Signed URL command tobeta:
    • gcloud beta compute sign - url
    • gcloud beta compute backend - bucket add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud beta compute backend - bucket delete-signed-url-key
    • gcloud beta compute backend - service add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud beta compute backend - service delete-signed-url-key
  • promote--signed-url-cache-max-age flagtobeta inthe following command :
    • gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
    • gcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
    • gcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
    • gcloud beta compute backend - service update

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--other - file flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run tosupport running tests withnon-OBB files pushed todevice.

Kubernetes Engine

  • addgcloud alpha container subnets list-usable command forlisting subnets
    usable forcreating cluster inGoogle Kubernetes Engine.
  • fix--node - location ofgcloud containers cluster create tocorrectly
    specify what node-pools should be created during the creation ofa cluster.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

197.0.0 (2018-04-11)

break change

  • (Cloud Bigtable) removedeprecated --instance - type flagfor gcloud beta bigtable instance
    .usegcloud beta bigtable instance upgrade instead .
  • (Cloud Bigtable) removedeprecated --description flagfrom
    gcloud beta bigtable instance iscreate create andgcloud beta bigtable instance isupdate update.use--display - name instead .
  • (Kubernetes Engine) addwarning that the default valueof
    --enable-autorepair will change forcontainer cluster create and
    container node - pools is create create command .use--[no-]enable-autorepair flag tosuppress this warning.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

Cloud DNS

  • promote--labels flagofgcloud dns manage - zones iscreate create toGA.

Cloud Endpoints

  • changegcloud service list tosort by name by default.

Cloud TPU

  • addgcloud compute tpus reimage,gcloud compute tpus start,andgcloud compute tpus stop command tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create tobeta.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--default - network - tier flagofgcloud compute project - info update tobeta.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute instance add-access-config tobeta.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container tobeta.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create tobeta.
  • promote--network - tier flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container tobeta.

Container Registry

  • update auth configure-docker towork even whendocker isnot installed
    orcannot be found on the system PATH.This isprimarily useful forBazel
    rules_docker users.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--additional - apks flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run tosupport running tests withadditionally installed APKs.

Vision API

  • add’–include-geo-results’ flagtobeta ml vision detect-web.
  • add--model-version flagtobeta ml vision command .

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

196.0.0 (2018-04-04)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )renamethe --no-translate flagofgcloud compute image isimport import to
  • (docker) gcloud docker will not be supported fordocker client versions above 18.03.
    Please usegcloud auth configure-docker toconfigure docker touse
    gcloud asa credential helper; then,use docker asyou would fornon-GCR
    registries,e.g.docker is pull pull
  • (Kubernetes Engine) modifythe default value ofdeprecated property container/use_v1_api,
    whose alias iscontainer / use_v1_api_client,from true tofalse.

Cloud DNS

  • promotethe following DNSSEC flags ofgcloud dns manage - zone toGA:
    • --denial-of-existence
    • --dnssec-state
    • --ksk-algorithm
    • --ksk-key-length
    • --zsk-algorithm
    • --zsk-key-length

Cloud Interconnect

  • promoteinterconnects attachments partner related command tobeta.

Cloud TPU

  • addgcloud compute tpus versions list tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute tpus versions describe tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute tpus locations list tobeta.
  • addgcloud compute tpus locations is describe describe tobeta.
  • updateCloud Tools forPowerShell toversion
    • fixa bug where Get-GceMetaData failed whencalled twice.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute image isimport import toGA.
  • promotethe following toGA:
    • gcloud compute instance network - interface update
    • --add - secondary - range and--remove-secondary-ranges flag of
      gcloud compute network subnet update
  • promotegcloud compute instance simulate-maintenance-event tobeta.
  • addthree flags (--prefix - length,--purpose and--network) togcloud
    compute addresses create
    inalpha tosupport reserving IP range fromvirtual
    network forpeering.
  • promote--enable-flow-logs flag of
    gcloud compute network subnets iscreate create and
    gcloud compute network subnet update tobeta.
  • promoteSSL policies support toGA.
    • promotethe following command toGA:
      • compute ssl-policies create
      • compute ssl - policy describe
      • compute ssl - policy list
      • compute ssl-policies update
      • compute ssl-policies delete
      • compute ssl - policy list-available-features
    • promote--ssl - policy flag of
      compute target - https - proxy create
      andcompute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create toGA.
    • promote--ssl - policy and--clear-ssl-policy flag of
      compute target - https - proxy update
      andcompute target - ssl - proxy update toGA.
  • promote--custom - request - header and--no-custom-request-headers flag of
    gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create andgcloud compute backend - service update tobeta.

Container Registry

  • promotegcloud auth configure-docker toGA.
  • modifycontainer image add-tag toallow the specification ofmultiple destination tags.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Restored container/use_client_certificate option functionality.It was
    accidentally removed inthe previous release.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

195.0.0 (2018-03-28)

break change

  • (Kubernetes Engine) fixissue where --service - account flagdid not add scope
    ingcloud container.

App Engine

  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.64.
  • updatego - app - stager touse Go version 1.10 forstaging App Engine Flexible apps withruntime:go inapp.yaml.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addPREEMPTIBLE_WORKER_COUNT togcloud dataproc cluster list.
  • removeunnecessary zone flagfromdataproc workflow-templates create.

Cloud Endpoints

  • updatethe gcloud endpoints services deploy command torecognize files
    ending in.proto.bin asprotobuf binary descriptor files,improving
    interoperability withBazel’s
    rule which outputs protobuf descriptors withthis extension.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--python-version flagtogcloud beta ml - engine versions is create create.

Cloud SQL

  • promote--availability-type ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch toGA.

compute Engine

  • addsupport forinternationalized domain name toalpha ssl-certificates.
  • promote--source - instance-template flagofgcloud compute instance
    command toGA.
  • promotegcloud compute image export toGA.
  • promoteQUIC support tobeta
    • promote--quic-override flag of
      compute target - https - proxy create andcompute target - https - proxy update tobeta.

194.0.0 (2018-03-21)

break change

  • remove--disable - addon fromgcloud container cluster iscreate create.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--python-version flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training.

compute Engine

  • add--disk-scope flagtodetach-disk operation inalpha.
  • promotegcloud compute network subnet list-usable tobeta.
  • promote--guest - os - feature flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
    This flagallows create disks withadditional specified GuestOS features.
  • removegcloud compute network switch - mode.Please usegcloud compute
    networks is update update --switch - to- custom - mode
    instead .
  • remove--mode flagfromgcloud compute networks iscreate create.Please use
    --subnet - mode instead .
  • promotegcloud compute image export tobeta.

193.0.0 ( 2018 – 03 – 14 )

break change

  • (REMOVED) removegcloud sql instance set-root-password command .
  • (MODIFIED) changeefault scopes forKubernetes 1.10 whencreating cluster
    ornode pools:compute - rw anddevstorage-ro are no longer always added.
    (This isthe default behavior forall Kubernetes versions foralpha andbeta
    tracks orif container/new_scopes_behavior property isset totrue.) The
    version ofKubernetes does not affect the behavior of
    --[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint.

App Engine

  • Show server side warnings tothe user.


  • addDEFLATE andSNAPPY compression types forAvro exports.
  • addflag ‘require_partition_filter’ forcreating andupdating partitioned
    tables.This will require a partition filter forany queries over the table.
  • addflags tofilter jobs based on creation time whenrunning bq ls -j:
    ‘min_creation_time’ and’max_creation_time’.

Cloud Dataproc

  • addget - iam - policy andset - iam - policy command tothe
    gcloud beta dataproc jobs,gcloud beta dataproc operations,and
    gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates command group .

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • addgcloud alpha ml - engine location command group .
  • updateCloud Tools forPowerShell toversion
    • addregion support forGoogle compute Engine Managed Instance cmdlets.

compute Engine

  • addrhel-sap-cloud project tothe default public image list.
  • promoteFlexible Route Advertisement command andflags toGA:
    • gcloud compute routers update
    • --advertisement-mode,--set - advertisement - group,
      --set-advertisement-ranges ingcloud compute routers iscreate create and
      gcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
    • --advertisement-mode,--set - advertisement - group,
      --remove-advertisement-ranges in
      gcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
  • promote--source - snapshot flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create command to
    GA .This flagallows creating images fromsnapshots.

Deployment Manager

  • add--create-policy togcloud beta deployment - manager
    deployments is create create
  • addthe create-policy CREATE toDeployment Manager alpha andbeta tracks.

Firebase Test Lab

  • add--robo - script flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run tosupport running a Robo test witha Robo Script.

192.0.0 (2018-03-07)

break change

  • (REMOVED) removethe deprecated --port flagfrom
    gcloud compute backend - service.use--port - name instead .
  • (REMOVED) removegcloud compute image translate.Thefunctionality ofthis command
    is now a part ofthe gcloud compute image isimport import command .
  • (MODIFIED) changethe flags usedwith gcloud compute image isimport import.This command now
    requires the user tospecify either the --os or--no-translate flag.

App Engine

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute image isimport import tobeta; removed gcloud alpha compute
    images translate
    .Thetranslate command was combined withthe import command .
  • add--shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring flag to
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create inalpha tosupport the
    configuration ofshielded VMs.
  • add--shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy flag to
    gcloud compute instance is update update inalpha tosupport configuration ofthe
    shielded VM integrity policy.
  • modifygcloud compute sign - url toaccept HTTP URLs inaddition toHTTPS URLs
    for signing.
  • addsupport formanage ssl certificates togcloud alpha compute
    ssl - certificate

Container Registry

  • fixa bug withauth configure-docker when~/.docker does n’t exist .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--private-cluster flagtoenable PrivateCluster creation:
    `gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create –private-cluster –master-ipv4-cidr
  • add--workload - metadata - from- node flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create toallow enabling metadata concealment on
    cluster andnode pools. See
    for more information. This feature isscheduled tobe deprecated inthe
    future andlater removed.

191.0.0 ( 2018 – 02 – 28 )

break change

  • (DEPRECATED) deprecated--instance - type flagfor gcloud beta bigtable
    instances isupdate update
    .usegcloud beta bigtable instance upgrade instead .
  • (DEPRECATED) renamethe --description flagto--display - name for
    gcloud beta bigtable instance iscreate create andgcloud beta bigtable instance isupdate update.
  • (MODIFIED) Thebehavior of--trigger-bucket flagfor
    gcloud function isdeploy deploy has change andnow corresponds tothe new
    object.finalize event on file creation.To get the legacy behavior,use the
    --trigger-event and--trigger-resource flags e.g.
    gcloud function isdeploy deploy –trigger-event
    provider / / eventTypes / object.change
  • (MODIFIED) Theschema forPub/Sub events has change.eventId,
    timestamp,resource,andeventType have all been moved inside the
    context property e.g.,context.timestamp.All functions is deploy deployed using
    --trigger - topic flagwill use the new schema.To get the legacy behavior,
    use the --trigger-event and--trigger-resource flags e.g.
    gcloud function isdeploy deploy –trigger-event
  • Please see formore
    information on storage event types.
  • (REMOVED) removefunctions/use_new_pubsub_trigger and
    functions/use_new_object_trigger properties.
  • deprecatedgcloud sql instance export.usegcloud sql export sql instead .
  • deprecatedgcloud sql instance import.usegcloud sql import sql instead .
  • Region isnow inferred from--gce-zone flagduring gcloud sql instance
    calls,andwill override any valueset with--region.
  • (REMOVED) removethe deprecated --port flagfrom
    gcloud compute backend - service.use--port - name instead .
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecated--additional - zone ( replace by--node - location)

App Engine

  • ThePython SSL 2.7 library will be decommissioned on 2 April 2018.After this
    date,apps will be blocked fromdeploying until you specify the SSL library
    (latest) or(2.7.11) .

  • updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.63.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

Cloud Bigtable

  • addgcloud beta bigtable instance upgrade command which upgrades
    an existing development instance toa production instance.

Cloud Datastore

  • promotegcloud datastore import andgcloud datastore export toGA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--framework flagtogcloud ml - engine versions create tospecify
    the machine learning framework (TensorFlow,scikit-learn,or XGboost) forML
    Engine versions.

Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql export toGA.
  • promotegcloud sql import toGA.
  • addwarnings whencalling gcloud sql instance iscreate create withboth the
    --region and--gce-zone flags,or withneither.These flags will become
    mutually exclusive,with exactly one being require forcreate calls.

container Engine

  • addcontainer / use_v1_api_client property asan alias ofcontainer/use_v1_api.
    container/use_v1_api isstill supported.

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--enable-pod-security-policy flagtoenable PodSecurityPolicy enforcement incluster:
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create --enable-pod-security-policy
    andgcloud beta container cluster update --enable-pod-security-policy

Stackdriver Debugger

  • changegcloud beta source upload command touse the .gcloudignore file if
    present.If not present and.gitignore is,.gitignore will still be used.
    See gcloud topic gcloudignore tolearn more.

190.0.1 (2018-02-22)

  • Hotfix forUnicodeDecodeError issue affecting logging.

190.0.0 (2018-02-21)

break change

  • The--class and--jar flags forthe hadoop andspark commandin
    gcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit are now mutually exclusive.Theprevious usage
    had been deprecated formore than a year.
  • (MODIFIED) Soon changing the default event schema returned by Cloud
    Functions witha Pub/Sub trigger(e.g.--trigger - topic) .TheeventId,
    timestamp,eventType,andresource properties will all be moved into
    the event.context property .

    • To opt-in tothe new behavior early,run
      gcloud config set functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger true.
    • To restore old behavior,run
      gcloud config set functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger False oruse
      the --trigger-event flage.g.gcloud function isdeploy deploy --trigger-
      event providers/cloud.pubsub/eventTypes/topic.publish \
      --trigger-resource <TOPIC_NAME>
    • Please see
      for more information on the new schema.
  • Inalpha andbeta:
    • removeiot configs andiot credentials command group .Please use
      iot devices configs andiot device credential instead .
    • removethe --enable-device flagfromiot devices create and
      iot devices update.Please use--blocke instead .
    • removethe --pubsub - topic flag anddeprecated the --event - pubsub - topic
      flag fromiot registries create andiot registries update.Please usethe
      --event - notification - config flaginstead .
  • (REMOVED) removeNAME and--regexp args from
    compute target - ssl - proxy list.Please usethe --filter flaginstead .
  • addthe container/use_v1_api property,which replaces the
    container / use_v1_api_client property .If true,all gcloud Kubernetes Engine
    commands (regardless ofrelease track) will use the v1 API; otherwise,
    gcloud beta track commandwill use v1beta1 API andgcloud alpha track
    commands will use v1alpha1 API.By default,it isset totrue.Thedefault
    will be change tofalse by the end ofMarch.

App Engine

  • updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.67.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy can now deploy App Engine Java Standard apps,by providing
    the path toappengine-web.xml.
  • Staging isnow supported inappengine-web.xml.Information on staging tags is
    available inthe appengine-web.xml reference.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • add--image flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster andgcloud beta
    dataproc workflow - template

Cloud IoT

  • promotegcloud iot command toGA .

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--description flagtogcloud models is create create,gcloud models is update update,
    gcloud versions create,andgcloud versions update
    tomanage model andversion descriptions,respectively.

Cloud SDK

  • modify--log-http toredact oauth tokens by default.

Cloud SQL

  • add--database flagtogcloud beta sql is connect connect.
  • Change gcloud sql instance islist list default table format region column to
    location,containing either the gceZone if defined orthe region.

compute Engine

  • promotepublic-ptr andpublic-ptr-domain flag of
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute instance add-access-config,
    andgcloud compute instance isupdate update-access-config to
    GA .These flags allow setting up the PTR record forthe external IPs of
    compute Engine instances.
  • add--shielde - vm - secure - boot and--shielde - vm - vtpm flags to
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create inalpha tosupport the
    configuration ofshielded VMs.
  • add--enable-flow-logs flagtogcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
    andgcloud compute network subnet update totoggle between enabling and
    disabling flow logs forthe subnet.
  • changegcloud alpha compute images vulnerabilities list todisplay the
    image name instead ofimage id tomatch images command group usage.
  • promote--create - disk flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create tobeta.
    These flags allow creating new disks during instance creation.
  • modifygcloud compute machine - type list tofilter out OBSOLETE types by
    default.Specify a --filter=…flag,or --filter="" tolist all types.

Container Builder

  • modifygcloud container is builds build submit such that if no source isspecified
    andthe --no-source flagis omitted,the current working directory will be

container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster list change todisplay initialnodecount inthe
    NUM_NODES column if currentNodeCount isundefined.This shows a usable
    value during upgrading.
  • The--region flagis now available inall ‘gcloud beta|alpha container’ command .

Kubernetes Engine

  • add--issue-client-certificate togcloud container cluster iscreate create in
    GA.This allows users tocreate cluster without global admin key pair (using
    --no-issue-client-certificate) toimprove security.

189.0.0 (2018-02-14)

break change

  • (REMOVED) removethe --ssl - certificate flagfromgcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create,
    gcloud compute target - https - proxy update,gcloud compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create,
    andgcloud compute target - ssl - proxy update.use--ssl - certificates instead .

App Engine

  • updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.62.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • changegcloud app isdeploy deploy touse a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps for
    Go (in the Flexible Environment) .This enables more robust andflexible
    deployments insome cases.To revert tothe legacy builder,run
    gcloud config set app / use_runtime_builder false fromthe command line.


  • addexperimental support forimport ofORC files into BigQuery.
  • addCloud KMS key rotating forcustomer-manage encryption key protected
    BigQuery tables.
  • add--location flagtospecify the geographic location inwhich BigQuery
    jobs will run.No changes are require forcommands inthe existing US andEU

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 1.4.1.
    • Recommended:usethe health check endpoint toconfirm
      emulator startup instead ofrelying on the “Dev App Server isnow
      running.” message.
    • fixissue where the emulator server would close HTTP connections
      before shutting down,which was a problem for/shutdown.This issue
      can be tracked at

compute Engine

  • modifythe preview field tobe optional whenimporting using
    gcloud compute security - policy import or
    gcloud compute security - policy create.

container Engine

  • promote--cluster - secondary - range - name,--create - subnetwork,
    --enable-autorepair,--enable - ip - alias,--enable - kubernete - alpha,
    --enable - legacy - authorization,--enable - network - policy,--labels,
    --enable - master - authorize - network,--master - authorize - network,
    --min - cpu - platform,--node - location,--node - taint,--node - version,
    --preemptible,--service - account,--service - ipv4 - cidr,
    --services-secondary-range-name ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create toGA.

  • promote--complete - ip - rotation,--enable - legacy - authorization,
    --enable - master - authorize - network,--enable - network - policy,
    --logge-service,--maintenance-window,--remove - label,
    --start - ip - rotation,--update - label,--node - location,
    --master - authorize - network ofgcloud container cluster isupdate update toGA.

  • promote--enable-autorepair,--local-ssd-count,--min - cpu - platform,
    --node - taint,--preemptible,--node - version of
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create toGA.

  • promote--enable-autorepair ofgcloud container node - pools is update update toGA.

188.0.1 ( 2018 – 02 – 08 )

  • Hotfix for affecting Cloud SDK
    installations inenvironments withinconsistent access tothe compute Engine
    metadata server.

188.0.0 (2018-02-07)

break change

  • (REMOVED) removedeprecated gcloud service - management.use
    gcloud endpoints andgcloud service instead .
  • (MODIFIED) Thedefault trigger event behavior for--trigger-bucket flag
    on the gcloud function isdeploy deploy command will soon change. will replace
    providers/ asdefault trigger event.
    To opt-in tothe new behavior early,run
    gcloud config set functions/use_new_object_trigger true.

Cloud SDK

  • addgcloud topic command-conventions fordetails on command line
    conventions andprocessing.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute security - policy rules tobeta.
  • add--file-name and--file-format flags to
    gcloud compute security - policy create.These flags allow creating security
    policies frompredefined templates by importing fromthe specified file .
  • modifythe default file format forgcloud compute security - policy import
    andgcloud compute security - policy export fromjson toyaml.

Container Builder

  • fixissue where a .gcloudignore entry matching “.” caused gcloud
    container is builds build submit
    tonot upload any files.

Firebase Test Lab

  • adddefaultas a possible device orientation.Whenorientation isdefault,the most appropriate orientation foryour app ispicked.
    Usually,this isany app-specified orientation forthe main activity or
    portrait`,if none isspecified inthe app manifest.

Identity andAccess Management

  • (MODIFIED) promotegcloud beta iam roles,
    gcloud beta iam list-testable-permissions toGA.


  • updatethe Pub/Sub Emulator
    • Pub / Sub emulator is spams now spam the console less .
    • Pub/Sub emulator properly sets the default value forSubscription.message_retention_duration.

subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .

187.0.0 ( 2018 – 01 – 31 )

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • add--use - container - optimize - os flagtogcloud alpha|beta app update to
    enable Container-Optimized OS
    as Flex VM base image by default on new deployments.

Cloud DNS

  • addCloud labels flags togcloud beta manage-zones create andgcloud beta manage-zones update
    command .

Cloud Interconnect

  • promotesupport forlabels on interconnects tobeta.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addgcloud alpha pubsub snapshots is describe describe command .

Cloud TPU

  • promotegcloud compute tpus tobeta.

compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute target - vpn - gateways is update update andgcloud compute
    vpn-tunnels update
    tobeta.These commandallow adding/modifying/clearing
  • promotestackdriver - metric flagfamily ofgcloud compute instance-groups
    manage set-autoscaling
    tobeta.These flags allow setting up per-group
    autoscaling andmetric filtering,as well asprovide an improved interface to
    the existing per-instance autoscaling.
  • promote--source - snapshot flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create command to
    beta .This flagallows creating images fromsnapshots.
  • promote--guest - os - feature flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create tobeta.
    This flagallows create disks withadditional specified GuestOS features.
  • promote--licenses flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create toGA.
    This flagallows create disks withadditional specified licenses.

Container Builder

  • changegcloud container is builds build submit command tono longer create a
    .gcloudignore file on disk.Git files are still ignored by default,see
    gcloud topic gcloudignore tolearn more.

container Engine

  • promote--accelerator flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create tobeta.

Container Registry

  • removepublic read-only endpoints fromdefault registries usedby
    gcloud docker anddocker-credential-gcloud forauthentication.

Kubernetes Engine

  • fixan issue causing relative KUBECONFIG paths tofail when usedwith the
    gcloud container cluster get - credential command .


186.0.0 (2018-01-24)

break change

  • (REMOVED) removesupport forthe format --scope=[ACCOUNT=]SCOPE,[[ACCOUNT=]SCOPE,...]] ingcloud compute instance iscreate create,gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create,andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container.Please use--scope=[SCOPE,...] and--service - account=ACCOUNT instead .

  • (MODIFIED) addcautionary ‘y/n’ prompts to
    gcloud beta iam roles create,gcloud beta iam roles update,and
    gcloud beta iam roles is copy copy command whenusing permissions withTESTING
    customrolessupportlevel.Theprompt needs tobe answered tofinish the
    request.Specify --quiet toprevent prompting confirming intent.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 1.4.0.
    • Theemulator now returns error codes that match the Cloud Datastore
      service fortwo scenarios:inserts ofentities that already exist and
      updates toones that don’t.

Cloud Functions

  • modifybehaviour ofgcloud beta function isdeploy deploy when
    re-deploying existing function without –source flag.beta functions is deploy deploy
    will now always upload source code (whether ornot –source flagis supplied)
    from current directory if function was previously deployed fromlocal source.

Cloud SDK

  • The[all-box] attribute has been added tothe table format.It draws a rule
    around all table cells andmay be useful forvisualizing list data ordata
    with embedded newlines.Usage:--format="table[all-box](...)
  • addgcloudignore is enabled / enable property toallow turning off default
    file-skipping behavior on commandthat upload source.Run
    $ gcloud config set gcloudignore is enabled / enable false ( andsee
    $ gcloud topic gcloudignore formore details) .

185.0.0 (2018-01-17)

Cloud Datalab

compute Engine

Container Registry

  • tothe default set ofregistries authenticated by
    gcloud docker.

Kubernetes Engine

  • remove--disable - addon flagingcloud container alpha|beta cluster create.
  • add--addon flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create.
  • deprecated--disable - addon flagingcloud container cluster iscreate create.

184.0.0 (2018-01-10)

break change

  • (REMOVED) removegcloud ml - engine init-project.This step isnow performed
  • remove--discard - local - ssd flagfromgcloud compute instance stop
    (beta andGA) .This flagwasn’t working asintended.Stopping an instance
    that uses a local SSD isnot currently supported; delete andrecreate the
    instance instead .
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe gcloud container --[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint
    flag (removed inalpha andbeta) .
  • (MODIFIED) addthe gcloud container container/new_scopes_behavior
    property,which will,ina future release,be the default behavior.If set
    totrue,compute - rw,devstorage-ro,service-control,and
    service - management scopes are no longer added towhat isspecified in
    --scope,compute - rw isno longer included inthe default scopes,and
    --[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint flags are not allowed.This isnow the
    default behavior foralpha andbeta,so this property has no effect for
    those tracks.

App Engine

  • fixan issue where queue.yaml deployments failed due toa permission
  • updatethe Python SDK forApp Engine toversion 1.9.65.
  • updateJava SDK toversion 1.9.60.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • updatethe Go SDK forApp Engine toversion 1.9.62
    • Includes internal updates forhow applications are deployed.
  • fixinaccurate warning about “module” inapp.yaml configuration file


  • fixissue where page token switch (-k or--page_token) was not passed to
    list --transfer_config command .
  • fixissue where list --transfer_run command filter condition failed due
    tofield name error.
  • addtime partitioning field toshow command .

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • addboot disk type configuration flags tothe
    gcloud beta dataproc cluster create command :

    • --master - boot - disk - type
    • --worker-boot-disk-type
    • --preemptible - worker - boot - disk - type

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--labels flagtogcloud ml - engine models create andgcloud ml - engine versions create.
  • add--labels flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs prediction submit andgcloud ml - engine jobs training submit.
  • addgcloud ml - engine models update,gcloud ml - engine versions update,
    andgcloud ml - engine jobs update commandwhich update Cloud Machine Learning resources.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • add--wait flagtogcloud beta pubsub subscription pull.

Cloud SQL

  • add--user flagtogcloud beta sql import sql toadd support for
    specifying a Postgres user toimport with.
  • add--user flagtogcloud beta sql import csv toadd support for
    specifying a Postgres user toimport with.

Container Builder

addsupport for.gcloudignore files tocontainer is builds build submit command .

container Engine

  • updateGoogle Kubernetes Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.8.4 to1.8.6.
  • promote--node - version flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create toGA.cluster/node-pools can now be
    created witha node version
    different fromthat ofthe master,via the --node - version flag.

Container Registry

  • updatedocker-credential-gcr tov1 .4.2:
    • Refreshes the cloud SDK’s access token whenretrieving it,when configured
      touse gcloud asa token source.

183.0.0 ( 2017 – 12 – 13 )

break change

  • modifythe default output forgcloud beta log metrics is list list todisplay
    in YAML format.To view metrics inthe previous table format,use
    gcloud beta log metrics is list list --format
  • deprecatedthe gcloud alpha source is captures capture group .Please see the gcloud
    debug source upload
    command .

    • Made ‘gke-default’ the default for–scope ingcloud container
      [cluster|node-pools] create
      . It includes storage-ro,logging-write,
      monitoring,service-control,service – management,andtrace.
    • fixissue ingcloud container [cluster|node-pools] create where,if
      –scope included cloud endpoints scopes and–no-enable-cloud-endpoints
      was also specified,the cloud endpoints scopes were still included. They
      are now filtered out.
  • (MODIFIED) modifygcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments
    andgcloud alpha deployment-manager resources list
    commands toshow the ‘runTIME_POLICIES’ instead of’INTENT’ ofthe resources
    under deployment that have not been previewed.

App Engine

Cloud Dataproc

  • promote--num-masters flagfor Dataproc Cluster High Availability mode
    in the gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create command toGA.
  • promote--graceful - decommission - timeout flagofgcloud dataproc cluster
    command forDataproc Graceful Downscale toGA.
  • add--master-min-cpu-platform and--worker-min-cpu-platform flags to
    `gcloud beta dataproc cluster create

Cloud Logging

  • adda --config-from-file flagtothe gcloud log metric create and
    update command inbeta.This flagis mutually exclusive with
    --description and--log - filter andcan be used toconfigure a new metric
    orupdate the configuration ofa metric.

Cloud ML Product Search

  • launchML Product Search (gcloud ml products) toALPHA.

compute Engine

  • addthe gcloud beta compute os - login ssh-keys describe command,which
    displays the details ofan OS Login user profile SSH key.
  • promote--labels flagofgcloud compute instance - template create to
    GA .
  • add--configure-disk flagtobeta command
    compute instance-templates create.
  • addgcloud beta compute os - login remove - profile command which removes
    posix account information forOS Login users.

Deployment Manager

  • modifygcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is create create,
    gcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is update update,
    gcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is describe describe and
    ‘gcloud alpha deployment-manager resources list’ command toshow additional
    ‘TO_run’ or’NOT_run’ intent foraction resources under previewed

Speech API

  • promotegcloud ml speech toGA.

Stackdriver Debugger

  • addgcloud beta debug source upload toreplace the gcloud alpha source is captures
    group .

Vision API

  • promotegcloud ml vision toGA.

182.0.0 (2017-12-06)

break change

  • renamethe --language flagto--language - code forthe
    gcloud beta ml speech command .
  • Forgcloud [alpha|beta] container [cluster|node-pools] create,
    --service - account isnow mutually exclusive with--scope and
    --[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint,andsets the cloud-platform scope when
    specify .
  • (REMOVED) removeability touse --backup-pool flagwithout an
    argument ingcloud compute target-pools set-backup.use
    --no-backup-pool instead .
  • (REMOVED) removeability touse --bucket flagwithout an argument in
    gcloud compute project-info set-usage-bucket.use--no-bucket instead .

Cloud Video Intelligence API

  • promotegcloud ml video toGA.

Cloud Natural Language API

  • promotegcloud ml language classify-text toGA.

Speech API

  • addthe --include - word - time - offset flagtothe gcloud beta ml speech
    command .

Google container Engine

  • Regional cluster are inbeta.The--region flagis now supported inthe
    gcloud beta container cluster surface .
  • addthe --machine - type and--disk-size flags tothe
    gcloud container is builds build submit command .
  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.8.3 to1.8.4.
  • add--allow-route-overlap flagingcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    toallow the provided cluster CIDRs tooverlap withsome existing routes.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • updatethe version ofcbt to0.2.3.Changes inthis version:
    • fixspurious error message formany commands
    • addthe ability toapply a regex toread command

Google Container Builder

  • updatethe version to0.2.6.Changes inthis version:
    • addbuild’s timing information:build steps,image pulls andpushes.
    • simplify log package .

Google Cloud Functions

  • The--stage - bucket flagofthe beta functions is deploy deploy command isnow
    optional,even whendeploying fromlocal sources.Thecommand now uploads
    sources tosigned URLs generate bythe API.

181.0.0 (2017-11-30)

  • NOTE:This release was hidden andthe Cloud SDK was rolled back toversion

break change

  • promotegcloud pubsub toGA.There are breaking changes inbeta.
    • pubsub subscription is modify modify - ack - deadline has been renamed to
      pubsub subscription modify-message-ack-deadline.
    • (BETA – DEPRECATED) deprecatedmodify-ack-deadline.It will be
      removed inthe future.
    • Inpubsub subscription ack,
      pubsub subscription modify-message-ack-deadline,and
      pubsub subscription is modify modify - ack - deadline,
      the positional argument ACK_ID has been replaced by --ack-ids.
    • (BETA – DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe positional.It will be removed
      in the future.
    • removethe --max - message flagfrompubsub subscription pull.
      usethe --limit flagtoachieve the same behavior.
    • (BETA – DEPRECATED) deprecated--max - message.It will be removed
      in the future.
    • replace the positional argumentMESSAGE_BODY with--message in
      pubsub topics publish .
    • (BETA – DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe positional.It will be removed
      in the future.
    • addpubsub subscription describe andpubsub topics describe command toall
      release tracks.
    • All command inpubsub subscription andpubsub topics now output exactly the
      API response.Extra fields have been removed.See the following for
    • (BETA),this isalso the new default behavior.You can set the
      pubsub/legacy_output property toget the old output .This will
      eventually be removed.
  • (ALPHA – DEPRECATED) gcloud alpha shell has been renamed
    gcloud alpha interactive.

Google Cloud SDK

  • gcloud alpha interactive has been added withthese features:
    • auto-completion andactive help forgcloud commands,flags andresource
    • auto-completion andactive help forbq,gsutil andkubectl
    • support forrunning non-gcloud commands
    • state preservation across commands:cd,pwd,local andenvironment

compute Engine

  • promote--source - instance-template flagofgcloud compute instance
    command tobeta.
  • add--async flagtogcloud alpha compute instances suspend.
    • addwait polling forsynchronous case.
    • removezone prompting support.
    • movetests toautogen test framework.

Cloud Machine Learning

  • gcloud beta ml vision suggest-crop isnow available.

Google App Engine

  • fixissue where Python 2.7 apps using App Engine manage libraries,such as
    Django andFlask,would result inImportError whenrunning
    Now, offers toinstall the app-engine-python-extras
    component which contain the missing libraries.Only applies toapps specifying
    the libraries-section inapp.yaml.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • renamerun toinstantiate ingcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates
    command group .

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • Corrected warning message fromgcloud source repos clone whencloning a

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • deployment - manager deployments is create create / update --config no longer accepts
    templates.Please usethe --template argument .

180.0.1 ( 2017 – 11 – 20 )

  • Hotfix forgcloud compute project-info add-metadata/remove-metadata

180.0.0 (2017-11-15)

break change

  • (REMOVED) removethe capability todeploy Endpoints configuration when
    using gcloud beta app is deploy deploy.

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.8.2 to1.8.3.

Google Cloud SQL

  • updategcloud sql instance import toshow full source URI.

Google App Engine

  • updatecomponents to1.9.63.
  • adddeprecation warning ingcloud app isdeploy deploy forPython apps using the
    library ssl 2.7.Forinformation about this deprecation,see
  • fixissue affecting the Go runtime inwhich gcloud app isdeploy deploy failed at
    finding dependencies that are not require.
  • add--go_debugging toenable delve debugging
    for the Go runtime.

Google Cloud ML

  • Made Google Cloud ML Engine scale tier BASIC_TPU available ingcloud command
    line tool.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • updategcloud deployment-manager touse latest public API version.

179.0.0 (2017-11-08)

break change

  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedgcloud service - management infavor of
    gcloud endpoints andgcloud service.See help text fordetails.
  • removethe gcloud alpha bio command group .

Google container Engine

  • addthe –enable-basic-auth flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create.
  • addthe –username,–enable-basic-auth,and–password flags to
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update. These allow a user toenable/disable
    basic auth on an existing cluster orchange the username.

Google compute Engine

  • promotethese command tobeta:
    • gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container
    • gcloud beta compute instances isupdate update-container
  • addalpha command forcreating,describing,listing,deleting,updating
    SSL policies andlisting available SSL policy features:

    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies create
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy describe
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy list
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies delete
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy update
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy list-available-features
  • addalpha command forattaching SSL policies toTarget HTTPS proxies
    andTarget SSL proxies:

    • gcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy create
    • gcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy update
    • gcloud alpha compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create
    • gcloud alpha compute target - ssl - proxy update

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to1.9.59.Please visit the following release notes for

    • Java –

Firebase Test Lab

  • addFirebase Test Lab support fortesting Android apps that include a
    network profile setting.runtests asfollows:

    gcloud firebase test android run
    –network – profile=LTE # orLTE-poor,HSPA,etc.

Cloud Pub / Sub

  • addthe following command tothe gcloud beta pubsub topics andgcloud
    beta pubsub subscription
    groups,which enable managing IAM policies:

    • set - iam - policy
    • get - iam - policy
    • add-iam - policy-binding
    • remove-iam - policy-binding
  • addlabels flags (--labels,--update - label,and--remove - label) to
    gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create,gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update,gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create,
    gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update,gcloud pubsub snapshots is create create,
    andgcloud pubsub snapshots is update update inrelease
    tracks where these commandexist.usethese labels toorganize your Google
    Cloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.

Cloud Machine Learning

  • All gcloud ml command inall release tracks can now be usedwith standard
    user credentials (no longer requires a service account) .Forthis towork,
    you must have the appropriate ML API enabled on your current gcloud project .

178.0.0 (2017-11-01)

Google App Engine

  • TheJava development server forStandard isnow available as (java_dev_appserver.cmd forWindows) .It is
    equivalent tothe fromthe Java Standalone
    App Engine SDK.

Google Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Cloud Datastore Emulator version change from1.3 to1.3.0 forgcloud
    emulator package compatibility,with no other changes.

Google compute Engine

  • add–async flagtogcloud computes instances stop command .
    addwait polling forsynchronous cases.
  • promotecompute instance-templates create-with-container,
    compute instances iscreate create-with-container,and
    compute instances isupdate update-container command tobeta.
  • promote--deletion - protection flagin
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create/update toGA.
  • addsource-service-accounts andtarget-service-accounts in
    gcloud compute firewall-rules {describe,list,create,update} command .

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.7.6 to1.8.2
  • remove--wait flagincontainer node-pools delete.
    Please use--async instead .
  • addwarning prompt tobe displayed whenusing
    gcloud alpha/beta container cluster,to avoid failure due toincorrect

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql database create now returns withnon-zero exit code on
    database creation failure.
  • addbeta sql import csv,to support importing data fromCSV files into
    Cloud SQL instances.
  • addbeta sql import sql,with the eventual goal ofreplacing
    sql instances is import import.
  • gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create andgcloud beta sql instances is patch patch
    commands now support the --availability-type flag,for use intoggling
    high availability on Postgres instances.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • promotethe Spanner Databases Sessions command group toGA.

177.0.0 (2017-10-25)

break change

  • (BETA – DEPRECATED) The--include-ignored-file flagofgcloud beta
    functions is deploy deploy
    isnow deprecated.addsupport forusing a
    .gcloudignore file instead .
  • Thegcloud pubsub snapshots is create create,gcloud pubsub snapshots is update update,
    gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create,gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update,
    gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create,gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update,and
    gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update commandhave been updated:

    • These now throw an exception whenany ofthe API requests fail.The
      exception contains the list offailed requests.
    • These now only output the resources corresponding tosuccessful
    • Thesuccess andreason fields have been removed fromthe output of
      these command .

Google Cloud Endpoints

  • gcloud endpoints andgcloud service are now generally available.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now uses a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps for
    Python.This enables more robust andflexible deployments insome cases.To
    revert tothe legacy builder,run gcloud config set
    app / use_runtime_builder false
    fromthe command line.
  • Go 1.8 isnow generally available andthe default Go runtime.
  • Google App Engine components have been updated to1.9.62.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

    • Python –

Google compute Engine

  • (ALPHA) addsupport toupdate the default network tier on a compute Engine
    project:gcloud alpha compute project-info update --default - network - tier

Google Cloud SQL

  • (BETA) addgcloud beta sql export csv tosupport exporting data froma
    Cloud SQL instance toa CSV file .
  • (BETA) addgcloud beta sql export sql withthe eventual goal of
    replacing gcloud sql instance export.

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.28

176.0.0 (2017-10-18)

break change

  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe switch - mode command from
    gcloud compute networks,replaced by the
    update --switch - to- custom - subnet - mode command .
  • The--force flagis removed fromgcloud source repos delete.

Google Cloud SDK

  • On 64-bit Windows platforms Google Cloud SDK will use 64-bit python version
    2.7.13.Previously it was using 32-bit version.Existing Windows
    installations using Cloud SDK withincluded python will see their python
    swapped fornew version whenupgrading tothis release.

Google compute Engine

  • CPU Platform Selection isnow generally available.The--min - cpu - platform
    flag can now be used inthe following command toset the minimum desired
    CPU Platform ofthe virtual machine instance.

    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance isupdate update
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
  • gcloud beta compute os - login commandare now available forusing Google
    compute Engine OS Login.
  • gcloud compute image iscreate create now has a--guest - os - feature flagfor
    enabling specific OS supported features.
  • addalpha support forlabels forthe
    gcloud compute target - vpn - gateways is update update command .
  • addstatic internal IP reservation togcloud compute addresses is create create.
    Users can now:

    • reserve a specific address andthen associate it witha specific
    • specify an ephemeral internal IP address fora resource andthen promote
      the address

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to1.9.58.Please visit the following release notes
    for details:

    • Java –

Google container Engine

  • addthe --node - taint flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container node - pools iscreate create inbeta tosupport Kubernetes taints.

Firebase Test Lab

  • The--use-orchestrator flagfor gcloud firebase test android run isnow
    generally available.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • Thefollowing commandare now available inbeta:
    • gcloud spanner database sessions is list list (to list active sessions ina
      Spanner database)
    • gcloud spanner databases sessions delete (to delete an active session
      in a Spanner database)

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • The--region flaghas been added toall gcloud dataflow command to
    support Dataflow Regional Endpoints.

    • Most commandwill function without the --region flag,andwill
      continue todefault tous - central1 without the flag.
    • Thejobs is list list command will default tolisting jobs fromall regions
      unless the --region flagis specified,at which point it will only
      query that regional endpoint.
    • adda --staging-location flagtothe jobs run command topermit
      running oftemplates where the template islocation-only readable,not

Google Cloud Container Builder Local Builder

  • updatecontainer-builder-local toversion 0.2.5.This:
    • adda flagtoexport workspace tohost

Google Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • updatecloud-datastore-emulator toversion 1.3.Cloud Datastore emulator
    now supports ID reservation inthe Cloud Datastore V1 API.

175.0.0 (2017-10-11)

break change

  • Behavior of--segments flagfor all gcloud ml video detect- * commands
    changed.Theflagnow accepts a list ofduration pair strings
    (e.g.0:1m40s,3m50s:5m10.232265s) instead ofpairs ofmicroseconds.
    Microseconds can still be specified using fractional seconds.Forexample,
    0.000569s represents 569 microseconds.
  • The--mode flagfor the gcloud compute networks iscreate create command has been
    deprecated.Please usethe --subnet - mode flaginstead .
  • Theoutput ofthe gcloud container image describe command has been
    updated tobe more consistent withother command .

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute networks update isnow generally available.
  • --bgp-routing-mode and--subnet - mode flags added to
    gcloud compute networks iscreate create.
  • Ability toconfigure reverse DNS (PTR) records forinstances through the
    gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create --public-ptr-* flags andthe
    gcloud beta compute instances isupdate update-access-config command now available .

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app firewall - rule isnow generally available.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • gcloud projects is create create --folder isnow generally available.This command
    enables creation ofprojects withinfolders.

Google Cloud KMS

  • gcloud kms update isnow generally available.

Google Cloud Video Intelligence

  • gcloud beta ml video detect-explicit-content isnow available.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component tothe 20171003 release.Changes inthat
    release are documented

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • The--credential flagfor
    gcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is create create/update commandis now
    available.Using this flag,a custom service account can be provided asthe
    deployment credential.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Nested command line argument groups have been enabled.Thegroups are
    clearly labelled andindented in--help documents.Also,argument group
    conflict error messaging isuniform across all gcloud command .

174.0.0 (2017-10-04)

Google App Engine

  • App Engine components updated to1.9.61.Please visit the following release
    notes fordetails:
  • TheApp Engine flexible environment now defaults toPython 3.6 whenPython
    3 isrequested.To revert toPython 3.5,specify python_version:3.5 in
    the runtime_config element ofyour
    app.yaml configuration file
  • Theaspnetcore runtime isnow available using gcloud app isdeploy deploy inthe
    GA track .It remains available via the beta track aswell.See formore
  • Auto-generated app.yaml forGo under Flexible no longer contains
    api_version (which is forthe Standard only) .

Google compute Engine

  • Adding/Removing IP alias ranges are now supported ingcloud beta compute
    instance network - interface update
    .Subnetwork secondary ranges can be
    modified using gcloud beta compute network subnet update.
  • addgcloud alpha compute sign - url forgenerating Cloud CDN Signed URLs.
  • add--signed-url-cache-max-age flagtothe following alpha commands
    related toCloud CDN Signed URL:

    • gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket iscreate create
    • gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket update
    • gcloud alpha compute is create backend - services is create create
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services update
  • addalpha command foradding anddeleting Cloud CDN Signed URL keys to
    backend buckets andservices:

    • gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket delete-signed-url-key
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services delete-signed-url-key

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates group formanaging Dataproc
    Workflow Templates.

173.0.0 (2017-09-27)

Google App Engine

  • addbuild tag forGo 1.9 togo – app – stager
  • fixbuild tags whenusing withthe Go 1.8 beta

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • addgcloud beta dataproc cluster get - iam - policy and
    gcloud beta dataproc cluster set - iam - policy command tomanage IAM
    permissions on a cluster.

Google Cloud IOT

  • gcloud iot isnow inpublic beta .
  • The–enable-device boolean flagfor beta iot device create/update is
    now deprecated andrenamed to–blocke.
  • add--enable-http-config flagtobeta iot registries is create create / update.
  • addnew flag--state - pubsub - topic flag to
    beta iot registries is create create / update
  • addtwo new key types for
    iot device credentials andrenamed existing types.
  • add–metadata[-from-file] flagtobeta iot devices is create create / update.
  • addbeta iot registry credential command group andadded the
    --public-key-path flagtobeta iot registries create.
  • addbeta iot devices states list surface .

Google compute Engine

  • Fix validation ingcloud compute routers update-interface todisallow
    –mask-length tobe specified without –ip-address.
  • add--zone flagtobeta compute instance-groups manage create command .

Google container Engine

  • The--enable - network - policy flagis now available inthe
    gcloud beta container cluster update command .To use this command on an
    existing cluster,first run
    gcloud beta container cluster update --update-addons network-policy=ENABLED.
  • add–maintenance-window flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
    andgcloud beta container cluster update.
  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.7.5 to1.7.6.
  • The--enable-autoupgrade flagis now GA,available for
    gcloud container cluster create,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
    andgcloud container node - pools is update update command .

Google Container Registry

  • gcloud auth configure-docker isnow inBETA.This isthe new preferred
    method toconfigure gcloud/docker integration.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • add--summarize flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs describe command .
    Prints job resource inhuman readable table format.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Language

  • gcloud ml language analyze-entity-sentiment isnow inGA

172.0.1 (2017-09-21)

Google Cloud Service Management

  • Fixing crash ingcloud service – management deploy

172.0.0 (2017-09-20)

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app update isnow available.
  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now uses a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps for
    runtime:java.This enables more robust andflexible deployments insome
    cases.Consult the runtime release notes foryour language at formore details.To
    revert tothe legacy builder,you can set the app / use_runtime_builder
    config tofalse.
  • updateApp Engine Java components toversion 1.9.56.Formore details,see
    the release notes at:

Google Container Registry

  • gcloud container image describe isnow available.
  • gcloud alpha container image describe now has additional functionality
    for whitelisted users.
  • fixa timestamp issue ingcloud container image list - tag.

Google compute Engine

  • addsupport forCloud KMS keys withDisks,Snapshots,Images,and
  • addthe --autoscaling - config - file flagtogcloud beta compute
    instance-groups manage set-autoscaling

Firebase Test Lab

  • addthe --no-record-video and--no-performance-metrics flags to
    gcloud firebase test android run.This supports running tests without
    recording video and/or performance metrics.Disabling these options may
    reduce test post-processing time.

Google Cloud Service Management

  • Commands ingcloud service - management will soon be deprecated.
    • Thepreferred command tolist,enable,anddisable services are now
      under gcloud beta service.
    • Thepreferred command toproduce services forconsumption are now
      under gcloud beta endpoints services.

Google Cloud SQL

  • fixthe --async flagingcloud sql backups delete towork asexpected.

Google Cloud BigQuery CLI

  • updatethe bq command-line tool toversion 2.0.26.
  • addsupport forData transfer Service command .You can now do the

    • transfer config:Show,List,Add,Delete,Edit
    • transfer run:Show,List,Schedule,Delete
    • transfer log:List
  • addsupport forcustomer-manage encryption keys withCloud KMS.You
    can specify your Cloud KMS crypto key inthe following operations:

    • A query that creates a destination table:bq query
      --destination_kms_key { key name }
    • A load job that creates a destination table:bq load
      --destination_kms_key {key name}
    • Whencreating a new table:bq mk --destination_kms_key {key name}.
  • Partitioned tables can now be created using the query andload command .
    • usethe --time_partitioning_xxx flags andthe --destination_table
      flagtowrite orload data into a new partitioned table.

Google Cloud Container Builder Local Builder

  • updatecontainer-builder-local toversion 0.2.3.This:
    • Upgrades server docker toversion 17.06.1.
    • addthe --no-source flag andrelated tests.
    • Always pulls the latest container.
    • Increases the limit on encrypted secrets to100.

171.0.0 (2017-09-13)

break change

  • (MODIFIED) beta functions is deploy deploy will set deployment-tool label to
    cli - gcloud.Manually setting labels starting with”deployment” will no
    longer be allowed.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Implemented command line TAB completion cache using sqlite.You
    can use the gcloud meta cache list command toview the cache.

Google App Engine

Google Cloud compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute commitment command group toGA.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos commandnow accept slashes / inrepository name.

170.0.1 (2017-09-08)

Google compute Engine

  • Revert a change which inadvertently removed gcloud compute xpn command .

170.0.0 (2017-09-06)

Google Cloud SDK

  • You can now use the [json-decode] –format printer attribute toJSON
    decode resource values that are compact JSON encodings. Forexample,

  • gcloud init will now give the choice toenter a project id,create a
    project,or list all projects if a user has a large number ofprojects.

  • gcloud component list now has the --only-local-state flagwhich shows
    only locally installed components.

Google App Engine

  • A bug inwhich traffic split exhibited a rounding error has been fixed.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • An error withreading the results ofRead-Modify-Write operations has been

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Theflags --max - age,--max - idle,and--expiration-time have been
    added togcloud beta dataproc cluster create.

Google Cloud Functions

  • The--update - label and--remove - label flags have been added to
    gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy.

Google Cloud KMS

  • Thegcloud beta kms keys update command isnew.This command allows users
    toupdate a key’s labels,rotation period,next rotation time,andprimary
    version.Effective withthis change,use the following commandinstead of
    remove-rotation-schedule,set - rotation - schedule,and
    set - primary - version:

    • usegcloud beta kms keys update --remove-rotation-schedule toremove
      a key’s rotation schedule instead of
      gcloud kms keys remove-rotation-schedule.
    • use
      gcloud beta kms keys update --next - rotation - time --rotation - period to
      set the next rotation time androtation period instead of
      gcloud kms keys set - rotation - schedule.
    • usegcloud beta kms keys update --primary-version toset a key’s
      primary version instead ofgcloud kms keys set - primary - version.
  • The--labels argument has been added tocloud kms keys create.This
    argument allows users tocreate labels during key creation.Related to
    labels inCloud KMS:

    • usegcloud beta kms keys update --update - label tomodify a key’s
    • usegcloud beta kms keys update --remove - label toremove a key’s

Google compute Engine

  • The--ssl - certificates flagin
    compute target-{https|ssl}-proxies {create|update} has been promoted to
    GA .The--ssl - certificate flaginthe same command groups has been
    deprecated.Please use--ssl - certificates asan alternative.

  • Thehidden compute diagnose route command isnow available.It enables
    (trace)routing to/from VMs incompute Engine.

  • Thegcloud compute share - vpc command isnow available asan alias of
    gcloud compute xpn.

Google container Engine

  • Google container Engine’s kubectl version has been updated from1.7.4 to

  • Thefollowing flags are now available ingcloud beta containers create for
    enabling the use ofIP aliases withan existing subnetwork:
    -enable - ip - alias,--cluster - secondary - range - name,

169.0.0 (2017-08-30)

break change

  • (DEPRECATION) gcloud compute network subnet list NAMES,--region
    and--regexp arguments.use--filter instead .

Google Cloud Functions

  • Whendeploying an update toa existing function
    gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy will keep the old trigger by default.
    Specifying trigger isnow require only whendeploying a new function.

  • addthe --retry flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy.

  • gcloud beta function deploy now keep old field value unless they ‘re
    explicitly override .

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now uses a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps for
    runtime:nodejs andruntime:ruby.This enables more robust andflexible
    deployments insome cases.Consult the runtime release notes foryour
    language on formore
    details.To revert tothe legacy builder,you can set the
    app / use_runtime_builder config tofalse.

Google compute Engine

  • Themax metadata valuesize has been increased to256 KiB.

Google compute Engine (Networking)

  • The--bgp-routing-mode flagingcloud beta compute networks create and
    gcloud beta compute networks update isnow available.

Google Cloud Datastore

  • Import andexport Cloud Datastore data using gcloud beta datastore import
    andgcloud beta datastore export.Formore information see

  • Manage active imports andexports using gcloud beta datastore operations
    command .

Google Machine Learning Engine

  • gcloud alpha ml * commandnow work withuser account authentication (in
    addition toservice accounts) .Forthis towork,you must have a current
    project set ingcloud’s config andyou must be a writer oran editor on that

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.7.3 to1.7.4.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component tothe 20170818 release.Changes inthat
    release are documented inits tracking issue

168.0.0 (2017-08-23)

break change

  • removesupport forthe deprecated --instance flagfrom
    gcloud sql operation describe andgcloud sql operation is wait wait;
    removed support forthe deprecated DUE_TIME argument from
    gcloud sql backups describe andthe equivalent --due-time flag of
    gcloud sql instance restore_backup.
  • The--mode flagingcloud beta compute networks create and
    gcloud beta compute networks update has been renamed to--subnet - mode.

Google compute Engine

  • The--ip-version flagis now available in
    gcloud compute addresses is create create and
    gcloud compute forwarding_rules is create create.
  • IP aliases are now supported ingcloud compute instance iscreate create and
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .
  • Subnetwork secondary ranges are now supported in
    gcloud compute network subnets iscreate create.
  • add--action,--rule,--direction,--destinationRanges,
    and--priority flags to
    gcloud compute firewall-rules {describe,list,create,update} command .
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated
    gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container.use
    gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-with-container instead .
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated
    gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create-from-container.use
    gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create-with-container instead .
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe name and--regexp flags fromthe
    following compute command .use--filter instead .

    • gcloud compute backend - bucket list
    • gcloud compute firewalls list
    • gcloud compute groups list
    • gcloud compute http - health - check list
    • gcloud compute https-health-checks list
    • gcloud compute image list
    • gcloud compute instance - template list
    • gcloud compute networks list
    • gcloud compute operations islist list
    • gcloud compute routes is list list
    • gcloud compute target - http - proxy list
    • gcloud compute url - map list
    • gcloud compute users is list list
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe name,--regexp,and--region flags
    from the following compute command .use--filter instead .

    • gcloud compute addresses list
    • gcloud compute backend - service list
    • gcloud compute forwarding - rule list
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe name,--regexp,--zone,and
    --region flags fromthe following compute command .use--filter
    instead .

    • gcloud alpha compute disk list
    • gcloud compute instance-groups manage list

Google Cloud Logging

  • Thegcloud log command group isnow available inGA.
    gcloud beta log will be removed inthree months’ time.

Google App Engine

  • addthe following command :
    • gcloud beta app firewall - rules is create create
    • gcloud beta app firewall - rules is delete delete
    • gcloud beta app firewall - rules is describe describe
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules list
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules test-ip
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules update

Google Cloud KMS

  • adduser-defined labels (key/value pairs) toCloud KMS.Users will be
    able toattach labels totheir CryptoKey resources.

Google ML Engine

  • fixa bug where gcloud ml - engine local train did not work on Windows.

Google Container Registry

  • fixa warning that users ofdocker 17.07 were seeing.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • fixthe deployment manager is create create output format .

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Thelocal builder was upgraded toversion 0.2.1.Release notes:
    • Volumes feature added.
    • Secrets feature added.
    • Integration test for$project_id substitution.
    • Stop channel toterminate the goroutines that refresh the auth tokens.
    • Clean some unnecessary stdout.

167.0.0 (2017-08-16)

break change

  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe name and--regexp flags forthe following
    command .usethe --filter flaginstead:

    • gcloud compute snapshots list
    • gcloud compute regions list
    • gcloud compute target - https - proxy list
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates list
    • gcloud compute zones list
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe following flags fromgcloud compute
    instance-groups list
    :name,--regexp,--zone,--region; these are
    replaced by the --filter flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe --pubsub - topic flagfromgcloud beta/alpha iot
    registries create/update
    ; this isreplaced by the --event - pubsub - topic flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedgcloud iot credentials command group .This is
    replaced by gcloud iot device credential.
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedgcloud iot configs command group .This is
    replaced by gcloud iot devices config.
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe --force - create flagfromgcloud compute
    images create
    .This isreplaced by the --force flag.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Upgraded Windows bundled python version from2.7.10 to2.7.13.
  • Cloud Tools forPowerShell:
    • addnew - GceNetwork andremove - GceNetwork toadd andremove Google compute
      Engine Networks.
    • add-maxbadrecord parameter toStart - BqJob cmdlet .
    • fixa bug inFix - GkeCluster cmdlet where-NodeVersion parameter is
      not processed correctly.

Google container Engine

  • add--min - cpu - platform flagtogcloud alpha container command .
  • updategcloud alpha container cluster resize andgcloud beta container
    cluster resize
    command tosafely drain nodes before removal.
  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.7.2 to1.7.3.
  • add--logge-service flagtogcloud beta container cluster update.
    This flagcontrols the enabling anddisabling ofStackdriver Logging integration. toenable and--logge-service=none
  • modifythe --scope flagingcloud beta container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create command todefault to
    logging.write,monitoring andsupport passing an empty list.

Google compute Engine

  • promotegcloud compute interconnects command tobeta.These commands
    allow you toprovision an interconnection between your network andGoogle Cloud VPCs.
    Formore details see online documentation,

  • fixa bug ingcloud compute update routers where removing interfaces/peers was
  • add--security-policy flagtogcloud beta compute backend - service update.
  • gcloud compute security - policy commandnow inbeta.
  • addgcloud beta compute instance-groups manage rolling-action command group .
  • updategcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create tosupport labels

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • add--composite-type and--template flags togcloud deployment-manager
    deployments create
    .Also,added a warning whenusing --config witha template
    instead ofthe new --template flag.This behavior will be deprecated 2017-11-08.

Google App Engine

  • updategcloud app services set-traffic tosupport --split-by=random to
    split traffic randomly between versions.

Firebase Test Lab

  • promoteFirebase Test Lab tobeta forrunning instrumentation test with
    Android Test Orchestrator.use--use-orchestrator torun withOrchestrator.

166.0.0 (2017-08-09)

break change

  • Demoted gcloud container image describe tothe alpha track .
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe following flags fromgcloud beta function
    :--local - path,--source-path,--source-url,--source - revision,
    --source-branch,--source - tag; these are replace by the--source
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe --region flagfromgcloud beta function
    ,replaced by the --region flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) deprecatedthe --region and--regexp flag from
    gcloud compute routers list name,use --filter instead .

Google compute Engine

  • addsupport formultiple network interface cards forgcloud compute
    instances iscreate create
    andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.

Google Cloud IAM

  • updategcloud iam surfaces toalso accept uniqueId asservice account

Google container Engine

  • add--node - location flagtogcloud alpha container cluster create
    andgcloud alpha container cluster update.
  • modifygcloud alpha container image list toproperly handle
    domain-scoped project ids when--project isomitted.

Google Container Registry

  • fixconcurrent docker pull calls that usedthe same container name.

Google App Engine

  • modifygcloud app isdeploy deploy touse the new PHP Runtime Builder pipeline to
    deployapps.You can set app / use_runtime_builder config tofalse if you
    need the old behavior.
  • Go’s aetest package now reuses http connections,fixing a bug that exhausted
    file descriptors whenrunning tests.
  • Go 1.8 uses the new standard library context package whencalling

Google Cloud SQL

  • modifyCloud SQL replica creation tono longer require specification of
    database version,tier,or region.

Google Cloud Logging

  • modifygcloud beta log metrics is list list tono longer display version

165.0.0 (2017-08-02)

break change

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • changethe structure ofthe bq ls command output whenthe format flag
    is set tojson,prettyjson orcsv.
  • add--schema option tobq show command that outputs the
    JSON-formatted schema fora table,suitable foruse asa schema input
    file forbq load orbq mk --schema.

Google Cloud Functions

  • add--source flagtoalpha andbeta functions is deploy deploy command .

Google Cloud IAM

  • gcloud beta iam roles command group isnow available.These commands
    allow you tocreate andmanipulate IAM predefined/custom roles:

    • gcloud beta iam roles create
    • gcloud beta iam roles describe
    • gcloud beta iam roles update
    • gcloud beta iam roles is copy copy
    • gcloud beta iam roles list
    • gcloud beta iam roles delete
    • gcloud beta iam role undelete
  • gcloud beta iam list-testable-permissions isnow available.This command
    allows you tolist all the permissions that apply tothe given resource,
    which also includes the customrolessupportlevel field .

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.7.0 to1.7.2.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud beta log sinks list will stop working forgcloud versions 161

164.0.0 (2017-07-26)

break change

  • removethe --show-execution-ids,--show-function-name,
    --show-log-levels,and--show - timestamp flags fromthe
    gcloud alpha function logs read andgcloud beta function logs is read read command .

  • fromthe list ofdefault repositories that
    gcloud docker authenticates for.


  • deprecatedthe NAME ... argument,--zone flag,and--regexp flagfor
    the commandlisted below.Please usethe --filter flaginstead .

    • gcloud compute disk list
    • gcloud compute disk-types list
    • gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage list
    • gcloud compute instance list
    • gcloud compute machine - type list
    • gcloud compute target - instances is list list

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • First release ofthe local builder.Install the container-builder-local
    component,andrun container-builder-local totry it out.

Google compute Engine

Google container Engine

  • gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create now supportenabling authorized
    networks forKubernetes Master via --enable - master - authorize - network and
    --master - authorize - network flag.

  • gcloud beta container cluster update now supportconfiguring authorized
    networks forKubernetes Master via --enable - master - authorize - network,
    --no-enable-master-authorized-networks,and--master - authorize - network

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create now allows the Kubernetes Dashboard tobe
    disabled fora new cluster via the --disable - addon=KubernetesDashboard flag.

  • gcloud container cluster isupdate update now allows the Kubernetes Dashboard tobe
    disabled on existing cluster via the
    --update-addons=KubernetesDashboard=DISABLED flag.

163.0.0 (2017-07-19)

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Table list command (bq ls [dataset]) now displays Time Partitioning information about listed tables.

Google Cloud SQL

  • ‘gcloud sql instance create’ now defaults tothe Second Generation ‘db-n1-standard-1’ tier instead ofthe First Generation ‘D1′ tier.’create’ command inwhich a tier isspecified,will be unaffected.
  • ‘sql instances list’ and’beta sql instances list’ commandnow list DATABASE_VERSION ofeach instance.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Fix bug where permission bits weren’t set on directories intar files uploaded toCloud Storage

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute image list shows BLOCKED_BY_POLICY status forimages blocked by compute.trustedImageproject foruser project .
  • changethe default value ofthe --image - family flagtodebian-9 forthe gcloud compute instance iscreate create andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command .

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster get - credential now correctly respects the HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH andUSERPROFILE environment variables whengenerating the kubectl config file .
  • add–region flagtogcloud alpha containers tomanage regional cluster.

162.0.0 (2017-07-12)

break change

  • removegcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage rolling-action
    .Instead,use gcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage
    rolling-action replace

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute networks peerings isnow generally available.Thealpha and
    beta tracks remain.
  • gcloud alpha compute networks list-ip-owners isnow available inthe
    alpha track .
  • addsource-service-accounts andtarget-service-accounts tothe
    gcloud beta compute firewall - rules is describe describe,
    gcloud beta compute firewall - rule list,
    gcloud beta compute firewall - rules is create create,and
    gcloud beta compute firewall - rule update command .
  • addthe --custom - extension flagto:
    • gcloud compute instance iscreate create
    • gcloud compute instance set - machine - type
    • gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.
  • Forwarding rules witha standard network tier can now accept global targets.
  • addsupport forupdating network tiers inthe gcloud alpha compute
    forwarding - rule update
    command .

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to1.9.57.Please visit the following
    release notes formore details:
  • addgcloud beta app update tosupport configuring an application’s
    feature settings.
  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now allows deployments ofGo 1.8 apps on App Engine
    Standard.During this open beta period you may opt-in toGo 1.8 by
    specifying api_version:go1.8 inyour app.yaml.
  • addsupport forstandard scheduler settings.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment - manager deployments is create create
    will now delete the new deployment after
    creation if it contains operation errors.
  • gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments create can now create
    deployments witha list ofkey-value pairs aslabels using the --labels
    flag.gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments update can now
    update/remove labels ofthe deployment using the --update - label and
    --remove - label flag.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • addthe gcloud ml - engine models get - iam - policy,
    gcloud ml - engine models set - iam - policy,
    gcloud ml - engine models remove-iam - policy-binding,and
    gcloud ml - engine models add-iam - policy-binding
    command .These read andmodify IAM policy data forML Engine models.See fordetails.

Google Cloud Machine Learning api

  • Thegcloud ml language analyze-entity-sentiment command isnow available
    in the beta track .This command allows forentity-level sentiment analysis.
    Please visit tolearn more
    about pricing forthis feature.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • Thefollowing Organization Policy commandare now available inthe beta
    track:gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies allow,
    gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies delete,
    gcloud beta resource - manager org - policies is deny deny,
    gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies describe,
    gcloud beta resource - manager org - policies is enforce disable - enforce,
    gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce,
    gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies list,
    andgcloud beta resource - manager org - policy set - policy.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Thebeta sql instances iscreate create andbeta sql instances is patch patch commandhave
    been updated tosupport storage auto-resize limits using

Google container Engine

  • addthe --enable - ip - alias,--service - ipv4 - cidr,and
    --create-cluster flags tosupport IP aliases.
  • updatekubectl fromversion 1.6.6 toversion 1.7.0.

Google Cloud Storage

  • updatethe gsutil component to4.27.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • fixbug:defining substitutions withthe command-line --substitutions
    flag no longer causes all substitutions defined incloudbuild.yaml tobe

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud beta log sinks commandnow use only V2 ofthe API instead of
    a mix ofV1 andV2 calls.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos clone now give a warning if the repository is
    mirror .

161.0.0 (2017-06-28)

break change

  • removegcloud beta test android devices.Please usegcloud firebase test
    android models
    asan alternative.
  • renamethe --account-id flagingcloud alpha billing projects link to
    --billing - account.Theold flagis still available but deprecated.
  • renamethe ACCOUNT_ID flaginthe gcloud alpha billing project
    command to--billing - account.
  • renamegcloud billing accounts projects togcloud billing projects.
    Theold commandare available but deprecated.


  • promotegcloud billing tobeta.Thealpha surface remains andis
    identical; the changes listed inthe “break change” section apply to
    the beta release track andthe old flag andcommands are not available in

Google App Engine

  • promotegcloud app instances is ssh ssh andgcloud app instances isscp scp toGA.Thebeta commandremain
    andare identical.
  • updateApp Engine components forPython toversion 1.9.55.
    Please visit the release notes fordetails:
  • updateApp Engine components forJava toversion 1.9.54.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • addsupport fordeploying Standard Environment Java applications to
    gcloud beta app is deploy deploy; use either gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
    orgcloud beta app is deploy deploy $APP_DIR.
  • addsupport fordirectories aspositional arguments togcloud app
    ,inaddition toYAML files.Ineach directory,the command uses the
    app.yaml file if present,or interactively creates one otherwise.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • promote--region flagtobeta andGA forevery gcloud dataproc command .
    Theflagremains available inalpha andis identical.
  • addURL support forzonal resource flags --zone,
    --master - machine - type,--worker - machine - type,
    --master - accelerator-type,and--worker - accelerator-type ingcloud
    command inaddition toshort name; forinstance, - central1-f as
    well asus - central1-f.

Google Cloud Natural Language

  • promotegcloud ml language command toGA toallow the analysis oftext
    using the Cloud Natural Language API.Thecommandremain inalpha andbeta
    andare identical.

Google Cloud SQL

  • add--labels flagtogcloud beta sql instances iscreate create and
    --update - label,--remove - label,and--clear - label flags togcloud beta sql instances is patch patch
    tosupport the application oflabels toSQL instances.

Google compute Engine

  • add--source - instance-template flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
    andgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-from-container toallow instance
    creation based on an
    instance template (see gcloud compute instance - template command group) .
  • add--ssl - certificates flagtogcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy create,
    gcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy update,
    gcloud alpha compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create,and
    gcloud alpha compute target - ssl - proxy update toallow the
    specification ofmultiple ssl certificates whencreating orupdating a
    target proxy.
  • addfor option standard for
    • --network - interface sub – flagnetwork-tier in
      gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create,and
      gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container.
    • --network - tier flagin
      gcloud alpha compute instances
      ,gcloud alpha compute
      instance-templates <create|create-from-container>
      ,andgcloud alpha
      compute <addresses|forwarding - rule> create
  • addcommand gcloud beta compute addresses is update update for
    modification ofaddresses (in particular,modifying labels) .
  • addcommand gcloud beta compute forwarding - rule update for
    modification offorwarding rules (in particular,modifying labels) .
  • promoteflag --force - create ofgcloud compute image iscreate create tobeta.
    By default,image creation fails whenit iscreated froma disk that is
    attached toa running instance.Whenthis flagis used,image creation from
    disk will proceed even if the disk is inuse.

Google container Engine

  • promotegcloud container node-pools rollback command toGA.Thealpha
    andbeta command remains available andis identical.
  • add--enable - network - policy flagtogcloud alpha container cluster
    toenable network policy enforcement.
  • updatekubectl fromversion 1.6.4 toversion 1.6.6.

160.0.0 (2017-06-21; abandoned:all changes available in161.0.0)

break change

  • removethe deprecated gcloud ml - engine init-project command .It isno
    longer needed by other Google Cloud ML Engine command .

Google Cloud SDK

  • GA cmdlets forStackdriver Logging,Google Cloud Pub / Sub,Google Cloud IAM
    are now available inCloud Tools forPowerShell.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app is deploy deploy now uses the new PHP Runtime Builder pipeline to
    deployapps.Thenormal gcloud app isdeploy deploy remain unchanged .
  • Previously,gcloud app list commandwould only show the first 50 results.
    Now,all relevant results will be shown.

Google compute Engine

  • It isnow supported todelete both zonal andregional Managed Instance
    Groups inone gcloud invocation.
  • Using labels ingcloud forthe following Google compute Engine resources
    is now inGA:disks,images,instances,andsnapshots.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • fixa bug affecting concurrent invocations ofgcloud container is builds build
    wherein object could be uploaded tothe same location,
    resulting incollisions andcorrupted/broken builds.

Google Cloud Video Intelligence

  • Thegcloud ml video command group isnow available inthe beta track .
    These commandallow you touse the Cloud Video Intelligence API toanalyze
    videos andmanage long-running video analysis operations.

159.0.0 (2017-06-14)

Google App Engine

  • addcommands tosupport automatically manage certificates:
    • gcloud alpha app domain-mappings
    • gcloud alpha app ssl - certificate
  • add--no - launch - browser flagtoall gcloud app is browse browse command :
    • Allows the user tospecify that they don’t want a browser,they just
      want the url.
    • Detects situations that the user probably can’t launch a browser (no
      DISPLAY,etc.) andjust prints the URL instead ofattempting tolaunch
      a browser.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • cbt ls <table> now shows the GC policy foreach column family.

Google compute Engine

  • addgcloud compute instance set-service-account
  • gcloud compute disk snapshot now waits forthe operation tofinish
  • removethe --zone flagin:
    • gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
    • gcloud compute backend - service remove-backend
    • gcloud compute backend - service update-backend
  • removethe --region flagin:
    • gcloud function command group (alpha andbeta)
    • gcloud function regions list
  • promoteGoogle cloud TCP proxy toGA.

Google Container Registry

  • fixan issue that affected docker is build build while using

Google Cloud KMS

  • promoteKMS gcloud kms isencrypt encrypt andgcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt commandfrom
    beta toGA.

158.0.0 (2017-06-07)

break change

  • TheApp Engine Go externalized runtime will detect Go apps using only the
    files inthe root ofthe app directory.This means that
    gcloud beta app gen - config ( andgcloud app isdeploy deploy inan app directory
    with no app.yaml file) will not recognize a Go runtime if .go files are in
    subdirectories.To override this behavior,run
    gcloud beta app gen - config --runtime go togenerate an app.yaml withthe
    Go runtime.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app is deploy deploy now uses the new Ruby Runtime Builder pipeline to
    deploy apps.Thenormal gcloud app isdeploy deploy remain unchanged .

Google Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Fixes compatibility withlatest HBase client library.
  • Performance improvements forlarge bulk mutations.

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql instance patch commandwill stop asking forconfirmation
    that existing networks have been included incase ofauthorized networks
    being updated,unless the --authorized-networks flagis being used.

Google compute Engine

  • POTENTIALLY BREAKING:Most gcloud compute commandthat involve
    specifying instances will now only prompt withrelevant zones andno
    longer show all Google Cloud Platform zones whenthe --zone flagis
  • gcloud shared VPC network (XPN) commandare now inGA.

157.0.0 (2017-05-31)

Google Cloud SDK

  • addthe auth/disable_credentials property that allows gcloud to
    make requests without loading credentials.This isonly useful if you are
    behind a proxy that adds authentication toyour requests automatically.
  • Cloud Tools forPowerShell:
    • addBigQuery beta cmdlets tomanage BigQuery datasets.
    • addContainer beta cmdlets tomanage Container cluster.

Google App Engine

  • addcommand gcloud beta app instances scp forsecurely copying files
    between an App Engine Flexible instance andthe local machine.
  • updateApp Engine components to1.9.54.

Google compute Engine

  • addability toset the min-cpu-platform ofan instance or
    instance-template inbeta.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • gcloud config set proxy/* settings are now propagated tobq.

Google Cloud IOT

  • addgcloud beta iot command group tothe beta release track .Commands in
    this group manage IoT devices anddata.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component tothe 20170525 release.Changes inthis
    release are documented inits tracking issue

Google Cloud container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.6.3 to1.6.4.

Google Cloud ML Engine

  • removegcloud beta ml alias forgcloud beta ml-engine
    command .Please usegcloud ml - engine directly.
  • removegcloud ml - engine models versions group infavor ofthe identical
    gcloud ml - engine versions group .
  • gcloud ml - engine command inthe beta track now run
    against the v1 API,since the v1beta1 API isturning down.
    These changes do not affect gcloud ml command forGoogle Cloud Natural
    Language,Google Cloud Speech,or Google Cloud Vision.

Google Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql is connect connect toGA.

Google Cloud KMS

  • addencrypt anddecrypt command togcloud beta kms.

156.0.0 (2017-05-24)

break change

  • gcloud container is builds build submit will host build logs ina bucket owned
    by the Container Builder team by default,rather than one owned by the
    customer.If the customer does specify a bucket,
    Thecommand gcloud container is builds build submit will no longer create that
    bucket if it does not already exist.

  • gcloud sql instance set-root-password isnow deprecated andwill be
    removed inversion 162.0.0.Please usegcloud sql user set - password
    as an alternative .

  • gcloud computes copy-files isnow deprecated.usegcloud compute is scp scp
    instead .note thatrecursive copy isnot turned on by default forscp.
    add--recurse tothe invocation toturn it on.

  • TheISO time string format forthe DUE_TIME argument toretrieve a backup
    in gcloud beta sql backups describe isnow deprecated infavor of
    integer format (now known asthe ID argument) .Instead ofrunning:

    $ gcloud beta sql backups is describe describe 2017 – 05 – 24T00:00:00.000Z –instance a1

    please run:

    $ gcloud beta sql backups describe 1490238000769 –instance a1

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components have been updated to1.9.53.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

    • Python:
    • Java:
  • TheApp Engine Flexible environment includes Python 3.6 support (beta) .
    To preview this runtime,specify python_version:3.6 inthe
    runtime_config stanza ofyour app.yaml file .

  • gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh now accepts remote command inthe
    following fashion:gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh -- echo hello world.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • addversioning information tothe cbt commandline tool.Thetool
    version isdisplayed inhelp output andby the new cbt version command .

Google Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • TheCloud Bigtable Emulator isnow supported on Windows hosts.

Google Cloud container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.6.2 to1.6.3.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Print the correct resource name ingcloud log beta sinks create for
    non-project resources.

Google Cloud Resources

  • Thenew gcloud alpha resources list command lists all indexed resources
    accessible fromyour account.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud Storage

  • gcloud config set proxy/* settings are now propagated togsutil.Users
    no longer need toupdate gsutil .boto file withthese settings.

Google compute Engine

  • The--container flagingcloud compute ssh uses docker exec command
    instead ofnsenter inorder toattach tocontainer.The--container
    flag can be usedwith any VM instance that has docker installed.

  • promoteIdentity-Aware Proxy support tothe GA release track for
    gcloud compute backend - service.

  • addthe suse-sap-cloud project tothe default public image list.

  • fixa bug ingcloud compute ssh where SSH commandwere incorrectly
    assembled whenusing -- [SSH_ARGS] forpassing extra arguments and
    command .

  • promotegcloud compute is scp scp tothe GA release track .

  • addthe --custom - extension flag to
    gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create,
    gcloud beta compute instance set - machine - type,
    andgcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Firebase Test Lab now has beta support fortesting Android game apps
    that include game test loops.You run tests asfollows:

    $ gcloud beta firebase test android run –type game-loop …

    To learn more,see

  • addsupport fornetwork shaping toalpha andbeta release tracks
    for Firebase Test Lab.You can add a network profile toyour tests with
    the --network - profile flag,followed by the name ofthe network profile
    you would like touse.Firebase Test Lab provides information about the
    network profiles available fornetwork shaping through the list and
    describe command .You can use them asfollows:

    • $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles –help
    • $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles list
    • $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles describe PROFILE_ID


  • Go SDK has been upgraded togo1.6.4.

155.0.0 (2017-05-11)

Google App Engine

  • addgcloud beta domains command group .

  • addgcloud beta app domain-mappings command group .

  • addgcloud beta app ssl - certificate command group .

  • adda goroot specific toGo 1.6 inpreparation forthe Go 1.8 beta .

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component .
    This isa bugfix-only release.Details ofthe fixed issue are available

Google Cloud DNS

  • addbeta track forgcloud dns which is uses use the new v2beta1 API .

Google Cloud Logging

  • BUG FIX:gcloud beta log sinks update would remove any start time or
    end time froma sink.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Upgraded gsutil component toversion 4.26.

Google Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql user toGA.

Google compute Engine

  • modifygcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk tooutput full urls ofzones
    andmachine types instead ofoutputting just their name.

  • add--force - create flagtogcloud compute image iscreate create.Applicable to
    alpha track only.

Google container Engine

  • add--async flag anddeprecated --wait flagin
    gcloud container node-pools delete.Users should use --async inplace of

  • movegcloud container operations is cancel cancel tobeta.

  • movegcloud container node-pools rollback tobeta.

  • addability tospecify --labels whencreating a container Engine cluster
    in gcloud alpha orbeta.These labels can be change by using the
    --update - label or--remove - label flags now available ingcloud
    container cluster update
    .Labels will then be applied toGoogle Cloud
    Platform resources that the cluster creates.

154.0.1 (2017-05-04)

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue infor gcloud init command .See

154.0.0 (2017-05-03)

Cloud SDK

  • addsupport forproject creation during the gcloud init flow .

Google Cloud Logging

  • BUG FIX:gcloud beta log sinks update would remove any start time orend time froma sink

  • gcloud beta log sinks describe now reports values ofstart_time,end_time andinclude_children

  • The--include-children flagis now available forgcloud beta log sinks create tocreate sinks that apply toan organization orfolder andalso toall ofits child projects andfolders.

Google compute Engine

  • Workaround problems withalpha andbeta versions ofcompute ssh command fail an attempt touse clouduseraccounts APIs.

Google container Engine

Google Cloud ML Engine

  • add–config parameter togcloud ml - engine versions create; this parameter allows specifying scaling settings fora version.

Google Cloud Speech

  • Thegcloud ml speech command torecognize spoken words inrecorded speech using the Cloud Speech API are now available inbeta.Please run gcloud beta ml speech --help orvisit tolearn more.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app is deploy deploy now attempts touse the Service Management API toenable the Appengine Flexible Environment API forFlexible deployments,if needed.Before deploying a Flexible app,please ensure that the Flexible Environment API isenabled on the app’s project .

  • Thenew Node.js Runtime Builder pipeline will now be used todeploy apps whenusing gcloud beta app is deploy deploy.

Google Cloud SQL

  • promotegcloud sql operation toGA.Thebeta surface still remains andis identical.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • adda source repos describe command todescribe a repository tothe beta track .

153.0.0 (2017-04-26)

break change

  • (Cloud SQL)gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup no longer accepts short flag
    -b.use--backup - id instead .

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to1.9.52.
    • Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
      Python –

Google BiqQuery

  • Scope-related warnings whenusing bq withGoogle compute Engine service
    accounts have been fixed.
  • Small improvements toerror messages andflag descriptions inbq.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • gcloud datapoc cluster create now accepts the --no - address flag

Google Cloud SDK

  • addchoice toenable the API andretry if attempting tocontact
    a disabled API.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • repos list no longer reports repo size.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • Different query modes (normal,plan,andprofile) now supported.
    • A table withaggregate statistics forqueries run in’profile’
      mode added.

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql database isnow inGA.
    • Thebeta surface still remains andis identical.

Google compute Engine

  • alpha andbeta compute instance set - machine - type commandnow
    require specifying the new machine type.
  • Label support forinstance,snapshot andimages resources added.
  • gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create now accepts
    the --accelerator flag.
  • compute addresses create andcompute forwarding_rules is create create flag
    --ip-version isnow inbeta
  • gcloud compute networks peerings commandare now inalpha andbeta.
    These commandallow you tomanage peering connections inyour
    Google Cloud Platform VPC network.

Google container Engine

  • kubctl version isnow 1.6.2 instead of1.6.0

Google Service Management

  • gcloud beta service - management deploy command will now scan for
    potentially hazardous changes toservice configuration andabort
    if any actionable advice isreturned.These can be overridden with
    the new --force flag.

152.0.0 (2017-04-19)

break change

  • ( compute Engine )The--force-creation flagis no longer supported in
    gcloud compute image iscreate create.

Google Container Registry

  • gcloud container image isnow globally available.

Google compute Engine

  • The--force-creation flagis no longer supported ingcloud compute image
  • Thegcloud compute instance-groups manage abandon-instances,
    gcloud compute instance-groups manage delete - instance,andgcloud compute instance-groups manage recreate – instance` commandnow
    support more than 1000 instances.
  • Custom cache keys are now v1,adding the following flags togcloud compute
    backend-services create
    andgcloud compute backend - service update:

    • --cache-key-include-host
    • --cache-key-include-protocol
    • --cache-key-include-query-string
    • --cache-key-query-string-blacklist
    • --cache - key - query - string - whitelist
  • (Alpha,Beta) addthe gcloud beta compute disk add-labels,
    gcloud beta compute disk remove-labels,and
    gcloud beta compute disk update command tosupport labels forcompute
    Engine disk resources.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Starting on 2017-06-30,the --instance flagingcloud sql operation
    andgcloud sql operation describe will no longer be supported.You
    can still run the same command by omitting this flag.

Google Cloud container

  • addthe --start - ip - rotation and--complete - ip - rotation flags to
    gcloud container cluster isupdate update.
  • Improved the performance ofgcloud container image list - tag incertain


  • (Cloud Bigtable Emulator) TheCloud Bigtable Emulator no longer crashes when
    not configured witha host_port.
  • (Cloud SDK) fixa bug inthe fish shell $PATH script that caused the $PWD
    tochange ( .

151.0.1 (2017-04-14)

Cloud SDK

  • fixissue inwhich some users could not use the Windows installer or
    “bundled python” version ofthe Cloud SDK forinstallation.

151.0.0 (2017-04-12)

Google App Engine

  • addcommand gcloud beta app repair,for restoring resources needed by
    App Engine.
  • updateGoogle App Engine components to1.9.51.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

    • Java –
    • Python –

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component tothe 20170330 build:
    • fixa race condition on create whenmounting /tmp that caused
      intermittent mount failures.
    • add.gitignore files tonewly created user

Google Cloud Source Repositories

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.25.

Google compute Engine

  • add--action,--rule,--direction,--destination - range,and
    --priority flags to
    gcloud beta compute firewall-rules {describe,create,update} command .
  • addsize=SIZE parameter tothe --local-ssd flagfor
    gcloud compute { instance ,instance - template } create{,-from - container }
    commands inthe alpha track .

Google Service Management

  • addgcloud service - management operations islist list command inthe alpha and
    beta tracks.

150.0.0 (2017-04-05)

break change

  • Thev1beta1 API forGoogle Cloud ML Engine isdeprecated andwill be turned
    off on 2017-05-31.Please switch tothe gcloud ml - engine commands,which
    use the v1 API,by that date; at that time,the gcloud beta ml-engine
    commands will switch over tothe v1 API.
  • addbeta cmdlets forGoogle container Engine.
  • fixa bug where Get-GcdChange andGet-GcdResourceRecordSet were not
    return more than 1000 item .

Google App Engine

  • fixan issue ingcloud app operation islist list which resulted insporadic

Google compute Engine

  • addGoogle Cloud TCP proxy command tothe Beta track .Formore
    information see gcloud beta compute target - tcp - proxy group andthe
    online documentation:


Google container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create|get-credentials will now configure
    kubectl touse the credentials ofthe active gcloud account by default,
    instead ofusing application default credentials.This requires kubectl
    1.6.0 orhigher.You can update kubectl by running
    gcloud component isupdate update kubectl.
    If you prefer touse application default credentials toauthenticate kubectl
    toGoogle container Engine cluster,you can revert tothe previous behavior
    by setting the container/use_application_default_credentials property:

    • gcloud config is set set container / use_application_default_credential true
  • add--[no-]enable-legacy-abac option to
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create andgcloud container cluster isupdate update.
    Formore details see online documentation:

  • add--set - password and--generate-password options tothe
    gcloud container cluster update command .
  • modifythe gcloud container image list - tag command toconsider 10
    recent images by default,instead ofall.
  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.5.4 to1.6.0.

Google Cloud IAM

  • addtab completion togcloud iam service - account command .

Google Cloud Logging

  • removedeprecated “unique-writer-identity” flag.All created/updated sinks
    will use custom service accounts toincrease security.
    Please see documentation formore details:

  • removesupport forcreating/updating sinks withlegacy V1 format.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • updategcloud projects set - iam - policy and
    gcloud organizations set - iam - policy command toallow users toedit audit
    configs.Changes toIAM policy should be handled via a read-modify-write
    command sequence.

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.24.

Google Cloud SQL

  • addgcloud beta sql instances set-root-password forconsistency with
    the GA set ofcommand .
    This command isdeprecated infavor ofgcloud beta sql users set - password.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos command group promoted toBeta track .


  • Datastore emulator now defaults toport 8081,andPub/Sub emulator to8085.

149.0.0 (2017-03-29)

break change

  • TheCloud SDK installer on * nix will no longer attempt toupdate your RC
    files innon-interactive mode.
  • supportfor creating/updating legacy sinks has been removed from
    gcloud beta log.

Cloud SDK

  • SHA256 checksums,instead ofSHA1 checksums,are now being published for
    Cloud SDK versioned archives andother downloadable assets.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Thegcloud test commandhave been promoted toGA andrenamed
    gcloud firebase test .... All gcloud beta test ... commandare
  • Thepreferred way tospecify test devices isthe new --device argument,
    which allows more precise control over which device dimensions are included
    in a test matrix.See gcloud firebase test android run --help and
    gcloud topic arg-files fordetails.

Google App Engine

  • updatePython SDK toversion 1.9.51.
  • supportServer Name Indication (SNI) forremote API shell.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component tothe 20170323 build.Withthis release,the
    entire /content directory ofnewly created instances will be persisted to
    the attached disk rather than just the /content/datalab directory.

Google Cloud Natural Language

  • Thegcloud beta ml language command group isnow available.use commands
    in this group toanalyze text withthe Natural Language API.Formore

Google Cloud Runtime Configuration

  • Theoptional flag--values has been added to
    gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables list; it can be used to
    return values along withvariables.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Argument validation forinstance arguments has been added to
    gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create,gcloud sql instance iscreate create,and
    gcloud sql instance set-root-password

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud alpha compute ssh can now connect toinstances using private IP
  • gcloud alpha compute images create now has a--force-creation flag.

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container image is delete delete has been modified todelete the underlying
    image,andall associated tags,when given a tag reference.Forthe
    remainder ofbeta,--resolve - tag - to- digest will be require whendeleting
    an image by tag,to avoid accidental deletion.This will become default
    behavior whenthe command graduates frombeta.

148.0.1 (2017-03-24)

Google Cloud Functions

  • fixa bug where gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy did not work without the
    --region flagspecified.

148.0.0 (2017-03-22)

break change

  • Thegcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
    command isnow asynchronous by default; pass --stream-logs toget the
    old behavior.
  • gcloud ml - engine local ispredict predict now only support
    prediction using models inSavedModel format.Fordetails,see:

Cloud SDK

  • Windows users upgrading tothe new version might see an error after
    running gcloud component isupdate update.This isbecause the update modifies
    the gcloud.cmd file .Theupdate should have finished successfully
    regardless ofthe error.To make sure,run gcloud component isupdate update
    again.It should say it’s already up todate.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • addsupport forupdating field descriptions on query destination table.
    See the destination_schema flagwithin the query command .
  • addsupport forshowing only a subset ofselected table fields.
    See the selected_field flagwithin the head command .
  • addsupport forsetting labels on tables.
    See the label flagwithin the mk command .

Google Cloud Datalab

Deployment Manager

  • promotegcloud alpha deployment-manager command tothe beta
    release track .

Google Cloud ML Engine

  • Thedefault log polling interval forlogs has been raised;
    this should prevent streaming fromusing too much quota.

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.5.3 to1.5.4.

Google Container Registry

  • untag has been added tothe container image command group .Inthe
    future,container image delete will be modified todelete the underlying
    image ( andall associated tags) andthis will be the primary method of
    removing tags fromimages.

Google Service Management

  • --validate - only flagadded toservice - management deploy command

Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • gcloud beta kms commandhave been promoted togeneral availability
    asgcloud kms.

Google Cloud Storage

  • promotecompute backend - bucket command togeneral availability.
  • updategsutil component to4.23

147.0.0 (2017-03-15)

break change

  • modifyargument parsing forcommands that pass arguments through to
    another program.
    The-- argument must be specified between gcloud specific args on the
    left andthe rest ofthe command on the right.
    Commands will no longer allow the omission ofthe --,andunparsed
    arguments will not be treated asimplementation args.
  • Made the --config-name flagmandatory for
    runtime-config configs variables andruntime - config config waiter
    command .
  • renamegcloud kms cryptokeys asgcloud kms keys.
    renamethe --cryptokey flagas --key.
    deprecatedthe cryptokey variants.
  • modifyalpha source repos clone toproduce an error message if the
    repository being cloned isa mirror.Thecommand no longer asks tocreate
    the repo if it does not exist.

Cloud SDK

  • Thegcloud interactive shell auto completes gcloud command andflags,and
    displays help,as command lines are typed into the shell.
    rungcloud alpha shell tolaunch the shell.

Google compute Engine

  • promotecustom cache keys tobeta.
  • promotegcloud compute network subnet tobeta.

Google App Engine

  • modifyGoogle App Engine Flexible Environment runtimes that
    require entrypoint: toautomatically prepend exec to
    entrypoints,to ensure signals are passed through tothe application
  • Java SDK updated to1.9.50.Formore details,please see

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • updatebinaries forthe cbt commandline tool toallow forcreation of
    tables withinitial splits.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab component tothe 20170309 build.This isa small update
    that only updates the name ofthe project fromwhich we fetch the
    Container OS images tothe new cos-cloud project .

Google container Engine

  • add--enable-autorepair flag to
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • promotethe gcloud projects is create create command toGA.

Google Cloud Vision

Google Service Management

  • modify--format flagfor gcloud service - management deploy tomake
    the new service configuration available forformatting with--format

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • Mirrored repositories now display the URL ofthe repository being mirrored.
  • addbeta cmdlets formanaging access control andvisibility of
    Google Cloud IAM bindings.Formore information,see

Google Container Registry

  • updatedocker-credential-gcr tosupport the docker client’s
    new chronological version numbering during configure-docker fordocker
    client versions of17.03.xx andabove.

Firebase Test Lab

  • addnew --results-dir flagfor the gcloud test android run command
    tospecify a predetermined storage location fortest results.Thevalue
    must be unique per each test matrix created.This avoids the need toparse
    stderr tofind the path tothe raw test results.
  • addnew commandbeta test android versions describe and
    beta test android locales describe.

Google Cloud Key Management Service (Beta)

  • Tab completion forthe Cloud KMS –location flagis now supported.

146.0.0 (2017-03-02)

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud ml has been promoted toGA andrenamed gcloud ml - engine
  • add--max-worker-count togcloud ml - engine jobs submit prediction to
    specify maximum number ofworkers touse.
  • add--model - dir ingcloud ml - engine jobs submit prediction touse model
    files saved inGoogle Cloud Storage.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos set - iam - policy andgcloud source repos
    get - iam - policy
    commandnow available on alpha release track .

Google Cloud Datalab

  • adda --verbosity flagtogcloud datalab command
  • Change gcloud datalab touse the latest docker image by default,rather
    than the local image.
  • Fix bug where gcloud datalab is connect connect would seemingly hang untilenter
    was pressed.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • addsupport fordevelopment instances that can be upgraded toproduction
    instances later.

Google compute Engine/Networking

  • gcloud compute xpn commandnow available inthe beta release track .These
    commands configure cross-project networking.
  • gcloud compute disk snapshot –guest-flush flagnow generally available
    for creating application-consistent snapshots.Currently only supported on
    Windows instances using the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
  • addgcloud compute network subnet list-usable toalpha release track for
    listing subnetworks that the user has compute.subnetworks.use permission on.
  • addsupport formultiple network interface cards ingcloud compute
    instances iscreate create
    andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create command on
    the beta release track .

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.5.2 to1.5.3.

Google Cloud Container Builder

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql instance iscreate create now shows a clear error message if user tries
    toexceed instance limit.

Firebase Test Lab

  • gcloud test android run now directs the user tothe test results page
    withinthe Firebase console instead ofthe deprecated Test Lab section of
    the Google Developer’s Console.

145.0.0 (2017-02-22)

break change

  • Thegcloud beta runtime-configs group has been renamegcloud beta
    runtime - config
    .All commandpreviously under gcloud beta runtime-configs
    have been moved tothe gcloud beta runtime-config configs command group .

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now deploys Go apps forboth Standard andFlexible
    environments.All usage ofaedeploy can now use gcloud app isdeploy deploy
    directly instead .
  • Whenpassing a directory, searches for
    yaml inthe directory so that gcloud can check missing components andprompt
  • Java SDK updated to1.9.49.Formore details,please see
  • gcloud app logs tail isnow available inGA.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab command line tool tothe 20170215 build.This
    incorporates the following changes tothe datalab tool:

    1. Allow specifying a service account whencreating a Datalab instance.
    2. Move the/tmp directory outside ofthe VM’s boot disk.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Cluster andjob labels support ingcloud dataproc isnow available inGA.
  • The--network - tier flaghas been added tothe following command :
    • gcloud alpha compute addresses create
    • gcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create
    • gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances is add add - access - config
    • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
    • gcloud alpha compute instances isupdate update-access-config

Google Cloud SQL

  • A --database - version flaghas been added togcloud sql flags list and
    gcloud beta sql flags list toallow filtering.An ‘applies to’ column has
    been added totabular output .
  • addthe following command :
    • gcloud beta sql database create
    • gcloud beta sql database delete
    • gcloud beta sql database describe
    • gcloud beta sql database list
    • gcloud beta sql database patch

Google compute Engine

  • The--network - tier flaghas been added tothe following command :
    • gcloud alpha compute addresses create
    • gcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create
    • gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances is add add - access - config
    • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
    • gcloud alpha compute instances isupdate update-access-config

144.0.0 (2017-02-15)

break change

  • Many Cloud SQL commandnow prompt forconfirmation inmore circumstances:
    • gcloud sql instance import
    • gcloud beta sql instances is import import
    • gcloud beta sql instances is failover failover
    • gcloud sql instance promote-replica
    • gcloud beta sql instances promote-replica
    • gcloud sql instance reset-ssl-config
    • gcloud beta sql instances reset-ssl-config
    • gcloud sql instance restart
    • gcloud beta sql instances is restart restart
    • gcloud sql ssl - certs is delete delete
    • gcloud beta sql ssl-certs delete
    • gcloud beta sql users delete
  • gcloud compute backend - service now requires an explicit scope.
    Pass --global toretain the old behavior.

Deployment Manager

  • deployment-manager deployments {update,stop,cancel-preview} can take
    --fingerprint flagtoensure optimistic locking.
  • Thegcloud deployment - manager runtime - config command group isnow available
    as a top-level command group:gcloud runtime-configs.

Google App Engine

  • fixa bug ingcloud app instances islist list where instances were always listed
    as NOT indebug mode.
  • add--container flagtogcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh,which lets you
    SSH straight into the app container withinthe instance VM.
  • Deployments using vm:true have been deprecated.Please update your app.yaml
    touse env:flex.To learn more,please visit
  • addGoogle Analytics reporting tothe binary.This isonly
    enabled forusers who have opted induring installation.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab command line tool tothe 20170208 build.
    This update includes the following changes:

    1. All subcommands ofthe datalab tool now support a --quiet flagfor
      disabling interactive prompts.
    2. You can now configure the logging threshold formessages that Datalab
      instances write toStackDriver logging.Thedefault iswarn,but
      this can be overridden by passing inthe --log - level flag.
    3. Thedatalab is create create anddatalab is connect connect commandare more intelligent
      about whenthey should open a browser.Inparticular,they detect if
      the configured browser isa text-only browser orif the command is
      being run frominside ofGoogle Cloud Shell,anddo not attempt to
      launch the browser inthose cases.
    4. Thetool will now detect andwarn if two users try toshare a single
      Datalab instance,as that use case isnot supported.
    5. Newly created Datalab instances use the Container Optimized OS
      rather than the older Container VM OS.

Google Cloud Functions

  • Thegcloud function commandare now available inthe beta release track as
    gcloud beta function.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • Initial (beta track) release ofthe gcloud beta spanner command group .

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql instance iscreate create andgcloud sql instance patch now support
    specify custom machine type on psql instance by using the--memory and
    --cpu flag.
  • addability todelete backups inSQL beta CLI
    (gcloud beta sql backups delete) .
  • If a user does not confirm a backup deletion,immediately cancel the
    operation.Also bringing this function into line withothers inthe SQL CLI .
    Affects one command :

    • gcloud beta sql backups delete

Google compute Engine

  • Accelerators (e.g.GPUs) can now be attached toinstances by passing
    --accelerator togcloud beta compute instances iscreate create.
  • gcloud beta compute accelerator - type isnow available inbeta.

143.0.1 (2017-02-09)

  • fixissue inwhich some downloads ofthe Cloud SDK were missing critical


143.0.0 (2017-02-08)

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh isnow available inbeta.
  • updateapp-engine-go component tothe 1.9.50 SDK.
  • fixa bug where gcloud beta app is deploy deploy failed while deploying Go apps.
  • Python SDK updated to1.9.50.Formore details,please see

Google compute Engine

  • Show Cloud OS Images (COS) in’gcloud compute image list’ output .
  • addbeta for’compute xpn get-xpn-host’ and’compute xpn organizations list-xpn-hosts’.
  • addbeta cmdlets forLog Sinks andLog Metrics.

Google Cloud Pub / Sub

  • ThePub/Sub emulator now adheres tothe documented topic andsubscription
    name constraints,including support for’+’ and’%25′ inname via

Google Cloud ML

  • The--job-dir flagfor gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training may
    now be used forstaging code inthe absence ofthe (now optional)
    --staging-bucket flag.
  • --staging-bucket flagis only require injobs submit training
    if a file upload isnecessary.
  • add--job-dir flagtoml jobs submit training

Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration

  • gcloud beta deployment-manager runtime-configs isnow available inbeta.

142.0.0 (2017-02-01)

break change

  • (Google Cloud Logging) rename--only-project-sinks flagfor gcloud log
    beta sinks list to--only-v2-sinks
  • (Google Cloud ML) supportfor space-separated values withthe --package
    flag forgcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training has been removed.Please
    separate your packages withcommas.

Google App Engine

  • addgcloud beta app log tail command .

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Cluster labels can now be updated

Google Cloud IAM

  • gcloud beta iam service - account sign-jwt isnow available inbeta.
  • gcloud beta iam service - account keys get-public-key isnow available in

Google Cloud Storage

  • addthe backend-buckets command tothe beta release track .

Google Cloud Logging

  • addsupport forsinks fororganizations,folders andbilling accounts

Google Cloud SQL

  • Prompt forconfirmation whenuser restores an SQL instance frombackup.
    Affects three command :

    • gcloud beta sql backups restore
    • gcloud sql instance restore-backup
    • gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Preparation fornew API features.If bq ls begins failing,
    updating tothis release should fix it.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • updatethe datalab command line tool tothe 20170119 build.
    Withthis update,the datalab is create create command is ensure will ensure
    that adatalab-notebook Cloud Source Repository exists
    in the project,andnewly created persistent disks will
    include a clone ofthat repository inthe datalab/notebook
    Creating that repository can be disabled by passing inthe
    --no-create-repository flagtothe datalab is create create command .

141.0.0 (2017-01-25)

break change

  • (Google Cloud SDK) Thedeprecated gcloud preview app and
    gcloud preview datastore have been removed.Commands are available under the
    GA release track .

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app operation isnow inGA.
  • addsupport forusing Yarn withNode.js applications.

Google Cloud ML

  • adda --region flagingcloud beta ml models create toset the
    region(s) where the model will be deployed.
  • Implemented gcloud beta ml operations command .
  • fixa bug where gcloud beta ml local train --distribute did not work with
    TensorFlow >= 0.12

Google compute Engine

  • deprecatedold --scope format ingcloud compute instance iscreate create infavor
    of --scope format consistent withgcloud compute set - scope.
  • deprecatedold --scope format ingcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
    in favor of--scope format consistent withgcloud compute set - scope.
  • addsupport forcreating Google compute Engine VMs withGPU accelerators.

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.5.1 to1.5.2.

Google Container Registry

  • Mitigated an issue regarding’s certificate whenusers
    invoked gcloud docker.

Google Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Bigtable emulator now supportvalue_range,condition,
    strip_value_transformer,timestamp_range androw_key_regex filters.

Google Service Management

  • Full resource URI parsing now supported

Google Cloud Key Management Service (Beta)

  • fixan issue that prevented setting next-rotation-time in
    gcloud beta kms crytpokeys set - rotation - schedule.

140.0.0 (2017-01-18)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud alpha search-help isnow available inalpha.
    rungcloud alpha search-help [TERM] tofind gcloud commandwhose help text
    contains [TERM].

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud ml jobs submit training now supportpackages already inGoogle
    Cloud Storage via the --package flag.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • upgradethe Datalab CLI tothe 20170110 build.

Google Cloud Debugger

  • Thegcloud debug command group isnow available inGA.

Google Container Registry

  • An issue that affected docker client version parsing during
    docker-credential-gcr configure-docker has been fixed.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • ‘deployment-manager deployments update’ can update deployments witha new
    description using –description flag.


  • ThePub/Sub emulator now accepts web-safe Base64 encoded data.

139.0.1 (2017-01-12)

  • fixcrash ingcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create

139.0.0 (2017-01-11)

break change

  • (Google Cloud Logging) Thedefault value ofthe --unique-writer-identity
    flag togcloud beta log sinks create and
    gcloud beta log sinks update isnow true.Please consult the
    documentation before using these command .
  • (Google Cloud Logging) remove’struct’ option fromgcloud log write.
    use’json’ instead
  • (Google Cloud Logging) logging beta metrics create and
    log beta metric update commandhave change their flags and
    importantly now use Logging V2 filter syntax.See the help formore
  • (Google App Engine) Flexible deployments now skip files matching
    node_modules and.git by default,but no longer skip other hidden files by
    default.Standard deployments are not changing.
  • (Google compute Engine)
    gcloud compute target-pools set-backup --backup-pool and
    gcloud compute project-info set-usage-bucket --bucket flags now warn if you
    provide an empty argument; use --no-backup-pool and--no-bucket instead.
  • (Google Cloud Bigtable) removegcloud alpha bigtable command group; please
    use gcloud beta bigtable forall Cloud Bigtable operations.
  • (Stackdriver Debugger) adda --location option toseveral
    gcloud beta debug commands,to separate out the processing ofresource IDs
    from filename patterns.These commandnow take only resource IDs as
    positional parameters.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • addthe command-line tool forGoogle Cloud Datalab inthe Cloud SDK; call
    it via the datalab script .

Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • addthe gcloud beta kms command forkey management.

Google Cloud Logging

  • add--billing - account flagtogcloud log isread read
  • gcloud beta log metrics is list list/describe now output the version ofthe filter
    associated withthe metric

Google Cloud ML

  • Thegcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training now take a--scale - tier flag.
  • supportgzipped TFRecord file type for
    gcloud beta ml jobs submit prediction.

Google App Engine

  • (Google App Engine) fixbug withgcloud app instances is describe describe. –service
    and–version flags are now require.
  • gcloud beta app is deploy deploy now uses multi-threading rather than
    multi-processing forfile uploads; if you’ve been seeing issues on Windows,
    please try the beta command out .
  • gcloud app versions is migrate migrate isnow GA.
  • gcloud app instances delete isnow GA.
  • addgcloud beta app operations command .
  • addgcloud beta app instances is delete delete command .

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute images is create create now has a--guest - os - feature flagfor
    enabling specific OS supported features.
  • usethe new scopes format (see --help fordeetails) for
    • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
    • gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
    • gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create-from-container
    • gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
    • gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
  • add--custom - extension flagto:
    gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create,
    gcloud alpha compute instance set - machine - type,and
    gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create

Google compute Engine (Networking)

  • The--host flagfor gcloud alpha compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache is
    now available inthe GA version ofthe command .

Stackdriver Debugger

  • fixlog view URLs inthe debug logpoints command touse the V2 query

Google Service Management

  • --validate - only flagadded togcloud service - management deploy command

Google Cloud Functions

  • The--trigger-params flaghas been renamed to--trigger-path
    ( thepath= specifier isno longer necessary) .Theold flaghas been
    deprecated andwill be removed orgcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy.
  • restoregcloud alpha functions get-logs command .
  • restoredeprecated flags --trigger - topic,--trigger-bucket,--source,
    --bucket,and--trigger - gs - uri togcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
    command .

Google container Engine

  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.4.6 to1.5.1.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Thecbt command line tool component isnow available.See:

Google Cloud Datastore

  • gcloud datastore create-indexes andcleanup - index are now ga

Google Container Registry

  • docker-credential-gcr has been upgraded tov1 .3 andnow supports docker
    client v1.14 credential helpers.docker-credential-gcr will now
    preferentially act asa credential helper (as opposed tocredential store) on
    docker client versions 1.14+.update(or install) the docker-credential-gcr
    component andrun docker-credential-gcr configure-docker toconfigure your
    docker client touse docker-credential-gcr toauthenticate operations on
    your GCR repositories.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • addlabels support tothe
    gcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is create create andupdate command
    ( via the--labels and--{update,remove}-labels flags respectively) .
  • introduce new syntaxkey:val,foo:bar for--propertie flaginall
    gcloud deployment-manager command .Theold key = val ,foo = bar syntax is

138.0.0 (2016-12-14)

Cloud SDK

  • Introduce –(no-)force-key-file-overwrite flags toall gcloud commandusing
    SSH key files.These new flags control overwrite behavior whenSSH key files
    are broken.Without these flags,interactive sessions will ask for
    confirmation before regenerating key files.Old non-interactive behavior
    (permissive) isdeprecated andwill be removed in6 months.To preserve old
    behavior inyour scripts,use new flag–force-key-file-overwrite
    (though this isdiscouraged) .

  • Credential store format forservice accounts has change.Your credentials
    will get auto-upgraded tonew format upon usage; however,if gcloud is
    downgraded toprevious version those credentials will not be usable andusers
    will have toreactivate their service account.

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training isnow blocking by default.usethe
    --async flagtofinish immediately afterjob submission.

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute instance iscreate create creates instance withno scopes by default
    if project has no default service account.
  • compute target - ssl - proxy list deprecated --regex andname argument .
    Please use--filter flaginstead .
  • gcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port allows forinteractive connections to
    the serial port forinstances.
  • promotecompute instances set-scopes command fromalpha tobeta.

Google App Engine

  • Java SDK updated to1.9.48.Formore details,please see
  • Python SDK updated to1.9.49.Formore details,please see
  • gcloud app describe isnow GA.
  • addgcloud beta app instances is delete delete,which deletes a specific App Engine
  • addgcloud beta app versions migrate.
  • addsupport forenv:flex (Flexible Environment) instances to
    gcloud app instances enable-debug andgcloud app instances disable-debug.
  • addsupport forskip_files inFlexible Environment deployments.

Google container Engine

  • Users can create cluster/nodepools withnode autoupgrade enabled inBeta by
    adding --enable-auto-upgrade.Please refer to
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create --help and
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create --help formore details.
  • node – pool upgrade can now be roll back using the
    gcloud alpha container node-pools rollback <pool-name> command .
    See gcloud alpha container node-pools rollback --help formore details.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Container Builder timeouts are now unlimited (with a default often minutes),
    andcan be specified withthe –timeout flag.

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • Thegcloud dataflow job command group now has the following command inGA:

Google Cloud Functions

  • removegcloud alpha functions get-logs command .
  • removedeprecated flags –trigger – topic –trigger-bucket –source –bucket
    –trigger – gs – uri fromgcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy command .

137.0.1 (2016-12-08)

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training:Fix crash when--package was not

137.0.0 (2016-12-07)

Google Cloud Functions

  • addgcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy --trigger - provider,--trigger-event,
    --trigger-resource and--trigger-params flag.
  • addgcloud alpha functions event-types list command .

Google Cloud ML

  • Thegcloud beta ml model version command group has been moved to
    gcloud beta ml version.Theold commandstill work,but are deprecated.
  • The--origin flagfor the gcloud beta ml version create command now
    accepts local file paths inaddition toGoogle Cloud Storage (gs://) paths.
  • gcloud beta ml jobs training:--package now take acomma-separated list
    instead ofa space-separated list.

Google compute Engine

  • Internal Load Balancing isnow available inGA.
  • It isno longer allowed topass an empty scope in
    gcloud compute instance iscreate create --scope flag.

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container image describe has some breaking changes toits
    –format=JSON output .

Google Service Management

  • Thegcloud service – management surface isnow available inthe GA andbeta
    release tracks.Please usegcloud service - management instead of
    gcloud beta service - management.

136.0.0 (2016-12-01)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud config get-value isnow GA.

Google Cloud Service Management

  • addgcloud beta service - management undelete.

Google container Engine

  • addgcloud beta container image describe tolist container analysis data.
  • updateGoogle container Engine’s kubectl fromversion 1.4.4 to1.4.6.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • gcloud container is builds build ... are now ga.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • gcloud organization ... are now ga.
  • removegcloud organizations is update update.

Google Cloud ML

  • addgcloud beta ml local predict todo local prediction.
  • deprecate’–instances’ flagingcloud beta ml predict.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app instances is describe describe isnow GA.
  • gcloud app services describe isnow GA.
  • gcloud app logs is read read will now show request logs by default aswell as
  • addgcloud beta app is describe describe,which prints information about the current
    App Engine application.
  • gcloud beta app is deploy deploy can now deploy go apps,without the use ofaedeploy
    orgoapp deploy.Both App Engine Standard andFlexible environments are
    supported.If you are using runtime:custom withaedeploy,you will need
    tovendor your dependencies into the app directory manually.
  • deprecatedthe configuration property app/gsutil.Affected users are warned
    during gcloud app isdeploy deploy withinstructions on how toupdate their
    configuration appropriately.
  • TheApp Engine flexible environment now defaults toPython 3.5 whenPython 3
    is requested.To temporarily revert toPython 3.4,specify
    python_version:3.4 inthe runtime_config stanza ofyour
  • updateapp-engine-go component tothe 1.9.48 SDK.

Google compute Engine

  • add--service-label flagtogcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create.
  • addcmdlets tomanage Cloud Storage ACLs.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration

  • fixgcloud deployment - manager deployments is describe describe whenresource
    expansion fails.

Bigtable Emulator

  • Bigtable emulator now supportcolumn_range_filter.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • add--service - account flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create.

135.0.0 (2016-11-16)

Google Cloud Service Management

  • gcloud service - management deploy command now supportproviding multiple
    service configuration orAPI specification inputs simultaneously.This change
    allows creating .proto andYAML based configuration forgRPC services.

Google container Engine

  • Change the gcloud container list - tag command tosupport user-specified
    filters on occurrences andexposes a column summarizing vulnerability

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • gcloud organizations is update update isnow deprecated.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration

  • Runtime configuration variables can now be set andretrieved using text

Bigtable Emulator

  • Now support macOS Sierra .

Google App Engine

  • TheApp Engine flexible environment now includes Python 3.5 support (beta) .
    To preview this runtime,specify python_version:3.5 inthe runtime_config
    stanza ofyour app.yaml
  • addthe gcloud beta app services describe command,which prints
    information about a given service.

134.0.0 (2016-11-09)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud info --run-diagnostics flagis now available todiagnose common
    installation andlocal network issues.
  • gcloud init now has a--skip - diagnostic flag.

Google App Engine

  • App Engine Java SDK updated to1.9.46.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
  • addgcloud app iscreate create command,which creates an App Engine app inthe
    current project .
  • addgcloud app regions list command,which lists support forApp Engine
    Standard andFlexible environments foreach geographical region.
  • gcloud app isdeploy deploy now offers tocreate an App Engine app interactively,if
    the current project does not have an app yet.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • addsupport forspecifying a null marker whenloading data.See the
    null_marker flagwithin the load command .

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute instance-groups manage delete shows clean error message
    instead ofbare exception on attempt todelete zonal andregional Managed
    Instance Groups inone gcloud invocation.Old behavior was toaccept and
    invoke such request andthen fail on waiting foroperation complete.
  • removeOpenSUSE asa default image option.OpenSUSE images are still available
    in the opensuse-cloud project .

133.0.0 (2016-11-02)

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • gcloud alpha container is builds build promoted tobeta.Thefollowing has change:
    • The’create’ command isnow called ‘submit’.
    • The’stream-logs’ command isnow called ‘log’,andwill only stream the log
      if the ‘–stream’ flagis used.Otherwise,it will print only the log
      contents available at the time the command was run.

Thealpha commandwill remain,as is,until at least March of2017.

Google compute Engine

  • regional instance groups are now ga.gcloud compute instance-groups manage

  • Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) forimage creation isnow GA.See for

Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.4.4.

132.0.0 (2016-10-26)

break change

  • (Cloud SDK-wide) Command line flagabbreviations are no longer supported.
  • (Cloud SDK-wide) Python 2.6 isno longer supported by the Cloud SDK and
    commands may not function correctly whenrun under a Python 2.6 interpreter.
    Please update your Python installation to2.7 toensure compatibility.

    • If you have a 2.7 interpreter on your system that isnot the default,you
      can use the cloudsdk_python environment variable topoint toit.
    • Thelast version ofthe SDK that supports Python 2.6 is131.0.0,which can
      be downloaded fromour archive:
  • (Google compute Engine/Google Cloud Source Repositories):Google Cloud Source
    Repositories scope no longer added by default on instance creation.
  • (Stackdriver Debugger) changethe default totrue forthe --all-users
    option on gcloud beta debug logpoint list command .

Google Cloud Storage

Google compute Engine

  • allow specify both--network and--subnet forthe same network
    interface card.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Jobs andcluster now support labels on creation
  • Jobs andcluster now support filtering by labels andstate

Google container Engine

  • Google container Engine cluster upgrade operations can now be cancelled using
    the gcloud alpha container operations cancel command . See
    gcloud alpha container operations is cancel cancel --help formore details.
  • Fix a bug where the module isnot picking up the active user credentials
  • MakeNew-GcsObject -objectname parameter optional whenuploading a file .
  • addability topipeline GcsObject toWrite - GcsObject cmdlet .

131.0.0 (2016-10-19)

Cloud SDK

  • addPowerShell provider forGoogle Cloud Storage; allows navigation of
    Google Cloud Storage buckets asif they were a local file system.
    Whenusing Cloud Tools forPowerShell cd into gs:\ andtype dir tobegin.
    Learn more at

  • App Engine updated to1.9.45.Java SDK updated to1.9.44.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

  • gcloud config configuration create will now automatically activate
    specified empty configuration.usegcloud config set topopulate its

Google Cloud compute

  • TheCustomer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) feature forGoogle compute Engine
    image creation isnow available inthe beta release track .See for

Google container Engine

  • addsupport forcreating new cluster andnodepools on preemptible
    VM instances inBeta by adding --preemptible.See
    gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create --help and
    gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create --help formore details.

  • fixa bug ingcloud alpha container cluster update that
    prevented disabling cluster autoscaling.Cluster autoscaling
    can now be disabled by running:
    gcloud alpha container cluster update --disable-autoscaling

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.4.1.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • addsupport forsetting labels on query jobs.
    Example usage:bq query --label "foo:bar" "select 123".
    Theshow command outputs any labels set on a job.

Google Source Repository

  • Change the Cloud Source Repositories scope given by default toGoogle compute
    Engine Instances andInstance Templates toread_only fromfull control.

130.0.0 (2016-10-12)

break change

  • Breaking change to–network – interface inalpha compute instances iscreate create,
    andalpha compute instance-images create command .By default
    interfaces will have ephemeral IP (was:no external ip) .

Google App Engine

  • App Engine:Thegcloud app isdeploy deploy command no longer blocks whenstopping the
    previous version; this should speed up deployment times.Instructions for
    checking the status ofthe stop-version operation are included inthe command
    output .

  • supportramdisk volumes inApp Engine flexible environments Alpha.

Google Cloud Functions

  • addalpha functions regions list command .

Google Cloud ML

  • Change ‘–instances=’ to
    ‘(–json-instances=,–instances= | –text-instances=)’ toallow
    gcloud beta ml predict toread files inutf-8 encoded text format.

Google Cloud Platform project

  • addthe gcloud alpha project create command .

Google compute Engine

  • addnew key to–network – interface inalpha compute instances iscreate create,
    andalpha compute instance-images create commands:no-address.

  • Make flag–network – interface visible inalpha compute instances iscreate create,
    andalpha compute instance-templates create command .

Google container Engine

  • Fix a bug ingcloud beta container image list-tags.

  • addsupport forkubernetes labels on new cluster andnodepools by passing
    --node - label=label1=value1,label2=value2....See
    gcloud container cluster iscreate create --help and
    gcloud container nodepools create --help formore details and

129.0.0 (2016-10-05)

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • gcloud alpha bigtable commandare deprecated andwill be removed in
    release 134.0.0.All users should migrate togcloud beta bigtable command .

Google Cloud ML

  • addgcloud beta ml jobs stream-logs JOB [–allow-multiline-logs]
    [–polling – interval=POLLING_INTERVAL; default=”60″] [GLOBAL-FLAG …]
    toshow logs froma running Cloud ML job.

Google compute Engine

  • The–replacement flagis no longer require inthe
    gcloud compute image deprecate command .

  • add–create – disk flagtogcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create.

  • add–create – disk flagtogcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create.

Google container Engine

Google Container Registry

  • docker-credential-gcr bug is fixed fix .


  • updateGo SDK component touse 20160927 release,based on Go 1.6.3.

Stackdriver Logging

  • addcommands tomanage logs-based metrics inStackdriver Logging.

128.0.0 (2016-09-28)

break change

  • Thegcloud auth application-default commandare now inGA.
    gcloud auth login no longer writes Application Default Credentials,use
    gcloud auth application - default login instead .

Google App Engine

  • Java apps that have no app.yaml file are now auto-detected based on a
    WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml file whenlaunching the dev_appserver.

  • fixtimestamp processing issue
    ( in
    gcloud app logs is read read.

Google Cloud Functions

  • addthe --memory flagtogcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy toallow
    configuration ofamount ofmemory available during function execution.

Google Cloud ML

  • addgcloud beta ml local train command which runs user code locally and
    injects the environment variables necessary forrunning distributed TensorFlow
    jobs insubprocesses.

  • gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training now take apath toa python package,
    andeither (1) builds fromthe file at the package root,or (2)
    generates a file andbuilds the package.It then uploads the
    generated tar.gz archives toGoogle Cloud Storage.

Google compute Engine

  • Internal load balancing isnow inbeta.

  • Cloud Source Repositories control scope isnow included inthe list ofdefault
    scopes granted tonewly created instances andinstance templates.

  • addmulti-nic support togcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create and
    gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create.

Google container Engine

  • Can now create temporary cluster withall kubernetes alpha features enabled
    using gcloud alpha container cluster create --enable - kubernete - alpha.

  • addsupport forkubernetes labels on new cluster andnodepools by passing
    --node - label=label1=value1,label2=value2....See
    gcloud alpha container cluster create --help and
    gcloud alpha container nodepools create --help formore details and

Google Container repository

  • addthe ability toconfigure where ( andinwhich order)
    docker-credential-gcr searches forGoogle Container Registry credentials.Run
    docker-credential-gcr config --help formore details.

127.0.0 (2016-09-21)

Google BigQuery

  • newload/query option inBigQuery client tosupport schema update withina
    load/query job.
  • newquery option inBigQuery client tospecify query parameters in
    Standard SQL.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create flag--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size
    can be used tospecify future preemptible VM boot disk size.

Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.3.7.

Google Cloud ML

  • newgcloud beta ml predict command todo online prediction.
  • newgcloud beta ml jobs submit prediction command tosubmit batch
    prediction job.

Google Cloud SQL

  • newarguments tobeta sql instances iscreate create/patch command forCloud SQL
    Second Generation instances:

    • --storage-size Sets storage size inGB.
    • --maintenance-release-channel Sets production orpreview channel for
      maintenance window.
    • --maintenance - window - day Sets day ofweek formaintenance window.
    • --maintenance-window-hour Sets hour ofday formaintenance window.
    • --maintenance - window - any ( patch is Clears only ) clear maintenance window setting .

126.0.0 (2016-09-14)

break change

  • TheHTTP error messages forthese command groups have change toa common

    • gcloud dns
    • gcloud genomic
    • gcloud log

    Some command groups have not change yet.That should happen inthe next
    release.You can use --log-http tosee the details ofall HTTP requests and
    responses on the standard error.

Google compute Engine

  • add--connection-draining-timeout flagtogcloud compute backend - service
    command .
  • addgcloud alpha compute instance - group manage update - instance and
    stop-proactive-update - instance command .

Google Cloud Debugger

  • Thegcloud beta debug source gen - repo - info - file command,which generates
    repository information files forthe Stackdriver Debugger,is now available.

Google Container Registry

  • Thegcloud container image command group isnow available inthe beta
    release track .

Cloud SDK

  • addcore/custom_ca_certs_file property toallow use ofa custom CA
    certificate file .


  • Cloud Datastore emulator now supportproto-over-HTTP andJSON forthe v1 API.
    This version ofthe emulator resolves the deserialization issues in123.0.0.

125.0.0 (2016-09-07)

Google BigQuery

  • gcloud alpha bigquery isno longer available. To use BigQuery,use the bq
    tool shipped withthe Cloud SDK.

Google compute Engine

  • addsupport tochange the default service account on a compute Engine project
    (alpha release) via the following command :
    gcloud alpha compute project - info set - default - service - account

  • supportmultiple network interface cards in
    gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create command .

  • addgcloud alpha compute instance set - scope command .

Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.3.6.

Google Container repository

  • Released bug fixes fordocker-credential-gcr asv1.0.1,please rerun
    docker-credential-gcr configure-docker afterupdating.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud log create andgcloud log update echo back the writer
    identity associated withthe sink.

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • TheDataflow CLI isnow inBeta.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment - manager is manifests manifest describe withno manifest specified will
    show the latest manifest ofthe given deployment.


  • gcloud beta emulators datastore start now defaults tothe new version ofthe
    emulator which supports Cloud Datastore API v1 andv1beta3 over gRPC,

124.0.0 (2016-08-31)

break change

  • Creating a Global Backend Service incompute Engine will warn you if you don’t
    use –global.Inthe future this will be require.
  • Major changes were made togcloud alpha dataflow command .See Google Cloud
    Dataflow section formore information

Google App Engine

  • tothe app-engine-python component .
  • Skipped modules during upload will now be logged at INFO level instead of

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • Changes togcloud alpha dataflow command :
    • changethe jobs is list list command now has a”status” filter.This change is
      from the JobsV1B3 API.You can now use the API’s filter request aseither
      “all”,”terminated”,or “active”.
    • addthe log list command .This dumps the log messages created fromthe
      workflow.Please see the help docs formore information.
    • renamemetrics is tail tail tometrics list.
    • renamemetrics list –origin flagto–source.This can be either “user”
      for custom-made aggregates or”service” otherwise.This defaults to”all”.
    • addmetrics list –transform flag.This filters all metrics that prefix
      regex matches the argument .
    • removejobs is list list –job-name flag.
    • addjobs is list list –uri flag.
  • addGoogle Cloud Sql andGoogle Cloud Dns powershell cmdlets.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • deployment-manager deployments create witha template file will copy
    the outputs specified inthe schema tothe generated config file .

Google Cloud Functions

  • addalpha functions logs read command

Google Container repository

  • docker-credential-gcr (GCR’s docker credential helper) has been added asan
    optional component forGCR customers running docker client v1.11 ornewer.Run
    gcloud component install docker-credential-gcr followed by
    docker-credential-gcr configure-docker inorder toconfigure docker.You may
    then use docker normally,without any gcloud interaction at all (e.g.
    docker pull

Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.3.5.

Google compute Engine

  • addgcloud compute instance stop –discard – local – ssd flag.
  • addwindows-sql-cloud project tothe default public image list.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud config get-value isnow available inthe BETA release track .


  • Cloud Datastore emulator now supportproto-over-HTTP andJSON forthe v1 API.

Cloud SQL

  • new commandadded tobeta:
    • gcloud beta sql backups create
    • gcloud beta sql backups create
    • gcloud beta sql instances is failover failover
  • newflags forgcloud beta sql instances iscreate create:
    • –failover-replica-name
    • –replica – type
    • –storage-auto-increase
    • –storage – type
  • newflags forgcloud beta sql instances is patch patch:
    • –storage-auto-increase
    • –no – storage – auto – increase

123.0.0 (2016-08-24)

Google App Engine

  • Thegcloud beta app regions is list list command isnow available.It shows support
    for the standard andflexible environments foreach geographical region.

  • gcloud app versions is describe describe now shows more extensive information about the
    deployed version,including the container used forApp Engine Flexible.

  • Built-in versions will no longer appear whenlisting App Engine versions
    (gcloud app version list) .

Cloud SDK

Google Cloud Machine Learning

  • addgcloud alpha ml jobs submit training command tostart a Cloud ML
    training job.

Google compute Engine/Networking

  • compute networks switch - mode andcompute networks expand-ip-range commands
    are now inbeta.

Google container Engine

  • Image Type selection forgcloud container commandis now GA.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment-manager deployments will now display INTENT when
    applicable .


  • A bug causing the rejection ofunpadded base64-encoded bytes data inthe
    Pub/Sub emulator (INVALID_ARGUMENT:”Payload isn’t valid forrequest”) has
    been fixed.

122.0.0 (2016-08-17)

Google App Engine

  • addgcloud beta app instances isdescribe describe,which shows information about a
    running App Engine Flexible instance.

  • addnew flags togcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy,hide flags that are being
    replaced withnew flags,log a warning whensomeone uses a flagtobe

    • –bucket tobe replaced by –stage – bucket.
    • –source tobe replaced by –local – path (for code inlocal file system)
      and–source-path (for code inGoogle Code Storage) .
    • –trigger – gs – uri tobe replaced by –trigger-bucket.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud init now has an opt-in forlisting all user projects,which
    could be inthe hundreds.Theuser can now toopt-in tosee all projects,
    orthey can just type ina known project .

Google Cloud Machine Learning

  • addgcloud alpha ml model versions group tomanage Cloud ML model versions.
  • addgcloud alpha ml model group tomanage Cloud ML models
  • addgcloud alpha ml jobs group tomanage Cloud ML training andprediction

Google Cloud Genomics

  • Thegcloud genomic pipelines run command is uses now use the default compute
    Engine zone property if the–zone flagis not specified.

Google Cloud Pub / Sub

  • fixerror handling bug ingcloud beta pubsub subscription create
    ( .

Google compute Engine

  • Enable –health – checks flagfor the gcloud beta compute backend - service
    create andupdate command .

Google Container Builder

  • RepoSource isnow available asa source forbuilds.
  • BuildSteps now respect arbitrary dependencies on each other asdefined by
    the waitFor field .

Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.3.4.

121.0.0 (2016-08-10)

Google App Engine

  • Cloud SDK is supports support run App Engine Standard Go
    application .

  • gcloud app instances disable-debug now deletes the instance rather than
    restarting it.newinstance(s) may spawn based on the app’s scaling settings.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • addthe --preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size flag to
    gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create.

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute backend - service session affinity flags have been promoted
    from beta toGA.

Google container Engine

  • changethe container/use_client_certificate property default value to
    false.This makes the gcloud container cluster iscreate create and
    gcloud container cluster get - credential commandconfigure kubectl to
    use Google OAuth2 credentials by default instead ofthe legacy client

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • addthe gcloud alpha dataflow job drain command .Thedrain command
    takes a streaming job andstops receiving new data fromthe sources.It then
    processes the buffered data.Formore information please see the documentation
    for stopping a running pipeline at

Google Cloud DNS

Stackdriver Error Reporting

  • addgcloud beta error-reporting events report command forreporting

120.0.0 (2016-08-03)

Deployment Manager


  • adda gcloud beta emulator bigtable env - init command toexport
    environment variables require tocommunicate withthe bigtable emulator.

  • ThePub/Sub emulator now correctly starts the push loops whencreating a push

Google Cloud DNS

  • gcloud dns now supportCAA records.

Google Cloud Storage

Google compute Engine/Networking

  • gcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage wait-for-stable command waits
    until all current_action fields are set tonone andthere are only no
    pending_actions inmanage instance group .

  • gcloud compute xpn commandnow available inthe alpha release track .These
    commands configure cross-project networking.

  • gcloud compute network subnet {get,set}-iam - policy commandnow available
    in alpha.

Google container Engine

119.0.0 (2016-07-27)

Google BigQuery

Google Cloud SDK

  • gcloud auth login will stop writing application default credentials ina
    future release.See:
    for more information.

  • Command line flagabbreviations are now deprecated andproduce warning
    messages.Flag abbreviations will be completely disabled inrelease 130.0.0.
    This pre-empts the problem offuture flagadditions making some flag
    abbreviations ambiguous,possibly breaking scripts.

Google Cloud SQL

  • addthe gcloud beta sql users command group with commandthat enable
    management ofusers on Cloud SQL instances.

Google Cloud Platform project

  • gcloud alpha project update now support label .

Google container Engine

  • addthe delete command tothe gcloud alpha container image command

118.0.0 (2016-07-20)


  • There isa new gcloud beta emulators start bigtable command forstarting a
    Cloud Bigtable emulator.

Google compute Engine/Networking

  • gcloud alpha compute backend-services andforwarding - rule commandnow
    support the internal load balancing scheme.Please use
    --load - balance - scheme=internal flagwhen creating these resources.
    Inaddition gcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create support
    --backend-service flagtoallow forwarding tointernal load balancers.

  • Beta release ofcompute connect-to-serial-port command for
    Interactive Serial Console support.See
    for details.

Google container Engine

  • Bump kubectl from1.2.4 to1.2.5.


  • gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create support new database type mysql_5_7 .
  • Beta launch ofGoogle Cloud PowerShell.PowerShell cmdlets formanaging
    Google Cloud Storage andGoogle compute Engine.
    Formore information see

117.0.0 (2016-07-13)

Google compute Engine

  • Regional Managed Instance Groups commandare now inbeta.

  • target - ssl - proxy commandare now inbeta.

  • Connection-based load balancing commandare now inbeta.

  • add--connection-draining-timeout flag to
    gcloud beta compute backend - service create andupdate command .

  • health-checks command group isnow inbeta.

Google container Engine

Google Container Builder

  • Thegcloud alpha container is builds build create command now supportusing
    JSON orYAML config files toconfigure builds,using the --config flag.

116.0.0 (2016-06-29)

break change

  • gcloud alpha dataflow list - message datetime values are now displayed in
    ISO 8601 format:2015-01-15T12:31:07 (‘T’ separating the date andtime
    components) .

Google App Engine

  • Thegcloud app surface isnow available inthe GA andbeta release tracks.
    Please usegcloud app instead ofgcloud preview app (some features only
    available inthe beta release track) .

  • addgcloud app open - console command,which opens the App Engine dashboard
    in a web browser.

Google Cloud Datastore emulator

Google Container Builder

  • Thegcloud alpha container is builds build command group creates andmanages
    builds using the Google Container Builder service.See forAPI documentation.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • add--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size flag,which allows configuration
    of preemptible worker boot disk,to gcloud beta dataproc cluster create.

Google BigQuery

  • newquery option inBigQuery client tospecify a limit on bytes billed for
    the query.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • addgcloud beta bigtable instance group tomanage Bigtable instances.

  • addgcloud beta bigtable cluster group tomanage Bigtable cluster

  • Known issue:gcloud beta bigtable instance iscreate create isan asynchronous
    operation by default andwill not block withorwithout the --async flag.

115.0.0 (2016-06-22)

break change

  • ( Google compute Engine )Thedebian-7 anddebian-7-backports image
    aliases have been removed,as Debian 7 has reached end-of-life

  • ( Google compute Engine )The--port-range flaginthe gcloud compute
    forwarding - rule create
    command has been deprecated; please use the
    --ports flaginstead .At this time only consecutive ports can be

  • ( Google compute Engine )gcloud alpha compute rolling-updates commands
    have been deprecated andremoved.

  • (Google container Engine) The--wait flagfor the gcloud container
    command group isnow deprecated; please use the --async flag
    instead .

Cloud SDK

  • Users will now be prompted toset Cloud SDK proxy properties if network
    issues are detected while running gcloud init.

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute backend - service {create,update} --enable-cdn flaghas been
    promoted frombeta toGA.
  • gcloud compute url - map invalidate - cdn - cache has been promoted frombeta
  • The--remote - traffic - selector flagingcloud compute vpn-tunnels create,
    which allows specifying a list ofCIDR blocks tobe usedduring IKE\IPsec
    traffic selectors negotiation,is now available inthe GA release track .

Google App Engine

  • addgcloud preview app version describe command .

Deployment Manager

  • (beta only) deployment-manager now supportrollbacks withthe
    --manifest - id flag:gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments update
    deployment-name --manifest - id=MANIFEST-ID


  • gcloud docker now respectthe $DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable


  • TheCloud Datastore emulator now has an env - unset command which prints the
    commands tounset any environment variables set by runthe commandin
    the output ofthe env-init command .

114.0.0 (2016-06-15)

break change

  • ( Google compute Engine )deprecatedthe use ofimage aliases.Please use
    image families instead .See for
    more details.

  • (Google App Engine) removethe deprecated andunused --force flagfor
    gcloud app isdeploy deploy.

  • (Google Cloud Debugger) removegcloud alpha debug command group; debug
    commands are now accessible solely using gcloud beta debug.

Google compute Engine

  • TheCustomer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) feature forGoogle compute
    Engine disks isnow available inthe GA release track .See for
    more details.

  • addautocompletion forthe URL map name in
    gcloud compute url - map invalidate - cdn - cache.

  • addgcloud alpha compute networks switch - mode command .

  • addgcloud alpha compute network subnet expand-ip-range command .

  • add--remote - traffic - selector flag,which allows specifying a list of
    CIDR blocks tobe usedduring IKE\IPsec traffic selectors negotiation,to
    gcloud beta compute vpn - tunnels create

  • fixgcloud compute routes is list list command todisplay vpn-tunnel as

Google App Engine

  • Parallelized source file uploads ingcloud preview app is deploy deploy for
    increased speed.To revert tothe old behavior inevent ofa problem,please
    run gcloud config set app/num_file_upload_processes 1
    andreport an issue here:

  • Google App Engine components updated to1.9.38.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

    • Python –
    • Java –
  • addsupport forManaged VMs instances in
    gcloud preview app instances is enable enable - debug and
    gcloud preview app instances disable-debug.


  • fixa bug where Windows users experienced docker authentication issues
    when the %HOME% variable was set anddiffered from% userprofile%


  • fixbehavior ofPub/Sub emulator subscription topic name whentheir
    respective topics are deleted.They should now be set to_ delete - topic _.

113.0.0 (2016-06-08)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud now uses Internet Explorer proxy configuration settings whenon
    Windows,or MacOSX SystemConfiguration proxy settings on Mac,if the gcloud
    configuration proxy/* are not set.

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute ssh no longer generates keys wheninvoked with–plain flag.
  • gcloud compute routers isnow GA.

Google Genomics

  • gcloud genomic pipelines run command supports passing “inputs” and
    “outputs” asrepeated parameters.

112.0.0 (2016-06-01)

Cloud SDK

  • updateerror messages forgcloud projects surface .
  • gcloud docker commandnow take less time toexecute whenthe docker client
    is not configured touse a credential helper.

Google App Engine

  • The--docker - build flag andrelated app/docker_build property,as well as
    app / use_cloud_build property have been deprecated andwill be removed ina
    future release.By default,docker images are built remotely using Google
    Container Builder.To perform a docker build on a different host,you can run:

    docker is build build -t .
    gcloud docker push
    gcloud preview app is deploy deploy –image-url=project/service.version

Google compute Engine

  • add--licenses flagtogcloud compute image iscreate create.

Google container Engine

  • fixbug where only 16-bit kubectl was installed on Windows.
    Now Installs 32 and64-bit.

Google Genomics

  • gcloud alpha genomics datasets/callsets name argument isa flag,
    instead ofpositional.
  • gcloud alpha genomic pipelines is run run command now accepts “zones”
    command-line argument .
  • gcloud alpha genomic datasets is restore restore / update and
    variantsets delete/describe now take string IDs instead ofints.

Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment - manager deployments is describe describe output only reports errors
    once,includes status forresources,andincludes more useful fields.

111.0.0 (2016-05-25)

Google App Engine

  • gcloud docker commandare now less verbose during the authentication

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster isupdate update command now GA.
  • gcloud container node-pools commandare now GA.

Google compute Engine

  • enableStrict Host Key Checking forSSH connections (after the first
    connection) toinstances.Also adds a new flagtogcloud compute ssh
    called --strict-host-key-checking tocontrol the StrictHostKeyChecking
  • addsupport forcustomer-supplied encryption keys togcloud beta compute
    instances start
    .(in beta track)
  • Implemented backend-service connection based balancing mode.

Google Service Registry

  • launchgcloud alpha service-registry.(alpha track)
    Users will need tosign up
    before enabling this API intheir projects.

Deployment Manager

  • addgcloud alpha deployment-manager runtime-configs.Alpha commandfor
    Deployment Manager’s Runtime Config API.


  • adda --legacy flagtogcloud beta emulators datastore.Theflagis set
    by default andmaintains existing behavior withsupport forCloud Datastore
    API v1beta2.Passing --no - legacy uses a new version ofthe Cloud Datastore
    Emulator which supports Cloud Datastore API v1beta3 over gRPC,JSON,and
    proto-over-HTTP.Thedefault behavior ofthe legacy flagwill change ina
    future release.


  • launchgcloud alpha orgranizations.(alpha track)

110.0.0 (2016-05-18)

Google IAM

  • Thegcloud iam command group isnow available inGA.Thegcloud beta iam
    will still be available forseveral more releases.

Google App Engine

  • fixissue withthe --docker - build=local flaginthe gcloud preview app
    command withdocker version 1.10+.note thatlocal docker builds
    with docker version 1.11 will still fail whenusing the new docker external
    credentials; please downgrade tothe plain credential store.

Google container Engine

  • gcloud beta container command(e.g.container is create create) now support
    specify ImageTypes .
  • Thegcloud container cluster list command now sorts the cluster based on
    zone andthen on cluster name.
  • Thegcloud container cluster iscreate create command now allows specifying
    –max – node-per-pool (default 1000) tocreate multiple node pools forlarge

Google compute Engine

  • Thegcloud compute backend - service backend commandnow support
    –instance-group-zone and–instance-group-region toqualify instance group
    specifically.Before –zone,–region was used toqualify all resource
    arguments,where asnow it is used toqualify backend service.

Google Genomics

  • Thegenomics variantsets create command now support the–name and
    –description flag.
  • Thegenomics variantsets delete command displays the name ofthe variant
    set before prompting the user todelete it.
  • Thegenomics variantsets describe/list commanddisplay variant set name


  • TheGoogle Cloud Datastore emulator supports a new environment variable for
    client library configuration.
  • TheGoogle Cloud Datastore emulator flag–store-on-disk has been fixed to
    accepta false valueusing –no-store-on-disk.Previously,
    –store-on-disk=False could be specified but wasn’t respected.


  • TheThegcloud debug command group isnow inBeta.


  • TheCloud SDK Windows installer isnow dual signed SHA1 andSHA256.The
    executable issigned withboth authenticode andRFC3161 signatures.
  • Thewinkeygen.exe executable isalso now dual signed,like above.

109.0.0 (2016-05-11)

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to1.9.37.
    • Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
      • Python –
      • Java –
  • fixissue withfailed uploads ingcloud preview app-deploy
    ( .
  • deprecated–server flagfor app commands; its use isunsupported.

Google compute Engine

  • removethe gcloud alpha compute autoscaler command group .
  • removedeprecated gcloud compute backend - service add - backend –group
    flag infavor of–instance-group.
  • gcloud compute copy - file now exits withthe return code ofthe called
    scp process.
  • addsupport forcustomer-supplied encryption keys tothe
    gcloud beta compute disk snapshot command .
  • removegoogle-containers fromdefault gcloud public image project .

Google container Engine

  • fixbug listing cluster withno node pools.
  • gcloud container resize command now supportmulti-zone cluster.

Google Error Reporting

  • addthe gcloud beta error - report events is delete delete command tocleanup
    Stackdriver Error Reporting data.

108.0.0 (2016-05-04)

break change

  • Thegcloud preview app modules get-logs command isnow deprecated.Please
    use the new command gcloud preview app logs read instead .

Google App Engine

  • fixa bug which caused gcloud preview app is deploy deploy tofail whenrun froma
    git directory.

Google Cloud SDK

  • deprecateduser property files (~/.config/gcloud/properties) will no longer
    be read by gcloud. If you are not already using configuration,your
    properties will be automatically migrated foryou. No action isrequire on
    your part.

  • The--format flagnow supports four more transforms:extract,join,

Google Cloud Debugger

  • addthe gcloud alpha debug snapshots is wait wait command .

Google compute Engine

  • Thegcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage list-instances command
    output now includes the INSTANCE_TEMPLATE andSTATUS columns.

Google container Engine

Google Genomics

  • gcloud alpha genomic variant describe/delete/update commandnow accept
    non-integer variant IDs.

107.0.0 (2016-04-27)

Google compute Engine

  • Enable cursor (“start”) support forget-serial-port-output inBeta.
  • addtail-serial-port-output inBeta.
  • Image families are now inGeneral Availability (GA) .

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to1.9.36.
    • Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
    • Python –
    • Java –

Deployment Manager

  • Creating andupdating Deployments will now display output values inaddition
    tolisting the resources.

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster resize now allow specify a node pool .

Cloud Debugger

  • addgcloud alpha debug command surface toallow control ofthe
    Cloud Debugger fromthe command line.

Google BigQuery

  • BigQuery support forpartitioned tables.

106.0.0 (2016-04-20)

break change

  • Python 2.6 support inthe Cloud SDK isdeprecated andreleases will stop
    supporting Python 2.6 on September 1,2016. Please update your Python
    installation to2.7 toensure compatibility withfuture Cloud SDK versions.
  • gcloud preview app modules commandare now deprecated (see “Google App
    Engine” section formore details) .
  • module parameter inapplication .yaml files isnow deprecated (see “Google
    App Engine” section formore details) .
  • --format printer legend attributes are now deprecated (see “Cloud SDK”
    section formore details) .

Cloud SDK

  • The–format printer legend attributes are deprecated andwill be removed in
    release 124.0.0.Thelegend attribute docs have been removed.
  • Thegcloud compute,functions,genomics,logging,andprojects list commands
    now support the --filter flag.

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.18 (

Google App Engine

  • App Engine “modules” are being renamed to”services”.
    • Thegcloud preview app modules commandare now deprecated (except
      gcloud preview app modules get-logs) .Please usethe just-added
      gcloud preview app version,gcloud preview app services,and
      gcloud preview app instances command instead .
    • The’module’ parameter inapplication .yaml files isdeprecated; please
      use ‘service’ instead .
  • fixmaxretrialsexception forgcloud preview app is deploy deploy ofstandard
    (not MVM orflexible) App Engine apps with.git directory present
    ( .
  • fixbug ingcloud preview app is deploy deploy where --docker - build=local did
    not work whenapp / use_cloud_build was enabled.

Google compute Engine

  • add--no-creation-retries flagtocompute instance-groups manage resize
    command inalpha andbeta.

Google container Engine

  • Fix bug that caused kubectl component tobe missing fromcomponents list on
  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create now allows specifying multiple zones
    withina region foryour cluster’s nodes tobe created in.
  • updatekubectl tov1 .2.2

105.0.0 (2016-04-13)

break change

  • health-checks command forprotocol HTTP2 have been removed.

  • Rename the alpha compute url-maps invalidate-cache and
    list - cache - invalidation subcommands toinvalidate-cdn-cache and

Cloud SDK

  • Suppress progress tracker animations if not outputting toa terminal.

  • gcloud component list now support the--filter flag andqueries like:
    gcloud component list --filter=id:app-engine-java

Google compute Engine

  • promoteCloud CDN functionality fromalpha tobeta.

Google App Engine

  • File uploads during gcloud preview app is deploy deploy have been improved.If you have
    any trouble,you can revert tothe old behavior with
    gcloud config set app/use_gsutil true.

104.0.0 (2016-04-06)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud init no longer offers toclone
    Google Cloud Repositories.
    Please usegcloud source repos clone at any time afterrunning
    gcloud init.

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute commandnow support image families.

Google App Engine

  • Users ofgcloud preview app is deploy deploy can set the timeout forthe
    Container Builder service using the app/cloud_build_timeout

Google container Engine

  • kubectl component isnow available forWindows (64-bit only) .

  • gcloud alpha container cluster update now allows enabling/disabling
    addons forcontainer Engine cluster via --update-addons flag.

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create now supportdisabling
    HPA andIngress controller addons via --disable - addon flag.

Google Genomics

  • gcloud alpha genomic variant import now supportconfigurable variant info
    field merging via the info_merge_config command line flag.

103.0.0 (2016-03-30)

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.18 (

Google App Engine

  • addfingerprinting support forPHP applications.You can now run
    gcloud preview app gen - config toauto-generate the necessary configuration
    for deploying PHP applications tothe App Engine Flexible Environment.

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create|get-credentials will warn/error
    respectively if the HOME env var isn’t set.Thevariable
    is require tostore kubectl credentials (kubeconfig) .

Google compute Engine

  • Enable support for:gcloud compute disk resize.

102.0.0 (2016-03-22)

break change

  • Thegcloud alpha container nodepools commandhave been renamed to
    node-pools.Functionality andparameters haven’t change.

  • gcloud beta iam list-grantable-roles now returns a list ofroles instead of
    a dictionary witha single key ‘roles’ withthe value ofa list ofroles.

  • gcloud config configuration describe output has change toinclude the
    configuration name andis_active fields.All configuration properties are
    now part ofthe properties field .

Cloud SDK

  • –format=json and–format=yaml now list resource attributes withnull value.

Google App Engine

  • use ofthe Google Container Builder service isnow enabled by default for
    all manage VMs deployments.

    This change may require you toenable the Container Builder API.Visit*project_id*;
    toenable it,where project_id isyour current project ID.

  • updateGoogle App Engine components to1.9.34.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

    • Python –
    • Java –

Google compute Engine

  • addgcloud compute backend - service session affinity command .

  • addgcloud compute http-health-checks andhttps-health-checks command .

  • addgcloud alpha compute target - ssl - proxy command .

  • extendgcloud compute forwarding - rule tosupport target - ssl - proxy.

Google container Engine

101.0.0 (2016-03-16)


Google App Engine

Google BigQuery

100.0.0 (2016-03-09)

break change

  • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy deployments that promote the new version to
    receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default.

    To keep the previous behavior,pass the --no-stop-previous-version flag,
    orrun the following command:

    $ gcloud config is set set app / stop_previous_version false

Cloud SDK

  • Providing no argument forlist- anddict-type flags now results ina warning.
    Instead,please explicitly provide an empty string value.Forinstance,
    gcloud command --flag becomes gcloud command --flag '' (for list- and
    dict-type flags only) .


  • addgcloud beta iam list-grantable-roles command forgiven
    cloud resource.

Google App Engine

Google container Engine

  • addnode pool support toenable heterogeneous cluster (alpha) .

99.0.0 (2016-3-2)

break change

  • supportfor the deprecated workspace configuration feature has been removed.
    If you are using gcloud ina workspace,those properties will no longer be
    read. See gcloud topic configuration forinformation on how touse
    configuration instead .

Cloud SDK

Google App Engine

Google compute Engine

  • routers surface moved tobeta andis now accessible via
    gcloud beta compute routers

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • add--subnet flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create.

Google Cloud Genomics

  • genomics alpha operations cancel assumes the operations/ prefix if not

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.17

98.0.0 (2016-2-24)

  • Release 95.0.0 introduced a bug that generated corrupt keys forWindows gcloud
    compute ssh|copy-files.Any keys generated on Windows between 95.0.0 and
    97.0.0 inclusive are rejected by ssh servers.gcloud compute has been
    changed to:

    • fix the winkeygen Windows key generator .
    • Recognize corrupt Windows keys andautomatically regenerate them.
  • fix#538.
    Users should no longer get “gsutil ImportError:No module named google”

Google App Engine

  • MySqldb “latest” version change from1.24b4 to1.2.5.


  • Improves Pub/Sub emulator’s ability tohandle requests concurrent withHTTP
    pull requests.
  • ThePub/Sub emulator attempts todetect andinform users whenan unsupported
    API version isused.
  • ThePub/Sub emulator now correctly handles absolute URIs inHTTP/Json

Windows support

  • Google Cloud SDK no longer needs Python installed whenusing the Windows
    Installer.TheSDK forWindows comes withPython bundled.

97.0.0 (2016-2-17)

break change

gcloud alpha compute routers now requires manual configuration ofinterfaces

Google compute Engine

  • addflag --advertised-route-priority togcloud alpha compute routers is create
  • addsupport forregional instance groups inalpha

Google App Engine

  • Ruby runtime now uses the Rack “deployment” environment,instead of”none”

Google container Engine

  • add--master flagtogcloud container cluster upgrade

96.0.0 (2016-2-10)

break change

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to1.9.32.Please visit the following
    release notes fordetails:
    Python –
    Java –

  • Thegcloud preview app gen - config command now offers toautomatically update
    the runtime field inapp.yaml if necessary.


  • Thegcloud beta iam command group has launched.


  • ThePub/Sub emulator now supportGzip-encoded requests.

Google compute Engine

  • Thegcloud compute copy – file|scp commandon Windows now treat path arguments
    with a drive prefix aslocal files.


  • Theconfig configuration delete command now takes multiple configuration



  • Thedefault floating point output format precision is6.Exponent notation is
    used forabs(n) < 1e-04 andabs(n) >= 1e+09.
  • Thearrow andpage up/down/home/end keys now work inthe Windows help pager.

95.0.0 (2016-2-3)

break change

  • usegcloud compute networks iscreate create --mode=legacy tocreate non-subnet

Google compute Engine

  • gcloud compute copy - file andgcloud compute ssh on Windows now use
    standard PuTTY plink.exe,pscp.exe andputty.exe.A standalone winkeygen.exe
    generates PuTTY andssh compatible keys.TheWindows PuTTY executables are up
    todate at version 0.66.

Google compute Engine subnets

  • addgcloud compute network subnet.

  • add--mode flagtogcloud compute networks iscreate create.

  • add--subnet flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate create and
    gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create.

  • add--local-traffic-selector flagtogcloud compute vpn-tunnels create.

Google App Engine


  • gcloud projects update|undelete|delete have been moved tobeta.

gcloud –format

  • addnested table formatting by
    --format="table(field1,listField2:format=FORMAT-STRING)" where
    FORMAT-STRING can be any format (json,table,…) .
    Try:gcloud compute instance list

  • addlist field aggregation formatting (similar tonested formatting) by
    --format="table(listField2:format=FORMAT-STRING)".Whenthe main table
    has no columns each nested format isaggregated into a single list.
    Try:gcloud compute instance list

94.0.0 (2016-1-27)

Google compute Engine

  • addgcloud alpha compute url-maps list - cache - invalidation command .

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to1.9.31.Please visit the following
    release notes fordetails:
    Python –
    Java –

  • add--runtime flagtogcloud preview app gen - config tospecify a runtime
    when a directory identifies asmultiple runtimes.This flagcan be usedin
    conjunction with--custom.

Google container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster describe andlist commandnow notify the user
    when their cluster versions are about togo out ofsupport orare unsupported.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud beta log write andgcloud beta log logs delete commandnow
    use the V2beta1 API.Thegcloud beta log write command now uses the
    global resource descriptor (which translates to””
    service inV1) .

Cloud Dataproc

  • gcloud beta dataproc cluster create now support--tag and--metadata
    flags toset instance tags andmetadata on all instances inthe Dataproc

Pub/Sub Emulator

  • A new –host flagcan be used tospecify the address the emulator should bind
    as.Theflagcan be left unspecified,set to”localhost”,a hostname,or an
    explicit IP address.


  • addcommands get - iam - policy,set - iam - policy,add-iam - policy-binding,
    andremove-iam - policy-binding forthe gcloud beta projects surface .

  • addthe gcloud projects list command that can be used tolist projects.

93.0.0 (2016-1-20)

  • kubectrl upgraded to1.1.4.

  • gcloud beta dataproc cluster create now support--propertie flagtoset
    properties forinstalled packages.

  • Datastore emulator’s DATASTORE_LOCAL_HOST environment variable change to

  • gcloud source repos clone now support--dry - run flagtoshow equivalent
    git command .

92.0.0 (2016-1-13)

  • Because ofthe rollback of91.0.0,this release contains all ofthe changes
    from 91.0.0 inaddition tothe changes listed below.

break change

  • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy

    • changedeployments toset the deployed versions toreceive all traffic
      for their modules by default.

      To keep the old behavior (traffic split remains the same),use the
      --no - promote flagor run
      gcloud config is set set app / promote_by_default true.

      Note that your old versions are still running,andmust be stopped
      manually.This behavior will change ina future release.

    • removedeprecated --set - default flag. Please use--promote
      instead .

    • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy:removedeprecated --env - var flag.

  • Theoutput ofthe gcloud preview app module list command has been
    changed toinclude the traffic split percentage instead ofthe ‘default
    version’ field .

  • removedeprecated gcloud preview app modules cancel-deployment command .

    This command isno longer necessary due torecent improvements inthe
    Deployment API.

  • removedeprecated gcloud preview app modules download command .

    This command isno longer necessary due torecent improvements inthe
    Deployment API.

  • removedeprecated gcloud preview app is run run command .Please use instead .

  • changebehavior ofthe --zone/-z flaginthe gcloud dns record - set
    command group .This flagcan no longer precede the command .Forinstance,
    gcloud dns record - set -z=mz list will not work,but
    gcloud dns record - set list -z=mz will .

  • change--password-file option forsql instances set-root-password;
    password now does not include trailing newline frompassword file .This
    matches the documented behavior,but not the previous behavior.

  • removemeta/active_configuration fromthe results ofgcloud config list
    since it isnot a property that can be set.You can continue touse the
    gcloud config configuration command toview andmanage your

Cloud SDK

  • addgcloud config proxy settings.Users can configure gcloud touse a
    proxy via the following settings:

    • gcloud config proxy / address

    • gcloud config proxy/password

    • gcloud config proxy/port

    • gcloud config proxy/type

    • gcloud config proxy/username

  • addalpha andbeta components toDebian packages.

  • removeunused config properties:app / hosted_registry,app / host,
    app / admin_host,app/api_host.

Google Cloud Logging

Google container Engine

Google App Engine

  • fixbug where initial deployments using --image-url failed.

  • changegcloud preview app module set_default command touse the App
    Engine Admin API.

  • changegcloud preview app module list command touse the App Engine
    Admin API.

91.0.1 (2015-12-16)

  • TheCloud SDK has been rolled back to90.0.0.

91.0.0 (2015-12-16)

break change

  • deprecatedcommand group gcloud compute replica - pool has been removed.
  • deprecatedcommand group gcloud compute resource - view has been removed.
  • App Engine API isnow the only supported method fordeploying inthe
    gcloud preview app is deploy deploy command .

Google App Engine

  • DEPLOYABLES argument forgcloud preview app is deploy deploy isnow optional.If not
    given,the command defaults toapp.yaml inthe current directory; if that
    is not found,it attempts toautomatically generate necessary configuration
    files (such asapp.yaml) inthe current directory before deployment.
  • --force argument togcloud preview app is deploy deploy isnow deprecated andwill
    be removed ina future release.


  • gcloud container commandthat poll long running operations (e.g create,
    delete,upgrade) now display progress details whenavailable.

90.0.0 (2015-12-09)

  • Cloud SDK release version scheme has change.Patch version isnow treated as
    a major release version which corresponds toSDK weekly releases.
    Any updates/fixes toreleased version will increment minor/patch version
    number going forward.

break change

  • Thedeprecated flag–clear-target-pool has been removed from
    gcloud compute instance-groups manage set-target-pools command .

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to1.9.30.
    Please visit the following release notes fordetails:

    • Python –
    • Java –
  • fixa bug caused by uploading invalid file name forvm:true applications.


  • Subnetwork support has been promoted fromalpha tobeta.Formore information

0.9.89 (2015-12-02)

break change

  • remove flag--container - ipv4 - cidr forgcloud container cluster iscreate create;
    please use --cluster - ipv4 - cidr instead .

  • renamegcloud alpha compute vpn - tunnels is create create --ike-networks to

  • gcloud alpha compute resource-views commandwill soon be removed.Please
    use gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage command instead .

  • gcloud alpha compute replica-pools commandwill soon be removed.Please
    use gcloud compute instance-groups command instead .

gcloud core

  • changebehavior ofgcloud init git repository clone option.It now takes
    as input a path tothe destination directory forthe repository,
    rather than the parent directory ofthe repository destination.


  • fixfailure ingcloud alpha bq query "select * from..." command
    while display query result .


  • fixgcloud alpha compute instance set - machine - type failure when
    supplying custom cpu/custom memory,but no zone.

  • adda new scope alias forCloud Monitoring:monitoring-write.This scope
    is on by default inall new VMs.

Google Cloud DNS

  • add--replace-origin-ns flagtogcloud dns record - set import command
    toallow importing NS records.

Google Cloud Storage

  • updategsutil component to4.16.

Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.1.2.

  • Increased gcloud container cluster iscreate create/delete timeouts from20m to

  • add--subnetwork flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create toallow
    creation ofcontainer cluster can now be created ina Google compute Engine
    subnetwork ( .

0.9.88 (2015-11-25)

break change

  • Thegcloud preview app is run run command has now been removed.Please usethe
    bundled script directly instead .

  • App Engine:The’version’ and’application’ fields inmodule andconfiguration
    files are now illegal.Project name should instead be specified either by
    gcloud config set project MY_PROJECT orby setting the --project flagon
    individual command executions.Versions are generated automatically by default
    but can also be manually specified by setting the --version flagon
    individual command executions.

App Engine

  • Don’t do runtime identification forcustom runtimes during deploy.This fixes
    issue #387.

  • script no longer requires the installation ofall App
    Engine components.It will install only the necessary ones at run time.
    Fixes #273


  • addthe gcloud component install command . This allows you toinstall
    missing components at the version ofthe SDK you currently have (it does not
    update your SDK installation) . gcloud component isupdate update should now only be
    used toupdate your SDK tothe latest version.

  • Fixes #293 related SSL
    certificate validation issues.

  • usezsh builtins forfaster/cleaner shell startup.

0.9.87 (2015-11-18)


  • gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create now support–custom – cpu and
    –custom-memory flags tospecify custom machine types.


Google container Engine

  • updatekubectl toversion 1.1.1.

0.9.86 (2015-11-11)

App Engine

  • Generated node.js dockerfiles now add the full application context before
    running install hooks.

  • ForGoogle App Engine Node.js runtimes,install requested version ofnode
    prior todoing an npm install.


  • gcloud beta compute instance set - machine - type has been promoted fromalpha

0.9.85 (2015-11-04)

break change

  • gcloud alpha compute networks is create create now requires –mode flag.

App Engine

  • addthe –output-directory option togen-repo-info-file command .This option
    supersedes –output-file,which isdeprecated andwill be removed ina future

  • Improved error message whenspecified yaml file isnot found.


  • Launching gcloud alpha compute network subnet.

  • gcloud compute alpha instance-templates andinstances now support

  • new flag–ike-networks ingcloud alpha compute vpn - tunnels is create create.

  • gcloud compute ssh now passes through the exit code ofthe ssh command .This
    fixes issue #146.


  • Gracefully handle socket timeouts while checking forGoogle compute Engine
    metadata server.This fixes issue

0.9.84 (2015-10-28)

App Engine

  • Due toPageSpeed service deprecation,user will receive a warning when
    deploying a new version toApp Engine.

  • Implemented fingerprinting support forJava.

  • Thegen-config flagnow generates only app.yaml forthe matching runtime by
    default,you must use the –custom flagtogenerate an app.yaml witha runtime
    of “custom” anddockerfile ( andother configs) .


Windows support

  • Windows Installer can now take a /logtofile flagtowrite installation logs to
    file CloudSDKInstall.log located inthe same directory.

  • Windows installer now displays an error message whenthe installation
    does not succeed.

Command Line Interface support

  • The[page=N] table format attribute prints one ormore tables ofat most N
    rows.usethis toview paged server data asit arrives at the client.

0.9.83 (2015-10-21)

App Engine

  • Ina future release,the gcloud preview app is deploy deploy command will no longer
    support deploying multiple modules inthe same invocation.


  • Ubuntu 14.10 isend oflife:

  • fixexternal issue #291,
    related tohandling network addresses on Windows.

container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster list now displays the current number ofnodes
    for the cluster.

Windows support

  • Whenrunning Cloud SDK tools fromPowerShell the gcloud-ps.ps1 wrapper
    scripts now can be usedwhich no longer call tocmd.exe.Using gcloud-ps,
    complex arguments can be passed without escaping forWindows command line.
    Using gcloud,the following command would be correctly escaped whenrunning
    gcloud inPowerShell:

    gcloud fun –arg='”test ^< 123″‘

    Withthe new gcloud-ps,the same command can be simply written as:

    gcloud-ps fun –arg=’test < 123′

    Permissions torun PowerShell scripts must be given toPowerShell before these
    will work.Permissions can be change with
    "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned".

0.9.82 (2015-10-14)

App Engine

  • TheApp Engine Admin API isnow the default path fordeployments inthe
    gcloud preview app is deploy deploy command .This transition should be transparent,
    but if you experience any issues andwould like torevert tothe old
    behavior,please run gcloud config set app/use_appengine_api false.

    See formore
    information about this API.

  • Withenv:2,valid python runtimes are python andpython-compat.

  • Implemented fingerprinting support forpython.

container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster iscreate create:Theflag--container - ipv4 - cidr has
    been deprecated; --cluster - ipv4 - cidr should be used instead .


  • gcloud beta sql operations describe andgcloud beta sql operations wait
    no longer need --instance flag(gcloud beta sql operations islist list still
    does) .

  • fixissue withgcloud sql instance clone when--bin-log-file-name and
    --bin - log - position are set.
    ( .

0.9.81 (2015-10-07)

break change

  • If you are using a service account torun commandunder
    gcloud preview app,you must enable the “App Engine Admin API” inthe
    Developers Console (; navigate to
    APIs andAuth > APIs) .

  • Ina future Cloud SDK release,deployments that promote the new version to
    receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default.

    To keep the current behavior,pass the --no-stop-previous-version
    flag,or run the following command:

    $ gcloud config is set set app / stop_previous_version false

  • removeapp get-resource-limits command .

App Engine

  • App Engine components updated to1.9.27.Please see the following release
    notes fordetails:
  • Thegcloud preview app is deploy deploy command now requires that users specify or
    omit the runtime:field fromapp.yaml if a dockerfile isalso specify .
  • Thegcloud preview app is deploy deploy command now support the”engines” field in
    package.json fornode.js applications.


  • Windows Installer has an option torun gcloud init afterthe installation

0.9.80 (2015-09-30)

  • gcloud app

    • Soon,deployments will set the deployed version toreceive all traffic
      by default. To keep the current behavior,use the --no - promote flag
      orrun the following command:

      $ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false

      To adopt the new behavior early,use the --promote flagor run the
      following command:

      $ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true

    • The--set - default flagis deprecated.Please usethe --promote flag
      instead .

    • Ina future Cloud SDK release,deployments that promote the new version
      toreceive all traffic will stop the previous version by default. To
      keep the current behavior,pass the --no-stop-previous-version flag,
      orrun the following command:

      $ gcloud config set app/stop_previous_version true

    • Theapp is run run command isdeprecated andwill soon be removed. Please
      use dev_appserver (found inthe same directory asthe `gcloud command)
      instead .

    • Thegcloud preview app modules download command isdeprecated,and
      will be removed soon.

  • TheWindows installer has an option torun gcloud init afterthe
    installation finishes.

  • Thepreview component has been removed.

    • Thegcloud preview app commandremain available asusual and
      are still shipped through the app component .
    • Please usegcloud compute instance-groups unmanage instead
      ofgcloud preview instance - group. Note that you will need to
      modify some command invocations whenswitching tothe non-preview
      command .
    • Please usegcloud compute instance-groups manage instead of
      gcloud preview manage-instance-groups. Note that you will need to
      modify some command invocations whenswitching tothe non-preview
      command .
  • All Google compute User Accounts commandhave moved tobeta.

  • Deployment-manager list commandnow support pagination.

  • minor bug fix .

0.9.79 (2015-09-23)

  • Thefollowing commandhave been promoted frombeta toGA:
    • gcloud config configuration …
    • gcloud source repos clone
    • gcloud beta init.Old gcloud init behavior has been removed,and
      partially replaced by new gcloud init ordirectly via gcloud source
      repos clone.
  • release gcloud beta dataproc .
  • The–env – var flagingcloud preview app is deploy deploy has been removed.
  • Automatic ssh key generation respects the –quiet flag.
  • The–format flagnow supports extended format expressions.Fordetails run
    $ gcloud topic formats.
  • Most commandnow document the positive Boolean –FLAG form andaccept
    –no-FLAG todisable.Forthe past few releases –log-http accepted an
    optional true/false value.It has been restored toits original definition
    of being a Boolean flagthat has no value.
  • gcloud sql operations are now automatically retried for2s incase of
    HttpException:TheCloud SQL instance operation does not exist.
  • updategcloud’s kubectl from1.0.5 to1.0.6.
  • deprecategcloud preview app get-resource-limits.

0.9.78 (2015-09-16)

  • App Engine components updated to1.9.26.
  • Increase the default boot disk size forremote build VMs in
    gcloud preview app is deploy deploy.
  • The--instance flagtothe gcloud preview app modules set-manage-by
    command now takes an instance name instead ofan index.
  • TheV1Beta4 API forsqladmin can now be accessed through the
    gcloud beta sql surface .
  • Usability enhancements forgcloud beta init andnamed configuration.

0.9.77 (2015-09-09)

  • gcloud preview logging isnow gcloud beta log.
  • updatekubectl toversion 1.0.5
  • Windows Cloud SDK installer improvements:
    • Now allows changing the installation mode.You can choose between a
      “current user” installation andan “all users” installation.
    • Now has an uninstaller andwrites “Add/removePrograms” uninstall
  • Removal ofunsupported –env – var argument fromgcloud preview app is deploy deploy.
  • gcloud compute instance groups:Allow –named-ports flagtobe empty and
    clean named ports inset-named-ports command .
  • Change ingcloud compute backend – service:introduce new flag
    –instance-group which takes advantage ofnew Instance Groups API.

0.9.76 (2015-09-02)

  • updategsutil component to4.14.
  • Resource views commandhave moved frompreview toalpha.Please usegcloud
    alpha compute resource - view
    inplace ofgcloud preview resource-views.
  • Replica pool commandhave moved frompreview toalpha.Please usegcloud
    alpha compute replica-pools
    inplace ofgcloud preview replica-pools.
  • gcloud beta source repo was renamed togcloud beta source repos
  • Created email group to
    announce new releases andother important information.
  • ‘gcloud alpha init’ command isnow also inbeta.
  • addtarget size ofmanage instance group for”compute instance-groups
    manage list” command .
  • fixthe removal ofplatform-specific components whenrunning gcloud
    components is remove remove
  • fixa bug related tochecking forSDK updates whenthe SDK isinstalled as
    root (like on Debian compute Engine images) .

    • Affected users should now see less frequent update messages andoverall
      improved gcloud performance
  • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy wo n’t update local image automatically anymore .

0.9.75 (2015-08-26)

  • container Engine
    • container Engine GA commandavailable under gcloud container.
    • gcloud beta container get-credentials now takes cluster name as
      argument instead of--cluster flagfor consistency withother
      command .
    • addgcloud alpha container cluster update <cluster>
      command .
  • newrelease notes are printed on upgrade.(This won’t take effect until
    an upgrade fromthis version toa later version.)
  • newgcloud alpha genomic variantets export command .
  • Commands promoted fromgcloud alpha togcloud beta:
    • gcloud beta config configuration ...
    • gcloud beta sources clone
  • Improvements inerror reporting anddefault output formatting.

0.9.74 (2015-08-19)

  • newlist andimport commandunder gcloud alpha genomic variant.
  • remove--remote flag.Instead,please use the --docker - build=remote
    flag (or use --docker - build=local toforce a local build) .
  • Inthis release,docker builds are hosted by default.To opt-in tothe old
    behavior,please use the --docker - build=local flag.

0.9.73 (2015-08-12)

  • gcloud sql instance iscreate create default toMySQL 5.6
  • gcloud beta container get-credentials renamed togcloud beta container
    cluster get-credentials
  • new commands
    • gcloud beta project …
    • gcloud alpha genomic callset …
    • gcloud beta emulators datastore …
    • gcloud beta container get – server – config
    • gcloud alpha config configuration

0.9.72 (2015-08-05)

  • gcloud compute
    • initial surface changes forthe backend-bucket.
    • instance-groups set-named-ports:introduced a new flag
      --name - port NAME : port,[name : PORT , ... ] – no need tospecify name
      andports inseparate flag.
  • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
    deprecate--remote flaginpreparation forhosted docker builds by
    default.Instead,please use the --docker - build={remote,local} flag.
    Thedefault isstill a local docker build; intwo releases,the default
    will switch toa hosted build.
  • newgcloud alpha genomics operations {list,cancel,describe} commands

0.9.71 (2015-07-29)

  • Launching gcloud alpha pubsub command .
  • movegcloud preview rolling-updates togcloud alpha compute
    rolling - update
  • gcloud alpha compute disk resize command enabling resizing ofpersistent
  • Beta launch ofcustomer supplied encryption keys forcompute Engine.
  • updatekubectl to1.0.1.
  • gcloud alpha container commandnow target container Engine v1 API.
    Options forgcloud alpha container cluster create updated accordingly:

    • --user renamed to--username
    • --cluster-api-version removed.Cluster version isnot selectable inv1
      API; new cluster always created at latest supported version.
    • --image option removed.Source image not selectable inv1 API;
      cluster are always created withlatest supported ContainerVM image.
      Note that using an unsupported image (i.e.not ContainerVM) would
      result inan unusable cluster inmost cases anyway.
    • add--no - enable - cloud - monitoring toturn off cloud monitoring
      (on by default) .
    • add--disk-size option forspecifying boot disk size ofnode vms.
  • App Engine components updated to1.9.24.

    Forseveral months on the Managed VMs team we’ve been testing a new mode of
    dockerless local development on gcloud that makes developing a module for
    Python,Java andGo users similar todevelopment ofregular App Engine
    applications.This new mode relaxes the sandbox constraints present inthe
    devappserver forvm:false applications,anddoes not require docker tobe

    You can currently opt-into this behavior by setting GAE_LOCAL_VM_runTIME=1;
    Inthis release ofthe Cloud SDK,we will be making this behavior the
    default forManaged VM users who are using gcloud.

    You can still opt-out ofthis behavior by setting:GAE_LOCAL_VM_runTIME=0.

    Forcustom runtime users,if you are relying on the local Development Server
    tobuild your application,will now need topass the --custom-entrypoint
    flag togcloud preview app is run run toprovide gcloud withthe correct
    command tocall.

    This does not affect users developing fornon-manage VMs,or forusers who
    are not using gcloud.”

  • bug fix for :

    • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy file paths issue on Windows.
    • gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until-stable periodic user
      prompting fortarget zone.

0.9.70 (2015-07-22)

  • addgcloud compute instance-groups command .
  • Move gcloud beta deployment-manager command togeneral availability as
    gcloud deployment-manager andupdate touse the v2beta3 API.This change
    does not alter the gcloud surface forusers ofthe deployment-manager
  • updatekubectl to1.0.0.
  • gcloud alpha genomics commandnow use the genomics V1 API.The
    –project-number flagfor dataset is create create anddataset list isnow
    obsolete.Theconfigured –project-id is usedinstead andcan be overridden
    with the –project-id flag.
  • Fix hang on errors ingcloud preview app is deploy deploy.

0.9.69 (2015-07-15)

  • updatekubectl to0.20.2.
  • Fix an authentication issue with’gcloud docker’ affecting docker version
    1.7.0 andlater.
  • removegcloud preview dm-v2 command group .
  • removegcloud preview deployment-manager command group
    (gcloud beta deployment-manager still exists; see if you want topin your
    installation toan old version) .
  • bug fix .

0.9.68 (2015-07-08)

  • deprecatedgcutil tool isno longer distributed withCloud SDK.
    It isstill available via
  • addsupport forContainer engine BETA commandunder the
    gcloud beta container command group . Existing gcloud alpha container
    commands are unchanged.
  • Thestandalone App Engine SDKs are no longer distributed through the Cloud

    • App Engine functionality can still be usedthrough the
      gcloud preview app command group .
    • Thegae-java,gae-python,gae-php,andgae-go components no longer
      exist inthe component manager.
    • If you need touse appcfg ordev_appserver directly,these are still
      available inthe App Engine SDK downloads that can be found here:
  • bug fix .

0.9.67 (2015-07-01)

  • App Engine components updated to1.9.23.
  • addthe “gen-config” command toapp surface togenerate configuration
    files fornode.js apps.
  • newcompute instance-groups unmanage command group forInstance Groups
    which are not manage by Instance Group Manager
  • movegcloud beta sql instances connect togcloud beta sql is connect connect.
  • Smarter polling while waiting forSQL operations tofinish,reducing the
    number ofrequests sent tothe server.
  • Linux/Mac install script disables prompts if there isno controlling tty.
  • Linux/Mac install script now properly detects zsh andksh RC files.
  • bug fix .

0.9.66 (2015-06-24)

  • new commands
    • gcloud alpha compute instance set - machine - type formanaging types
    • gcloud topic forsupplementary help topics.
  • gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete prompt defaults tofalse.

0.9.65 (2015-06-17)

  • Fixes reset-windows-password on Windows if openssl ispresent on the
  • gcloud compute reset - window - password isnow available asa GA command .
  • Prevent creation ofa user that matches the machine name on Windows.
  • gsutil now runs properly fromnot-default drive letters on Windows.
  • kubectl updated to0.18.1.
  • gcloud preview docker moved togcloud docker.

0.9.64 (2015-06-10)

  • new commands
    • gcloud beta compute scp forsecure copy.
    • gcloud alpha genomics command(on datasets) .
    • gcloud alpha source list tolists project repositories.
  • kubectl will no longer be installed by default.
  • Bug fixes forHTTPS load balancing.
  • Thehelp pager is$PAGER orless(1) if available,otherwise a builtin pager.
  • update ofgsutil component toversion 4.13.

0.9.63 (2015-06-03)

0.9.62 (2015-05-27)

0.9.61 (2015-05-20)

  • newkubectl component (installed by default)
  • Internal improvements togcloud preview app is deploy deploy; includes changes to
    command output .
  • gcloud preview project moved togcloud alpha project
  • Tab completion forgcloud compute ssh

0.9.60 (2015-05-13)

  • VPN moved toGA.
  • Preemptible VM support.
  • bug fix .

0.9.59 (2015-05-06)

0.9.58 (2015-04-29)

  • gcloud alpha bigquery launch.
  • Better error reporting inCustomer Supplied Encryption Key files.
  • bug fix .

0.9.57 (2015-04-22)

  • gcloud beta deployment – manager launch .
  • gcloud app new deployment behavior.
    • deploy andrun commandno longer take directories,only take a list of
      explicit yaml files.
  • gcloud beta compute reset-windows-password,support fornew authentication
    scheme on Windows guest agent versions andlater.
  • bug fix .

0.9.56 (2015-04-15)

0.9.55 (2015-04-8)

  • new andimproved gcloud dns surface including:
    • Transactions forscriptable editing ofrecord-sets.
    • Importing record-sets fromzone files andyaml files.
    • Exporting record-sets tozone files andyaml files.
  • VPN commandsurfaced under gcloud compute.
  • Dataflow CLI commandlaunched under gcloud alpha!

0.9.52 (2015-03-18)

0.9.51 (2015-03-11)

0.9.50 (2015-03-04)

  • introduce thegcloud beta ... command group
    • Existing gcloud commandwill be replicated under this new group,but
      use the beta version oftheir API instead ofthe GA version.
    • new command behavior andfeatures that are beta only will first appear
      under this group until the feature gets promoted togeneral
    • rungcloud component isupdate update beta toaccess the new commands,or it
      will be automatically installed foryou on first run attempt.
  • gcloud beta compute ... isnow available,using the compute ‘beta’ API.
    Cloud VPN. See
    for details.
  • Release ofgcloud compute instance move andgcloud compute disk move.

0.9.49 (2015-02-25)

  • TheGoogle Container Registry isnow usedby default fordeployment of
    Managed VM applications.See here formore information:
  • We’ve increased the speed ofthe “image push” phase ofManaged VM
  • Theheavy lifting ofretrieving the Go toolchain has been moved into the
    base Go docker image which dramatically reduces the bandwidth consumed
    locally whenrunning anddeploying your images.You must delete your
    dockerfile topick up the changes.
  • We’ve fixed several bugs related toport forwarding inthe local

0.9.48 (2015-02-18)

  • A bug fix forrunning setup-manage-vms multiple times whenusing the Google
    Container Registry

0.9.47 (2015-02-11)

  • Bug fixes that allow tab completion towork forcomponents inpreview.
  • GCloud now auto installs components based on command execution.

0.9.46 (2015-02-04)

0.9.45 (2015-01-28)

  • Several bug fixes inthe dockerfile generated forthe ‘go’ runtime.Delete
    the dockerfile inyour application directory andthe Cloud SDK will copy the
    updated dockerfile on your next deployment.
  • Several bug fixes related toflakiness inthe setup-manage-vms command .

0.9.44 (2015-01-21)

  • Fixes applied tothe google/appengine-gobase image formanage VMs.
  • Tab completion forgcloud SQL command .

0.9.43 (2015-01-14)

0.9.42 (2015-01-08)

  • supportfor local SSDs ininstance templates forgcloud compute.

0.9.41 (2014-12-17)

  • Progress bars.
  • compute Instances start andstop command .

0.9.40 (2014-12-09)

0.9.39 (2014-12-03)

0.9.37 (2014-11-19)

  • addsupport forlocal SSD.

0.9.36 (2014-11-12)

0.9.35 (2014-11-04)

  • addsupport forGoogle container Engine.It isavailable under the
    ‘gcloud preview container’ command group .

0.9.34 (2014-10-14)

  • addsupport forGoogle compute Engine Instance Templates in
    compute component .
  • Launch ofinstance-groups andmanage-instance-groups in
    preview component .

0.9.33 (2014-09-30)

  • Overhaul of’gcloud sql’
    • updatethe output forall command .
    • updateusage for’gcloud sql ssl-certs create’.

0.9.32 (2014-09-16)

0.9.31 (2014-09-02)

  • addsupport forcreating andmaintaining Cloud SQL read replica instances.
    • add–master-instance-name property that can be set during replica
      creation toindicate the replication master forthe read replica
    • add–enable-database-replication,–no-enable-database-replication
      flags that can be used tostart,stop replication forthe read replica
    • add’promote-replica’ command that promotes a read replica instance
      into a stand-alone Cloud SQL instance.
  • addseveral new features tothe compute component:
    • Implemented new subcommands forinteracting withHTTP load balancing:
      • gcloud compute backend – service update
      • gcloud compute url – map add – host – rule
      • gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher
      • gcloud compute url – map remove – host – rule
      • gcloud compute url-maps remove-path-matcher
      • gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service
    • addsupport forautomatically generating initial Windows username and
      password whencreating a virtual machine instance froma Windows
      image ora disk initializaed froma Windows image.
    • adda new scope alias forCloud SQL administration:’sql-admin’.

0.9.30 (2014-08-19)

0.9.29 (2014-08-11)

  • Thecompute component isnow inGeneral Availability.
    • addnew ‘compute / zone’ and’compute / region’ properties that
      can be used toset a default zone andregion.To set the
      properties,run ‘gcloud config set compute / zone ZONE’ and’gcloud
      config set compute / region region’.
    • addsupport foroverriding disk auto-deletion during instance
    • updatethe output ofcommands that mutate resources tobe more
      human-friendly.The–format flagcan be used formore verbose
    • Replaced all ‘get’ subcommands with’describe’ subcommands (e.g.,
      ‘gcloud compute instance get’ has been replaced with’gcloud
      compute instances describe’) .
    • renamethe ‘firewalls’ collection to’firewall-rules’.
    • addsupport tothe ‘addresses’ collection forinteracting with
      global addresses.

0.9.28 (2014-07-18)

  • updategcutil to1.16.3 andvarious App Engine runtimes to1.9.7 binaries.
  • supportrunning several modules by gcloud app is run run andfixed output errors.
  • Limit gcloud upgrade nags toonce per day.
  • Bring help files up todate (for example improved the documentation forDM
    ‘templates create’ and’deployments create’) .
  • addprompting forregions andzones tomost subcommands ofthe compute
  • addnew subcommands tothe compute component foradding andremoving
    backends frombackend services.
  • add–ssh-flags to’gcloud compute ssh’ forpassing additional flags to
  • addimage alias support forthe –image flaginthe compute component .

0.9.27 (2014-06-18)

  • add–shell mode toall gcloud commands
    • Type a partial command followed by ‘–shell’ todrop into a sub shell at
      that point inthe command tree.
    • Eg:
      $ gcloud compute –shell
      gcloud compute $ instances list
      gcloud compute $ copy-files …
  • updategsutil to4.3
  • Allow installed crcmod tobe usedby default withgsutil by enabling site

0.9.26 (2014-06-04)

  • Windows support forSSH andSCP tocompute VMs
    • Thefollowing will now work natively on Windows without the need for

      • gcloud compute ssh
      • gcloud compute copy – file
      • gcutil ssh
      • gcutil push
      • gcutil is pull pull
  • supportfor Java apps in’gcloud preview app is run run’
  • updategsutil to4.1
  • updategcutil to1.16.0
  • updateall App Engine tools to1.9.6

0.9.25 (2014-05-21)

  • gcloud preview app is deploy deploy argument updates.
  • gcloud config ... argument updates.
  • updateall App Engine tools to1.9.5

0.9.24 (2014-05-07)

  • gcloud now has App Engine andCloud Datastore integration.
    • Commands can be found under gcloud preview app andgcloud preview

0.9.23 (2014-05-01)

  • newgcloud compute tool forworking withcompute engine (RC)
    • rungcloud component isupdate update compute toinstall
    • rungcloud help compute formore information
  • updateall App Engine tools to1.9.4
  • addcolor toerror andwarning messages (on Linux andMac)
    • To disable,run gcloud config is set set disable_color true

0.9.22 (2014-04-23)

  • new’gcloud help command’
    • Displays man style extended help forcommands (where available) .
  • new’gcloud auth activate-service-account’ command
  • Bug fixes andimproved error handling.

0.9.21 (2014-04-09)

  • Minor updates andbug fixes.

0.9.20 (2014-03-24)

  • Minor updates andbug fixes.

0.9.19 (2014-03-19)

  • Minor updates andbug fixes.

0.9.18 (2014-03-05)

  • new’gcloud init’ command
    • Crpace foryour project witha git clone ofyour Google
      hosted repository.
  • updategcutil to1.14.0

0.9.17 (2014-02-11)

  • updateall App Engine tools to1.9.0
  • Cloud SDK now distributed under the Apache v2.0 license. Please see LICENSE
    for more information.

0.9.16 (2014-01-28)

  • addPython2.6 compatibility.
  • addability tosymlink directly toscripts inthe bin/ directory.
  • fixbug indefault setup ofcredentials whenon a compute Engine VM.

0.9.15 (2014-01-15)

  • updategsutil to3.40
  • updateall App Engine tools to1.8.9
  • fixbroken PHP runtimes on Mac andWindows installs whenrunning
    the dev_appserver.
  • addsh/cmd wrapper scripts forbq,gcutil,andgsutil forbetter PATH
    handling on Windows.
  • fixissue withfailing goapp is build build

0.9.14 (2013-12-17)

  • ‘gcloud sql’ now available.
  • addbash completion forgcloud command .
    • Choose ‘yes’ at the prompt during installation toadd it toyour bash
  • add’gcloud version’ command .
  • More flexible support ofvirtual env installations.
  • Fix forenvironments withprotobuf installed. (2013-12-04)

  • Validate queries tometadata server.

0.9.13 (2013-11-19)

  • updateall App Engine tools to1.8.8
  • Disabling site packages whenrunning commands,to avoid library conflicts.

0.9.12 (2013-11-06)

  • updateall App Engine tools to1.8.7
  • updatebq to2.0.17
  • A few usability improvements inthe component manager andinstall flow .

0.9.11 (2013-10-28)

  • TheCloud SDK isnow distributed using a new component manager.
    • Download a small initial zip file,then install the tools you want on
    • Updates totools inthe Cloud SDK are performed in-place,incrementally,
      without the need tore-download the entire SDK.
    • Thecomponent manager allows you tosee whenupdates are available.
    • run’gcloud component –help’ formore information.
  • newauthentication features:
    • Thegauth command has been replaced by ‘gcloud auth’. Run
      ‘gcloud auth –help’ formore information.
    • It now supportauthenticating multiple users simultaneously. use
      ‘gcloud config set account ‘ tochoose your active account.
  • Formore information,please see:

0.9.10 (2013-10-20)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.6.
  • Upgraded bq to2.0.16.
  • Upgraded gcutil to1.9.1.
  • A few improvements tothe gauth web flow .

0.9.9 (2013-09-26)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.5.
  • Upgraded bq to2.0.15.
  • Upgraded gcutil to1.8.4.
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.37.

0.9.8 (2013-08-27)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.4.
  • Upgraded gcutil to1.8.3.
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.35.

0.9.7 (2013-08-06)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.3
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.34

0.9.6 (2013-07-17)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.2
  • Upgraded bq to2.0.14
  • Upgraded gcutil to1.8.2
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.33

0.9.5 (2013-06-18)

0.9.4 (2013-06-12)

  • archive file name change togoogle-cloud-sdk
  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.1
  • Upgraded gcutil to1.8.1
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.31 (3.30 was never released)
  • More improvements togauth experience
    • gauth now provides links tothe new Cloud Console (for obtaining your
      project ID),as opposed tothe API console
    • Suppression ofspurious error related tothe Windows Registry

0.9.3 (2013-05-24)

  • Upgraded gcutil to1.8.0
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.29

0.9.2 (2013-05-07)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to1.8.0
  • Upgraded gsutil to3.27
  • Several improvements togauth experience
    • Will not re-run oauth2 flow if you already have valid credentials (you
      can force re-auth withthe –login flag)
    • add–set-project tochange your current project without having to
    • togauth forsimplicity
    • gauth will warn you if there are older versions ofthe cloud tools on
      your path.

0.9.1 (2013-04-10)

  • fixan issue withgauth that occurred whenrunning a command before
    credentials were created.

0.9.0 (2013-04-09)

  • Developer preview release ofthe Cloud SDK
  • Includes command line tools for:
    • App Engine
    • BigQuery
    • compute Engine
    • Cloud Storage
    • Cloud SQL
  • Includes the new gauth tool forone time common authentication forall tools